JOHU "W. SLEDGE, pkoprietor. VOL. XXIV. -A. lTESPAPER.FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1894. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Broken clear! Ij (long!! SKINj j LIFE I HI! MENTALi iwj I IsTROrJG SARSAPARlLLAg an Restored to Perfect Health By tlio use ol S Garsaparilla " I-'iir eight years, I was, most of t A, " "W li"' ti'i"'. 11 great milTcirr limn con. P 'Ah 3 h:il,!l,i""' k i;n- trnulilc, ami in.ll. B ,.i,"lKp "'. that in v (i.iisiitution v "iii'iiiii Hinhru mum. 1 was Inilii.Til tn try A V Kit's Sarsapiiiilla, ami took in'iii'ly seven bullies, wllli -micIi ex- i lent results that niv stomach. wi'ls, ami kidneys mv in perfect niiilitiiiii anil, in all their I'liiietiuns, :is regular as elm k-wm k. At tint .irs.i;i:irii!a. lay wiight wa.- only V2H m. Is, uml Has never in Koguixi health, sift it "sing, yn. i would want me for a , l.ll ami believe this inn. Smith, 312 Poplars!,, time I began takim; A Vi:i:'S : pounds, 1 now can brag lit' uo pi If you could see me befnp' ami tiaveling advertisement. 1 swear urution to lie the best in the market to-day." S. I Towanda, l'a. "I cannot forhear to express my joy at the relief I have nbtaine the use of AVER'S Saraapurilla. I was i.llliited with kidney t . for about six mouths, siilV.'riug greatly with pains in thesma . back. In addition to this my body was covered with a pimph e u; The remedies prescribed for Lie. by tie' ilortors did me mi gnoil. I begun to take AVER'S Sarsaparilla, a:nl alter wing two M:!. 1 felt like a different man the pains ceased and the pimples hive appeared. 1 advise every young man and woman, in any ruse h siefc resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing tin eje bo, to take AVER'S Saraaparilla." 11. I.ons Jakmann, lanor William St., New York City. Ayer's Sarsapariffa Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mae frlas cu ed others, will cure you 1 tP jIm UARWOOD'3 EXTIUOT, NACES TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, WOODWORTH'S FLORIDA WA TER, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of -STATION ER Y Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at o small PROFIT. ACCURACY PS W a o o a. TS a 9 .3 H W E m a g 33 W K PI w K n w l-l w o M m w i b w 0 CO PTJBITYI ihag Brand i'repared Paints. Pure White Lead & , Liuseed oil. I'll sell paints at a very small margin. A Large Stock of LANPUKTirS GA11DKN SEKD. THE BICYCLE GIRL. B V ALFRED ELLISON. Maud Mailer, on a Snnimcr day, Moanted ncr wheel anil rode away. But wIkh ghc looked to the far-off town Hit hopes went up ami her feet weutdown. Ami lier speed increased till the dust arose -bid Ailed lier hair and throat and aoso. Thus mil estate she hail hardly known She carried away and called her own. The Juclte walked slowly down the lane, StviDging his great, Kold-hradcd cane. Ami looked at the Knew, and (lowers and trees, TlirihupnK birds and thehumniintt bees. And watched the swallows skim anil ilip, Tilt the bicycle struck him amiilship. Then he stopped where the spring bubbled up. A little disfigured and doubled up. And when he came too he wondered wheth er, Lightning had struck him in such fair weather. Hisclothes were torn and his brand new cunc He held his shin while lie danced a reel, In a mazy whirl with the maiden's wheel. And somethiug he said about he'd be Mow ed If he didn't wish she'd staid ont of the road. He Bpoke of the things which the preachers say Are the sinners doomonthejudgmcntday, And Maud fargot her much torn gown And her piotnised trip to tho Or oft' town. And listened, while a sad surprise Looked out from htr beautiful hazel eyes. At lost, like one who couldn't stay, She mounted her wheel to ride away. Hut alas for maiden! Alas for Judge! She found the bicycle wouldn't budge. Her wheel in vain to spin it she turned While her cheeks like a tallow caudle burn ed. For the tire was off and the chain wasbrok One treadle was wound around a spoke. The Judge looked back us he climbed the hill And saw Maud M idler standing still. The proud man sighed with a secret pain For fear the thing would hit him again. Hut the lawyers smiled that afternoon To see him so sadly out of tuue. For they could not tell by a mile or so The pictures he saw come and go. And when the maiden drew her draft For damages done, the Judge he laughed, And drew his check and not his rein, Saying: "Far worse it miglithavc been." Hut it filled his heart and soul with awe When he tried to explain to his mother-in law. And when she spoke of the squandered gold He grew hot and she grew cold. Ah, well fur us that a husband's lies Aro as good as the truth in wood's eye, And in the hereafter angels may (Juit riding bicycles on the highway. ONLY A voice of the rapids had sliicken theiniTHK HEAVENLY MANSION. with terror. Without thought of herself Annie There is an Indian legend of a king sprang into the water. She was not an who resolved to build the most beautiful expert swimmer, but fortuuate!y the boat palace ever erected on this earth. To this was drifting near tho shore, and panting end he employed Jakoob, the builder, with exertion she managed at last to drag giving him a great sum of money and herself into it. Seizing the c irs, she be- sending him away among the Himalayas, gau pulling lor dear life against tho swift, there to erect tho wonderful palaco, out running tide. When Jakoob came to the place he found To her consternation she saw the boat the people there suffering from sore wus grudually lilliug with water. Her ad- famine and many of them dying, lie took ded weight was causing it to fill luster, the king's money and all of his own, and Hard as she might row, she was now just provided food for tho starving niulti barely stemming the current, and she tude thereby saving many lives. By and knew that it was only a question of a short by the king came to aeo his palace, but time when her strength would be exhaust- found nothiug dooetoward it. Hesent for cd, and then the frail bout and its occu Jakoob, aud learned why he had not puuts would go whirling down tho rapids obeyed his command. He was very nngiy, and be dashed to pieces upoo the rock.', and cast him into tho prison, saying that She breathed a short prayer to heaven, on tho morrow he must die. That night It wus hard to die, but would it not be the king had a dream. lie was taken to better for her to dio here, trying to save Heaven, and saw there a wonderful these little children, than to live only to pilaec, more wonderful than any he had cherish a hopeless love? ever beheld on earth. He asked what As if in answer to her thought, a voio palace it was, and " as told that it was came, clear and sharp, across the water: "Pull hard, my brave girl!" It was Roland Martin, who, having heard the shrieks, had managed to reach the farther shore. Springing into tho wat- built for him by .Jakoob, the builder. In spending the king's money for the suffering ones on the earth, he bad reared this palace inside of heaven's gates The king awoke, and sending for er, he rapidly nearcd the boat, shouting the builder, told him his dream, wolds of encouragement as he came. As pardoned hiiu. quickly as possible he gained the boat and in another moment had grasped the oars, "The plug is out," he remarked, poiu ting to where the incoming water boiled up. With the increased Weight of Roland the boat must soon have gone down had it not been for Annie's ready wit, Hur riedly taking off her large straw hat, and placing her foot over tho hole in the bot tom of the boat, soon, by rapid bailing it was lightened so that Roland could make some progress away from the dangerous rapids. In a few minutes they reached the friendly shore, where, by this time, quite a crowd had collected. Mrs. Kcnilworth was hysterical. "My child! Where is she?" she cried. ''Here," answered Roland. "You must thank Miss Forrester for saving her life, Nellie." As ho spoke he turned to Annie, who stood near, looking very pretty despite her wet dress, her golden hair hanging in tangled masses over her shoulders. "Ood bless you for what you have done, Miss Forrester!" said Eleanor. "Mind what ground you meet her on, Nellie. She may presume) upon what you sav." whi.sncred Roland "Roland Martin, don't dure to remind workin3. d lj'"g the grass me of mv follv at such a time. Miss For- b WM ao old aW moV,aS P'Pe' FAITH. A public man must be a great reader of human nature. He must perforce know men and take things "cumgrano. with not too effusive belief in everything he hears. The faitli of the little boy at Asbury Park in his mother was no doubt beautiful, but it might not work all too successfully were he to become a famous man later. "I am afraid to sleep alone in the dark, mamma." "Go to bed, my darliug" nothing will hurt you at Asbury Park, and bcs-iJ God's angels will take care of you." "What s the matter, Johnncy? as the boy screamed ten minutes later. "One of God's angels just done bit me, niainama. And the jersy mosquito hud done his work. Marshall P. Wilder WOULDN'T RELIEVE HIM. About a mile from Catera, Ala., we came to a placo where the railroad track crossed the public highway, and struck on the truck was a mule hitched to rickety old wagon loaded with wood. The front wheels had stopped at the rail, and the mule wus fair across the metals. He stool there with his head down and his WAITRESS. t THE PLACE TO GET DRUQS ? fJEDICIflES - -AT THE- tO WESTTEIOES, IS -AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WE3T SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE E. H. SHED. wel'don. n. c. STOCK KEPT COMILETB BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. VlWPTtOM DIPAttTUEMT ILL ED WITH THI BSBT SELECTED MATERIAL. WTION8 COMPOfNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT. ARE. s STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUBHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS welcoao always awaits yon at ZOLLICOFFER'S. "Roland," said his sister, "if you have no respect for your own positiou, you should hesitate to jeopardize that of this young person by taking her rowing in y.uirboat. Remember that she is only a wjiircM?, and people will talk The result will be her expulsion from the hotel." "But you don't understand the situa tion," ho began. "Exeiue me," she interrupted; "no cir cumstaupes would justify your action." "Well, Nellie, I saw Miss Forrester on a rock, and about to be engulfed by the incoming tide, yet you tell mo that the cireumi-tuuces did not justify me briugiug her to tho laud! Oh, woman, woman!" he added, so dolefully that Eleanor laugh ed iu rpite of herself. Well, Roland " she said, good natur cdly, "you were wiight again, and I was wrong. I will explain the affair among our sei, but whatever you do, don't f iroo her upon us." The Summer passed rapidly away. Each day served to show Roland Martin the superimity ufihisgirl who was "only a waitress" over those whom his foud sister would have choscu for his compan ions. Several times he had spoken to Annie iu pa-sing, bit caou time sho hud simply returned his salutation, und lie hud too lain h respect for her to loree his at itious u, ou her. One sulty altertioon, when neurly every one in thu hotel was .1 iziug, Au:ne had aguiu -ought her p ace by tho seashore Sadder snil were her thoujils. A UeW, ind. Suable feeling had ipruug up iu her heart. Sho wished to leave the hotel, aud yet there was a oer.uiu pleasure iu being near Roland Martin. Why had it been so fated that ho had been tho ouly one to offer her assistance? Despite th disparity of their positious, she felt that she would be miserable if even this slight acquaintance were terminated. "Georgie was right. I should never have come here," she sighed. Just then a childish shriek arose in the distance. About a quarter of a mile away was a small boat drifting fust toward the rapids, through which the fulling tide was causing whirlpools and eddies. Thrc little childish faces, white with terror, were turned toward Annie Nellie Keuil woith aud two smaller oumpanious had been playing in una of tho rowboats, which, breaking adrift, had gradually floated down, unknown at first to them, ind unheeded afterward, nitil the hoarse rester, I owe you a debt of gratitude which I can noverrepay. Iain Mrs. Kcnilworth Rolaod's sister, and for the present, at least, you must be my guest." "Indeed" began Annie hurriedly, "For my sake, please consent," whis pered Rowland, and the girl's objections never found further voice. In Eleanor Kcnilworth Annie found a true wuiuuu, despite the conventional! "What's the matter?" I asked, as we drew up "Dat mewl ha. dun gigged back, he replied. Do you mean he won t pull his load over the track?" "'Zactly, suh 'zuetly. He kiu do it if he wants ter. but he icst won't. He s de obstinatcst critter in dis hull stait." One of our prty got down and took 1., I I -I. - L ... ....... .;.,..( f..Alnn ,! !... il, lun.l ine anima. uy mo on ami men .o l,.tr. it tho old farmhouse. GeorricMut- UP ln nuDS UUI" nc a,mu" thews and Annie were discussing the sal a0WB i,..... wbi. l. Eleanor insisted UDon " h"ln ' 00 us0 lryln ... .. fi ..:. ... lj. I owner, as he came forward I" - "-oi o-w "Annie, I told you you were too prct JUST LIKE HE It. Mrs. Tawkcr "1 was at the theatre last evening. It was an awfully sad play about a man being thrown out of work and his family dying from starvation. I couldu't keep from crying to eave my life. I don't know when I have been so effected." Enter Servant "Mum, there's a wo man at the door as wants some cold victuals. She do say her children haven't had bit nor su p for two days" Mrs. Tawkcr " Tell her to ijoaway; that we don't give anything to beggars. As I was saying, Mrs Brown, it was a verysad play. Mr. Tawkcr says I ought not to fitness such performances; they tuke hold of mo so. lie says I am all heart," Boston Transcript. THE MOTHEH GROWN OLD. The mother grown old is sometimes sorrowfully clear-sighted and freed from the blessed illusions of youth. When her children were little things playing about the door and tucked into bed at night all sale and sweet and rosy, she had her dreams of their future. There was nothing too bright, too brave, too beau tiful for her imagination and her hope as she looked at her darlings, sleeping or waking. As they grew older, went to school and college, or into the shop and counting room, the mother still dreamed and planned, still wove her enchanted stories, in the ceutrc of which she saw her children heroes, professors, scholars. benefactors, champions of the weak, defenders of the helpless, ornaments of the age and renowned-to-be. Her Frank her Charles, her Sydney, whatever others might do, they're bound to excel, to stand in the van, to reap the rewards, to scale the heights, to discover the long hidden secrets. But thero dawns a day upou the mother when, grown old, us wrinkles and gray hair testify, she renews the wonderful keenness and acutcuess of childhood; she sees the dropping of muny masks; she comprehends things as they are. Past the hour of drcumiog and castle-building, past the clouds and the mirage, her vision is like that of one of God's angels. Harper's Bazar TEiiMS:-?''311 PER AXN'l'M IN" ADVANCE. NO. 11. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ADVERTISEMENTS. .WW I. L 1 The Old Friend An tho liest friend, tlmt never fails yon, is Bitnniuns Liver liegu lutor, (tho lied Z) that's what you hour ut tins mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people flictlld lift !u; ierU!ided thai anytime' clso will do. It id the King of Liver Medi cines; is letter than pills, and takes tho place of Quinino and Calomel. It .vU directly on the Liver, Kidm ys and Bowels and gives new life to tho whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by till Druggists in Liquid, or in l'owder to be taken dry or made into a tea. -KVKItY PACKAOEIil Hs tli Z Ntftmp In ml m wrapper. J. H. ZEIL1N k CO.,riiiliulalpliia, iv I now occupy the Illicit 8: ro lietween II. C. H'liatHnnd (.'. L- ( LAKK'S. I am receiving inn! opening a full line of STAPLF. AND FANCY GROCERIES. 1 will I ccpon hand a selected stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Wooden and Willow Ware, Crockery, Class, Tin Ware, etc , etc. I will sell at the ft1 EXTRACT OF FACT. ' said the He's one of dem breed of mewls who gits sot onco in a while, an' when dat fit strikes him he's The making of chinaware is tho oldest industry. The Shah of Persia is the proud father of 18 children. There arc about 41 yards of sewing on a lady's kid glove. One third of all the lunJed property of Russia is mortaged. Corsets hnvo been found on tho waists of Egyptian mummies. Of the population of Spain one fifteenth are said to be nobles. A fever thermometer is now made in chatelaine form for the use of trained nurses. Naturalists assert that the hippopota mus will become extinct within the next 20 years. A rude species ol minners compass was known to the Chinese as early as B, C. 1115. 0 0 tv In iti fin ii wnltrnKH v.,,w- J ..... .1... " 1 am glad lor itotana s saite, ii mai uouuu amy nui ui, is the case. Georsie, but it was all through my being 'only a waitress' that I met him, and 1 can never regard tuai as a mistake which has brought mo such happiness." FOR OVER I'lKI'V VER Mrs. Wiuslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by miilious ol mothers for their children while teething, with oerfect sueeess. It soothes the But if you don't get him off he'll be struck by the approaching train." "Can't help it, sab. He's bin wantin to see dat train fur a long time, an now I'te gwine to let him." It was a heavy frieght train coming on a down grade. The engiuecr toted as ho rounded the curve, but the mule never his head. Instead of trying to stop, more steam was nut on. and the next moment child, sufteus the gums, allays all pain, tha( W(jnt tweny feet bigl)i wLic cures wind colic, and is the best remedy ., . , . i j ;nB knnta ,u The Advertising Of Hood's Sar saparillu is always within tho bounds of reason because it is true; it always appeals to tho sober, common sense of thinking people because it is true; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsement which in the financial world would be accepted without a moment's hesitation. Hood Puis cure liver ills, constipation. biliousness, lauudice, sick headache, in digeston. for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imincdiatelv. Sold by Druggists iu every part of the world, Tweuty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSvrup," and take no other kind. may '.'3 ly TOO MI CH FOR NOTHING. over the township. As the train passed on wo Fouud the mule in the bushes thirty feet from tho track. He was all there, but dead as a door nail. The negro came slowly up, took a long look, and then shook his fist at the dead animal, and said "I dun tole yo' dat bullgine was alive, An Iowa editor hits it about right but vo' wouln't believo ill I hopes yo this way: "The press endures the utlliotion feci belter nowl Yo' has went an' got yo' nf ...t.Dt.iii.tiuin Iriim tliA ahll'H. MICIetV. self killed off. do wagon busted up, n' i.,i;.Mu.l. and eurnorations. It i- - left mo to go to de ponrhouse. But mcb- ' . . I be de next mew 1 mis nil Lev 80U1U pected to give strength to the weak, eyes h hcalirDclroit Herald to the bund, clothes to the naked, bread to the hanirrv, etc. It is asked to cover A side show attached to a oireus up infirmities, hide weakness, wink at which showed in a country town in West quaoks and flatter the vain. It is in short, Virginia had a big sign: "Only 10 cents tobeallthingstoulliuenjandit Itlookalor to see the most wonuenui inings in in any reward it is denounced as mean and world. Persons curious enough to -.-I;. I TJ,..r. iJ,, interest under nav the dime found a man sittiti" on a the whole Heavens that is expected to chair inside whittling a piece of wood give so much to society without pay or As ho cut away wiln an out war, HWCcp thanks as the press". ... . ., . m.,leA. ..Gentlemen - .i I't .i i .:n i. Burklen's AinlcaS.lve. always wnuite into mis, anu you w... ue l . - . n .. i tt mi.' m. i ..... lL. i.i p.- n nii dancriir ot cutune voureeivt's. mis i ha iwwi, Rii vi in iiih wur u inr uuib. -t o - bruises. Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever was the whole show. People who had sores, tetter, ohapped bands, chilblains, bo en duped went out and advised their i i : i ........ friends to go in, and it is claimed tnat the side show-did more business than the circus. A facetious dandy who danced with a couple of clumsy girls at a party recently remarked that although he liked rings on his fingers, ho couldn't stand belles his toes. if ovu . At a At nr.. Or jron are iiil won: urn. r(inli hoik! !r notn inn, ItlstcucmliluliUiiy 'Iry IIKOirA's 1H HITTKKI. It will euro you. clciin: yniir liver, and g0 a ai'tMitlto. Ada "If you want to get her, dv n'l be so abjectly devoted. You simply cheapen yourself in her eyes." Fran "Then she will mko me. Jeuuio never c mid resist a bargain" ADVERTISEMENTS. oorns. and all skin eruptions, and post livijj cures pile, or ne pty required. It is guaranteed to give pcrieei nau.-iiei.iou, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wm. Cohen. If you f feel - weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS The man "whoso word can always be relied upon" never went fishing. A thief hatdittle social standing, though k strives to ftuk his company always. XBafcinff Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Latat U. S. Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., CAVbAlo, I rtHUL MAKKS COPYRIGHTS. C1t I OHTATM A PATENT f Rromot answer and an bonegt opinion, write to 1 1! N N He Cll.. wbo have bad nuarlT fitly rears' exfierlence Id tlie patent bUBiueHS. communica tion. BtrlctlT confldeutll. A Handbook of In formation concennaB I'atenla and bow to ob tain mem pent rree. aiso a catalogue 01 meui&a. leal and BcientlSc books nent free. I Patents taken tbrouch Munn s Co. receive ipecial notice in too ni-tcnll lie A merlrnn. ana .tiui are Drougbt widely before tbe public wltb- I also return my sincere thanks to my many friends and ciUaintanees for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit a continuance or the same, with guarantee to please. very Kespecuuny, J. L. Jft'DKINB. Weldon, N. C. oct lfl m. out cost to tbe inventor. This aplendld paper, nisuea weekiv. elegantly iiiustrateo. oas oy far tne largest rlrculatlou of nnv sctcntiflc work In the THE world. 8:1 a rear. Sam trie conU'a sent tree. Hu tiding Edition, monthly. ri.&Ua year. Hltlftle Conies, 't!i cent. Every number contains beau tiful platen, in colors, and pliotOKranliH of new houses, wltb plans, enabling builders to show tlie Inti'Mt ilPflltrnH aud secure contracts. Address has. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., Pctersbur; km f i If I'll m I 1 1 is 01 lie west cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHAULES M. WALSH, oct 11 ly. GOOD GOODS at LOWEST PRICES. JtaTCall early and avoid the ni8h.a II. C. SPIERS, Manager. FILL GOODS! 'ouwrittt ;? If yon ven t, wltdoa I nil InUIDffMl ml'ltlnn itTtt I MII.I io-uw. romiM you nil i i n, moiiu ettli-n. I UK- take in brkfli I'ii ar I Kiliurtit p(tln n rd anil He. drill Who, ! it InitriKlloR, I I '"1 aw-Hart f- : , V'J riri tbrir Owl 'YmPtC fil r ",ni '""""I J FvlL-vSa V- V 'CL fit - l elrBo oiliing l? Jr T tZr ) V ma Mfivonoiti JVHf Cl r-oSX lllft ffl H 1UC JKl Zi n X'feC "-i. ". fLJa-r .rrCfta2 'Jt Smliinf dim.ull .T! .Hid IMftini um F'-Olrr" V-rSWT" 'pr '"iiliHl iili "ti'i. iXzSSzS ',,,,yr"VhoIBi5S miknif aitr llu-f I li..ii-rin.Ui..ln YtVr" M.-fc. All ii new, iHtl,.iir. I Hi' imrti.iiliv. g'rft'. AUvrj.iii know yut Oimludr I- i - ni;lr r, nln , n hunn 1 - A''lrfi, Sew V Millinery. Grand Display at TILLERY'S. FALL DRESS COODS. (with trimmings to niatdi.) In Black and Colors. Fancy weaves aud Novelties. Full line of CLOTHING. 0 MY STOCK OF 0 FALL And WINTER If yon cau't get a fit in stock we ean have them m ink to order. It takes only 5 days to make a suit. A big line of HATS. All the lateat nobbiest styles. BOOTH and 8HOKS of every ileacrintion for everybody. ... G ENTS' FURriiSKiriG GOODS in endless variety. I am always glad to show goods and guarantee lowest' prices. W. B. TILLERY, The Reliable House, Weldon, N. C. Illinery. l Arrirlnir. ami I will rlisolav the Uncut line ol I khxIi uvur ihowuiu this town. Come and tee I the NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW- i Dili Paits EST NOVELTIES MRS, oct 4 ly P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0. MANUFACTURING CO. J. COHEN A SON, Proprietor ' :'.t . . - ; t-. k I Cor. Sycamore and Bollingbrook treets, reteraburg;, Va. , ' I Solicit trade ofEastern Carolina., , 19 We make pants in all grades. otlUIy. '' '

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