f Ft , p gl lll 1 1 JOH1T W. SLEIDQ-B, l'Uol'lilKTOB. .A. NEWSPAPEE IF O IR, THE PEOPLE TERMS:-1M 1m ANN I'M IN ADVANCE VOL. XXV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1S94. NO. 10. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i Dominion rants MANUFACTURING CO. J, COHEN HON, Proprietors, Cor. Hycumoio and Ilollingbrook streets, Petersburg, Vu. Solicit Inula oflCustern Carolina. BdpVc make pants iu all grades, oct 11) ly. Business Men! FOR HER. -HKNI) YOl'R OlilH'.KH l'OK- -M JOli PltlNTINdi.- -TOTHK- KXCELSIOR mLriNG COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. THE EXCELSIOl! EXCELS -ill oth er printing house in GOOD WOI1K, lil-XT MATERIAL, anil t-LOWEST PRICES- ALL KINDS BLANK DEEDS ON HAND 4 i!4 Hi. 1 Letter Hods, racket Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, SUtenionts, 'Hill"' Bill'i Programmes, Tickets, ' Etc., Etc. Etc. V mrWrlto for samples and prices. E. L. llAVWAltl), 1'1101'HIKTOB, FOR SALE. don. All of the real estate of i. L. Ervar in the town ot Wei i'OU TERMS apply to ED. T. CLARK, Real Estate Agent, WeUlou, N. C. DJVIS(f CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 42 Sycamore st., Petersburg, Ya. TOBACCOS. Our special brands of Flour: pOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, ' t I X l 14 TENT, GEM PATENT, HARVEST QUEEN, SNOW DROP. For her the sweetest blossoms nliou.il limit lie a perfume rare, For her the tenriereat music nlioultl come .touting through the uir; For her the choicest treasures should deck and pave the way, And in (lift brightest Warns uf sunlight at hcrfi-ct in glory play. Torhcr the blushing .rom-l, ml should dis card its cruel thurn. And, lor her heaving bosom, other eager searches scorn ; Forhrrn pure content moot should throw Htrong arms at tout And circle her, while pleasure shuts all care and sorrow out. For her I'd make the journey through this land of bitter tears, A lasting day of smiling love, devoid of doubt and fears; Her faith uhould glow resplendent, should be a love lit dream, While 'round her, rays of happiness for- evermore should gleam. WAY of 1894. ALL ABOUT LOVE MAKING MOFESSIOXAL CASDS. W. H. DAYjs. a. DANIM.,T. C. HARBISON Weldon, H, C. Littleton, N.C. Weldon, N.C. )AV, !AlilEI. HARRISON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, practices ip the courts of Halifax and Warren counties, and wherever their ser vices arc needed. Oneflf the ttrm will be In Halifax on each Monday. 1 lH-ly. yy j. WAui), Enfield, N. C. SURGEON :-: DENTIST, Office over McGwigan's store. wl'rut i. miu XjOLLEM D A N 1 1 L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. Practice. In theoonrtsof Hllfi And North Ami ton And In IheHupremesnd Federal courts. Col Inetlitii. marl. In allnart. of North Carolina. Branch office al Hallrai. N. C.opeo over, Hon . day. Jn 7 ' JJU T. T. KOSS, DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. Office over Emry & Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. T, W. HARRIS, D. D. S. A -'jT 'v "Haw .lit.!' LlTTLITON, N. 0. " Tooth Extracted without pain. 4-30-Sn. New Way of Makina a Proposal. When young Mr. Lawson asked young Miss Pcttibono to marry liim they were both a little astonished, llu had no such intention or even inclination when he went to make his party call. There had been no sentimental passages in their lengthy but perfectly common place friendship which demanded a proposal as a fitting climax, says an exchange. But Estcllo looked remarkably well sit ting before the lire place, with a pathetic drocp of her lips and a little weariness in her eyes. There was a red rose in the lace that fell from her neck, and its warm perfume tilled the whole room. Its odor and the sight of this new fascinatingly serious Kstclle, the subdued lights in the room everything about the place, s-cmcd to mount like wino to Dick's brain, awl before ho knew what he was saying he had told Estcllo a tale of lifelong devotion and of a desire to marry her. Then, struck with sudden aiuaaeujcnt at the found of bis own words, ho waited for an answer. Estcllo, though she was not entirely unused to proposals, was unprepared for this one, Surprise caused her to color vividly aud to look at liiui with a curious, tremulous gaze. It occurred to him that these were the signs of love, and his blood froze in his veins. She was fjoing to accept him. But she did not. She said, hesita tiugly, that it was a surprise to her; she had not drcanicd nnd she lluuked him for his honor, but but would he not give her a week to let her consider her own heart and desires. Uf course Dick had no choice but to grant that reasons ble request. lie went out gravely with a sort uf weight upon him. The cold night air, with no breath of roses in it struck hiui with a chill. What oq earth had ho done? He went over to see his mentor, John Graham. It would not he the first scrape John had got him out of. John listened gravely and silently. When Dick had finished tho story of his wooing he remarked amiably : "Dick, you area fool." Then he proceeded to pull away at his pipo agaiu. Diet did not auswer. rty od by John removed his pipe aud madi bis next statement. "You might go back and tell her llu tho odor ol jacqueminot always uffeci you like too muuh ohampagno, and bj; that you don't love her aud dou't w.u. to marry her. I think she d Iroo yu. Or you might last and pray until I lie en of the week, l'crhaiis Providcuce won:, be moved to induce her to r fuse yt.i. But I doubt it, Dick. You're such captivating fellow, you know " Here lie was interrupted hy a few re marks concerning his mental capaciiy Dick was beginning to look wretched When he saw (hat, John rose tuddeuly "Seehoro, Hiuhard, my boy," ho said "don't took like that; I'll get you out ol it. Go home and go to bed. Tomorrow afternoon you shall have your refusal, Go off, now. The next afternoon Dick roccived note from Estolle. It was a very kind oqo little, self reproachful, that she had giyen him any hope, but with an uir of joyousness in it, too. " It is only nghl that I should tell you, the letter ran "that I have been for some time engaged to your friend, John Graham. We h I violent quarrel only that afternoon, and I never hoped to see him again. Yon ice. in my loneliness aud unbappincss, I was ?;wly to blame for seining at any chanoe of peace and affection, such you offered me. But I know now how wrong and silly that view was. Forgive me for the pain I have caused you." "Do you know, John," remarked Estcllo, to her fiance that evening, "I don't believe Dick Lawson was in love with me at all. Look at the great mass of jacks he sent me, and there was the dearest, most cordial nolo with them, fsn't it funny?" "Very," said John, laoonioalty. HTuk Soanoke News and the At lanta Constitution one year for fl.50. Subscribe it once. A Calm Mooes tie Pas sion to Fipres. Hume men seem to have a genius for stutUics, and wish to reduce everything to tabular form. Such a one has recently come to light in San Eraucinco, and ho has, after reading several hundred novels, given us the benefit of his researches as to how men and women behave at the critical point when a man pays a woman (he compliineiil of asking her to share bis burial lot with him as well as the lime intervening before that uninterest ing event. Some fallacies arc exposed, tho princi pal one being that the ladies do not prom ise to he a sister to the rejected oftener (ban 17 times out of 50, while she prom ises to bo a 1 1 loud b limes in (he same number. Now, as to tho gentleman's behavior, decidedly (he popular ibing is for him to declare (hat he cannot live without (be woman in question, and in C'7 cases in lllO he kisses her on the lips, 7- times he holds her hands very tightly, and 03 times ho begins "all of a sudden." The least popular thing for him to do is to kiss Ibo woman on tho head, on the nose by mistake, aDd on tho shawl. 11 usually sits upon a chair or sofa, thru times he rceliues on tho grass, four times ho goes on one knee, and twice he goes on two knees, so that the kneeling busi ness is pretty well evened up. 1 lie popular thing lor the lady, in case of an acceptance, is to sink into th amis of the gentleman, and this she does HI limes out of 1 OK, and iu 87 cases sh knows that something is coming. Seventy two times she has eyes full of love, and (ill times she rests her head upon the gentleman's breast. Only four times is she taken hv surprise, and six times he weeps silently lor i iy. Once she sneezes, onco she struggles not to v kissed, and once she says, "lWt bo i fool." In cases of rejection it is evidently th proper thing for the gentleniiin to rush madly away, for ho does this in 31 cases in 50. Ho declares that ho will commit suicide but 0 times, oneo he says ho will go to the devil, aud 13 limes he thinks he will go home. Once ho pounds a stone wall with his list, once lie pulls down his vest, aud only once docs he refuse to be prayed for, but ho swears that life is of no value 17 times. Jenness Miller Monthly. , - j . . j 1 1 -T1IU llHIDK KXOCKEO OUT. A COMICAL INDICENT OROWINO OIT Of A TIME HONORED CI STON. THE FUTURE. Tie Present Belongs to Us Tie Some of the "Fins and This- Fitore to Gofl. "TWO'S COMPANY," "HELLO," NEW YORK. The Lous Distance Telephone is Coniinf South. THE llEI.t.E SVSTE.Vt TO CONNECT AI.I. SOI'THEHN CITIES IN THE NEAlt FU TURE -WELDON WILL BE IN IT. YEAR WITHOUT A SUMMER. REMARKABLE WEATHER EX PERIENCED IS THE UNI TED STATES DURUM 1S1G. A well-known drummer returning from a southern trip relates the following story as of actual oucurronoo at a negro wed ding in Charleston, S. C. After the ceremony had been con cluded in the most approved style, the bridegroom, who was employed in one of the phosphate mines, a few milos from that city, bundled his bride into a rode cart, loaded somo household effects into it, and prepared, among salvos ol iheers and bests wishes, (o take her home. At this stage of tho prooeedings one larky, who had traveled aud been pros i'nt as a waiter at tho wedding of Some .vbitc folks, suggested that the proper lung to do was throw shoes after he departing couple as they drove ivvay. The idea took immensely, and such i scrambling as followed when the col irded belles and beaux began to divcsl ; heir feet of b wts and s!toc4 of various iies and weights! Many of the m;n had no stockings on beneath their shoes, but that in ide no difference. They all hung hack, suppressing their enthusiaMii until iho happy bridegroom brought a bale stick down ou the hack of the mule aud started bin bridal trip Then wilh a howl of joy, Iho guests burst forth and began a fusillade which was by no mini Hi-hH by t h buppy pair, The air was filled with flying missiles One gigantic boot struck the bride groom in tho small of the back and drew from him a wild yell of agony Another hurling through the air with unerring aim struck the bride f'lll on the head and knocked her aentelesa This was too much for tho bridegroom. Leaping from his cart, with his bale siiek in his hand, he set shout to thrash every one of the guests. As might be inferred, a wild riot ensued, or was about to when a policeman o.iuio up and put a stop to it. Nothing, however, could appease the dusky biidegtooin until the officer assured him that he was not 1he victim of any indignity, but merely the obiect of a bridal custom such as white folks always observed. Cincinnati Coin mcitii. In the Star of Sunday it was stated that the long distauee telephone would oiuo this way after awhile; and the an nexed article from tho Columbia State indicates that it may reach Wilm'mgtoii sooner than expected : It may surprise a great in.iny people, not only here aud hereabouts, but all ovr the South, to know that there is now every indication that the Bell Telephone Company is soon to enter the Southern country and establish its lines of luug dis tance telephones, oouueeting cities with each other, just as it has already duuo in the North. It is a move in tho right direction, and'shows that (hero is at (he North a steadily increasing confidence in (he future of the great but undeveloped South. Olio of the prominent representatives of the company from the North was in th city a lew nights ago and talked in tereslingly in regard to the matter, giving much information. Ho says that the company has been contemplating putting its system of long distance 'phones in the south tor a long time but it was not until recently that it decided to look iuto the matter. At present it has some of its best men looking over the territory and seeing all about distances, etc. If the investigations prove satisfactory and they have so far as made the com pany proposes to connect all leading Southern cities with (ho system as far as possible. 1 he system is now in success ful operation throughout the North and a man can be in one big city ana lam lo a friend in another, hundreds of miles away. The system is in operation as far down as Washington. The plan which the company has un der contemplation seems (o be to connect Washington and Kichmond, then come on down wilh a series of connections, taking in Weldon, Wilmington, Raleigh and other North Carolina towns; Norfolk, Ya., this oitv, Charleston, Atlanta, Au gusla, Savannah and other leading cities, nd extending as tar nouth as Jackson ville, l'la. On the West, the system will bo put in as far as Cincinnati, taking in intermediate points. The company does not propose to have as many circuits on a line as it has he tween Northern cities, but will put in a system sufficient to meet all the demands of the Southern country. To those who havo seen and used ine long distance telephone it is of no use to speak of the wonderful conveniences and saving in message tolls derived there from. It is much more satisfactory to business men than telegraph messages. There is no doubt that the Hell Loin piny has fully decided to enter the South with its long distance service. The company intends to do so "as soon as possible," but just exactly how soon thai will be, no one, no) pen the represents lives of the company, ca.q toll just yet. Wilmington Star. Some men who are afraid of their own shadow will laugh at a weuian for climb ing oo a chair when she teea a mouse. A HA HY I'Olt A CALK. Howard T , who has lived all his short life in a city, was taken recently ti visit a "real farm." The child was in ee- slaeies. Every animal ou tho place was t delight to him, b it his affe ti.ns es pecially centered about a Jersey calf. ' I would like to buy it," he said lo tho owner. "But what ould you give in ex change?'' he was asked. "My baby sister.,' replied the child, wilh the utmost gravity, "wc have a new haby nearly every year at our home, and we ve never had a call! See the World's Pair fur fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage stamps we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Eiposition, tho reg lar price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, wc make the price nom inal. You will find it a work of art and thing to be prised. It contains full pngjt views of the great buildinsis, with do scviutions of the tame, and is executed in highest style of art, If not satisfied with it, after you get it, wo will refund the stamps and let you keep tho book. Address II, K. Bucklen & Co , Chicago, , Illinois. Almost every one has heard of the terrible dark year in the early part of the preseut century. While every one is speaking of the preseut season as beiug remarkable iu its characteristics I have gathered for your readers some reliable fads of the year 181(1, known as tin "Year Without a Summer." Few per sons now living can recollect it; but it was the coldest ever known throughout I'.urope and America. 1 lie following i a brief abstract of the Weather durin; the year. January was mild so much so as to render fires almost needless in parlors. December previous was, veiy cold. February was very cold; wilh the ex ception of a few days it was nii'd like ils predecessor. March was cold and boisterous during tho first part of it; the remainder was mild. A groat freshet oo (lie Ohio and Kentucky rivers caused great loss ol pro perly. April began warm, but grew colder as the month advanced, aud ended in snow aud ice with a temperature more like winter than si ring JJay was more remarkable for frowns than her smiles. Buds and flowers were frozen; ice formed half an iuch thick; corn was killed, and the fields were agaiu and again planted until deemed too late. June was the coldest ever kuown u this latitude, frost, lee and snow were common. Almost every creep thing was killed, rnut was nearly all destroyed Snow fell to I lie depth nf (en inches in ermont, seven inches in Main and three inches iu New York and also in Massa chusetts. Considerable damage was done at New Orliansin consequence of the rapid rise in I lie river; the Buburbs were covered with water and (be roads were only passable in boats. July was accompanied with frost and ice. Un the 5th ice was formed of the thickness of common window glass throughout New Eneland, New York aud some parts of I'cnusylvnuia. Indian corn was. nearly all destroyed. Some favorably situated fields escaped. This was (rue ot some ot the hill larms of Massachusetts. August was more cheerless, if possible, than the summer months already passed. Ice was formed half an inch thick. In dian corn was so froien that the greater part of it was cut down and cured for fodder. Almost every preen thing was destroyed, both in tllia country and Europe. 1'apers received from Europe stated that it would bo lememhered by the present generation that the year of lSlli was a year in which there was no summer. Yery little oora ripened in New England and tho Middle States. Farmers supplied themselves from the corn produced in 1S1" for tho seed of the spring of 1S17. It sold at from $1 (o ?") per bushel. September furnished about tvfu weeks of tho mildest weather of the season. Soon after the middle It became very cold and fri.siy nnd ico formed a quarter of an inch thick. October produced more than its shale of cold weailicr frost and ico abundant- 'yv Noveiaoer was eold aud blustery. Ku ough snow fell to make good sleighing. December was quite mild and coii (orlablo. The above is a brief cutuiuary of the cold sumniuTuf 8 tu as it was called to distinguish it from the cold seasons. The wintir was mild. Frost and ice were common in eviry month of the year. Very Utile vegetation matured in the Eastern and Middle States. The sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat through the summer; all nature seemed to beclal in sable hue and men were anxious concerning future life. The average price of flour in the Philadelphia market during that year was Jl.l per barrel. May, 1894, though very cold to date, be not a "year without a summer. J. H. K. in Ijouisville Courier Journal. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. 11W(Tji(oi Rtcartl. Wc have nearly reached our three score of years, and in that time have had somo experience and much obser vation, and there are some matters to which we propose to refer as wo may have the lime and opportunity, if per adventure wc may be able to make some suggestions which, if properly consider ed, may be ol' advantage to our readers. To day we wish to call attention to one of the must serious mistakes which uinc tenths if not ninety nine hundreths of the people make in life, and a mistake which results in robbiog them of the happinncss and plesurc they might have enjoyed if they had not committed this fatal error. We refer to the fact that the great majority of people live for the future and not for the present. They sacrifice all preseut enjuymcut and even ojmforts for what they expect the future to bring them, and are always expecting tho future to furnish them what the past has failed to supply. A couple marry and settle down, and at once commence planing for tho future. In stead of enjoying the blessing which a kind Providence has placed within their reach and the comforts with which they might surround themselves, at onco go to work to provide for a future which to them may never come. All comforts are denied, all pleasure sacrificed in an effort to win the smiles of darao fortune and accumu'ato an estate for their children to squander. The mother is too busy to give proper attention to the training of her children. The Father has too much to do (o love bis wife or be affectionate and tender to his children. All intellectual plesurc is neglected. He has no time to read the papers and magazines. The children are brought up in a hard school. They rarely ever receive a mother's kiss, and the father has uo time to lay his hand upon the boy's head aud speak kind aud en couraging words to him, All is bare, hard, uninteresting work. The future is looked to to supply the deprivations of (he present! Books will be bought, flowers will bo planted, domestic life will be enjoyed, husband, wife and children will be happy sometime in tho future, but nothing is expected iu the present. Wc have more time for domes tic happiness, social enjoyment of intel lectual pleasure now but after awhile when we have accumulated an estate commensurate with our ambition, then we will take some cane and some pleasure, and thus we continue, delviug and toiling uutil the grim messenger issues his summons and we are called iuto eternity, and the whole of life has been spent for naught. We do not mean to underestimate the importance of frugality and a pru dent forethought for the future, but to depricatc the entire sacrifice of all present pleasure and enjoyment, aud we may say domcstto happiness, for the exceedingly doubtful results of the future. The happiness of many a family and the futur of the children of the family havo been wrecked by bartering the present for the future. God and nature intended that wc should be happy and in almost every case when wc are not, it is our own fault. ties" Plucked for Onr Readers. Yirtue is most valuable when it doesu't pay. Itacksliding often begins by looking back. 1 reigns in the heart Heaven nothing Whenever ! His law is loved. In the arithmetic of counts but love. God is dishonored whenever a Chris tian borrows trouble. The Lord's side is the side that is not afraid of any amouut of sunlight. An oath means that the man who makes it loves the devil. The preacher whose religion is all in his head does not believe iu revivals. Reformation without religion is locking the door and leaviug the key on the outside. God sent weeds to bo a standing re minder that He expects all men to work. No Christian ought to go in any com pany whero Christ would not be made welcome. The man who is willing to be religious in God's way will not find it hard to do it. One reason why some men swear, is Because it uoes not take any courage or manliness to do it. One of the things for which Christ came was to tell us that this world is nol reliable storehouse. hen man makes a religion he tries make one that will let him stay mian and slill respect himself. Do not measure your neighbor's char acter with your plunibline; it may be shorter than his depth. There are some men who would rather hear themselves preach thau to listen to an angel tuning his hurp. it may ue that Ood makes some things purely for ornament, hut a Christian does not come under that head. The devil has a thousand ways of jeting eloquence, but he goes down every tun before (ho power of love. No matter how much the wicked get they only get to lose, but whatever the ghteous get they get to keep. Judas spent three years in following Christ with his feet, but never took one step toward Him with his heart. Every sin has a dagger in its hand wilh which sooner or later it will strike no matter how harmless ifniay look Ministers who are more concerned about salary than souls, never get the Bible wide open for anybody when they preach. If no preaching were dono outside of huich buildings angels would stop hop ing that the world would ever be brought to Christ. There is no use in praying for the con versiou ol siuuers in the street while no preaching i? being done to sinners in the church. DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER ? "Mothers' Friend" wakes child birth easy. Auii.ii Miure, Lciaent Ukuijer, ami bliuitcns Ltbur. " My wife uffered more in ten minnUa with her ether children thin she did all toffcthur with her hut, after having used four bottles of MOTHEB'S FRIEND," ayn a customer. IUnuliisun Dale, Druggist, Cvni, IU. Sent by Hi res on receipt of price, f 1 JSO per bob liuuk" lo Mothers 'rmailedin)fc BR A OH ELD REGULATOR CO., KM SALE 01 AU CRUGOCTt. ATLAMTA, IPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS fZ FAT PEOPLE no inconvenience, simple, M tul sure. AaaourmT niilt,ul from .ny injurious iuhttance. . Ulla, . Liioi iiciviira 11:1:10. W. GUARANTeE CURE at refund lour monet. Prlrv, SS. 00 ir bottle. Send 4e. for Irailiaa. rilKMONT MEDICAL CO., Uu.ton, 91 ox can (.t I PETERSBURO. VA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 300. II. C. L ASHLEY, Proprietor, late of Ev erett, Pa. TUB REST WAV. Christ saw that men took him pain fully. To some it was a wcatiness; to others it was a failure; to all a struggle and pain. How to carry this burden of life bad been tho whole world's problem It is slill the whole world's problem. And here is Christ's, solution: Carry it as I do. Take life as I take it. Look at it from my point of view. Take my yoke and learn of me, and you will find it easy. Did you ever stop to ask what a yoke is really for? Is it to be a burden to the animal which wears it? It is just the op posito. It is to make its burden light Attached to tho oxen in any other way thau by a yoke, the plow would be intolerable. Worked by the yoke, it is light. A yoke is not an instrument of tortue; it is an instrument of mercy. It is not a malicious contrivance for making work hard; it is a gentle device to make labor light. It is not meant to give pain, but to save pain. And yet men speak of the yoke of Christ as if it were a slivcry, and look upon those who wear it as objects of compassion. "Take my yoke upoi you and lesrn of roe; for 1 am meek and lo'vely 11 heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls, r ot my yoke K easy, and my burden is light. Urummond Wtwo natr iu lelc, o katt. ker OaMorst, Tfuen Alie was a CliUd, Alio cried for Castorl. When .ho became Mlts, sho clunir, to Castorta. When she had Children, she. garo tbam OAstorla. THE MAN IN THE MOON. According to 1 ratorius, the man in the moon in the patriarch Isaac, carrying the bundle of sticks which was to be ghted to sacrifice his own body on the mountain top. Dante believes him to be Cain, carrying a buudle of thorns, the meanest offering his land afforded, a present to God. In Iceliud the peopli ilaim that they can see the face of Adam in the moon and that of Eve in the sun Among the Frieburgers there is superstition which says that the marks and spots on the moon's face are the outlines of a traitor, Judas Iscariot holding his bauds over his face, while sneeting just prior to hanging himself. This last belief accords with the old Frankish legend which says that then was no snot on Luna's bright face until after the time of the crucifixion of Christ Still another story tells us that the time of the creation God threw an offending angel against the face of the moon, while another is to the effect that the moon witnessed the creation of Adam and Kve and took an impress of their features on her surface, intending to people her own land with similar beings. hen she essayed to imitate God's work, she made nothing put a serpent, which since that day has continued to fold and unfold its mighty coils in lull view ot the descendants of the God created beings. ADY KBTISKMKNTS. V The only first class hotel in the city. Commercial rates, $2.50 per day. 0. W. IIOLLISdSWOKTK, Chief Clerk. fUUtrn fr7 COPYRIGHTS. CAH 1 OBTAIN A PATENT 1 For ft Rrwnpt answer and an honest opinion, write to I I NN A: CO., who bwe had nearly flftr?e' experience Id tho patent businesi. Ctimmun.ca tlims strictly contlfleiitlal. A Handbook of In formation concerning I'atrntft and bow to ob tain tum it'iit free. Also a catalogue Of mashaji leal and sclei.ttric bonks spot free. Tnti'itta taken throuch Munn ft Co. reeelT sprcia notice in t lie Seirniiric Amerirao, an4 tiius are brouiiut widely before the public with. i mi pieuaia paper, 'Mr&tert. liif riTf&rth largest circulation of any sclent l ac work in tba world. S.'l a year, Sample conies sent free. iluildinK KtlltioD, monthly, f '2.60 a year. BinttlC Copies, 'ili cents. Kvery number contains beau tiful plat eft, m colors, and photoRrapha of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show tb late! iiesitmn nnd secure contracts. Addnua MUMN i, CO, iNtW YOKK, 301 BKUAUWAT. Grand Display -or- SPRING MILLINERY, FANCY (iCK.PS ami NOVELTIES. Huttfrit k's Patterns. R. k (J. CORSETS. Misses at ode., Ladies 7 "k. to $1. Brurrieeswill be n.ade to suit the times. Hats and honnrts made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore st,, Petersburg, Va. CO 0 0 0 3 f 5J r Is west cash prioca guaranteed. AU work warranted satisfactory. CIIAltLES M. WALSH. net 11 1v. Hard Times Fertilizers. Uuraleii'a ArnlcASaive, Th best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, Sores, ulcen, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, at money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Wn. Cohen. All Krtc Those who havo used Dr. King's New Discovery know Us value, and those who have not, have now ihc opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial botdc, free. Send your name and address to 11. K Bucklen k Co , Chicago, and get a nan. pie box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of whir is guaranteed to do Tou good and ooit you ottuog. w so. vonen a urBgatvsa. Tn nw lh.jnt.nrit BaH Tlmr. .a F.riH.f, will Nil to fMmw. Atraci. lor OMta. (ImA Ffrilll.ra M th UwMia Awwll lrlcr. ttr to. tar fWn f uim tnri Pm.uU mt B 1 3.041 Tniektn. Crup .nd ViMvm 1 4.M Ifeu, TubMeo ud Ffutu 1 5.00 AUr, Hnniln of FotMh. K .lull. Hvlptute PntMh. BoM BUok. Nitr.w SU. in lt qo.nutw.. AmA 1 VarullMf MtaoiMlai B.llla HOW TO MAKE MONEY note Buchanan Bros., the Jewelers, and they will tell yon jus how they do It, and remember, yon can do it, too. When yon are in tbeir store don't fail to look around at tbeir lienotiful stock of WATCIIKS, CLOCKS, WEDDING and ENGAGEMENT RINGS, etc ate. Then if your eyas got tired and need torn lanes, remember yon can get Sited righa. there, without, extra charge by a pnwUoai. optician. BtHj,fAA1 ukog 4 11 4 " - c4.ltr.ly.