JOH1T "W. SLEDGE, Pltoi'ittKTOlt. VOL. XXIV. A. NEWSPAPER EOK, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1894. TEE,MS:-8i-5" 'Kii annum NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIKE A NEW MAN A Well-known Lowell Grocer Debilitated by over work, makes use of AVER'S Sarsaparilia and soon feels Strong and Well. "A year ago, my partner died, ii nil tin; whole burden and responsl liility of 11 large grocery business fell upon inc. The increased care and hard work, in connection with the low state of my blood, so severely taxed my strength that I liee inie all run down, hail uo appe tite, was weak, nervous, and endured all the torments which headache, Indigestion, general debility, and total loss of energy could possibly in diet. The medicine recommended me ny my physicians did no more good than so much water. AY EH'S Sarsaparilia being favorably brought to my attention, 1 tried it, ami, in a short lime, began to feel better. I continued to take this medicine for two months, at the end of which time I felt like u new man. My appetite, energy, ami strength returned, my food digested perfectly, ami all traces of headache and nervousness disappeared. I am convinced that if 1 had not taken AYEIt'S Sarsa parilia, Instead of being strong ami well, when tho wurm weather set in, I should have been confined to my lied, under the doctor's care, and totally unable to attend to business. I am a thorough believer in the merits of AYEK'S Sarsaparilia for restoring to healthy, vigorous ac tion, the vital organs of the body, .vlien they have become weakened or exhausted." Wn.UAM II. Uiiown, S3 (lorham St., Lowell, Muss. Ayer's Sarsaparilia Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass. Has cured others, will cure you LAST GREAT SHAKE. GARWOOD'S KX TRACT, NACES TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, WOODWOKTll's FLORIDA WA TEB, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of -3t$TATI0NERY&- Just Keccjved ISO Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell it small PROFIT. ACCURACY ' w a 's o t o J3 9 .3 H H 9 -9 s o 53 W M 3 u Q in IPTTZRITTTI AN UNl'I.EASANT EVENT HOOKED FOR NOVEMHEIl 13lil, 1899 l'BOl'ESSnll KAMI'S RK.MAHKA1II.E FRKIIIVTlUNH OK EAKTHQI'AKEH A PKOWIKT WITH A MABVEI.Ol:H RKCOHD ll.00.MY I'KONPkXTH AIIKA1). The records indicate that poople have been looking lor the end of the world at intervals ever since the world begun, and predictions of this character generally receive very little credenee, but when a scientific man of the standing of Professor Rudolph Falb, of Vienna, makes a pre diction of this sort it is at least worth thinking about. Professor Falb has a rcputatiou all over hurupc lor bis me teorological kunwledge and particularly for his extraordinary familiarity with the habits and eustonis of earthquakes Ilis predictions of these sei-inic 'lis turbancc8 have been remarkably ful tillci1 ilis prediction of the great earthquake at Zante last year was published in the press dispatches all over the eouutry the day before tho earthquake occurred. Another example of his accurate fore knowledge on this subject is shown in the fact that on March 31st, 181)3, he wrote the Tourist club of Vieuua accepting an invitation to lecture about earthquakes, but adding that he would like to defer the lecture until after April 13th, as an earthquake would occur by that time, which would aid him in giving them eulightcnineut. As a matter of fact an earthquake occurred on April Hth, and 1'clt all over southern Hungary. THE DISCIPLINE OF LIFE. bug Brand Prepared A karge I Painta. Stock of Pure White Lead k Linseed oil. LAN Hit KTH'S I'll sell paints at a UAKHKN I very small margin. ShKP. THE PLACE TO GET DRUQS f.lEDICIJES -AT THE- LOWEST PEIOES, IS -A.T DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S. v WEST BIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE E. E. SHED. WELDON. N. C- STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. fiKPARTIf KHT FILLED WITH THE BEST SELECTED IIATM1AL.-W 0RIPTKW8 COMPOUNDED AT AiiL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE, STATIONERY, FANCY BOAPS, BRUSHES, hearty FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIOARB. 1 T"Hr?i( , k u. s. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. SENATOR GEORGE GRAY, of Delaware. Professor Palb's prophecies go back over number of years, have usually been made from nine to twenty months in advance and have iu almost every in stauce been correct. Now, however, the professor's prophetic eye has shot across a space of five years, and he says that on November 13th, 1899, the erratic wanderer known to astrono mers as the comet of IStlli will reappear and collide with our globe; then "the fireworks" aud darkness. By way of preliminary to the event, howevor, it may be mentioned that, according to tho programme, New York is to disappear under a tidal wave next July or August, yvliile Florida aud Cili fornia will probably becomo islands as the result of a submarine earthquake. The most unpleasant feature about these prophecies is, as already intimated. the fact that they are not prophecies at all, strictly speaking, but scieutifie pro diction based upon scientific investigations into mundane anatomy. To put his theories in as simple a fashion as possi ble, it may bo said that Prof, l'alb be liovcs first of all that the deep down terior of the earth is filled with a molten mass, which is subject to ebb and flow, just like the waters ol the ocean. lietween the- earth and this molten sheol, which is slowly cooliug, there only n shell of au average of eighteeu miles in thickness, upon which we mortals live aud love and die. In some places the earth's crust is thicker than in others Where it is thimiest the confined terrible forces of the under world, chiefly iu the form of gas, seek constantly to escape, and when the pressure of the atmosphere arouud the earth is lowest the gas finds an outlet, usually iu well defined districts, generally through the volcanic vent- holes. But beyond the constant pressure of gas Prof. Falb has the theory that the ahenlic molten mass beneath us is subject to the influence of the moon, which pro duces waves, and occasionally great tidal waves, hich sweep round the inner crust of the wi rld with terrific force shaking the earth in its passage. Prof, l'alb publishes ovt ry year a list of the days on which he expects sei-uue convulsions. These he calls "ethical days" all llnse days are these when (hotuoou a pioaehcs closets i be lanh. The critical days given by Prol. l'alb lor are slated iu the order id maximum distuibaucc tu fo'lows: August 31), September '1'J, February '!, March 31, August 1, Aptil fi, January 'Jl, May 5 aud cl..b.r L'Slh the uiui-t di.-tuiuncc rcr.y he lokcd for on Auvu-t 311 pd the slightest ou (J.loVr -Hili. In connection wiih the great scientific oontest belweeu mother eailh and the comet which, to use a phrase current iu scientific ciicles. is to be "pulled elf" in 1893, it is recalled that ou January 14th filfi. ten neoule were killed iu China by the fall of a meteor, In the year 8i thirtv-five villages in Saxony were de stroyed by the fall of a meteor, am many wen and animals killed, tin Sep tember 4th, 1511, one man and four animals were destroyed by tailing meteors near Crema. On November 4ili, 1749, t meteor struck the mast of a ship that was crosslne the Atlantic, killing five seamen. Each of these oases can be re garded as the fall of a small ooutet upon our world. It is comfort to kniw that some Vienna scientists believe the comet going to get the worst of it, and point to i the fact that the oomet Lexcll, when I ent too near to Jupiter, was thrown off THE PRETTY WOMAN, Iter features must be small and fine, llor eyes be clear and softly shine; Her skin must be of pink and white, Unknown to rogue or powder quite. Hheniust have glossy, silky hair, It matters not if dark or fair; Her figure must be plump aud trim, Bust not too large, waist not too sliiu. Her mouth a perfect ono must be, Her neck tlio swan's for symmetry; ncr bauds mustshow the greatest care, Her feet a dainty, slender pair. In word or act a charm, a grace A little tact for time and place The woman thus by nature blessed Needs nothing, saved to be well-dressed. HOW UK LOST HIS WAKTS. AN ENCOURAGING WORD. ENCOUltAOINU WORDS ARE THE SPARKS THAT CRACKLE AND SNAP FROM THE FIRE ANY ONE MAY 11 ECO .ME A MAO-NET. Lots of people believe in signs and us ing. It would he right amusing to get up a list of the signs etc., but we will content ourselves with the subject of warts. There is a minister in Cabarrus county who tried many remedies and succeeded at last. First ho cut as many notches on a stick ai he hud warts (81) ami buried the stick under bis house uo good. Second, he bored au inch hole into a white oak tree, washed bis bands with a dish-ne.', stuffed it into the hole and then plugged it on good. Third he counted out 81 grains i,f strawberry corn, representing the number ot warts, tied them up in a paper and dropped the bundle in the road. The warts disap- pcared. It is not known whether the fiudcr tho package got the minister's warts not. Thcro is no table measures whereby of weights and may be esti mated tho value of an encouraging word. Applied to the balance of power for good or evil, it weighs heavily on the side of the former, and if tossed into the scales at the proper moment, it tips the beam on tho side of right human action. The human ear is never insensible to its vibrations. It heralds the belief that some one has in you and a whole volley of hope is fired into your soul; a round doz en of Lieut virtues wake up and salute you and wsnder where you have been to have allowed them to go on napping, and alter that springs get into your heels and ozone into the atmosphere and unconsci ously a standard of excellence formulates itself into your mind and good intentions pur you on to scramble up tu it. An encouraging word is a good thing to give, loo lew ol us give them away, notwithstanding the fact that it is only hen we give them that they pay inter est. LuceuragiDg words are a regular investment. Try it ou souibody aud see Trv it in the children. It is the secret of all education, because it is au infalli ble rule in the education of the heart which is after all the most important ed ucation. Technical education should form a combination, and when they do the world will rest upon tho proper foun dation of intelligence. How the methods of the educator have changed siuce the present generation was iu the nriiner aud regarded the school teacher as the national adversary of ev rylhing young and human! The rod and the iusiiuity of excessive (asks were the discouragers el' Jisubedicneo then, the roll of honor is the encounter of ebedi enec nowadays. 1 lie wurld la growing daily tu understand the futility o di'spuuo methods iu government, 11 you have not thought about this, it Is a capita. subject for rcHeotioii. It holds in every aarticular. Why, human nature starves for the waut of encourngemeut aud ap preciation. Wherever you go you sec faces made black aud unrespousivc tor the lack, as black and unre-ponsive for tho lack of giving as of receiving it. What ispersoual magnetism, that rarest ol gifts? It is the outward glow of tho inner fire of genuineness and sympathy. Enoouragicg words sro the sparks that crackle and snap from the fire. Any one may become a magnet. HallJ all your impulses and dispense them in the form of enoouraging words. They can not yield if you lock them up in your own bosom any inoro than money can nav interest if you keep it in your trunk. The world is starved for them, and they are woith all the way from five dollars to five thousand dollars apiece. Tiey only yield interest when you givo tlfcm away. It sounds paradoxical, but trjr it as an investment. r. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS T x Tm A LITTLK ItKASOX NEEDED. liclbre I was nfllicttl 1 went astray: but now have I kept thy word. Psalms, cm. 1.7, Why we are so constituted that nobil ity of character ctn only be ultaiucd through the discipline of sorrows is yet an unsolved problem I nat we niiist nceils travel over corduroy road of difficulty, successive ob stacles, harsh circumstances and contin uous cflort if we would reach the uate of Paradise or fit ourselves to cross its threshold is the moral puzzle of tin universe, Iu our unwisdom we think tho macadamized and level highway a better means of progress, aud aro astounded when told that smooth roads mak men. lie who would get a glimpse of the widest landscape must climb the hill from which alone it can be seen. That is the first law iu the slatu le book of The uight is grewmiua and lonely, but half the universe is veiled from him who has nut seen the stars as well as the sun, and darkness alone can render them visible. This, too, is the law namely, that you must sit amid the shadows of night if you Would sco the heavens ut their best, You cannot get music from the 'cello with loose strings. They must be stretch ed, and if they could, they would cry out with paiu, but the stretching until csncert pitch is reached is what gives the musician au instrument worthy of bis skill, A large fortune is the worst accident that can befall a youth, fur his tcnipations are stronger thau his ambitions. The hoy with muncy inherited from his father, aud, therefore, with nothing to woik for, is already! conquered uycvii passions. The vouth with a high heart and wholesome nrnvprtv receive Iiih inl lance Iroiu dod, aud, Gods gifts better than man's. God's deuiils are the host part of Ilis providence. He gives nothing without its price, and that price is toil. We fiud fault at firs', but later on discover that what is worth working for; that work gives dignity to the soul and is tb equivalent of education. That is the secret of ouinissicnce which wc find it hardest to learn The men who live in marble and bronze because thoy have done us suoh service that we cannot forget theui, and would faiu express our gratitude by means of the sculptor's art are they who have born tho brunt of circumstances, It is also tiuo that personal sorrows, as the loss of dear ones, havo au uplifting tendency. Hereavcment forces the soul to recognize its destiny. Tears arc some times telescopes with which other worlds are viewed. Aehiug hearts feci their helplessness and then call ou God for the comfort that is not within reach. They sec visions, have revelations and doors are opened the key to which is forged out some grief. The ties of earth arc loosened that we to heaven. Tho cruelly of death imbues us with a longing for immortality. The WAHNINO NOTES CAI.l.INO Til K WICKED TO REPENTANCE. Christ is God's idea of a man. It is better to suffer than to sin. God's trill Is is rebellion Opposing against God. There can he no real I win the All sins arc big, no mailer how small llley look. It lightens a duty to resolve In do it cheerfully. A civil tungue is a better weapon than a bowiu knife. Those wbu would lend others should always look up. Love is ihe greatest of all things, becuusc it gives all things. It takes temptation to show us how much we need Christ. When you bid your sin good-by don't shake hands with it. ADVERTISE Many statements in tho Bible seem strange, but a little reason, knowledge and philosophy make them all plain, "There arc some thiut's iu the Good Book," says Eli Peikins, "that bother the Sunday-school teacher. When I was a little Doy the lirst verse 1 ever learned was about John "And in those days came John, preaching in tho wilderness, and his raiment was camel's hair and his food was locusts aud wild houey. "For thirty years I wondered at that strange diet, and sometimes 1 uluiost doubted the accuracy of tho Hible. Put lit came lo lue one summer. On the Suez steamer was a learned traveller from Ee'vnt. iust across from tbe ilolvLand. From him I learned that the Syrian aI)J "ray be bound by stronger cords African lucust is a big tat cricket, laroe as one of nur shrimns. and " -- - r-' . . . .. . , surgeon cuts iu orucr iu save iiih uuuj and when it is all over we bless the knife. God wounds because a wounded soul luscious to cat. When I asked him if he had ever eaten locusts, he said he had. They are sold for a penny a pound in the market iu Biskra, in the desert of Sahara. They boil them iu wator as we boil the shrimps, i he locust in March is as full ot Albumen as an egg. I havo seen our Amcricau Indians cat grasshoppers, a species of if not the same locust that John ate, and why should not the evangelist cut the fat locust of Figypt with sweet wild honey?" E.VIDKXCH NOT SVtTIENT. Inn Washington county town a while ago the local champion little liar needs sympathy and consolation and can only find them in thoughts of another life. An artist had just finished a splendid fresco ou the ociling of a cathedral. Pleased with his work, he stepped back to note the general effect. Forgetlul of the dituy height, he was ubout to take one step more, the fatal step, wheu his quick wittcd assistant dashed a mass of culor on the picture and ruined it. The paiuter spraug forward his life was saved. Iu like manner, God's severest disci- One id' the devil's hiding placo is behind a pile of money. Every dollar in a good man's pocket hath the name of God on it. God made the heart of man so big that this world is too small to fill it. The man who lives only fur himself is engaged in a very small busiucss. To be all the lime feeling for feeling is a poor way to promote religious life. No man is pleasing God who does not love his neighbor as he docs himself. Keep your heart full of sunshine, and Cod will soon give vou a face to match it. There is more help in an ounce of encouragement thau there is in a ton of advice. The man who would havo done so and so if he had been there, never gets there. Some people never think it worth while to try to get religion in the hands and feet. It is the religion that shines at home against which the devil lights the hardest There is no such thing as the joy of the Lord in the heart iu which there no faith. A fool will build a house without windows, and then blame God because he has to live in the dark. People who have such a good opinion of themselves will tell you that tho devil is not such a bad fellow. "Give and it shall be given unto you," is a promise that shows how anxious God is to make us all rich. The man who repents on a sick bed from which ho recovers, geuerally back slides before he pays his doctor's bill. A man who unconsciously docs much to sour the milk ol human kindness, is that fellow who snores in the sleeping car. The only people who opposo God's way are those who would have to give up something like an eye or a hand to walk in it. The father who does not put good reading in the hands of his children has never done any real praying for their salvation. When a man claims to love God with all his heart, you can generally fiad out whether he means it by going to him with a collection basket. The Old Ana tho Wt fric: fails von. i.-J Sinimo: klor", (tlu Eel 'J you hear nt the m excellent Liver peoplo slrtiiil not tlut anyihiii' chio It ia tho King ( cities; is Letter takes tho plitce Calomel. It p Liver, Kill givBS now tem. This want.V, Solu Liqllii, ovju i'Oi dry or mailo into rj-EvnriY PA Ha tli . Klamp 1,1 J. H.ZUIL.1JN C IPEEDY and LASI this, J from anviniurtoe UEOI ABDOlfT Ws GUARANTEE a CURE Prloe V3.00 pr bottl tUEMONT MKDIOA I tan Vthl COPYf CAN I 0I1TA1H Srompt answer and ai 11 SNA-:(., ho' experience In tho pat tlons itrictly confldn formation conccrniof tatn ttiam eont fiee. leal and selentlllo booK PattinW tfikcn tbro BPcolal noticoln tho Sl tbm are brotwtit xtttir oat coit to ttan Inven 1rbuc(1 weekly, olcKant largHBt rlrculatlou of world, glf aTirnr. If Building Edition, B eoplea, 'J5oent. Rt tlful plates, in cot bouses, wits pian latt'st flciiimR nur Cha South ID a- 0 rH ft (0 was brought U uotorc Ihe justic lur phne is always mercilul. ihe only jiur- stealini; hens. It was a pretty plain case, pose is to compel us to see what 11 and by ihe advice of his lawyers the wishes us to sco, and see it us He scis it prisoner said, "I plead guilty," This If Io ruins our hopes or gives our love surprising answer, iu place of tho string a wrench, or sends the droad Messenger of lies expected, staggered tho justic". 0 our household, tho sad song wo sing It Khoiild be In tivery House J. Ii. W ilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- bur;;, l'a , says ho will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump liou, Coughs and Colds, that it cured bis wife who was threatened with l'oeumn- nia after nn altack of "La Grippe," when various othei remedies and several liny siciin had done her no good. Hubert Barber, of Cooksport, l'a., claims Dr, King's New Discovery has dons him more eood than anything he has ever used for Lung Troubles. Nothiog lit it. Free trial bottles at V. M. Cohen drugstore. Large bottles uOo. and $1.00 Ha rulilH'ii Ins head. "1 guess lm afraid well, Iliram," said he, after thoughtful pause, "I guess 1 II have lo have more evibeuco before I sentence you." Lewistoa Journal. brills the auguls Dearer, and from the ashes ol consumed desires spiingsa faith which draws the curtain aside and shows us a better life. That God chastens because Uo loves Itucklen'a Arulcastalre. is a hard saying, but they who have been Tha bust salve iu the world for cuts, chastened can oftlimcs find iu tlu ir bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever agony a treasure which happiuesi is too sores, tetter, ohapped hands, chilblains, blind to discover. corns, and all skiu eruptions, and post- The end to be sought is largeness lively oures piles, or no pay required. It of soul, and this so strangely are we is guaranteed to give perfect satis-factioo, made is to bo attained, not by having or money refunded. Price 25 cents per our own wVi but by giviug up boi. For sale by Win. Cohen. 01lr way ,j adopting God's way. N Y Tim Rev. Honry Fulton, of Winston N. C, who was a Demooratio candidate for Slate senator a few years ago, tried to commit suicide last week by attempting to hang himself in his barn with a blind bridle. His wife saved his life by cut ting him down. He remonstrated with her for interfering with him, saying ho would have been walking the golden street! of the New Jerusalem in a few minutes. In an angry tone she replied, "Yes, you would have looked nicely Herald. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS The new high crowned Derby hat Is becoming only to men with long, thin faces. Lc.west a jjjr ADVKimSEMKNTS. FOR OVUH VIVTY YEAH Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by millions ot mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor littlo sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Ms o lately NSf v Pure A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all ia leavening --awrtJ:', Latat U. & Gonemmm'