jia ' JOHU "W. SLEIDQ-E, proprietor. VOL. XXIV. -A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1894. TSRMS:-'1'50 PEK annum in advance. NO. 42. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. When You Sneeze Cnugh, Choke, and Gasp for Breath, BEWARE! It May be a Serious Symptom THE SPECIFIC For all Throat and Lung Complaints IS Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Rev. John K. Chase, of South Hampton, N. II., says: "The best remedy for La Grippe that I know of Is AYER'S Cherry Pectoral." "Last Spring, I was taken down with La (irippe. At times I was com. pletely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cape. I procured n bottle of AYER'S Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner bad I began taking it than relief followed, I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful medicine." W. H. Williams, Crook City, 8. 1). "From my own experience, I take pleasure in voluntarily stating that of all the medicines I ever used for fresh colds and La Grippe, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral is, pre-eminently, tlh' most potent remedy. Ordinarily, the most virulent fresh cold in the head anil chest vanishes in a night, as if by magic. Just follow the directions, and AY'EU'S Cherry Pectoral will do the rest."-C,Ko. II. Pike, Cadiz, Ky. "For two years, I suffered from a most distressing cough, which, at last, became of a consumptive character, mid .en alarming to my friends. After trying various remedies, without success, 1 began to take AYER'S Cherry Pectoral, and was very soon relieved. Two bottles cured me." Cklestink Siiiois, Augusta, Me. The best remedy for colds, coughs, and the common disorders of the throat and lungs, AYEU'S Cherry Pectoral is universally recommended by the profession. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mius. Prompt to act, sure to cure f UU1 I GARWOOD'S EXTlUerr New Linlof NA CPS TRIPLE, -$S T A T I 0 N E R Y VIOLET WATER, JU8t Received 150 Linen writing WOODWOBTH's FLORIDA WA- Tablets, which I'll sell TER, it I small AND SACHET POWDER. PROFIT. ACCURACY 63, A. H o Pi u o J3 n s M M H s H 0 CO Sug Brand Prepared " A lW I FaiuU. Stock of Pure White Lead k i LiDseedoil. LANDHKTH'S 1 111 Bell paiota at a GAIUKN I cry amall mario. .KU. IN THE WOODS. fbe bobolink slnB at the break of diy, The whip-poor-will slnffs at night; The chickadee chirps, and the branches away; And the songs are bright, and the songs art And the shadows are put to flight For Its' singing among the swinging boughs, It's iluging among the grass; And it's one alngs high, and It's one sings low Aud it's one sings last and another slow, With a trill and a rush of eager notes, That thrill as the; pour from their tiny thruati As the hours of summer pass. The bobolink builds In a lonely lea, The whip-poor-will makes no nest; The ehlckadeo builds In a hollow tree, With a round Utile door that few can see, And ho thinks his home the best And it's Hinging among the twinging boughs, It s Hinging among the grant; And lt'a one Kings hero and It's one alngH there, While a nuiHH'grown rock haft a merry pair, With mime in the h rutin and Home on the trees, Aud a trill and a thrill that a Urn the breeze As the hours of summer pans. Frank H. (sweet, In N. Y. Independent THE PLACE TO GET EDRUQS . JEDICIfJES - AT TIM LOWEST PEIOES, IS A.T DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE K. B. SHED. WELDON. N. C. 8TOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVAL8. .rPRWCaimOHPlFAMMHT flUB with thi but BaXICTaD MATniAVt. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CABK PEU'UMBlf. STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Ramember that hearty welcome alwaya twalta you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. WERE THEY MAURIED? It Doesn't Say So Cut We Think They Were. Through the pines, across the tiny lake, she could sec the team standing at the buck door of the l'rineess Anne hotel. "Pull un hour before it goes back to Norfolk, she thought "How on earth shall we ever get througlit it without saying more than we meau?" what a dreadfully short time an hour Is," he said. She started. "Yes," sho said, cordially. "Is It not? Do you reully have to lake the New York boat to-night" 1(1 get back In time to lecture to my young ladies Suturday morning,1 he said. "Seems queer for girls to care about diseases ot" the skin, docs it not?" "Not at all," she said, promptly. "I have thought a great deal about acne myself, though I am not a medical stu dent- He looked with amused Incredulity at her smooth, daintly flushed cheeks. "How do yon treat it?" he asked. "Medicine 1s surely a safe topic," she thought "Why," she said hesitating ly, "I took liquor potass, arscn. Is that right? internally and put a hor rid sort of paste on every night for a week." "What results?" he asked. "Judge for yourself," she answered, drooping her long lashes and letting a little more flush creep Into her cheeks. They were sitting beneath the pines on an upturned boat; she had realized that the surroundings in themselves wero entirely too conducivo to un conventionality, and now felt irritated for having added to their Influence She returned vigorously to her safo topic. Tell me about women medical students. Do you like teaching them? Arc they as bright, really, as your boys?" Oh! as a rule, they are good stu dents," he said. "Quiz day is a real lark; they rattle twice as easily as men. I enjoy pouncing down on a sleepy' looking girl and seeing her get scared." lie stretched his long legs out and laughed with lazy pleasure at the mem ory. "How can you?" she said, reproach' fully. "I am sure the poor things have a hard enough time anyway and you ought not to be so cruel to them. 'I am not hard on them, really," h said, apologetically. When It comes to examinations I usk 'em easy questions about eczema and pass every one.' 'Do they like you? she asked, add' lug, mentally: "Why can't I keep away from personalities to-day 'Oh! yes," he answored. "I hear I am quite a pet with them. Hut 1 did not come down to talk of women in medicine I came down to see if you would marry me." "Oh, I can't," she gasped. He got np, walked slowly around one or two pine trees, then came back and stood before her with his hands In his pockets and Ills chin well down In his collar. When be out so at nome nis sisters said despairingly; "It's no use; Dick's mind is uiado up the other way. 'Why not?" he asked. A tingle of Irritation passed through her. "I never knew before." thought she, "that ho was conceited." Aloud she said promptly and clearly: JUtause 1 have not the taintest desire to do so." He sat down by her again, picked up a stick and poked the laurel bush neur him thouifhtfully. "I love you," he bald, "as much aa 1 k now how." "Thev usually say that first," she said nuiekly. He threw back his head and laughed. "Do they ?" ho said. She llushed in intense Indignation. "Evidently this whole matter seems to vou a flippant joke," she saw, Ditieriy. "Virginia!"' ho exclaimed, and then added, quietly: "You have known the whole state of affairs for a long time, 1 am sure. My great di'lr to be with you, my happiness when with you, have lieen patent to alL Sometimes, uftor a peculiarly happy time together such as wo had lit liar Harbor lait hutuiuiT-l have felt ur. that you li.v.nl III,,. It hanllv seeiiu us if we could have hud such days as those MS VOU did." Il nuuu-d aud looke.l intently at her. Ki, n,t hi. iraze with a steady look which hud so often delighted and iu terested him il mnimed so incoasme n with certain other of her trans. "How chilly this air is, even hero," wit Ruid. "You aro cold?" he asked, rising n nlt'klv. "Niv I am not." she answered, chang ing her mind. "Sit down. I wonder bow It would do to be perfectly honest with vnu?' "I think It would do flrat rate," he antttvorml. "I never tried It before," she aald, tlu m irht fully. il mmld not repress a faint smile. 'This soouiB to bo different from the nthm-a In several minor points," no saiu, and thnn wished ho had not "It Is certainly too chilly." she said, rl.lnn Thpv walked half across the bridge. He stopped In the sunshine am! leaned on the railing. "Much warmer here. Isn't It? Now are vou irolng to be honest with me?" "WeU." she said, "this Is how It Is. 1 don't know really whether I love vou or not 1 have never been In love before." "I am glad to hear It," he said, gravely. "Why," she said, startled, "havo jour' "Hot sloo i bov."lu) Answered. You "Jb'nl know how you 'But goon." regard me-i Th 're are s m reasons why I could think either way. If I did care, I should know it, I think. Girls who care say they could not be happy doing any thing but marrying, while I could go on and do any number of things be lust as 1 am for a long time, and then study, oh, all sorts of things! I might even, after I got pxst after people topped Buyiug I was attractive like to study medicine. You do have some girls like me in your class, don't you?" vt e have some pretty girls," he said. "who apparently have no real love for the work." There!" she cried "Don't vou see how just the way you say that makes a reason forme to be afraid to marry you? Now, your queerncss, and abruptness, and the not being sure whether you are making fun of me, are half fuscinating. but perhaps if I were married to you they would Irritate me and wo should be dreadfully unhappy. "Could you ever believe that I made fun of you?" he asked. She did not answer, but gazed down into the water with unseeing eyes. 1 his getting married is a great prob- em," she said, with a sigh. Yes," he answered, heartily, "one of the most urgent and important ques tions of the day." She looked up at him uneasily; he looked down tender ly and continued: "So urgent that I long to have it settled In the little time left before the train goes" 'Oh!" she said, "you don't realize how seriously and earnestly one should think It over." "Yes, I do," he answered. "I myself have pondered on It long and care fully." "So," she said, "you had to argue yourself into It, to work yourself up to believing you cared for me! This wind really is as keen as in Boston. Come, let's go and get warm." They walked on in silence toward the hotel. As they crossed the platform and picked their way among the boxes and bundles a man who was busied with a paste pot looked up with an amused smile at their solemn progress. She caught it "Everything is being labeled," she said, inanely. Yes," he answered, "except me. Am I to be tagged, 'rejected' or 'ac cepted?' " She stood still and looked at him with indignant contempt "Your train leaves so soon perhaps I had better say good-by here; you must have some final arrangements to make. I hope It will not be too windy for a pleasant trip back to New York. Good- by." He took her extended hand. '"As you say, he answered, we must make some final arrangements. You know I love you? Will you marry me?' 'Can't you see how Incompatible our natures are?" sho cried. "I so earnest and warm-hearted, and you so flippant and cold. The man among the boxes grew In' terested. He chose a box nearer them tor his next label. Sho lowered her voice. "Do you know," she asked, "that you are still holding my hand? 'les," he said, "I know It though I am so cold and indifferent Will you marry me? The train bell rang. "They must have changed the time," she said. "Run or you will be left!" As tho forlorn little train pulled out they wnlked down to the beach, 'You will have to wait for to-night's train, and won't that make you miss your boat How about those poor girls and eczema? "They will hare to get on without me, poor things," he suld. "Hut It is tho patients who have eczema, you know. Perhaps I shall Btay over Sun day now." She looked at him with delighted eyes. "What!" she said, "two whole days for us to be happy in! Katherlnr Bates, In Kate Fields' Washington. WANNING NOTES CALLING THE WICKED TO REPENTANCE. U. S. SENATOR THOS. S. MARTIN, of Virginia. ALL OVER. Lost Through HU Love for Fun. In one of the old castles of northern England visitors are shown two rooms which are connected with each other by a singular mechanism. Each room is adjoined by an alcove, used as a sleeping apartment, and the floors of the adjoining alcoves turn on a pivot in the center of the partition wall. I his ingenious device wus the invention of one of the ancestors of the present proprietor, who was somewhat of u wag and found great pleasure in fright ening and mystifying his guests. W hen one had gone to bed in the green room and the other In the blue the floors wero turned on their pivots und on awakening the visitor found himself in strange quarters with clothes that were not his own. It is said that this fun-loving lord loi-a rich inheritance by thus disturbing the restful mo ments of a wealthy aunt, who never forgave the trick her nephew played ipon her. St Louis Post-Dispatch. A mi story. The following story, the work of an Imaginative correspondent, comes from Colorado: "Two hunters, coming to the edge of a glade, saw sixty-five bears In consultation. One was lying bound with grapevines, two were watching over him and another was making u speerh. Presently the big bear stopped talking and all the sixty-three grow led an assent. Some of the bears threw a gravevlne loop around the erring bear's neck, led him to a limb, threw the vine over and six bears walked away with it In ten minutes the bear was dead, and liie oihurs went kolcmnly away, The hunters secured the lynched bear's akin without a bullet hole In It by way of proof. "-N. Y. World. Like Is Misery. To many people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood.Tbe agonies caused by the dreadful- running sores and other manifestations of this disease arc beyond description. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sar sanarilla for scrofula, salt rhuem and r every form of bh,od disease. It is rea sonably sure to benefit all who give it fair trial. Hood's l'illi cure all liver ills. The young woman eat by the window looking out into the snowy air dreamily, when her reverie was disturbed by an el derly woman coming in. "Oh," said the visitor, "excuse me. I didn't know you were absoibed." "Conic io," responded the dreamer, extending ber band. "I am glad to see you." But why are you so pensive? You look as if your best friend bad died. What is the matter?" The young woman drew her handker chief hastily across her eyes. "Ah," she sighed," "Harry and I" The older woman dropped ber hands in her lap in a hopeless, despairing fash ion. "Don't tell me," sbe interrupted, "that you and Hurry have quarreled?" The girl sighed again. "The end bas come," to all our moon light drives, to the tender whisperings beneath the magnolia trees, to the boxes of caramels aud the baskets of flowers, to the Bweet nothingsin the conservatory, to the verses he wrote me, to the rival ries and jealousies of sweetheart days, to tho" "Say no morel" exclaimed the older woman, determined to set matters right. "What have vou two done? Tell me anything." The girl came over and laid her bead ou the other's shoulder. "We wore married this morniag at 10 o'clock," sho whispered, and the older woman's hand fell helpless once more, Detroit Free Press. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rappidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medical tonics and alteratives containing nothing which per mits Us use us a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest incd' iciue for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys It will cure sick headache, indigestion constipution, and drivo Ma lum troui the system, balislactiun guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price ouly 60c. per bottle. Sold by Wm. Cohen. A professional nurse of many years' experience tells me, says a writer iu Babyhood, that she finds more babies fieri ug from insufficient clolhiug among tho rich than among the poor. For example, sbe was summoned by a physician to a wealthy family where the months-old baby was suffeiing for some mysterious trouble that baffled. He could keep nothing on bis stomach, au J was slowly starving to death, The nurse found a distracted mother and a pioched and moaning baby. His flesh was blue, and there was a settled look of anguish on his face. The nurse picked him up from the silk and lace of his coastlyciib, and found just what ine expected. Dress and skirts linen, fine as gossamer, and about as warm; shirts and socks like lace; flannel skirts of the egulation number, but so fine and thin a! to give little warmth. "Is this the way you have dressed your baby from the first?" asked the nurse. "Oh, yes. I've always had the best of everything for him," answered the mother. "Well, it's no wonder be is sick. He hasn't enough on to keep a fly warm in July." The nuie called for the thickest blanket in the house, and a hot-water bag, and sent the astonished mother dowotuwn for the warmest flannel wrappers, however ugly they might be. The result was that in a few days the child was taking bis tood perfectly, and was thriving as well as could be desired JL'ST A DOZEN. ItETTEK TIMES AHEAD. "The year 181K1 stands unique in its gloom, its disappointment and its failure to give in any one of its months evan spasmodic promise of more hopeful and happy conditions. "There has been no general bankruptcy of mills, factories, furnaces or mines The markets arc becoming empty and need replenishing. The floors of the mills are swept clean of stock. As soon as it is decided in 1894 what will be the Dolicv of the govtruiuent on the tariff (hero will be an immediate aud univoral resumption of business, especially if the country i out compelled tu adjust its busiuess to radical changes in the tariff. "The enonuoua accumulation unemployed capital will seek some avenue for iojveMment aud return, and that will give corresponding employment, Renewed butiness will furnish increasing traffic to the railways, both passenger and t'reiuht. aid will iwuiuVu their earnings. "The Tear 1854 will certainly be in enormous improvement on 18!K), because this ceuntry cannot be kept staudiug still nor the pace of ita progress long diminished. Chauncey Depcw. A white crow has been attracting the attention of a number of people in Ire dell county. It associates with iti black brothers and is similar to them in every respect except color being pure white. Many Persons are broken dowl from svarwork or hoikwhold cam. Brovwi't Iron Hitter Kui.uiiii.iln arMan, l4i4tsMtlon, niaovn aicea of bUa, (Ajdaurwinalarut. Uet th fcnuUia, Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertU-J druggist to sell Dr. King'l New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, upon this condition. It you are amictca witu a couth, cold or any lung, throat chest trouble, and will use this remedy s directed, emoir it a fair trial, and pxnerience no benefit, you may return the bottle and havo your money nlundeil Ho could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. Kisg'a New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints, Trial bottles free at Wm. Cohen's drug store. Large size 50c. and f 1.00. i.iniH HMaUaf atonie, orcalidna whewtalMM. VIM no, liMJua nnmaTi'K IMiia ItllTKKUL It la pleasant: com Malaria, tndlaMtton, BUiousuM, urw umpuwi tut NansM KEEP THE BABIES WARM. N INSTANCE OP INTEREST TO EVERY MOTHER IN THE LAND. The strongest thing on earth is a holy life. We all deserve so much credit that we never get. Treasure in Heaven draws interest on eartb. How some shepherds love to weigh their sheep. People who never look up are no ac count at lifting up. No man can overcome himself without the help of Christ. If you have God's word for a thing, isn't I hat good enough? The cow has been more of a blessing to man than the lion. In God's vineyard every tree is ex pected to bear good fruit. When we lift ou somebody else's bur- en, bod takes our own Good actions, like sheep, are apt to How one another. Mahomet admitted bees to paradise, ut barred out the hornet. It is hard to convince a dyspeptic that the world is growing better. A lie is always several shades blacker than t he sin it tries to bide. Every sensible man you meet will ad mit that he was a foul lust week. slow of 1. All is not beer that's bitter. (All is not gold that glitters.) 2. The pledge in time saves crime, (A stitch in time saves nine.) 3. It's the long cane that cures learning. (It's a long lane that bas no turning.) 4. She talks most who talks fast. (He laughs best wbo laughs last) 5. Who can't be cured shculd be ii sured. (Whas can't be cured must be en' dured.) C. There's many a tip 'twixt the meal and the lip. (There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.) 7. The nearer the bed the colder the sheet. (The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat.) 8. When the fuel goes into the fire the fog flics out of the chimeey. (When poverty enters the door, love flies out of the window.) 9' Marry for taste, man, rather than treasure. ( M urry io haste and repent at leisure Once kitten, now pic. (Once bitten, twice shy.) 11. It isn t the scowl that makes one funk. (It isn't the cowl that makes lb monk.) Haifa wifa'i better than no bed. (Half a loaf is better than no btead.) 10 l'J Iturklra's Arulcasalve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, Sores, uleers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, aud all skiu eruptions, and posi' lively uurcs piles, or n pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect ' satisfaction or money rclauded. 1 rice -a cents per box. tor sale by Wm. Cohen. THE New York Herald caya lb Democrats must bear in mind that t!-. people have voted for the revisiou and intrusted the task to them. Any wrang ling among themselves can only serve delav or ioonardiie revision of the tariff. to the peril of the party. The party. il sell is un trial before the country and its success or failure is at stake. The Shelby Review aays work in the tin mine shaft at Kiog's .Mountain is be ing persecuted with vigor. A steam pump bas been put io and the 100 foot level, where it i expected to strike the main lead, il being rapidly approached. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. The Old Friend And tin) best fricml, t!:at never faila you, is Simmons Liver Ilecu lator, (the lied Z) thiit'B what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not persuaded that anything cl?e will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and (Jalomel. it acts directly on tne Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. -EVERY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp la rtd on wrappstk J. H. ZKILIN a) CU., rtulatelplila, n. V COPYRIGHTS. Tot a srompt answer and aa honait opinion, writa to M U if N tc CO., who have had naartr aft; Tr' Tempting a child to do wrong is aa 1 " w much a sin as sbootine a man with a gun. No niau will ever be celebrated for bis piety whose religion is all in his head. The man who believes the gospel with bis lieai t loves his neighbor as himself. Some men wbo start out to set the world on fire give up at the first thunder clap. There is nothing we ought to do that we may not expect God to help us to do. There is no place in the Bible where God bas promised to make a loafer happy. It will be found that many of the songs suns iu Heaven were written on earth. Unless a Christian's walk corresponds with bis talk the less he haa to say the better. Most Christians arc willing to da great j things for God, while tew are willing to suffer. The moment you let a doubt touch your heart and stick, you will begin to limp in your Christian walk. There is nothing more sure than that the sinner who will give up his ains can count on God forgiving them. Whenever a Christian sees a sparrow heounht to remember that Got baa promised be shall not starve to death. You can t tell anything about what a man is doing for Christ by knowing bow much he is paying for hit church pew. There are people who boldly asseit their willingness to suffer anything for the Lord, who cannot eat a cold dinner without growling to save their lives. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup baa been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiud colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tne poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. ainy 25 ly THIRTEEN. Those who believe that thirteen on unlucky number should fight shy of the American twenty-five oeut piece. It has thirteen stars, thirteen letters in the scroll held in theeagles' beak, thirteen marginal feathers on each wing thirteen tail feathers, thirteen parallel linos io the shield, thirteen horitoutat ban, thirteen arrow-heads nnd thirteen Utters in lb 'quarter dollar." CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT axpftrtenee in the patent haslneaa. Conmtuilaa- tioiu nnctir connoenuai. jk uiiihm ox in formation oonoerolu Patenla and bow to ob tain tbem sent frea. Alio a oatalofM M a ou ana wnemiDo wou wmn irsv. Patents taken thrown Miron ft Co. nostva apeotal notloeinthe Hctantlle Aavrieaa, and thus are brought wldelf before the pubtle with out coat to the Inventor. This splendid paper. iHOea weeur. eieganur uiatxraieo, oaf dj xar me .oieiioa VI but eoieniiao wora I rn taa Rimnle aoDtea ami free. BalMlniitdltlobmonthlr.tUOaroar. Blade) eopies, 'M Genu. r.Tiirj numoer oomaiae ooaa, lllu largeat circulation of anr act entitle woi world, as a rear, namnie ulMtag Edltloajn lea. '2.1 eenta. Ky nl nlatea. in eolon. and pbotoaranha of new honies. wltb plana, enabling builders to enow taa lateit designs and secure eontraeta. Address atUAa Wm law luua. awl alKOaOWAT. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. Li-west cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WALSH, oct 11 ly. 11 . IMilS m BJ aaa mm mwi r ikf wffi 1 1 a y'-'Ai la. iff ?-,r -' Utf teM fit it tm iaeUIMfNl naMtUe. WffMl lit le-eUf . .tttal. leJllcal pake) ( Mar MS, WeM rik rota, 4 -lit WMfc I tit, aWw M i a I Itrw 1klt IMtteJ bwllftf klttl. WtSaVM r M.r aV. UUtMWt. t i ii.... i Ink, I'iiI mrtlitila clutia l tv. I (hi I her. vettv at v. ' an 1 tluMf cmW, M tWarwev M Uana, eW etattl rtretftWaa .. lam. laUttWM mm rei rfc tlUiriai M MMtr. 1 rtsJr Msf M mM4wraJieMI 4oUMBtl stuff iteMI 11H IN irm ttU-'ie. AMii AifiMiet -0 MY STOCK OF 0 FALL AUVKUTISKMKNTS. And x Marnier i WINTER Millinery. JlksolaMj Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Lateit U, S. Government Food Report. ' Boyal Baking Powcsa Co., ' 106 Well StN.Y, tt arriving, and I will durplav the flueet Hat of mode ever shown In Ibis town. Gone aud see I the .... NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT TUB NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. P. A. LEWI8, ooU ly Waldoi, H Q.

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