'III JOHN "W. SLEDGE, pkowuktoil VOL. XXIV. A. EEWSPAPEB IP O JZ, THE P E O IP L IE WELDON, X. C., THURSDAY, NOVKMHEIt 30, 1893. TEliMSl-SIM W AN A I'M I.N ADVANCE. NO. 35. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stomach Troubles Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Biliousness ARE SPEEDILY CURED By the use ol AVER'S Cathartic Pills A frictul spunks through tlio Hootlv bay (Me ) Unji.ilcr, of the beneficial res :!ts h hut riwivetl from a regular use of AYER'S I'lllb. Ifosiiys: "I hiw feeling Nick ami tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. 1 tried a iiiimlicr nf remedies, but none seemed to give me any relict' until ' was induced tn try the old reliable AYEH'S Tills. I have tak-i, only mm Ikix, but I feel like a new man. I think they are the must pleasant and easy tn take of any thing I ever used, being so fin-Oy siig.ii'-ciiiitetl that even a child will take them. I urgo iimi all who arc in need nf a laxative tn try AYER'S Pills. They will do gontl." "For four years, 1 wa. iilllicic! willi liver (n:npl:iii:t. The best physi cians in the country lii'ing uiiuMo to relit ve me, 1 was advised to try AYER'S rills. I ditl an, au I Relieve my liver U iinv in a perfectly healthy condition." M. .1 aiiiiixi,, i ropiietur uf Jarrell's Hotel, High Point, Guilford Co., X. ('. "I have been the victim nf tlyspep :a and rheumatism for years, so bad that my hands are ciipi led, mul I sufii-r periodically, from severe headaches. Until lately when I'n-.-a' licadai lies came on, 1 was obliged to give up work, I have tried ninny medicines, hut without any benefit, until about ear ngo, I I cgau inking A Yl'.li'S Cathartic Tills regularly, And now I estion in greatly iniprnved, the headaches virtually cured, andmygS, . i health better than fur years." Mra. Emma McCabty, Colon, St. Joseph Co., Mich. "I was relieved of sick headache in a very short time after having taken AYER'S Cathartic Pills." Kiinkkt (iin.Luui), 21 (South street, San Antonio, Texas, Ayer's Cathartic Pills Prepared by Dr. J. 0, Ayor Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective P UUUtt SHI 11 GARWOOD'S EXTRACT, mcirs TRIPLE, VIOLET WAT Kit, WOODWORTIl's FLOUIDA WA TEll, AND SACHET POWDER. -New Line of STATION ERY Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small 1MSOFIT. ACCURACY w P o s H u to w Oh J5 m a s a o .m M M Q PIJEITYI Stag Brand Prepared A Iwrgn I Paints. Stuck'of Pure White Lead & Linseed oil. I.ANMtKI'H'H I'll sell paints at s (JAR UK. X very small margin. SKKP j THE CITY CHOIR. HY CY. WARM AN. I went to hcjir tlie city ehnir; The HiimiiuT night whs still, I lieiinl the muni.- mount tins Kpirfi, Tiiry Himg: "He'll bko the pil" "I'm on! I'm on!' the tenor cried; And lookcrf into my fare; "My journey lmine, my journey liome," Wan ln-Howe-l liy thuliuMt, "It is lor tho-It U for llif " Khrieltnl the Mopraim m1.m11. I knew not why llity looked at me, And yelled "He'll lake the pil" Then clutching wildly ut iHy timini, Oil Heaven! My heu't nIwh, utill; "Yes, yet," I fried, "il" tliat bent, Yo powers! I'll take the pil" As I hull' limiting reached the door, And saw the starry dome, I heard Ihem Hinging: "When lifo is o'er He'll tiike the pilgrim lunuo." DISAPPOINTED GIRLS. TEE PLACE TO GET EDRUQS f.lEDICIfiES - -AT TIIK- LOWEST PKICES, IS A.T DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFEEll'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE R. K. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS, rFBKSCBXFTIOH DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH TBI BEST SELECTED MATERIAL. "W PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY. STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, r th.it ' Remember th.it ' BITS OF TRUTH. NOME TIIOIdllTS HUM N WtllUll II BAUT. MOM THE RAM S l.OIMll.NlJ IN THE God pjicaks in the lifo of every good man. Yuur most deadly tin is the onu jou love must. Kvcry man who knows Gotl well does something to curiuli his race. The American Sabbath is a jirullj' good tiling to have in the family. The rial cross of Christ luuks heavy, but it is always light, Wcakutss is a likwio'' when it causes us to trust inure in Uud. "Tlio fjuli.vf .css of ,reaehii)" and luoli.ili j.reaebinj; are not the same thin Theie are church members who call kvruin the ten cotuiuaDdiurnts uuiii'' to cilremcs. There are communities in which Solo mon would not have received any credit fur his wisdom. Xo man will ever treat his brother as he should do himself until ho loves him as he dues himself. The sin that thines has as much death in it as the une that dues nut. The devil has always been afrai j of the maa whu ould praise nd in the dark. The devil has never belli able to find out how to make a prison strung cnuugh to huldune of tii'd's children. There is nut much drawing power in the Christianity of people who gu through life shaking hands wilh two lingers. The moment a man beeias lu see liiui sulfas Oud sees him, he riups lalkii g about hypocrites in the church The man who is nut willing to be good is mi enemy uf (Jod, no mailer how much he goes lu church. The li i o ll vu is dning all for God thai he cau d.i mil boon be a'jle to do mole than Le does du. People who are right wilh Gud nem pent much of their time in looking fir black fepots on others. The man has to light for his life who undertakes to tell other men great truths that ihey do nut know. Kind a sin that the Hiblo is not op posed lo before you undertake to prove thai il is not the wurk of Gud, In the midst of life e are in danger o!' losing all uur earthly possessions. Get a mortgage on Heaven. Seest thcu a man who 'a mean to his will? i-atan i!l not be injured much by what he says in church. Km ry .sinner reasons lliat if (here is happiness in i he heari, ihero ought to Lc s Hue sunshine in the face. Kviry lime a sluue is thrown straight at the devil it is sure to hit some promi nent man nj'iai e in l lie face. The devil will slay all day if you an swer hiiu back, but stnke at him with (iod's word ami he wi I lieu at unco. When a man di.-cuvcrs I li.it I here is something wrung in his heart ho has begun lo liud out that he needs Christ S.I MICMOUIKS. ".Madam," said the tramp, "take back yer loaf of bread. I ml urn it unbroken." "What's the mattei?'' "It brings back too many sad memories. I can't tech it "Docs it," she asked, gently, "make you think ol the bread your ui ilher ucd to bake?" "No'ui, It makes me think of when I was doin' time on the rock pile." Washington Mar. Ilucklen's Arnica nlve. Thii best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Sores, ulecrs. salt rheum, fever sores, teller, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pusi lively cures piles, or uu pay iwuind. It is guaranteed lu give perfect salbfactiou, or money refmudrd. Price 25 cenls per h" For sale by Win. Cohen. " " ' V Pcsi'SOlm ate broken or hotwoliolil cares, tutors Unbuilds the : "entttvM cxewa of bile, '. the genuine. TIIF.V It EM A IN ON EAII'I tl, TIUHOH THEY EXI'I.m:i Tii HE TIIANH.ATEIl TO HEAVEN. Chicago dispatch, Hh. Thirty live girls were grievously dis appoint! d on Sunday. For nine weeks liny fondly expecled lo he translated from earth to heaven in a body, but the ascent did nut come off according to expnelatirins. The event was lu have taken place en Sunday fn in Hyde Park. At 5,187 Madison avenue there slands a lit tie chtich, the pastor of which is the Hev. 0. II. Larson. He is a Swede, and the small congregal inn is made up of that nationality, Swedish servant girls piedomiualirg. The Members if the cengrrgalious call thems'lves the"Children of God." It is in this church that for the past nine weeks a small company of fam!ic have aliu ist literally "prayed without ceasing." According to the peculiar doctrines of this church, its inuubcis are the chosen people of God, and Sunday was fined upon as the millennium, for it was tho day on which ihey were to leave the world and pass lo eternal felicity. Accordingly the members of ihe con gregalion prepared themselves for ihe great event. On Sunday moruing early thirty live Swedish girls assembled in Parson Larson's church fur the expected ascent. They knew not tho hour, but they were certain the event was to occur, and they waited patiently and rcveieutly fur it. All day long and far into Ihe night they sat in prayer, waiting lo be called away, but the call iiovir came. Tired out at last ihey left tho church a disappointtd company, but still linn in the faith 1 1 tat they would yet be called lo heaveu at no distant day. GIANTS ON THE PLANETS. THE SIN OF FRETTING. 1IKI.E hunt's famoi-h LITTLE SER MON ON THE SI llJEI T. MKIIITV .IlIl'ITEft WHOSE DIAMETER. IS EI.EV1N TIMES THAT OF THE EARTH. Our most eminent astromers do not pretend to give in ex ict reckonings on the great floating worlds outside of our own sular system, but within that mon aggregation everything has been reduced to certainty. The kingpin, of this solar system is Jupiter, "mighty Jupiier, the colossal giant of all I he suu kissed worlds." His diameter is about SS,0llfl our miles, biing about eleven tiiu-s that id' our own globi the circumference 27f,000 miles at ihe equator, which would give the giaut a volmu exceeding that of the earth by 1.2S 1 times. Were it possible, says the St. Louis Republic, to bring the earth and .lu, iter together ihat ihe dislanec separaiing llieai would he lit great ;r than lh.il which now s 'per ites the e.u lh froai the nitiun about 5111,000 miles what a woudoroiis sight would be in store for the re-i loirs of our little globe The world of Jupiier would appear tu us to have a diameter forty limes larger ill in ill it of our UMial uiigliiy alt, mlanl. and ihe sur face of his disk Would occupy a space greater than that of III full moons. And this giaut of plai.ela is removed from the sun by a distance of ll)l!,0Oi),00J miles; has an orbit of m ire than 1,000, 000,000 miles in extent, and nukes a a circuit of iti c'les'.i.il track oneo every 1,1132 days. Tluu it will be seen that a year on Jupiter iseiinl to eleven years ten months and seventeen days on our globe. The imniensiiy of the world ol Iiipileranditsorbit may be approximately measured by this comparison: lu order to complete its or'nit in the lime given ah ive it must speed around the sun wilh a velocity of "00,000 miles a day, or a little more llian eight miles pur seeonl MMOS OV Tltl'TII. There is one sin which it seems to uto is everywhere, and by everybody is un il resiimaled and ijuile too much over looked in valuations of character, It is as common as air, as speech so common that unless it rises above its usual mono tone we do not even observe it. Watch any ordinary coming trgcthcr of people and we see bow many minutes it will be beloru somebody Irels lhat is, makes more or less complaining statement of something or other, which most probably everyone in the room or the ear or on (he slrcct corner knew before, and which most probably nobody can help. Why say anything about il? It is cold, it is wet, it is diy, suuiebody has broken an appointment, ill cooked a meal; stupidity or bad faith somewhere thas resulted in discomfort. There are plenty of things to fret about. It is limply astonishing how much annoyance and discomfort may be found in Ihe courte of every day's liviug, even at the simplest, if one only keeps a sharp eye out on (hat hide of things Kveu Holy Writ says we arc burn to tumble as sparks fly upward. Hut even lu I he sparks flying upward, in the black -t of smoke, there is a blue sky above, and the less liuie they waste on the road the so .uer they will reach it. Fretting is all time wasted on the road. Helen Hunt. PROUD FATHER. ItKMCS IN THE WAlt OFFICIO The Philadelphia Leader says lhat there is an old clock in the ofliee of ihe Secretary of War which ii ihe only piece of furni ure that was there wlo n Jt flersun Ilavis was Secretary of War 10 years ago under President Franklin Pierce The clock, which is a tpci iim n of what was in style in the way of mantel lime pieces during the empire, is eovi red by a glass case antl slill keeps pci feet lime. Over the mantel on which it stands is another glass case containing ihe flag that was wrapped arouud Lincoln's casket on the solemn march from Washington to Springfield, Illinois, in IRO.'i. A shout si;ntknck. Mr. Justice Maul once addressed a phe notnenon of innocence as follows. "Priso ner at the bar, your counsel thinks you innocent; the counsel for the prosecution minus you innuceni; 1 think you mou nt. Bui a jury of your own counirymcu, in the exercise of stieh comni in sense as they pofsess, which does not seem to bi much, have found you 'guilty,' and it re mains that I should pass upon you llic s-ntcnee of law. That seiilclee is, that you be kept in imprisonment for one day; and, as that day was yesterday, you may now go about your business." I delight to do Thy will," is the lan guage of the heart in full syuipalhy with d. There is more lhaii dutiful obedr encc in the Christian life; there is the fullness of joy in doing what is known to be the will of Him whom we love. THE (H'lT CATIONS OF A SOUTHERNER AMI Ills 1IIHEKSONS. No airbrake has been invented whieb is powerful enough to arrest the progress of the influence of a human deed. Parenttil affection does not always sec things as they are, but ralhtr as ihey onht to be. The Atlanta Constitution reports a bit of conversation between two men who had formerly been close neigh bors. "All your boys turned out well, did ihey?" "Ves, I reckon ihey did." "What's John doing?'' "lie's a ctirin' of fever iu Texas." "AudDiek?" "He's eniargiu' of a Country news paper an' acjllccliu' of subscriptions." "And William what's he doing?" "He's a preaehin' of the gospel an' splitiin' rails fer a livin." "And what are you doing?" 'Well, I'm a stippijrlin' of John au I lick an' William." 1'AICKNTAIi CAUi:. Million I'rletiils. A friend in need is a friend indi old n a less than one million people have louiiil just such a Iriend in lr. Kings New Discovery fur consumption, coughs. nd colds. II you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will convince you lhat it has wonderful eura tive powers in all diseases uflhruat, chest and lungs, hach bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottle free at Win. Cohen's drut.' store. Large bottles 50c. and ?1.00. -- - , Senator Perkins, of Calif ruin, at tributes his popularity to his habit of asking every man he meets for the time of day and selling his ownwalth to con- erm to the information thus received. One, result of the practice is, however, lhat be can never tell anyone else the correct lime. Hare you an agej father or niolhei? If so, love and honor them. Be sure that they are pr nidi d wilh "i ry thing to make lit in ei'iiil'orlsblc ai:d happy. Do not for get lhat in years gone by, win li ym were unable to care for yourself, ihey did for wlnil yon should now do for lloni Tiny watched over you wilh a tender affection known only lo paicnls. Would it nol be iingriliful if jou fail to reeij ro c ite lhat affeetioti and care so generously bestowed upon you? lleuiember you are growiug old, and the time will come too soon when you will be in a posiliou to re- e. ive what your duty (in the abseuco of affection even) requires you to do for theso responsible for your existence. There is no effort you can make which will give such an abundant return if satis faction has a value as the care for aged parents. We have no respect for a man or woman who nesleots his or her aged parents. HITS OF Pt'INTEl) WISDOM FROM THE COLUMNS 01' THE HAMS 110 K N Work for eler oily mast rest ou a solid basis. Wlun you feel weak, think huwMiong Chi iit is. When the hear! ami flesh fail, God's opportunity has come. There is gospel in the right kiud uf a handshako. No earthly duly can lake the place of duty lo God. Take off your gloves when you shake hands for Christ. Many people get into a fog by niistak ing double for religion Deserving 1'ralse. We desire lo say lo our citizens, lhat for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for eonsumplion, Dr. King's New life Pills, Ilucklen's Arnica Salvo and Klectric Hitters, and have never haudled remedies lhat sell as well, or that have giveu such universal satis faction. W e tl i not hesitate to guarantee them every lime, and wo aland ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not IMIow their use. These uicdiciucs have won their greal popularity purely on their merits. It'ui. Cohen drugists. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use I BROWN'S IRON BITTERS .SMART MEN." l'arsou Twain, in Atchison Globe. I have heard of smart men all my life, but I nevi i k new oue. Occasionally li i l one who promises to be small, but he finally does something to cuuviuco me that he ii a fool like the rest of us. Every little while a young mau is pointed out tome who is said lo be very promising, and 1 watch him, hoping tu know a smart man, but he drills into the ways of his father and makis tho luislakes common to other men. I don't believe it was ever intended lhat there should be any smart men. The hi d who occupy the disiiir guUhcd positions ure found on exaiiiina. t i i ii to be exactly like other men. When they are playing seven up they stand when they should have begged; ihey marry the wrong woman and make invest ments lhat they should not have made. As soon ns a great man loses his great po sition he becomes a town loafer, unless ht hides himself at homo. If there aro any smart men they have kept out of my way. I'OK OVKK I'lKTV VEAlt Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup Iiiib been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, wilh perleet sucucss. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twcaty five coots a bottle. Be euro and ask fur "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,-' and take no other kind. may 25 ly ADVKIITISKM F.NTS. CONSTIPATION Is called t tip "Father of Diseaf.og." It is caused by n Torpid Liver, and is generally tuwoiiipunied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and a tonic to the digestive organs. liy taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife mj sorely i!ilrewd with Constipa (ion anil coughing, followed wilh lileedinu Pitel. After four inonihs use of Nmmons Liver Regulator he i almost entirely relieved, gaining strength nd flesh." W. li. Lhbpbii, Lttlaware, Ohio. Take only the Genuine, Which has on Ihe Wrapper the red 85 Tnslt. ot mark and Signature ol J, H. ZEIUM OOf Sclentiflo American Agency for rx let;-' v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Groccncs I. L !. B. I now occupy tho liriek Pi re hetweeo 11. C. t I'lKltSanil C. L- (LARK'S. I utu receiving and opening a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. I will Let-poi) band a select id stock of GntcerieH, Fruits. Coufrctioneru, Cigars, Tulmcco, Snuff, Womlun aiid Willow Ware, Crockery, (ilasa, Tin Ware, etc , etc. I will sell at tlie CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS). Mo. jror innrmancn una rme Ilnndbooi write tn MliKM ro.. Hiiimuat, New York. Olilest l.nrnsu for BCcurlnir iiateots In America. Krcry ati'iit talum out ly un Is brntiirlit before luciiiioltu by u uulioo tflTeu fr&aoi charge luliiei Larnost dmilaMnn of nny icientlflc paper lo th wrrii. t-!.lBii liill7 HliiiitraUjil. No lot d lineal mnu ;-Iimilil bo wilttout It. Weekly. XOO ft rvart !..V,plz niniith-i. Aiidmii Al!NN & OO- rLiiUtuut.s 301 Unpawns, Han iurk City. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., I'dcrsourj: CD iiAl ADV K imSEM7!NlT,, " I cf z m Miriam , u cuniii IV Ywa R W. m U WW t-M tL K m 1 ul ho return my sincere thanks to my many friends and ftciuaiutanccs for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit a continuance or the same, with guarantee to please. Very Kespeetfully, J. L. oct 1!) 6m. JUDKINS. Weldon, N. C. THE S 6 CD 0 I Stn. MsolaMy Pure A cream of tartar hakinj; powder. Iijihent of nil in leavening strength. Latent U. S'. Guctrmneut Fuml Report. ItoVAI, liAKlNtl 1'OWDEB Co., IDG Wall St.,N.Y. ITHECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, HI, lilt St 111 llmik at., Norfolk, Vu. Lugo slock of Munumnitt ami (Iravntuw, etc., Heady for immediate tliiuuieut Dceigne free. 1121y Is Li west cash prices iuarunteeil. All work warranted salislaetery. CHAliLKS M. WAIaSlI. oot 11 ly. DJVS $ CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 4'i Sycuniort! at., Telei-suing, Vu, TOBA.COOS. Our Npciul limniU of Kluiir: Otll.I) MRDAL FANCY PATH NT, DIXIE PATENT, (I KM PATENT, UAUVE'T QUEEN, SNOW DliOl. sill The first of American Newspaper", CuAiu.Ks A, Dana, EJiior. The American Constitution, the Amer ican Idea, the American Soiiil. These first, last, and all the time, forever. THEfSlvSUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in tho world. By mail, $2 a year. Price 5c. a copy Daily, by mail, $11 a year. Daily and Sunday, by mail, $3 a year. The Weekly, tMeyear. Address, THE SITUS!", New York. 1 oct 4 ly li.Eki.in .'mi' lir.V",,.,,1(.!l'1'.. li.diEi.a Vrnf, ......in-. I ol .iiti .il,ir t rt?( nrr , ton. lud. I" v i I -I Ii i. I.. . ii" liu.iii I .1 iti.' ou wrtllta ,va? If yN iii'cit I, wllo ii.) lnt)llrai n.l-iilan tvgfm tu-dsy. I .t.hi.Im jou mj i". EwrvousJ Irrtjkc lo brkrlj 'raU nr fair It trtHllacnl xtioo f slltiir sit, Mbo an ftsd tad uitr, Bii.l wiii, tfirr tntlrw(lo, -iii wtn tnuut ni.HuIy, huw tc nm IhrM I tuM. TSST in ItMlf owt KxnllilfE, wlm t rr tbf Uv. 1 "ill skMi funilsl th4 ittiiBikia m i aru tl xt siii ou at I sliur mu(1iIu nnj i-i.HTss.alU-ib ! sua. .iilili.l tfrfflrult ,ln trmii, w N.sl quirsi wucb fsen aietrlft rtxnilr. 1 hattal, i-i-Milt tsi.ilii and ten,, Vl. il Hiili am. H7hirul largs llllltlt IrtllO tt All la k..oail,.f yu 'k V Millinery. -0 MY STOCK OK 0 FALL And WINTER Millinery. In srrlvtnR, end I will illnplny the flnoat line of t.ixH.soYL'r Biiowuiu nut, iuwu. uouie ana tlio NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. I1 GOOD GOODS at LOWEST ' PBIOES. tiayC'itll curly anrl avoid tlie mali. II. C. SPIEKS, Manager. FALL 00 Grand DUplay at TILLERY'S. FALL DRESS COODS. (wilh trimmiuKS to matvli.) In Rlack and Colon. Faitcjr weave tad Novelties. Pull Una of CLOTH I NO, If you cau'l net at in stock eaa have them made to order. It takes only 6 days to make a suit. AliiKlineuf HATH. All the latest UubliicHt rIvIm. HOOTS and SHOES orcvery deacriptloa fur every hotly. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS in endless variety. I aru alwava glad to show iroods and guarantee) lowest price. W. B. TILLERY, The Reliable House; . Weldon, N. C. Hi Dominion Pants MANUFACTURING CO. J. COHEN A SON, Proprietors, .A. LEWIS, Weldc, N. C. Cor. 8ycaaue and BcUiugbreslr, atreetsy Petersburg, Ta. ISoiiclts tradoofEtvstein CroUoa. . IkaTWe make pants in a)lgril.'. J' oct ID ly.

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