aflT .A 'ff.jil P23 JOHN" "W. SLEIDGKE, ritoi'iiiiiTou. VOL. XXV. JL NEWSPAPBE FOE THE FEOIPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1894. TEBMS:-'1'"1 annoi in advance NO. 21. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. III Dominion rants MANUFACTURING CO. J. COHEN HON, Proprietor, (V. Sycamore and liolliiiijhrook streets, lVtrrxliurK, Va. Suliiil.H trade of Eiwtern Carolina. jijjrWc miiko mhUi in all grade, oct 1! ly. P1FA AS1 POET. Business Men! SEND Y(rR ORDERS FOR -3 JOB PRINTING TO THE KXCELSIOR PRINTING COMPANY, WKLDON, N. C. THE EXCELSIOR EXCELS allnlh-.-r printing houses in GOODWOUK, I'.EST MATERIA I., mill u-LOWEST PRICES- ALL KINDS BLANK DEEDS ON HAND i!4 51? 1'A 1 ill Letter Iliads, l'aekct Heads, liill Heads, Envelopes, (iiatcnuuie, Hand Hills, ' 'Fiogrunin.ei, Vickels, Etc., Etc Etc. !i . ill ill t lajrWrito for samples aud prices. E. h. llAVWAKB, l'lUll'UIKTUB. FOR SALE. All of the real estate of J. L- Frynr in Hie town ot Wei don. FOR TERMS apply to ED. T. CLARK, iicfll E)t.)ic Agent, ' Weldon, N. C. DJVISf CO,, WHOLESALE GROCERS o. 43 SypaiflOfe St., retersbnrg, Ya. pur special brands of Flonr: GOLD MEDAL FANCY TATENT, DIXIE PATENT, GEM PATENT, HARVEST QUEEN, . SNOW DROP. i'R 0FE3SI0NA I C4S. W. IT. DAV,i. a. DAWXlJlT. 0. 1IABBIS0N Weldon, K. C. Littleton, H. C. Weldon, H.C. DAY. DANIEL HARRISON, ATTORNEYSAT.LAW, Practicea in the courts of Halifax and Warren counties, and wherever their sor rices are needed. '.luiopf the firm will lie in Ifalijax on fafcl) Monflajr; 1 ' 18-fy. yy J. WARD, Enfield, N. C. SURGEON :: DENTIST, Office OTer MeGwigan's store. 1131y. JOMIi.llfl.LIH, WALTiaB.B,lllllL Kf U . L M M 4 DtHm ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOM, N. C. Practice In theeiourtiof IlnltlilisndNoHhini ion and tu the Hupremeand Federal court. OoU locllona made in anpariioi norm wn itpknrh niilun at Halifax. N. C.oDon every Hon day. ln 7 Xy It. T. T. K0S9, m DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. Jay-Office over Emry A rierce'a store. 10-19-ly. T, W. HARRIS, D. D. S, LlTTLlTOIf, N. 0. TqgpFxtMotei if ithoat pain. .lion Thrown Off tie Tract. He w;i.4 it father, iiml experiencing the first joys of fulbcrhood. No fi It he ought lo do something to show his Joy, mill, as he held an editorial position on a morning newspaper, it was only natural that ho should drop into poetry. So, when lie learned that cvciything was progressing favorably, he retired to his study and laboriously .'round out the following ; The liahy! bless his pretty eyes ; Finest baby ever mortal knew, Sec his look of glad surprise, Hear him coo. What a jolly little ell', How the hours lie does beguile, Laughing, lisping to himself Sec him smile. Then he took a rest, resolved to fiuish the poem the lollowing day. Ho was tired, and besides he wanted to see the baby again. lie thought that would give him additional inspiration. It was two or three days before he picked up the verses again. He was pale, and there were dark rings under his eyes, showing that he had slept little. I!ut lie resolved to finish the poem, and the fol lowing verses were added : idling feet the f.oor have crossed) jc, he daily grows morphol.l. Spunky, too, when joys are loil Hear him eeoM ! 1'iek him up and stop the noise ; Soothing voids to him apply, Hang it ! get out all his toys ! Hoar him cry ! He fell nsloep iu his chair before he ould write any more, and it was nearly a week before he got hold of the manuscript atraio. hen he did, he read it over carefully, scowled, grabbed his pen, and with heavy, scratching, determined slrokes finished the poem as follows: Spank the youngstci', ap.iuk hiu hard I Show him he must not rebel I Drop him in the big back yard 1 Hoar hiu yell 1 Devil take him I Where's my hat ? I cau't stand the awful din ! Ho is master mind you that I I give in I $ not sum:HSTTiovs. HE 010 NOT BELIEVE IN OMENS, BUT THINGS KEPT HAPPENING. There is a gentleman of uncertain age, but with quito an amiable disposition, re siding out on the Suburban Road, who has grievance, and he does not caro who knows jt. AH t'lP atory goes, this par ticular West Knjer has a wife and three or four children, and incidentally every thing eltc to mako hiiu happy. 1 hore is only one fault iu the family the wife is Very superstitious. Mie believes in dreams and signs und omens to the utter disgust of the head of the family. The distrusted husband started out the other night to convince lijs better half that there was nothing iq dreams and omens. Ho turned over the salt boj at the table and did not get mad; ho walked under a stepladder and was not assassina tod; he looked at a crosseyed man in o street car and carried oat none of the in structions that would previ nt a horrible disaster, and ho did nuny other thiiig tbat caused his wifu to hclievtl lliat h. would certaiuly die before muruiuj;. He didn't die however, but awoko next morning with a regular Mr. Bowers smile on his faec. Ho did not forget to call his wife's attention, to t);e fact, cither, and reminded her that hereafter he did not want to hear any more silly talk about "thus and bo" being a sure sign of "iuoli and such. The head of the house left homo in a hanPT framo of mind that morning, firm ly believing that ho had convinced his wife. Ho alighted from car at Locust and Sixth streets and, after walkini: 0 half block north on aiitl) street, lull into a cellar. Only one finger was broken, but ho was jolted up In such a manner aa to oauso gravo uneasiness. While return ion home in a street the car jumped the track, and ho narrowly escaped death. Upon reaching his residence he accident ally tumbled over a baby carriage and ro- broke his tttijer. Today ho is at homo in bed, and while the ovcr-oomiortiog wife is minisleiing to his wants he never mentions anything about her supersti tion. St, Louis Republic WHAT BEAUTY DID. History of a Rinn a Laciy wears, It was Given Her ty Jesse James. The following true story, told the Hichnimid State hy an eyewitness about the celebrated bandit king, Jesse James, shows that beauty, like music, has power over the most savage natures. One sum iner night several years alter tho war a westward bound train rolled out of the New York depot for its long run west ward over the broad prairies. The train was well filled. Especially noticeable among them was a newly married pair. The bride would have shone among a galaxy of beauties. She was petite and graceful in form; her head well set on a rounded ncek of snowy whiteness, while beneath a crown of golden hair, large dreamy, blue eyes looked out with the brightness of twin stars. All day long the train flew over the steel highway, until as the shadows of night fell it was approaching that wild country rendered the terror of treasure trains by the bold train robbers who made theil home in its fastnesses. About midnight the occupants of the train had composed themselves to slum ber. Suddenly, u sharp whistle pierced the air, and with a grinding of brakes the train came to a stop. The conductor hurried for.rard to asivrtaiu the trouble, while passengers thrust their heads out of windows. At this moment the door of the car opened and a toweling form up peared. It was that of a man, attired in the frontier garb. Heavy boots encased his muscular legs; en his head was a broad brimmed hat, while over his brmid chest swept a heavy brown bc.ud. The rays of the lamp were flashed back from a large wieked looking revolver held in his right hand. 1'or n full minute la stood ihu-i, whilo his piercing ryes rested upon the affrighted passengers. Thtn he spoke: "Don't make yourselves uncomfortable, ladies and gentlemen; I am ns harmless as a lamb, and the easiest person In the world to get along with when I have my own way. The nature of my errand you can guess when I say that I am Jcsso James. Please do me the kind ness to contribute your valuables and loose change to a rhaiiUUe object, which, in orccd, is always myself." Ho passed down the aisle, ufter the manner of a good deaoon taking up a collection in church. Money, diamonds, and walehes were handed him which he received with a bow and smile, until he came to the seat where tho young couple sat. 1 is eyes were lixed upon Ibo face qf the young bride, whoso largo blue oyes wero dilated with terror. For a second ho gnzed upon her, aud then with a gesturo refused tho valuables offered him by her hu-band. Ho drew a dia m ind ring of great beauty and value from his fiugcr, and bowing low, pre sented it to her, saying in his deep tones : '.'Insteiu)of tnkluj anything ffoiu you allow mo tho pleasure to present you with this trifling token for tho gratifica tion I have derived from looking it your beautiful faec." Before she cou'd reply he dropped the ring in her lap and passed on, levying upon other passengers on the train. The lady who received this tokeu of the admiration of tho bandit fur beauty is the wife of a prominent citisen of Riih mond. There ore few among the youth ful fair sex who ore, oven now, her peers in beauty. She still wears upon her Gnger tho sparkling diamond given 1 cr by the eyitlaw chief. TWIXSALL AKOUND. Charlotte News. A vciy mixed up business is on Mr. Tom Stack's place, in tho Western pint of Union coaiity. lloisa g'Ol farimr anl has everything aiom 1 him he wants and some, things he doiis not want. Eli day niom'ng of last wpeli he Went to h's burn anl foind in one of his stables twin muV. Tluy were I gth healthy I ok- Ing anl dolt) j well. On Saturday night one of his finj Jersey e ows increased his personal property by twin, calves. Mr. Stack began to think f, rtuoe was smiling upon him and that he was walking a golden road. He did not reach ''l0 fill height of his glary, however, until Tues d iy morning, when his wife presented him with twin boys. At last accounts all of tho twins were doiug well. THE BEST THINS TO 10. THE NEW CLEARING HQUSE BUILDING, Tr v cfftert on CMnr trrt -it a cmf of Too,'.). rn NEW YORK CITY. t: '-1.i.'l:l in CfW' 'frifon. IN THE GARB OF EYE, What" Mb Beauty was who Flitteil tlroiuli tl Night. A policeman was enjoy iug tho solitude Madison street shortly alter midnight when his attention was attracted by loud shouts and laughter from the direction of Market street. The noise grew louder. and ho was amazed to sc" a we'd formed young wohiau, with long, bli.ek hair streaming behind her, but without a par ticle of clothing on, running nlonj ll"' sidewalk. Sho wan being pursued by a crowd of men aud boys. "Slop that yelling, you fellows! And stop chasing this woman " shoute I the policeman. Then ho did some purnuin on bi.- own account, for the womau bad sped by him like a deor. Tho crowd which fol lowed some distance behind, had increased to 100, and they were straggled all along the street, according to their respective sprinting abilities. The figure that led the procession glistened white and spectre like in tho moonlight. Like some will 'o the whisp it sped on. Wa there no catching her ? Before two blocks wore passed ho noted that ho was goiuing slowly. Another block and tho ends ol the long, sweeping hair of his quarry touched his face. He grasped the woman by the arm and stopped her. "Here-; quick I get into the hallway! Where are your clothes I' shoute'd the policeman. Tho womau only started lie dragged. her into tho hallway of a tenement, pounded on a door and a woman answered, and gave him a skirt, which ho slipped over the captive's head. Ho led her to the station house, followed by a rabble of 300. Tho woman said she was Alice Scott and fell exhausted. That was all that tho police coujd get out of her. Sho was taken to Uouverneur hospital aud then to Bcllevuo. She grew so violeut that 8he had to bo put into a straight jacket, "I think she is suffering from alco holism," said Dr. Douglass, the insanity expert. "I shall probably discharge her tomorrow. Neither tho police uor any one else could find a trace of tho woman's clothes, and no ouo called at either hospital or station house who could identify her. N. Y. Recorder. Peculiar Effect of tic Cloods WMle tie Liilitniui was One ol the most wonderful, as well as the most awe inspiring, sights ever seen in lialt'.inore was an appearance seen last night in the heavens, says the Ualtimoro floral). Attention was Ivcyii'nlly call 10 u certain point in tne .ny where an almost continuous clecjrical display in tl sliap-i ol Il islics and sheets ol Ic'iit was tu be seen. The flashes were so vivid and uninterrupted that the southern sky lor the sp ieo of a half hour was brilliant ly illuminated. Suddenly clouds showed themselves and tho flashes stop ped. When they began ag.iin a pcil'ect iiguru of a i, angd, robed in the purest white, showed itself. The illusion was perfect. Two rifts iu the clouds formed the wings, and a small cloud the raiment. A slight projection from the garment formed tho feet, and no better resein bianco could be wished. All this time tho black clouds in tho reitr made the figure stand, out in life like proportions, and tho occasional flashes of light gave it a sort of halo that made the effect almost !. ....... .n..i..,i i....i ii ... .i auj'i luiuui.i, i uujui: uttl UIO CllJ were awe stricken, and souio were se'en to fall on their knees. It wus as if the blackness of the night had broken in the spot ai.d thin figure was descending to earth. For five minutes it lusted, and gic:tt exvitement attended its presence. An- old colored woman saw it and screamed : "Ob, Lord, look derc 1" and fainted away. No one could induce her to believo that it was simply a cloud effect. When the strange phenomenon began to clear the whole thing was easily understood, although many nervous peo ple havo not yet gotten over the fright it gave them. - Strength andllealth. If you aro not feeling healthy, try Edeotrjo jjitten. !'L Crjrpe" las loft you weak and woary, ' use Electric T,. mi.: 1- J! .1.. nmers. l mi remeuy rum uireetiy uu liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aid ing those organs to perform their func tions. If you are afllioted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and per manent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince that this is the remedy you need. Large bottlea only tjOo. at W. M, Cohen's drugstore. I.a (irlppe. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that thoso who depended upn Dr. King's New .tyisoovery, not only hi i a -speedy mtnovprv but escmied sll of tho trouble some after effects of tho malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of La Grippe, but in all Diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, and has cured cases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Try it and bo convinced. H Ifoq't disappoint. Free trial bottles, t , W. A(. Cohen's, drugstore, A DEMOCRATIC IHXS KIIX EI A THIUH l'AKT lqCI. Oouewrd Time. A cortnin third pnrtyite, H5 years old and a cruin 15 year old son of a staunch Democrat met in the public road nnd be gan discussing the joliiical issues of tho day and each one ha I bis dog along. The third party mau said that his dog could whip the Demoeralto dog. Tho tihallcngii was, occupied ami, they woro sot to fighting. The result was tho Democratic dog killed the third party dog. This infuriated the third party it o and he got so mod at the Demo cratic boy about it that he jumped on him. Hut he was soon laid out iu good Mitchell and Corbet t stylo. Tho ease was in the court of Hie J. 1'. and (he do cision was that tho hoy in this case acted in scll'-defenoe. TIIK SMALLEST WOJ1.W ON EAltTII. St. Louis Republic, Since the death of Lucia Z iratc, the ".Mexican midget," the title of being (he smallest woman on earth has fallen to Mile, l'uulina, a native of Holland. She is now nearly IS years of age, aud is 20 inches high and weighs a few ounces less than 9 pounds. Unlike most midgets, who are usually hideous monstrosities, she is remarkably pretty and accomplish-t'd. Love &ofl, Love your MiM, Ohey the Command, "Feed Mj Lais," and yon will get a Wan Welcome at tie End of the Journey after Death. Anil let ih consider one another to pro voke unto love am! to c,ood works. He brews, x , 'J l. The man who thinks of only himself and is forgetful of his obligation to oth ers doesn't count for much in this world or (he next. A purely selfish man, who wants everything and gives nothing, lives in the suburbs of purgatory and will not have fur to go when he dies. To recognize your lights and ignore your duties is to pursue a policy which angels deplore and devils rejoice at. God can use a man to the best advan tagc when the soul which is prone to sel fishness cviets its tenant and makes room for the occupancy of heavenly visitants. The man who seeks for this evord's goods exclusively, whose chief possession is a bank account, will find himself out of'plai'C in heaven, a stranger in a strange land. Money is a good tljing to work for, but it isn't the only thing, nor the best thing. It is not well to despise money, but you should remember that while i( will purchase much (hat is desirable it will buy neither character or happiness. Un less you generously share it with those who are unfortunate it will make you narrow and mean. i he nioit pilitul spectacle that eve ever looked upon is the man who h: more than ho knows what In elo with, but refuses (ogive his surplus to keep ;s the NINCl l.Alt. Paul I don't sen anything mi veiy (uuny aboul your moustache. Mr. Tools What do you meun? I'uul I heaid ivdi'r tell you last uight that it tickled hei half to death. Iliirkleii's ArnleaMalee. Tlw best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed -Q give perfect alis(ucliun or money refunded. Price 2a cents per box,. For sale by Wm. Cohen, Live God, love your neighbor, obey the command; ''l'eul my lambs," and you will get a warm weleimc at the end of the journey after death. It is not what you bcliere, but what you do, that will entitle you to a residence in the New Jerusalem. You may be worth a million, but if you have done nothing to make the world better you will die a beggar. You may be counted among the poor, but if you have been a brother to your fellow mi n a group of angels will gather about your bed and usher you with sontis into the presence of Ililu who said, "The lir.-t shall be last, and the lust first." No one ever yet loved God acceptably who did not love His children. There is no room in the House not built with hands for a soul that has not made some saciiliee for others. If you love your kind and manifest that love by generous deeds it will be but a step from your grave to heaven. A SAI YOUTH'S YKAItMVG. HE WATEII WIIISKEIIM, UE lifIT KM AND WHAT CAME OV "EM. As the expri'sa dashes through the station. ' Oh, porter, doesn t that train stop here?" Porter "No mum; it don't even hes itate" Tid Bits. A Good Appetite Always accom panies good health, nnd an absence of appetite is an indication of something wrong. The universal testimony given by (bote who have used Hood's Sarsa parilla, as to its merits in restoring the appetite, and as a purifier of the blood, constitutes the strongest roooniuicndalii that oan be urged fur any medicine. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bilious ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache, 25 cents, tho wolf away from the door -treol. The noblest men are those who give, not to those who keep, and the-rc is more satisfaction in seeing a poor man's chil dren cat the bread which you have fur nished than in sitting at your own table when plenty abounds, if you ignore the poor man's children and let them go hungry- Tiuo religion is a very simple matter. You can get along without a creed, but you cannot get along without doing good to your fellow creatures who need your help. The world is full of sorrows and strug gle's. Tears fell like showers and sighs fill the air as when the wind sweeps through a forest of pines. Those who suffer arc part of tho family to which you belong. You havo no right to be iudilferent. To be neglectful is crime. If you can lend a helping hand, but re fuse to do it on the ground that you wish to use both hands for yourself, you lose an opportunity which Providence has presented, and you will havo difficulty in explaining your conduct when the hour of reckoning comes. Doing good to others is the best way to get a Llessing for yourself. You will find the strongest proofs that the religion you believe in is from God if you ccoso studying the theology which is in books and devote an eiiuul time to God's poor in your neighborhood. When man gives cheer to another's heart the angels mysteriously pnt cheer into his own. It is right aud proper to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread," but God asks a priec for His answer, and that price is that you shall give some one else a share of the bread He gives to you, If you are suffering from an affliction what will you do? How shall you seek rclii-lf Hy asking (Jod to lighten your burden? No; by doing what you can to lighten the burden of some equally trou bled soul. If you bring a smilo to the trembling lips of another, you will soon discover that a smile is alighting on your own lipsliko a butterfly on a flower, Would you increase your faith? Would you dissipate your doutitsr vi ould you oonvinee yourself that life is very well worth living, even when the shadows throw their gloom on your path? Then visit thoso whj arc wearily plodding along, hopeless and friendless. You find yourself stronger by forget ting yourso'f and saying a kindly word to some poor croaturo who would think was in heavenly surroundings if he ! lived under your rojf and enjoyed your advantages. When you are in tho presence of the Lord, who was Himself poor and op pressed, and so lonely that He knedt in Getbsemane to ask for help, you will be poorly off if you have nothing better to say than that you accepted all the creeds nf the Church and kept yourself unspot ted from the world. But you will be well off if you can assure Him that you kept some one else unspotted from the world at great pains and sacrifice, Chicago Tribune. On South Clark street there is the office of a scientist who re.-tores bail to ball heads and forces boards and mus taches at reasonable rates. Thursday afternoon he had a lae'.y visitor. She entered the office and wrung his hand with tears of joy and gratitude in her eyes; and he began to tliir.k she was going to kiss him und claim him us her long lost twiu brother. "Madam.-," he said, us ho edged away from her, "if there is my thing you would have me do for you" "Ah, professor," slie.eried, "you have already done enough to make your me ser vant forever; you have restored joy to a desolate home und h-al-d the wound iu a widow's heart. I. t mo tell you about it. I have a son a i)..hl youth of tiVinly snuitpiTs until a year ago his life was a gui'icii ol' sunshine ami ros-s; then he began pine aivav. and became u wreck ol'hi- f.-rru r Hi- cross was greater than he cc 'ill bear. Hi.- whis kers wouldn't grow.'' Sad iudecd," murmured the profes sor, us he lontlleel a notnc ol ins mixture: "yet, madam, there is a balm in (lilead, and" "I know it. I know it. 0, it was pitiful to see that gifted and handsome boy squinting sideways into a mirror to see if he wasn't gelling a good stand ol whiskers, ouly to find that the gophers and weevil had destroyed the crop. It was a dagger in a fond mother's heart to see him shave in the darkness and shave in the light, shave in bis weakness and shave in his might, and moaning, 'What shall the harvest be?" You, professor, are not a mother and cannot rcalizo the anguish I felt. Whenever the wind blew strong he would wring his hands and cry: "Ah, mother, if I only had whis kers to round out my life? lie was on the verge of suicide when 1 saw your advertisement in the Holocaust, and I purchased a bottle of your invaluable remedy." "And what effect did it have?" The lady drew herself up with all the dignity of a mother who is proud of her firstborn, as she replied: "He has just accepted a lucrative position as larded lady in a Madison street museum." ADVERTISEMENTS. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " MoTHms' F!Evn " n i scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of rc.oc.nied value and in constant use hy tlie medical pro ration. Thcw ingredients are com bined in a m jnner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO .111 that it claimed for it AND Mt iU. It Shortens Labor, Lessen. I'jin, Diminishes Danei te Lite of Mother and Child. Book to " Muihiks "nulled fKEE, con taining valuable iuloniuUon and voluntary testimonials, atlivcipictuii rco-ituf price t.U parbotUa BMDFIEIO RCQULAIOR CO., atlinta.Oa. BOLD HY ALL LHUUUlSTa SPEEDY anil LASTING RESULTS. FATPEOPLExrx No Inconvenience. Simple, f - i.ul .nr.. AB3SWTIIT ,.f. 'J from any injurious snlxunc.. VMlta M laeoi iBs:wnt3 udfcid. Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or return) your money. Frlrr t s.oo pr bottle. Send 4c. lor treafilt. rittMONT MtDlCAL CO., lloetou, Muaa aTN I CIS (ft 1 .thla, , j souther I-TEliSlJUIiC. VA. KLIXTi.lC LHiHTS. KUXTIMC IUXLH ACCOMMODATION im. H. V. IaAi-'HJ.KV, rioi-rit-tur, latr of Kv-ca-tt, l'a, The nuly first rliiss hoU'l in llieoity. ComiiitTt-ial r.itrs, :-'.r(. per day. O. W. JlOLIalNOSWOliTH, Chief CUrk. COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For pnniiit answer and an honest opinion, write to M I N S A" CO.. who havo bad ncorlrtifiy years' ex'pmtiiicrj in the patent business. Oiinmiintca tl: iiis FtrictlF contldontlfil. A 1 Iu nribnok of In. format toil contcrniuit l'a tent and how to ut t:in ilM'.u Hunt fr. ,'. A'wrctnluguouimctliail ical nnd feion title books scut f roe. ritt'nts tr'kun ttirouk'b Murni ft Co. Tceolvn frpociul tiotici' in the Scientific Atticrn aii, nni thus nro broimht wUioly before tuo put.iie with out pn;tt to ttit) invent nr. 1'Ms fnl"nlid rai'r, failed weekly, elegantly illtimt rated, lias by far tlio largest eireulalloii of uny sjcienlitlc work iu Uiu world. 8;n.yenr. Sfinipm copies Hont free itiitiditiK Kuitiun, monthly, fion v.-nr. Ninelo tyi'it':i, . wutfl. Kvory niiiiii'vr ontunp benu titul piiifos, in colon, nnd phntDumplm of n.'ir Imuned, mtu plaiiu, enabhou buililuru to nhow tiio liitt-ti df sir.' nnd enireenntrndri, Address MUNN CO INi..V VUUh, 301 liKUAUWAT. Grand Display -OF- NOW. If you have a kind word, say it; Throbbing hearts soon sink to rest. If you owe a kindness, pay it; Life's sun hurries to the west. Can you do a kind deed? Do it, From despair a soul to save; Bless each day as you pass through it, Marching onward to the grave. If some grand thing for to morrow You are dreaming, do it now! From the future do not borrow, Frost soon gathers on the brow. Speak thy word, perform thy duty; Night is coming, devpwith rest; Stars will gleam in fadeless beauty, Grasses whisper o'er thy breast. Days for deeds aro lew, my brother, Then to day fulfil thy vow. If you mean to help another, Do not dream it do it now I NEW ADVKUTISKMKNT3. v tS-I !' SPRING MILLINERY, 11. FANCY GOODS uud NOVELTIES, llutteritk's l'littcnis. & G. COllSETS, Misses nt otic., Ladies 7oc. to f 1. V4jL.I'rmswill lie made tnsuit the times. Hats and bonnets mail and trimmed t order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, S. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., Petersburg, V ffl 0 Lrwest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHAKLHS M.WALSH, net 11 1v. Hard. Times Tn mMt th Dtwwnt Hard ' Tlmt'N on Fitruirnh I will boM to tamwiri dimel, for AftlllAVCk MUlwelAVaoleMl fut Own, OotUin tutd pMtmt. at SlS' TruoltiM ud PoUUwt U-& tUiaa. ToJlfaCOO Will FnilU . ia.00 Aim MunftU of PnUnh, K tnit. Holnhnto, Rlftok. Nil rut Nitda. m lri and miii.1I iuntitMN. HmmI ItiUtlmor I M aUiniHi fr eirc'a. W.H. TOWlVI.L A C O T1 a. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Latent U. ii. Uovernmil rood nepim. Royal Bakinii Powdib Co., 10 Wail8L,N.r. Rlftflk, Nitrite N6 two 'Jm aUiniHi Ur ei Vvrukxm MeVaulMliirefi. OW TO MAK E MONEY Co to H' Buchanan Bros the Jewelers, and they will toll yon jus bow they do it, nnd remember, yon can d it, too. When yon nre in their store don't fail to look nrouiid at their beautiful stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, WEDDING and ENGAGEMENT RINGS, etc. etc. Then If your eye get tired and need soma, glossn, remembar yon tan iret flttcd right there, without extra cbarg by a pntclimi optician. Buchanan mm., Ui Sycamore at., l'tleraburg, V Oct, 18.111 Want-

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