tililFa JOHInT "W. SLEDGE, rnori.ir.Toi.. VOL. XXIV. A. 2sT E "W SP APER EOK THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TIIUllSDAY, MARCH 8, 1894. TBBMS:-?1311 l'KI; ANM M IN A1'VANTE NO. 48. A. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. When You Sneeze Cnugh, Choke, and Gasp for Breath, BEWARE 1 It May be a Serious Symptom THE SPECIFIC For all Throat and Lung Complaints 18 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral t)., ihum u' I'm mi- nf Kmiili II MiniiloTi. X. II.. snvs: "The best remedy for La Grippe that I know of is AY UK'S Cherry i'eetnnil." "Last Spring, I wus taken down with Lu drippo. At times I wusoom pletely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if conlined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of AYKH'S Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 begun taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful medicine." V. II. Williams, Crook City, S. I). "From my own experience, I take pleasure in voluntarily slating that of all the medicines I ever used for fresh colds and I.a Crippe, AYKli'S Cherry Pectoral is, pre-eminently, the most potent remedy. Ordinarily, the most virulent fresh cold in the head and chest innishos in a night, as if by magic Just follow the directions, and AYKli'S Cherrv Pectoral willdothcrcst."-(lEi). H. Pikk, Cadiz, Ky. "For two years, I suffered from a most distressing cough, which, at last, became of a consumptive character, and , cry alarming to my friends. After trying various remedies, without success, 1 began to take AY hit S Cherry Pectoral, and was very soon relieved. Two bottles cured me.' -Cklestink Siiiois, Augusta, Me. The best remedv for colds, coughs, and the common disorders or the throat and lungs, AYKli'S Cherry Pectoral is universally recommended by the profession, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co, Lowell, Muss. Prompt to act, sure to cure DAWNING OF MORNING. When the clouds shall roll foro l'roin the everlasting hills, When fruition of endeavor All the useless lougiog tills, When our feet shall ever wand Where the shadows only stay, In the dawning of the morning When the clouds shall flee away. When our hands have ceased forever Oatherinir what is not ours, When our hearts are weary never Through mistaking thorns for flowers Then no more the darkening shadows O'er our happy lives shall play In the dawning of the morning When the clouds shall flee away. Hitherto our eyes weiu blinded, Hitherto our hearts were sad, Then shall come the endless suushino Then our hearts he always glad, Nevermore shall storm clouds gather, Klt.iil.tufu inlitreent nur dllV. In the dawning of the morning, When the clouds shall flee away. QXttTvOOD'S KXTllACT, HACKS TRll'LE, VIOLKT WAT Kit, WOODWORTIl'Sr-l.ORllM WA AND SACHKT I'OWDKR. New Line of -;S TATIONERY(r Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small PKOFIT. ACCURACY SITU ENDS OF THOUGHT. It's u cold dav when von can't find niinhinn somewhere in this World. It makes your burden twice as heavy to think about it. If the flowers were as dissatisfied human beings are, we would have to use disinfectants on them. A poem without a soul cannot hope for iuimortulitv. The man who takes a smile away from ... ... his family to give it to somebody else, ouL'ht to be hncheu. Beauty speaks the same language to all people. Love is the molasses on the bread ot tuatiimeuy somebody must provide the i bread. Hodo is a necessity; realization a luxury. More women stop thinking to talk, than stop talking to thiuk. A million persons need one dollar to one person who needs a million dollars. To niarrv for love and miss it riuru more than to marry lor money and miss it. Sensitiveness is emotional lonatuinalioni lun.O., ttnv h,.i.n known to die for j those they love, but not for thoso who luve them. That labor is sweet is nosigu that rest is hitter. c... i,.n., !. ummr nn the bread of IDUIl.llluu la Bug... nulliri. l.,i. novnr carrien a soul to Heaven A hull, h ahv babveth the whole lump. !.'.,. ,' nash is a hostage to bis ,,.,, ..r.tilit u..n n, ncoiiiro reputation, but tl.l MJ 1 . chaiactcr U inherited. COTTON. COMMENT ON l'HESENT AND H Tour. I'HICF.S ANDSI.R OFT1IE CHOI' SOME I'RACTtCAb srOUF.KTlONS AS TO THE CO.M1NU CHOI'. A FA KM KIt'S PHILOSOPHY. ADYEKTISsKM KNTS. U. S. SENATOR WM. LINDSAY, of Kentucky. POINTERS ON THE GRIP. A DESCRIPTION OF THE DISEASE BY ONE WHO HAS SUFFERED. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. WAKNINU NOTES CAU.INI1 THE WICKED TO REPENTANCE. o at n O S .3 H W X (3 MOLLIK'S LITTLE KAM. Ever bad the grip? I will give you a few pointers. You will imagine you have a bad cold, and you can wear it out, but you need not try it. The grip has fastened his fangs into you and will not I... ,,n Ynn have to give up go home and go to bed. In a short time you will realizo Bcechcr's dreams of hell. You will think vour head has been removed and old beehive with the empty comb left in its olace. You mouth will taste like a pail of sauerkraut. The doctor comes, looas you over, r his thermometer in your mouth, finds vmir teinnerature 104 degrees in the 1 . .1 .- -C shade, your pulse going at ine rate ui two miles and three laps to the second. Ho orders you to stay in bed and gives you medicine that is so strong and sour that simply setting the Dome ou ... clock shell stopped the clock. Ho will tell your wile that she may give ju warm drinks and try to get you to sweat and take his leave. Now, all wives arc family doctors by right of their position ! ll. mtldn IHIll AS VOU UUVC W'liw " U Ull. uuul . . sleep, delirious anJ exhausted, she begins 1 . . . . t...l!.i,li.nnn her treatment uy puiiwi; ma vour lungs, a flaxseed r .1 .......I...-.1 poultice on one siuo anu u poultice on the other, a hot flatiron and a jug of hot water to your ieei anu a ofboiledcornintbcear, piping hot, to your back. You sleep and dream of be ing away to the fur north in search of the Z,h noli, or out in the center of some beautiful sheet of water, like Lake Superior or the lawu tenuis skating rint, helpless and alone, with the ice breaking all around you and you slowly linking. You Bnally awake, burned, blistered, and ti i-i tinted. The doctor calls, unos you. "The old, old story" is always new. Our troubles opens doors for God come in. No man who believes wrong right. to will do Work for God must be done in god ly spirit. The man who grumbles docs not pray half enough. Man is uiost like God when he is most filled with love. It is seldom that God can got a ehance to bless a stingy man. try "Stag Urand 1'rcpared Paints. Pure Hliite Lead k Linseed oil. I'll sell paints it I very amall margin. A Large Stock of LANIMtKTH'S GAKDKN SKKD. M lhi. had a little ram as black rubber shoe, and everywhere that Mollie went he emigrated too. Ue went wun her to church one day, the folks hila- ,. to sec him walk demurely int.. Deacon A len s pew. He wormy deacon quickly let his angry passions rue o g at IC norlh .n.l ..nve ii an unchristian nek vnnctu . . , , u. KMm.. e side ot tlie nouse uim juu. i--- the sad brown eyes. , ker. lie pro. This landed raminj in the aisle; me convalescing; orders deacon followed fast, and raised his oot Msi again, alas! that lir.-tk.ek was Ills last , roukill;. For Mr. Sheep walked slowly buck, abou MJ discouraged u rod 'lis said, and ere the deacon could m kicking the dog and breaking up the furniture, but you wou t do any tiling out The cross is heavy only when we to lift it with one hand. When God gives us a burden to carry it is to make us stronger. Every soldier in God's army ought to bo willing to be a private. Ti ; n .,inl Miinir to seek God and not do it with the whole heart. All tiuth is nonseuse to the man who has taken lie iuto his heart. Every dollar some men jet widens the gulf between them and Heaven. The devil can always find time to rock the cradle if a sleepy Cliristiau. Growth in grace is not made by watch ing to see how other pcolo walk. God can tell use things on a sick bed that he couldn't do in the third Heaven. The man who seeks his reward in this world never gets a ptico that suits him. The way to make a success of Chris tian life is to expect great things of Christ. The blindest people in the world arc those who eaunot see that bod is maren iug on. Tl, Mew Orleans l'ieavune has the following interesting article on cotton : Vor some liino past the price of cotton Ivi. linen eratllia llv (U-Lliniiiir. until nuw p j middling is worth but a flight fraction more than 7 cents per puuud. The cause of this low price cannot he ascribed to any excess of production this year, as it now seems reasonably eertaiu that the crop will prove to hi- iMiiewhcro between seven and a quarter and seven and a half n.:n:..n i...t..u tiimi.lv winch, under or ii'ii""1 I " ' "I I v dinaiv trade conditions, would uot prove either excessive or unusually ample. It is true that, added to the crop o.. this year, there is the surplus carried over from the two heavy crops prior to that of last silicon, which even the small eroo of lS'.l-'WS failed to materially diminish; but eveti with that added, the available supply this year would not have heen hurdensouic had trade been all that it should have been. U is true lhat Europe enjoyed a fairly prosperous busi ness in eolton goods this year until re cently, but this prosperity has been, in a very great measure, oflset uy me ue pression which has prevailed in tho cotton goods trade of the United States. Amer ican spinners have taken 250,11011 bahs less cotton this vear than last, ami tins decrease is expected to widen weekly fur the rest of the season. The recent decline iu silver has put a serious check upon the hitherto satisfac tory European trade. The uncertainty created bv iho sliver situation has induceu foreign spinners to limit their taking to ilm smallest nroportious, heuee llie cot ton growing interests are now confronted with bad trade both at home and anroau. U'lil, il.utin xmidilinns aooarcut, it IS not surprising that the price ot cotton has declined of late; but the decline has been so rapid and continuous that there is reason to hope that the elfccts of bad trade have now been discounted, and that from this on a steadier range of prices will prevail, even should there not be a gradual improvement. The lesson of the existing depression of cotton for producers is that a large ; n,, tvinh-d next season, as soon as it is apparent that producers i ..,fii,.rl liv recent exoerience and nati; , i have planted less cotton, there will pro- hahly be an advancement in price, mis would, therefoie, appear to be a goou seasou foi cotton farmers to put a practi cal test the system of diversified tanning. Let them plant more grain and give greater attention to live stock, hogs and miscellaneous farm products, and less 10 eotton, and it is gcuerall) believed that the season's results would prove uecmeoiy imi. satisfactory, while the coitou mar- kcts would be given an opportunity oi workiug oft' the iiumene accumulated surplus of raw material. There is being too much said in the country about hard times aDd the scarci ty of money, and as everybody has a cause and knows a remedy, I thought I would write to till your readers what 1 think is the cause. We buy more than we produce. There is too much Hour and bacon shipped here every year, lhe tilings we ought to make at home wc are buying. We let our limber rot ami buy our plough stocks, singletrees, axe handles, hoc handles and fencing. Wu throw away our ashes and buy sunn and axle crease. We give away our beef hides and buy hatueitt rings. We waste our manure and buy guano. We buy garden seed iu the spting and cabbage in the. wiuter. We let our lands grow up in weeds and buy our Irooms. We waste tho wax out of our pine aod gum trees and buy chewing gum lor our children. We build school houses and hire teaeli v .in, I ,.nil nor i-hililreu uut to be edu eatcd. W. hind a fire-cent fish with a four dollar lishint: rod. Wo scud a fil'teeu-ccul boy off with n twentv-dollar L'un and a four-dollar dog to kill birds. We raise dogs and buy wool. A,,, I nh.ml the on V I IllUlIS 10 tills country that there is over production of nrenolilics and dog ticks. American I Times. V The Old Friend t An i'.iil.-i vo:i u ',(' yoU lion; tvwlli'U lll'O'.Jlli j;,- at r. I' .:.U that never : . Livi-r Ilecju I ' --ilni's v.liat ,j ii.. ..lion of tliis , i- i-it'ilu .nr. and not l.crsiiaileil that am-tlmi 'i--'J will It w't'.u) Kinn !' Liver Metli cines; is L-.-tter t!i: ti pills, and takes tho i-bn-o f IJ'immc and Calomel. It v. -i i ilirectly on the Liver, Ki.lu. "H'l Bowels and o-ives new life to iho whole rys- ... ti.:.;-. lt.. ltw-difiiif! vou I01I1, J.IH-) ' " j . want. Soi l !V ri'-l DnigL-i m Liquid, or in l'owder to bo taken dry of mutlo into a tea. '' .. - - r. . ft: 1 : T i .". . Has tlie Mump " " t V j. h."zkiun It co.,rsiia.ipi.irfc SHE WAS KKAUV. HQ o THE PLACE TO GET -DRUQS j PEDICUjES retract, he stood him on his head. Th iiL.reeation all arose and wet t for lhat 'ere sheep; several well-direettd butts juil placed iheiu iu a heap. Then r..th..d ihev straiublay for the door, 'ol, curses oil and loud, wutic ramii.y i. .i... i.;n.l...,ttii mini, and shoved him ihrough lhe crowd. nn ;..:!.... lm.l nl'ten heard that 1 ue iiiiiiit. kiudness would subdue the fiercest beast li " he said. '-I'll try lhat game :l I 1I...I vim " And so lie mnoiy, genuv ran "Come rammy, raiumy, ram, to see mi r..lL. nhiise vou so I ericved and sorry am." The run uuile dropped his humble air, kvorv Tirei ichor should stiive to be .T.ihn lhe llantist considered him- clf a voice for Christ. Xo man ever has any trouble about much of the Hible as he is willing to live. sit there day after day woak helpless and tuvd.-Winoiu, (Minu.) norma. HO SEW THING. AT THK LOWEST PEIOES, IS AT He loved the girl That was plain to the most oasual obscr ver. He scut her flowers Ho wanted her to go with him when ever he went. l.'.vi.rv snare moment be devoted to her When he was beside her he was a willing it i . . e n.i l,,.n ave oi tier every wish an 1 ilintitii'il irom ou on irci, m - . ,fc r, n landed he was in the hindmost Did she want a glass of water he Hew ... l... . n.ii ..io ii li e uour to leicu u. .uu w ..i. ,. . . i i .1 i... .i,t,i it.ii- tm. ne was urs. iu ind closed 11 ltll until ne uuiutu - i im .u - ... . i .1.:.... 'iu-. "I nha nlntr it tin. Ulitoruia ioo, i hi --- rv. .. -r- . . . . . Did sue wain an -"-i v... - all tho furniture in tho room iu order to t .i ' i-.i.,ili " m .hed the r,nifv her. n lilt! iniiit-i ..i -- i poor man who bad m inn d a widow with Did she ask this or that, he was only W AS AN IXFIUEIi. The door of salvation is always open but it is not God's purpose to drive any boly through it. Goi has ordered that the man who .III not heln others may prosper ouly that he may rob himself. ti. . 1,. mint ill-eiimoint God the most who try to carry their burdens with out His help. There are thousands of ways in which people can show without knowing il mat they do ml love God. There isn't much good in the man who tries to be a good only when Ins head tells him that be ought to. The editor of the Ham's Horn is a convert of Mr. Moody. Mr. Brown was a successful editor but an inndel. ne litiilr liitti a line house and had Hob In- persoll's portrait hung in tho main hall, and called him his pastor. He Went to i I . 1,. M.w.ilv.'ia at man Willi a snon neck" as be called him in derision. 1 ne the Prodiiral Son, in Luke ""j"" fifteenth. An account says: "Describing with great pathos me father's welcome. Moody suddenly poiui He "Are you ready, dear?" She (briskly) "Yes, all ready." Hei'Good enough! Then I may turn the "as out? ' She "One mouieut Is my bouuot Mieve iuv hair uu niiuij.i.1. Iik.Lm fit to be seen." Hu uOh. yen, very nice. Huvo you iutt Gvervthici?" She (decidedly) "Everything, wan; don't nut the light out. Let me Bee what did I do with oh, here it is. inat is all." He "Well, then " "She "Harry, these are the wrong doves: thev're lhe old oues ma sent me. Just think, if I bad uot discovered the mistake! The right pair were in my niieliet. Now. if vou'll pin this veil and take my wrap over your arm don't lose it." Hp "We can go, I suppose." i.t uv .... ,im i-m. liv the D ie ie.-, iw" -rf I i way, I would better take my smelling j salts. No telling what may happen. He "Shall I turn the si."Turn it off. Oh li b, do wait n instant. Mv sandals! I almost for got and it is so damp. Will you get .i,. t nf the closet left corner on the shelf and you Ii have to put u.eu. on for me. I hale to usk you to kneel in thanks, dear, you're so good. H "Well we're off." Kl.,." At last. But stopl 1 Haven i loektd my desk and that strange, nurse- girl " He (desperately) "Oh, come on The curtain will go up. She (reproachfully) "I've been ready these twenty minutes. n 11.. uV..i,'rA nut rendv HOW. "She "Why, I'm waiting for you," ii : ...i "Knr me ' lie l in uiuutjiii. in - She (patiently) "I'm waiting tor you to put the gas out. We can't go and leave it burning to the ceiling. SaFATSTRinFMURi? r.nPYR GHTS. Hi IV A N & OO.. who have had neaxlT fifty years Uiu them eent free. Also a catalogue Qi mKbUf ical and scientiflo books sent free. "K are hronilht widely IwronUi PVJ"'"1 ti the Itiyentor. Thu apleiidld Daper. isjied weekly, elenantly lilaitritea, bm w .at jo. iSSeit cireulatlnn ot any Klentljo work In tin . .... Rattmln cod ea aent Tree. wu'14:J.,'?..7r nnltlv. tlMlayear. BlhKla "Ss cents, kvery numbor oontalm beau, ffl fcl tel ""colore, "hd DbouiBtapha of new H5L?'JfA il.Si mublliw bulldenl u ahow the J " i ....... Mittrfli-ttt. Addraaa "SI mWlcS.K "YOU. BUI BHOABWiT. Chas. M. Walsh,J South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Vi. i LrwcBt cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WALSH. octllly. I'OK OVKK I'lKTV YEAR . Wiuslow's Southing Syrup has been , .....: I i,k :,ni,i.ied earnest- moiiicie.u. ...v.. ami exciuiim-ti wn .. . . . . i. . in t ,rtiti ititi- ei-t c:.. i .at Kntheris our uou: i success. It soothes the Startled, as if addressed by name, Brown dropped pencil and tablet, and turning to a man sitting beside him, said, "Is that so?" "Yes, it's all Hue," was the reply, and the convicted unbeliever was prevailed ,-hild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by DruL-ists in every part of the world. T.,iv.fi..i. cents a bottle. Uc sure and DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE B. B. SHED. WELD ON. N. C. ofunnir if RPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. PWUPT.OHP-AET-.HT IILLD WITH THI Bt BIL-CTW TkPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOCBS WITH GREAT OABE. .HTOMBBY. BTATIONEBT. FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGABS. ZOLLICOFFER'S. poormau woo ii . i.ii.i-. or .,...ii in Iiiivh bitten ofl (, lud to be of services. nine cuuuriii, - - n . i I mi .. .:..!. .i il ilnvi'M nnd n.nre I .uU 1 Ua SllOC. I neaire IKa.... and books an 1 candy preity Tt tuny be that money will overcome the world, but it takes religion pure and undeliled to overcome the devil. The nrcaching that has Christ in il i i .lm.lv nivav from lhe Uiwan neime j j church with a determination to uo ueuer CAMPHOKATKI) OIL. all milliner of - i mil. www-- - hi . ..ii I.. ,. ,...t ii new dress lor i'.nt .nnveniis were for her alouo DUB 1 II HU.a tw t, - 1 ii.iv w Where she was mere wus i .ita,...v EaBter. He Your mind runs on nothing but Have you no thought lor some thing higher? -Yes, l ni tlnumog oi an ....-. She hat. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric rt. i :...1 rmtiiirilv in DOtiular favor, until now it is clearly in tho lead amoog pure mcuicai tonics auu m.v. ...... containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or luioxieanl, it is rcaogniiied as the best and purest med icine for all ailments of stomach, liver or , i t -.ill ftiira sick headache, nuiieyn. - - - . indigostion constipation, and drive Ma- . . - .i i u.ili-luitlinn latia from ine system. ...-.- Kuatanteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50o. per bottle. Sold by Wni. Cohen. i. nt. ,.;,. as a flute note for her always; and his days were spent iu thoughts for bcr. Bnt that was years ago. How different now. Ho married her. Life Is Misbby To many people who have the taint of scrolula in mcir II J TL. ...nnwiO P tit IMP! 1 l.v thedreadlul- OlOOU.lUv g.'u't" running sores and other manifestations of .1,:. rll... nro bevond description. There U no other remedy equal to Hood's Sar-.o.,-,lla for scrofula, salt rhuem and every form of blood disease. It is rea sonably sure to benefit all wno give u a fair trial. Hood's PilU oure all liver lis. ''7'' i ak for "Mrs. Winslmt's Soothing Syrup, ,, where he ":k. " r. ,, , ,- , -,. 25 ,T upon to enter the inquiry room, where lie - no ma, 25 ly viclded his heart t.nd life as a returning JlLlUtu ... ...,,,,-iirr tlHHTI.'l. nrodi"al to tho bather Ot Spun. (.' l.USI'.l', Hi .-.v. . ' . . .. . .- . . i I it .. :...nn.i in. . it lomsL c ii reu. uuu no loiii.t. ti.f -- I , , i i .i. ..tirtitiirv and had a u,.,l hniiL-in Arizona has issued atterwarus eiiicicu " i work as a travelling preacher, leaving his ttl0 f0lluing no'ice: "This bank is not .. .. l..l I. ... .. I.. '!i: IHlll- lhe ant borne. Hut Ins rare wu aim .u- busted; u owes ine pc.piw v..,w--, -- jff1 . teaili mr W'f if 1V i nMMfwUt wV- ' ' - - jJF f,,f ).!(., 1 will wrofk Imdm .f ,a..,W, kow M I .. i..J, r.m 'IbrM .'h- j -kta Vj.w isd-. .n,.. ji f , 5-x.t? .i a ri r B-.s-,.' Noil,. aiit 2&"PKsr?r?? d'""11 " tew fflmerj Durin" grip lay eamphoralcd oil does much cood. It will ofien entirely dissipate symptoms olanlonuenzi cen to which persons wlio nave nao gup ii... liuliii. lluh across the seeiu pecuimij .." fnrehe adovcr and between tho eyes It is a relief, too for the pains in tbelegs i,;,.h ritmains onu alter tlio attack u over. Rub with it around tho muscles and kneejoints, over and uuder. ( or this trouble, or l or an exhausted condition following overwork, take one-half bay rum, one-fourth water and the rest ...:.ii nf ammonia, and rub the body well all over, particularly tho legs and feet, nd arms and liauds. new lurs. nm. Tub Uoanoke News and the At lanta Constitution one year for $1.50. Subscribe at once. ilorial gifts asserted themselves and he felt lhat with his pen "ho couiu uesi serv tho Master." So he started and for some years has edited the most unique ....3 ...I-.I t-.i iiimllMWOCK V IU 1110 .TUiii.. am, ,...,.v.. - tin w the inventor 01 -' r" aide" und by it made a great fortune "God works in a mysterious way his wonders to perlortn. people owe it 5,r.,0l)0; It is tho people ..- i.,,i, ,i uhen niev nav WC O I wiiu aiv i'"t . . II !) ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 MY STOCK OF 0- FALL And Guaranteed Cure. v .,,il.ri( nur advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a cough, cold or any luug, tnrotu or . . . . ....i.i.. .,11,1 will nso this remedy CIICS. uutiiiit;, - -, as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no beuelit, you ina the bottle and have your money refunded. i . .1.:. V..- .li.i ten itltl He could not mane tins one un. know thai Dr. King's New Discovery could bo relied on. n uever uisa,,,,u.u.. Trial bottles free at win. ,oneua u.uf, store. Largo me we. anu For Malaria, Liver Trou ble.or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS a XBMaff ysjbwderj Pure W1NT, Millinery. . a i .-ni ji.-... h. flnMt Una! la arriving, iui 1 "'"ui,fi - i t -i.. ki ,.,.,i r.mH and as I aoodl er ihowa lu tola town iu A ercatn of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report. Ratal Baking Powdib Co., KM5WlI8t,N.Y. NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS eat 4 1 r.A. LEWIS, . ? WWu, N.O., r