1 ... 1 THE ROANOKE jp-o I .... . ' - THUUSL)AY,JIX!.-.8,1SHI. PUBLISHED KVEKY TllUllSDAV J. W. SLED33, Editor i Proprietor. B- STAINBAIK, Associate Editor. Ei,led at lUt Off,,; ,,, W, !,,. Sniiml (". M,,lt,r. BAmsoFsrHscKM-r,,,;, ,N. Av , thye'kl:V,I)e"'""-'tif journal ilewit.-il to the materia , o,lii., al. mi,,,, ,;;:,8n,i' furnished on application. SENATOR JAKVIS made hi first sn ), in ,,,,! worul days lyo. It wa, "cli wvtd. Wo ,llut, a ,,urliJU of fOMMlTl l l. .:,;, IN(i. Notice is l.cnby Kiv, ,, nwe oriieDonMoraliHOxwrnvo Committee ol Halifax county is called lor Tuclay. July :ir.l, 1S!H, at 13 o'clock M. at Halifax, for the purpose of fixin- the dato of tlie county convention Cor the transaction ol'sucli other business as may c.ime before it. A lull attendance is desired. f- Orken, Cliairman. 'VeldoD, N. C, June 20th, ism. Tub Ashevitlo Citizen has fibred out aui:.jon.yof:,000 against Kiehmon, Jcurson the KeDubliean-F- nnti ur T-,J . pendent candidate lor Congress in the ointn district. rBITCIIARI), of Madison county, one of the leading Ucpublicans 'n the State, and a probable candidate fur Senator, it out is a letter in which no warmly favors fusion with the I'opu IT.... : XT . r. 1 iuib in norm Carolina. The iaterioi department has decided io cancel pensions of thoe who deserted their first serviec and enlisted in another place and Irom whom the ,i sertion has not been removed by the war i "S will cause the cancel lation ot several thousand pension certifi cates and save considerable to the over burdened tax payers. )v amunuton is alarmed over a plot iy anarenists to Wow up the eapitol, treasury and other public buildings with uynatnite. L he police have been kept warneu oy a spy among the conspirators. Ilonoro Saxon is said to be leading con spirator. He was a prominent figure iu the I'opulist convention that nominated Weaver for l'resident. A rainmaker iu India has an appara lus consisting of a rocket capable of ris ing to the height of a mile, containing a reservoir of ether. In its descent it opens a parachute, which causes it to come down slowly. The ether is tl.,.,, out in fine spray, and its absorlion ol heat is said to lower the temperature ouiueieuuy io condense the vapor anu produce a limited shower. M T mil. nusKI'llta VAMIELX. ii,n,;,i ment clerk of the Interior Pepartrocnt anu inereiore in a position to know, writes hie paper, the North Carolinian, that th savings in pensions in one ve.ir l 1.,. catic administration have been S'Ti linn . 000. If (he Democratic party had done nothing in its one and one fourth year ol power except save this 2;,0U( titio 0f money and repeal the Federal election law, it would still have claim upon the continued confidence of the people. iHltHew lorkbun io speakin" of George Hansom's suair sueculstinn v There is no similarity between the Mcl'herson family's investments in suar and the investment of the Ransom family. Jt surprises us to see that the two cases nre Dy some minds confounded. O . T . oeuniur nansom 9 son Ueorge went into a bucket shop and bet 810 that sugar would go up. The young man ap parent ly had noother motive than the impulse to be real devilish. He certainly was not gambling with the idea of at hiev ing a lortune at a single stroke. He did not consult his father. The Kenm,,- knew nothing about lieorges little flyer until a lew days ago. (Jeorge had uo tip from his father; it is absurd to suppose mat it inside inlormatiou had been lying around loo.se in the Hansom establishment" George would have been playing sugar lor my ien dollar limit. The size of ih transacion is ihe strongest possible guar aaiee against scandal, as atTeetin" th .,.... Tl. . , . " mere is absolutely nothin" in the affair to show that the North Camli a Senator ever had the remotest idea of indulging in stock speculation of any son, much less ot turning to private ad vantage the opportunities of his offieia post. T1...1 ' . ...ii vjcore snouiu lie cau-j it sin a bucket shop and risking $10 0f his own Hard earned money, is a matter ol purely personal concern Io S.-mt-r !, ami; it affects him in no way officially. It is one of the incidents of paternity. The Senator's statement before the Investigating Committee was mnnlo ,1 miaignnorward, and it should increase the respect in which he is held by the public. Kdemng to Mr. lliil's prediction that the passage of an income tax would sound the death knell of the lV.noeratie parte Mr. J.irvis said : 'II the IVuiu-ratic t.arlv li:,s n,. - nun tu !.. at the loot stool and ""'-hip at Ihe shrine of the aecun.,,,,.1,. I. i I ...,!, I. .1 emi n i ry. the sooner it die-the bcii.r. I Applause in the ,,,. leries ) As I understand Democracy it means sympathy ill, the struggling peo- .1.. 1' i I . ' ' r ") U means, while his duty io protect property, to go into tl'c highways and byways and take in its great arms the laboring people, and to 1,11 l into a high-r and better life. ,'"roue, tnank God, that the 1W eratie party istoday in the l,andof those who have the courage to taLe i il. 1 1 i- ', ' l"" "Ul" 'e 1 pie and put (hern on the accumulated wealth of the cunlry. Instead of Ibis biil soundit.. thedealh knell, I believe t it is the hrsl step onward to a higher ,,r,.sP,ri!v and a more glorious career for the Dun', "eratic party. Ad if it will only have the courage to move onward on it,., that have been sclcelcj, I Mievc that inroad of oui Kirubliean fiien.l. ; ,Sy" 5"'"o Hepubliean l'resident i. augurated, the standard of Deiimerncv will be advanced still higher, and our banner will again float over the Senate, the House of Representatives ami the White House." int. Ivrb VmiK, ol Wi!Us, (,-i!d Voik " a., he calls hiai-eif on the stump,') and Con. Jol.ti iiu0 Aduas liryai.t, ol the same county, v a, long tiluo j.uliti cal eueuiies and eeioi , t;;,,!., in the good old days v.luai the deet.-r wa.- a IViuo eral, and Wiik.s p,o; c to!! !,, ou the ea:i!iai-u iu those limes, when llryant wa- speakin.'. Dr. V,,it , ii . ' i,;. -toiuaeh on the ground, a little way ill ir. ni me stand, Hie stem ol all oak leaf in hi- niouih. his elbows on the ground and his face resting between his hand-, and would every now and then interrupt his competitor to say in that peculiar drawl of his, Now. Oniuev. vmi time. that is ad n iie I" The York llryant campaigns present the only North Caro lina parallel that we are aware of to the business that ha- been i;eitiL' oil ill South Carolina for the pa.-t week. Hut then. Wilkes i-an exe jejon to all rules Charlotte Observer. A D VKUTISLM KNTS. XEW AliVEKTlSEM E.N'i KNOWLEDGE M. I'raxcdisCaiixot, president ol France, was stabbed in the hr.vwi I,- a-s.-a.-sin io the city of Lyons. l-ran.,.'l Sunday night by an Italian anarchist named Ccsare Giovanni K:inin iv.: dent Carnot was on his way to the thea e.u wucn a gala perlormanee was given in I'tuior, The assassin moni,l ,i... steps of the president's carria.... n.l i... the glare of the electric lights a knife was wen to "Icaiu in the air ih. n ,1,.. 1 .i.. flake descended and was tutied iu the president's bn-a,t. lV-id, ni I', ...... seen to fall back, his hand pressed over Ins heart where the steel em,.,,..l i.: body. The l'resident lived several lio,v .,iv. being struck down by Ihe hand of the assassin. The murderer was -rasped bv a do,, n lands, and Ins 111.; won d I,,,.-.. il...n 1 ilicre paid ihe fotfeit of hi- erii,,.. I, ! not been for the scarganls de ille who seized and hurried him off to i ol 1!, lor the protection afforded him' by the police he would undoubtedly nave !,. toru from limb to limb. It is dillicttlt to predict the iuiiuedi.-u,. outcome of ihe assassination of nt Carnot, l,t as ,1.,, ,.v,,i : , , ' '"dant's bomb iu the chamber l ,1 . , i lies last year Wond,rfulk sir. n ol,..,,. .! the hands of the Ca-imir I'errier minis -V " ) me ijiood-staitied knife ol ..u,os,rengiiicn republican Trance and rally around a strong, patriotic oVl.rn ni-nt -ill il,., i l 1 i , .... lln .fiiuiii- in i ranee. The late president of 1'ranev , ,.,.i master ol the Legion of Honor. ot inc. slate, and ha, a I .. . uoue reu with a number of fore;cn il,.eri;nJ ;.. eluding the Russian Cross of St. Andrew bestowed upon him bv the ezar in R'M ihe dead president also ,liii.,n;.i,r..i nimsell as the tr.-in-l-,inr ,.i t:e. " u,ne .uius Ihe lecvolulion oflsIS and its Detrae. tors presiuent ot Prance s eha-te.l r. seven years by a maioiilv of mi,, l. .i... J v.. i-jr till' seuaie anu cnam!,cr of deputies united - "a,. .,,,. asstinoiy orelectora eoie-re.v I resident Carnot came into n,,,., i i oauuary 1, isssi nnil wouj .,, . ural order ol things, have retired on J u-iry 1, 1S93. IIkapiji AUTKtts of the Slate Demo cratic cxtcutive committee have been op"n,d iu Kaleih, in chai-e ol'.Mr, I! II. Cowan, seeretarv Io llo. The orders are that the preliminary cam paign work -hall be-in at I.f ik Hai.i.ihav, the tripl, nmrdi-r-e-s, who ha., been ol, llial at Moulin llo. - l , lias heen comuled ol'tlie murder i. i... i , , u. ner nu.-i.an.t and two innocent w-uneii, will be electrocuted the second week in Augu-t unless the governor interfere XKW A D V E KT 1 8 E M E N TS I Was Sick Every day. sallcrlii.' etitl, i.i,.i, n,.,. j miuuei iroui-ie. also irom alter eil.-rt. r n,. I'.rings comfort ami improvement and te'nd- to isrsonal enjoyment when rightly used. The m.niy.'who live Isd ler than others and enjoy life more, w ith le-s expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world' Is'.-t products Io the need- of physical 1h ing, will attest the value to health of the pure liijuid laxative principle! embraced in the reincdy, !-vrup of i igs. Its excellence is due to its pre-cnting in the form most acceptable and picas- am io uie eu-ie, me reire.-iiing an, l truly hcucliiial properliis of n perlii-t lax', ntive; c !le( tnally elin-ing the -v-teni, ili-nelling cold-, headaches iitnl lev. rs and permanently curing con-tipalioti. It has given sati. faction l luilhoii-and nu t with the approval of the medical prof, -ion, becaii-e it acts on the Ki, ii, -, I ivcr and liowcl- without weak e lung them and it is x i fi-cllj- free from every objectionable substance. .S nip of l'igs is for sale by all drug-gi-ts ill oil,- ami $ 1 bottles, but it is man ufactured be I'm- I ':iiL,r,u Vut Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, abu the name, Syrup, if Fig-, and U'ing well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ollered. mar -li ly W. ID. HABLISTON I CO., Wholesale and Kctail Dealers in What is Custoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants nnil Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, unci Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its Karautco is thirty years' uso by M illlons of Mot hers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverlslmess. Castoriu prevents vomiting Sour Curd, rures Ditirrlin'ii ami AVinil Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures t stipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tl, f0, regulates the stomach mid bowels, giving healthy mid natural sleep. Cus toria is the Children's Panacea-llio Mother's Friend. N K W A I Y E It T I S E M K N 'IS . WIIMN YOi; XKKD JOINTS HOUSES, l:a,n-, I', necs ..r I;,,,,!', in any ,,nanliy r KflU. u 'D.H. JACKSON, -"'fiass. Dealer In PA I NTS, VAKXI8HES, GLASS, EN(iIX J1' -'-""1-' AND CVI.INHKK OILS. Castoria. Mr. II. i: llan-U grip, w III, pain l ,h, i,a,.k ulld lhuh,x , nnilmil "-:u.iuv9 Kit en in nnn f inn it,,, ... of Hood's Sarsaparliu relieved l4y itomurl). i Huuiic.i ana i am imw pcrmanentlj nood's Cures CAIilM-TS, NTOVI-:.S9 :mil M.ittivsHt's, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HAHI.ISToNM'u, No. -in X. Svi;)motf St., JYkJiUTK, Va- 111 lid y. 'TMfrtHi In an riccllrnt rmlicin(t f..r cftil ilri'ii. M.Uu'filiaii! nHati-lty t,.lil mt.uf nH K-xkI eI.vl uiM.a tlit-lr i IiiLlrt-n." I'.i. 11. (. OAfinnn, I-owt'il, Mnn, 'Onstnria Is (hp Wst n-niftly fur I'liil.lrcti of whlt'h I am nrrjualnri'il. I hopi IhiHlaj- is rmt fur disiant m lien mmIIhth wfllrnt)Kitlif Hie n-.-il liiU'rcst of tht'ir i-iiil.in-ii, atu u-t Ciwtnrlii in llfad of tiicviirious.in'k nostrums whji-h urt) di'fctroviiis thi-ir loved ones, hy forciiytipiiim. morpliiiie. Boolhiiii? syrup uinl uthcr hurtful ap'iitu dou tluir Ihroatn, ttwrcby m-miiiij; llitiiu U invuia'.urt) graves." j ltt. J. F. Kixt nuLOK, I Conway, Ark. Castoria. " f'ustoria Ih ohH mlapn-d Un-hlMirn that I r.-.-.iiimn.1i HttiiauK.Tiortoaiiypnwi'nptioo Liuivtii (o iu." H. A. AnniKR, M. D., Ill Sy. Otfonl St , Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our pliyHli'Luw in the children's depart meiii have Hiwkon highly of their exjieri cin'o in their ontsido praetloo w ith Casuriii, un.i although wo only hare anion Uiir iiuilieul aupplu'a what is known u regular product, yet wo are free to confess that the menu of Ciwturia has won us to look with favor urm It." Vxitbu lloarrriL and Dis.'bssary, Uoutoa, Mass. AIXBM U. SBITO, CHARLES LE0NARD7 PJfiTEKSHrjKG.VA. Wholesale Dealer In II a rvmir a n-n Th Centanr Company, T7 Mnrraj Street, Not Tork City. cireil. i , iM,,i . ,.r, :''1 v"1" tialtli. U. Y. 'ire nil liivr lilt. 2f,c. '(jKIN UKK A . HKSIiritl.- pit "Well, well! DiJu't ',n-in lit-, .. fU... .1 .o- .... soe, a m;ln down in Cliwhire had" eat wliuh (.rinncd and ctinni-d umil was nothing 1,-ft 0f ihe cat but tho rrin ju-i assomosi-Mlulous people, who don't know ol nr. I'lenvs t;,,ld,.n M,.,i;,.,i discovery, L'et a eou'di.imd il,,n ......i. I. ... . . o" -.m uuu-.i until there is nutliiti" left of llieiu to erect a monument to tut the COU'-ll The Golden Medical Discovery ii il, -j ... v uium ineciivc, ami bilious, anti dyspept siren-tn "inn,, remedv eitant t... weak lun2s, liniierin coughs, spitting 0f u.uou, scroiula, sores, rjiinn es and ul, it is a wonuerlul and illiejcious r,...,,l,- us uianuiaelurers L'uarantnB il m .1., a I that they claim, or money is returned it. i tercea fellets cure ennsiini; pilc, mek headache, and indition or ",)ieniiia Mcod s Pills THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, iii.in.ir.iiniit..KiMii,v4. li ir.-e Muck ul U-r v.r,. ..... - ',.r ;,,., .,.1; 1.. l r t. . "u:i,l' sni-ttjvi.t. l.'-i-n." 1 1 1' ly House for Sale ! flM i 111 i ii lilt Mnn'ont iika Vance A church NoTlllNti Stranhk Intelligent n, n pic, who realise the important part the uioou noius in liecpins the body in n normal conditioo, Gnd nothing strange 1116 number ol diseases Hood's Sarsa parill is able to cure. So many troubles result frum impure blood, tho best way to treat them is through the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes the blood. Hood's Pills are (lie best after dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try 1 1 ot, I HiN(Uvooi) News. l',l Matthews has returned from tho M. Clleite. at lt:.li,.l, Children's ilay at the M. l liere was a delightful entertainment. largo crowd Wa9 ,)reaont( t , cliureli being filled to overflowing Misses Sallio Jones, Irene Throewits liurgess, prnill, and VVhitelm (ill their pans to pcrl'ectiou. while litiln Ttn uie Johnson, Tom and Hmmett Matthews were lino I or , year olds. All did well and the crowd passed cuooniuuis. No matter how they holler No matter how they bawl, It's the jingle of the dollar, Good people, after all I Tho world is out to spot it To listen for its fall; And if you haven't got it, You're gone, gooJ people, all I SCHKMINU Ulallituas olll, "B c dot outlining (he m,m. mcr cimpjign. Ill & desirable lot on Washington ave- nue, adjoining the property of Mr. W. R Smith and the P. E. Church property, and is Known as Mrs. Daniel's - house, now occuDied bv the - Universitv . ... " benool, is for sale or rent. Apply to EWD.T, CLARK. Weldon, N. C. i r",X-i ,TI I''-V7tf-4 ABSOLUTELY The Best IT. - V .r, SWiK3 MACHINE MADE WE OIK (II II Til-ii -n u .... Kmn aril you mueliliiM ehraprr than yon ran ol.euhere. Tlio NEW HOMB la our bant, l.ul e muk cbeaprr klnda. llrU n. tbe Oi,I,TIAX, lOKU and olhr IIIieU Arm Fall Mckcl Plated Beulnu -'lachluearorls.00and np. all on our agent or write ua. Wa waul your trade, and If prleea, terma and aquare deallnir will win, wa will hae . we rliallence Ibe world to produce a BKTIKIl $80.00 Sewlna Machine for COO. (10, or a bolter SIO. SelnL. tdnrhlne ror (KO.OO than ou can buy from am, or our Aiiont.. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. uuicvi,.. III. St. UK-Hi, H,,. l,.u..viii. bAJifclUJU lM'O.eAl- ATLUIIA, UT FOR SALE BY P. N STAINIBACK, AGT., WEI.MiN, N. c. & CLARK. M. J. n,..i;,s,. JN0. s. NORTHINCTON. J. E. .Bmnron,: CEO. J. MORRISON & CO.'S 126 Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. DRY (HOODS The Opening of our SPRINC DRESS COODS. Otir Plllir.i (tm-lr f.l Crl..., It . i i 2LACZ DEESS O-OOIDS. Wleil II, e ,.n,.l 1 I 1.. ' A ' r "m rZr.- T'"y erc to find the riJ(A. T1"'V k"W KbmU' f'e ihv'h"A ',;,;;'"k's- "'tu"r'! At Cieo. J. Mor Tlliril. Tliev know uln-rn I., l... ... . . . . ... son IV, WLni', .,, .1 !" ,"' " V.". P""! Attain (ico. J. Morri- Pride ortlie ,,' Here vmi fiiT. I . NoU . re '., WASH SILKS! WASH SILKS! f'llin,. Sllbo r,. o.-. t,-.., .,, . ""' "" "'"ueiimig extra limul, at a moderate price. Sash, Doors and Blinds, Saw Mill Supplies. Wc keep the largest to, k in the State and guarantee p. ices. Write for ,,otaliu, -C. E. ffcQWIQW,- Enfield, N. C. 7 Full line tori Merchandise, r Dry Goods, Dress goods, a, onnmier IJats. (tciillenieu's Furnishing VmU, Buggy I tarn, ss CLOTHING-! Nice line just added. Suit.., any size, made to order, and at lr. .i fall and t-xaiuine my stock. C- E M. (iWIOAN'. ' E. C. LASSITEE, llns opened up iu W. It. Iirowi's Store Comer First Street and Washington Avrn a nice lino of Hiii, Eats CRIND Your oivn Hone, Meal, Oyster Shells, Corn f I'rnwlc il'uti-iit) $5,00 HAND MILL ' l!1,ore ,1?a'le kef i"""fy- Ai row er Mills and Farm Feed Mills. Circulars sent on nimli. cation, WILSON liHOS., Kaston, l'a. -When iu Want of Groceries At,,lvc.,ors,?rii;'s-be8,,re ,o '" , ",,111 m eunniiete in cverv di uartiuenl. m' tl, l,... .," i'Imi'iT"!''1 I,rirea- A" " -I always on Hand. K. rl.Al?L' WH VT r. oetauiy. "' " LOVELY WOMAN! J. J. WHITAKER, ENFIELD, IT. O. "Invites jour attention" to his lino of beautiful summer fabrics, convkin" in pait of SCOTCH ZKI'IIVILS. SATIWs upttvp, . " C?.ns'r "S L1KS. SWIsv rrMr. v" "r4 tllAL -, ,,uu cvcrjiuing you need in WIIITK GOODS, SIIOKN, &C. &C. He solicits nil innnivfinn nf Vila elfu.l- n.,,i i w DI'.AMNdS and CI.OSF. l'KICI'A li!) ly. C. LASSITEB. IF TOU WANT -L O TX-sv OR A BUT mm H. J. CORflLF'S ii. tin iu vurouna, TO JEWELRY STORE, Littleton, N, C Mr. Cordis is one of the best watch repairers New Millinery ESTAlil.ISHEU 'lH29.' S.H. Marts to. PETERSBURC, VA. WHOI KSALK COXFKCTJOXEBS AND r.Kl'.KS inauufaeturcrs of jilaiu " lauines, Cakes and iraclccra. Jlciilets iu Fiuc CHKWIXti TOBACCO CKiAHS ASNM'FP IcKfYnur iinlora o..li..:i...i .... . 1i-iv7, ,uiun, wmcn Will ""' i" -in'iuii iiiieniion. 10 fll 1,.. , ... : '"! t.K In, iii ," " " """" l AKMSTlitl.Mi, V ItaVU III MN'k ll t...l..u-y. , . . . . " ' "'tlllli mi siy ics and Mi.um-h it" I. ini.v n ...... 410 CLOCKS RIBBON, lTo ntiiu-Ius f ri,. in. if,, , 'i,i,i meatus, y,,o T.i... ", "i inner Mat ....., luc latest Styles and Fa.-li ....... ineivin" iniiniime iiii,,.;,... nor week l.Atilf' i ' 1 iitu .,... '.' v-'NI.IMtK.N'S .vim, Humous, b lnxv., ... ,.,., in........ 1 II.... .- ' 25 GElSTT'.c? T , l,i r o-,, , . J I ,HMtl :' io et varus linth.r fl .n.. t . .. ' inn. i,,r imne. am ol her iuL i ni-miu., .1 :.. ; '"'" ""Uilreds sniic, t ...7i "" H.ii.iei,t naven-t r ....,,, jue iiuestiun is ,.ri.. HOW CAN SPIERS SFI l LADIES HATS SO CHEAP? diree I , '1"' IPWl" aud have , " 'lon'tscll. Swer" . ' "'" cent, cheaner .ft 1 - !' THKoLADUSoAREoIXVITEDoTO CALL, No UsoTalking! IVfilltf ft 1)1) U-lll. Ufywl 1.. (J..I,. v- ...,( .iHiKw.or aiiythinK fur lIont, "lit Kw l P. F. JOHNSON 4 CO., '"rllii tn. Tla v kft-n I..V.-1 .... wtiii i. j mi univ c i .......l . . f'.,ll f,l 11.., n-.,.. J nov lv. I MKN'S, WOMKN'S and CHII.DRKN'S TAV I III l',ll,,, .. a-iir.no and tlArOKUS. Mod's, Women's aud Cliildrcn's Tan and Mode' Hose anu nan nose. HORRID MJLSTI Making a Sneeeillo nf I'l'll VTL-tlrvrr, i,u,r,r, I... Vi ' ,J "ii.iioiu.iuuuuUS, tic can sa e v nsseri I),,,! r. ui ii, i- . ,- ' ,u. . . - j ... .u. r.jic uuu in, ins nculliwo Mnrts, will, attached and detached collars, also plain embroidered and l'i,,uc bosoms-cannot bo surnassij in tins section. 1 NECKWEAR! All made to order from personally selected Silks, and in the latest shape. II II U.lUl, 1,1... Balbriggan Underwear, Straw Hats, J2iCC., EtC. GOOD NEWS! "ere vrcar. wit. BIC BARGAINS in CLOTHING. Tell your friends about th. BALTIMORE CLOTHING STORE, Shoes, OenU' Furnishing Goods. Etc. M. FREDLANDEB, DRESS GOODS AT BARGAINS, Wa fin va a u,A ... fabric," v ,1:.:".. "T" 01 '. f M WOOUKN m rmw i" H colors. Special ha g inMl, M"k' fpt ,lrtM" inches at 40 cents. A liueof HUMMI liII Ks atiIiu "jf" H'lmniir .hade. :w OHKSSdOODH. 'ueoi BUMJlhltSILKH ATCOST. TKIMMl.N'tJB TO MATCH , CLOTjRIlsrfi- l:i Sjfcaiuore .Street, 1'ETEIi.SDl ItO, VA., ---- -i- , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Ohas. C. Alley, H. C. SPIERS, Wa, ''ft, PETERSBURC VA. Mr W r lrr andwin;u;w!"enV'.hnn nlarly. " u in jionit, teg.f I Buggies,:Carts, Carriages, Harness, siE"''"'-" Gent's Furnishing Goods. The latest blocks in Stiff and Straw hats. iQTTOTTQ J ?n' J" M- I!ey"nr,'" fo., J. Faust Son OXi. J JJjO. wcdf0rK ' U,Ut- m Kry pair W.r- tion. Fatcut leather, Itets and 1 mZtTZ ? '" '"itWho ns: we will .riv v n.u.t. !. ..!" 8lend description. Coma In hi as sa,,,. o,ily W bonghYwneie mnCy JU f,ha" haTe ,bfm M ch"P 'own!ownDOnOiO","10O,,9 r'"yt,l:0S"'.nU MP bnild np . j , I S ram A mm7 - .a- -iriii-.w-4u.r FLOWS and CASTINGS, HINDERS, MOWERS, Hayrakes, Threshers, ,iS SAW MILLS, rJi- Agents for IlTTwrrimo FtTtT 7 th. ,argNt ,i , 's'u' t urm uirouna. txclusive aiieuts in this '.H thefiT,BTUDEBAKEB ,U,d TENNESSEE WAGONS. Ord Hy mail giren prouiDt Dennnml .n.n Ca A. EPE8, Manager. '"FTIt -jfrniT-F V Oct 26 lj. The M. F. Hart Co., P"IM. F. Hut, BccreUrj.

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