- i. 3 . -,s.r'?j::o.SK THE JOHN W. SLEDGE, ruonuKTOit. VOL. XXIV. -A. NEWSPAPER IB1 O IR, THE PEOPLE WE L DON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEHllUAllY 8, 1S5M. TEKJyl:S:-Slr", I'KJ:. anno: in advance NO. 44. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIKE A RJEW V1AN A Well-known Lowell Grocer Debilitated by over work, makes use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla and soon feels r-Sr Strong and Well. "A year ugn, my partner died, ami llifwhiilc burden and responsi liilily (if a larK grocery business fell upon inc. Tin- increased care and liard work, in connection with the low .state of my blood, go Kcverely taxed my strength that I !n'i"iii" all run down, hail noaime. tite, as weak, nenous, and endured all the tiumeiits which headache, iiiilijestiim, general deliility, anil total loss of energy could possibly in. diet. The medicine recominendi d me ivy my physicians did no more good than so nuiclc water. AY Eli'S Sai;aparilla being favorably brought to my attention, I tried it, and, in a short lime, began to feel better. I continued to take this medicine for two mouths, at th id of which time I felt like a new man. My appetite, energy, and strength returned, my food digested perfectly, ami all traces of headache and nervousness disappeared. I am convinced that if 1 had not taken AYKU'S Sarsa parilla, Instead of being strong and well, when tho warm weather set in, I should have been eonlined to my heel, under the doctor's care, and totally unable to attend to business. I am a thorough believer in the merits of AYKH'S Sarsaparilla for restoring to healthy, vigorous ac tion, the vital organs of the body, when they have become weakened or exhausted." William II. 1!i:ivn, Ki (lorham St., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Has cured others, will cure you "I'M WEARY TONIGHT." 0 IS T LD ACT GARWOOD'S EXTRACT, NACES TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, woodworth'sklomda wa ter, AND SACHET POWDER. New Liuo of STATIONERYfc Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell tt I small PKOl'IT. ACCURACY w Q ?5 O H CO w a- a .a s? a S3 w PS w w o w H-l w w b cl Q 03 PURITY! Stag brand Prepared PainU. Pure Hike Lead & Linseed oil. I'll sell piots at i very small margin. A Large I Stuck of I LANDKKTU'S jfl GAKDK.N I SEED. (Lines suggested by the remark of an in vulid lit theGnuly hospital.) Like a sweet summer rose, in tlio gather ing gloom, The beautiful day is now folding its bloom, And here, at my window, suppressing a sigh, I watch tho gray shadows of evening draw nigh, And I'm weary, so weary tonight. Oh, long have I suffered, but heaven knows best, And though I uio weary and waiting for rest I try not to murmur. I try not to weep, But oh, in my soul, I am longing lor sleep l''or ray heart is so weary tonight. I think of tho blossoms, now under the snow, How they kiudled the charms of the bright long ago Oh, sweet were the days as they smiled on the dell And Soft were the star gilded shadows that fell On the beautiful edge of the night! Tho old southern homestead, its green velvet lawn, The oak trees of childhood, tlu-ir scepters all drawn, The soug of the bird, and the cliiip ol I he rill, The fields that unfolded so drcam-likc and still, All throng in my bosom tonight. To lie 'mid the groves, in tho mystical gleam 01 the moon and the stars as they tran quilly beam, Where soft with the tread of the old fashioned May Tho flowers of God might spring up where I lay, Twould make me so happy tonight. The stars in the mist of the dim, far away, Seem wearily waiting for the footsteps of day, And so am I waiting for heaven's sweet breath, I long to give up this sad breathing to ilea th, I'd smile should he claim it tonight. Oh, then should 1 wako in a surcease of pain, With never a sorrow to haunt me again, No fever can live in God's beautiful light, No sunset at evening, no weeping at night, But gladness torever, today! L. L. Knight iu Constitution. THE JPLAOE TO GET EDRUQS PEDICIflES AT THE t $ WEST PEIOES, IS -A.T DR. A. H. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE K. K. SHED. WELDON. N. C. 8T0CK KKPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. W-NtUCgJFTIO DIPARTMIMT FILLID WITH THI BKST BILKTID MATMIAL.-W PBE3CKIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CAKE. PERVUMERT, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Remember that kearty welcome always awaita you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. A BABY'S INFLUENCE. NO MATT Kit WltKKB TUB HAHV Al'I'EAItS ITS INFLUENCE 18 KELT. Who can resist a baby ? Perhaps some old baohelor will reply that bo can not only resist ono, but that he would like wise consider it a good plan to drown theui all as soon as they were born, in kitten fashiou. Well, the linn of this type is left out of the category altogether, and in asking who can rcsi.-t one of these dear little helpless bits of liuuiauity ire mean who, with a heart, can turn away from the dimpled, clinging bauds, or not be wou over by ihe innocent baby smile. No matter where tho baby an- peurs its influence is fell, says the Hume Magazine. Let u mother and child euter a cur uud five out of every six penplo will do nothiug for the rest of the way but watch the baby, and the old gentleman with glasses, who has been absorbed in the reports of the stock market, will lo.-k pleased and smile down on the little mite who has taken such a fancy to his gold headed cane, and will even unbend so far as to beam upon the mother and to say iu bis deep bass voice : ' Very line child nudum," uud if by chance the litth creature should smile up into his face or evince any ile-ire to be more friendly, the ausiiniv that frightens bis clerks ahuott out ul tl.iil nils, uud keeps tbeui coulin ua'l) toting the mark, will vanish cutirc ly, and in its place will come an air of conscious supeiiority, as though the honor confirred upon liiiu by the tiny m feel of humanity at his elbow hud made hitu a Hide uporiur to those other of his fellow beings who bud uot received any such murk of disiinguisbcd consider atiuo. Womeu, old and young uuleti they ire dwarfed iu their true iiulure, always love babies. The iii.iterual iusiiuct is the slrounctt uud be.t point in the feminii e character, and from the time of doll dressing up to the day when their litis are eluddeued bv the udt'eut of a little stranger, they adore the winsome, help less human beings that are dependent upon them for love and support. The thought of a curly lioaU, a rosy mouth, or a little lisping voice joyously callioi! "pupa or mamma, lias kept many a man and woman from despair and the manv dangers uf life that are worse than death. Ask Yoim Friends Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what they think ,.1'it and i lie renlies will be nositive in its favor. Simply what Hood's Sarsapa rilla does, that tells the story ot its merit lino Ima been ennnl of indigestion or dv pepaia, another finds it indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, while others report remarkable cures ol scrolula, ca tarrb, rheumatism, salt rueum, etc. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. irT'H'u ." 'Mi'. . Or von are all worn wit. r:iy(ruol rirhotB- tliff, It to eint-rftl ikbillly Trj JIKOA 1K '"TBI!. It will sun iou. cImiim your Uvar, and flTt 7 (ooU H'peUH, SANFORD B. DOLE, PresiJent of the Hawaiian Provisional Government. FORGIVENESS, THE BLIND BRIDLE. "FORGIVE CS OUR TRF.Sl'ASSKH AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US." A street boy was run over several weeks ago by a heavy wagon in New York City. He was in the gutter, in the act of stooping, and did not see the approaching team. Another gamin, wbo had been taunting him, run uway whin the accident happened. The injured boy was taken to the nearest hospital, where he was found to be fatally hurt. tVf'ter he had been in the hospital a few days, a small boy us ragged and friendless as himself, called to ask about him and to leavo an orange for the iu- jured lad. Tho visitor was shy and em barrassed, and would answer no questions. He sooii came again with an apple to be used for the snuie purpose. After that almost every day he appeared at the hospital, blinging some small gift. One day the nurse told the little visi tor that kis friend could not get well. The boy lingered in the receiving room, and then with great hesitation asked if l'e could see John. He had been in- viied before, but had refused. 1 he little patient was lying on his cot, very pale and weak. His eyes opened in dull surprise when lie was told that he had a visitor, llel'ore he knew it two little arms were about bis neck, and a familiar, grimy face bent over his and sobbed : "I suy, Johnny, can ye forgiven feller? We was always liglilin', and I know I hurt yer, an' I'm sorry. Won't ye tell mo. Johnny that 'ye hain't got no grudge agiu me?" The boy readied up his thin aims and locked them around his little mate's neck, and said: "Don't cry, Hobby. Don't feel bad: 1 was firin' a rock at yer when the wagon hit me. You forgive me? Yes, n . I I'll l . ! you Inrgivo me an 1 n lorgivu you, uu then we'll be square. The folks here learned me a prayer. How does it go nurse ! , "Forgive us our trespasses," said the white robed nurse, softly. The next morning Hob was a little late. The kind nurse 'uet bnu with a gravo face. Johnuy, she said, had just died She led the boy to the place where his little friend lay shrouded from sight. He looked at the dead a moment and turned uway with streaming eyes. "Didn't he suy notion' about me?" "lie spoke about you before he died, and asked if you were here," replied the nurse. "Are you sum he furgiv' me?" pleaded the trembling voice. "I utn quite sure." "Then may I may I go to the fun crul?" "Indeed you may," said the nurse ten derly. "Poor Johnny hasn't any friends." He was the only mourner; his Iiitt heart tho only ono that nihed, and his the only tears shed over the pauper sod, Rut Rob had exchanged forgiveness with his friend before he died, and felt his conscience cleir with bis small world. Youth's Companion. FOB OVKH FIFTY VICAR Mrs. Wiuslow's Southing Syrup lias been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perleet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Slid by Druggists in every part of the world. Tweutv five cents a bottle. Re sure and ask for "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup,' and take no other kind. may 25 ly AN OLD JOKE RETOLD IN THE HOUSE OF REl'RESENTATI VES. rOR DYiPEPmJA, InilirrttirKi, and Btomactt duorden, take BHOWN'I 1ROK aUTTlUU. All dln keep It, II pet Inula. Oaouuie has Ms-mark ua imml n& Umesea wrapper. HE KICKED THE CAT. "BUT THE CA'fAME HACK." Representative l'.yiiiini's Speech. Talk about the heroism of Lee or Grunt the gallantry of the piivate soldiers at the Puss of Thermopylae but all this dwindles into utter insiguilicanco wheu compared with the heroism of the one horse furnier. Look ut him upon a rocky hillside, chopping his cotton with a hoc upou which be paid a tax of 57 per cent.; wearing clothes upon which be paid a tax oi'liO per cent; shoes upon which be paid a tax of 45 per cent; and on the top of it all, p tying under bis lien from 2011 to 300 per cent, for rations with which to feed bis family and woik his crop, and yet, un- diT it all, he has lived, and still lives to grapple with the great question of the day: but be is about to sink under his harden and give up in despair. Like the old fanner of whom I ouce h 'aril, whose numerous and repeated failures in bis business, in spite of all his h ird work, caused him to grow so de spondent that be decided to leave this World; so lie went into tho barnyard, and an old blind bridle being the first hang- rope be could find, be tied one end of it aroutid bis neck, climbed up on one of ibe ioist in the baru, lied the other end tirounil the joist and then, after a short pray.T that God might bless the loved ones lie was leaviug behind, and take care of tbein, os he could stand the racket n longer, swung off, and to start on his way rejoicing, commenced to sing as he spread bis wings, "God be with you till we meet again." Aud one of the neighbors, whochan.'ed to be nearby, was attracted by the sweet music of bis song and then by grunts and groaus and divers and sundiy ges lures, etc., aud ran into the b.im to iu vestigate, and be entered the door bo was appalled to see his neigbor with his neck tied up to the joist with the old blind bridle, uud bis mouth gaped wide open and his eyes just on the verge of leaving his bead, but he was soou master of the situation; he cut the bridle and down his neighbor came on the barn floor. v After beiug rubbed rapidly for awhile the old fellow being slightly recovered from the eneets ol Ins journey, looked up and said: "John, you are uo friend to me, sir; what did you do that for? Why, ir you hud left me alone for a few miuutes I would have soon been walking the gold- en streets of the New Jerusalem." "Yes," his neighbor replied, 'but wouldn't you have cut a figure walking the streets of the New Jerusalem with an old blind bridle on?" ( Laughter ) Just so it is. Mr. Chairman, with the farmers and laboriug people of our coun try, il you do not give them relief from their unful burden in the shape of tariff relurui, or some other uuanciul measure, they will siuk under their almost mi beaiuble load, and will have to seek the desired lelief ill another world; nnd it might lie that they would resort tu the ''bund Liid.e. A rciuarkuble case of hair turniug gray iu one night is that of James Cun navan, a young school teacher, living south of Ilirdseye, Iud. Mr. Cannavan's explanation requires more than nverugn credulity in the super latum! to believe; the gray hair shows for itself. Cunnu vuii avers that while he niul a companion William Flaherty, were passing through u neighborhood culled Sodom, en route home from a dance night before lust, says the St Louis Republic, they were met sever al timesby a large black cut, which persist ed each time iu passing so close to liilil us to rub bis leg. lie grew angry at last and expressed his mind very rudely, but Flaherty pleaded moekiugly for the cat, saying jocosely: "You don't know but you shall be a cut in the next life." Scarcely had these words beeu uttered wheu the cut repassed and rubbed hitu again, and wilbout more udo bo kicked it high in the air. The young men proceeded toward their parting place, from which ouch bad mure thau a mile to travel homeward. When Flaherty was half way home be met Cannavau, who exclaimed: "Hello! Where ure you going?" "I am going home," said Flaherty. "What in thunder are you doing here?" On comparing notes Cannavau found bis error, and instead of accepting an in vitation to go borne with his friend start ed homeward, only to be lost again and met his comrade occe more. This lime be admitted being bewildered and re quested bis friend to accompany liim to the place where they first parted, which Flaherty did. When this puint was readied they stood a minute to speak. Tlie cat appeared again! They begun to inwardly curse the cat, each reading the other's thought's in their silence. At this moment voices were heard over head near by. The first voice was: "Oh, the blood!" The second : "The earth is deluged!'' The third: "Woe! Oh! Ob!! Ob!!!" "That last voice," said Flaherty, "is Threena L'na na Cardie's voice! That is the bandshee that follows our family, and is never beard except preceding the death. The couple now became tboiougbly frightened, aud Caunavan readily accept ed his companion's invitation to go home with him. Nor was time wasted in getting there. Neither slept any that night. The worry, with the fceliug that the trouble was all iuourred by his treat ment of the cat which now looked upon as supernatural he does not hesitate to say caused the change in his hair. Neither has recovered his uortual condi tion, and the sequel uf "Threena Una na Cardie's voiea is anxiously awaited, lioth young men are much ubovc the average iu intelligence, aud stand high in the respect of the community, where they have lived all their lives. Cannavau is about twenty two years of ago. His hair before the metamorphosis was a rich, dark brown; now it is densely streaked with gray more than a half having changed color. RAM S HORN BLASTS. W ARNINIl NOTES CALI.INll THE WICKED TO REPENTANCE. The devil is the father of every doubt. A drunkard's throat lias no bottom to it. A loafer is never satisfied with bis wages If you are uot made better by giving, double your gift. The man gois to bed tired ho spends the day iu looking f r un iay place. Home fiddlers euu play a tune on ot:u string, tut itnevir boukes anybody want to dance. Angels weep on the day that a young man begins to sneud iuiiim mnuey than be cuu make. Many u man whose prayers were long will be kept out of heaven because his yardstick was too short. There are people wbo never bear any mu.sio that s'liis tin in, exeept when they are plujiug first fiddle. A hypocrite feels better satisfied with himself every time ho sees a good mun make a miss ep. A HAUNTKO HOUSK All free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, nave now the opportunity to try it free. Cull on the adveitised drug' gist and get a trial bottle, free Send your name and address tu 11. lv liucklcn k Co , Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr, King's New Life Pills free, ns well as a copy of Guide to Health nnd House hold Instructor, tree. All ol wlueli guaranteed to do you good and cost you uutbing. Y m. Cohen s drugstore. 1 he averidgo United States senator is more in bulk than he is heft. Detroit Free Press. Iturkleii'a AriticaSalve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cliapped bands, chilblains. corns, ami all skin eruptions, and post lively cures piles, or n pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refuuded. Price 2" cents per box. For sale by Wn. Cohen. There is quite an exciting ghost story going the rounds iu Winston Salem says the Sentinel. A family residing ut the northern terminus of Highland avenue, Hast Winston, purchased a carpet for their parlor recently aud the getitlenian of the bouse, assisted by bis wife, were tacking it down. When they had lacked down the second side they were astonished to find 1 1 1 at the first side they hud tacked was completely pulled up A little later a member of the family attempted to remove u framed photograph from the wall when they were seized by invisablc adversary and almost choked to death Several members of the family attempted to pull up tho side of the eaipet that remained tacked and were ordered to vacate the room by a voice that seemed to proceed from the wall. Several other occurrences ol a similar cbaiacter have transpired. The family are greatly mystified as well as frightened. They ofTer the carpet and picturo to anybody who will remove them from the mom. Here is nn opportunity for those who boast of having no fear of ghosts and "hob goblins" to ferret out a mystery and prove their valor. A local physician tells Tho Sentinel that he lias heard strange things at the bouse himself. Wheu he was called there several weeks ago. After knocking ut the door and awaiting lor same one to open it, he heard a peculiar noise from the cave trough. When the gentleman of the house came to the door heremuiked that there was so much knocking about the house that it wus hnrd tu tell when a caller did cjme. At this time the family were only paying 82 per month lor the house. The gentleman said he could stand a great deal of noise at that rent. AD V Jilt'J'ISKM KNTS. The Old Fi lend An t!i ; Wt fri. 'inl, 1'. at never fails you. is fcimiii'ins Liut IU?pu latoi", (tho llcil ',) flint's wliiit you hoar at tin) ineutioti of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not he persuaded that any thine; clso will do, It is tho King of Liver Medi cines; i3 better than pills, and takes lha place of Quinine and Calomel. It acts directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to tho wliolo ys tem. This is the medicino you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. -F.VERV PACKAGE'S Ilaa tint 7. Mump In reil on wt-ajiper J. H. ZE1L1N & CO., FliilalelpliU, Fa. COPYRIGHTS. CA!V I OBTAIN A PATENT f POT Rrnmpt answer and an honest opinion, write to 1 1; NN CO., who have land newly fifty years' experience iu the patent business. Communica tions Mrlrtly confidential. A Handbook ot In formation canreruitiK 1'atrntn and bow to ob tain tbcm Bt'rit free. Also a catalogue Ol mciln leal and Hcientlfia books (teat free. Patents taken through Munn ft CO. feOfllTa ' special notice in the Scientific Amertran, and tliua are brought widely before the public with out cnet to the Inventor. This splendid paper, laoued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has dt far th DulldlnK Kdltlou. monthly, i60 a year. Slngl conies, '2 It cents. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colore, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enublloit Duilden to show th luti'Ht (IphIbiih and socure contractu. Address MUNN i CO KbW YUKIi, 3U1 filtOADWAT. Chas. M. Walsh, 0 EH Ul Eh THEY LOVED NOT WISELY. The gtrangort- tort of will power anil endurance evur inado,'' said K D. Con amis of tlio City of Mexico to a St. Louis Globe Democrat man, was in Mexico, the characters beiii" a Mexican woium and an American man. They were lovers, and the girl's par ents refused their consent to the union, insisting that she should marry a wealthy Mexican suitor. "At the sugm'stion of thn gill they reed to die together, and to test the strength and eudurance of each other's lnve tlu-y cli use a means ot suicide unlike any ever dreamed of belore. "Food aud fruit were placed on a tiklc in the center ol the room, occupied by both, tho girl having escaped from her lionnybiit being unwilling to dope with her lover. It was agreed that tiny should starve to death with plenty before them and should either succumb to nalure and partake of (lie fond, hath were released Irom the boud of death, hut there should be an everlasting separation. 'For twelve days they endured the pangs of hunger without a uiunuui r a thought of wavering from their purpose to die together. The twelfth day tho father of the girl discovered here where abouts. and, breaking the door, they were carried out, too faint to stand alone. "It took them several days to recover their strength and when they did they were married. "This is a true statement, and the Aniericin is living with his Mexican wife to day." See l lie M urlil's l-'ilr fur I'lttccn Cents. I'poii reciipt of your address nnd fifteen cents in postage stamps wo will mail jou prepiid our Souvenir l'ortlolin of ihe World's Columbian. Kxpositimi, the reg ular price is fifty cems, but as want you to have one, we make the price imuiinal. You will liJ it a work of art and thing to be prised. It contains full page views of the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest styles of art. If not saliflied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H. K. Buck ten & Co., Chicago, 11J. 0 IXTEltritETING A ISOOIv. DKEA3I Cleveland Plaindeuler. A young married woman living in the East Knd, had a peculiar dream the other evening. Shu dreamed that she was down town on Euclid avenue with her baby aud was preparing to board a ear to go home. The step of tho new Euclid avenue motor was rather bi"h and she requested a gentlemen to hold her baby while she boarded the car. He consented but before he could return the infant to the arms uf its mother, the car started and left without the child. The grief of the young woman was so iuteuse and so troubled was her mind that she awoke, Her rebel at finding it all a dream was so great that she decided to buy a book in dreams and learn what it all signifud Yesterday she called at a down-town book store and related her dream tu the clerk, who chani'i d to be an acquaintance. She purchased the bunk and lurned to the index, where she louuu such a dream as she expirienced foretold that the dreamer would receive twice as much she had lost. "What would I get," she said to the clerk, innocently, "ihat would be twico as much to nn' us mi bubs? "Twins," said iho clerk laconically, and she has not spoken to him since ADVKiaiSEMENTS. South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. I ill I will - -4 mm p ' Mimmsm. CD fa I f,,iifijii3 Li' west cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WALSH, net 11 ly. J Eggg tnafciUK mir l.-irp I . iii taint bJiirnVVaii, ht.lt. In -lti lll.ll- ft'ff . Al.IJM. coti. lml.-t i i!i r. win . m-hum. it . I . ! -if If ym t H J iUllllf "in K-djr. ihvhiim yon My prtul, pwMfttl Dtuilla. 1 H. i. rink. ia brMUly uh My fcirlf iii(Jllfnt ) -X tlltior MS, WlM 'n rd a4 rnu. aa4 Wfc, ri ina in t .vin work tadwTN. tnmialy, how W tarn mrft ThM iii4 kalian a 'Mi ik ttwir emi i f ut , lur M U.ty Mto. 1 Mil atau fuculafa lilt Utloa t rmpVaiuawl, f hi lt u lpn.ni that amaMMf. ill eliarr nailiing niK mm- i -r !, aUava, NulMiiK aJtflUall (o Irani, ot Ifcat requirai imieb lima. I tlralr but ma pion trvm ctmly. I haal rtUv urn (hi aat) pe-iwl '.1 whIi m. .I..TtuniI tarya iiuiiiWr wbo art an h i , all, ICm -. A.ldraw. AiiltUila AAllliaaV lew V Millinery. 0- fcsTuCiv OF 0 FALL And Bakincr jtMoioteiy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. latett U. S. Govtrnnunt Food Report. Royal Baking I'owdeu Co., 10WU3t.,N.ir. I Millinery Is arriving, and I will illipUy tha flneat line ol inodaever shown In this town. Come anil aea Ike NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW. EST NOVELTIES. MS. P. A. LEWIS, octaly Wal&a, KM. "1 j