f f s lgjlJI Jl J JOHIT "W. SLELGE, proprietor. VOL. XXV. A. NEWSPAPEE FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOHER 11, 1894. TEBMS:-"-511 I,;n ax.ntm in advanck NO. 27. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Manifold Disorders uowithcd condition of the blood. Sllf ttt ) ini(iuii!iM. If not corrected, develop Into Krioui nuitiuiva, tuui 5CR0PULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM tn other troubknomft dtwHiw. To cur ' edy Iree from an harmful Inrpdirntv an i purely ttivmur. nuiii Ta It lenitives all imiurit.JngO 170 iiineuiww tinti muruMun- (! th wfirat lormt of blood dia- k nxi nava uccn Ciirpri bv S. fi. S. I Hit dim Trcatite nulled In la IB idtiitu 4 SWIFT Bl'EC'IKIU CO., AUftQU, U. ONLY WAIT. A Time for All Tlinp, and Season for Every Purpose Under Heaven. MANUFACTURING 'CO. J. COHEN A SON, Proprietors, Cor. Sycamore and Itollingbrook streets, Petersburg, Va. Solicit trade ofEastera Carolina. teg' We make pants in all graded, oil 19 ly. IF YOU WANT IT n i SEND WHERE THEY KNOW HOW TO DO IT. EXCELSIOR PRINTING CO., WELDON, N. C. (5 TffEfLJCE, THE EXCELSIOR EXCELS all oth er printing houses in GOOD WORK, BEST MATERIAL, and SLOWEST PRICESr- i'A i!4 Letter Heads, Packet llendii, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Hand Bills, rragraninies, Tickets, Etc., feto- Etc. 0 ill DoT" Write Tor samples and prices. E. L. Havwabd, Pkopkiktob. WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 43 Sycamore at., Petersburg, Ya. TQ1AOOOS. Qut special brands of Flour: GOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, GEM PATENT, HAEVEST QUEEN, SNOW DROP. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. if, jr. fiAV.IH- pAl(.,lT. p. HAS8ISOW noaon,n.u, uiueiori, n. u nuiuou, n. u DAY, DANIEL H ARRISON, ATORNEY$-AT-LAW, Practices in the courts of Halifax and Warren counties, and wherever their ser vices are needed. Oneofthe firm will be in Halifax on pach Mopdiyy. 1 "Jy. Richmond Time. All tiling by scasou seasoned are, to their lest use and true pcrfeclion, says a great poet. And a divine philosopher writes : As thou canst not tell liuw the boDes do ;row in the womb of her that is with child, or what is tlio way of the spirit, so thou canst nut tell the way of God that worketh all things. Our im patience, our eagerness to hurry up, and crowd things, continually disappoints our undertakings, and makes our apparent successes essential failures. We did not know how to wait) we accomplished our plan, we did what we aimed at; but the flavor was not there, the joy was not there, it was unnatural; it was dry, heart less, expensive, worry, something; that we'll not try it again. The heart has its lust, and the soul leanness. It was like fruits and flowers that arc forced, that show more of art than nature, very grand but very unsatisfactory. The highest wisdom of the Stoics was to wait upon and live according to nature. The gentle precept of the Saviour is : Consider the lilies, and behold the fowls of (he air. The seasons arc their time keepers, and soft influences impart their odcrs. Of the birds, says the l'saloiist; these wait all upon Thee, and Thou givest them their meat in their season; that Thou givest them they gather. The difference between men is largely in this instinctive knowledge of season and fitness. That is the high life not fashionable life the instincts of gentility. It is the principle and essence of the divine art of good breeding; to scent the danger afar off and faithfully avoid the disagreeable and offensive, and do the nice thing. Ho that believcth shall not make baste; he will not make an unsea sonable remark, or make a jest that is out of place or lime He will wait fir a more convenient season; his smartness had bettor not be uttered at all than at the wrong lime. He knows it. These observations have universal ap plications to the smallest and greatest affairs uf men. Lord Bacon propounds: "Wait a bit that you may make an end the sooucr. A wise word fitly spoken, at the right time, will accomplish more than great orations and weighty discourses and mighty agencies out of time." And often to say nothing, only be quiet and let things work themselves out is better than all. Our unwillingness to wait upon the Almighty, and to respect our misgivings, and regard our natural promptings and j ist wait a bit, brings us into infinite mishaps, mUnis, and general misfortunes The great King of Israel was a very sue Oessful man, a wonderful warrior and king, and his writings are a marvelous mirror of huuiauity wherein every man sees himself and his experiences. And the burden of his song was. '-Wait," I say, "on the Lord." The seasonable fruit, product and event is the desirable thing, that comes in its appointed time All things come to those that know how to wait. Presently the tide will turn; presently the day will dawn; presently the cloud' will break, and the sun sliiue; presently the pain and sortow will cease, an- brightness be iu their place; present!) anger will be all pue an I gond Liiinoi possess us; presently ill" wound will lira' and things be as they were; pr.senily 0, what good things may happeu? Only wait ! God knows. wiiTsa a. mxiu Dc days am growin' shorter an' de nights am gittin' cool; My pickaninnies worries mo 'bout gwiue off to school. Red mealed watermillions am now about all gone, Dc apple crop's a failure, an' as sure es you is buwn verylhing's agin a Diggah I He ain't got no show, While Massa Cleveland's President he's layin' mighty low. Dero ain't no 'scursiona runniu', times keeps on bein' hard, We ain't got a single chicken a scratchiu' in de yard. Looks like de pig don't grow atull, my rabbit dog am dead, n' wha to git dc hoe cakes bothers dis here niggah's head. But dat's all right, I reckon, case I's got my banjah yit, An' a chaw ur two o' backer, an' a place whar I can sit, n' praise de Lawd forever an' smoke my ole clay pipe, ur dere is lots o' simmons an' possums will soon be ripe. OLLIK DAMI1L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOM, N. 0. Practice In theooorti of lLUfcisndNnrtbtnip. tin aud In thpSupiemeaud Kudeiml courts. Col actions made in aliparuof bjouii (laruliua. Hrsqch office a Ituiau.'N. Cobu ever Hon. d.r. Jan 1 ly JJR. T. T. HOS8, m Weldon, N. 0. jatOfoaqTerEiiirT Pierce's store. WW T, W. HARRIS, D. D. S, LlTTHTON, If. C. Teeth Ritraoted without pain, 4-30-Oa. TO (J1VK VI TUB STAGi:. John L. Sullivan, who is now appear ing iu Washington in liii new play, au Douoces that he will givo up the stage after tbii acasoi). "This ii my last year on the road," he aid. "I have a little farm of ei; acr inn miles out of Boston, docked with sixteen or eighteen Holstcin cattle and four bulls, eight or ten Jerseys and a lot of aheepi pd If you. pvei ooujo out to that farm years from now, you will ice I big, fat man enjoying life with a lot of ohildrep running around the yard. That will be John L. Sullivan, onoa t noted priie-fighter. I'm tired of this business of travelling about the country. How do I know where I'm going when I get on a train?" . fluripg the prevaenpa of the Cjrinpe tris naat RAaaona it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Or. King's New Discover;, not onlv had i speedy recovery, but escaped all of the trouble- tome after effects of the malady. This rnmlv teems to have I peculiar Doner in effecting rapid ouret not only in cases of L Hnppe, bur (R All PI" 'hroat, Chest and Lungs, and, has oured oases of Asthma and Hit Fever of long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottlea at W. M, Coueo't drugstore. A SOLILOQUY. flat Yon list Do to fin It. Monroe Enquirer. Success is to the man who earns it. Among the thousands of promises God as made to man, nowhere, nor at any time has He given him tho promise of unconditional success. To have his dai ly bread even man must comply with rtain requirements. To be successful in life he must come up to the require ments of Divinity. "Sccst thou a man diligent in business," said the wisest of men. "He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men." De spite the schemes of men, the wails of iloth and ravings of demagogues that ureal truth written upon the Statute Book of Heaven stands as true today as when it was fiist recorded The dem agogue may rave about governmental aid nd of help by legislation, but success comes by individual effort expended in the right direction, and the man who de m inds that the affairs of this world shall e so altered that success will come any her way than by individual effort is an unalterable fool. When he talks of pco- i!c coming to want because the govern ment will not legislate money into their pockets it is evident that he is wheel beidcd. Individual effort will sooner or atcr reap its reward. When thut be? comes untrue the great promise of Him who rulctb the Uoirersc, and in whose hands are the destinies of men, will be re voked and the Universe will change front. Hear it, ye calamity howler, hear it id remember, the man who works in this Southland, honestly works, shall never come to want. We challenge the politicians who are now going to and fio throughout the land proclaiming that we m ist receive aid from the government or WO must perish, to show us a man who hag honestly labored and has paid attention to his business, that has come to want. Show us the man who has been diligent in bis business who is not in easy circum stances. Sensible men are willing to take tho plan of Him who ruleth in wis dom andreignctb in mcrey and with strong red brawn or with active brain win success and ask the government for oolhing more than that it shall be the servant of tho people to insure liberty to all ani disturb no ouo in bis efforts for success, LIFTING TKICK EXPOSED, Mrs. Aonio Abbott, "the Georgia Magnet," made a mislakc when she visi tel the office of the No v York World to exhibit her marvelous power of making herself light or heavy, as alio chooses She stood on a board, and the stoutest editor ooiildu't lift her, itlthounh she weighs but 1)0 pound-. Nevertheless there was a skeptic present, the lively Nelly Uly. She persmded .Mn. Abbott to make her heavy, to i, an 1 then the litUI ouu'du't lift Mi-M H'y; tlm Willie thing happened with a little oflioa boy who weigbod less thaq H I pounds, ha f af Miss Uly 'a weight. M,is B y was till a skeptic She went out with one qr tw of tho admiring editors, caught the little office boy and immediately made him to heavy that he ojuldu't be lifted; then she made herself heavy as successfully as the Georgia magnet could do it. Sandow, the strong man came m and couldn't stir Nelly Hly from her fost. She had d,isoqveroJ, b,a sect. When tho magqet pu,ts her loK Hand on 9 lifter's loft hand and her right hand under hit oollar flit against his back, the stoutest man cannot lift her any more than he oould pull himself over fence by his boot-straps, he is simply lifting vainst himself. That is all theie U to the lifting foat. It (s a pretty trck. GRANT'S TOMB, IN NEW YORK, AS IT WILL APPEAR WHEN COMPLETED.; J 'm A WASTED LIFE. It is a Serious Thine to Carry a fasted Life will all its Consepeices into the Other World. .V. substance with ., l-'l, THE IMPERTINENT BABOON AND THE ATHLETIC CROCODILE. HAM'S HOKN HLASTS. Every reform that comes and stays begins in tho heart. In everything that is right for us to do we can count upon Christ for help. The man who sets a bad example is working for the devil, whether he knows it or not. It took the life and death of Christ to mako the truth known on earth that God is love. Whenever a bird is about to fly it looks up, but some men shut their eyes whenever they take an important step, Never bo afraid of the devil when you know you are on tho Lord's side. Little chickens fight uuder their moth, ers' wings. islomo people would say more if they didu't talk so much. The man who works for the good of others is taking (i oil's way to gam siren 'th for himself, WILL IT COME TO PASS. THAT TUB NAVIES OP TMR UNITED STATES AND OK UREAT BRITAIN WILL CO Mil INK? Jinkbota You complain of the ex penae of a typewriter; why don't you have your wifo do it f Henpock I can't dictate to my wife. I'aith in Christ idiinjoa the ojlllu a chariot . uta t'Tq bo oarnally mill led is doath, but be spiritually minded is life and peace." The windows of Heiveu can bo seen I'roin earth by looking through a Bible promise. Nothing can strengthen our hearts like knowing that wj aro right Qod. with A Qoou AtU'ETlTS Always aceoni panics good health, and an absence of appetite is an indication ot something wrong. The universal testimony given by those who havo used Ilood'a Sana- parilla, as to its merits iu, restoring the appetite, and as purifier of tho blood, constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for any medicine. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bilious ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache 25 cents. The 1'uitcJ States resembles Great Britain in not being obliged to maintain a disproportionately large standing army. It resembles it also in having a great number of sons who havo a peculiar ap titude for tho sea life. It is therefore in the utiliaation of sea power in its various aspects that tho two countries may best oo opeiate and assist one another in the future. If they were to come, as they surely will come, to an understanding to employ their combined nnval forces for the pros ervution of general peace and for the for warding of (lie common interests, lew countries, no matter how belligerently in clincd, would care to defy tho alliance even now, and uone would care to ques lion its will after it bud rearranged its forces ill frank recognition of all its re sponsibilities. It is not merely that the cembincd navies would be strung. ''ar more weighty srolbo considera ions that the iiiiii.li itui.iro and thr United States share between them nearly all the work of providing other countries with tho lood, raw nounal and manufactures which those countries cannot provide at home, and of carrying the ocean borne trade ol the world, the interests of our ever growing commerce require the maintenance, if not of ponce, at least ol opon ports every wnoro. W liy should not your combined navies declare, "We rcluse honcelorlli to acknowledge the ri"ht of any oiviliaed power to close her ports or the ports ot another power by blockado or otherwise?" Surely that would sound the knell ot war. fort nightly Review. Iliickleu's A rule a Halve. The best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, Soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soros, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 oents per box. t or sue hy wm, Cohen. 1. Ih rM, And there wasted his riotous livinir- Luke, x If all men could he persuaded to do their best, and do it with might and main, we should soon have a race of gods oo the earth, There is no more painful contrast in human life than that between what we are capable of doing and what we really accomplish. Perhaps there is not a tingle instance in history of a man who worked up to his utmost mental or spiritual capacity. The noblest man thut lives can do no more than furuUh a suggestion of the soul s aspiring possibilities belore lie is culled hence by the tolling of funeral bells. lie leaves his task ouly half done, his song only half sung, when the rever end clergy pronounce the solemn words, "Dust to dust, ashes toushes." In this we are notably different from other created things. The beasts of the field, the birds of tho air, (he trees of the forest, accomplish their perfect work and could do no more if they had added cen turies io which to develop. The thrush would still sing his plaintive notes, the eagle would soar to no higher altitude, the maple and bireh would havo no brighter colors after the autumnal frost. Man alone is endowed with the trc mendous prerogatives of imperfection. He alone can say at death, "My horizon line is as far away as ever." And beneath this consciousness of neglected duties which brings the red blood to his cheeks is the cuiious convic tion that even if he had worked with entire faithfulness, and lost neither time nor opportunity, his years are still too few and his limitations too many to allow lum to achieve the best ot which he is capable. He can do more if another life and belter environment arc lurnisliea. He has a right to think it strange, therefore, that the Being who made him to become grout should cull him away from his task before he can possibly achieve greatness; that He who filled him with magnificent abilities should close hiscyos in an cter nul sleep ju"t as be begius to appreciate them. Immortality is an absolute neees sity, unless we are willing to admit that the creation of man is an unaccountable blunder. As soon make a violin and then destroy it when only a few of the simplest airs have been played. But apart from all Ibis is the fact that there are men who run riot with them selves and at death have nothing to carry to heaven except an armful of regrets. Their lives are like a prairie fire, which consumes everything as it goes and leaves nothing behind but blackened ashes. In the Resurrection they will stand before the bar of judgment as spiritual ruins and uiust needs unlearn nearly all they ever learned iu this life before they can make auy progress. They have found their happiness iu physical indulgence, aud will feel curiously out of place when they step out of their bodies and can have no more pleasures of tho grosser sort. The disadvantage with which they will begin the other life is too great for even the imagination to contemplate. Happi ness will certainly be out of the question until by slow degrees and painful expo rience they elleet a radical change in themselves. J lie hell theory has no pangs which will compare with the re morse they must suffer when they sec things in their right light and come to full consciousness that they have delib erately uufitted themselves for their on vii'ouuicnt. The fiery lake would be almost a relief, for Cud h is decreed no puiii.hiucnt so great as that which en compasses a sou! that lias lived for tin body only and doesn't know how to live without it. h'or instance, what will happen to the poor creature who has lived a besotted life, or the man whose years have been a continuous fraud ou himself? What profounder depths of personal wretched ucss can one conceive of than he is driven into when ho looks back ou what bo b been, and then gels a glimpse of what be might have been ? Put such a man into a position in which all his faculties w be thoroughly awakened, in which he will aco himself as he is, and be forced to i view the falling tears of a heart-broktn wife, tho fateful and ruinous tendenoios ho transmitted to his children, which have forced them into lives equally shame ful as his own I What must be his con ditionof mind? The flaming tempests of the bottomless pit seem, by way c ntrast, like an asylum built by pity He must undo the wrongs ho has com milted, and endure agony until those wrongs have been lighted. It is a serious thing to carry a wasted life with til its consequences into other world. Wat precious emphasis is given by these facts to th ; divine mission and the encouraging doctrines of the New Testa ment ! How gently and with what solemn persuasiveness Jesus dealt with the fallen '. He saw io the outcast a brother or a sister, aud though He scorn fully bade those who were without sin to east the first stone, there must have been a melting sorrow iu His tone when He whispered to the offender, "Ho and sin no more." He never condoned crime, but was always sorry for the criminal. The poor creature bad already lost so much in the way of character and happincsi that it was unnecessary to add to his burden the so-called anger of God. No one knows better than the remorseful sinner himself that God's grief is far more painful to contemplate than His avenging wrath, and if the Chinch would tell us less about the unsh-atlied sword and more about the releutbss regrets which every disembodied soul uiut needs endure iu consequence of its earthly shortcomings and misdeeds, it would have a larger, a more potential and a more wholesome in fluence on the world. If any one truth taught by the Master has conspicuous prominence, it is the truth of God's lovo for us all, and His sympathetic pity for the sinner who lias gone astray. The text is from a parable which represents the joy ol tho angels when the misguided boy sees the folly of wasting his substance with riotous liviug aud returns to the father's house in the sad eonscionsness that ho is no longer worthy to be called a son; and there is a deeper warning iu that pathetic story, more that appeals to the nobler elements of human nature, than can be found in nil the iniurecatorv theulouv that was ever formulated. ADVKKTISKM KNTS. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY ! ' MoTurKs' Fr!fo " is a sdontific a!!y prepared Liniment, every ingre dient cf rccoiMiicd value and in constant use by the medical pro frinn. Thevi ingredients are com MnciJ in a manner lntliertounknown FRIEND" WILL IK) all that is claimed for it AND.MdKU. ItShorteni Labor, Lessen- I'ain, Diminishes Danger tJ Lite of Mother and Child. Boole to " M nirus "mailed I Ki-H, con taining v.ilujluo information and voluntary testimonial. t.ntbv rii'ii in ri-i-i ipt of pric. fl-60 p.rbottlS ttRADFIELO REQULMOn CO., ttlanU. Ol. bULD BY ALL 1HUU0IST& can itiyl 1 1LI. M lou I can itiy 1 . this. . IPEEDY nnd LAST1NO RESULTS. 7!NFAT PEOPLEi u , 1 NO Inconvenience, simple, Mn .8" I snr.. ABUCinTILI mil imn, m f,,,,,, anv mndi siiixtance. Iami ABDOMENS JIDmiD. We GUARANTEE a CURE Of reliind jour money. rlr 3.oo tier bottle. Send 4c. for treatise. riiliMONl MliDICAL CO., lloltuu, Mine Ty souTHEfifl, t17 Tl'IJ(llIl?fi VI I LI liiJJU.ini. i KLKCTlilC LIGHTS. EUXTKIU BiXLS ACCOM MOD ATI! N 300. C. 8NODGUAS8, Proprietor, late of liutler, I'll. DOS'TS ABOUT WILLS. Don't make a will without two witnes- es; better three. Don't neglect to declare it to bo your last will and testament. Don't let a person interested in it be a witness. Don't add a codicil unless you execute it in the same way as the original will. Don't make a new will unless you re voke or destroy the old one. Don't neglect to make your witnesses write their full names and addresses. Don't forget that ll a woman your marriage will invalidate a will already made. Don't make n new will without spec ially revoking the prior one and physic ally destroying it. Don't make a will that does not provide for children that may be born. Don't try to force a wife to accept cer tain properly instead of a dower. Don't tiy to devise real property to an alien, Don t allow a minor to will away per sonal properly, unless eighteen if Dial and sixteen if female. Don't leave anything uncertain in Don't mention people by their nick names. Don't fail to spceily which one meant when two bear the same name. Dou't imagine that the contents of a lost will may not b proved by good evi ence. When Baby waa siek, wo gave her Castoria. When slio was a Child, she erleil for Cftstoria. When eliu became Miss, taut clung to CuKtoria, When eho hail Chllitrea.tiho gavothem Gwtari. NOT AN EXCEPTION. He went fisluDu. anil when lie came back n friend met liim. Did you catch anything," ho asked just as anybody would have done. "No," in a tone of scoru. "Well , exclaimed tho mend, "you arc truthful, anyhow, which all uM.erme aro not." "Att to that," runpnnded the lishermau ni'rhiins vou nii-'ht huvo called them di. but I wouldu't. The b.L'i'i'Ht una I it writhed onlv twelve pounds. lh truit Freo Vrctw. The onlv first class hotel in thecity. Comnicreinl rates, $2. to 2 50 per day. r V I n RTAIN A PATENT f For A Srompt answer and an bonest opinion, write to I I NN it CO.. who have bad nearly lilty year experience In the patent business. Conimunica tiuns (strictly confldflntial. A 11 amlboolt of In formation conceniiutf rntcntu and how to ob tain tbemaent free. Also a cataloguool mwnai leal and faueminc dooks Beanree. . I'attitits taken tliroucb Mann ft Co, receive Apodal noticeintbe Scii-iittlic American, and thus are brought widely beinretbe public with out cost to tbe inventor. This splendid paper. reeaiT, oieRanuy uiuBirairu, uun uy iar mo circulation ot any bc! entitle work In tho world. SKayear. Sample copies sent frco. is rvUiuiHi. mommy, t-.oua .vnr. piukiq Copies, cent, r-very number contains oeau- ifni nlntPH. In flolors. and nliototrraulia of nev flOUHCa, WIID plans. wmuiuiK uutmcia iu nuuw tug laii'Bt detenu and secure contracts. Addrena Grand Display -OF- SPKING MILLINERY, FA NCY (iOODS and NOVELTIES, r.utterick's Tattcrns. II. & G. CORSETS, Misses at iiOc, Ladies 7"c. to $1. JflUl'riccs will he made to suit the limes. Mais and bonnets made nnd trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh , South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va in j CO n 0 . -4. ISP o n M t i 53 A fell" W 'i I.rwcst cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. cn.iai:s M.WALSH. oct 11 ly, Hard-Times Fertilizers. p'-F To rtiMt tha nmant HtN n ii n runncra, ill to farniura dirwt. far enHh, l.oitil l''rrtlllr NKW ADVKIITISKMOT8. rgip 1 tut (lorn. VMm and tWmila, rt SI A. )l. Tubfcceo attn rnms I Also MiuUtfl I'irtMh, Kainil. Hnlnliatw Pntaah, Boi nwW NilmtsH'Klii. in inruf nd mull 'liiantilMW, Nu lw '.'c Hmim(.r rirv'a .H. rtrWKI.I- CO luruluw Slanufaciurera. IluUhuuro Md. HOW TO MAKE MONEY -Go to- Buchanan Bros., the j POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baiting powder. Highest of all in leavening strongtk. iMctl U. S. Government food Report. Rot AL Baking Powdi Co., ieWall8L,N,y. the Jewelers, nnd they will tell yon just how they do it, and remember, yon ran do it, too. Whon yon aro in their store don't fail to look around at their bcnntifulstock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, WEDDItfG and ENGAGEMENT KINGS, etc. etc Then If your eyen get tired and need some glasses, remember yon can got rHttd ri?h there, without extra charge by a practical optioiaa. BUCHANAN BROS., 113 Syssaaore St., Vfc set. It ly. J -' 4

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