V V i. V , THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, NO V KM B Kit 1, 1894. l'l'lJUSHKI) KVIiltY THURSDAY J. W. SLED33, Editor A Proprietor-B- E- STAINEACX, Associate Editor. it UK Struntl Vlmx Mnlttr. KATtt.H OK Sl'KSl'UM'TltlN IN ADVAN'l'K. Cue Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.,"(P. Six Month 7f. A Weekly DcmoeiatiL' journal devoted to the material, educational, political ami agricultural interests ol Halifax ami Slir rOUUlliug COUlltil'S. ftAdvcitising rates reasonable ami furnished on application. OKMOlltATIC NOM IN CKS. Ol'll thuuks are due Hon. Joseph us Daniels. Chief Clerk of the Interior De partment, for a copy of the register ol the Department of the Interior f r IS1' I. Many honest men vote! the DopuJi.-t ticket in WU, when the j avt.v professed to have some principles. Now that prin ciple has been "icriliood in favor of fu sion these ukii should vole the Deiui craiic ticket. FOR CHUCK JI'S'I'ICE : James K. SluphcrJ, of lleuufort. riiR AssoelATK JI'HTK'KH : Walter Clark, of Wake. James C. MacKae, of CutuberlauJ. Aruiistead Uurwnll, ol Mecklenburg. Knit STATS Tllt.VSl KKIl : Samuel Mel). Tate, ol Hurke. KOR HLTEKIOK COl'RT JllillES . Third District Jacob liattle, ol'Nxsh. Fourth District W. K. Allen, of Wayoo. Eighth District B. F. Long, of Ire dell. Ninth District W. N. Mebane, of Rockiughatn. Tenth District W. It. Council, Jr , of Watauga. Twelfth Di-trict II. 15. Carter, Buncombe. of VOB CI1NORESS: F. A. WOODARD, Of Wilson. FOR SOLICITOR. SECOND DISTRICT : W. E. DANIEL, Of Halifax. Vote for Green, Cirizttrd and House. Vote for Walter K. Daniel for sulici- '! II K Demoerali" party forthe n-i hun dred j eats ha-, been the party of the peo ple. It lias reduced taxation one fourth in the past jear and saved over a hun dred million dollars on woolen goods alone Cut. Kick Kuvhin is reported to have said at Monroe lh.it he wa- ill favor of the present -y-v.u of county govern ment, thai the rea n ih Third party did le t I'use in ll.eiiax county was that there was n it a decent while H'l'itLlieau to io- wi.li and that tliey did not care to h; lo.liug with the lieuruc..-, and that as I if the fusion tieket i; would ! ' iiuv in,: in sheol betore he ever votel for Fair cloth and r'urelies. Two hundred and fifty members of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion of Indiana have passed resolutions to go to the pulls in November and at tempt to vote in order to nil iti testing the outistituti onality of Iudi ma's state law. TllE registration books have closed and it now remains for the Democrats lo cast their votes. We earnestly urge every while man in Halifax county to come forward next Tuesday and help to save the State from the co operation confu-sionists. It is your privilege and your duty to vote the straight Democratic ticket. These are no times lor apathy when the enemy is upon your heels and ready tu turn the State over to the conspirators. Arise in your wight aud strength and work for u Democratic victory. A gentleman the other day tried to persuade a Chinaman that it is a brutal practice to retard the growth of women's feet by binding them. The reply of the Chinaman was as follows: "The Chinee woman squeeze foot, it is true; but Amer ican squeeze waist; and I don't know which is worse." Think y hi that if llutlcr, Skinner and Kitehin had been -ziven good tat places by a Democratic administration they would now be training with the old enemy? Then where does the patriotism of Ibis trio come in. Patriots are men who do their duly for the sake of their country, parly and families, l'opulists are men who kick over the traces anil would help to bring ruin and desolation upon the hind simply because they are disappointed office seekers. TllE New York Sun says: "Hrcakfasl hominy of to day is a very different matter from the Southern hotiiiuy tradi tionally associated with hog. The early hominy was true ''cracked corn,' hence doubtless 'corn cracker' and 'cracker.' It was cooked gently all night, enriched with butter, seasoucd with salt and served smoking and snow white. As thus pre pared the true Southern hominy is a de licious dish, not especially for breakfast but 'as a vegetable,' so the phrase goes, for dinner, it is sweet, rich beautiful and wholesome," A D V K 1(T IS K M K N TS . ADVKUTISEMKNT3. We hope some friend in Halifax will watch and let us know if Kitehin votes for I'aireloth. We don't care whether he does or not. We desire to simply know whether it is "snowing in sheol." Kitehin says that will bo the climatic condition wheu he deposits a ballot for I'aireloth. New and Observer. tor. Snow the conspirators under next Tuesday. Tt esiiav h the day to vote, Now is the time to Work. Oi'R last appeal for you to help save the State from the litsionists. Hei.I' to make next Tuesday a red let ter day for Deiuoeraey and good govern ment. Vote the straight county ticket for Clark, I'arker, the two tlarys, Hrinkley and Neville. Kvehv vote given the Third party ticket thin year is a vote for the Repub lican party. You have been faithfully warned and it now remains for you to do your full duty Tuesday. Col. W. C. 1'. lireekinridge, of Ken tucky, lias taken the stump lot his suc cessful competitor, Owens. lli.Ti.Eii and bin co operationists alter election day: "Wo didn't know the blamed thing was loaded." Auk you a Democrat? If so you cannot afford to be indifferent to the re sults of the great battle Tuesday. Fusion is a deal iu which both l'opu lists and Republicans agree to surrender their principles for the saku of office. Ill I I. Kit in the last issue of the Cau casian, a misnomer, by the way, acknowl edges his defeat by getting ready to cry "fraud" KvKHY true Democrat ought to lay other cares aside and devote the remain ing days before the election for the suc cess ol our whole ticket. At a recent wedding in Ohio the minister was about to salute the bride, when she stayed him with "No, mister, I give up them vanities now." A philosopher asserts that the reason why hidies' teeth decay sooner than gen tlemen's, is because of the friction of the tongue and sweetness of the lips. The leaders of fusion arc all chronic, disappointed office seekers and the State iu such hands will not prosper. These reformers are merely after the spoils. Fusion in Ameiican politics has al ways been the sure lorerunncr of failure. It will fail this year, and on the Gih the lVpulUl party dies in North Carolina. Don't yield Iu any pressure that seeks lo persuade you lo scratch the regular Democratic ticket. We should present a solid, uubroken front to the enemy in this contest for good government. A prominent colored Republican at Ra'cigh is quoted as saying that fusion is getting farther and farther apart every day, because, he says, the l'opulists wants to dictate to the negro on every question. Wide hereby extend a cordial invita tion Iu all our old friends that voted the l'eoplt's Parly ticket two years ago to come back to the party that is on the road to victory and join our Democratic procession. When Othehs Fail Hood's Sar sapa ilia builds up the shattered system by giving vigorous action to the digestive organs, creatine and appetite and purl fyinu the blood. It is prepared by mod- . ern methods, possesses the greatest cura tive powers, and tins the most wonderful record of setual cures of any medicine in existence lake only Hood s. i Tills are purely vegetable, and I purge, pain or gripe. iM. The Republicans will have to gain seven Senators and retain their present force in order to have a majority in the next Senate. As they are certain to lose ill Delaware aud Illinois, and not certain to gain anywhere, it may as well be set down as a lif'd fact that they will not conlro! the next Senate. A greit impetus hasheon triven, it is said, to the ei-rirtra l ', by a new provis ion of the tariff law, and a n.-w li.-M has b ;en opened in K impo for sal" ol Auicri can cigars from imported tobacco, and it is estimated thai an aldiiioiiil lll.ililil people will be given employ nit lit iu diller erit large American cities. An earthqiiike knocked a town down in .Japan last week, and I lie iicxt day houses were rocked in C.ililorni i Next week, if every 1 lemoeral will do his duly a tidal wave of popular indignation will strike Butler, Skiuuer, Kitehin and their little band of calamity howlers and the places that know them now will know them no more forever. Mr: V. F.. M ade Stonewiitl, Teiin. A Helpless Invalid Kidney and Liver Trouble and Nervous Debility 16 Years of Suffering Ended by Taking Hood's. T. I. II SCo., l.t.w.'Il, Muss.: "T)i' cff.vH "I Hon.r SaMitimi In my case luvu tn'i-n truly iiiM'vt'lous, It f;ir surjinsses iu:y .tln r tmMiiMne 1 linve ever takiMi. I'nr 1C ji-.iis 1 wan tiiiuiilcil with toriiUi liver, kMney troiiWd anil iicrvnui debility, ami was A Hctploss Invalid. I linvr Iiei'ii takliiK H'ltlu's Sarsaiiarllla for three in-int lis aiil I f. cl that I am cured. I feel better titiw than I ti.tve (ir sixteen yearn. I thank tind lirt. fir mv health, hiii! (". I. H.iod ft Cn,, s.vuinl, fur Hniil'M su iiurllla. I huve recoiii- Hood's5 Cures meinleil tt to all my neighbors and several ot IhiTii am usiiitt Hood's Sarsaparllla with pood resells. 1 iiiii.vi years old and lee! lietter than I did at 40." Mus. K. V.lK, Moiiewall, Tenu. The Kansis City Times is taking much interest in th" new tatiff law, and has discovered that it will down the trusts, help the wool growers, in crease the receipts, of the government, and at the same time reduce ihe cost of living lor tlie consumer anil moreover when generally understood by the people will become a decidedly popular measure. Sknatdh I'kiteh's son has been dropped from the pay-roll of the Senate as assistant doorkeeper. I'ntil a short time ago the Senator had three of his children in positions Connected with the ."senate. His daughter is his private secretary, one son was assistaut doorkeep er, and another was a special messenger, reffer is the leadiug I'opulist, and be lieves in a "paienial ' ttovcriimctit. I'oi't i.issi is anarchy, l'up'isui withers enterprises, l'opuiism stops industry. Populism makes an end to credit. Populism is stagnation, desolation and death. Deiu H'rals, awake to your duly and remember a failure to vote is a vote in favor of Populism with all the evils its name implies. The last days of a mighty battle are upou us. The tale will be told before another issue of this paper reaches its readers. We appeal to all goud Ucnio crals to work. Iiive these last days to your parly lie up and doing. The enemy is at work. Victory is ours if we will only pluck it. The only thing that cau defeat us is a lack of proper work in getting the Denioc at out to vote. TlIK cjuuly uoverniiieiit prior to Iri'ti was most disartrous. The peoples money was squandered and the utmost extrava gance prevailed. County debts were paid in scrip and tho scrip was not worth the paper it was wiitten on. Kemember Hutler and his fullowers would carry us back to the evil days should the shameful conspiracy succeed. Keep it before the people that a Dem icratio victory means the present good system of county gov- Hood's Pills ni t easily, yet promptly aud evidently, ou tlio loer and bowels, wu. PETERSBURG SEED HOUSE. KKH r.r K.UtM i, AUDI'S TKSTKIo.n our 1-anii. l'laiits, l-'iuit Trees, Feltiliers, Oil Cake .Meal, ie. Send tor eiicularsto YY. tllit'SSMAN, Seedsman anil Market tianlener, liollingbrook St., Petersburg, Va, sep 111 lyr. -SCOTLAND NECK Send Bffc,Kxpress paid on packages lor price list. Address, STKAM DYKING CO, Scotland Neck, N. C. p. sAi.i:, Proprietor. WM. I, INN, Manager. MANSION HOUSE. - - - Horn ox - - - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS, Uuioii Street, KOKFOI.K, VA. gALE LAND. Jty virtue itf a ikt'ree of tlie SuH'rior court ot'Halit'ax n unity, ii'iiilerl in the aiMAf therein pemlinir, wherein S. I.. Smith administrator r. T. A.ot Kreline Tinman Smith is pl.tintilVanil W. II. 1'arkn ami wile ltoKi i'ark and Kmtn.i Tittniitii are defendants, I will on Saturday, the loth day ot November, 1HSU, expose to public nale to tho highest bidder, i u the town uf Entitld, at 1 o'cloek 1. M., that house and lot in Knfield, Halifax Co. and State of North Carolina, fronting on Franklin sheet, and Iwunded on the west by James II. lienton, on the south by H. S. Alsop, on the Kast by Knliehl Collegiate Institute, emitaininghalf an acres. TKUMS OT SAI.K: One-third cash on day of Male, and the balance in cinht aud twelve months, with eight per ceut. inter est from day of sale on tho deferred pay nieiits, title retained until all the purchase money is paid, This theHth day of IK'Ui ter, lM!i. 1MVII) ItKI.L, oct II tdn. CommisMiouer. N OTICK. KNOWLEDGE rrinir comfort aud improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rierhtly ics-d. The many, who live tat ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure-, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the t'iilue to health of the pure liquid laxative principle embraced in the reiuidy, Svrup of Figs, Its excellence ts due to its presenting in the form nn',t acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of n rrfcct lax ative, effectually cleansing the system, ili-i'cllinir colds," headaches and levers and permanently curing constipation. It has riven sal i -faction to millions and no t with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid in vs. I.iver and llowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance, Svrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gist's iu oOe ami $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the t'alil'ornia Fig Syrup t'o. only, whose name is printed mi every puekacc, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if uttered. mar 2li ly Ni:V Al)Vi;i.Tlsl-:.MKXTS. W, M. HABLISTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu Ileitis 8 CAUPKTS, STOVICS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES, W. M, HAl'.nSTO.Vei CO , No. 20 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 10 '.' ly. I fi f f ',. Awn SAVE' .1 -. IT 13 MONEY '1 3 ;i "V. ABSOLUTELY me best SEWING MACHINE MADE v.'f; oil Ot U r.DAI.FC'l cm aril yon ?n it "(UK.; clie;:er i:,iia you can Let t W- V. Iiero. 'i li.l MilV IEO TIBIa oi;r bere, lui t wo muke cheaper kluda, i.ueli i. i llio . I.I 'lAX, IDEAL and other lllsii Arm I'ull Mckdl Plated Si wliii DucLlnce lor 915.00 and np. nil o;i o' t O'jcnt or wrlio n. Wo wiinl your friide, and IfprtceH, tennfl and Hiitmre flealla;; ivlll win, wo will luitcU. Wo c tiullcni:o tho world to produeoa III; 1 1 1 II $S0.0U Mowlna marlilno lor f .10.00, or a hotter $20. Sowing !tl:ic!:tiic lor (10.00 than you can buy froi.: us, or our AirenU. THE HEW HOME SEWING MaCHINECO. OttASni. M"f. Tl.wrr.ii .mas. ft UmoM HQrmi, M.Y L''n ..''.-if- Kt. I.ri., Ho. lMi.i.u, ri-LiJt. t'iZi MU!"1 -Clt, t'AL, ATl.AfclJk, liA FOR SALE CV P. N STAIN BACK, AGT., WEI.HON, N. c. RCIAKK. -When iu Want of At the lowest prices lie sure to examine my stock, v. hich is eoiuplete in every ili partiucnt.ol' the best ii:i!ity at the most reasonalilc jiriees. All kinds ol Llt'l'OKS always on hand. E. CLAIIK, Wehlon, N. C oct 2(1 ly. No Usg Talkin It is not a question or pcrsoual prefer ences which should causu you to vote next Tuesday, but a spirit of loyalty to tho true Democratic party. You voto for tho party wheu you oast your ballots and you cannot afford to allow personal feel ing3 to enter into this contest, l'ou must either volo I ho Democratic ticket or you must help I ho other side. It is either Democracy or fusion, and bctweeo the two how can you hesitate for moment. i I J-' tt i - I f L - Ml. i l - i ; do not lly virtue of ii ilemee of the Hnperior Court nf HalifaT county, n,.ole. ui the March terra, 1M!M, thereol, in the action therein pcinlinu, entitled lieo. T. Davis, as executor ol'Alihie J. Davis, licenced, ct ills vs. Joh It, Whitaker et uls, the under signed, the duly appointed Comissiunrrs therein, will sell ut public auction lor cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in llalilax, N. C, on Monday, the 12th day ol November, Hill, lying situate iu Halifax county, aud Suite of North Caro lina, on the north sid of Fishing Creek, Imunded hy the lands of J. H. I'arker, V. H. Wbifaker It. A. l'ittniau, and others, und containing 1013 acres, more or leas. Enquiry cau lie made of David Hell, En lleld. N. C, or V. K. Daniel, Weldon, N. C. This the (Ith day of October, W. Hl'IEK WHITAKEIi, W. E. DANIEL, Commissioners. oct 11 td. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 & US Bank it., Norfolk, Va. Large stock of Mimumnitt and GrawMumt, etc. BcadJfor immediate shipment. Designs free. 11 21; People who want good Harness, Saddles, Collars, Hi-idles, or anything for Horsed, will go to P. F. JOHNSON & CO., , l:W Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. for them. They Veep good stulT, aud sell cheap. A ud now ia a good time to buy. Call at the TUUNK STORE. nov 2 ly. DR. H. 0. HY&n'S SANATORIUM. KINSTON, N. C. tl.DISEISES OF THE ETE UNO GENERAL SURGERY S2 ly. ESTABLISHED 1H29. S.H. Marks Co. PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONEIiS AND FliUITF.UEIIH manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIGARS St SNUFF. oJVour orders solicited, which will have our personal attention. IU IV lj What is Custoruv is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants ami Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless Biibstituto for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Casturia destroys "Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorii prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrluva and AVlnd Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation und ilatiileucy. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea-tho Mother's l'riend. Castoria. "rastnrUiH an txr'll''iit iiipilldno for chil dren. MutluTs have r.,p.,fit.'-.y told mu uf its good efftct upou tliitr chiUln d." Pit, U. (?. Owiood, Lowell, Mu-'iB. ' Castori.! In tho best ri'tnt-ily fur cliililn'ii of which I am ft(vitiaint(sl. 1 hope tl il.iy U r.it far distant ttln-n nuttlnTi vrillcotisi-iiT tin- n-.il Intel-put of their chiMrcn, und usti Cftstori;i in-Btt-ad of the various quack nostninw which an destroying their loved ones, hy forfinn opium, morphine, soothing nyrup and othiT hurtful agents dona thfir throutK, thereby neudius them to premature graves." Da, J. F. Kikoiirloe, t'unway, Ark. Castoria. " C'OHtoria if snwell alnptal tochlltlren that I m'oiiiiui'iid It attsupenurtoauy prtHcriptioa kuuwu to uic." It. A. Arc ii is, M. D., Ill So. Cixf-rd St., Urwklyn, N. Y. "Our physii-i:iiis in tho childnui's depart ment hivo i)ken liij;lily of thfir expert iiiee In their outside practice with Castoria, and aUhiifh we only have among our medical supplies what la known as regular jirtiut.'tH, yet we are free to confess tlmt thu merits of Castoria has woa us to look with favtr un it" VNtTKU IIORriTAL AND DlSPRNHART, Uoston, Mass. ALL1N C. SMITU, iVrl., NKW ADVEUTISKMENTS. -Tin-: )lfr iu (flW :uiiiuls mighty bijr, but yuii can't Um anybody with tiwh stuff, whou one can see for OLD JOE WHITAKER l'.NFir.i.n, n. c. dins nut claim lo have the nlnive, nm duel lie attempt lo "fnke" you abont the tariff The ni.iin thint! in to have wli.it j-oii waul, then, like money, the price and quality talk, lie olTers you .1 new stm-k ol' Dry ki lotions, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ..ml .1 special line of MEN'S FURNISHING COODS.ete. Carpets! Carpets!! Carpets!!! liiulieH Coat and wraps in tlie Intent. Iliirh grade clothing made to measure, and fits i:ii;iiaiiti'ril Yes sir, he'll cive you tits. Try him. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. DawnamaViraanHaWHa GOOD NEWS! HARD TIMES GOING AWAY.-BETTER TIMES COMING. -(10 TO TllE KTOKK (IK- S. METER. Agent, Enfield, II C. Where you can buy THE CHEAP EST and BEST GOODS in the town. I invite all of my friends and the trading public to come and look at my immense stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. r FLOUR BY THE BARREL! I sell it cheaper than it has ever been sold since Adam and Eve used it to make Apple Dumplings. I have the Largest, Best & Cheapest Stock of Goods ever brought to this section of country, consisting of dhy qooos, yofoys boots, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, and everything else that is kept in a first class store, and I intend to sell all of my Goods at very low prices for uasn or .barter. Truly your friend, ' S. MEYER, ACT, sop 0 -I m. CRIND Your own llone, M- il, Oyster .Shells, Corn, tiriiliam Flour, rtc., in the eel. hinted I Frank Wiljwn'e I Went) Km per cent, more made In keeping poultry. Aim Tow er Mill and Kami Feed Mills. Cireulara sent on appli cation. WILSON 1IK0S , Kaaluo, l'a. $5,00 HAND MILL THE GLOBE STOVE CO., (SrCC'KSSoliS TO IIOWAIII) & ODKN'HAL.) 37 EAST MARKET SQUARE. NORFOLK, VA. VlioUsiile and Ht'tiiil Dealt-rs In Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Lamp (1O0IW, AND HOl'SEFt'KSISlHXGS. METALLIC ROOFINC, CUTTERINC ANDSPOUTINC. faJfRsti mutes given on application. Correspondence solicited. Ht'P (1 'till J. ii. WHITE & CO., II AND 13 ROANOKE DOCK. NORFOLK, VA. We bundle lri'ssil l'otiltry, Kuhh, Butler, Live Poultry, Gam of all kiudu, soch as (Jiiiii!, luilibitH, I'litusiints Wild 1 J inks, nil kinds Produce, l'otiitoes, Cabbnge, Apples, White lit'ims, lrird AjileH, Client nut.', Hivkorys, WiUihUb, Florida Oraugea, very iarly. Lemons and all kind uf other Fruits and Vejetablefi. We have an elegant freezer, for butter, game and poultry, nlso handle all the above on commission or buy outright. gray Correspond eu ec Solieited. ang. 16 ly. IJjlHHis-DiLLJiiiD Hwww Co., 13 Sycamore Ptrwl, 1'ETKItSHUHO, VA., . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Buggies, Carts, Carriages, Harness, PLOWS and CASTINGS, BINDERS, MOWERS, Hay rule en, Threahera, Enuinea aud SAW MILLS, Agents fur HUNTER'S Farmer's Friend and Starkc'a Dixie Plows and coalings. tn.UealiunhIy the largest house of the kind in either Virginia or North Carolina. EiclusWe agents in this territory for the famous 8TUDEBAKEU and TENNESSEE WAGONS. Orden by null gifen prompt personal attention. C. A. EPE Manager. STILL GROWING ! A look through R. C. LASSITER' S "lock will convince yon that his busi now is growing. He carries a well selected line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, LADIES', GENTS', and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR HutM, Punts, Gum Goods, Etc., Etc. -S II 0 E S He him milled to his h.re and well aelectcd stock of shoos, tho Eagle Shoe, the Wni. Dorsi-h A Son's Shoes, the Surry Shoes and the well known E. P. Reed A Co. 'a Shoes. I respectfully solicit the patronage of all. 29 ly, R. C. LASSITER. IF YOU WANT TO OR A BUY . GOLD f3" V'v RI1TGI- CHAIN, urn to u 1 nnnni trio jewelrystre uiiM" N c ii u- uuhull o inNorthCarolina. Mr. Conlle ie oue of the best watch repairers It niui K I Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Call and Examine our immense FALL STOCK. M. FREDLANDER, M;S,,G NEW - CAEPETS! LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED IN THIS LOCALITY, Ve are always anxious to attord our customers an opportunity of buying such goods as they may rrijuiro to the best advantage. Wa hare long been convinced of the impossibility of keeping here an Adequate Assortment of Carpets, to meet the reasonable wants of our people. To overcome this difficulty we have arranged with a large wholesale carpet bouse of Philadelphia to tot as their Exclu sive Agents for the sale of carpets in this place, We are, therefore, now able to asmre jou that you can buy to the beat possible advantage and from tho amplest asaortment i f stj les Carped of Kvery grade, from the Finest Axminister to the Cheapest Ingrain, and that your orders will be executed promptly and satisfactory. We invito you to call and examino our assortment of style, and defy compar ison with those offered in any city in the Union. act Ml. Tho M. F. Hart Co., P4M. P. Eari, SeereUry.

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