- aSrial v4 laMi fSSBBBHtt j JOHnST "W. SLEDGE, puopeietor. VOL. XXIV. -A. NEWSPAPER E O P THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1893. TEPlvTS: Sl-50 I'EIl annum is advance. NO. 33. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Cry in the Night A MOTHER Wakes to Find Her Little One Strangling. She Saves its Life by the Prompt Use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "One of my children had Croup. The case was attended by our physU Cian, and was supposed 10 lie well under control. One night I was startled by the child's hard brat liinfj, and on going to it found it ' ".tfsUlgling. It had nearly ceased to breaiuc Realizing that the child's alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines given, J reasoned that such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of AVEIt'8 Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave the child three (Jones, at short intervals, and anxiously awaited results. From the moment the Pectoral was Riven, the il'ild's breathing grew easier, and, in short time, she was sleeping ipiiraly and breathing naturally. The Child is alive and well to-day, and 1 do not hesitate to say that AYElt'S Chewy Pectoral saved her life." C. .1. Wooi.duhkik, Worthnm, Tex. "I Wish to express my high appreciation of AYER'S Cherry Pectoral, having bad occasion to use it in many cases, two of whicli, V. F. Owen ajut Jos. Johnson, were abscess of the lungs, involving almost the entire organ. The patients were treated by several physicians, and were pro nounced to be In the last stages of consumption. Being placed in my hands, the main part of the treatment was AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Thll was about eight years ago, and both men are now, to all appearance, in perfectly sound health. I have iis,-l this remedy in a number of other evt with like favorable results." Jons- A. Hitter, M, D,, West I.iden.Ind. "When my children hart Ibe whooping cough, AVER'S Cherry Pectoral 4'i ttiPW more good than any other medicine." Mrs, M, Bhockwell, , JviTk!, Tenn, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ajor & Co., Lowell, Mass. Trompt to aot, sure to cure 0 1 4- K QARWOOb'8TiiX(?A Now LioTrf- NACES TRIPLE, -$STATIONERY&. VIOLET WATER, Just Received ISO Linen writing WOODWOBTll's Florida WA- . Tablets, whiota I'll sell Ta, at a small AND I SACHET POWDER. PROFIT. ACCURACY I J 3 .8 H H W 3 b Q PTJRITTI "Buig Brand Prepared" ' '''"'A'Large I Paints. . Stock of Pure HTiite Lead k Linseed oil. LANDRKTII'S I'll sell paints st a GARDEN I Yery small margin. . SEED. THE PLACE TO GET EDRUQS .1EDICII1ES - -AT THE,- LOWEST PKIOES, IS A.T DR. A. R. ZOUICOFFE.RS, VEST BIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE B. B. SHED. WELDON. N. C. v STOCK tii tv J4PLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS, trflJBCUmO BVARTMINT F1LLKD WITH TBI BUT BKLtCTKJ) M ATUIA1W : PSESOBIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH ORSAT CARE. TPIJMRT. BTATIQHER.T, FAN.0Y SOAPS, MHJBBE8, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBAC v ' - ' tkuember that a hearty pe' - - won at, l.wi family sbould have a bottle on bapd.. """- AFTER AWHILE. After awhile, we olten say, When abndona fall and clouds arise There's sure to cornea brighter day, With balmy air and ninny skies. After awhile a day af real Will come to worn aid weary fret; What seems the worst will prove tho beat, And bitter things be turned te sweet. Alter awhile the aching heart Will find aeordi ' for its paiu; And as the flying di deiuirt The joy of love v vnie again. After awhile the right will reign, And conquered wrong will lose its sway; While ancient error's icy chain, Will break and slowly melt away. After awhile the clashing creeds That lead to strife and hate with men, Will yield to our superior needs And love will prompt the lip and pen. Alter awhile the golden hours Will come with lifo's supernal days, And brighter thoughts and nobler powers Will lead us into grander ways. A CHANCE FOR SOME ONE, SOME LANDS PURPOSES- WANTED TOR 0BAZ1NU A LARUE ENTERPRISE. Concord Standard. W. M. Smith, an attorney of Con cord, is in reccpt of letters from parties destnng to purchase some large tracts of land. One wants no less than 10,000 acres for grazing purposes; another wishes a large tract of land upon which to locate an English colony; and another one is desirous of purchasing 10,000 or 15,000 acres of hard timber land or shoit leaf pioe. Is there any reason why North Caro lina cannot secure these enterprises? We think not. There will be no trouble in meeting tho wants of those people, pro vided owners of such land will niako it known. Unless North Carolina rises to the demands of the occasion, other States quite enthusiastic on this subject, Will reap the benefits of having such en terprises introduced within their borders. It may not be possible to obtain the lands in such largo bodies in Piedmont North Carolina, bat there are such tracts available in any western county. Just a little effort secured the Wal- denses in Burke and that people are do- lighted and the community bettered. Such would be tho result should the proper effort be made in these latter moves. We have seen the letters and the gen tlemen seeking these properties are dead in earnest and mean to act at ouce. NOT IP SHE KNEW IT. BUSY ON THE MESSAGE. THE I'llESIDK.NT CAN WORK nr.HT AT HIS COUNTRY HOll E Til K MATTERS TO BE IHStU'KSED. A few weeks ago a railway collision killed, among others, a passenger living in a country town. Ilia remains were sent home, and a few days after the fuoeial the solicitor to the company called upon the widow to elleot a settlement. She placed her damage! at $25,000. "Oh, that sum is unreasonable!" replied tho solicitor. "Your husband was nearly fifty years old?" "Yes, sir." "And lame?" "Yes." "And his general health was poor?" "Very." "And he, probably, would not have lived more than five ycara?" "Probably nut, sir," "Then it seems to me that two or three thuuaaud dollars would be a fair compen sation. "Two or three thousand?" she echoed. "Why, air, I courted that man for ten years, ran after him for ten more, and then had to chase him down with a shot gun to get him to settle fur bare eost of shoe leather and ammunition." The man of law concluded that she de served all she could get. WANTED TO GO . Little boy; May I go out to play? Mamma: Not to-day. You have oold, and I would not have it get worse for th world. "May I go to the store for yuu? Its close by, you know." "Idcn'tnccd auvtbii,guu uw." "May I go and have my photograph taken so you'll know hew 1 look when 1 am dead f "Mercy, no. You had your photo graph taken only last week. "Well, yon might let me go and have a tooth pulled, anyhow. It Sbould be la Every Hauae, J. B. Wilson. 371 Clay St., Sharps- burg, fa., says be will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consusap- lion, Coughs and Colds, that it eured his wife wlo was threatened with roeum aia after an attack of "La Grippe," when various othei remedies and several phy tehu had done her no food. Robert Btlber, of Cooksport, Pa . claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him Biota good than anything be has ever "d for Lung Troubles. Nothing lik -i trial bottles at W. M. Cohen's " Jawge bottles 50c. and 11.00. Washington Special, tlth, to New York Hun. Tho White House will probable see very little ol I'rcsiJeot Cleveland between now and December 4, when Congress meets in regular scssi;n. Most of the intervening lime will be spent at Woodloy in the preparation of his annual message. Ho came in from Woolley at 10 o'clock this morning, but shut himself up in the executive office of the White House, where he bad an interview with Chairman Wilson, of the House ways aud means committee. It is assumed that the tariff bill and the President's recommendations on the tariff question in his forthcoming message were the subject of the confer ence. The President finds that he can work much better at Woodley than in the ex ecutive office, for though many Senators and Representatives have left the city, enough remain behind to make the press ure upon him for appointments still unfill ed something to be avoided as far as pos sible. These appointments, as fast as de cided upon, will be given out from the White House on certain days in the week. Nearly all the cabinet officers are well advanced with their reports, which will form the basis of the Prasidcnt's recom mendations in dealing with department matters. It is undeistood that each officer in turn will probably be a guost at Wood ley. Secretary Carlisle has already had one whole day at Woodley, and many evening consultations. Postmaster General Bissell frequently drives out there in the pleasant evenings, and Col. Lamont is a constant visitor. It has been an almost unbroken custom for the President to lead off his ruessuge with a discussion of our relations with foreign powers. State Department mat ters this year will be of unusual interest! embracing as they will the Hawaiian pol icy of tho administration, of which it is confidently expected somo authentic an nouncement will be made for the infor nation of the general publio, and the stirring incidents in Brazilian waters. Finances will necessarily come next the tariff first, of course. Mr. Carlisle has bceu endeavoring in every brief respite that the silver fight has given him to get together in a succinct form a tabulation of facts snd rccommeidations. The recommendations as to the army and navy, the complicated state of the Interior Department, and the l'ostoffice and Agricultural departments will have been largely foreshadowed in the mean lime in the reports of the heads of bureaus in those great executive offices, tho ab strucls of which are being made public from day to day. A MINISTElt'S FAREWELL, A reader knows of a country minister in a certain locality who tuok permanent leave of his congregation iu the following pathetic manner: "Brothers and sisters, I come to say good bye, I don't think God loves this church very much, because none of you ever die. I don't think you lovo each other, becauso 1 never marry any of you I don't think you love me, because you have not paid my salary; your donations are mouldy fruit and wormy apples, and by their fruits ye shall know them.' Brothers, I am going away from you to a better place. I have been called to be chaplain of the penitentiary. Where go ye cannot come hut I go to prepare a place for you, and may the Lord have mercy on your souls. Good bye." Ram's Iloro. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. CUltEI) BY PRAYER. After lying in bed for two years utterly helpless, a victim of seemingly incurabli spinal trouble, IMisa 11. lyle, ot Wist Barnard street, in this borough, has just left his couch, and professes to have been cured cntitcly through the instrumentality of prayer; the doctors having com-idcrtd bis case hopeless. The cure took effect ceitsiuly without the aid of dkiIUuu or uigeiy, two days ago, and it greatly astounded Mr. Pyle's family and his physician. The confirm ed invalid had been dreadfully injurid by being thrown over an embankment in a runaway accident near Bethlehem seven years ago. After a long siege illacss he recovered and resumed his business as a miller; but was again pros trated twenty-two months ago this lime with a spinal disease so serious as to throw him into convulsions every time he was moved in his bed. Two dnys ago, pursuant to his an nouncement that the Lord was sbout to answei his prayers and cure him, Mr. Pyle arose from his bed, dressed himself and walked about the room. Since thca he has been rapidly mending. West Chester, Pa , Dispatch. ISSUED MY (10 V. CARR, NAM1NU THURS DAY, NOVEMIIER THIRTIETH. Gov. Carr yesterday issued bis Thanks giving Proclamation to the people of the State according to the usual custom. It is handsomely printed and bears the great seal of North Carolina in a pretty blue lint. The following is the proclamation: State or North Carolina, Executive- Department. At the close of another year it is meet snd proper that as a State and nation we should give thanks to the Author of every good and perfect gift for the many bless ings vouchsafed to us. The people of North Carolina have much for which to be thankful. The ravages af the storm, the blight of disease and the serious ills which have befallen some other States God in His mercy has spared us. Our lands have responded to our labors, and although not as abundantly as heretofore, still we have sufficient to preserve us from hunger and want. In compliance, with the time-honored and beautiful Christian custom of our commonwealth, and in conformity with the recommendation of the President of the United States, I, Elias Carr, Gover nor of the State of North Carolina, do appoint Thursday, the thirtieth day of November, 1893, as a day of public thtnksgiving and praise to God. I earn estly request the people of the State to observe this day in a suitable manner, 1 tying aside, as far as possible, their sec ular pursuits, and to assemble in their u-mul places of worship and with thank ful hearts give praise and thanksgiving. And that every heart may rejoice, let us remember with that charity which is twice blessed the poor and afflicted, the widow and the orphan, the unfortunate inmates of our charitable institutions, and be especially mindful of our fast aging heroes at their own firesides and in the Soldiers' Homo. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, at the City of Raleigh, this 8th day of No vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three and in thconc hundred and eighteen year of our American Independence. Elias Carr. By the Governor: S. F. Telkair, Privote Secretary. A.IOJSKOR THE PREACHER. WINTER IS COMING. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE HELPLESS ANIMAL CREATION. The mountain circuit rider met me at the foot of Hurricane gap in the Pin mountains and wc rocta along together, and about a mile fruiu wheru the roads forked wu were stopped by a mountaineer with a Winchester whom tho preacbir knew. "I just stopped yer," ho said to the preacher, "tor ax yer to come up to the house in the mornin.," "Anybody kick?" inquired the preach er. "No," and the mountaineer hesitated. "You, know you have been a talkin' ter me for a long time erbout gittin religion and I've been holdin off?" The preacher noded and looked pleased, foi there was a tone of penitence in the native s voice. " W ell, I ve erbout got ter the pint where somethin's got ter be dune. Jim Gullius come by my place this mornin and killed one of my dogs when I was away, and you've heard mo say what I thought of Jim Gullins many a time afore this." The preacher nodded sorrowfully this time. "Well, I'm going down tosee Jim now," continued the mountaineer, "an if I git him I'll be ready to jino the meeting house when you come up in the mornin, and if Jim gits mc you'll have a funeral to preach, so's you won't lose nothing by it nohow. I must bo gillin along. Good' by," andslingiug bis Winchester into the hollow or bis arm he hurried away through the thicket, Irsving the circuit rider and me itliug on our horses in the road com pletely knocked out by the suddennest of it ail and the peculiarity. Dotroit Free Pre. The northeru winds, the cool nights, the hoar frost, all remind us that winter will soon be upon us. Hare you prepaied for it? To enjoy tho winter months, or rather to deprive them of much of the physical discomfort that usually comes with them, wc should as far as possible prepate for them. Before they arc fully upon us, fuel sbould be procured and housed; substantial clothing prepared for the household; sole fresh wolesome read ing matter should be procured for the children; food and shelter provided for live stock, and even the dog kennels should not be overlooked. Soxic may smile at these suggestions, especially thelast in the above list. But wc have made it for a purpose. It is too much the custom of our people, living in what arc called the warmer States, to make little or no provi sion for the comfort aud protection of domestic animals. The Bible says "the merciful man regardeth the life of his beast." According to this statement many of our people would not be regarded as merciful to the beasts that serve them and look to tbcm for protection. The faithful horse that has broken the stubborn sod and pulled the plow that tilled your crop, and then drew the wagon that hauled your produce to market, deserves better treatment than to shiver all night in the open barns in which he is often stabled. The faithful milch cow that has fed you and your little ones through the summer, deserves a better retreat than the open leaky shed in which she is often sheltered. Shame upon the man who will suffer her tospend her long winter nights in the open air, while tbc pitiless rain or sleet tails upon hci! And poor old Fido whose bay ing has often sent the light nngcred their about his business, deserves better treat ment than to shiver upon the thin mat on the front porch through tho long night. Homely talk, all this; but our people do need attention to homely matters and home comforts. Let those who are care less, no longer neglect these things. At tention to the helpless animal creation about us may be a means of our own growth in grace, and certainly is in accor dance with the religion of Christ. "Bles sed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Biblical Recorder. ADVERTISEMENTS. Absolutely fare A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Lnlnt U. 8. Gortrnmrnt Fowl Report. Royal Bakinu Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N.Y. DJVIS$ CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 42 Sycamore st., Petersburg, Vu. TOB-A.CCOS Our special bruuds of Flour: GOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, (JEM PATENT, HARVEST QUEEN, SNOW DROP. rSOFKSSIONAL CABDS. J. WARD, Enfield, N. C. SURGEON :-: DENTIST, Office over Mciiwiguu's store. 113 ly. ADVERTISEMENTS. DYSPEPSIA la that misery experienced when suddenly mado uwuro that you possess a diabolicul arrangement called stomach. Nu two dysv tics huve tho sumo predominant symptoms, but whatever form dyspepsia takes The underlying cause it in Via LIFER, and one thing is certain no one will remain a dyspeptic who will It will ramct Acidity or th. Stomach, Kxpel foul Kaa AlUj Irritation, Assist Digestion Wad at tho same tuna Start the Liver working and all bodily ailment will disappear, "For mere tbaa three yean I inftereit vita Dyipepsia in iu wont lorm. I tried eeveral doctors, but they afforded no relief. At last 1 tried Simmons Liver Regulator, which eured me in a hort time. It it a good medicine. 1 would not be without it." Jams? A. Ruamb, Philad'a,Pa. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of wrapper. . rREPAKBO ONLY IV J.H. ZEILIM CO., Philadelphia. Pat oJeh American I tt-TlURaT" I HI 1 CAVEAT!. TRADI taiaSS. DESIGN PATIHT. COPVRIOHTa. avtn. for Information and free Handbook writs to MUHN A CO. 1 BnoADWiT, NIW ToBC Oldest bureau for securing- patents In AtnerJoa. R.ery patent taken out by us la brought before the publio by a uotioe alreu free ol charge la the UrMt drcnTaf ton of tmj KienUflD Mper In tin world.. Hpleudldlr llluatrftted. No lctellljrant I also return my n Ulcere thanks to my many friends and acquaintances for their kind, liberal patronage in tne past ana solicit a continuance or the same, with guarantee to please. Very Kespectiuuy. THE nifta should tw without it. Weekly, ttj.ott a year, $1.50 all mrintlin. ArtdreM MDNN ft CO, a. wm. ajawwlunaj, ol v W lUTsk Vlli o 5L fri j.tisa at. MDLUIK, WALTS S. OAMIBl Ductoks say that changing from the auuDj to the shady side of the street causes many a cold these days. S L ft riW1 MACK ACBK it tooa tor nma- lebUftr. Try jioar airrafis. ua root Ursr, and ht For Malaria, Liver Trou blfl.orlndigeation.u&e BROWN'S IRON BITTERS A snalto that climbs up the glass walls uf its polished cao is ao attraction iu the Natural History Museum at l'aris. PUROVEH I'lKTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tha poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five eents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,'' and tale no other kind. may 25 ly ULLIM sY DAM1IL, A TTUKflZiS AT LAW, Wli.ihjn, N. C. Practice In thecourta of Halifax andNorthatni wi iuu in .nr oupmmr .ill, rmrm wuru, AW larUoua made In alliutrUof North Carolina. Branch ofice at Halitax.N.C. open every Hon lay. Ju 1 JJU. T. T. UOSS, DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. JSfOllice over Emry & Pierce's store. 10-101y. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. LlTTLITON, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain. V30-6n. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va Lcwcst cash pricos guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. C1IAULKS M. WALSH, oct 11 ly. II sV1 V. 'Vt Si J.aT- W: L J H sit -rcaTtt,l Kbtl.Mlf, I III1 lajrlloitan uaiilHita ( v i ' I. ril, t, v lew V line it If pm wits) nil .nt!lift inriitlon taffMi xitr o-dar. I ilt you tett.k. ta twit; r.u ill- an ra ani) vnir, kdiI who, Mil WOfkt fedttsV irtefualr. mc are 1Lm- Tho unj llallll Turrti Uicir O i or Hit if, whext- 'I'll riatlkM iu Mittaito till lid I LUMlL urn IhattaiDoafiL i char atvlkknf int ajBlaat) rotafwl. M abovai Noting sttAcull to leani, r ttit.1 rtauirt). Match 1 uWri but 'lb tJ.sliiM M rM'lf Uuftit (ruviilrdwiih liloTnirskl Isai iiiitibM wtw an "I Itul'Ui lilt, m.h. All H Mart, i"i '. AH" jtu hito till, If yutj at Usual a, MaUaM, -0- MY STOCK OF -0 FALL And WINTER lff'1. minery. U arriving and I will display the flneat line (oodieTtir allow aia thta lowu. Come and aet NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW' EST NOVELTIES. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. 1 1 Br Wffc'l I now occupy the liriik 8tire between i H. C. Fl'IKlW and C. L- '(.'LARK'S. I am receiving aud openliiga full line of " STAPLE AND FANCY .6$0CERIES. I will keepon hand a selected stock of roceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tubucco, Snuff, Wooden and WHloar Ware, Crockery, Class, Tin Ware, etc-, et. I will sell at the oct 19 Ora. J. L. JCDKIKB. Wehlon, K. C. E St GOOD COOD3 at LOWEST PBICES. Hay Call early and avoid the rush.Qt H. C. SriEKS, Manager. FAIL US! Grand Diaplay at TILLERY'S. FALL DRESS COODS. (with trimmings to match.) In ltlack anil Colors. Fancy weaves and Novolties. Full line of CLOTHING. Ifyouciiu'tgct BlH in stock we can huve them made to order. It takes only S days to make a suit. A liinlinrnf IMTM. All the. ktit nobbicat atylea. BOOTS snd 81IOKS of every description for everybody. G EMS' FURNISHING GOODS iu endless variety. 1 am always glad to show goods and gitarnntoe lowest prices. W. B. TILLERY. The Reliable House, Weldon, N.C. 114 mm rants oct 4 ly Weldon,' N. O. MANUFACTURING CO. . j. COHEN A SON, Proprietors, ; ' - ' ' .1 " ' 'f .... . .i . r . - , j i-l ft' Vr. ; i,t;,f h;:.J rj .. dor. Sycamore and Ballingbrook streets, ' - Petersburg, Va. dajjU tntde of EaaUrn jrroUua ." ! esTWo make pan'te'inaQ grades. 1 J