II THE ROANOKE NEWS. ni m -n yoV ould llke to have the Roanoke News one year for only $1, you can send in your subscription at once with that amount. This offer will only hold good for 3 MONTHS, and all subscribers wishing to take advantage of these special rates must do so on or before January 1, 1894. Under its new management and in order to double, if possible, our circulation we will send this paper one year to any now subscriber for only $1, provided advantage is taken of this offer within the next three months. Old subscribers can take advantage of the above rates by paying up to date and then renewing twelve months ahead F OR ONLY ONE DOLLAR . After January 1, 1894, the subscription will be, as heretofore, 91.50 a year. This paper will give town, county and State news suitable for all men. The ladies will not be forerotten. thev. too. will find munh within its naerpa tn intorcief and nioo doing all this, and more, to please and supply interesting reading to its patrons will continue to be what it has always striven to be, a FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL. Address all orders, THE ROANOKE NEWS, Weldon, N. C. THE ROANOKE NEWS. TnunaoAY, novum hkr id, i soa. Ahknt at Enuki,!). Mr. S. Meyer la the authorized agent of tho Roanoke NgW8 at Enfield and vicinity and any business with the paper can be transacted with him. Ho will receive and receipt for subscriptions and attend to any other matters entrusted to him. He will also tale new or renew old subscriptions. L 0CAL . Coot, weather. 1'ay for your paper, Tim old year is dying Worry makes widows. Gtrryour turkey ready. A hard winter is predicted. , C0K8ETS are made for men. Indian summer is gono at last. It will soon be bog killing time. The 30th is Thanksgivings day. Travel South shows no increase. Oysters are excellent this season. Work is a great antidote for woe. Coal and overcoats are in demand. Even a whispered word may touch the heart. It is tiinc you were paying for your paper. Tub huntsmen are enjoying themselves finely. "Headlkjiit oil" is a new name for whiskey. The next thing to look forward to is Christmas. Cotton was selling at J on our streets yesterday. The fanners are guing over the cotton the last time. The yelp of the turkey gobbler is heard all around. Look after your flowers, and give them needed protection. 'Hovemher came in like a lamb and will go out wilh a turkey. I'lKfKKS girls out of sixteen have but one aim in life- -marriage. Our friends will help us very much if they will pay up their subscriptions. The "Golden Wedding" is the name of ode of the newest chrysanthemums. 0 limy is the time to advertise your bus. iuJM, and this paper is the right medium 'What sort of pose dj you think girl likes best?" "Why, propose, of - course." S" It is said that rich people live lunge than poor ones. Of course; they can af ford to. The cold wave season is fast approach' ing and skating on the canal will delight the hearts of many. Ir you have not dropped in this week and settled for your paper, do so before the next woek has gone. It is rare that any cases of importance comes before the Mayor now. The town is quiet and law abiding. Governor Carii has issued his proo lamation appointing Thursday, November 30th, as Thanksgiving Diy. TlIE reign of the chrysautheninm this season surpasses anythiug ever before known in the history of that flower. TllOU art bearing hence thy roses, Qlad summer, fare lice well; Thou art singing thy last melodies, In every wood and dell. V 1'ostmahters have been informed by post office authorities tlut a new form of ' money order will soon be issued. The new furu) will be smaller, and will differ from the old in several minor features. Good Hotel Tho Southern Hotel at Halifax is kept by Mr. I). D. Bryan, and tho judges, lawyers and every body slops wilh him. lie is polite and attentive to ihe wants of his guests nod his table always supplied with the very best the market a (lords. Ho is a hotel keeper ght. Meetinu of Medical Society. l'r. W. O. McDowell will read an inter estiog paper before the Halifax County Medical Society at its meeting to be held here the fiist Wednesday in December next. The paper will bo of interest to every praclicioncr in Ibis couuty and it is to be desired that as many as possible will attend the nicotine;. Shut The Door. You hear it con- .antly. People feel the draught's but they never think of the over drafts upon ature which impair the digestive organs, and makes the use of Simmons Liver Reg ulator necessary to effectually move the liver lo action, and aid the digestive and assimilative powers of the body. The Regulator is the medicine for all disorders of the stomach. Try it and be convinced. Married. Mr. P, W. Squire and Mrs. A. F. Whitehead were united in the holy bonds of matrimony yesterday after noon nt Green Plains, Va. Tho happy pair arrived here on the Atlanta Special and were tendered an elegant reception at the residence of Mr. P. N.Vtaiuback last night. The bride's sifters, Misses Minnie an J Kale Drewery, accompanied them to Weldon. We extend our congratulations and wish them a long life of happiness. Fine Stock For Sale. Mr. II. S. Harrison, of Medoc, offers to every lover of liuc stock an opportunity to purehus some really fine blooded colts, fillies and br jod mares. He is overstocked an J oilers to dispose of a portion of iho valuable stock on his farm at Meduc to make room and every one desiring to possess improv od, registered stock should give him a call at once. The opportunity is i.ffcred right now and you should embrace it before the lot is disposed of. New Stoke Anew broom sweeps ilean, and a new store will always draw custouicis. In this csuneclloo we take pleasure iu calling attention to the new clothing and furnishing store of M. Fred- landir, at Mrs. Uiggerslaff's old stand in the bottom, lie has a good stock and correct prices. He offers souio very great bargains iu overcoats and suits aud an inspection of his stock isinvited. lie car l ira shoes, bats, and other goods and will sell as close as tho stringency of the times demand. Mad Dod. About three weeks ago dog on tho fatm of Mr. S. .. ltirdsong, who lives neur town, begun to act rather strangely aud bit his hand, but did not break the skin. The do" also bit twoolhcr dogs, a calf and a hog. In a short time the calf and the hog went mad, and would fight and bite utcvery object withiu reach. Mr. Biidsoug had the dog, the calf nod the bog killed. The two dogs which were bitten have not yet showed uny sigus of hydrophobia but they have been confined and it is more than probable that they will also go mad. There arc entirely too many worthless dogs in the county and a general dog killing would benefit the people generally. Services Sunday. Sunday was a pleasant day and all the churches wcro well attended. The Baptist church held three services durins! the day, morning, ficrnoon and evening. A scries of meetings are goiug on and much interest is felt in them. Services are being held every night during the week. ltev.J. A. Green occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal church and preached morning and evening to good congregations. The ever ing service at tho Episcopal church were conducted by Rev. Mr. Von rbogart, of Rocky Mount, and a good congregation was present to take part in the services. A congregational meeting ffiil bo held in this church Sunday night, immediately after service, to which all are invited. Interrstinu MEsriNtH Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Wurrenton is assisting the pas. tor ma s on js ui in rt interesting meetiugs at the Baptist church this week. Mr. Taylor preached a potveiful seruiou Men day night. II it subject was, "the open dour." Tuesday night he chose for a sub ject, "the greatest question in the world," and delivered another very One sermon. Much intorost is being manifested and quite a number have signified by their actions that they desire lo turn away from the paths of sill Mr. Taylor will be here during the week an 1 a ci.r iial welcome is cxUnded to all ti in'ie pail in the vices. Davknimki- & MmiHH iiuong all the large grocery establishments ol Hi, h mond none can eclipse the firm whose name stands at the head of this article The name of Davenport k Morris is tower of strength and reliability. Every one acquainted with thetnJtuows that as to quality and prices they are hcadquar ten. Ample capital and a thorough knowledge of their business places them in a position to give lo the retailer goods absolutely pure and at the lowest mini mum of cost. We advise our friends give them a trial, feeling assured that they will be well treated. Candidates For The Pen. Throe tramps were arrested here, two white and one colored, charged wilh rubbing a freight car of shoes. The tramps came iu on a freight Saturday night and Sunday were .v teen with new shoes. Investigation reveal- ' ed the fact that a case of shoes had been k- Vokcn open. The two white men were Vrv Vested Sunday. The negro escaped into .the swamp, but Chief ol Police Day with hi? posse of men captured him Monday. They were taken before Mayor Gooch J .1 BAnt ,1.,,.., An n !,,. ..nn .... '- O jury, and now they arc candidates for the Boouenuary at tue prcsvui turw vi ihc Superior Court. V - i many A. Saks & Co. "No other house over did ever can or over will offer such sterling values," is the motto of Rich mond s great oul fitters, and its true Their splendid establishment is crowded daily with busy shoppers, and every one receives the most polite attention. The manager of the Richmond hou w is Mr, Cans aud in all the world a better selee tion could not possibly have been made. It is a real plcasuro to meet gentlcmon of bis style, and visitors to the Old Do minion's beautiful oapital should not fail to visit the beautiful store of Saks & Co They have one price for all, and that the very lowest. - A CHILD ENJOYS The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when need of a laxative, sod if tho father mother bo costive or bilious, the most vratifying results follow its use; so that it d known, and An Kast India Lecture. Rabbi John Sirgius, a native of East India, lec tured iu (he Methodist chuicli hero last Thursday night on the customs and habits f tho people of that distant land. His lecture was humorous and while the audience, which was very cultured and refined, could not understand tho broken English of the speaker very well, yet they enjoyed it immensely. lie gave a history of the "wild people wh live iu trees," the black Jews, the 'vbite elephant and the flying snakes. He aiso give a song in lliudoo aud Samurian language in can- e'.iwon, which we suppose was very good His work is iu the interest of orphan children of his uativc land, anil a collec li m was taken up for their benefit. Mr. Sergius, or Rabbi John Sergius, hashun- dreds of testimonials from well known ministers all over the country, and very highly spoken of. Unclaimed Letters. The follow ing is a list of letters remaining dead in the postoflice at this plaee : C F Mahuke (2), G F Merritt, Miss Hester Robards, Mrs. liottio Thompson, Stanford Thompson, Simon Woodworth Pollice William", Nathan Walton, E Ward, Mason Williams, Jesse Williams Miss Lizz'u Young, Joe Steuchman. G F SoiiUi, Virginia Stith, G D Sledge, Frauk Smith, Barney Smith, Melisia Simmons, Ellen Smith, A R Spivcy, Fannie Pryatt Malise Pcinie, Geo Pigford, Luveniu Price, Fannie Price, Henry Pilte, Ave Nicholson (3), William Burgers, Mollie Little, Merrilt Lee, Henry Ling, Mary Johnson (2), Granville Jones, Willis Jackson, Haltie Jones, Mary Hand, Emi'ine Green, Emma Green, (2), C Gary, Phillips Edwards, D R Dew, T J Drewry, J W Cheaves (2), Peter Clandy W 11 Bows- r, Maitin Burris, Mary J Brown, Jack lilackwell, Etter Bordis, Carolina Burden, Win llndly. Rinhwood Notes. Our Ringwood correspondent scuds (he following items: Mr. C. A. Williams is still ahead iu tobacco. His manager, Mr. J. W, folei sold 4500 p lunds at au average of fifty cents per hundred. He is the bes( lo buojo raiser iu our midst, having made four crops iu su.'eesion without a single failure. Mr. II. S. II irrimu carried up six fine young horses tu Opium Williamson's blooded slock latin tlii. work. Tiny will command good pi te.a being of (be first stick. Ishaiu Jones, mi ol i colored in in and a former servant of the Into W. II. Jonea died here lust Thursday. He ui i po lite and accommodating mau and it is to be hoped he has entered the home of the blest. Rev. Gaslon Battle preached an elo :uent and impiessivo sermon at St. Clem- cnureu in inis piscc uisr cunuuy. BUTLER AT ENFIELD. HE SPEAKS TO A HMAI.L CROWD, AND INDULGES IN THE HAM E OLD AHUSE OK THE TWO IIREAT PARTIES. M arion Butler, the leader of tho Third party in this state, addressed a crowd of about one huudred and fifty at Enfield Thursday last. As leader of the (unionists, of course, there was more or less of abuso of the Democratic and Republican parties. Mr. Butler is a very good speaker, the only trouble is he is on the wrong side of the fence and it is very questionable if his party could give the desired relief wcro it in power. Lie argued in tuvor of the con trol of the railroads and tho other corpj rations by the people. He advised his hearers to pull out from the old parties and to stand by theplatform of tho new party which he said was the party of the people, and the true Jcffcrsoniun party. His speech was listened to with polite attcn tion by all, but it is doubtful if he made a single convert. The fact is the farmers of this county are fast learning that if they would be prosperous they must stay at home and raise supplies for their fami lies. The government will not put a grain of corn in their cribs or a pound of meat in their smoke houses. It is all well enough for politicians to speak, but it is infinitely better for the fanner to attend to the cultivation of his farm. Every one should have an opinion of his own, and we con demn no man because his political faith does not run in the same channel with ours, but the intelligent farmers of this county have heard speeches enough. They know how to vote and when the time comes they generally vote right. PERSONAL ITEMS. ABOUT TOWN BY OUR Rt PORTERS. Judge Hoke was in town Monday, Senator Ransom spent last Sunday Weldon. 11. O. Burton, Esq , of Raleigh, was in town Monday. Capt. It. B. Peebles, of Jackson, was in town Monday. Mr. W. P. Balchelor, of Raleigh, was iu tuwn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nowoll spent last Suuday in Raleigh. Capt Day went down to Norfolk Mon day on professional business. Mr. II. G. Roe, of Richmond, among ihe visitors here Sunday. Miss Kate Long has returned home from Chicago uud the World's Fair. Mi. J. M. Mulleu.of Petersburg. a'tending court in this county this week Dr. I. E Grecu lell Tuesday, for Raleigh to attend a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the peuiieutiary. Tub kaly dids have ceased to sing. The leaves are brown and sere, Tho wild goose now is on the wing, Old winter's almost hero. Prevention Is Better Than cun and those who are subject to rheumatism can prevent attacks by keeping the blood pure and free from the acid which causes the disease. You can rely upon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for rhcuuiuli ni and catarrh, also for every form of scrof ula, suit rheum, boils and other dis.as. t caused by impure blood. It tones and vilaliz '8 the whold system. Hood's Pills are easy aud gentle in iff el, SUPERIOR COURT. N HW ADVERTISE.M KNTS. JI IKIK IIVM M PRKSIDINll. TIIEIIItAND JURY AND OTHER MATTERS OF IN TEREST. The November term of the Superior Court for this county began nt Halifax Monday, Judge Bynura, presiding. The Judge did not arrive ut Halifax until three o'clock in the afternoon, con sequently jurors, witnesses and suitors tramped around iu the rain and mud lor many hours awaiting the arrival of His Honor, Judge Jiyoutu opened court immediately on his arrival, and proceeded at once to draw the grand jury, which is as follows : B. F. Tillery, foreman; W. T. King, J. II. Alsbrook, B. V. Butts. W II. Sykes, W. B. Boseinan, T. C. Jen kins, George A. Stevenson, C. II. B. Huwerton, E C. Warren, J. II. Pair, L. E. Griffin, L Vinson, Anthony Hoek- oday, J. II. lleptinstall, W. T. Herbert, G. W. Petitt and E II. Davis. The Judge's charge to the grand jury, was plain, clenr and forceful. Ho told the grand jury that he would not talk to them for the sake of hearing himself talk, that what ho would say would be brief and to tho point, und that when he said a thing he would not repeat it. Ho reminded them of their duty iu regard to examin ing the county jail, said that nine out of ten giand jurys would report a jail in good condition when really it was not. He wanted the grand jury before him to do their duly. If the jail was not in proper order present, the jailor, if ho was le sponsible; if the sheriff was responsible present him, and if the county commis sioners are responsible, present them. He pointed out their duty in all presentments and in examining witnesses in all eases The Judge consumed about an hour in his charge and immediately after the grand jury retired, court adjourned until Tuesday morning. Tuesday morning court met at niue and half o'clock, and tho following cases were disposed ol: James Hedgepcih, assault aud battery, guilty. J. W. Green and Cathcrino Hedge- peth f. and a. not guilty. Capt. W. II. Day appeared for the defendants and So licitor White represented the State. Tho most important case which was called Tuesday was that of the State vs. Isaac A. Sugg, Jr , for the killing of M. H. James ut llobgood last June. Young .Suig, who is still in knee panls, was ar- raiguel und plead not guilty. The case attracts much attention, owing to Ih promineuce of the families. The boy' father, Col. I. A. Sugg, is in court with his son. Copt. V. II . Day and Mr. W. A. Dunn will appear for the defendant and the State will be represented by tin.1 Solicitor A special venire of fifty men have been summoned and the case will be called to day at 1 0 o'clock. sis! ( cfes fc"t I 'AS Tliroitt. Fulil by c'.i l.-"i;-ti en a int-tv. lor a Lame Side, II.k t. cr Ciict !:.'. -ii'i Pr'j-. Plnater willgivjret a. i- f.-.-i :oii.---7 CSlH.i, Mrs '1'. 8, IliiwkiDS.ChiiltiK.ni'nrtin.rtys hiluh'n Vitalize ;tAVHl) .TV J il'tl 1 cnmddtrilthbbfA remniiifnro.ih jii.'i'rr'.Vs'wVin evfrnnrd.' Fr lr;h ,i-,a. i.ivcr ur jxiiiucy trtmUu it cuceU 1'iioe 73 ti H I LO H S '4 C &7A H R ?J V"J a - lliiyeynutntfirriiy Tiyf .'. Lit ii, Itwii! -I! positively vnlli'-.L' iikI ('id This Intt'rtor lor u ut i n-v ul ir i tm.-m i .HnMiVlf.'M.i-il: :: ;i KuU.-.hu'hMi. M. COIIKN, Weldon. N. C. ttuntsht'O ftite. Id riit'iniir m Bold ou a cuitrtuiif.-. t , w. Eor sale by jan I J, ly. Ohas. C. Alley, 5 NEW ADVEKTISEMUNTS. p - co 1 P CO p era Ui s m z w c H 0 Mr. V. M. Warren represents the firm and will visit Wcltlon anil its vicinity ree- uhirly. oet 111 I y. P. F. JOHNSON & CO., Manufacturers anil Dealers in cnt c Miss Mamie Wyche, one of Rocky Mount's charming young ladies, has been visiting Mrs, II. S. Harrison. The slave to Tobacco or Opium need no longer despise himself for his woHk ness Hill I Chloride ol Uolil t ablets will break his chains and make him a free man. All druggists sell them. Tub Thanksgiving turkey now begins to roost high. Several pieces of carpeting at cost, The M. F. Hart Co. Big bargains in clothing ThfOl. P. Hart Co. HOW TO TELL IT. I In order to loll a genuine 2.') cent piece the following should be U'liiccd; Thr geuuinc 2Tu has thirteen stars, thirteen It (ten ill the scroll held in the eagle's beak, thiilei n marginal fculhcrs iu each wing, (bit Icon lull feathers, ihirleeu par il'e! lines in I be shield thirteen huii l mtal burs, thirteen arrow heads, und thirteeu letters in the words "iuarter dollar." HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred llollars Reward fur any case ol Catarrh I hat cauuot b cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ir. J t'lllvM'.Y K LU., 1'rops. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and beli.'vc luiu perfectly honora ble in all, business (rausaotions and fi nancially able to carry out any obligation made by lh-ir umi. West ifc Truax, Wholesale Druggisls, Toledo, 0. U aiding, Kiunan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Obis. Hall's Catarrh Cure is laken internal ly, aett directly upon Ihe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. l&.Sold by all Druggists, 5o. Testimonials free, How sad to our hearts are some. scenes of cur ebidhood, lis our recollections present them lo view; The use of the switch that was lirouidn from the wildwood, And various punishments most of us knew. Put saddest of all is the thought of tl C pillbox, That mother brought out when she thought we were ill, 0 ! the griping, the aching, the twisting and turnout Wrapped up iu the horrible old fash- loucd pill. lut (Hal s all done away with. Joregu late the stomach, liver and bowels, Dr. rierct s 1 diets excel. ou II cxpcneucc no pain, no Utsoouilort, no bad results Childien lake them as readily as pepper- limit ilmis Its thousands ol cures are Ihe best ad veitiseiui nts for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Item edy. 50 cents; by dmggists. Way up the saline river Hear that mournful sound; Again the democrats ale gathered, Timing ou tho old e.uiip ground. PETERSBURG, VA. GO ''i . o ' r Ui w I P s rt- 3 O rt-P- o p o H M P P 3 t"1 U O 2 Trunk, Satchel, and all kinds of IIOKSI; Fn.NKSlllXii (i(K)I)S, loll Syeaiuui't' Si , IVtcrsbitrK, Va-Orilt-rs 1y m:iil sulicituil unit iweive prnni)t jhtsoikiI iiUcnlmn. mv '2 1 v. I'KTKItSlil'W;, VA. KI.KCTUIC UdHTsS. KLKCTK1C HKI.LS ACCOMMODATION Duo. II. C. LASill.IIY, Proprietor, lale of Ev en-It, Pa. Now everybody believes that no other house DOES EVER WILL-scll such STEliUXd QUALITIES at such low prices as we quote- 1 Saks & k Kiclmionii, Ya. ou wouliln tknow your feel in a pair ofmir stylihh Shoes HANAN'S, or one of the other uoud makes we control. Can't he satil;K'tion without comfort. WE The only first class hotel in Ihe city. Commercial rates, $:i.."ill per day. O. W. HOI.I.IXO.SWOKTII, Chief Clerk. "W. IYI. HABLISTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CAUPKTS, HTOVKS, and Mattres-ieH, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, IIAr.I.I(sTON CO, No. '20 N- .Sycamore St., lYIcrslinrg, Va. Ill '.'li ly. E. CLARK. -When iu Want of- ft ADVKUTISKMKNM. COMPOUND. A rt'wnt discovery lr an M jihyak'ttin. Ainvi .trultf tifi'ii luonfh'i thmnamlt cf -.! , fii-d, Ih Hit-only iorficHT dftfo r.wi rcltntilo tiiciltftnn illsoov pro J. ltowari'of imi rhu'Uil.'J (!riilta Who mti r tnlorlur (noOli'fiiPt In place of thl. A le fov Cook's Outtos ItooTCi'Brnrnn, tnk-r mi vhtitite, or lUeliwuSlnml U cuita )ii itostfitfe In letter, and we willPt'tul, nonlcd, liy rotnrn mull, lull Boitlii rnrtkiulri laflula involopn, tu 1U1 only. U 8tnmi. AtldiuM INmiiI lilly CnmnAnv. No. 8 t utu-r Ulyck, Di-irvlt, Uicb. jte-Sokiin Weldon by W. M. Cohen druggist. my y At the lowest nnees be sure to exauuue uiv vlock. vhith us rouinlett! in cvwry department, of the bent quality at the most reasonable iirieea. am kiuus ui LIQIHUS nlwayx on hand. K. Ci.AKK, Weldon, N. C oct2ti !y. The uiulersieneil liavine this d.iv quuli flnl bi l'oa- tho clerk ol theSiipirior court ol MiililHXisiunl.v as administrator ol Wil liam W. Hull, (leecased, herehy nolilies all nersolis luivine claims ai;ainst Ihe estutu ol' his intestate lo exhihit them duly au thenticated to him hv the 1st d.iv of Octo. iH-rlMM. J. T. OOOt'll. Ailinr. William W. Hall. UVIiInn, N r , s,.,t. r. h, Wt !-7 lit. H ADVKUTISKMENTS. 0W TO MAKE. MONEY 00 to- 1 Buchanan Eros the Jevcl is, and they will tell you juat how they do it, and remember, you can do it, too. When ynu are in tbeir Htore don't fail to look around at their beautiful stock of WATCH KH, CLOCKS, WKDDINU aud ENUAUKMEXT KI.VGS, etc. etc. Then if your eyes (jet tiled and need Home glasses, remember you can get fitted right there, without extra charge by a practical optician. IsUCHAIS AN IiKOS.( lilt Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. oet. 10 ly. F. il. Stainback, (J. T. Cooch's olil stauil) WELDOU, 1ST. O. Dealer in MERCHANDISE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION 30 you can count on comfort, quality and style. CALF, COKK SOI.EM, PATENT LEATK- Eliand heavy lil'SSETS. Our prices duu't "lirKT uny inore'u our shoes do. First Hour. lietter to pay ua HO forau Overcoat than to a tailor. Our finest are $35 a tail ors price for them would frighten you. A lot of Knee Pants to-day, 'Jite.; regular (ie. (jiulity. A. Saks & Co. General Just receiveil full line Dry (Simla, Notions, uoou, Mioes, lints, taps, urocenes, To bacco, Cigurs, Snuff, Furniture, Cooking Stoves, Uuggies, Wuiions, Koad Cnrt, New Home and Domestic Sewing Machines. fcaTZicgler'saiici Bay State She.- for la dies, Men aud Children. These ccleinted shoes aro always reliable and I guarantee . every pair TO GIVE ENTIKE SATIS FACTION. I invite Inspection of my ito.'k, feeliug assured I can please both in Augustus Wright -WIIOM-.SAI.E- THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, lnAllMlunk si., Nurfulk, Vs. Lirge stock of ilumtmrnts and Gramtuutt, ftc. i Ready for immediate shipment Designs free. 11 2 ly MM rn mm AM. M A M BUI NO STOCK No. 3119, FOR SALE! AND LEATHER, 16 Sycamore St., PETERSBURG, VA. AU orders receive prompt personal atten tion. 10 10 1; No trouble to show goods. Stock before Buying. Look at ou WOODEN AND METALLIC COFFINS AND CASKETS. Peter W. Squire, of Northampton coun ty au Hiu-vey L. Hinea, of Halifax coun ty are with me and will be pleased to see and serve their many frieuds. Thanking my frieuds for their liberal patronage in the past and Soliciting a coo- , tiuuauceof the same, I am yourt to com- . mand, P. N. STAINBACK. : : : 1 t,jr?iiai i MEIIOC, N. C. Ou account of being overstoeked, I will sell to make room, sis 2 year old Bllis and 12 Yearlings liy All-Mambrino, No. 3119 all out of good fast marts, 6 good brood mares in foal or subject to service. Also 8 GOOD MULES Young and old, but souud and all right. For particulars address H. S. HARRISON, Medoc, Halifax Co., N. C. 1 . D M CTAIllDllt t.. .-sj . i . oi niWDWIV, r... .. DEALER IN COOKING & HE A TING STOVES Manufactured by ' RICHMOND STOVE CO. ' We invite particular ttnlia to til impiored NEW LF and Nf.W f ATEOK. They an the beet made. Call os or aildrr m all orders to '.' VeWon, S, ' ' -

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