,!y.fWi if --AmwvE m ti 1 - 1 ' 'i I I - " 'I' -o u mm naiwK r saw B.a EftaK."7n uf55.-rk,'t;-ir.v."J!' ss;n .: VOL. XXIV. HIS OWN FATHER. WELDON, N. C.f THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1893. m '22 COLORADO'S CHAMCE. iTHE PROSPEROUS SOUTH.! a statu fok xuokoes. I holli;iu;i it too lolj. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A l'ATIlKilu AM) ALMOST I.CHGUlBLE3ttTHE HANK OF FRANCE WILL TAKE HER' HALLOWS SCENE AT Sl'OKANE.M ENTIRE SILVER I'ROilI'rrtON. WASH. Era hs-benator L. Smith, and chairman! It was a strange meeting of father andijof the finance committee of "the French sou on the occasion of the hanging of oldSjsenatc, just left Aspen for Park City Bill btebbius for the murder of his suc-jJUah. The object of his trip hen-was to ond wile at Spokane, as described in theJlook into the silver prodiuirj" rcious ofl Review of that place. The murder wasljihe United States, and he was sent out atrocious, the people said, and there werejlby his government to more particularly few glances of sympathy fur the doomed acertain the extent of silver production man among the morbidly curious stares of'j lie catue to Aspen with a letter from the little crowd that filled the jail yard, Ml'rcsideiit Hagerman, of the Mollie Gib-1 The sheriff's deputies had attended toMson mine. It has leaked out since his! the details. The trap was set, ready tof departure that the Bank of France would be sprung and in an instant send a manSif desired, establish a branch at Denver; into the great beyond. The nose hadlthat such a branch might be controlled!! But a few years ago the exportation of CHANGES IN MANY DIRECTIONS HAVKS L ' "K ltAtB "U""'EM "l PLACED THE SOUTH ON A SURE ANI) FKllEU I,V J011" TEMI'''E "'AVES. A STABLE FOUNDATION. E$ P Johu Temple Graves, a grandncphew It would be bard to assign an accept p'lf Juhn C Calll0UD' the. lablc reason for the South's present nros W" Vm'lt:m at W"ut(1ua, IS. Dcritv. While the North. West and East Tn' auiruayanu cleMua wore cxclte- )iave been troubled by a restless condition,m'm HUDsaliwl ani1 discussion than any iin fim.nr.;l n,rnU tlm Snntl, ,.0..,.IliSut'"!r liiautauqua speaker in years. He solvent and quiet. Possibly their bank deposits are not made up as largely a class of small depositors as are those in the other sections of our country. But the cause lies deeper. Changes in tnanyEs directions have placed the South on a sure ud stable foundation. was dramatic at times, and at others jvective lierce as Cataline's fell from tejl.ps. been made carefully of the best hemp3by u directory composed of Colorado rope, greased with tallow for that occas-jjcapitalists, the bank simply sending a on. Hiuanager from Paris to represent th With businesslike dignity the sheriff, Jparent institution; that they would agree who had been notified, stepped from hisjto furnish from fifty to one hundred office, crossed, the courtyard and mountedHmillion dollars, or whatever would be re-' the scaffold with the death warrant in hisMiuired to carry all tho silver produced in hand. He read the document in a calmfflColorado for several years without allow- voice, as one would a notice of a sheriff si ing any to be sold until the price wasBin ten years, and now the United States, sale. "And now, sir," ho said ruits and vegetables from the favored land was no element of trade. Now, with rapid train service, this trade probably ggregates $50,000,000 per year and is rapidly growing. New and large orchards of small fruits will be added from year to year to this total. While cotton is low in price, the production has nearly doubled Speakin' of colts, I'm reminded of a story that Amos J. Cummings, the dis tinguished editor and statesman of Nev. York, tells touchiu' the financial scare met him and Tom Murrey in the Shore ham the other niuht, Amos is a siood 'ellow and fond of stories, which I'm not. mt this was a good one. He said thai this little flurry in financial circles wai- hie to tho fact that the bankers anil peculators wanted to squeeze the govern IJuieut into issuing a lot of gold bonds, and .Hsu they began to howl about silver and ill that and finally overdid the business- He said it reminded him of the old fellow who was brcakin' in a very frisky colt out west. He got him purtty well trained to the saddle but he didn't know whether he would scare on the road or not, so be t id one of his neighbors to hide in the bushes ii- i.i .i no pronounceu tue present plan a failure, and the ballot in tliu bands of the negro a mockery. He said the edictKpcarod tho people too much. had gone forth that "this is a white man's' government, and it will remain so forever for God Almighty has stamped his seal and sign of sovereignty upon tho Anglo Saxon tribe. He niaiutaiued that wu Sowe protection to the negro for his loyalty 'in war and his docility in peace, aud thalj'lnngside the road and when he rode past jhe could not compete with the whiti Ibut in competition with his kind his greatest developments would ho attained. His plan is as follows: Lot tho Gov erning to the condemned man, "you are at liberty to speak it tliere is anytbing on your mind." Throughout tho trial, in the dark hours after his sentence, through the last night of life and while viewing curiously from his cell the rays of the last sunrise he to holler Boo! The neighbor did as ; puested and when he hollered the c.-' I 1 , 1 .1. I 1 . n ianueutueoiumanacros.su lenee aii. went tallyhootin' down the road As , n. .... .. . . 111 fullv satisfactorv. That the rate nf in-llnr thn SnnH, nrn,la t,nf t,;rriu nf tLeHemnm set asltle. t vast publlcS80011 as t"c old mau came to he said tcrest would not exceed 1 or H ner cent Beotton used in tho world's ,n9n.,fafitrfi.iU0UlalDS' a ,arc terrllory lur a sovereign gcn.a. assistant, "What did ye do lb ner annum. Prorations could ho. mM Tn xwrmanent vain hnr ,Wl.BStato to bo ered and controlled ex-Kfor?" Didn't you tell me to holler Bo.? at once, as soon as the course of eventJ opment of manufacturing cstablishments0,usive,i, bJ tl,c nci5rocs. ana no whitegpes, I did," whinned the old man, "bu eureseiuioir silver were inorouL'niv ae-mn new lines nag neen a niuen innrn. ltn-M n - -j D R,, r, . . tcrmincd in the United States. Francelflportant factor than the products of tho soil.HiI,B w"1 to maintain troops to has a deep interest in the future of silver. and will h. quite willing to enter into an amicable arrangement with the producers would ever see on earth, the victim of'Bof Colorado whereby both parties would the law had been stoically sullen. Emo-Breceive mutual benefits. tion had never shown itself in his face.H It would not be to the interest of i He hud taken his fate philosophicallyHFrance to enter into any arrangement to from the first, makim? no defense. savincBdepress the price of silver, but on thcH1 nothing when the stern judge had givenffcontrary to sustain it at a proper valua him an opportunity to before passingBtion. There are but twenty large smel sentence. Few noticed it, but it seemed Iters in the country, and if a majority of The cotton that blossoms and blooms ;DBPreservc oraur- "e only price tbe negro the sun is now being turned into threadHneC(1 Pav this privilege would be hi. and cloth in sight of the fields wherein itr'Sllt t0 vtc in any other State. as if a tear glistened in his eye then.Bthose were to go into the combination aiuccess 'n the race. Addressing himself to the sheriff, he saidlcorner on the silver production of the in a suppressed tone: Hcountry could be had. Of course, France "Won't you shake hands, my boy, be-Mwould not be the first to make the propo sition, but Mr. Smith says if it should! fore I go?" Tbe sheriff did not hear him, or if he did n one could nave told it. He was still the businesslike executive officer of the county in which he lived nothing more. "I know I didn't treat you right," the condemned man continued, showing trace of excitement, "nor your mother either, but a word of comfort to a man that is going to die isn't much. Won't, you say Bomethiug?" Tweuty years of battling with tbe world on his own hook had hardened thefcthe Sherman law sheriff's heart. Silently he motioned the' Coal and iron are so largely produced that the day may not be far distant when! Pennsylvania's crown of iron will be plae ' ?d on Alabama's brow. At that Massa chusetts, too, will be compelled to give upl her pre-eminence in tho making of cotton j ;oods and congratulate Georgia upon her MEDICAL MATIIE3IATICS. The production of corn has increased largely, and naturally therewith more cat tle and hogs. In short, all the possibili ties of this section of our country are be-l come from the other side it would bel'nS developed. No man in the North be-j accepted within less than one week. FromBsrudoes the south one iotu of her pros-i the time France got the silver produetionlPentv Indirectly all enjoy the usufruot. of tho United States under eontrol shefi'he prosperity of oue part is the prosperi would dictate the price of the metal toB'? '" " England for use in India and compel allfl II is hut the beginning of greater tho silver using nations to come to herlng9- ot a generation ago it was a des for money. The scheme finds muchBoIate hnd. It required a person with a favor among'such silver producors asjstout heart to even hope. But the change your repre-entativo has seen, and will nofcame aQd croe with a rush aud it has loubt take shane here if ( odltpss fa knoi stopped, nor win it stop so long as tue to give silver men something better thanBnatural advantages of the South exist and need development. Cincinnati Tribune Thin orevrav huir ami hulil liearl., sr.' ussisiauia iu uucitie mesuuiis, uuiusi iue,i;..,,i,,.,,, ,., .... ., .... r Xuap and fix the noose, Then, with steady hand and unwaver ing eouuteuance, he pressed the button and sent his father into eternity. BHACE UP, age, may be averted for a iong time by using Hall s Uenewer. JUDCE AND THE MINSTItELl Judgo Armfield and Barlow Bros.,! Minstrels both struck Asheville at th Once upon a time two frogs who had!1" ,ial8 last week nd there were lively been living io comfort and ease in a coolltlUBe- lue rusult was that several peo pool of clear water were accidentallylple "ere put in jail, among them a mem scooped up by a pioui milkman in ajhor of the minstrel troupe. The show buoket of water which ho poured into bisflpeoplo were parading and tha people in . . m. ... I can m order to oive his mux more wv'""'" iuuuihuhuuuiu mo muuuws and thereby increase his revenue The frogs were astonished to fiuJ tiitim selves in an unknown element, in which it was not possible to support life, and they had to kick vigorously in order to keep their heads above tho milk. One of them, disheartened by being shut up in the dark in an element entirely new to' him, said TO THE WOKLD'S FA IIt VIA THE U. & O. GOING TIA WASHINGTON AND RETURN ING VIA NIAGARA FALLS. He was a doctor of the advanced school.' lie laid his finger on my pulse, and with his watch in his hand, gave it a fair start and observed it carefully all of the way iround, says Harper's Bazar. "Strong, seventy-four," he said, in a moment. Then he consulted a card thai was covered with figures and continued: 'That equals sixty-three," and he placed that number on a slate. "Put out your tongue. Good! That is four-teen," he said. "Iuches?"Iasked. "How is your appetite?" he inquired, ignoring my question. "Equal to the supply." "That makes 204," he replied. "Can't you reduce it a little?" I asked,1 but failed to get his attention. "Cold feet?" "Yen," I answered. "Three,'' he said. 'No, two," I replied, to correct him. j He set the three under the other fig! ures. He theu placed a thermometer in my mouth, which he afterwards consulted in connection with the card. ' i "A good 198," he said. "Impossible!" I suggested, mildly. He wrote down the 198 and asked ill I had headaches. "Sometimes in tho morning, after being' Th,, the trouble with them "oldbucs, thinks Mr. Cunimings. They hollered too loud j land scared the country a lcctle too much WATERSOX OX THE TAUIFF; The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has placed on sale at its offices throughout the' East excursion tickets to Chicago, goodafkept late at the office," I answered. going via Washington and returning via Niagara Falls, with the privilege of stop .over at each point. These tickets are valid lor return journey until .Novembers 15th, and are not restricted to certain J ' I ll 9 a t to sco tho procession. A deputy sherifitr,,,us Dut aro 800U 00 u-ll' v- tralM. aa nt to turn the procession aside. Butland Purmit hMun t0 travcl via Pitt8 j it soon returned and followed the usual!bur5h or Gri,r'nn- Bv kiM rouK passengers cross tho Allegheny mountains 3000 feet above tho sea leval, amid theKswcri'd most picturesque soenery in America. rj "We won't consider ilut," he said. Sleeping car aocommodaiious may be re-H You had better call it !)80." I so". jested. n parading route, which is around the1 court house. JuJgj Armfield gave an order for the arrest ol tlu drummer and sent him to jail till 0 o'clock. About two hours later a couutryman named litiVtinann hmrfin r,1:ivin,r "Hisi." nn a' "Let's give it up and go loIfif nJur t xvind,wn wa3 aso Four," he said. "Isu't that rather low?" I asked. "Do vou smoke?" he inquired. "Yes." "Ten," ho replied. "No, two for ten,' I said, lie put down tho ten. "Do you sleep well?" ho asked. "That depend opon tho baby," I un it is worse than a fraud. It is a var luguicu assortment oi irauus. it is a beggar on horseback. It is a beggar oo crutches. It was a bully in the saddle. It is a poor devil by the wayside. It pretended to be a statesman. It ha' been proven a mountebank. It has been .set up for a patriot. It has been shown '.- I - I I T. io uo a nignwayman. it posed as a philanthropist. It turned out an imposter It put on heaven's livery to serve the devil of Mammon. It plucked the wage! earners. It pillaged the poor box. It tole the communion service and robbed the treasury, and took out a post-obit on the natioual credit. O Bclisarius, Bel sarius, thou dire old brigand, bath it come to this? Hath it come to this? No matter. Naught will avail not plaints, nor prayers, not ev( n those of tie Inter-Ocean. Tho old sinner must go e'en in his rags and dirt with one ye bandaged and both legs on wooden pins. Ho has had Ins say and his day The plea of "infancy," the subtcrfugr bout "tho business of tho country," the cant as to his love for the American work- ingman, all to no purpose. He n broken every promise to reform. Hi has kept no single pledge either to him self or to anybody else. There he standi or lather totters Old High Tariff th( veriest red nosed vagrant the toughest blear eyed tramp, rotten from head to! heels! Presently he will be carted off. like any other carrion, and dumped into the nearest ditch, and then all the high priests aud low priests of the Bobber Baron persuasion, finding their business .'busted," can go down tu the grocery nd swear at the court 1 How's i Yonr Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, i knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When tho Liver is torpid tho Bow els are sluggish, and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach, undi- fested, poisoning tho lood; frequent headacho ensues; a feeling of lassi- i tude, despondency and ncrvouenes3 indicato hovr tho whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator ha3 been tho means of restoring mora people to health ani f happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency "known on earth. : It acts with extraor- dinary power and efficacy. Rrv. R. G. WiLliEK, Princeton, N. J.,ayf: " I find nothine nebs so much to keep me in f working condition as Simmons Liver Refiilalor.'t Set that you get the Genuine, with red 20n (,mt of wrapper. , j FXBTAMD ONLY BY J. H. ZK1XAN CO., riiUadelBhla, Pfe TO THE LADIES OF WESTERN HALF OF HALIFAX CO. I know Dr. J. A. jloGill's ORANGE BLOSSOM t0 very great blessing to Mir sex. We have long needed some thing which wo could use ourselves and which could conquer the stubborn forms of chronic inflammation and congestion which lie at tho foundation of all female Stroubles. That Dr. jfcG ill's treatment meets the demand of this long felt wast is shown by tho fact that many cases winch liave battled the skill of our best physicians, are being cured by it. I have pledged myself to let my suffering sisters in the above Counties know of this simple, jentirely safe, yet wonderful cure. To .accomplish this I must have the help of 'some good Christian lady in each township. 1 Here lire not less than sue thousand ladies iu each of the above Counties to whom thin cure would be of inestimable value, many oi them mothers who need strength that they may train their little ones; then there aie so ninny .young itirls whose trouble is not considered serious, but nevertheless need attention, u only u little time will be required for it take the color from the checks and nil the joy from their glad young liyes as it has done in thousands ot wises. Write for infortunium. I answr all questions. I will also send Township's Agent's Terms to those who will assist me. MISS LIZZIE It. DAVIS, Areola, Warren Co., N. C. l-'JO-ly m- THE TALK OF B&- THE TOWN toT NOW IS Have YOU Seen Tbe pretty goods at li fli ft . . . .. - . Iscrv cd in advance upon application to Snearo st ll. & O. ticket olhce. the bottom; it's no use kicking anySpromptly arrested and locked up. ltobin lom:er." The other said: '-Oh, no;Kson said policeman Yeatman sent him l'.'. I I. ., ., n,lBC,...,l,.r (l,n ..-I.,, I, ,ur nlin V..,l,.. gee what tho outcome will be. Maybewadmitted that he told Ilobinson to e things will change presently." But oneXthere, but did so thoughtlessly and with irog gave up auu weui tu iuu uuiwm The other kept kicking, and when tin pious milkman got to town and opened, bis can behold! the frog had kicked out a lump of butter large enough to float him,' tnd be was sitting on it very comtortaDiy. : Moral In hard times never give up, but keep kicking. Goldsboro Argus. You can never have a really good com jniit intending to disturb the court. Tin judge placed a $30 fine on Yeatman. After Ukeakkast To purify, vit it Baquaug Smash cr.mo. it nettles the best natured p He added together tho figures that hchthe of ,,, INC.-M.ouM be aih.,d placed on the slate. gU.iug tonic, Mother", nnd especially nursinu moth ni'OM tint utritnolhitniinr anr.i.nt.f nn..l a ..p,-..".. ....... ilielpthat conies with Dr. l ierce s Favor tfiia riescii iiion. it lessens the rains! . i anil burdens ot child beamier insnrn- healthy, vigorous offspring, and promotos an abundant secretion ot nourishment or he moth :r. It is an iuviit- niuje e.-pwiallv for women. I Dress Goods of all Kinds; And trimmings to match. EVERYBODY says they aro the prettiest in town. A ,..i.m;..fn..i.'v..i.i,;., i iiic of sample goods to be soid at rpi'ifi'Hv harmless in any condition of the cmau .-,.1;..., as it regulates and tiro is the num ffl mt you toSj i no longer fi ktiu vnRif ufni rcsi c omrcc luunai mi nn: iifiiuiiii lunt'iuiua UI1U DL'VUl n ciinilii'lH with (liim The "lWriptiou" builds ugtre.'th(lUl"J'0U 01,0 'Rctafult ol clotl,cs in ns mid cures. Tn all ihe rhrnnin .k lsll)lk ' C1U1 select a pattern nnd the nt is guaranteed; it takes only hvo days to make a suit. ..'IU. . . . I P.I I MIO.I T I n ti iiuu iuu amount oi tne mil. 1 bsk ' to see las baggago handled. It soursVJuJ. . . . . . m the sweetest temperament and sends a. "Bill!" he replied. "That is llie num bill down tho back every time. Forftl,,.r f thn i.r..H.rir,iif,n 1 i.m s r- such a sensution punish the baggage know that medicine with mi U i i l.l n T S w 4J smastierana iaKe oimiuons iiiver Kegu-jan cxperinicut, for I have reduced it to nnesses and disorders that afflict women. lator. It will soothe tho agitated Ificlings.Kfmathemaiiciil certainty. Every svniPtomK11 1 gui'itcnd to beoeflt or cure, or th( aliuo and enrich the blood, and give nervc.Hkeep down the bile and mako you vigor-?Wlasjts number, and the sum fil, ii..-U""'.'i ' - n:'.i.loa. K...l;iu nnd iti.muliuil arrnnrrlb lal-At.iAjl...i.a m.ni.r.K lr. cl.m.l 11.. T.. i..l.la M . . &i 1 ur I'Vt'rV I'USM (if Pill -irvb wh't, n ill... I fffl lul 1 l. . 1 CP. . . V.i , ., , . . liter ev.-ry racul lor a month or two andH Bev. Dr. Black, sup riuteu lint of tho ""ecu years in iurra-.i.::,iai.li ll.'in. dy a-iee to pay S.jllll it pnd tell bats just opened. you will teel "like a new man." 'IhegOxford Orphans A-ylum, is quoted asiSuli",llo niy I "scriptiom and perlectiogeasii. i ou re cured by its mild, sootl.ini.j 1 am always glad to show goods, and merit of Hood s Sarsapaiilla is provenfLavintr that unless money comes in sneed-Mthe treatment, but I have it now. YourM' l-ing,and healing t l'operties, or vou'nfJorices shall compete with tlin InweJ (bf plexion uniil the impurity is cleansedBby its thousands of wonderful cures. Tryltily thirty-eight of the orptv.nn will haveghill is $10." nllaia' Cgood goods can be sold at. from your blood. What y u reed is sHit. jf m hp di.misej. Cn"Hii'i ms this yoarW . , . , , , , H M Respectfully, . . i r. Ml El IT It ll-ll . n.. Ki. ... . I 11 . .1 IV. I ...ft r!. .f till llllwll unit lurrr1l..C3 ll 0 . I .ill 1 J' thorough course of Ayer s isarsapariiia.H noou a ring cure constipation. 1 bey Kmc tow, it appears, aini ilure is puslnnf. j , u .c i u1.mUI..jihl..v llahd ana wile wi; m yj n TM I PRV lamilyfi. need of money. There tire now L'3(S Evm:,; '-' ntf relieved and deeply impress-jCrctiirn to WashiuL'ton from BuzzardMa 1.77. ' :.' .1' A. j 1... .1... ....!.. 1 ..." U weidon, N. C 1 ( CI' A HC. bi liuo of tho jl-l-XJL L O. Newest styles straw 1 ' I I . I 1. . . ' ll I. ....... I.. I hi. K..I ..l.n . innn n. n .1 WhlCll l.i uOSOiUieiy Iree IIOUI mi Hitliuiuik.ui uiu wnai .iiici uiuuci ;iu uuu ingredieflts, and therefore, perlectly sate.catbartic. children in the Asylum. cd by the doctor's hwruiug 9 29 tf. 4