a y j 'J JOHN "W. SLEDQ-E, proprietor. VOL. XXIV. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stomach Troubles Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Biliousness ARE SPEEDILY CURED By tin uae at AVER'S Cathartic Pills A friend speaks tlirniiKh the liootlv buy (Me.) llttjittcr, of the lieiieUcial results lie has received from a regular use of AVER'S Pillfe. Ho says: "I was leelinif sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to (jive me any relief until ' was induced to trv the old reliable AYER'S Tills. I have takei. .mly one box, hut I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy, to take of any thing I ever used, being so finely siig.ir-eonti'il that even a child will tako them. I urge upon all who are in need of a laxative to try AVER'S Pills. They will do irimtl." "For four yearn, I va.; afflicted with liver complaint. The best physi cians in the country lieing nimble to relieve me, I was advised to try AVER'S Pills. I diil so, ami believe my liver is now in a perfectly healthy condition." M. .I.utltixi., Proprietor of Jan-ell's Hotel, High Point, Guilford Co., X. 0. "I have been the victim of dyspepsia and rheumatism for years, so bad that my hands are crippled, and 1 suflcr periodically, from severe headaches. Until lately when these headaches came on, I was obliged to give up work. I have tried many medicines, but without any benefit, until about a year affo, I liegati taking AVER'S Cathartic Pills regularly, and now my digestion is greatly improved, the headaches virtually cured, and my general health Mter than for years." Mrs. Emma McCarty, Colon, St. Joseph Co., Mich. "I was relieved of sick headache in a very short time after having taken AYER'S Cathartic Pills." Eknkst Uuilloud, 21 South street, San Antonio, Texas. Ayer's Cathartic Pills Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr Ic Co., Lowell, Kui, Every Dose Effective UU1 1W k -ass- D GARWOOD'S EXflt ACT, If ACL' S TRIPLE, VIOLKT WATER, WOODWOHTII'SFLOBIDA WA TIH, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of " STATIONER Yfc Just Received 150 Liuen writing Tablets, wbioh I'll sell at a small PROFIT. ACCURACY ft. W a o PS U ra W . PL, o J3 73 H 0 03 PTJBITY! Estag brand Prepared Paints. Pure Mike Lead k LinBcci oil. I'll Mil paints at a very auiall margin. A Large I Stock of I LANDRETH'8 '! GARDEN SEED. -A. 1TEWSPAPEB FOE THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, IS'M. T-UiCMIS:- ' I'ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 46. NEIGIIltOK 15ILL1HUCII. Say, Martliy, liaveyer Learn the news About old Billy Kirch? Yer hain't? Say, Si, turn up the light, Old Billy's joined the church, Howeut ter Fox Run meetin'-house, Chuck full of worldly sin, An' after givin' God his huurt They tuck old Hilly iu. Now thar's a man that never cussed, Nor 'bu.ed an' beat his wife, He worked an' tillers uid his debts Wu huiiest all his life, His only fuult wust "gittin' full," An' tircy, m to speak; He'd ullers gu oft' to git drunk An' stay about cr week. There wuzzont uny liarui in Hill, Ho wua a clever man A fust rale nabcr, but ho lived In life en Satan's pl.m, An' many years uhuig tho road 0' sinful life he trod, Ontil he got ter thinkin' that 'Twuit lime ter think o' God. Billriz' up in the meeting house The night his sins all fled, An' looWn' at the people thai- With treuiblin' voice he said : "My friends, I've cum ter jine, yer flock, An' bo er Christian man Ter promise God I'll stick ter Him An' do the best I can." Thar wan't a dry eye in the crowd, An members sed "Allien! Old Hill pulled out his handkerchef Au he wiped his n, then, An' looking at the crowd he sed: "How good the Lord must be Ter give His only Son ter die 1' er tetch a wretch ez me. "Cum, let us pray!" the dcekin sed, An all knelt down in pra r. An' God sent down His blessin' on Old Bill right then and thar. They riz' an' sung that good old tune, "Look up, you II never fall, Vn' God wur, glad, an' angils smiled, An Bill outsung cm all. An' ever sence Kill jined the church He s been er happy man. Ho reads the Bible, prays, an' lives On God s salvation plan. An' when tho day o' jedguient cuius, As cerliugly it will, God an' His angils will rejoice ler recognize old Bill. Ah! Marthy, God is good to us Put on your specs an read His Holy Bonk, then let us ask cor blessin s that we need. An' after pra'r, let's tho song, An all the verses through: "Dear Lord, we give ourselves to Thee; It s all that we kin do. Will S.Havs. THE PLACE TO GET DRUG$ PEDICIJES - AT THE LOWEST PKIOES, IS .AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST BIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE B. B. SHED. WELDON. N. C. 8TOCK KEPT COMPLETK BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rrtWOWrTIPMBWA"-" FILLID WITH TBI BKST SILKJTID .4TUM.-W PBB90WPTIOHS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH BKr uab. fCRFUMCBT. 8TATIONEBT, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIOABS BMMuabtr that a krtj w.leoffl. always Ja ZOLLICOFFER'S. MAKES HIMSELF. rEDKlREE MAY HE URAT1FYINQ PRIDE BUT NOT TO AMBITION. WHY, THEY ARE OLD MAIDS. A NEW ENdl.ANII LADY TKI.I.S WHY (1IUI.S CANNOT .MAltltY. JAMES H. BLOUNT, Recent Commissioner to Hawaii. A DOMESTIC DRAMA. WHAT THE PAS8ENOERS ON AN EASTERN ROAD HEARD AND SAW. The world has had few leaders who were born in the purple. Its real kings have not been sons of Kings. Its Na poleons have not detcendod from nion- archs. The founders of its philosophies have not been the children of philoso phers, nor of its dynasties the heirs of emperor. The framers of the creeds, the inveutors of the faiths and religions of the lao j have come from the manger, the forge and the carpenter's bench, and not from the church. The great captains have not spuug from warriors, and those who have composed the dramas, written the lyrics and pronounced the orations that are immortal have inherited neither their pasaion mr their eloquence. A pedigree may be gratifyiug to pride, but it is not consoling to ambition, writes ex- Senati r J. J. Ingalk Those who greatly succeed are not al ways those of whom success could he predicted. It is t-ouielimes said in ex planation of the caprices id destiny that oirciiUistauees make heroes, and that chance laviirs the victor. Bui the re verse is true. .Men make circuuistauces. One miz.s tho opportunity that is offered to all In I he domain of law there call be no accidents. Kveiy man goes to his own place. Village llauideos and mule, injuiieus Milious are myths. There are no great mm lying iu amhush or lurking privily. The epitaph ami eulogy abound in laudaiion of self made men. 'Here are uo others. All men who are made at all are self-made. Books and cliools cannot make men. Colleges, uuiveiitiis and professors afford men the opportunity to lake lln-msclvca. L'urniii enn make a pedant, but a man makes himself. No one does the utmost of which he is capa' ble, except under the spur and thong of necessity. Poverty may be inconvenient and intolerable, but he who is born poor is fortunate. The leaders of thought, business and society in the cowiug gen eration will not bo the gilded youth of 1893, faring sumptuoudy every day. The bankers, railroad presidents, states men and plutocrats ol the liOth century will be the sous of the farmers and labor era. who are striving against formidable obstacles and privations to enter in at the straight gate. Hood's And Only Hood's Hood's Saraaparilla is carefully prepared from Sarsanarilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper benies and other well known remedies, by a peculiar combina tion, proportion and process, giving to H nod's Sarsapnrilla curalivu powers not nossessed bv other medicines. It effects remarkabl cures when ether preparation fail. Hood's PilU cure biliousness. A BUSINESS GIRL, HAVE YOt: SEEN THE VITAL STATISTICS Ol' THE STATE FOR Til E LAST YEAR? One cans! for s many old maids is due to the gills themselves, says the New England House wife. What young man of the middle c'ass cares to marry a girl who would let her father wear a coat with buttons elf and a liueti collar thai is torn and ragged? Such a girl doosnt deserve a husband, nod she will hi! likely to join the grand army of old unids. If there be anything on earth the you:ig men fight shy of it is a slovenly girl. The father of the brother is the evidence und when you see them walking to their work with their clothes torn and looking like men who hud to put up with a hlaek wile, mother or grown up daughter and s'Mer, you need look for nothing butter if you many into that family. You know a Inzy girl or two of this kind don't you? Think of thos.! you in single out, two or three girls this ar tiele will hit If so, for their o'.vn sake send this to them. Let them do a little plain sewing, and promise lhat hereafter icir fathers or brothers will not walk the streets ragged and battered, a disgrace to them and an indication that they arc too lazy to 'w tho wile of any good yonng mtu who has to work for a living to make a home, and needs a loving, industrious helpmate to share the joys and burdens of life with hiui. Coming over on tho Michigan Central the other day a tall, fine appearing man and a handsomely dressed, refined look ing woman were seated just in front of a plainly dressed, sweet faced old lady about seventy years old. Every little the man would turn and address a re mark to tho cider woman, and her eyes would glow with pride, for he was her son, and though his wife did not seem over-cordial perhap9 she was not proud of the old lady yet she would deign to drop a word or two once in a while. Finally the son turned as tho porter informed them of the dining car in the rear and: "Well, mother, Emma and I will go now and get our dinner. You know she needs a good warm dinner You have brought your lunch, I see, I will send you in a good cup of hut tea," and the couple rose and went into the dining car. After they had left "mother" sat look ing out of the window, and appeared to be iu deep thought not over-happy per haps. Finally she reached under the scat and brought up the little worn-out black basket "son" had noticed and held it on her lap, fingering the ribbon it was tied with in a thoughtful way. Just as she opened it the train stopped at a sta tion. The door was suddenly flung open and a cherry faced, handsome blonde stepped in. Ho appeared to be lookiDg eagerly for some one. Finally his glance fell on the little old lady. "Mother!" he cried in a delighted voice. "My John, my John!" and the two were clasped iu a loving embrace so gen uine as to causo tears to rise in the eyes of one of the passengers, and tho rest looked on in an interested manner. "Where are Frank and Emma?" he inquired. "They have gone into the diuing car. Emma istn'l well, you know, and has to have a good, hot dinner." She repeated this in an apologetic way, for she saw a loo'; iu John's eyes that she did not fail to read and Frank, was he not her son, too? "But you didn't wih any dinner, I suppose," and his eyes fell on the little basket. He saw it all at a glance, but he must not hurt his mother's feelings thus. "Are you not glad to see me? Are you nut surprised? I found I could joio you here iustead of waiting until you got to Chicago. And now tell me, isn't this dear little basket the same that Frank and I took our lunch in to school? I thought so," as s smile rose on the faded sweet face. "Well, I'm awfully hungry; s'poso we keep this for supper and you come wi h mi and eat a nice, hot dinner. No, no excuses.'1 As they loft the car they met the other oounle. "Hallo, John, where did you come from?" "How do you do, Emma?" "I came, Frauk, jut in time to see our mother had a substantial meal," and they passed on. When the nassengers who heard and - , ... saw it all atrived at Chicago they saw handsome young man with little black basket hanging ou his arm tenderly as sisting a sweet-faced old lady through the crowd. A carriage was called and the drove off. No one seemed to sec anythiug of the other couple. Chicago Tribune. Hurkleu'a Arulcaalve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Sores, uleers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaius, oorns, tnd all skin eruptions, and posi lively oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aalietaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Win. Cohen. "Father, I would liko to see you in the library on a matter of business." "Very well, Viola come along. Now, then, what is it?" "Fathor, you arc aware that Henry Noodenhammer has been paying ine his attentions for the last year?" Yes, and I've felt like kicking him. The idea of a Nocdeuhamuier daring to apirc to the hand of a Grafton!" "He has asked mo to be his wife." "The scoundrel! Why, I'll maul the tar out of him." "And I have almost promised," she placidly continued. "What! What! My daughter marry a Noodenhammer woikiug for $15 a week! Never! Go to your room, while I seek this base adven " "Father, I waut to talk straight busi ness with you," she interrupted. "As you are aware, thi-i is the itate of Massa chusetts." "Yes." "Have you seen the vital statistics of the State for the last year?" "No; of course not. The idea of that Jim Noodenhammer skulking around here after my " "Wait! According to tho statislics this State has 871,210 mere females than males. There arc 220,81)1) more marriageable girls than can find bus bands, to say nothiug of 1S2,!21 widows anxious for a No. 2. The number of young men in the State earning over $15 a week and in the market is only 22,11)7. 1 here are cunpcd on the trail of these young ni-n exactly 2211.1)1)0 young women and l.'iO.OIIil widows. Three out of every five children b mi aie girls. Death removes two young men to one married man or old bachelor." The old man turned pah: and grasped a chair fur support, and after a pause she cojtiuued; "Froui June to October over 80,0110 marriageable young women visit our watering places, and it is estimated that 31,441 of them catch husbands, thut further reducing the chances cf a resi dent. Father take this pencil and figure on your Viola's chances of catching an other man, if she lots James Noudenh.ua mcr canter away." "Great Scott!" he gasped figuring for a moment. "Why, your chances arc only .ne in 21,875,942!" "Just as I figured it out myself. What shall I say to him this evening?" "Sav! Say! Why tell him you'll have him, and be mighty glad of the chance and don't let hiai draw u long breath before you add that the ceremony can take place right after hn-akfast tomor row nioruing, aud that I'm to give you a wedding present of $.'i,000 iu cash! Boston Post. 8TIH KNI8 r ritOVKKHS Experience comes high, but we must have it. When a man's passion is in his brain he loves poetry; when it is his heart, he loves woman. Doubt the honesty -that needs to told. Moro women lovs rascally men ihau men love rascally women. If one wants fortune ouc mu-t not be over particular about how he grabs her as she flies. Latent energy is akin to laziness, Sarcastic people should wear gloves on their words. Wo criticise the strong and pity the weak. Taleot is hereditary; genius is not Intellect, is a dewoiiianixer. Detroit Free Picss. BROWN'S IRON BITTEKb cures Dyspepsia, In digestion Debility TWO SIDES OF MATRIMONY. WHY I5VK II.A I NO lll.l.l'. Said an unmarried friend, as we watch- d the caruful attention with which a young lover wrapped a light cloak around the form of his sweetheart, every look and gusturo showing the gesture to be delight, "I should like to know how many men, ten years married, would, un asked, assist their wives to adjust their wraps?" I made no reply to my cynical friend, but when a fen minutes later we heard the pretty sweetheart say; "Thank you for the lovely evening, the music has been an inspiration." I smiled wickedly and nsktd "How mauy wives ten years married show their appreciation of an evening of pleasure in that way?" The craving of a woman's heart for loviug attention is as nalurul as the need rose for rain and suubhiue. Yet let it be remembered that as a rose, though still a rose, would lose half its bsauty without its psifumery, so a wife, bo she ever so dutiful and cumbered about much serving, has lost half her loveliness if she has laid away her maimers with her ddiug gown. I caunot see why a woman who was given tact as a birthright will ever sell it for that p;ittage, "plaiu speaking. ' "llow do I look, father?" I once heard lovely old lady ask as she stood dressed for church. "Thee always looks well to me," was the answer, "but other folks might like it better, were thine white threads off thy gown." Show mu a lover of twenty years whoso delicate tact could do better "Excusn me," "please, "thank you, arc little words and trifles in themselves. hut thev are stitches in the seams; little trouble to tako them, hut oh! the differ ence to the patchwork. Baltimorcan. I.a ;rlie. During the prevalence of the Grippe the riast seasons it was a noticeable tact that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the trouble some alter eftects ol tho malady. 1 his remedy seems to have a peculiar potier in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of La Grippe, but in all Diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, and has cured cases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Trv it and be conviuoed. It won't disappoint. Freo trial bottles at V. M. Cohen s drugstore. A lady fume-hex some nf the reasons why Eve diil not keep a hind girl, "There has been much vtid about the faults of wotni'i! und m hy liny nenl fo mm h Waiting on. Srine uiefa man, of course,) has lliu presumption to ask: 'Why, when Eve was in tiiil'acturod of a spare rib, a servant was not mad,- at the same time Iu vail on hei?' She oidn't need tiny. Ailutn never came whining to Kve with ragged stm-kim; to be darned, buttoni to be soivi d mi, gloves to be mended light awni ipiit k m-w! beeaui-e he never rend the papers until the tutu Went do wn liliinil tries, and Matching himself yuwneil out 'Isn't supper ready, my dear?' Not lie. lie made the fire and hung the kettle over it hiin.-elf, we'll venture, and pulled tin- radi-hes, peeled the potttiica i.i,d did everything else he ought to do. lie milked the cows, fed the chickens aud looked after the pigs himself aud never brought half a d- zen friends to dinner when Eve hadn't any frish pomegranates, lie never ilaycd out until eleven u' clock at night, aud then scolded poor Kvc who was hitting up and crying inside the gate, lie never loafed around corner groceries hile poor Eve was rocking little Cain's cradle at bomc llu did not call Eve up from the cellar to get his slippers and find them in a oorner where he left them. Not he. When ho took them off he put them under a fig tree beside his Sunday boots. In short, he did not think siic was especially created for tho purpoi-o ol waiting on him, and he wasn't under the impression that it disgraced a man to hten his wife's cares a little. That's the reason Evo didn't need u hired girl, aud without it her descendants did." AliYKl.TIHKMKNTS. The Old Friend 1" : t li !;. 1, that never U Siniiiifi. i Liver Regu o Jlo-l V, that's what nt tho n.ontion of this Liver mcdic-ino, and A COOL HKAl). Nothing conduces to a successful meeting of emergencies belter than a cool head, with a feeling of perfect confidence that every thing is going to come out all right. Whether thiugs are "coming out all right" or nut, at least the , feeling of juite self-control makes one better able to work toward the good result. To a mother this self-possession is invaluable. In a large family small eveuts calculated to upset the domestic machinery arc constantly occurring. It seems to be a law of nature that children should contin ually have hair breadth escapes and come within an inch of lui-ing their lives. But it is equally a law of nature that they should escape. And whenever the critical moment arrives in her own life, or in the Hie of another, it is important for a woman to remember that the very worst thing she can do at the moment ig to lose her head. To do that means to be helpless instead of helpful, to be a drug instead of un assistance. Iu au emergency one should rather seem heartless than inefficient. There are always ten people ready to cry or faint er shed tears over the sufferer where there is one who stauds coolly by aud sees Ihe way to help him. Affection anil sympathy arc often best proved by ignoring them, particulary when the moment arrives which calls for action and not tears. Harper's Bazar. Ami '.. fait.-; yrvi latu:-, (L yon lic-i; excullutii people j-lu.uld not ' persuaded Unit anything el.-o will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is Letter than pills, and takes the- place of Quinine and Calomel. It aeti directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to tho whole sys tem. This is tho medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a tea. -F.VERY PACKAGE-M Uai Mm 7. Stump In red on wrapper J. II. 7.E1L1N it CO., FMIiulelpliU, i. f!AI I OBTAIN A PATENT? For prompt onswor aTid an bonest opinion, write to IU 11 N N Ac CO.. wbo have bad nearly flftr yean experience In the patent business. Communica tions utrtt-lly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patent and bow to ob tain Ibem sent free. Also a catalogue of moehtt. Ii-jil nml Hiii.int.llln hnnka aunt. free. Patents tjiknn through Munn A Co. special notice In tbe Hrlentlllc American. thus are brought widely before the publio with out coat to tbe Inventor. This splendid paper, IsHUed weekly, elegantly uluat rated, baa by far th largest circulation of any scientific work tn lb world. 3S.:t a year. Sample confee sent free. Building Killtlon. monthly, tl&Uayear. Blntlw copies, cents, ftvery number contain! beau, tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tba lati-Ht donigns and secure oontracta. Addreae MUNN & CO., NiW YOUK, 3U1 BllOAOWAT. Chas. M. Walsh; South'Sycamore st., Petersburg, Vs.. 0 H CD b 1 li ill, few 4 mw mm. 6 wmmnf Lrwcst cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHAHM2S M. WALSH. et 11 ly. A CHAMiK OK MIND. Miss Amelia Elderly (to cashier of saviunsbank)-"! would liko to oien en account at this bank." Cahier-"Vety well, ma'ina; your name, please?'' "Ktderly-Miis Amelia (1. hlder'y. "Where were you born?" "In Boston." "WhV" "Sir?" "In what year wore you born?" "Why' I-I-what has that to do with hi "Saving hanks always require tho ae,e as well as the names ol their depositors "They do?" "They do madam." "Well then I-l-it'sof no consequence, of course, but I don't believe I'll deposit my money, alter all Hanks tire liiiliue; all over the country any how, and it my.hl really bo belter to invest it in some other way. Sorry to have troubled you, but good d,iy, sir." M-my PersoliH are tirokcu down from overworh or tioueboM cares. ltroUMi's Iron IJittor.s ketulhli tha system, Idas digestion, removes excess of bue, ua cures malaria. Ut-t the genuine. Strength antf llenlt li- II you uro nut IVelinv; healthy try Klcctrio Hitters. If "La Grippe" ha; left vuu weak aud weary, ue Klectrie Bitters. This remedy nets direetlv Liver, Stomach mid Kidneys, gently aid ine; those organs to perform their func tions. If you lire nlllieted with 8iek Headache, you will lind speedy and per manent relief by takim; Klectiie Hitters. One trial will convinee that this is the remedy you need. Lire bottles only )Ue. at V . .). l olieu s drugstore. . . - A gentleman shot one hundred and fifiy ducks in two days near Georgetown S C, lust week. His expeusea were trifling. The cost of ducking privileges in the canvas back region near the head of Chesapeake Hay is often so great as to place the indulgence beyond ihe moans nf any except the rich. One small club that has ducking grounds in lhat region cxaelcd an entracee lee of moro than 2,1100, nml the assessment of a single year so-nctimes reiii-liiis huiiUrcils ol dollars. Kaili duck cost such sportsmen ah"i! the initial New York market rate. jgLTlIB Roauoko News and the At lanta Constitution one year for $1.50, Subscribe at ouce. AL)VK1U16KMKTS. Absolutely Fure A cream ot tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength.- Latest U. S. Government Food Report. ' Royai. Bakinu Powder, Co. i 100 Wall 8t.,N.y. I ''''''',--'fllSlSWjal.r. , t OTMS -CiJJ..!f Cilr" H H 9 H fij """ -n't' ' & $ i S i ' 'wtir fr r4 '".-t-frS '4-X-ttV rV-i it iilierMX.MlM ; Piy'iV x '. ' .',im 1 lirM Tfea. . . Bt. ? va. sb.'.--::. a? "win-In ihwlr own , yOTTTO,5 ni for " '' ' lift y s'JwJa&r '" ift v-' ' ty? x-iSsrG.-kC "M-M " ,kVVfl 11 50- ' Skat 9 3hL -tP'A-ry e,ch al'irirt at in km i in., I !,.rf : I, .m.hil ! IUii Yr, . h. Alt U uw, f .hl,iiir-. I-I (..irt -iri IVrt-. AH"i yii hiiuw all, If m coin lit U In- . m iti t. nhj Ii.hi.iI. tl.,..f, AiMtm, Jf liy. iu .lao, .inuHx.i, maim. , New ". Millinery. ( MY STOCK OF 0 FALL And AVINTR Milliner? t airlvlng, and t will display ihe fluest of roods over ahawntn Uila town. Con a4 set the , ,. NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE FEW EST NOVELTIES, . MRS. P. A. LEWIS, : oct4 lj Weldon, N.O. y "s :;,v, .1"; i - '-.-.A-i!w--s" -or indL, 4 J .1