1 7 JOHN W. SLEDGE, VOL. XXV.: I'KOriUETOR. A. ITEWSFA.P'Eie IT O THE PEOPLE TEEMS:-?1'1'11 1,1:11 ANXI'M IX advaxce WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1891. NO. 11. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oli Dominion rants -t MANUFACTURING CO. J. COHKM SO.V, l'roiirictoni, IN GILLEAD. Cor. Syoanioic anil IUillingbrook streets, retorsbiirg, Va. Solicits tnulc of Eastern CureJina. Jtiy We make pants iu nil gallon, oct II) ly. Business Men SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR -a JOB PllINTINCiK- TO THE EXCELSIOR raLnNo COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. THE EXCELSIOR EXCELS H oth er printing houses in GOOD WORK, BEST MATERIAL, and ty-LOWEST PRICES-. Have you a burden ou your heart With whieb you've vainly tried to part Many a weary year? Have you withiu your heart a void Left by a friend who once enjoyed Communion with you hrrc? And can yon ilnd no peace, No welcome, sweet ie leaf? Not e'en a brie!' liespitc from grief, To give the spirit ease? io then, upon the wiugt of prayer And search the realms of heaven ho fair? For shelter from all harm, Aud you may hear that sweet reply, Iu u i Tenia like an angers sigh, "In Ci Ulead there is halm." In (lil lead there is balm to heal The heartaches and the cares you feel And give you rest instead. No matter what thy truuMe ia Kcmember, how muehmore was His With thorns upon His head. Close friend to sorrow, He, He knows thv misery, Aud he will lean With humble mien, To set the captive free. Then do not hesitate, hut go And tell Him all your talc of woe. And feel the mighty charm That makes the s'msiek soul rejoice Go hear from His own gentle voice, "InGillead there is balm." Ed. E. Moss. BEARING GOOD FRUIT. Tie Truth of tie Gospel BriBptl forth Fruit-Co- L, 5, 6. ALL KINDS BLANK DEEDS ON HAND A. . ill i'.i. ill t'A ilj Vi , 4v letter II tails, Tucket Head", Bill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Hand Hills, Programmes, Tickets, Etc., Etc- Etc. i!4 i!i ' ' ,v 1 i JyWrito for samples and prices. E- L. lfAYWABD, PliOI'lllKTOK. FOR SALE. All of the real estate of J. L. Frvar in the town ot Wei don. FOR TERMS apply to ED. T. CLARK, Real Estate Agent, Weldon, N. C. DJVISf CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 42 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Ya. TOBA.OOOS. Ourapocial brands of Floor: GOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, GEM PATENT, HARVEST QUEEN, SNOW DROP. MOFESSJOXAL CASDS. W. II. PAY, S. 0. DANIEL, IjT. C. IIAKHISON Wcldon.N. C. Littleton, N. C. Weldon, N.C. DAY, DANIEL A HARRISON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Practices in the courts of Halifax and Warren comities, and wherever their ser vices are needed. Due of the firm will be in Halifax on each Monday. 1 1H-Iy. Tff J. WARD, Enfield, N. C. SURGEON :-: DENTIST, Office over McCiwigau'a store. Il3 1y. JAMIUH, MULLIN, WALT EM S. AMilL UrULLBM A DANtlL, A A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. Practice In theoourtiof Halifax tndNorthami tiTiRnd tn the Supreme and Federal court, cd lections made In all parts of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax, N. C, open every lion day. Jan 7 ly D It. T. T. ltOSS, DENTIST, Weldon, N.C. ftSrOfflce over Emry & Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. T, W. HARRIS, D. D..S, LlTTLITON, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain, 4-30-6B. X. Y. lkmll. Kvory tree that was denized to be fruit bearing will accomplish its mission, but in its wild statu it will produco very puor fruit. It may be a beautiful, syui mctiical and vigorous tree, but the apples or pears which lo.i l its branches arc quite Useless for domestic purposes. The intelligent farmer rccogniz -s the fact that he can change the character i f his wild trees and force them to iroducc something of marketable value. Id the course of a few years ho cau so idler the complexion of affairs that ho will have a prolitallo orchard. IIo liny possibly throw a few bushels of compost about tin roots in order to give thorn a belter op portuuity, or in thu lanuajjo of modem psychology, furnL-h them wiih a new en virouujent, but something mote is neces sary. The roots are perfectly willing to do their proper work, and the sap runs through the ordained ehaunels with freedom and avidity, but the apples arc still poor and small and bitter. 1 hen he purchases at some nursery a number of slips from a famous kind of fruit bearer, whose appl.s are rosy and large and luscious. With his knife he lops off the branches of his apple tree to the trunk and grafts thereon these purchased slips. The roots of the wild tree do not object to tho change, for they 8 mi J the sap to Ileal tho wound and seem tube proud that the substitution has beou made. In good time tho useless wild apple tree boomes the king of the orchard aud its fruit repays tho !u: for all his truublo. Human natuie is also wild. Left to itself, unchecked by restraints, miiuipc'i! ed by lofty aspirations, it is ugorous, aud in many tespects admirable, but it do s not produco the best results if which il U capable. Man has an unmeasured, if it. t nn itn uicasurubc, capacity lor sell deve opun i t and it may be true, It r aue.ht we knot- that with time enough he might (.radual ly evoke into a pl.il. soph, r and a s.iiul but it is aha Hue tl.at by lurm-liing w iih certain ideas and hopes mi l motives y can give him at once what it would re quire ages to acquire, in like maun, r it may bo possible for the wild apple tree to change its character and by slow iui prnvemcut produce the kind of fruit which the fanners forces it to bear in three or four years by the process ol grafting Now, religion supplies us wiih tho in ocntives which arc necessary to the bi quality of manhood. It takes our i prices and passions and recklessness and crude ambitions in haud, appeals first to lug himiu ud liieu to tlie heart, places before us an ideal, tells us we aro quite able to accomplish great things and of making our lives valuable to ourselves and to the couiuiuuity, and then com mands us to fight tho good fight liko chevalier without lear ana without re proacb. 1 he wan who is not conscious ot an obligation to leave something hotter in tho world at bis doath than was to bo found there at his birth docs not under stand the highest purpose of life. Every one's years and example and character ought to count for something. It may be more or it may bo less, but it should be something. A purely selfish life, even when it is crowued with a kind of suo ccsa, such as wealth or literary achieve ment or fame iu any of its shapes, is worth loss in the way of geoeral happi ness than the life of the humblest artisan who has made the most of his environ ment and the best of himself. The object of religion then, is to draw out your finer qualities, and that is most effectively done by giving you ideas, mor al principles and such convictions as will represent a noble present and a hopeful future, for vou must have a futuro in order to have a present. Say what you will, a belief in immorality is necessary to a thoroughly developed and symmetrical soul. Well, which of the many systems of religion which prevail in different quar ters of the globe will serve you best? Will go to Buddhism for this divine impulse, or to Confucius, or to Zoroaster, or to Mohammed, or to Christianity? ltemcm bcr, wo have no prejudices either for or against any of these movements. Wc stand outside of thorn all, determined to judge wiih absolute impartiality; Wo look with a critical eye, because very im portant interests aro involved iu our de cision. Wo have only ouo rulo to judge by, and that must be applied relentlessly. The rule is this: Whatever system of religious thought produces the best re sults is the one &r us to adopt. Wc shall not wait long before reach ing a conclusion. A Christian civiliza tion, with all its faults, is the highest yet known; a Christian public opinion is the fairest and most just; a Christian man hood is closest to the ideal. These facts are indisputable. Throw your mere creeds to the winds lor they are a snare and a confusion. They have done moro harm than good. You have no use for them, and they are only an impediment. But tako the words of tho Teacher, and incorporate them into your life. Begin with that lovo for your kind which makes every sufferer your neighbor; convince yourself that there is a meaning in all the events of life and that a kindly Prov idence would overrule them for your good; look forward to a life beyond, in which loved ones will meet. These truths aro ail you need. They will make you a good father, eiiiz.n, patriot, frieud and mau. A life based ou them will he the best life that the human mind eouceive. Christianity rests solely on tho fact at it e iu do more for us than any oth er religion known to man. 1 here is no my-tery in it. It helps m to live honest ly and to die bravely, therefore wo defend d support it. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Some of tie "Fiis anil This ties" FlncM for Oir Readers. Time is an island of Eternity. Long prayers shorten devotion. A godly life is a living prayer that will never end. All that God requires of any of us is our prayful best. The rest of Christ is only for those who aro tired of sin. (Jod s wotk should always be done in a Christliko spirit. The best aim to have in this lite is to aim fur Heaven. The devil always leads the man who h.'sitales about doing right. H lieu we arc living to do good we eai depend on God aud angels to help, Kviry man has as much right to kill himself as he has to. live a useless life. The man who votes to sustain a wrong U helping tho devil, whether he knows it or uot. The devil was more anxious to destroy Job's influence for good than he was to destroy his properly. God never calls anybody to a work tl at can be done wiih head and hands without any help from tho heait, The devil will uot care who does tl prcaeiiiug, so long as Ins plans arc adopted lor raising themouey lo run lie church. No church is ever made a bit strung, by having an uurepculat'l siuua with p icket foil of money walk up aud join it It won't do auy good to pruy for the South Sea Islander as lung as you wen' speak to the mau who lives in the next house. There are parents who let their chi dren road books about pirates and cut throats, and then wonder why they will not join the ehureh. If tho wholo truth could be know about the goodness of God, some of the stillest pcoplo in tho world would shout themselves to death. Orljlnal.l Lilly Langlry, the actress, claims to be only forty one years old, ISuTut Roanoke News and the At lanta Constitution one year for $1.50, Subscribe at once. K.Tm Roanoko News and the At lanta Constitution one year for $1.50 Subioribe it enoe. X v-- !ArET APPLIED FOR HE IAS SCARED, He tool tiiiiis Seriously When He Saw tie Saie Girl Four times. There is a private hotel coinpo-ed of lour houses Mrs. MuMiion l!ejrold, nccissity be thor mother of invention, but it's mesilf Unit Invinte.l this to dtlio Invy av ine nuvlmrsi. rnek. When Alfy was small lie was .-.II he.i.l ntiJ no leg, And now AlfreJ is all lrs and nn lie.i.i. Ordinal. Fitz William I don't want to -o in; suppose that utfly old woman should tsic the dops on me? Dusty Rhodes Toll her you called to see her mother, I'uclc. "Say, mister, honest, I ain't had abito all day." " Well, then, why don't you write a testimonial for that Insect powder. BEYOND IIOI'H "This," said the attendant, as he led the way through the Incurable Ward, "Is one of tho worst cases we luive. IIo was onee u newspaper niiiu." '' Itut whnt is his hallucination ?" tisUed tin- isitor, unsiously. "IIo thinks he has money," answered the attendant, siuUy. TIIKHTINUIKST MAN. Charlotte News. Stingy men have been stumbling blocks in all ages. They have always lived. Hut the null who would tell a lie on sixty days lime rather than tell it ,r .!, and the man trba had plenty and would go hungry have been reliied hy a genileiiian living about thiily miles from this city, lie goes to ehureh reg ularly, sits on the front scat always, but pays nothing on the pastor's salary er in the church collections His pastor tells all that is known of this man's eloselist edness, and he says that when ho gives out ' Old Hundred'' to ho sung in any of the services, this slingy man will sing "Ninety and Nine," in order to save one cent: 111-: I'LiAYICn II tilt KVUN. It Nhoiild be In tivcry House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, IV, sas ho will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wifo who was threatened with l'ncuinn nia after an attack of "La Grippe," when various othet remedies and several phy sieiao had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has dono him nioie good than anything he has ever used for Lung Troubles. Nothini like it. Free trial bottles at W. M. Cohen's I drugstore. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. A dispatch Iroin Montgomery, Ala siys: Twenty years ago in western Ken tuekya young man named Terrell fell in love with a pretty blue eyed girl aud they engaged to marry. The day was set, but when it arrived the prJty iil, iL notice, jilted her alii. meed and maniid man named Loekhait. Afterward they to Alabama, where Lockhart died. lew weeks ago ierreii, wuo liud U"Ver mairied, met his ex sweetheart, now widow, in Autauga county. He reiicweil prolcslaliuus of affection; and the day for the marriage was set again and the bridi arranged lor it. Last Monday was the day selected. Terrell bought his license and went to his room to niako his bridu tuilet. He has never been seen since by tho woman, who came hero todav to li for him. It is concluded he was plavinii lor even. Itiicklen's ArnieaSalve. the best salve in tho world for cuts bruises, Soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles, or no poy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. lor sale by Wra. Cohen. A I 1 VKIt IIII'I.OMAT. Tin: sii.v i n in i;si ion. -I. I- 1- I Mrs. McMumis-I aith, mi wot yer lookin for? Mr. O'Toole The silver Rphoon that people's always a-talkin' about, bedad, -Hallo. A liOOD Kit! OMMKNDATIO.V, Ladv (to applicant) I am afraid von will hardly Miit mo. In fact. I don't intend to onyae unothor Irish tfirl. Katio- Ah, nn.', ma'am. I'm not Irish at all, at all. Indado, it's half tho toinu I'm taken for an American lady. If arper s llazar. M'fcCT.M I'l.All 1TK. Mhdah Jones, what nialteR you look at me datter way dis mawniuirV" I've missed homo of my citfnrettoR, and I believe you aro tho 'llluek t roolc " Toxhs .sittings. TIIK IIIIIVItN KNOW. ADVERTISEMENTS. "MOTHERS! FRIEND' a To Young Mothers ; n Cincinnati in a block. Doors have been cut through the parti lion Walls, so that the four comprise one great tenement. It is a very swell tene ment, of course, but inasmuch as it is a hive of people, it is a tenement just the same. Well, according to The Tribune's story, the other day a book agent was coasting along that rocky shore of houses. He put iuto one another, only to the beaten and have to put to sea again. But he was m t discouraged. He kept on patient ly aud at last he came to the swell tene ment, which calls ilself a private hotel. Now, this estimable book agent had one bad habit. lie would now aud then kc a drop tuo much. Ou this particular day in question he had not been doing well lioaneially aud as a solace to his ioul had indulged iu a number of beers. was calmly superior to the world as he walked up the steps at the first door of the hotel and rang the bell. A very pretty little maid in cap and pron answered the bell. She dismissed him politely but firmly. They did not want any hooks at that house. The agent tipped his hat gayly and put out to sea tigain The same little maid, however, passed through the connecting door and auswered tho bell a second lime. She smiled at his blank look and at the back ward glance he gave hir as he went down the sti p., disconsolate. He was still shaking his head in amazement when he pulled the third bell. Once again the little maid appeared at the door. This time she was grinniu; from ear to tar: '-My God!" gasped the agent. I hen he tied. But ho was a eons'-ieiilious mau and he felt that he niii't do his duty. He stood for some time in the Hreel mopping his head industriously before he could sum nion courage fur thu next ascent. Fi nally he went up llie steps of the fourth door, climbing tin m fearfully, as a man might climb lluin in a dream. Ho bad realized suddenly that the day was fright fully hot, that the beer within him was I'righlful'y old, and that between the two he was likely to perish speedily. His agitation was very great. "If I sec her again," he muttered, "il I see her again I'll quit drinking for good. She's forty times worse than snakes. That grin on her my, what a grin!" Bat when the door opened he saw her just the same. There she was, slight and pretty, and coolly dressed as ever. There, loo, was the grin. It rippled over her whole face and puckered up the cor ners of her mouth. He felt that the end had conic. "I beg your pardon, ma'am," he said, as steadily as he could; "I beg your par don very much, but if you don't mind would you be good enough oh, hang ii! I say, missy, how many of you arc there, anyhow?" The maid let go of the grin and it slipped away from her into a saucy little laugh. "I think," said she, "you had better go home and take some tea. There arc a great many of me a great many, in deed." "You are right, ma'am," ho replied, wiih a gesture, "you are " But she had shut the door in his face. 8 H&tra ShSid Birth Easy. Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the LeaJing Physicians. J'.'" I" "Xothmi'maUmd FREE. i 3RADFIELD REGULATOR CO SOLD BY ALL. LRUOQISTS. IPEEDY ul LASTING RESULTS. FAT PEOPLEi No inconvenienoe. Simple. I uk. ABSOLUTS!.? fit 1 1 from any injurious substance. ' LAS0X ABDCMTK3 IIDUSID. WeCU.R.NItE a CURE or relund HWUKin. Pi-ire att.nOl.r bottle. Send 4e. for tnkfite. riitJloNr MEDICAL CO., Bultou, HaH on gat Tou tan git 1 tMs. . v ajiaj 'T(mT I can stay .in. SOUTHER, l'ETl-RSBUliO. VA. I.IXTHIC MfiHTS. KI.ECTUIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION Sis). II. C. LAMI1.EY, Proprietor, late of Ev erett, l'a. I.lcrtrlr Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed E'eetrio Bitters will euro all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pim ples, Boils, Salt llheiiin and other nffec lions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For euro of Headache, Constipation and In digestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refund ed. Price 50c. and H DO per bottle at B'. M. Cohen's Drugstore Harper's Weekly. Women gardeners arc in great demand in England and Germany. Butterfly bows arc very popular this season, and are seen on almost everything, In Holland nn attempt is being made to pass a bill allowing women to be elec ted to Parliament. The latest fad ammg the pretty girls is to talk woman suffrage. NKW A'lVKKTlSEM KNTS. w The only first class hotel in the city. Commercial rutes, $2.50 per day. 0. W. HOLLINGSAVOKTir, Chief Clerk. mm a rcTSJRADEMK COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t For ft prompt answer tod an boneft opinion, Write to M I NN A CO.. wbo hare bad nearly Oft? yera' experience In the patent buatneu. Communica tloitri Btnctly confidential. A II and book of In formation concern inn Patent and bow to ob tain tbero sent free. Also a catalogue of DMobail leal and fcientiflc bonks Kent free. Patent taken tbrouftb filunn ft Co. noelT npi-cial notice In tbe rtcnllfic Amerlrnn, and thus are brountat widely before tbe public with out cost to the inventor. Thia inlendtd naper. twined weekly, elegant ly illnstrated, bu briar the largest circulation of any scientific work In Ut world, fttfayear. Sample conies gent free. fiiiildliu; Kdit ion, monthly, fi.Ma year, glnjrl cnplea, '2 !i cunts. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and pliotnttrapbs of new riounes, with plana, enabling builders to show tb Jah'"! dottliaipi aud secure contracts. Addreas UU.NN & CO, lN'tW VOKK, ii til BlHUJjWAT. Grand Display -OF- SPEING MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS uud NOVELTIES, llutterkk's Patterns. 11. k (J. CORSETS, Mi.sses ;it 500., Ladies ic. tofl. 'nets will be made to suit tbe times. Huts and lwDDets made uud trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. ffl) POWDER 'Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar bakinir rjowder. Highest of all in leaTening strength. Latett U. S. Uovenment f ood Kepan. AOTAL BAKllta FOWDIK LO., 10 WallSu.N.Y. 0 I ii i Is west cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WALSH, net 11 ly. Hard. Times: Tn BMat ttas meant ITartl wilt sell to finwn dtrut, WW Fertilizers. pH5 lor Com, Gotten and Psaatita, at S1S.&0 Tmoklfif Upniw end Pi4toM (4 W Oats. Tobaoeo and Frail I &.UO Alan llartaU of PoUah. Eainit, Halphato Pnieab, Bone ntea. o LAC Utaltlaiore M, Elaca. N t irate Hnda, id lee and smell tiuauuitea. Hem IwoJc stamps fur eirc'a. W.H.FOWKI.L ierUUMr MaBOiaetunaa, HOW TO MAKE MONEY Go to Buchanan Bros., the Jewelers, aud they will tell you just how they do it, and remember, yon cau do it, too. When you are in tbeir store don't fail to look around at their beautiful stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, WEDDING and ENGAGEMENT RINGS, etc. ate. Then if your eyes get tired and aed soma flassea, remember you can get fitted rigot tbera, without extra charge by a pnatioat optioiaii. - BUCHANAN BROS., 113 Bycamor at., Petenbiu-fc Va W.ly.