! THE EXPERIMENT STATIOJ At Rftlolgh,N. C, -ruaonta Matters of Interest to Agriculturists. it I'ublicatloiia ,lr. Vrvm tti Tliota lu North Caroliint V. Im Krttllj lcaire to t.eud Ihrm. Jaxiai.y ,'7, lsi4. Jl DUtrlbultuu ul I'htuf, Hewiln, Ait. The Experiment Station Ikin no sup ply of seeds, plants. Ar., for tfrnernl distribution, and cnnvspondcnts should remember thin fuet and not write Ur tliein. It dot's not attempt to kivp a supply ou hand for tho reason that it n not in the province of Hk work to at tribute common seed, and brkuU' tli'Tc are minwrymon and HeedsiniHt who mukti it their buMticMi to Ueep thi'.' htKkN andean till your orders. Oeeu sionully the Station distributer- one or two Tarioties of new heeds or plants, wheu they are protnisiiitf. but unless you (uae a dintinut annoiincLMiieut of tliisfaet, please do not make application to the Station. Tha KLiarlmt Nlatlon llullvtlitf. The standing offer U made to send the bulletina of the Station to all in the State who really desire to receive them. Thousands of fanners have already taken advantage of this offer. In less you really want to be benefited by the in. please do not apply for them. If von desire to read tkcni. write on puhtal i ..qfiI n- it u uui.1 i..-,.-,. nui. eiffh, N. C. ' Poraaulaa for Cum putts atid Huuiaviuud BJUturaa for Cnltvaaud Cora. BOO lbs. The remaining' !.atii'rus seed was then sown in a box and kept on a shaded porch. At the end of six mouths about fifteen plants from one to two inches hijLfh were alive, in the fall these were transplanted to a row in the peat or chard on the Kxperimetit farm. The soil was a well enriched loam. All these plants were alive the next spring, but during the whole season grew only a few inches. Weeds ami jrases were carefully removed by hand every two or three weeks. The next spring eleven f the plants were removed from the orchard and set in a single row on a rich and mellow terraced hillside, where thev have remained since. The plants so far have not (lowered, and of course tin Meed has been formed. The plant Ki'nw fiat ou the ground, loo low to he mowed, anil ah new leaves p-uw at end of stem the older ones lie hind rot. i-'i'om its behavior with us I.ath vvns Sylvestris promisees no practical value us on account of the low vitality of the seed and the e. tret tie slowness of growth of the plant. u gin id or aver age soil it is certain to be overpowered and smothered by ("rub and itermuila grtiH-es and weeds. If this plant tos.se ses any economic T ue il will be for the sand-hill region, where wild grasses nnd weeds are less ! intrusive. Vee:mnot ndvise anyone to invest largely in this plant at present. The wed now costs .it) per pound and is advertised by most seetKiiun. liKiuui Mi l Aittilv, N. t. Kxperimetit Station. , plan fhaf you su oil barrels ami i packed earth is a ; The loss result' of water and I entirely upon i - expo ... t of placing it Th wring with dry "1 one. 1 I'lim absorption would depend idu ions of the at l. and causes sitni 1. Stable manure, Kainit. Acid phosphate, Cotton seed, 1 Kainit, Acid phosphate. stable manure, SftM) ' SUO " 400 " 1.0LHJ ibd. suu lbs. ttHJ " tjOU ' Cotton seed meal or tish scraps, 6ou ' 2,000 I be. S. Kainit or ashes, - 2nu Dig. Acid phosphate or bone meal, tt 0 " tttable manure with yard scrap ings and leaves, - 1,000 " t,O0 lbs. 4, Aeid phosphate or bone meal, 600 lbs. Ashea , :I00 " Stable manure, - ttot) " Rich earth or yard scrapings, 600 " 3,000 lbs. These are given as suggestions. In dividual requirements may need some what different proportions with a change of ingredients at hand. Com posts should be laid down under shelter if possible, and ou stiff clay founda tion and level so that no leacnings may run oft. About six weeks before ready to use, put down a layer of stable manure three or four inches thick, then a thinner layer of cotton seed (if this is used) then a layer of acid phosphate, and finally a layer of kainit. Kaeh layer shonld be thoroughly wet after it is put down. Kepeat layers until heap is Du.lt up three or four feet. Then cover with a layer of dirt to protect it aud prevent leaching from rain. Examine from time to time aud wet the heap if there is undue heating. At the time for hauling to the field, the heap should be cut down from top to bottom und mixed thoroughly as possible. W he u ashes' are usetl it is best not to allow them to eome in contact with the stable manure, as there might Ik? some tendency to de compose it. A dry mixture about equal to the or dinary complete ammontated fertilizer would be : Aeid phosphate. - l.you lbs. Kainit, - - - aoo ' Cotton seed meal, flot) ' t.000 lbs. These can be easily mixed at any time before using; a large, tight box or wagon-body is very suitable. Have two men stand on opposite aides and mix with hoes. If materials are dry, kthey can be easily and thoroughly mixed ut a nominal cost. Do not ex pose to weather before use. H. It. Uatti.k, Director N. C. Kxperimetit Station. Hoy (Kuja) lleana Ought to ba Planted. A correspondent writes: "When is the right time to sow (or plaut) soy beans? What kind of soil and how. should It be prepared for same ? How do they compare with black peas as a feed and land improver? By giving this information you will greatly oblige." Soy beans should not be sown broad east, but planted in hills or drills 2', or. 3V feet apart according to richness of soil. If in hills, 15 to ' inches is far. enough apart in the row. They will doubtless grow on any soil that corn will grow on, and may he planted at, the same time as corn, w hich gives a' long season from March to .July. It is ft good plan to plant in the corn rows' between the hills or stalks of corn. If! corn is grown for silage, the beans can, be cut with the corn and will add greatly to its value. The upright growth of soy beans leaves room for .. cultivation, and this should be accorded to cheek the growth of weeds. f As food for stock, the soy bean is onei of the richest legumes that can be I grown. In chemical composition the fc dry matter of soy-bean-silage and a j.-iJiiek peavine hay differ more in fat and K. other carbohydrates than protein. The roots of soy beans bear numerous tuber cles, which aid it by gathering nitrogen from the air the same as those of the peavine or clover routs. There is no spreading by running vines to shade the ground, which is one of the potent factors In soil improvement, hence soy beans must be planted near enough for shade. On poor soil there should be t one plant every 3x' feet and from that up to 3x3 V feet. It is usual to plant S to 4 beans in a hill, as it makes the stems finer, and they are hard and woody ftt best. They are well suited to grow in any part of this state and can be depended on for good crops of seed. " To save the seed the stalks should be nulled or cut and stacked uu loose! v as soon s leaves and pods have chanired iroia green to a golden hue, and when dry threshed out. The pods should not be hand-picked, because there are Uh many and with only one to three be tins t pod H will not puy. They will nartP1 out TerJ wucn ripe urn! dry mosph.'re, lar. I'luvur and Grans for I.oauir Laud Tra nuti ( littuia. Wh:it ;ir X'.ir clover ;Wil (fr:issfi for It'hl to.iiiiy IiukI - Ai-f iiiMi's .r olmfJiH brMer for Unmiitf on in (h" lull.' i Aimwtvi'il hi I'. Kiurrv. Auriruiturtst. V. ('. liv.'i'l'lliii'iit StiUloa. I You will find orchard gras the hardi est and most vigorous grass you can use for hav. Tolliieken the stand and im prove the hay. Kentucky blue grass is a favorite, w hile common red clover flow er near t he t iine of hot h grasses. These make prime hay. and will grow well if treated to an occasional coat of stable manure. You will hardly make grasses profitable without this manur ing. Probably you could get much more clean cash out of annual clover grown for seed. It should be sown in August or any time in the fall when there is likely to be moiiture enough to give the little plants a fair start, so that early winter frosts wilt not pull them out of the ground. This clover will ripen in May. You can feed the straw. ami the seed sltottht sell tor ?. or St! per bushel. Our experience with ehufas is that there bus been too small tl yield to com- I pare with peanuts, though we have not AdvuarM liirlrirtral Nummnrv lor turned h.gs on them. Some of our ortlt nliaa. Iiaeamhtr. 1H1U. j farmer friends have had eVw rietiee The X. ('. State Weather Service issues ! with them, and have been beaten bv the following advanced Mimarv of the I neighbor growing peanuts. They will weather for December, I ,. as com- i hereafter grow only peanuts fr hogs. pureil with the corresponding month of previous years : Tk-mi-kua i rid!,--The mean for the, month was 44.1 degrees, w hich is 1. 1 above the tioruml. The highest monthly mean was M. 1 at Wilmington; ouvl, J7.i, at Itlowiug Koek. Highest tem perature, 711 on the 1st ut Washington, on the 3rd at Tarboro ; lowest. lOoiithe 5th ut ltakersville. The warmest De cember during the past twenty-two years was in iss'.i-mean. -CM ; coldest December during past twenty-two years in lS7ft mean 34.-'. l'Kiccii'iTATloN. Average for the mouth, 3.15 inches: this is 0.3.F inch below the normal. The greatest amount was 5.s at Washington; 1 'ast amount, U.7 at Mocksville. The wet test December in twenty-two years occurred in 1SM4 -average, ti.77 ; the dryest, in average. 0.M inch. There was only one day ithe 5th) with snow -of any considerable umouut ; greatest total snowfall reported was 7.U0 inches, at Henderson, 'nusually heavy sleet occurred on the 5th in the vicinity of lioldsboro and Kalklund. WuiO. Prevailing direction, south west. The normal direction is north east. Average hourly velocity, miles. Highest velocity. HO miles per hour at Kitty Hawk on nth. Misckm.a n nova. Thun derstorms were reported ou the Hrd ut quite a number of places in the eastern and central part of the Stute ; at three sta tions on HUh. Sleet or hail on -d, "rd, 4th. ,"th. 14th. Snow on 4th. Mh. 17th. lth. 3lst. Ilaloson 1Mb. joth, -,".Jd, vith. Meteors -were observed on the 11th, t'Uth and '-'Hth. On the morning of the tiOth an unusually large, bright one was observed in the east. ADVERTISEMENTS. V Your V Heart's Blood J Is the most important part o( W your org.inism. Three-fourths of W L the complninls to which thesys- 7 f tem is subject arc due to impuri- V ilea III IIIC uiuuil. I .dll, iiicic-a fore, realize how vital it is to FS V NEW ADV KKTISKM ENTS. li Sill t did Wtivi'H. Cold waves are those Muddeit changes from high to very low temperature which constitute the. most noteworthy feature of winter weat her in the 1'nited Mates. They are produced by the II. v of masses of cold, dry air from the re gions east of the Uoeky Mountains in liritish America, towards the south or southeast. During the long winter nights of the Arctic regions dry. clear air accumulates in deep layers which in cooled by radiation to a temperature many degrees below .em; and then commences to tlow towards any place where warm air is ascending, as it docs in the low pressure areas or storms which constantly pass from west to east across the 1'nited States. A "low area' is produced by the air. Somewhere heeoming heated from un known causes, above the surrounding atmosphere. This excessively hented Air ascends and air is drawn in he low from all sides to ruplace it. That drawn in on the south to east side is wann und moist: that drawn In m the north to wefd side is dry and eold. The eold wave follows alter the low area as it moves eastward. The severer and pro longed eold waves are assoeiated with extensive areas of high prepare. Their rate of progress aver.it seiglit hundred niilef- in twenty-four hours. It is of great advantage to many busi ness ami agricultural interests to' Uu tw in sdvmiee when the temperature will fall (illicitly and decidedly, besides af fecting the comfort and health m thous ands of people. C. 1". von 1I!.i;::i.nn, Meteorologist, X.C. Kxperiment Mat ion. Tha ( iiltivutlnn of Outturn und hi nit lo- tHtOVIt. I hiiv ilouctl in llfty Itrutin of tiiJ MtiiMe mi iinif en two inns of IilikI tiiiii 1 mm I io pluia i-.i (.inuii- Wilhl ri ijinre inuiv iiiauure'' I'limn IiChI 1 J Hit utiil m'-ltinil nf culm :ttitHi, alto, wli-lln'i in ltit Hied nr v..t.. Whali t tie tx'st ;tt liKi'" illi't tillto;tlc Iri.-ll pnl. t !', I Cllllle ri litl ft't'MlltTt n t.'inul as slaLJc Jim n,i(" H IV I: N. wtuti N C tAl.sWrretl I'.v VV F Mushcv- Unrtlcultuilt, N. t. KxiHTlriicut Slittiim. t It is hard to grow u first -elas.4 crop of onions on hunt that has not been culti vated in vegetables and heavily ma nured for some years before. You do not say anything about the previmis ip-itlity of your land, nor what hind of loads ot ui;.nurc you applied, nor the (jttality of the -manure. Manure from highly fed animals aud not uf too strong a character is a very different article from ordinary yard manure. Kifty or dinary loads ot ordinary manure on on dinary farm land w ill not grow a line r.'op of onion--particularly if the laud is of a clayey diameter. You cannot make laud too rich for onions. On the land you name we would advise the addition of not less than 700 to l.ntto pounds of a complete eoniaierciitl fer tilizer, sneh as is made tor tobacco growing, in the furrow under the onion rows. If you intend to grow ri;e on ion you should always sow the seed in i'chniary. as you can thus raise better onions than you can from sets. To rais.' early grow n onions it is best to plant set- of the White I'earl onion in October. Seed would do just as well for these if sown in September, but the uncertainty of our fall weather and liability of dry weather at this time renders the germination of the seeds at this time rather uneertain. We therefore advise M-ts for fall plant ing. For spring sowing use seeds of the Prize Taker ia tare yellow oniom, White tilol e. Soutnport. Pearl or (Hunt Koeeo thrown.) The White Globe is the best keeper. IMant early Irish potatoes in Febru ary, with 1. nun pounds of complete fer tilizer per acre, well worked in thr furrow am! cultivate thoroughly. Commercial fertilizer is better than manure -for Irish potatoes, as they grow smoother and are less liable to scab. It' the land has been in ehu-er ;f peas the previuua year, the crop will tw much bettor. The North Carolina Kxperiment Sta tion will issue in a tew days complete analyses of sinuples taken during the spring and fall season of !si;. This will give the standing of the various fertilizers on stile during l'.'ii. togetUfi with i!ic comparative value of the ute nn.ied ingredient.'- at the seaboard, TrtbhiB ( f freight rates ou the rail. 'oat is will be given so tlott charges to ne;.i'! ail imerior tow nit can cail be This bulletin I it w.l. , . t u. Hues on the station pub , n During the sjiring sea-, n oi is 1. ,. alyses will lie prompt v mc.le as m.mm as smnples can be taken t.v the mli . il it, apeetors. 'I'hese ana I w . will t -printed every two weeks, but will only be sent to those who pecial!v Uoplv fo'r them. One application onlv is nece sary for the whole series of bi-weekly editions. Those who are inU't ested in these fertilizer analyses are advised to make application on jHtstal card to lr. nuuni. inreelor. Kalctgh. . C, i;itclilc Hitters. This reined' is hccomiii;' so well knowu ami so popular an to heed no special men tion. All who h:ive used Klectric Hit ters sin tlie tauie ong of pruise. A purer uiulicinc does nut exist aud it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed Klectric Uittcis will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pim ple.. Iloils, Salt Kin urn and other afl'ec tiuna caused ly impure hloml. Will drive Malaria t'nmi the wtem ami prevent as Well as cure ail .Malarial leu-is. For euro of Headache, Constipation and In digestion try Klectric Hitters. Kntire sattstaefiiPti guaranteed or money rel'u titl ed. Price jllc. ami SI. 00 per bottle at W. M. Cohen s Ihustore. Ql'KNTlONN A.NIft KKl'LIKM. The Station will be glad to receive questions on agricultural topics from uny one in North Carolina who mav de sire to ask for information. Address all questions to the ".V C. Agricultural Experiment Station. Ualeigh. N. C." licplies will be written as curly as pos sible by the member of the Station stair most competent to do so. and. when of general interest, they will also appear iu these columns. The Station expects, iu this way, to enlarge its sphere of usefulness ami render imme diate assistauce to practical fanners. aa h who leavna them too .g wlli . learn W hia coat, for the pons will open m4 thft poaa Matter upon the gtot nd. Via la ft iaot desirable plant to rmu -stock. It is :i1m a g(Md table bean, ' squires a longtime iu cooking, ami asosft people will have to learn to like iu flavor. F, K. Kmkky, Agriculturist. H. C. Kaperiinent Station. Note. In a recent pn-tn article, in referrlnir to wit petro as a feritllM-r. the wrlu-r hud in uiind Mlf sa tjietre, or nitraie si-u.i. There la an ulhrsultKHe. tl)-- nilrute nf outsh. which uf vt.i.r-tc uiiitanitt pouiHii in aU.Mttuu lu nllmi'iL Aj wus tu;t, s:ilt,..ri- ImimI h ctiuiplMr rot i ner und i,Wr nKTediems must u- udd.-U to It. I lilt 4ii U'llli ..in, ... r ... . . . i. . I (. . - l"IUi. Kill til lltf I'UM' or v.-.'im of ,, ,,, , wraw roi ra ol jlic,-ili;ut. ,.,.,,. to ,,. , a oii,iipt,-u. a,iil,nii,. Tin-( 'lull sitilFM-lr.- ml inile MMln. ;, inul ,luM t Ih the only Jj"y,,r" l" '" U u.l unrkulturully.-li. Lathrru. H;lr..,rl, or KUt The so-called KUt pc. I,atlivi-u Svl ,jtrUi, la closely n-liittd to the' Vetrhcu fmtto pcimmial. The other speek-s , ut l,athyru are commonly called etci 1 lings nnd hare little aifriciiltmal value All contain poiw.mms alkaloid, but the lutroducef of the Klut iwa c.laim to hare ItoproTed or bred out the uola jonoua principle. The most extrava pant cIbuim have beeu iniulr f.,r tl.U Vlant by it. tatrodnr. The iiuprove.1 plant orif mated In tlermauy lu the apriDK of imio a umail paekup, f l,tliyreed v?b received at this atation from the English rtlaaemlnator, alHiut three-fonrthB of the puekuue waa mn on atrial plot mljllnK imuar ,ilots of Lucerne, Knotted Medic and Tiirums clwcra. The soil win m-av-lly red clay natnrally well drained and wa enriched by a heavy dose of a com plete commercial fcrtllijer. At the end of one month only a few very feeble Uhyn Wants were alive, and thcae wereaoon "mot he red by wild irrassci and dinappeared wholly. Durinir 'ho game time the neivh vrill, pl u J Llicrms. etc., new tint.l 1 Halmiii i (lmnan Tree.. Will i-on pleaae lurulli me whh Information f 1 tin- atMiiniii orai,.;i. iri... utjuur u-lirair-M. W. ('.. Tallahaw.ee Pla. (AliMtered bv W. K. Hrx Hortliulturlst N. f. Kir:uii ut Sluliun i Tin- Satsiirna oranue treea are dead. I he eold of lust winter lini.shed the Iiim. of them. The" will stand a cold of l to i. but lower than this hurts and hually kills them. On our south-"'"a"'- I helieve they will do well. I hey will stund our ordinary winter, particularly us they e;row older, but a winter like that of H'.IMta will always destroy them. A lierlin trailo journal announces a Dew lieriiiiio iuveotion, viz: paper stock iuus. It is tuld lliat the sluekitii; are uiaileot'a specially jiroparcil impreDatcd paper stock, which has an extraordinary effect on perspiriu feet. The moisture is ahsnrbcil by the paper as rapidly as it is lorined, and the toft remain dry and warm, while the constant temperature maintained iu the shoes is said to bo srre.it preventative of colds. l'Oft OVI'.K I'lh'TV VKAHS .Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions oi mothers for their ehildreu while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the tiuuis, allays all pain, cures wind colic, aod is the best remedy for Uiarrluea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold bv Druiriiists iu every part ut the world. Twenty live cents n bottle. He sure aud ask for ".Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,'1 and take no other kind. may 2.1 ly Til K divine purpose of our lives let us think of that as we change the year dates on our letters and ledgers. Let us consecrate ourselves to that purpose. To be belter is to be more useful To bo more useful we need the transforming grace. Lot ubci;in the new year right. Let us pray a prayer of penitence, of consecration to(jod and his sublime wotk Vet. a little while, and we shall he don with clianjiinf! dales. Due last one will be made for us on the stone abovo cur heads. Make haste, for the lime runneth to an end and to eternity. Western Christian Advocate. Keen It Pure l or which purpose notion? can V equal t-SHJ.Hj cSectually re- M movesa-XjCJ a 1 1 impurities. cleanses the blood thoroughly and builds up theKeneral health. Our Tieatix on H!ih1 milskin iti.eim muilcil SWIFT SPEciflTcMtlinli. Gi. V NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kariilnt Mini!. .,r Hoda. Pirn tn lei roe know how I cuii keep over, tr im vdl'tZH'Sk1" ",ThtT- a lot o( nitrate of sisla ti,JVii?.nor. ""i1 """ 'h"" "ear. ben.nea rs .J,, I',",',,",' k,"''" " l kerosene olltwr- lAnsweml b, H. B Bant. Mrector, N. C. E-P-'rlniBl81allun., orb? mniT U'a.t Nitrut of , '".'"f, U tho ""e a. that the Nitrate of Boda can be t , wril-J".!? u th"t can not ure and hecoma wet nd Iutodt. 'he am waiv iSSENS PAIN INSURES SIFETY to LIFE of MOTHER and CHILD. My wifo, after bavins used Mother's Friend, paused tliroiiKh the ordeal with little puln, wan stronger lu one hour th.in In a week after tho birth of her former child. J. J. MoGoxdrtck, Beans Bta., Teau. Mothtr".. p fiend robbed pnln of lu tr-nr an. I linnrned labor. 1 have the hcalthtMt child 1 ever ar. Mm. L. m. Aaaux, Cochran, Oa. Rent by exprew, chaises prepaid, on receipt of prlee, $1 jopor bottle. Book "Io Mother," auilud free. orSalebjralU)ru5gl. tuiit4,()4. V Chas. C. Alley, GON FE mm PETERSBURG, VA. firm Mr. V. M. Warren rcnri'seiits the and will visit V'elilou and its vicinity reg ularly, oct 111 I v. E. CLARK. -When in Want of km r Groceries, THE BEST COMPANIES REPRESENTED ROYAL, with assets of $45,000, 000, and over $12,ooo,ooo surplus. Virginia State, and Southern, of New Orleans. mm a specialty. Will visit any section of Halifax county and inspect you property and give you a safe poli cy. Address D. E. STAIN BACK, General Insurance Ag't., Weldon, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At tlit lowiM prict'H be sure to my Mock, wliirh in con in let e ta amine in every department, of the bent qmility at the inwt n-usoiiiiblc priiT. All kimln of eLkjI'OKS ahviivM on hand. K. C'i.AliK, Weldou, N. C Hi ly. FOR SALE. All of the real estate of J I.. Fi'var in tlie town ol Wel dou. Also all ol his brewing outlit, Isittles er.ites, ete. I'OIITKiillSnpplvto ED. T. CLARK, Krai 1-statc Agent, Wehlou, X. C. lominioB Pants MANUFACTURING CO. .1. COllKN A SDN, I'roprietors, l or. Syeaiooie ami llolliugbrook streets, IVtersliuje,, Va. Soliiits truih oflistein Carolina. eWWr imike iants in nil itrades. i oct 111 ly. Augustus Wright -WUOLKSAI.K- 3oots,Shoc&l ranks JAXD I.EATIIKH, 16 .Syeaniore St., 1'KTKKSBI HG, VA. All orders receive pmnipt personal atten tion. 10 19 ly PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. w. it. HAV, W. Mull. N. t DAY tl. HAXIKI.,jT. Littleton, N. C. '. HAlllilsON Wflilon, X. C. DAMI.I. HARRISON, ATT0R N EY S-AT-LA W, l'raetices in the courts of Halifax and Warren enuuties, and wherever their er viees are needed. One of the lirm will he in Halifax on each Monday. 1 18-Iy. J.WAltl). Kxfiki.I), N. C. SURGEON :: DENTIST, lltliee over McfiwifniD'a store. 11 2 ly. jmu v. KIHUM, wuta a. tisixL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wki.iion, N. C. Practice In thocourtiof naliraiaudNortaamM tonaiidlu the Hupreuie anil Federal eouru. vJL IwUiiim mmle In allparteof North Carolina Uraneh oulce at lialllax, N. C, open every Mod. J,D ' 'r T. T. ItOSS, DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. ftxT-Oflice over Kmry A ricrce'aslore. 10-l-ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. TO THE LADIES OF WKSTKKN 11AI.F OK HALIFAX CO. I know Dr. J. A. .VcOill's ORANGE BLOSSOM tH 1,0 a ve0' &eat Wowing to our sex. Wo have Ion;; needed some- I thin" which no could use ourselves and which could conquer the stuhhorn forms of chronic inflammation and congestion which lie at the foundation of all female troubles. That Dr. JcCSill'a treatment meets the demand of this long felt want is showu by tho fact that many cases which have bullied the skill ot our best physicians, are being cured by it. I have pledged myself to let my suffering sisters in the above Counties know of this simple, entirely safe, yet wonderful cure. To accomplish this I must have the help of some good Christian lady iu each township There are not less than ane thousand ladies in each of the above Counties to whom this cure would hoof inestimable value, many of them mother w ho need strength that tliey may train their little ones; then thre ae so many vouiik i;irls whose trouble ia not considered serious, hut urverthcliits need attention, as only a little time will lie required for it take the color from the cheeks and all the joy from their glad young lives ns it has done in thousands of cases. Write for information. I answer all questious. I will also semi Township's Agent's Terms to those who will assist nie. MKS. (1K0. W. DAVIS, Areola, Warren Co., N. C. 4-20-ly (JACKSON i OFFICE FURNITURE Every sale seals the verdict That no other house DoKS-K VEK DID or EVEK WILL-sell such STERLING QUALI TIES at finch low prices as AVE quote. 1 Sals & Co., Kichmond, Va. Il'youwereall built alike all wanted the sauie kiml of Underwear you could drop in anywhere. )iut it taken a big va riety of sizes aud Qualities to be able to please everybody. This is everyliody's store u here every body can be titted iu all the best grades. Lveu the little yuu pay is "on rail ' 111 you're suited. WE (jUAKANTEK SATISFACTION so yon can count on comfott, quality and style. CALF, C'OIiK SOLEH, PATENT LEATH ER and heavy IIUHSETS. . Our prices dou't "HURT," any inore'u our shoes do. First floor. Better to pay us JilO foran Overcoat than f'iQ to a tailor. Our finest are $."''" a tail ors price for them would frighten you. A lot of Knee Pants to-day, 2Dc. ; regular Stic, quality. A Saks & Co. COMPANY, Jackson, Tenn, Manufacturers ol SCHOOL, CHURCH and OFFICE FURNITURE SCHOOLS and CHURCHES HEATED IN THE BEST MANNER. Ofliees furnished. ItaTSend for catalogue. nov 23 Cm . rn ffE SOUfffEflflf 1'ETEliShl'Hli. VA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 300. H.C. LASH LEV, Proprietor, lute of Ev erett, Pa. The only first class hotel in the city, t'oujmrrrial rates, $2.50 per day. 0. W. HOLLINliSWOKTH, Chief Clerk. Tie Equitable Life Littleton, N. 0. Teeth Extracted without pain, 4-3fl-6in, OF THE UNITED STATES. JANUARY 1st, lHDIJ: ASSETS, OVElt (M.-iO,000,XH SURPLUS, .-10,000,000 ASSURANCE IN FORCE, OVER H8r.O,O00,000 INCOME, lH42.000.000 Holds a larger Hindus. wril, a lr,,.,. business, and has larger amount of Assur ance in lorre than any other Company in the world. Policy Ineontettable and granta absolute freedom of travel, r-i. dence and occupation after one year. It may be surrendered for paid op assurance alter three years, and is paid without de lay in event or ctentn. A. L. STAINBACK, Agent, Weldon, N. C. I am also ageut for the Eidelity and Casualty Company, of New York, and can take applications or Surety Bond guaran teeing the fidelity of persona in positions of trust such aa Employ of IUii.boadh, Banks, Ac. Also Accident Insurance and Traveler Ticketa for $1000 or $ti000 ' Apply to A. L. STAINBACK, Agent Weldon, N. C, for further information. feb 33 ly 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want mmy mm, women, boyi, and glrlits '"' " wiiiiurn nally, right In and around tlielrntvn Iiuiiif, Tin. bu.lnv.i la r uiy, pleaiant, trlctly Uonoruble, nnd puy. N iter than anyotber offered neiitl. Vou have a rlfar fi.ld and no c.iinn ilTl..ii. Kxprrirnre and ipeuiil ability an. nn-,ary. No ca.ltal ri-iiiired. We equip yo wllh itirytlilni tli.it yini ii,, trrat you Wfll, m, i, yuu iu earn tea time, nnliiiary ware,. Women do well ai n, and hoyi and glrlf ninke riiml iy. Any one, anywhere, run do tha "rk. All nirernl who dillnw our nlaln and lira pie iliri., in. KariH'st work will mirely brlnf ' ' r".o eiii in inoner. Kvirilliiui I, new and In gnul l. 1111111.1. Write for nur mplilet rlreniar, und riTelv. full Inioriiiailun. No harm done if yi,a conclude not to go on with tha puuneti, CCORCE Krialinai JtV On w - - v,iVVn w w.a BOM 488. PORTLAND, MAINE. THE C0UPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 1W411,, Bank it., Norfolk, Va. Large stock of Monument! ami G'rmrttunes, etc neadj lor immediate shipment. Designs "ee- II 2 ly D4Vi$fc0., WHOLESUE GROCERS No. 42 .Sycamore st., Peterahnrg, y. TOBACCOS. Our special brand of Flour: COLD ME0AL FANCY 1'ATENT, i.vtr. rAi am PATENT, HARVEST QUEEN, SNOWDROP. I. I. 7. B. I now occupy the Hrick Store betwetu H. C. Sl'IEUSand C. I.. C'I.AKK'8. I am receiving and oiwniii(! a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. I will Veep on hand a selerteil stock of (IriKvries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, ToIkmco, SniilV, Woialeu and Willow Ware, Crockery, (ilus, Tin Ware, etc , etc. I will sell at the I also return uiy sincere thanks to my many Iriends and ciiiaiiitiinces tor their kind lilieral patronage in the past and solicit a continuance or the same, with guarantee to please. Very Respectfully, oct IV liiu. L. .U'DKINS. Weldon, N. C. J. & E. Mahoney, Rectiucra and wholesale LIQUOE DEALERS. Fine whiskies A specialty. PORTSMOUTH VA. -Dialer i fi upas Cigars, Groceries, etc. Sole agent lor the following braoj of whis key, which is specially rcc omuiotiJcd for medi cal use, "THE FOREST MELLOW KENTUCKY STRAIGHT." Will be pleased at all times to see )iy many friends aod customers. H. T. POPE, First at,, Dear R. R. Shed, Weldon, N. C. FALL GOOD" Grand Diaplay at TILLEEY'S, FALL DRESS C00D8. (with triiuniugH to match.) iu uiaca and Colors. Faaer weaves and Novelties. Full line of CLOTIIINO If V..., . , have them made to order. It takes only 5 A hiir line of nobhiest styles. HATS. All the lateat HOOTS and Nlimw nr.e C , , " vl J ur.l I U JUU for evcrybotly. r GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS in endlesa varietv. I am ,.i.j show goods and guarantee lowest prices. W. B. TILLERY, The Reliable House, Weldon, N.C, NEW ADVERTISE MEN1 WT 4WTr. R. t BRANC ASU FI.OItKNCK liAll.Kl'AD. Coiideuscd Schedule. TRAINS tOINO SOUTH. DATED 3 5 llee. ard . . ISM, S !S odd Jfi V. 'A I' M. I' M. KM. Uave Weldon, 11 1" 81 Ar Kis ky Mouut II '.' ll Ar TarlM.ro 'i UaveTartsiro, 1 07 I.v It ky Mmmt.ll .15 11) 4! U'ave Wllmill. Lv Selms. Lv Fayettevllle, Arrive Florence, I.v Wllmn, I.v (jiiMiitHiro, Lv MsKiiiilla, Ar Vi liuilimion, 1 .Vi 11 ir I fi i v I 11 7 (fi n 7 N.i. 47 I a s III 4 IS s fie A A 1 7 ft 7 it A. 7 a s i : I it a TRAINS GOING N0BTH . 4 4 I.v Florence. I.v Fiiyelli vllle, lsve Selliis, Ar. Wilson, AM 7 :ni A A.M. in 7 II Hi 1 a'i No. 4S I.v WIlnilTiBton, !i in I.v Magnolia III VI Lv i ;. .1.1. lM.ro, II isi Ar Wllx.il, II ill No. 7S I.v Wilson, I l Ar It.M ky Mount, I 117 ArTarlsiro, 1 X Lv TurUirii. II 'A Lv Mis ty Mount. 07 Ar WelJi.il, .1 1 11 :l 12 01. II Ai IS K il Ill :t III 4 II S P.M. P.M. A. M. P.J 'Dally eiccpt Sunitav. Train on Pcotlnnil Neck Branch Hoa Weldon at :MU p. iu. Ilallfsi 4 1, arrive Neck at I is p. ni.(reenvllle 6 Is p. in 7 :mi p. m. KcturnliiK leaves Klnslon 7 : Ureelivllle sliu m. Arriving at Hulld a. m.. Wcldi m lltz a. in dMllyexceplHnti Trslni on WaKliiiiKlnn Orsnch In ve ton 7 in) a. in. arrlvt-H Psrinele sin s m. s .Mi: retiirnlnir leuves TnrlMim4 4lip m. fi no p. in., arrives W'.nhliialoii 7 :ep. n eicej't Sunday. OniiiecUi with tmint luml Neck Hrioich. Train leave Tarlsiro N. ('., via All eni Rail IkIi R. K. Daily elcept tiumlnr 6 II fcunday H so p. in.,Hrrlve Willmi.liiii N & m.. 4 Ion. m. Plymouth II lop in., eturnliiK leave. Plymouth dailv excep 5 itu a. ni.Siinilay III W a. m, W IlllnnisUi 40 a. m. VHS a. m. arrive Tarlsiro K II KOa. m. Train on Midland N. 0. Rranrh leave born N.r., dally cmpt spnduy r. pii a. a Kmllhlield, N.C.,7 3I a. in. Relprpln Knilthlleld, N.C., IK) a. ai., ffj.. lpk C DWp.ui. Tnifii on Nanhvlile Ilraneh h-arpi Mount at 4 :m p. in., arrive, at li villi m.,KprlliKlIoe .1 iill p. m. Relninipi sprtnr Hope sisia. m., Nsiinvllle s K.'. ar Hovky Mount u 15 a, in. dllllyeIcept Train mi Ijilta RrHiirti Florence H. bilia S mi p. Hi.; srrlve llonUar 9 iui p. i tnmiiiK leave Dunluir tt :m a. ni., urrive ! a.m. Dally exiTplSiinilHy. Train on Clinton Branch leave. Wa: Clinton, dally eicept Sunday at 7 H) p. 11 ikta.m. RelurnlliK leave 4'tluton at! and 4 "fi p. m., connecting at Waniaw w 40, ll.liland 7S. Train No. 7S niakm chae Conner Hon a forallpcilnti North dally. All rail via R and dallv eicept Sunday via Bay Lint Rocky Mount daily with Norfolk and Railroad for Norfolk and all point. N Norfolk, J.R.KKNiy, J K. DIV up t Trim. licnei T. M. KMKKUON.Uuu'irasseiiier i icy in PETERSBURG WELD Oh t'endeuted Mrliedul. THAIX8 001 NO SOL'TH. Dated July 2nd, I89H. No. 93 Daily. Leave Petersburg, Leave Stony Creek, Leave Jiirratts, Leave Keltield, Arrive Weldon, No. li, going South, leavts I'eti i)(. S.1H, u. tu., arrive ut Weldon 9.5 TilAlNH CiOIXO KpJiTIf: 1(1.10 am 3. 1tl.5'2aiu 4. 11.11 am 11.33 am 4. Ii l5pin 5. Leave Weldon, Le Belfleld. 1 Jiirratts, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, No. 14 N Daily. E 1.01am. 3.! 4.; 4.: 5.1 2.32 a.m. S. No. 134. iroiiiz North leaves WM ly at 11:30, arrive at Petersburg 10.! E. T. D. MYKI1S, T. M. EMEIiB Oen'l Superintendent Oeu.Passen TO THE PATK0N8 ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATIC QUICK TIME A&Tffi On and after llondar. T)w.i,iv.. and until further notice, the 8 CHOWAN, Captain Withy will ll'lJCVDll'ltlv, , k. n.ijvi.in on Aionaaya. aesdays aud Fridava for KDlTN-mM MOUTH and ill intermediate poii JaUf mail train from Portsmon KETL'KNINO ihe "Chowan" reach Frauklin on Tuesdays, Tho and Saturdays t 9:15 A. M., in tii connect with Fast Mail train from B to I'ortamoutn and with Eipress tra the Houth. Paasengers, by this arrangement, the Steamer Chowan at a iy point ( river, will ' REACH NOItFOLK by 11 oclock i and thus have the entire day for thi action of business In that city. GIVE TIIIH ItOUTE A TB Keapnctluily, rrankllD. V... Uc 15 E5T. CLAR nOBKET-lTllW.KO fal Mate k WELDON. N.

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