JOHN" "W. SLEDGE, proprietor. VOL. XXV. -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1894. TERMS:-1511 J'ER annum in advance NO. 23. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Olil rants MANUFACTURING CO. .1. COHEN A SON', Proprietor, Cnr Sycamoio and Ilollinglirook streets, Petersburg, Vn. Solicit I null' nf ICiinU ro C.iroliim. (ttf"Wo make pant i u ill 1 grades, net 111 ly. Business Men W. 1 1 III i w mi i . t a M2DDY TIM It Was for Our Sonthland that Here were m Re lips Heroes in tie Battles as Lee and Jack- SEND Vol I! OliliKltH FOR -JUOB PRINTING- TOTHK EXCELSIOR PRINTING COMPANY, WKLDON, N. C. THE EXCELSIOR EXCCLSnllotli- r prinliug house in (i(H)l) W01IK, BEST MATERIAL, ami LOWEST PRICES ALL KINDS BLINK DEEDS ON HAND 4- v f V Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Bill Hcuils, Euvelupcs, Rtiitenu ills, Iliinrt Bills, Programmes, Tickrls, Etc, Etc I'll'. t'A t'A t'A t'A t'A ' ! v i JiSf" Write fur samples ami prices. E- h. Havwabd, I'ropkiktub. FOR SALE. All of the real estate of J. L. Frvar in the town of Wei ilon. I'oii TERMS apply to ED, T. CLARK, Real Estate Agent, Wehlou,N. C. DJ VIS 4 CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 42 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Ya. TOB.A.CCOS. Our special brands of Flour: QOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, OEM PATENT, IIAUVEVT QUEEN, SNOW DROP. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. If. P4V,a. Q. 0AN1EI.,T. C HARRISON Weiilon, N. C. UtUelop, H. t. Wililon, N. C. DAY, DANIEL HARRISON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Practices in the courts of Halifax and Warren counties, and wherever their ser vices are needed. Dneof the Urm will lw in Halifax on each Monday. ' 1 18-Iy. T J.WAKD, ENFIW.D, N. C. SURGEON. :; ENTIST, Office over McGwIk-io's store. 1 1 a iy- JAM MUM. mullem, WALT I. AN1I. J U L L 1 DANIIL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PrantlrelnlheoGurtsof HillfexanaHoitbftinp- 4uAu4iu IheHuprumeaiid Federal cotirl. ik)U Unions wade in all part uf North Carolina. Urauish otbee. el Halifax, N. ere ry Mon U"7 JBU I IJ JTJB. T. T. ItOSS, 3DE3STTIST, Wldon, V. C. Ir0fliee over Emry 4 Picrce'sstoro. HMD-ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S, lITTLIftQK, If. P. Teeth EitraotacJ without pain. Wilmington Messenger. No man in history is of such ideal cx cellence as (Jen. Robert Kdward Lcc, the illustrious Virginian. He was tbo Sir Oalahad of tlio Knights of the Round Talile. For more than thirty years wc have been sounding his praise, and the more wo learn of his goodness, purity gentleness, courage, magnanimity, cour tesy and greatness the more we feel like emphasizing our conviction and magnify ing our admiration. When his lovely daughter Annie, the favorite child of his heart, died in War ron county, N. C, in the war, it gave great wound to the nolle soul and again and agaiu ho wrote from the camp of his deep sorrow. To his dear wife ho wrote 2lith of October 1SU-' : "1 cannot express the anguish I feci at the death of our sweet Anuie. To kuuw that I shall never see her again on earth; that her pl.icc in our circle, which I always hoped one day to enjoy, is for ever vacant, is agouizing in Iho extreme Hut (iod in this, as in all things, has mingled mercy with the blow in selecting that mie best prepared to leave us, May yot be able to join me in saving, 1 1 (is will lie June !' When I reflect on all she will escape iu life, brief and painful at the best, nnd all we may hope she wi! eiijiiy uilh her s.inited gramlinollier, I e wih her back. I know bow 111 n il vi will grieve and bow much she will be mourned. I wish I could giv you any conilurt, but beyond our hope in the great mercy of (iod, and the belief that he takes her at the time and plan when it is best lor her to go, there is njuo. May that same mercy be extend el to us all, and may we bo prepared for His summons." Again writing to Mrs. Lee, referriug to (jod's blessings and the defects of llie people and the sadness and horrors of war, be said : "What should have become of us without his crowning help and protec tioa ? Oh, if our people would only rco ognizc it, and cease from vain self boast ing and adulation, bow strong would be my belief in Goal success and happiness to our country 1 Rut what a cruel thing is war; to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us iu (bis world; to fill our hearts with hatred io stead of love for our neighbors and to devastate the face of this beautiful world I" How this great man's piety shines out auid the gloom and trials of war. What t happy thing it was for our Southland that there were such religious heroes io the battles as Lee and Jackson and D. II. Hill and Petligrew and others, who weie ready for any event. 01 his splendid courage much could bo said. His son wioto to hiui com plaining that ho exposed himself too much and urging him nut to do so. He remarked one", for ho was ofteu rctui n strated with : "I wish a.uue one would tell me my pio,u r place iu battle. I am always told I sho lid not be white I am " Gi-n. Grant told us iu IStjS 1I11I l.e exposed himself m re in the batilu U Sliiloh than he did in all the remainder of the war. Gen. Leo deplored greatly the death of Jackson. "Had I Stonewall Jackson it Gettysburg I would have won 1 great fight," he said to Professor White, of Washington and Lee 1 'Diversity, after the war. An titiele in the Richmond Dispatch on Gen. Fill Lee's book, says of the very noble, striking appearance of the great Southron: "An English officer described him in thePeiiuiyiiiiui.1 campaign a; having courtly manners and being full of dignity; that he bad none of the small vices such as smoking, drinking, chewing and his bitterest enemy had never accused him of any ol the greater ones; that Lee was the handsomest uiau of his age he ever saw broad shoulders, well made, well set up, and 1 thorough soldier io appearance.' Gon. Grant deserves tho gratitude A TRUE PICTURE. Nortl Caroliaa Offers a Welcome To All. Biston Transcript. "The South has always been a distinc tively agricultural section of tho Unit States, anil but for the wasteful methods which seemed the inevitable accompani ment of labor, it is doubtful if the West even with its almost boundless fields of unsurpassed fertility, could ever have to completely usurped the place which semi cd the natural province of the South. Of course, the war had much to do towards breaking down the prestige of the rebel lious States as a farming couotry, but prior to the war there never were any inducements held out to tho agricultural class to come there and make it their home, and by consequence immigration, and tho surplus population of the East drifted West necessarily. Thero was no other place for it logo. It is only since the war that the spirit of enterprise has informed the Southern tier of States, and this spirit has shown itself in various ways, principally in manufactures and mining operations. Latterly, and imme diately because of the bad crops iu cer tain sections of the West, resulting from blizzards, droughts and destructive in sects, the Southern States arc holding out inducements to the farmers of the far West to pull stakes and come to Dixie land. And the invitations would seem to be harkened to, for we aro told that an advance body of farmers from western Nebraska have arrived iu North Carolina and have giveu assurance that, if they ike the look of things there, they will be followed by large numbers of their Nebraska brethren. This corroborated by dispatches from Nebraska that long trains of canvass oovered wagons are con slaiitly passing through that place filled with disheartened settlers who are anxi oils to find homes else vhere, and that as many In 10,1)011 of them have left since thu failure of ibis year's crops. There is news of a similar moveineut from Wes- eru Kansas, and also from eastern Calo r.ido' The North Carolina papers offer a welcome (0 these people, tell them that land can be bought or leased there on easy terms, and declare that (he Old North State is just the place fur them Other Southern States aro desirous of at tracting tho fugitives from Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma. "So the South may come to its own again that is to say, it may become what it is peculiarly fitted for in soil, cli mate, accessibility to (he markets of tho North and of the world, and cheap and abundant labor a prosperous farming community." HOW Tl.MKS no C'llANGi:. . lf)i,5V' If J m yr MRS. GROVER CLEVELAND. The aboTO Is a roof from liin latest Dhottrrranh of tho charmlnff felfttpMm nf thn Whlt Hunan. Admlrorg ot Mrs, Clovcluuit liuvu always clolmcil that since liccyiuliig a mutlier her pretty fettturea have boroma vary elprcastvt-, qiiJ the iiL'ture bore Riven beurs out their clUma. Concord Standard. A certain girl in Cabarrus found a package of lovo letters written to her mother by her father before they were married. Tho daughter saw (hat she could have a little sport, and read them to her mother, pretending they were of 1 late date, and substituting her uumo for hat of her mother, and that of a fine young man for that of her father. The mother jumped up and down in er ehair, shifting her feet and seemed rribly disgusted and forbade her daugh ter having anything to do with (he young man who would write such Bickening and nonsensical stuff to girl, When the young lady handed the letters Io her mother to read, the house became so atill that one could hear the grass growing in the back yard. ( 1IKK.KFI LM:SS. Whoever said, "Laujh and tho world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone," was indeed wise, for no truer seutiuient was ever written. Thero is nothing so certain to make you disliked as to tell your (roubles to your friends. 'rosperity means friendship. You to welcome everywhere. The world laughs at your witty sayings and m ikes merry with you. There cumes a time when you are downhearted and fortune ceases to tiuile on you, aud jou look for sympathy from I be Joir friendj who hsv hitrl your prosperity; but, alas I you look iu vain, and there are some who kindly vote you boro. l'eople prefer amusemen(, and the sight of a forlorn countenance is not pleasant. The best (hing, when you can force yourself to it, is eheerfuluess. It is a great tonic. It is light and air (0 our moral nadire. To be without it is to be all Southrons fur tho Ijne way he bore j without something that answers la (he himself at (he surrender at Appomattox, and the terms granted were liberal and generous. "No man oould have behaved better than Gon. Grant did, under the circumstances," said Lee, (0 a friend in Richmond. "Hi did not (ouch my sword; the usual custom ia for the sword to be received when tendered, and (hen handed back, but he did not (ouch mine." Rov. Dr. Tilmago will preach in New York City in Madison Square Garden after his return from ibroa d. mind as clothes aud shelter Io the body. When Babj wai alek, we gave her Caatorla. When ahena a Child, she cried tat Caatorla. x When etie became Mlaa, the clung to Cutorta, When she had Children, the gave them Castori. Already (he war between China and, Japan ii creating t demand for American provisions and breadstuff. FOUR GENERATIONS OF ROYALTY." 'tila Interesting picture Is talten from a recent photograph. It shows Qtieon Victoria: .son. the prince ot Wales; ber grnmlson, the dulio of York: and her great granilson, who jchrUtehed Prlaoe Edward Albert L'brUitlan Ueorgo Antlrow Putrlck David. A SERMON IN RHYME. If you have a Iriend worth loviug, Love him yes, and let him know That you lovo him e'er life's evening Tinge his brow with sunset glow. Why should good words ne'er be said Of t friend, till he is dead ? If you hear 1 song (ha( (brills you, Sung by any child of song, I'raiso it do not let the singer Wait deserved praises long. Why should one who thrills your heart Lack the joy you may inipait ? If you hear a prayer that muviw you Ry its humble, pleading tone. Join it do not let (he seeker Row before his God alone, Why should not your brother sharo Tho atrength of two or three in pr:iyei If you ace the hot lours falling, Falling from a brother's eyes, Share thcui aud thus by tho sharing Own your kinship with the skies. Why should any one be glad When a brother's heart is sad ? If 1 silvery laugh is rippling Through the sunshine on his face, Share il-r'lis tho wise man's saying, Eur both grief and joy a place. There's health and goodness io the mirth Io which an holiest laugh has biilh. If your work is made more easy Ry a frien lly, helping hand. Say so speak out brave and truly Ere (he darkuess Viil the hind. Should brother workman dear Palter for a word of cheer ? Scatter thus your seeds of kiudncsa, All enriching as you go; Leave them; trust the Harvest (liver, He will make each seed to grow. So until life's happy end, You shall never lack a friend. ttiarantprd Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, upon this oondilion. II you are afflicted with ft eough, cold or any lung, ihroat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy a directed, giving it s fair trial, aud experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and nave your money relundcd. We oould not make this offer did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery oould be relied on. It never disappoint. Trial battles free it Wm. Cohen's drug stare. Large site 6O0. and 11,00. THE FELL J3ESTR0YER. Worl" and Ruin f rooikt ly He Demon, Drill Tonight it enters a humble homo to strike tho roses from a woman's check, and tomorrow it challenges this republic io (he halls of congress. Today it strikes a crust from the lips of a starving child, and tomorrow it levies from the govern ment itself. There is no cottage io this city humble enough to escape, no palace strong enough to shut it out. It defies the law when it can not coerce suffrage. It is flexible (0 cajole, but merciless in victory. It is the mortal enemy of peace and order, the despoiler of men, (he terror of women, the oloud that shadows the face of children, tho demon (hat dug more graves, and sent more souls unsaved to judgment than all the pestilences that have wasted life since God sent (he plagues to Egypt, and all (he wars since Joshua stood beyond Jericho. It eomis to ruin, and it shall profit mainly by the ruin ol your sons and mine. It cemos to mislead human souls, and to crush human hearts uuder its rumbling wheels. It comes to bring gray haired mothers down in shamo and sorrow to their graves. It comes to change the wife's lovo iuto despair, and her prido into shame. It comes to slill tho laughter on the lips of llie little children. It comes Io stifle all the muio of Iho home, and fill it with silence and desolation. It comes to ruin your body and miud, to wreck your home, and it knows it must measure its prosierity by Iho swiftness ami certainty with which it wrecks this world Hon. H. W. (irady. Ilurklrn'a ArulraMalvi'. Th Lost salve in tho world fr cuts, bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corus, mid all skiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'riio -5 cents per box. tor sale by Wm. Cohen. ONE FOLD AND ONE SHEPHERD. It is not tie Builng but the Idea wlicl it Represents that is Important. Germany is making great inroads into the iron trade of England. New Yorkors put $100,0(10 worth of gold in the teeth annually. The wheat yield estimate ia placed it 460,000,000 bushels for the season. Ar. Y. lh rahl. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. John 1(1. Denominational pride is another name for religious weakness, nnd is proof of a small nature. A broad and generous man is in sympathy with all the sects of Christendom, and would not impose the form of worship which he personally pre fers on any one, but insists that each man shall believe what he pleases, pro vided it results in an honest life. God will never ask what special religi- 0 is body you belonged to, but whether your faith made you a good citizen, good father, a good friend and a good man. There are no sectarians iu heaven; they are all lovers os the noble and the true in every clime and in every system known to struggling humanity. A Methodist or an Episcopalian or a Rap- tist angel cannot be found in the New Jerusalem. The various sects which arc scattered over the oarth arc simply so many ladders by which (he people climb to the upper regions. The foot of each ladder is on Ihc ground, while the other end rests firmly against the Throne. When wc die wc shall leave the ladders behind, be cause they will havo achieved their pur- pso nnd we can havo no further use for them. The path by which you reach the top of a mountain is of no consequence what' ever, ana it your neighbor chooses 10 get there in some other way you are vciy ungracious if you denounce him for ex ercising his own judgment instead ol fol lowing yours. His brains belong to him aud your brains belong to you. You may do us you please and ho may d 1 as he pleases. If his eyes are lixed on the summit, and he is doiug what he can to attain it, God will certainly resrard him with favor and you should do no less The bigot can see only one way, and that is his own way. He lacks a very important clement of character be cause ho isn't large enough to understand that different temperaments require dif ferent incentives and that what is gocd for one may possibly be bad for another. There is altogether too little charity in the world for those who do not find it easy to see things just as wc see them. There are a thousand ways to do nearly everything that is worth doing, and ote way is as good another. To call this man a heretic because ho has his individ ual method of solving the puzzle of life and that man orthodox because he hap pens to think as you do is both unwise and unchristian. If you have a well developed soul you can worship in any church that was ever built, or you can worship without any hurch at all. He is a poor kind ol creature who is so prejudiced that be can't find words with which to tell tho Lord how gra(oful he is, whether he sits in a Quaker meeting house or a Catholic cathedral. It is not the building but the idea which it represents that is important. It it of no onsequenco whatever that the clergyman wears a surplice 01 does not wear one; that the service is characteriied by pomp aud ceremony or conducted without these auxiliaries; that the edifice is the exponent of the ecclesiastical arch itect or only it barn iu the back woods. If you get the idea, you get all you need and all you can ask for. If you arc snitten with remorse because your rcc ord has blots and smurches on it, the iu :re robes of the priest who thus smites you will oount for nothing; and if you resolve to load 1 life of integrity the preacher has accomplished the task which tho Lord Almighty gave him, whether he is a Methodist or a Raplist. The object of the Church is not to make a man a sectarian, but make hiui loyal to the truth. At least that should bo it" object, and if it achieves that ob ject, the fact that belongs (0 (his or that or the other denomination is not worth a second thought. Vim should believe in something, and that something should furnish you with noble impulses, with charity for your fel low men, with pity for (he unfortunate and with a desire to do all that lies iu your power to make this old world better because you have lived in it . That mm h of ft creed is absolutely necessary, and when you havo that much you want no moro. It will givo you work enough (0 keep you busy until death knocks at the door and seuds you word that you arc wanted somewhere. A few convictions hammered out of your own sense of dcpcndcnco and the consciousness of your daily life need to be watohod over and guided by the invisi blc beings who "walk the earth both whon wo wako and when we sleep" will servo you better than all the theology that waft over printed in books. If you thiuk that one fteat serves your purpose belter than any other jo'n it by all means; but be careful that you don't worship the ladder up which you climb instead of the heaven against which the upper ends of the ladder rests. And, above all, don't criticise your neighbor because he is made of different stuff and chooBos to get to heaven in some other way. If tha( neighbor is an honorublc man and is doing the best his circum stances allow givo bin) your wishes even if ho goes to some other church than your own. And if he prefers to say Li, prayers at home or io the woods or in any of the other temples of God still give him a helping band anil not insult him because he cannot thiuk as " do or suit the Almighty because He made that man to do just as he is doing. You cannot prescribe a diet that shall be equally beneficial to all. When you spread your banquet allow each guest to take what suits him. That is the only true hospitality. If a man has any re ligion at all don't ask him what kind it is and sneer ut him because it is not yoir kind, but be grateful because he and you arc trying to get to the same place, though be lakes ouc road and you another. STILL WAITING. THE HIRED U1RL II AS FUN WITH A FRISKY TRAMP. Thcro's a hird girl in Detroit who ought to have a medal, says the Free Press. The other morning a tramp came to the kitchen door where she presides and asked her for something to cat. It wasn't the first one who had so presented himself and sho was not at all pleased to see him, but she didn't show it in her manner. "Will you sit down in the shade there;" she said pleasantly, "and wait till I gc( it for you?" "Certainly, ma'am," he said unctious ly, as he picled a soft place and deposi ted himself upon it. Sho went into the kitchen aud the tramp waited. He continued to wait. Every now and then she would appear at the dour and hope would spring in his breast, and he would smack his lips only to see her disappear n;'ain. Finally the strain became too great for him and he came to the door. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said, "I thought maybe you had forgot me, ma' am." "Oh, no, I haven't," she chirruped; "I've been keeping an eye on you all (be time. Didn't I tell you to wait until I brought you something to eat?" "Yes'm." "And didn't you say you would?" "Yes'm, but I'd like to know how long I've got to wait." She laughed merrily. "That's so," she said, "I nover thought of that; you'll have to wait only six weeks or such a mutter," and there was something in her (ones (hat prejudiced him against her so that he went away abruptly. England has a tax on graveslones. Oate's majority in Alabama is 2C,000. A heavy cotton crop is assured in Mex ico. There aio 11,000 millionaires io the United States. In France the bicycle is ridden by more women than men . Roll worms are doing immense damage to Texas cotton fields. Two of I'ullman's brothers are minis ters. Enormous (tiautities of iron ore have been discovered in Guerren, Mexico. Four fifths of the sugar plantations in Hawaii are owned by Americans. A St. Louis man lost his life recently while attempting to save a drowning dog. The brute was saved. ADVERTISEMENTS. Some of the manufacturers anoouocc reductions of wages. This is precisely what they did when the McKinlcy Rill was passed. As they get more protection iu many instances, than the Republican platform demands, their reasons for re ducing wages now aro just as good, and not ft whit better, than after the passage of tho McKinlcy Kill. A protected manufacturer reduces wages whenever he dares, with or without provocation. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iL I. 1' fl ap POWDER Absolutely Puree A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Tatnt U. S. Oovtrnment food Report. Ri.L Baking Powdeb Co., 10 WU8t.,N.r. CURES RISING BREA5T .-. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" ISZjrx olfnrfd chilti-lKiarliiK wonuin. I hv bcrn iniri-wlfft for nuiny joars, mid In earn cu.o wliere "Mnthcr'Frfend" hl twen uied Mm a,Tomiilitjhei won (lord ftiid rllve4 mut-h miftVrtiifr. U U llie tan remedy for rUtntf of Ihc brcul kucMvu, ami worth Hk price tof that alwue. Mitd. M. M. Kuurru, iloiiigunwr) , Ala. I ran tHI all rxpnetant motrieni If tiVy will line a f;w tMiftleit (if Mother's Friend ttuy will to through lliu irdeal without any pan aiiti uflerlug. Mua. May Bjk wha m, ArKuivilU). V U. t'eM Mothtr'i friend before birth ot my eighth child. Will ijt'ver ccaw Its nratae. Mkm. J. b Moo, Coluaa, Cal. Bont hy express, diaries prepaid, oo receipt ( yrlc, per buttlo. BR A DPI ELD REGULATOR CO., Sold by all druggists. Atujita, O. IPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. rATPEOPLEi 1 Ho inconvenience. Simple, I iu.. AfiOOLTTELT Mill mm mv inlnrtnti tnhclsnrai. f.iSAi iTtnnuvtfti BTTtrtfttn Ufa All AB UTC C . IMIDC ..I. ..A 1 ww unuiiiii B vum a- vv rcmiiv your rnortfjT, rUUMOMT MEDICAL CO. Bottom MM VIW J euitayl L ..... 'J itayl lUIs.. f souther, ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 300. II. C. L ASHLEY, Proprietor, late of Ev. crett. ra. The only firt class hotel ia the city. Commercial rutta, $'2.50 per day. O. W. HOLLINCiSWORTH, ChicfClIrk. COPYRIGHTS. CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT? For irompt answer and an oooett opinion, write to II V N N 4 CO. who have bid nearly fifty years' xuerlniofl Id the Mtent btutnou. ritmmuniir. firms strictly connditntlal. A Ilaodbook of In formation concerning Patrol and bow to ob tato ihi'tn sent free. Also a ''"g"tftf Titi"lin Ical and sdentlDe books sent free. Patents taftun through Mudd ft Co. reeeiro special notice In the Mctentlac Amerlraa, and thus are brouuht widely before the public with out coet to the Inventor. This splendid paper, odui-u wdvpiij, UIVKMIIIJ llinitI(lu,UH HTIUIDt largest circulation of any flclontlflc work tn tho world. 9:iayear. Ssmple enpies sent free. Huildttu Edltioo, monthly, K.iO a year. Hint, copies, J scents. Brory Dumber contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with planssenablinit builders to show tho latent rteHiKiiii ami Secure ooMrarta, Address MUNN & CO, KKW KOitK, attl BuuaUWAT. Brand Display OF SPEING MILLINERY, FANCY tlOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick's Tatterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. tu Prices will be made tosnit the times. Hats and bonnets made nnd trimmtd to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore st., Petersburg, V i LJss i l,i west cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. Cli AULUS M. WALSH, oct 11 ly. Hard Timss " nC&lU I llllwa will sell to larewrs direct, toe p ouo, i(mi4 FfrillUere Fertilizers. ir1 (or Onm, Vt sa Pew ii U, at SIS. Ml T..,;Ur, Omw anal Poutoea 14.40 Oata, Tobaeoe ean rruiie -Attn Marine nf Pntae. Kalakt, fhtlehaee Pnieeh. Bor Black, Nitrat Itnda. tn large and small queoH.e. Bend wo eUmiM few Wa W.M. POW RLL CO ieruiuet Maaofaotum, , - Balllaaore MA. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Go to Buchanan Bros., (he Jewelers, aud they will tell you just how they do it, and remenilier, you can do it, too. Whon you are in their store don't fail to look around at their beautiful itock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, WEDDING na ENGAGEMENT KINGS, etc. etc Then if your eyea got tiicd and need mm llaaaea, remember von can get tktad right there, without extra charge bj a practMai optician. - BUCHANAN BffOH, US Sycamore at, Ffttenboii, Ya. ok Mil.

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