'BUI 1 Wft ffl Tl3-5"l mb mm fjm i a i m din nil JOHUST "W. SLEDO-E, proprietor. HE'WSPAPBIi FOB THE PEOPLE. TEBMSH1'511 1KH AN.N'I'M IN ADVANCE VOL. XXIV. AVELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1894. NO. 47. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ONLY THE SCARS REMAIN 'ill m ! toi IP AND A Lively Remembrance OF THE AN OUTCAST. HORRIBLE SORES Which Caused Them. Traveler Henry Hudson's Experience "Aiming tho iiijtiiy tst itntmisils wliU'h I sec In regard ti certain tni'illclncs performing cures, cleansing (lie blond, etc., iiiiiii' iuiprt'SH mi' more than my nu'ii i'iiwii 'mil I I'nimell'lltillllHlv lu. lievo it In In' my duly to let people kniiw it. Twenty years ago, at the age of in years, 1 liail swellings mi my logs, which liruke mid became running sores. Our family physician enulil ilo me no good, anil it was feared that the bones would be alleeleil. At last, my Cood Old Mother nr.r,.,i inn to trv A Visit's Sursana- rilla. 1 took tlireo buttles, the snres healeil, and 1 have not been trouhleil I xinri-. Onlv the sears remain, anil the mommy of the past, to remind me of the (rood A V HIl'S Sarsaparilla has done me. 1 now weigh two hundred I iP5o and twenty poiinds, and am in the liest 1 '1 of health. 1 have hecn on the road for I I the nasi twelve years, have noticed j! I AY Kit's Sarsaparilla advertised in !l nil iiiirtsof the I'nited States, and ul- lllli.ulLa ........ t,.iii. fiiniMiirn in tpllinc what good it did for me."-HKKRY Hvdson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery C'o Philadelphia, 1'a. Ayer's Sarsaparilla hw Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Mail. Has cured others, will cure you. The following lines wore found upon the body of a pour tramp near Lexington noil bore every iudieation of u punt that hail been one of sorrow and of grief, are very suggestive, and will causo a fueling of sympathy in his behalf: All, the hour is cold and dreary, And thesiiuw is falling fast. O'er I li,i t it v falls the twilloht. m'... ..... i'...... .1... i.ai:..,. 1,1..... j v.i wy mini urn viniiiii ui.a,. All, uiy licutt is uhnoKt brciiltiiiy , And uiy limbs are numb with cold; I have neither home nor kinilreJ. And my days are almost told. As I walk the crowded pavements. day Willi weaiin ana niirui anu joys, As I nun the happy faces, And windows inn oi toys; Back my memory goes, yea backward, To a time Ion)!, long tone by, When I was a trusted, loved one, And my nopos were soaring nign. Once again I'm at the hearthstone, (Pear old liearllistc.no not lor uio;, 'Hound it arc my mother, father, Anil ilioir litvini i.liilifri'n thrpil. My dear mother with your knitting Ami vonr miiilii of love I see. And uiy lather, how familiar, Is that seat upou your Knee. How you talk in accents Under Of your hopes and plans and lean, Little dreapiing of thu sorrows That will nil your cyei with tcars. Oh, that happy family circle, Witn its music, mirtn anu iigm, Once again I stand within it On tins cold and dreary night. Once again 1 stand within it, Mingle with the circle there, I, who brought you to the sorrow, And the silver to your hair; No, Oh God! the circle broken! All that left ol warmth and light Are' the scoff, the cild aud hunger, UI tan timer winter nigiu. I1M o t 11 GARWOOD'S EXTRACT, NACE 8 TRIPLE, VIOLET WATEll, WOODWORTll'sPl.OBrfD WA TER, " ' AND SACHET I'OWDER. New Line of- -STATIONER Just Received 150 Linon writing ! Tablet, wliioli I'll sell at a small PUOF1T. With entreaties they implored ine; ' vt itn their love mey sougni io win Rack their erring son Iroui ruin, And my wayward feet from sin. But the temptress, how she lured me! T.anirlw.it tnV I'fWlS nil In Sl'lim. With her robe of lust she clothed rue, Till 1 wisneu 1 u never ocen uoru. Ti. tlm i.linri.'hviiril lnne and ouict. Where tne nigiu winus sod buu nign, ' There are sleeping; motner, lamer, stuiiir linn hit' ntifi nniv i Kuow the woe, and know the heartache As 1 stand alone tonight, Of the love and loving family It lias tieen my uoom io oiigiu. Anoymois. January 1S9L KILL HIM, KILL HIM. THE OLD LADY'S PAttTlt ANSll 1 1' BOUSED BY A l,IVEtffKriOTnAU 11AME. AND THE REMEDIES WERE WORSE THAN THE DISEASE. HE HAD THETGRIP. RICHARD CROKER, Chief of New York Tammany Society. SUIT AGAINST SATAN. riEEUEncn on trial iieeore a sal vation ARMY COl'RT. BLUFFING FAILED. the conductor knew what o'clock IT WAS AND CALLED THE DEAL. The trial of Satan, alias the devil, charged with one thousand crimus, from petty larceny to murder began last night says the Chicago Record, ot February 9, at l'rioccas Rink, in west Madison Btreet. There were onlv 1,000 persons present in the big hall when tho court was called to order. The deepest interest was man ifestrd in the trial and the judge, lawyora and jury entered into the proceedings with as much earnestness as was evor displayed iu any regularly organised court, Robert G. Ingersoll W been iub- picnaed, but lie did not put in an appear- nnee. Tho witness namod Gorman testified ihi hn had seen the devil while he waB in the Washinutonian Home. Asked to iWrilw his visitor, he said batan Inn tnil.and that Ore catue out of his mouth He made up his mind that tha devil should not got hiin that time, vand so eniwled under the bed. The devil, how- over, was active and followed bim to that hiding place. On the cross ex.uui ACCURACY Pi A A 'A K a 2 H 'A W S : v t?5 aug Brand Prepared l'aints. Pure Hliite Lead k Linseed oil. I'll tell paints it t very small margin. A Law Stock of LANDRETH'S GARDKN SKKD. teE PLACE TO GET DHUQS PEDICIIJES .. t i AT THE LOWEST PRICES, IS A.T DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASUINOTON AVE. OPPOBITE R. R. SHED. 1 f E L D O N. N. C. ATOOK KEPT COMPLETK BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. jafPiKCBIPTIOM DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH TflC BBT BlLfX-TBD JIATIBIAL.'W PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL iiuuko nau PKEf OMfiRT. BTATIONEKT, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSUta, FANCT ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND OIOAES. Benemlxr that hert welcome lwy. awaits you at - ZOLLICOFFER'S. I have, savs a writer in the Boaton Courier, a young friend, a Sophomoro at Harvard, who r. excecdugly tond ot nis cousin, a bright girl of sixteen, with fresh rosV comnlexion and roguish eyes. Sue is much interested in athletics, and was particularly interested iu the Yale Harvard game at Spnnglicld. A centlehint or two secured an invi tniinii from her cousin to be present at the L-nmo. The proceedings got uo iur- ther. however, for at that point it be ,..imi. necessarv to consult her mother, and that lady, a, quiet retiring widow of fifty, absolutely reluscd to allow lier daughter towitnoss Buch a "low and brutut aiuuienient. Thini.1 looked dark indaed, when my friend, by what stroke of genius I know not nrevailed upon the old lady to go to Springlield herselfy-of courso accom pauied by her daughter. The came was in the middle of the 1 half; things wero looking Tory black for Harvard, when the ball, which hud been kicked within a few feet of the ipposite glial, wa seized by big Yale ; 1 in.. mutinied on a rtu. uuwu " J field The first Harvard man that approach ed was laidsprawliug in tht dust; a eo ond met with a similar fate. In the mean lime the ball was boiog Tapidly home towards Harvard's goal. '... ii r n All seemed lost when a (man lenuw in criiusou and leather grabbed at the Yale man aud over they roll .d in the dirt. Others piled on It was a tumbulus of kicking, atruggliug liuuianity. A Ire rneoduul noise of y'clla aud shouts burst forth lioui ibe fpaetators on the crimsou tide. But far tbove it oamc.the slirtck of an old woman. Shi stood near the top of tlrn grand ...-.I -ml fmnticiil waved her shawl aa muu .-- iw lbs screeched: 'Kill liiml Kill him Kill him!" T.nntrnr .Tnhnson asked Gorman UUIll'U j.m.'. Y ' II ne was in ma iifti" M.mv other witnessss were examined M Mnv Winchell blushed when, in answer to a question from Luwyef in rVirll. she she said she was 24 years old "Do you know the devilf asked Mr. Winchell. "Yea. sir." "How long have you knowivhin)?" "Evor since I was eight years old. "How did you got acquainted with him?" j "He persuaded me to lake some raisins from my mother s pantry. "Spell Devil." "D e v i 1, Devil." "Dissect it." I'Vvil vile, lie. ill. 'I his residence when ho" is not visiting." , .: t Tht case wascunuum: , . iVfi if.TY CONSCIEifC KS. " Ys," said the smart man who sat on the rear si at in the smoker, says the Buffalo Expro8, "it s dead easy to Diun these oonductors if you know how. Now, I'll make a small bet that, although I have a ticket, I can travel to my destination without showing it or putting up a cent. I don't believe it, said the man in the front seat. "Well," iusisted tho smart man, "just watidimc when the conductor cornea along." Ten minutes later the conductor did come along. Ho inquired fof'ticketi in a peremptory manner. The smart man made no move to get hit. "Tickets!" said the conductor again when he reBohed the roar seat. gee here, old follow," said tho smart mau, "I haven't got any ticket. I'm an old railroad man. I'sed to be conductor on the Santa l'e I want to go a piece with von." Used to be on the Santa l'e, did yeur . . , . ..TIT-II T .I..-'. inquired tho couuuetor. n en, i u know but I can pass you. By the way, what time is it? My watch isn t running just right." The smart man winked at tne man in front of him and pulled out his watch. It's twenty minutes to l, no saiu. The eonduotor held up his hand. Give mo your ticket or money to pay your fare, or 1 11 put you oft the train, ho said sharply. The smart man was astonisneu, out no made no move to get his ticket. "Gimme that ticket or your tare, laid il,H conductor airain, "and be blamed prick about it!" Tho smart man reluctantly putteu oui iiis ticket. As he handed it over he said: How in thunder did you know 1 1 was bluffing?" Tho conductor laughed a bit. Uh, i.. -:.i ii. -... oatv If vou'd ever UC BOIU, J"" J - bocn in the railroad business lor ten AN EDITOR WITH A BORROWED Ol'N REAPS A HARVEST. fOB OVEtt I'll'TV YEARS i , Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup harbcen used for over fifty ycars by millions ol mothers for their miluren wliile teething, with perfect success, It soothes the ehild, softens the gums, ilfty's 'all pain, Aiiwfi wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve 'the port Kttle sufferer immediately. Bold ,ny in ovorv part oL. the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure jiod ask for "Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrup," tod take no other una. maj iu iv Many PoMon tmA down from overwork or houwhold Browu's.Iron Bittern lubuuaiUM ...n id dunttloB, removin hom or HM Wo picked up a Winchester nfle the ntker dav nnd started down the street, itftending to deliver tho weapon to its owner, from whom we had borrowed it the day before, but it did such effective work iu the way of collections that wo 1,,.,. nail mi nnr minds to keen it as long as w.e eafl, tays'he Arkansas uty Demoorat. The first man we met on the street was J. W. Miller, who coughed up 1.50 fori yeur'fsubiciption to the Democrat belore we even thought ot pointing me gun m him. v The next man wo met was a farmer .kr.,,, wa had alwavs considered a star subscriber. He had not missed a paper or paid a cant in seven years. But wneo he taw that guu, he waltisd up wih a 110 bill. When we got home wo found a load nf lmv. fifteon bushels of 'corn and a Wrcl of turnips, which h id been brought in by delinquents Ifmonoy will boy that gun we are going to jeep it io make collections with. I minutes you'd have said 11.40 instead of i,L.,r rninilfna In l'J. A Million Prloud. & rr;nnJ in nnpd is it friend indeed nD Ihnn nnn million IHiOnle faaVO found just suoh a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery lor consumption, cuuSu, J...1 Tf vnn nvn never used this great cough medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonuenui cura tive powers iu all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Kaeh bottle la guarauiecu vu do .all that is claimed or money wi'l be refunded. Trial bottle iree ai nm. Cohen's drug store. Large bottles OUi. and1.00. . THE? ETERNAL FITNESS OP THINGS Deserving Praise. vtfa.t.,iri. in miv to our oitiiens, that fur.yeirs wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King'iMlow life Pills, Bucklau's Arnica Salvo and Electi'io Bitters, and have never handled remedies tnai sen as wen, fl,at Lnva tiivnn such universal satis faction.' We do not hesitate to guarantee ii,,' ..rv limn, and we aland ready to refund the purchaso price, if'atisl'actory medicines have won their reat popularity purely on their uerit W- Cohen orugtsM. . " 1 -f KroniiOJiarlott Observer. There Is n old story about a man ex habiting a panorama, and liaviog along with, htm an urgauist who played Bouie thiiiL'annrouriate as each ocw Bccne was produced. When the Prodigal Son was put on exhibition tho organist played, "We'll get Btono blind drunk, when Johnny comes inarching liuum." One il.ln,r i-iiminilii lia of another. Just beforo a self-confessed libertine and ,.,tHr(ii WAR hainred at Winston, Thursday, the asscinblage(thc prisoner joiuing in) sang "Am I a soldier of the onus? Hut tkal isn I a uiaraer iu n i...n,.i,l ni ltnckinphaui when a negro murderer was hanged a few weeks ago ii.. ii,. ,.... ,,n ihnv ajtiL' "aervani oi VU lll-i -V " ,11 o .1 .,ll ,l.-.nU " If the hvmnhad beeo UUU ' """- J , , pitpul!ed'until after the execution, and the singing addrcweo to mo nenu, would have been all right. Rueklen'i ArnlcaUlve. The best salvaiu tho world for cuts, bruises, Sorct, uleers, salt rheum, fever wires, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi- livnW curea niles. or ne pay reouired. It it guaranteed to give perfect lalisfaetioo, or money refunded. Price 25 cent! per box. For lajehy Win. Cohen. "Johnny, is there ernpc on the doer?" "No, pa." "No hearse waiting at the corner V" "Why, no, indeed.'' "No floral offerings, gates ajar or broken columns downstairs ?" "Of course not, pa." "No undertaker sitting out oil the front steps with a quail jug of uuihaliiiing fluid under his arm f "Whv certainly uot, pa." "Seo if there ain't a couple uf tomb stone dealers itunding on the other side of the street gazing upward at the will dow ?" "Not one, pa." "Then I must still be in the land of the living, and I ought to be thankful but it's been a tough pull." "You've had it pretty tough, pa." "Had what ? "The grip." "Grin nothimr. I haven't had th grip. These last four weeks I have spent in bed have not been due to the grip. It was misplaced conlidecce, my son, and this is how it all happened. You pro bably remember I had a cold about a month ago, don't you ?" "les, pa. "Well, the fiends incarnate, who claim to be my friends, did the rest. First, I met Smith. " Hello, says he, 'you've got it.' "Got what, says I? " 'The grip,' says he and then he gave me a prescription. It consisted ot a pint nf hlaek molasses, a pint of Irish whiskey, a tcaspnonfnl of red pepper and a half ounco powdered quiuine. 'lako thai little dose before retiring and you'll fee liko a two-year old io tho morning.' he said, with a fiendish grin. "And did vou do it, pa ?" "Yes, but that was not all. On the next corner I met Brown. " 'Well. I see you've got tho grip," he blurted out, as he smiled a frightful smile. 'I've got the very stuff to knock it out io one night. What you want to da ia to eat a half pound oi loat sugar soaked iu coal oil, wrap yoursell up in wet sheet and go to bed and tomorrow you'll be as lively a game cock.' "And did you do it, pa?" "Alas I did." "Rni still came another. Jones was his name. I was almost home when I met him, " 'Awfullv sorry for you old man,' he whined, as he grasped my hand. 'You have a bad case surely, but I have the champion grip cure. You want to put mustard plasters under your armpits bathe vour head iu salt water, take Bieam bath and four doses of horse pow dcrs', which the label said were 'Good for man or boast,' and he thought 1 might pull through. "I wrote all the different remedies down together with those which I was advised to use by 'Old Aunt Lisa,' the cook, your mother and all the neighbors. The order filled a sheet ot loolscap paper closely written and received a csnsign nient of remedies on a dray. The stuff kept ou coming all the evening, while I lav on the loungo expecting every moment to be ushered up to the golden gate and ordered to pick a harp. "I was a first priae lunatic. It took your mother two hours to get me ready for bed: I had dried uiullcn leaves on my feet, salt pork and flannel ob my i-hpsi. mustard Blasters under my armpiis, a hitwater bag on my head, a wet sheet around my chest nnd four blankets on top of that. On tho inside of me Oh! heavens! I shudder at the thought, there was rum and molasses, whiskey and honey, coal oil and sugar, quinine antt milk, lemon juice aud asafoctida, lime water and spinach leaves, vinegar and sulphur, Dover's powders, and I guess I'd have swallowed blasting powucr n anyone had suggested it. "But I'm alive yet. The doctors pumped it all out of me after two houre hard work. They tnld me if thev hadn't arrived when thoy did I would have been wearing a wooden ulster now. , "You see the fearful consequenco of misplaced confidence. "Yes pa," and tho patient hiaved aigh. VALUABLE At TOGKAI'IIS. The signature of Christopher Colutn- has can alwavs lind a buyer at 8800. The one letter existing in Titian'i band wiiting fetched 80(), and an epistle el Raphael's to some fair dame, 8'tOll. Moliere never seems to have written a letter; his signature alone is worth i'.WI The one lelter writteu by (.'orneille which was uver in the trade was sold for the sum of88WI. The value of any particular letter varies exceedingly. Thus Napoleon Is last lettot Io the EmpresH Marie Louise was mid for 8H00, yet one ol his ordinary letters can be bought for 8100. Royal autographs always command a certain price. Henry IV. and Louis XIV. iiuatiir are worth 120(1. ADVERTISEMENTS. I TIE THAT DOESN'T HIND. In Ohio a divorce was recently granted because "the defendant pulled the plain tiff out of bed by the whiskers." A Virginia wife was set free because "the defendant does not come home un til 10 p. m , and then keeps thi; plantiff awake talking. A Tenneisee court liberated a wife became "the defendant does not waih himself, thereby causing the plaintiff great mental anguish. A New Jaricv wife got a divorce be cause "the defendant, the husband, sleeps with a razor under his pillow to Ingliten this p ainliff. ' A Connecticut man got a divorce be cause "the defendant would not get u n the morning, nor call the plaintill, nor do anything the was told. A New York wile was granted a di vorce because her husband threw the baby at her when she hit him with the coal bucket for spitting on the stove. A Michizan wife was released because the husband did not provide the uecessa- rica of life, laying hu would not woik bis toenails off for any woman. A Missouri divorce was granted be cause "the defendant goes gadding about leaving this plaintill supperiess, or u uo gets any he has to cook it himself. In Pennsylvania a bonpoekud husband was relieved from the yoke of matrimony because "tho defendant struck thii plain tiff a violent blow with her bustle." Tn Minnesota a decree was given to the wife because "the defendant never cuts his toenails, and, being restless in . . . . , ., :n- ...Iw " his sleep, scratches tuis piaiuuu Bcvi.-i;ijr. In Illinois a deereo was obtained by a I,,,,.. milnVinir husband because "duiing thc"pat year" tho dofendi.nt struck this plaintiff repeatedly with pokers, flat-irons and other nam euDsiancm. The Philadelphia Record well says: How well the country knew the worth of Mr. Gcorgo W. Childs has been shown hv tho mannerofits mourning for his loss. Never before has the death of a private citizen in Philadelphia evoked such widespread demonstration! of aar- nent sympathy anu siucore gum. .. i..,. ii. v., inn nl the nress been u-i "r" , .1.1 1...... r more surely an ecuo iroui iac ui .i ..I. (1,,K. a Invahle nature such at tbe veteran and venerated philanthropist 3 1.1 in art trad SUC.tl universal sorrow; which in paying the tribute of its tears has at the same time revealed one of the most exalted attributes of the American cnaractcr. The Advertising-Of Hood's Sar saparilla is always within the bounds of reason because it is true; it alwaya appeals tn the aober. common Bense ot thinking people because it is true; and it is always fnllv substantiated by endorsement whicn in the financial world would be accepted without a moment s hesitation. Hood Pills euro liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, in digeston. $100,00 FOB A HOY. Philadelphia Record. Five vears ano the four sons of a wa terbury (Conn.)farmer were married, all in the same month. When the quad ruple wedding festivities wero over the old gentleman announcea tnai a eutx p... fl lion nnn il nnnnmnanv nil leuer iui iui v,"u" r . . the first boy. At the present time the .i i... I... r.mr itmiiilitera. the second ulUL-st iwu -r 1 ' son is ohildless, the third haa three l l,i nnri I In- lnurtn two. ia Waterbury Napoleon has now raised the bounty to 10,uiw tor a ooy. The Old Friend Am tho best frieml, that never fails you . is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (tho Ilcl Z) that's what you hear at tho mention of this excellent Livor medicine, and people fhould not he persuaded that anything elo will do. It ia tho King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acts directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and cives new life to tho whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. -evi:ry package- Hu the '. lump on ?.r.lSMk S. H. ZKIL1N CO.,fliM''l'''.'- SJRnDEMARKsT7 r.nPYRiGHTS. prompt .n.wer nj an honeit WywrttjtJ M 11 N N & CO.. who have had nearly flrtj yeera ;ien?nSS In mil-tent K fiirmunin eonoeraini Ptel ma f;; uin thiim Hint f reeTli ettnlogui ol UMClUB. Iul ana Boloiitlflo books sent free. I'steriU teknn throiinh Mud; Co. recelTJ ipccial notice in tbe HelentlBe America., end " "ii are brouatit wldelr oerorethe pnbllo with out c".t to the inyentor. Thl. releedld Mper. famed weekly, eteeantly UlllMrated baj anient i-ltoulatliiu ot any aolentioo workln. tae world a viur. Sample onplea aent free. ,nildl"?RiitloD.iiiontbly,rIS0ayear. Brayll nplea, can'. Brery numlier oontalnebeeil tiful platm, colore, and pliotoaTapha of new i.iuie. wllb. ne. enabling Wldeta fo ihow Uw lui.'Nl illinium . ud eppure eontrarta. Aadreaa Chas. M. Waislii ' 'y South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va, i til rs fill 5 ' fi JSC? g Lrwest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHAKLES M. WALSH. oot 11 ly. r rri v..:: afi.r iMciruMWA, Mil KOTk tmtm m iaaiBiaw4ia(aaBi oiJ.t-irn. I ui' x CMCliiilv I" K. t . A I rttni ThrM TiWMLW laud V.lltit. I iNt In that 9mm Iitbt ihy I rnfUi wat. n T..k MB 1 ihnrev tMaaj I to l.m, at rqtlirB .maaaj fMmtr. 1 ka' 4- IrliK UVfll Tutl kuuw atVl.tfTM ai mtmt lew Millinery. ADVKRTISKMENTS. 0 MY STOCK OF 0 I FALL And HARD OX DELINQUENTS An Alabama editor Bays that a man who will take a newspaper and read it till he receives a Ull lor his subscription, then mark it '"refused and stick it dick into the postoffice is meaner than the man who nasturcd bis coat on nis grandmother's gravo, used tho wart on his neck for a collar button and got rioh giving lib) children a nickle each to go to bed without supper and then stealing the nioklos after tho children were atlecp. We think such a lellow would tint through his nose to Bavc wear ou his toeth and in order to save ink when writing would fail to dot hit i'a, crott hi. t'a and uie small letters instead of captialt. WINTER Millkv. Msolatety Fure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in loaveuing strength. Latnt U. S. Government Food Report. 1 Royal Bakinj Pownna Co., 106 Wail St., N.Y. tlrrlvln,ndt will alinler the BMt line ol I rnniiaaver ahnwnln thla town. CkHna ajid aaft u NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW- ' EST NOVELTIES. ' MRS. P. A. LEWIS, octtly Wddoa, N.C.

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