TOL. XXIV. V'l Cli WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1893. NO 27 Cleveland on finance. I WKIT88 A LETTER TO GOVERNOR NORTHEN, OP GEORGIA., President Cleveland has written a iter to Governor Northen, of Georgia, 1 the financial question. Tho letter is i reply to one written by the Governor President Cleveland on the 15th of it month. Governor Northen refused give his letter out tor publication, but is known that it presented a graphic jndition of the political situation in jrebrgii and the South. Th following u the President's letter Jo full; X Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, Sept. 25. Hon. W. J. Northen, , My Dear Sit: I hardly know how to reply to your letter of the 15th inst. It teems to me that I am quite plainly on record concerning the financial question. letter accepting the nomination to ft (Presidency, when read in connection V the message lately sent to the Coji I it in extraordinary session appears to I ;to be very explicit. want a currency that is stable and in the hands of our people. I will knowingly, be implicated in a condi tion will justly make me in the least ree answerable to any laborer or farm- n (he United States for a shrinkage 'the purchasing power of the dollar he P received for n full Julian worth of (rk, or for a good dollar's worth of the duct of his soil. I not only want our rency to be of such a character that jjigtla of dollars will be of equal pur chasing power at home, but I want it to be oT such a diameter h.h will demonstrate abpjB d our wisdom and good faith, thin tig ub upon a ti r m loumlaliou and t among tho nations of the earth. want our financial condition and the It I relating to our currency so safe and r Wring that those who have uiouey I j spend it and iuvest it in business a. 1 new enterprises instead of hoarding it. I You cannot cure fright by calling it f ih and unreasonable, and you caunot (rent die frightened man from hoaru i: I his money. want good, sound and stalle money a condition of confidence that will t"lp it in use. Vithin the limits of what I have w.jtten I am a friend of silver, but I be lU.e its proper place in our cui rency can oujy bo fixed by a readjustment of our currency legislation and the inauguration ofjioonsistcnt and comprehensive fioan- VcU scheme. I think such a thing can ooft be entered upon profitably and hope fair after the repeal of the law whioh ii'Jiarged with all our financial woes. In ' tbi present state of the public mind, this If ! cannot be built upon nor pathed in 8". li a way as to relieve the situation. '. am therefore opposed to the free and i imited coinage of silver by this coun- alone and independently; and I am li i favor of the immediate and uncondition fifrepeal of th purchasing clause of the isjcalled Sherman law. I oonfess I am tnished by the oppasition in the Sen to auch prompt action as would re b the present unfortunate situation. daily prayer it that the delay occaa ioad by auoh opposition may not be the cMse of plunging the country into deeper dere8sion than it has yet known, and that the Democratio party may not be itlv held responsible for auoh a oatas- lours very truly, Groves Cleveland. at Do You Take Medioine for? t you are sick and want to get because you want to prevent ill Then remember that Hood' Sar t cures all diseasos caused by im- od and debility of tho system, what its proprietors say but fd'a Sarsaparilla doea, that tells of its merit. Be sure to "d only Hood's. . ., Vegetable Hood's Pills 25o. SAVE BY A HAIR. T HE HAD LOST II IS ALMANAC AND WAS JUST A BIT BACK IN HIS DATES. At the end of a long causeway croseiug a swamp I came upon a squatter's cabin, with the squatter himself seated cross leg ged on a log smokiug his pipe. After the usual salutations be said: "Stranger, I burned my almanac up by mistake two or three weeks ago and hev got sorter confused about Monday. This is Monday, hain't it?" "No, this is Tuesday." "And hain't it the 7th of August?" "No, it's the 8th." "Stranger, ai' yo' popsuah 'bout this?" he exclaimed as he sprang up. "I am. Here' a pocket almanac and you can see for yourself Tuesday, the 8th. "It's Tuesday, the 8th, and just about noon. I'mjest a day behind in my figerin.' Stranger, would yo' do a critter like me a powerful favor sunthin' I kin never forgit if I live to bo 1,000 years old?" "I guess so. What is it?" "Leuioie take that horse to ride them seven miles and git thar by 1 o'clock. That's the hour sot for me to marry a widder who's got 200 acres of the best land in the State." "But won't they wait till you get there? ' "Not this time, mister. This is the third date I've tot to marry that widder, aud it's got to be a go this time or I'll want wings to fly out of kcniry. She'sa widder willi a father, lour brothers, two sons half a doz !B unelus and seven or eight nephews, aud every one of them is ou the shoot. Stranger '' "1'ou can have him and I'll come on afoot. Aren't you going lo wait to dress? ' ''Can't wait a uiiuit seven miles straight up the road you'll liad whiskey behind the door goodby!" At 2 o'clok in the ai'teruxm I reached the house whovethufetivities wtre taking place. When opportunity cjuio tho bride groom wrung uiy hand and said: "Stranger, yo' saved me by a h'ar. It was just two ininitsto 1 o'clock when I rode up: and seveu of thewidder's rolas buns war jest gwinc into ambush along side the fence, while the widder herself had loaded a douMc burTd shot gun with duclshot and was lookin' up the road." AX HIHTUlt'S WAUNIN'G. The editor of the Moirfgoiu.ry, Ga., Mouitor sends the following notice to delinquent subscribers : "Two weeks from now tho Monitor will be in treat demand. It will contain an account of one of the greatest tragedies ever enacted in the State. Five men will be hanged at one tune and' upou one gallows in expiation of three separate and distinct murders, entirely unconnected with each other. Now, if you want the account of the hanging, you must pay your sub scription. We intend to cut off from our subscription book every man who is iu arrears for two years or wore and sell their papers to somebody else; also those who owe for one year aud more who have never paid us anything at all. You mav think we are joking, but you'll see. These two classes will be dropped: Those who never paid us anything and owe ui for one year or more; those who have paid us something on subscription here tofore, but who now owes us for two years or more. We are not going to furnioh any aocouut of the greatest ludicial tragedy ever enacted in Georgia at our own expense and wait until we are dead to get our m.ney back. The formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is well known lo tne meuicai proiessiou mnA nnisprxallv aooroved. The reputa tion of th firm guarantees excellence and uniformity in the medioine, and the world s experience lor nearly nair a ceu tury has fully demonstrated its value. "It is strange", said one young woman to another,"lhat so many foreigners should ho amioui to sell themselves to American heiresses." "Yes. They are good deal like novels" "Why?" "The salo depends largely on the title. A GLIMPSE OF HEAVEN. STORY OF A WOMAN WHO BELIEVES THAT SHE DIED AND CAME TO LIFE AGAIN. Mrs. It. R. Phillips is an extremely refined and well educated woman forty three years old. She has just recovered from an eighteen months' sickness of per itonitis and acute dropsy, during which time she was given up for dead twice. Mrs. Phillips is not a Spiritualist. "During my long illness." said she, "I was three weeks in an apparently uncon scious condition. I knew what was going on around me, but I could Dot speak. At the end of this period I Becmed to be fa ding away from the earth. "Then came my death, as I called it, for I know my spirit left this earth, and has now come back. Out of the darkness before me I could see, as my eyes became accustomed to it, a misty light. It kept growing brighter and brighter. Then I beard voices, the voice of my daughter, who was dead, saying, 'Mother, mother!' "Then a wonderful scene opened before me. it was like a beautitul green lawn, stretching away in the distance, while directly in front of me was a great river. I saw it plainly saw the dark brown peb bles on the shore. "Across the river, at the gate of heaven, stood my own daughter, ready to receive me, and Jesus was there. When I was partly across the river my daughter open- id the gate to receive mc, but Jesus shut it and spake two words: 'Begin again.' 'At the sound of his voice I can al most hear it now,I was again in this world, and I felt wonderful joy. knew I was oing to live, but it was a new life, like that of a new born babe. I had been dead, and all my sins of my other life had been taken away in the time of terrible ugooy. After this I began to get well." AND HE TOOK 1ICU IX. He was in lovo with the girl, aod she A3 not unwilling, but she had given no ign. Ho was so diffident that really she had no opportunity. One evening they sat alone in a little bower of roses. "I dreamed of you hist night," he said tentatively. "How nice!" she responded in that. exasperating way which is so inex pressive. "Yes," he faltered questioningly. "Tell ma what you dreamed," she prettily commanded. "I thought we were sitting together on the banks of a beautiful stream," he said low and nuruiurously, "as the sun was sinking away to rest in the purpling stars, and we talked of birds, of music, of flowers and of love. Your face glowed as if a great light shone in it, but when I spoke of love you grew cold aod dis tant, and I could feel the chill air touch in my heart and see the buds of my hope wither in the frost of your disap proval. I knew then how useless was all I could do, how futile was effort, but urged on by that mysterious power no man can explain and none resist, I cast the fatal die and asked you to be mine.' He stopped a moment, trembling. "And what did I say?" she asked "No," and his voice grew husky and his lips quivered. She put out her hand to him softly. "Dreams goby contraries, dear, sh murmured, and he took her in. Detroit Free Press. There can be no health for either uiiod or body so lone as tha blood is vitiated Cleanse the vital current from all impur ities by the use of Ayer s barsapanlla, This medicine recruits the wasted ener gies, strengthens the nerves, and restores health to the debt itated system. Several hundred men will be given em ployment to day by the resumption of work in the Altoona (Pa.) Rilling Mill. Tn ret tin an abundint hnnd of hair of a natural color to a good old age, I lie hygiene of the scalp must be observed. Apply Hall s Uair lvenewer. WHOPPER OF A WHALE. NEARLY A THOUSAND YEARS OLD AND BIG AS ALL OUT DOORS. The largest whale which ever entered the harbor, aud one of the largest ever secu ou the coast was washed ashore at Tokeluod Monday, says the South Bend (Wash.) Herald. The news was imme diately brought back by one of the morn ing steamers, and the afternoon passenger boats were crowded to their greatest capac ity by throngs who were anxious to see the monster. The fish came in on the high tide and just a little below Charles Fisher's bath houses. It was alive and kicking, and did not finally surrender its lease on ex istence until Tuesday about noon. County Attotney, M. D. Egbert, had taken along a tape line and carefully measured the monster. The Hue showed an extreme length of 174 feet and eight inches, with a -'waist measure" of 161 1 feet. County Survey or L. C. Vickrey figured on the weight of the "anionic" and pronounced this mem ber of the Balucnidce family to weigh fifty-seven aud a half tons, aod the blub ber and whalebone to be worth, at current prices, oil, $9,075; bone $1,000, making a neat total of $10,973. Attorney L. E. Ginn attempted to compute the age of the subject under consideration, and concluded, from the traverse lines on the baleen, that this fish had existed for 9SG years, lacking but 14 years of having lived the longest term of whale life. The pectoral fin9 are 12 feet long and feet broad: tho mouth is 24 feet long; the blow holes 18 inches long, and the half hundred bathers in the water at the time it came ashore say the noise of spoutiug was deal mg and the spray ejected ascended at least fifty feet in the air. The threshing of tho tail nn thi water in the struggle to regain the chun uol was heard ut McGowan's cannery, at the mouth of North River, four miles away. Couuty School Supt. L. W. Fansher furnished some historical facts in regard to the whale. Alfred the Great had been dead but a few years when his whale ship first began to navigate waters of tho earth. The old boy was 120 years old when William the Cooqueror was born, and may have been playing off English shores when he was crowocd king. lie was on eardi at the time of making the Great Charter of the Runnymede, he was mid dled aged when the pilgrims landad at Plymouth Rock and probably looked upon the wars or apoleou, the Amen can revolution and civil war with many a sad sigh and shake of the head for the ruthless slaughter of humanity. World's the Art He (the bridegroom at the Fair) Do you want to go to Building, dear? She (the brid) Do you? He I do, if you do. She If you do, I do, dear. He Just as you say. She Do, dear, take your choioe, He Well, I don't want to unless you want to She I don't want to unless you want to. ( With solicitude) Do you wnt to? lie If you want to, dearest. She (timidly) Well, let's go. He Are you sure you wut to go ? 8h If you are. He (timidly) Well, lets go. (Exeunt absent-mindedly toward the stock pavilliuu, -N Y Recorder. TURKISH WOMEN. THEIR COSTUMES PARISIAN, BUT THEIR MANNERS ORIENTAL. Years ot study, experiiuuut aud b-i;n tifio investigation have given the wnr'd Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets, the only sure cure for the Tobacco habit known. They have proven a great blessing to the thousands who have found health and new life through them, and the testimo nials received breathe the sentiments of grateful thanks. They are sold by all leading druggists. The modern women of Turkey, accord ing to the accounts of Osman Bey, is far removed from the singing, dancing prisoner of the harem, sipping aromatic cabesh and smoking' perfumed cigars while she gossips, as the western fancy dreams her. Among the higher classes on the coutrary, she dresses according to Parleian models, speaks French of En glish, if not both languages, makes calls, leaves cards aud has her at home days, plays tennis and has 5 o'clock tea, and furnishes her house according to luxu riant New York or Parisian idols, some times even to the extent of sacrificing a beautiful oriental rug in favor of a beautiful oriental rug in favor of a modern Brussels carpet. Tho Ortoman metropolis abounds in schools and seminaries for young ladi s, and the turkish girl is expected to know just as much about niathematH auu sciences as the average American gir , aud a great deal more of needle wui and general housekeeping than ll latter dreams of in her philosophy The Turkish girl, despite her advanc merit, must still cover her pretty f.o, and it is contrary to tho sacred rules of Nammebran for the Turkish lover to take his sweetheart to the theatre with out mamma, but in spile of veils and the rules of the dread Naimuebran, tho love that laughs at all barriers finds a way to uutie true lovers in Turkey as a hero. Brandon Bucksaw. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONSTIPATION Is called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully Mrs.Newlywed (indignantly) "And you took the cake I put in the window to cool and ate it, did you? How dared you?" Whiskered Samuel (caught in the not aud consequently humble) "A starving man will cat almost anything, mum", THE DOLLAR MARK. HALF A DOZEN THEORIES IN EXISTENCE, EACH HAVING REASON BEHIND IT. Not less than a scoie of theories have bceu advanced as to the origin of the dol lar mark (8). Of these the St. Lous Re public believes the following to be the most plausible: 1. That it is a combination of the "U. S ;" the initials of the United States. 2. That it is a modification of the fig ure S. the dollar being formerly called, a "piece of eight-" 3. That it is derived from a represen tation of the Pillars of Hercules, consist ing of 2 needle like towers of pillars con nected with a scroll. The old Spanish coins marked with the pillar device were frequently referred to as "pillar dollars,' 4. That it is a combination of "II. S." the ancient Rm in murk of mouey unit. 5. That it is a combinauion of P. and S. from perso is contracted by writing the S. over the P. and placiug it after the sum. According to one writer the symbol of the dollar is a monogram of the letters "V," "S"and "J," the dollar being origi nally a "thaler" coined in the valley of Saint Joachim, Bohemia aud known as a "Joachim thaler," aud the monogram the initials of the words, "Valley Saint Joach im." The editor of the London Whitehall Review, a very able wiiter , in giving his opinion of "Reason No. 3, as given above, says: "The American symbol for dollar in taken from the Spauish dollar, and the origin of the sign, of course, must be look ed for in asoeiati ins of Spanish coins. Ou the reverse side of the Spauish dol lar is a representation of the pillars ef the Hercules, and around each pillar is a scroll, with the inscription 'plus ultra." This deviw in course of time has de-generan-d into the sign which at present stands for Americau as well as Spanish dollars, '$'. The scroll around the pillars represent the two serpents sent by Juno to destroy Hercules in his cradle." It is a mild laxative and atonic to the digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife wu sorely distressed with Conttir. lion mnd coughing, followed with Bleeding Piles. After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulstor she Is almost entirely relieved, gaining : strong and flesh." W. B. Lurii, Delaware, Ohio. Take only the Genuine, Which has en the Wrapper the red SB Trade), aaajk and Signature of J. H. ZEILIN ft OOf TO THE LADIES OF WESTERN HALF OF HALIFAX CO. I know Dr. J. A. iVeGill's ORANGE BLOSSOM t0 be 8 mv rel" Messing to our sex. We have long needed some thiug which we could use ourselves aud which could conquer the stubborn forms of chronic inflammation and congestion which lie at the foundation of all f'cmnlr troubles. That Dr. JeG ill's treatment meets the demaud of this long felt want is shown by the fact that many caes which have baffled the skill of our best physicians, are being cured by it. I have pledged myself to let iny suffering sisters in the above Counties know of this simple, entirely sale, yet wonderful cure. To accomplish this I must have the help of some jiood Cln istian lady in each township. Tlierearc not less than eue thousand ladies in each of the a'mve Counties to whom this cure would be of inestinialile vulue, many of them mothers who need strenKth that they may train their little ones; then thcro are so many voung ijirls whose troublo is not considered serious, lint nevertheless need attention, as only a little time will be required for it take the color from the cheeks and all tho joy from their glad young lives as it has done in thousands ot cases. Write for information. 1 answer all questions. I will also send Township's Agent's Terms to those who will assist mc. MISS LIZZIK U. DAVIS, Areola, Warren Co., N. C. 1-20-ly . BST THE TALK OF m m- THE TOWN -8 ser now is m Have YOU Seen The pretty goods at An Injunction. There are two kiuua the vourte tell you a temporary and a permanent injunction.' A tempor ary iiijunetion gives relief for a time only but when you take Simmons Liver Reg ulator for Dynpepsia, aud find yourself cured, that means a p"rmaueut injunction. It's the - iiue wh.n Lining the Regulator for Malaria, and all of the liver and kidney. Dress Goods of all Kinds; i And trimmings to match. EVERYBODY says they are the prettiest in town. A nobby line of Gents' Furnishings A large line of sample goods to be sold at NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES. and if you can't get a suit of clothes in stock you can select a pattern and the fit is guaranteed; it takes only five days to make a suit. TT A '"PQ. A big line of the XXx-L X 0 Newest styles straw and felt hats just opened. I am always glad to show goods, and prices shall compete with the lowest that good goods can be Bold at. Respectfully, W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N. C. 9 29 tf.

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