JOHN "W. SLEDGE, phoviuktor. VOL. XXV. .A. ILT ID "W SP APER EOR-T H.E PEOPLE WELDON, N. (!., THURSDAY, APRIL 2(J, 1891. TEBMS:-Si..'i l'Kit a x n i m ix advance NO. 3. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Broken-Down iVian Restored to Perfect Health By the utt of AVER'S WILL a?aV CLEAR 1 Q LONG SKIN I LIFE RT10 rcTTTI I Em a STRONG a L iaJNERVESM KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE COMPASS. mental! ENERGYl Sarsaparilla AyERS H Sarsaparilla I "For eight yi-ai's. I was, most of tin' time, a great MilTi'irr from coti- Ktilcitinli Liilni-t- tntnlilo i i ..1 Iti.tL down. I was induced tn try A V Kit's Sarsaparilla, ami took .marly seven hollies, with t.m-li ex ri llciit results lliat in y stomach, bowels, anil kidneys are In perfect t'i lulit ion anil, in all tlirir functions, as regular as clock-work. At the. time I began taking A V Kit's Sar.-iaparilhi, my wt!,;ht was only m poillitlil, J now can brag of 10!' pounds, ami was never in s health, ll vim eonlil see me In-fore am! after n.-ie;'. y.i would want me fur a tiavcliiig ndveriiscmcni. I sivir hy A V !:it'M ami lclii-e tliis prei, iimlinii to lie the liest in the iiuiik-'t lu-ilay." S. I', Smith, ill1' poplar sr., Towunda, Pa. "I eunnot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have nlitaineil from the use of AYKH'S Sarsaparilla, I was alllieteil w ith klilney troubles for about six mouths, suffering greatly with pains in the small of my baek. In addition to this my hotly was eovereil wilh a pimply eruption. Tim remedies prt'scriUd for me by tie dortors did me no good. I ;hen began to take AYKH'S .Sarsaparilla, a'.nl niter using two bottles of It, I felt like a different Hutu the pains erased Hint the pimples have dis appeared, I advise every young man and woman, In any easeof sickness redlining from Impure blood, no matter how long standing the iiisoiiiuy be, to take AYEIi'S Sar.aparilla." 11. Lens Jaiimann, Janitor, 35 William st., New York City. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepare; by I)r, J. U, Afar & Co., Lowrll, Slam. Has cu other, will cure you fWll,P A D m UAKWUUU'S Ji.YTIlALT, XACTS TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, WOODWORTIl'8 I'LOUIDA WA TEIl, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of (S TATIONERY) Just Received 151) Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell t a small 1'ltOFlT. At'OilllACY H ft. W a 'A o o & N .a a a o .5 H E s 5 K K ?! Stag linod Prepared Paints. Purt H"hite Lead k Linseed oil. I'll aell paiata at a I gjgrmaU "WTgin. Keep your eye on the couipasa If the sea runs high, Aod the wean's inky billows Moek I lie blackness of the sky; When beating up agaiust (lie. winds So pitiless and strung, Keep your eyes on the compass And you can't go wrong. Keep your eye on the compass, Aod ycir white light trimmed. Though the moon hide in the heavens And the stars are dimmed; Though the voyago may be lonely And the way seem long, Keep your eye on the compass And you can't go wrongs Keep your eye on the compass It will guide you o'er the deep, Will show you where the North Star is, And where the flowers sleep In the Sunny South. No matter If the way seems lung, Keep youf eye on the compass And you caVt go wrong. DROP OF FIGHTING BLOOD. A STOHV MIIOWINU THE POINT WI1KKK AM. MKN COME INTO SYMPATHY. A Large I Stuck or I LANDRETU'S HARDEN I SEED. from the Hutfalo Impress. A fioe looking man with clothes of a clerical cut sat in one corner of the car, and be smiled pleasantly as a brisk little man came in and sat beside him. "Well," said the newcomer, there have been three big events today." "Yes," said the other. "Yes. There's the healing on the charter restoration, the first production of Niagara water power at the new tun nel, and, of course, the big tight. Rut I suppose you aro not interested in that." "Degrading affair, indeed," said the clerical looking man. "You haven't heard I suppose, how it came" "No; I can't understand how it came about that Gov. Mitchell could have been shut off so easily, when be seemed so dc rrniueu mat the contest should not lake place. The result" "Yes, as I was saying, the result ought to be known by this lime. You, don't ppen. to have heard" "N,o," cut in the brisk man, not no tieing tho shade of annoyance which ossed the other's face. "No, 1 don'l know what I lie ultimate result will be Whops they can get both of thoso fel lows in jail aud keep them there." "Hut that isn't what I mean. I" "Now, really, Doctor," interjected the brisk man. "I ought to apologize for talking to Jou, of all men, about a prizi lit. I know ihe subject is unpleasant to you. But "Look here, man, said the Doctor, lying his hand earnestly on his friend's arm. "II you know whether Corbett thrashed Mitchell oruot, I want you to 'ill me, and if you know how many rounds there were, I want you to tell uie that too. I believe it is a part of my business as a preacher uf the liospcl and as an American citizen to know how that fight came out. Here I ve been trjjDg to u,sk you ever vuu, tame in, 'Nuw, sir?" He was culighlcued, "Good! he said, fervently. "I abom ioate piisht fighting, but if we've got to have them, I don't feel ashamed of want ig au American to win." "Doctor, said the other man slowly I want to shako hands with you." KN'HW. HIS STltKNUTII. SENATOR VANCE'S BURIAL. INCIDENTS RELATED BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. The special correspondent of the Char lotte Observer tells of some of the iuci- nts of the journey of the Vance Inner train to Asheville from Salisbury, and of the burial. A deep voiced bell was tolling iu the darkness as the train leached Hickory fit 2 o'clock a.m., and crowds handed in flowers. At '.i o'clock THE PLACE TO GET EDRUQS ? PEDICIfJES - AT T1IK LOWEST PEICES, 3.S3 -A.T DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINOTOH AVE. OPPOSITE R. K. BHED. WELDON. N. C. 8TQCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREUET ARRIVALS. f RECB.leTiqX PUAITHINT nt.U WITH TBI lUT MLICTID VATIBUL'W PBE90RIPTIONB COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE, FBKfUMKXT. STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRU8HE8, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. BBmWr that heart wtleoau ahraya awaits joo at Editors News: A day or two ago siiue boys, while gunniug up the river, saw a buzzard sailing iu the air with i uoiue uanguug iroiu lis neck, lieing curious about it, they shot the buzzard aud setured the bottle. It was a half Morgantoo was reached, and ladies who pint tickler, and contained a neatly folded had been up all night brought mure paper hag, with the following winds wreaths of immortelles on board. S. written on the back .- TIIIHK WERE TEMPTATIONS ZEAk Dol'BTEl) 1118 ABILITY TO WITHSTAND his for A Georgia fruit dealer had about tore a man of culur "lio vat noted his hunesiy; at least, he hud been fur the ix mouths he had beou empluyed, say the Detroit Free Press. When the first lotd of watcrincluus fur the season was reeeivitl, Z 'ak became worried and ncr voj-i, and just before closing fur th uight he went to the roprietur l spue, buss, lo got ter resign. he said, twilling his hat iu haid like iLuuicfacid buy. "Vt ii y, .oak, what s the iniitlerf was the surprised response. "I'.u satisfied with you and I thought you weie satis ti J Kith inc." "I wut, boss, twel tir i!ay." "What's wruiig non'f" "I caiu't stun' hit boss" ho mid vaguely. "Can't atund what?" "Cain't stan' de grat tcin'lalion, hois ho went on rapidly "Dcorriugcs am nothio,' uiT the bananuers, nor the peaches, ner plums, per grapes, noner deoi. Dcui's uoihin'loa man my princ'ples, boss, au' taiu'l uo tern Utiou fer me not ter pick uiu up when you ain't lookin'; but, boos, hit am d yar watermillions wot's ratslin, wid chile, an' dey'a gwice ter fling biiu slio, Den's wut I caiu't stan, boss, au1 ef I hain't domi resigned my job dish yer very niuht. dar'a a comma ndmeut gwlnctcr be busted wido open, an 'sponsible fer hit. Lenimo go, boss, he pleaded, and to save a gooil mau Zeak was invited to take his pick of the pile and cairy it home with him. dii Munr Pfirsona tra bnk 4mm ton OTWwork or kouaebold mfm. Brovm't Iron Dlttcrs Rtbuiu. u i, alils AISMtioa, raaovM kismi of bus, HOME AT LAST, '"OH, JOHN, W HAT Do THEY SAY NOW .' DII THEY SAY Foil t'S TO COME HUM h'.' ARE T1IKY AMIIIY WITH I S Y FT, JOHN.' THE BEST POLICY. A N IIONF.-T LIFE, Vt ELL THE ONLY LIFE H'lt A TO LEWI. illlEl'TKD, Is Vol Mi MAN CHARLES H. LUSCOMB, of New York. The New President of the L. A. W. HOW FAR BUZZARDS ROAM ONE CAPTURED AND llot'TI.ED LAST WINTER IS AltAIN CACIMIT AND IDENTIFIED BY MEANS OF THE Will TINU INSIDE OF THE lloTTLE. Marshal Tom Allison told hid friends ul'a long conversation be had with Vance last Friday afternoon. Vance reviewed his whole life to his lifelong friend, lie said he had been thinking of resigning in order to thus best seive the interests of the slate, but on the other hand thought perhaps God was going to spare his life long enough to allow him to get in the breach and lead the people through ouc mole political crisis. He cared not which it was to be so the Vest for the stale was done. Ho said his hands were clean. He felt bad beciiuji he had never laid up any money nor tiied to, for he had nulhitig to leave his children. They would have to work for a bare living as he had. V et he cared not for money for its own sake. He said when he thought of the people's great love for him, extending over a life time, he forgot all little auiinositics and unjust criticism and impugning of hi. motives iu reccut Jays. TIvH ho sent lucBsngcs to u wdiolo lot of hi friends, said Mr. Allison, and to some, to ', who ad beeti abusiug hi in of late, ihoiigli he diilu't know it. Mr. Allison's outburst of indignation here is iudescribable fur its intensity. "Come baek and see me tomorrow, Turn," said the senator at last, aud Tom went, but the tired spirit had uuk iuto uueonseiousuess and had bidden its lust farewell. All the way across the mouutains learning lights could be seeu in the rude huts the word had gune out among the fastnesses that "Zcb Vauce" was dead, aud the higblauders lycrc wu,lcliii the passing uf tho Qurpsi. The cultured aud wealthy brought the flowers, lui the homespuu, calico crowd looted on and cried. Charley Vance was missed. They thought he was in his berth asleep. About dawu they found him sitting by his father's bier. He had been there all night, The silks aud satins and calicoes and ginghams brushed each other as the crowds filed by the remains as they lay iu stale in the Fiist Presbyterian, church at Asheville. Such a sight was never seen in North C'aroliua before. A fine sight were the lliughutu CilJcL, with sad Vomit! fuooa. Cliuiley V11'1 !'"k''d so umeh like his father that men trem bled to behold hiiu, Mrs. Vance, on Major Charles M, Stedinan's arm, Charley Vance and his wife, were the last to take a look at the deceased befure the body was taken to the cemetery. Theu while the great concourse was arouud the opeo grave and the pr. aclier had read the scripture about the resur rect iou and the life; the choir of ladies were singing " Jesus, lover of my soul," rain began to fall. Rut they sang the grand old hymn throughn spite of the "In iiieinni'iaiii IVpartcd spirits.'' "I heed not custom, creed nur law, And care tor nothing that ccr I saw." "Thus its sn to day we spaikle, to-morrow die.'' "Tliuu hast survived lliy usefulness, hollow reminder ul'a happy moment, and having contempt for thy present empty condition, I abaudou thee to the oil', springs of carrion and skuuks, so avaunt skyward and seek other climes aod sphircs. Thy suul vanished before a brace uf mallards, rich, brown and juicy, now let thy vitreous body wind its gyra ting course to its tvrial home, there lo dwell mid suushiue and storms, prosperity and adversity, and ever remain an orna mental tickler to the throat of thy per fumed irausport the bird that warbles no song, 1 hy vestments shall bo the skin ol putrid flesh, instead uf a fabric of hue cloth. 1 hy odor shall be that of carrion, iu.-tead of the extract of com. Farewell, tlmu most useless of artieles ! Soar on high, ye malodorous vulture and unerowued king of stinks, and from some lofty pinaele, be it a mountain crest, some grand oil forest patriarch; or as escort to a fleet of clouds, let thy foul mouth with its offensive breath disgorge one sentence for iue-"an empty tickler is the heaviest burden you ever carried." As I toss thee lo the freedom of the air, may you live long and prosper, and yuur pathway through Ufa ho wosslaid wilh dead cow; nod horsos innumerable, but mine pavod with tho golden bricks of more suvory food, that when I have fed to the band, I can exclaim, wilh great devontness, thank the Lord and bless the cook. Deeboone. Aboard the ducking boat, "Huntress" Camp hunt winter 18'.LI-9I lit! mile post, Roanoke river Feb. 1"-', 1S!H." The above mile post is more than "5 miles from where the bird was captured. So you see these useful creatures d.i not eoulinc themselves to one certain locality. Kespeetlully, W. T. .1 Jamesville, N. (V, April 17, IS!M. Now Try This, It will oust you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a cough cold, or any trouble throat, cl.cst or lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs aud oolds is guaran teed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just me thing ana unuer its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at Win. Cohen's drug -i T HA. 1 . t Art A V 1 1 i:S S( I-' X A XS W KU. "We were marrisd thirty- seven years," said Mr. Gardiner Andrews, and in that time my wife uever gavo me a cross Word. ltut I shall never fur get the first lime I ehided her. It was on a Sunday nam ing, wheu we had been married two tears. I found a button off my shirt and threw it across the room. "Sew a button on," I said in a brutal voice, she was a good Christian woman and she got a button and sewed it on. say? with asked And what did the Utile bristling, woman, wilh snapping eyes. "hho said, 'forgive me, husband, 1 had a great deal to do yesterday, nod i forgot it, but it shall never happen again," "Oh!" said tho man, fixing his eyes on the picture of his dear wife, "her gentle words almost broke my heart. I oould have gone duwn on my knees to ask her forgiveness. Slioiuadca differ ent man of me, and tho world has been a different place since she died." There was a silence as he finished speaking, interrupted by a general clear iog of the throats, and a confused snuffling as if we all had bad colds, and the little woman s snapping eyes looked It was a worn-out, fragile little body, restless and fever burned, and so tiled, ton, wailing, patiently waiting, for the long, lonely day to come to a close, A stray sunbeam came glimmering through the lattice at the window aud lingered eanssingly on the curly brown head tossing from side to side Iu a vain search fur a cool spot on (he hard pillow. The great blue eyes ripened wearily, search ingly, and a voice murmured: "Oh! John, why dnu't you come, why don'l you entile'.' I am so thirsty, and tired, too, ami the day seems so long without yon, Johu so long." Then her fever dulled ear caught the sound ol coming footsteps out side, aud she half sprang up as a great handsome, manly fellow entered the door and caught her in his arms. "I knew you would eoine, dohn," she whispered when the tangled brown curls had been pillowed on his breast and he was awkwardly stroking them with his big, brown baud. "I am so tired, and thirsty, too," she went on, "and the day has been so long without you, John; but I knew you would come." "It looks so hard to leave you here, little wife," he ventured, "but it can't be helped, Mully, it can't be helped; fur hive tried so bard to make things right again, but work seems so hard to get, and fate seems against us, anyway." Then he kissed the little eager face uplifted lo his and gently pi iced the wee I'urm back in its old place on the hard bed. "By the way, Molly, you had auoth.r letter from your mother to day." As I e said tins a clouded, pain! ill expression unconsciously crept into his face as he quickened his weary pace over the bare floor. The brown head half arose from the pillow and an eager, anxious ring was in the weak voice which pleaded, "Ob! John, what do they say now? Do they say lor us to to eotne honic? Are they augry with us yet, John?'' ' No, little wile, it is tho same old story. They are still begging you to forsake me, to forget me, and go Lack to them. Hut say as long ;.s you keep that scoundrel of a husband around you that you may risk the conseipieuees. Are you guiug to du it, Molly? Aie you going back to thctu?" he ipiestiuned, as he ceased his pace and flashed his tender dark eyes lull upon the pale, pinched I'aeo on the bed before him. She did nut speak, but put out one little white, wasted hand tu him, and in the fathomless blue eyes which looked up at him ihroULdi their si'.ky lashes' he read his answer. Another weary night had conic to a close at last, and again the suu peeped up and crept in at the little window. Again John kissed his little wife and went out to his day's work. A big smile stole over his dark fa.v as he touched some thing in his breast eoat pocket and liiur mired: "Oh! little one, what a nice surprise 1 have here lor you; what a change it will bring over you, little wife," he continued. "How light your heart will beat then, Molly; and the red will come tuck to those pretty checks of yours, too, and tho dimples will Iu just as bright as they were when I litst met you on the little creek bridge down at your old hum-.' two years ago." Then he walked hurriedly along I ill in front of a large publishing house, here he paused a moment lo brace himself, then ran lightly up the steps. "L-jok over this," he said wheu he stood before the b ird faced editor, "and I shall call again." Then he drew from his pocket the prec ious manuscript and before the editor could reply had placed it on (he desk before him and was gone. Johu's heart was lighter than u sual that evening when he ran up the rickety old steps of his own home, and there was something, too, of the boyish ring in the strong voice which called Molly as he listened with strained ears for the tender little vuiee which al ways wclcnucd him home. Hut no, she was asleep! The sunshine had crept away from its old place and out at the little window, leaving the shadows lio gcring on the damp curls which had blown baek just a little fioui the white faco. John went up to her and play fully laid a handful of gold coins iu her hand and as he did so he whispered: "I have kept it from you, little wife, till now till now. You did nut know that 1 was an author, but when you wake up you will sec." ltut when he touched her he drew away with a start, for the frozen brow wilh Us tnnge ot sunny hair was only a mockery to earth's frail beauty aod the cold bits of gold which lay seat tered about her were no colder than the empty white hands which had refused to take llicui. ADV KUTISKM ENTS. It is strange how reiin laiit young men are to iiecepi the mo-l vital truth in life, the most ah-oliite linn. sly is the only kind uf hom.-ty that succeeds in bu-iness. ll i-n'l a r li.i ui or religi "is behall. Iloiicty d us not ih peiid upon any religion.- deed or dogma that was ever conceived. It is a fiieslion of a yoiitig man's own conscience. lie knows what is right aud what is wring. And yet, simple as the matter is, it is astonish ing how difficult it is of understanding. An honest ei urse in business su ms tun slow to th,- utiiage yi ut.g man. "I eau'l .illoid lo p!"d along. I uiiislsitike and strike iiuickly."' is the si iilim-nt. Ah, yes, my friend, but not dishonestly. No youug man can allnrd tn even think of dishonesty, Success on hon orable lilies may soinelimis seem sluwtr in coming, but when it docs come it (ml rivals in permanency all the so called siiccissis gaiiittl liy i.llur inclhtils. lo uielhods of others is always a mistake. The successes of lo day are not given to the imitator, but to ihe originator. It makes no difference how other men succeed their suectss is (heirs and not yours. You caunot partake of it. Every man is law unto himself. The must absolute integrity is the one and the only sure foundation of success. Such a success is lasting. Other kinds of suc cesses may seem so, but it is all in the reality. Let a young man swerve from the path of honesty aid it will surprise him how (piiekly every avcuue ol a lasting success is closing against him. Making money dishonestly is the most difficult lliing lo icci.'inplish in the woiil. pi.-t as lying is the practice must wearing on the mind It is the vouu man of uno'i-stioticd integrity w ho is sclccU'l lor the important P'sitinii. .No htwncss man ever place business in the hands uf a youn mm whom he lei Is lie camel nHoluU ly trust. And to be trusted means to he honest. I lotie-ty an I that alone, coin manils'lctice. .n iciest lite, wel directed, is the only life fora young man to lead. It is the life that is compatible with the largest and svrest husincis as- The Old Friend Ain't t!,e fails von, 1h- t U'll-le 1, tluit never is Si in iu .in Liver liegu- ItKTTKU TIM ICS IN X. C. lat-ir, (tho Z that's wliat you liear at the montiim of this excellent Liver medicine, mid n;Ujile ,-huuM led ho le inaJud that anvlliin e!-o will ilu. It i.-i the lung of Liver Medi cines; is L.-tter than pills, and takes the .iaee of Quinine and Calomel. It nets directly on the Liver, Kidii.y-i raid Bowvls and irivos now life to the whole kvs-t.-m. Thi s is the medicine you want. r-nM I'V all l'niggists m Liiii:d, or in lewder to he takeu dry or nuole into a tea. Si-F.VKRY PACKA;E- . Mmiiu In rrl on wrapper. la. Hi J. ll. ZI.IM-V ii CO., riiibululjililu, 1' tPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. FATPEOPLEXTX No inconvenience. Simple, f M- (yl sure. ABSOLUTELY FBIEi . f 'J from any injurious snbManre. Wirt. J LiHOI A3SCUZU8 BECKED. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund vour monev. Pi-lot WS.OO tierbottlo. Send 4c. tor trtafite. nit MOM JUUDICAL CO,, Uoiton, Mul I CM git I VthliV You ein git 1 thin. . Xi rMATS JRADE WniSj CQPYKIGHTS. CA I niJTAlN A PATENT f For ft Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to II NN tV ro.. who hdvetiad newly Hfty years I'xpi'rience intlio putfnt busmcus. ronimuiiic tlons mi inly cotitifti 'ntlal. A HnnrilHiok of Iru forinntmn cnnci'm iliji I'alrtittt and bow to ob tut n thim pent frtv. Also a cntaloguo 01 median leal anil sclent Itlc books peiit fri'C. I'jitfiits taken ttirom-'Li Munn ft Co. reeelTA upocial notkv inthc Scifiilitir Anirrtrnn. anil tiiug ii en brought widely bt'lura tlio public with out tout to tlm Inventor. Tills uplendid paper, lenuo'1 weeklv, e! 'L' am ly iltunt rated, ban by far tb lurx'tt I'lieuliitinu vt n!iy scientific work in Uio World. S;i a venr. iii) le. t-neies Bent free. Huildim: lMitiua. mnntbly. iLbOn vear. Hinle Oojiic.H, v."i wilts. Kveiy nvinihtr contains beau tiful iibKrs In colurd. and LhotA(.'rubs of now linuset. with plftni, enabling builders to show ttie latest ilesiirnn aud seetire cntruetH. Address MU.SN H CO., JiLW VOl.U, am iiuualwat. WAR ROCK-RICHARDSON ALMANACKS. for 1-snl. I predicate my hopeful prophecy the conditiou of the larmers of tin-State 'o thirds of ihe people and seven tenths of our capital are directly interested iu the tillage of the soil; not only so, but everything depends upon the farmer. All kinds ol husine s, therefore, must improve ll he is prosperous. .Now notwithstanding the farmer may nut agree with my conclusions, I am satined that he is in letter cull litinu than he has been at any time since tho close uf the war. He is nearer out of debt; he has given fewer mortgages: he has bought a s mailer quantity of fertilisers and his corn crib anil meat house are fuller of "hog and hominy" than for many years past. In additiou to all this, the hard limes have taught him to ee ui'iiiiiz - it will soon beeoiue a h.ihit with him, aud In nee his financial condition luti-l constantly im prove. It is evident loall observers, tio, thai a change fur thebeiieiin the systiiu of tanning has been introduced and from all lliese eoii-ideratiotis 1 aiu of the opinion that we are on the eve of an era ef unexampled prosperity in North Carolina, at least, in many pans of the State. I do not suppose that our people are prepared to sympalbizj wilh rose cob led anticipations, the farmer least of all but I believe them to be wellfouuded and sincerely hope (hey will be realized in the near lutiire. Uev. lr. 1. II. in Charlotte Observer. Cheap Hook Store, Petersburg, Va. Wholesale and Retail SCHOOL HOOKS School Supplicsat tin State contract price. Jioks. Writing Vajicr, Knvi'lopes, Ten cils, Ink, Slates, etc., way down prices. PRINTING & BLANK BOOKS The largest In o'.i and printing boiise in South side Virginia. U-:!iily. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. I'ritehard KOH OVIUt I'IKI V vmits Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers for their ehildreu while teething, with perfect success. It soothes ihe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, aud is Ihe best remedy for Uiarrhu a. ll will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in overy part ol the world. Twenty live cents a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. may '! ly Kastkr Sunday next year will fall on April 1G, for the first lime since 1505. 0 ilili o Ylrl a mm mm EJ A Lrwest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory, t il VULK.S M. WALSH, octll ly. A 1) V K 111 I j K M K N TS . lliicklrii's ArnlraMalvc. Tlx best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever acres, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, oorns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or us pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfaotion, or Money refunded. Price 25 ceuta per Absolutely Fure A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. arii If. S. Government Food Report. Royal Bakinq Powdkh Co., n, ... , Hard limes tHH', Fertilizers 1 1. -i at tii l.otteNlVX holi hute Aluo M unit i SWt.k. Ni'i-it.- anrl rV lltu ( r at Mild 1 h.1 Fr '..iiih K din i.ll I 1 1.1 HOW TO MAKE MONEY fin to Buchanan Bros., the Jewelers, and they will tell you just how they do it, and renienilier, you cau do it, too. When ynu are in their store don't fail to look around at their heautll'ulstoek of WATCHES, CLOCKS, WEDDING an kn(U(.kmi:nt kings, etc. etc. Then if yoar eyes get tirwl and need mint jluam'S, remember yofl run get titled rili there, without extra ttwrge by a pmctiti . Mticuia. "' BUCHANAN BfiOS., J Iki Sycamore at., l"tB""