THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1894. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. J. W. SLEEBE, Editor & Proprietor. D- E. STAINBACK. Associate Editor. Entered at I'utt Offer tit Wvldun us Second Clu Mutter. BATKM UF SrUMfKIPTION IN AIIVAXC'K. One Year (by Hail), Postage Paid 4-1 . "") Six Months 75. A Weekly Dciuocratie journal devoted to the material, educational, political nnd agricultural interests ol'Halil'iis uud sur rounding counties. Advertising rotes reasonable and furnished en application. Dr. Taluaok now declares bis intcti lion to preach his farewell sermon in the Brooklyn Tabernacle en the 6rst Sunday in March, and shortly afterward he will set out on a journey around the world, going from San Francisco to Honolulu and then to Australia, New Zealand nod India. THE OLD NORTH STATE. mm. CltlSl' TAR HEEL 1AI'l'EX- IXGS h'ROM 1'IIEROKEE TO I MAXTEU. I Union ! Gen. Mahone was wounded at sue ond Manassas, and some one, to comfort Mrs. Mahone, said: Oh, don't be uneasy; it is only a flesh wound." Mrs. Mahone, through her tears, cried out: "Ob, that is impossible; there is not flesh enough on him for that." Those who have seen Qen. Mahone can appreciate the re- mark. Wl learn with pleasure that Mr. W. C. Bowen, formerly of Northampton county, but fur the past few years a resi dent of Denver, Colorado, lias been ap pointed by Presideut Cleveland, Register of the Land office ut Del Norte, Col., at a salary of about $6000 per year. Mr. Bowen is a clever gentleman, and we congratulate him on his good fortune. Sinatob Walthall, of Mississippi, had an experience unlike any other man's o far as we know. lie was re-elected three years in advance of the expiration of his term in the Senate. He has retired on account of broken health, and Mr. McLaurin fills the unexpired term uutil 4th March, 1895. Mr. Walthall can then if he chooses resume his seat for another term. TllE Senate has rejected the nouiiua tion of Wheeler II. Peckham to be Asso ciate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The vote stood 41 against and 32 for. Thus the Senate has aent to the wall Mr. Cleveland's second appointment of a Justice. Since writing the above the President has sent in the uame of Senator White i of Louisiana, and the Senate has prompt ly confirmed the nomination, which came in me nature oi a surprise. Tue pastor of the colony of Wal denses, who has come from Italy and settled in North Carolina, thus explains the movement; 'It is because our valleys are so narrow and our ounr people. flocking into France, chiefly iuto Marseilles and Nice, are surrounded by many temptatiuus endangering their fith and morality. We prefer to imitate the old Puritans and go abroad in order to keep our faith and our old i iiinplicity." Wniru n..,,!., .,1' il... Ud,,i;. ,.r Jananandthe delightful sinmlicitv i.f life there existiug, it seems that a Jaimese woman is born to a coveted existence a notion, however, that is done away with when such bits of mturmation as the tollowitig tall to our Tiew: "There aie seven grounds of divorce in that eouutry (as regards wotm n ouly:) First jealoJs) ; secoud, ihievishncss; StliirJ, infidelity; fourth, childishuess; lith, 3 to parents-in-law; filth, sn J"' incurable or contagious disesse; seventh, talkiug too much." VANCKANII !lIMUNi. It is to be regretted, and wo are ex treinely pained to see disVrences arisicg withio the ranks of the Democratic par ty. Every irue North Curoliuiau loves Senator Vance aud the people uf Eastern Carolina love .Mr. aimiuoua Me aie aorry to kuuw that Senator Vance is op posed to Mr. Simmons' confirmation The latter, as chairman of the State Ex ecutive committee, conducted a splendid campaign, and wheu the political ski '" were dark with the clouds of pnpulistii-in . i ,nd ooufusiouwin aud meu scurcelyknew Vmselvea where they stood, .Mr Sun Worried the tight "iuto Afiiia," and leved a splendid ictory. We knew ' ' ,Jl Senator Vance is honest in his op ItitUn to Siiutuolis, and uo poliiical sig--iScance should be attached to the out- v?ie. It is purely a personal mailer M'aiMM is a true, tried Democrat, and no the aleit to promote the best Jsu of North Carolina. Mr. Sim good Democrat, and if he was ; -lo boat the head of the Democratic 'p Executive Committee he is fit to be ; Motfjrl' Internal Revenue. The ene y watching with keen interest the ions in our rauks. A house di against itself cannot stand this Jcriptural and we say to the gentle, heal the bnaeh and let us have har mony within our rauks. ? People truublad with siek and nervuat 'headaches will find a must efficacious J rely i Ayern. at hartic Pills They .'' nroogthea tbs atoaiicb, nimulata the V liwur. testate lleullhv uiLn in .j ...uu iu me l digestive organs, and. thua afford speedy aad peruiaaeul relief, ' -' . . feTTue lWo.kc News and the At- !l Conmituiiou uue year lor $150, JuWiiue al ouoe. (old has been discovered couniy. Linculntcn is moving for a system of water works. Willis Surrell, a while limn "II years old, committed suicide at Cary last week. ,V mail carrier of Iredell county has been jailed on the charge of mail robbery. Of the 1,200 convicts iu the peniten tiary, about 000 are engaged in work oil the State (arms. Frauk Hunt was recently killed by a falling tree, while wood cutting in 1 ran- sylvaniu county. Oysters shipped from New llcru di rect to Liverpool, England, utu sold Cor 87.00 a bushel. The New Bern Journal says that (.'apt. J. L. Morris caught 215 fishing dueks in his shad nets at Hancock creek. The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce is at war with th insurance companies owing to the high increase of rates. The C. F. & Y. V. railroad has made a reduction of from ten to twenty per cent, in the salaries of its cnployecs. Mr. Andrew Joyuer will at an early date start a Democratic newspaper in Greenville to be called the Greenville In dex. Mr. R. L. Bordeaux, an aged and re spected citizen of Burgaw, committed suicide last Thursday by cutting his throat. The property of the Cluster Springs Distilling Company, Person county, val ued at $4,000, has been seized for irreg ularities. Wadesboro is to have a National bank. Its capital stock will be $50,000. Mr. Jas. A. Leak is to be presideut of the new institution. There is much interest at King's Mountain regarding the discoveries. It is said that northern capital is ready for iuvesluient there. This Stale, especially the western pari seems lo be flooded with counterfeit quarters. A number of arrests have re cently been made. A hotel at .Marion, N. C, erected at a cost of $115,000, during the recent real estate boom at that place, has been sold for less than 81,51)0. William Gore, a colored man of Wil mington tell into the lire last Wednes day aud was burned so badly that he died in a few miuutes. A number of bu.-iness ineu from llieh momi and Ljnchhurg, Va., have l"ruied a company the extensive mannl iclurc of boots aud shoes at Elkiu, X. C. The Advance says that Judge Bynum, in bis charge to the grand jury of Wil son court, said that there were over 500 divorce cases now pending in the courts of -North Carolina. Jurion Butler's salary as president of the National Farmers' Alliance is 8:-i,IHi0 with privilege f living in North I'aro'i n i. Col. I'ulk, it will b remembered r;sided in Washington City. Joe franklin and Will Thomas l-o' ii 10 a difficulty at Frsedman, Lenoir citin ly, last week and Thorn is cm Fnnklin several limes about the neck aud throat, There was a woman in the case. The Eastern Carolina Barrel Factory which began operations at New Bern on lith init, has received orders for :IU0,000 barrels A vast ipiaulity of truck will be raised in ibis section this season. A lanue s' institute will be held in Iredell county February 2:! 24. It will be conducted by State Chemist H. B. Battle, assisted by two professors fiom the Agricultural & .Mechanical College. The Populists are already hard at work throughout the Slate. Several uouuiy conventions and mass meetings have already been held, and clubs are Winn nrganixod in tuwusbips in the vari ous counties. The Mobile News mentions nine classes of persons ho hold back a community rather tl. u ,-outribute to its vigorous life, as follows: "They arc those who go out of town to make purchases; who oppose im provements, who prefer a ijuiet town to one of push and business; who imagine ihey own the town, and are bound lo run il; who think business can be done without advertising; who have no public spirit themselves, and deride those who have; who are chronic kickers agaiust every movement they do not originate; who oppose public enterprises which do ' not directly benefit them, and who seek to inn down and injure their fellow townsmen." WELDON MARKET. Ci Hill KIT HP WKKKI.V Knit Till'. HKNKl-'IT UK (U K t'tll'NTItY I'UIKNUS. C. It. Sides, ,t lb, Sc. Shoulders Bacon, per lb, Sc. llams.S. C.perlb, lie. Lard, relined. I He. Flour, per barrel, Patent, I 50 ' Straight. ifii 25 W. I. Molasses, per gall 20 and 10c Syrup, per gallon, illle Granulated sugar, per lb, , li Light brown Sugar, per lb, 5 Butter, per lb, 25-:!(l Cheese, per lb, 15 lo 20 Green Coffee, per lb, 2 lo 27 Poultry, 15 to 25 Eggs, per dozen, 10 Shot, per lb, 10 Gun powder, per lb, 25 to 411 Coal oil, while, safety 15ll, per gal. 15 Coal oil, red C, per gallon, 15-20 Apple Vinegar, pergallou, .'1010 Beeswax, per lb, 20 Tallow, per lb, 5 Hides, flint, per lb, 4 " green, " 2 " salted, " I! Salt, per sack, 1 25 Corn, per bushel, 51) Meal, " " b'0-70 Uice, " " li-S Peas, black, per bushel, 50 Peas, black eye, per bushel. 05 Peanuts, per bushel, .'!5 to 50 Cotton, per pound, (J Bagging, per yard, 2 14 lbs, li Tics, per bunch, 81.15 When Baby was sick, wp gave her Cantoris. When she was a ( 'hikl, she cried for ("ustoria. AVhenshe became Miss, she citing to Custuria. When she huil Chililreu, Hlie guvetlu-iii I'astoria. ADVERTISEMENTS. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement nnd tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter tliiin others and enjoy life more, with le-s expctulimrp, by morn promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of phy-deal being, will attest the vultio to health of th pure liijuid la:ttive principles embraced ill tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form mo-t acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, llie refreshing and truly bmctioial properties of n (s-rfect lax nlive: eil'eetually i lin.-ing the system, di-elliog odds," headaches mid levers nod peiiiian' Otly curing constipation. Il has gisen s.iti-faotioii to millions and met with the approval of the medical profc-siou, beeau-r it ;icis on the Kid neys, l.i.-'T and IJowels without weak ening tlioni and it is perfectly free from cverv objectionable substance. Svrup'of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in ode and 81 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, w hose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig-, a. nl U-ing well informed, you will not ixccpt any substitute if oilered. mar 20 ly .11, COIIKN.SOX & CO., I'KTKIJSf.CUli, VA. Wholesale NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. What is 3i n siiiassHSisssss I A D H 1 a y. DV DRY GOODS u iTOTioirs. Manulaeturers of.Shirts, Drawers and over alls. Pi ice guaranteed against all North ern markets. Orders receive piompt per sonal attention. nov 2 ly. F. 1. Hack, I.I. T. (itit)i li's nil! stand ) WELDOIT, 1ST. C. Castoria Is Ir. Samuel Pitclior's pri-sciiption for Inf.mts iind Cbildrcu. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless suhstituto for Paregoric, Props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrislmess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrha-a mid AViml Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas. toria is tho Children's Paiiaeea-tho Mother's Friend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARLES LEONARD, PETERSBURG, VA. -Wholesale Dealer In- hardware. Sash, Door and Blinds, Saw Mill Supplies. Wo kf. p the lurst stork in Hie nnd lamnttH- piiws. Write for qw .tatic Castoria. CaRtirl.t Is an exei'lk'ul mctlioln fr cliil dn. SItttlicni liavo rtpiateilly tuitl 1110 of iu guotl ujlt'ct upou their cliilJrto.' I;i. G. C. Ottooon, liowt'll, Mass. " Cantoria s tho bnut rt-niaily fur clilltln-n of which I am nctuaintftl. I hope tlur ilay in not fur distant wln'ii mothers wlllconsl.ler tw mil interest of their children, nnd una CaHloria, in steiitl of the variouaquack uostrmiiB whifh lira destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful aj,Tiit duwn their tlinwits, thereby wndiug thorn to premature graves." Du. J. F. KisrnKLor, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adBpted to children that I rei'uiumeml It an superior to any prtwcriptiou knowu to me.' II. A. ARcnsn, M. D., Ill So. Oxfnr.1 St., UrtKklyn, N. Y. "Our physlelaus In thn chlhireirg deport inent have Bptiken hiRhly of thnir ixparl euco In Ihelr otitaltie practice with Caaturia, and although wo only have among our medieal supplies what id known as regular products, yet we aro free to confess tltat Urn merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." I'sitkd Hospital and Dispbkbary, Boston, Mass. Allkw C. Smith. iV., i THE ! URGES! rSEEDJ 8 It, hi" M,o lnn:ot, l.t l.iu niran tdkuivui lhih 1,,-t. WuuiL srnli nro known uml uruiill 111 pvcry l-lalu m IhoKiMilh; m-kmmlmliiiil to l the bc: r.r'ii, inn nr llulL Hi-ml lor W-irrl Hook. Il l uolanitrfcutiiloeiie, lint a ri-roreiuv lnn.k of lliu urciili"! vahm, run. lu.nint.- llsi-rul llllnrtnim'm " " ..U piuuiur, muuiiier xlili lull pu'iioulHi. utioui WOOD'SSEEOS . ip- il iv.ilnrn for lull I" Hi. f"H illrf.-'l"ii (in r ivviiu' "K' Mklngi U.cli crl. linns of Llh)-riii H-l..frU. n Invulimbli planl, uutl alt tlio Intent uovellh'H lor gar iloi.unU fnrm. Wnli' lor II, imil riirn-nt i'lreo iiTiy linisH, I'lnver, or oilier r'li'UI Hi'CiU miulnrl your onlcr-t rltn-rl, If j our Incri'lmut Uooi ll'itlullnlloWooiri Hn-ili, r. W. W00O t SOUS, Seedsmen, Wchmtmi, Va IMTHC OUT! The Centanr Company, TI Murray Str.ot, Now York City. it n li a n I rn AIM-: SIIOWIM! Hop-San, Broadclothes BUY T'AfcsQ M.S k 1 lit TO Voni n Mm Scrum, lliuiicltas, 1'launelH, Fani-y Nov.-Hips, nil New DRESS FABRICS, trimmings to match floods. HM3, 'Death liy slrangulaliou,'' r. Dr. K. 1.. llotii'', of Baltimore, Iu a St Lou s Ci lubu I Irumurut ri'iorti-r, "is supposed lo In; t lie uidst pli'iisiint way to die. Ilanyit):. drnwnin, opiate poisonins; and asplijxalion with f;an, to tin? person in a normal condition liriu pleasant, dreams; usually a most heaiilit'ii! innnr.nna oi' latiilseapo view.i lloats tlirouuh the lira and there is a w ns.itinii ol' floating, through space in luxurious ease. Hut shoulil tin per-on recover the pain is the most intense ot'anv lllut could he slide! ed, aud tle t'e are p.-op!,- so e n-limted that this pain i- all that is naliz-'i, even duriiit; the process of strangulation. To these pC"iilt'the sensation is that ofhein;; pierced hv thousands of sharp needled, aud their head seems to he hurstiuo with blows upon the inside of the skull. With such prsons ii is the most horrible form of death." M.'W.!UIII IIIMI Mi t NEW ADVKilTISKM KXTS. Ilealer in - General For MKS. IIOVH and CHILDliKN. (lood lits, stylisli and cheap an anyone can SELL tiOUl) (.iUOl'S. DRY GOODS OF EVERY KIND. v..;...,.......! i:,,!.! n.,H.;.;i..u r...,L.. .1. v-mtit ;iinlKon. Ifaunou & Sou and full Kt.M k of ItOOTSuiul 8AOES of all yrades. STIFF & FELT HATS, in lutes tthuncn, Nice lino LtulicH CluukKof the newest designs. Do not ordiT we will sell chuupor than you c;iu get ijootls by ordering. Give us a bare of your patronage, iuuxv. THE M F. HART CO. ? Der M. F. Ifart, Secretary, ot't 'Jii lv. .Inst reiTivi'il full line Dry Goods, Notion?', lJoot.s Sinus, Mat-, Caps, GriH-mus. To Ikhto, Ciijai. SimlV. l uriiiturc, (Vmkiny; Stoves. Kuril's, Wauns, Carts, New llniiK-and Dointstii- Ma-chiiics. Blood Poison After Approach of Death, New Life by Taking Hood s. i' V A poslul card beariiii! llie followin ipieer iimcrtpiiou was iient lu henalor Vance u day or o uyo: "N'uiiher slull tliy name be any more cilled Z-'buloti, uih .simmotH u.u aior, anil 1 havojiven unto itiee all llie land ol Carolina for an everlasting possession. J. Childress, trarc'iti! under tho as sumed name of, Charles Meehain, has been arrested iu Guilford county on the hurue of biuiiuy and liiuliway robbery. lie robbed a man in Viminia in April, 18!)2. He also has a wife in that State and one in Uockiughain county in this Slate. Mr. Wm. E. Oreenhaltt Baltimore, Mil. f Tor four years 1 wal In ttilt'iise suffering vltli au abseeH9 on my Uliuli. 11 discharged Creely and several times Pieces of Bone Came Out. Last l-'etiruary 1 had to lake my tied tor four weeks, ami then it was I began to tke Hood's Harsaparllla. I soon not on my feet, but was very weak and went to the Maryland 1'nlverslty hospital, where they ald my trouble was chronic, blood iKiisonlnjt aud uave me Utile hope. 2 re turned home and continued taking Hood's. I have iniril six bottles and the abscess has en tirely dlsapiieared, and 1 have been In Fine Health Ever Since. I know It It had not been tor Hood's Sampi rllla I should be in any Rrave. I have gained la wcleht from 147 a year ago to 1T0 pounds to-day. Hood'sCures. 1 pruWe II noil's Harsaparllla for It all." Wm. R. (iui:K.MliiLTZ, 1S12 Hanover St., llaltlmore, Md. HuMBl'O it's sound old fashion, and expresses just what you meant, after having purchased something uf no account. Now there is Do humbuir about Simmons Liver Regulator. Some imiu- turn ot subtiiute may bo offered you instead, but none will give the relief from indigestion, Dyspepsia and Biliousness like ihe genuine Bimnions Liver Reg ulator. You Vnow it by the 7, on every pacange, and Ihe relief it gives. JWThk lloanolce News and the At- nla Constitution one year for $1.50 Subscribe at once. MrXieKlcr'saml Kay State Shoes tor Li dies, Men anil Children. These eelclnatcd shoes are always reliable anil I cuaiaMoe every pair TO (I1VI: KNTIllK SATI.S r.VCTION'. I invite insjiectioli ot' my slock. reclhi!iiMiiml 1 can please both in" No tiouble to mIiow goods. Look at onr Stick before I.uviut'. WOODEN AND METALLIC 1 COFFINS AND CASKETS IVterJW, Siiuire, of Northampton cmin- ty aud Harvey L. llines, uf Halifax coun iy ure Willi me mid will be pleased to see iiutl serve their inauy frieuds. Thanking my friends for their liberal patron. ie in the past and Soliciting a con- tinuanceof the same, 1 am yours to com mand, P. N. STAINBACK. , VlUflT ' e Hood'o Pills eura Itvor ills, constipation, tihuuii.iwa, JiiuuUloe, idck licailaclit, todlgeiUoik ESTABLISHED 182tt, S. H. Marks Co.. PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFIXTIONEKS AND FRUITERERS manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIGARS &SNUFF. JYour orders solicited, which will have our personal attention. Ill 111 ly .. . L', - ' ... i P. N. STAINBACK, OEAI.KR IN COOK1XG k IIEA TING STO VES Manulacttired by - RICHMOND STOVE CO. We invite particular attention to the iraptovod NEW LEE and NEW PATRON, They are the best made. Call on or address all orders to P. N. STAINBACK, Weldon, N. C. The Tir;t Shot for the locust Money, V. L. DOUGLAS Co eMrtE; for QJ giWEi 6ENTLEHEI $5, $4 and $3.50 Dress Shoo $3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles $2.60, $2 for Worklngmen $2 and $1.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES $3, $2.50 $2, $1.75 CACTION.-If n7 dialer orTi-rs you W. I,. Dour-Im shoes at reduced prlee. ur Hity. na nmt ineni WHU- out ino naiuo atampAd tue wiium, pui nim down aa a fraud. W. L. BOUCLAS Shoes arc stvILsh, easy fittintr, nnd cive better salisi.iction at liie oi ice advertised than anv other make. Iry one pair and be con vinced. The stamninir of W. L. Douirlas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually lo those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. I.. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their lull line ol goods. They can afford to !! at a teas profit, anil we believe you ran save monry by buying all your footwear of the dealer advai u.ud below. Catalogue rree uuau application. W. 1 DUluLAa. isrocktau. Mass. FOR SALE 11 Y . i -Cf t-m jas v r 1 i .- i i ir 7 SiV.. W. B. TILLERY, C. E. McGWIGAN, WELDON, N. C. ENFIELD, N. C. WHO? WHERE? WHAT? WHO? syDfwq 4 HUfJDLEY. WHERE? 711 & 713 K.IJltOAI) ST. RICHMOND, VA WHAT? LEJDEf(S If fUlffllTUHE OurS tloors are filled with tho latest and best furniture of all grades. PRICES liOCK BOTTOM. Mail orders have our personal attention. MATTRESSES of all kinds u Specialty. 10 19 Cru DAVENPORT & MORRIS, 17th aud Dock Streets, Kiclimond, Vs. IMPORTERS OF COFFEE Direct from Kio and Santos, Molasses from Cnb und Porto liico, Sugar, Irish and En glisli Porter (luinuess Bout Bass Ale. Agents for J. ft F. MurteM's fine Cognac Uinudj and Cureuou nnd Tnrof Zaragosa Suaiu, Finest Licorice Paste. Also Distillers' agents for Fulcher, liesore, Wysor, Phil. Ilaker, Jacob (irover Summer's Nelson cottnty, Ky. Fine Ityo Whiskies, and iiliiili iiiinia tetT Particular attention paid to filling orders 1 lHC-3m. IF TOU WANT OE G-OI CHAIN, WATCH H. J. CORDLE'S f'GO JEWELRY STORE, Liitietoi Mr. Cordis is one of the best watch r inNorth Carolina. CRIN D Your own Bone, Meal, Oyster Shells, ( , mhn in Flour, eic., in thf celebrated $5,00 HAND MILL . 10(1 per cent, more made in keeping poultry. Ah cr Mills anil Farm Feed Mills. Circulars sent on cation. WILSON BKOS., Easlon, Pa. EUKT & FIERCE, -WHOLESALE and liF.TAH. DEALEHH IN- New Goods for Fall & WintE p V E R Y department brimful i u running - over. We - carry -largest stock of DRY GOO: CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES i GROCERIES of any house in H fax County. Our immense ston FULL of BARGAINS for all. 1 keep every article needed on farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should v our store and inspect our stock fore buying elsewhere. ulirwo J.D. AND R.S. WfeIi0Hli IU S. lith st., and 1 & 2 Christian's I.snc, RICHMOND, VA. Flour a Specialty. Proprietors following brands: REX FANCY PATENT, DIADEM, KIXIF. HILL, KENWOOD, RIVEK E1IUE, G. C. CHOICK EXTRA. Manufacturers and sole proprietors of REX. BAKING POWDEIt. octiaijr INDUCEMENTS OFFE r Ho ENFIELD, N. C. FINE FAMILY CROC E Tobacco, Snuff nnd Ooofeetlous OUR BAR is stocked with Choice Liquors an Hole agents for Phil Hiker V (lOLllF.N ACE IS year eld Klnmpe Heir and Paboruo fig finest Gccul Cigar nude. In f orTiT - -s- - - ...... - - t - - - V - i . .. i lliSW .t-

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