TOL. XXV. :tok. A. NEWSPAPER POR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMIWlt (J, 1894. TERMS; .i.rn pf.r annim in advance NO. .'35. "nkw ADVERTISEMENTS fYour J ! Heart's Blood J f ) tlit most important part of St ourot,'inism. Three-fourths of tf V he r.vii't lints to which the ays- (I ,m i sul-rct are due to Impuri- ' tics in tin' Mood. You ran, there H rc, realize how vital it li to Fl V Keep It Pure V For wlii' h purpose nothing can V f vrfiXflall impurities, tf cleanses the blood thoroughly J. nil builds up the general health, m W outTrti'i "n II '""l sk,nillM'IM nut,'l V ,rt It. ny .ihl.eM. u V SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 8a, V "Y YOU WANT B PRINTING KF.NP WHERE THEY KNOW HOW TO DO IT. EXCELSIOR PRINTIMG CO., WELDON, N. C. IS THE PLACE. THE K XCELSIOI! EXCELS alloth punting houses in GOOD WOKK, I'.EST MATERIAL, and LOWEST PRICES- ;? W W THE CROSS BEARER O patient burden bearer ! 0 bruised and bleeding breast ! Bear on thy cross icmcuibor The grave will give t lie tost. When faint with fruitless striving, By sorrows sore npprcst, Thou cravest pence remember The crave will give thee rest. Fight on in life's great battle, He brave and do thy best, Hut sliouldst thou fail remember The grave will give thee rest. The path which thou rt treading, Christ's bleeding feet have, prcsl; The goal is heaven remember The grave will give thee rest. Then cease, sad heart, thy sighing Lo I shining, in the west, Behold (iod'aBtars remi ruber The grave will give thee rest. DRAMATIC DREAMS EXAMPLE OF LW11TX1XG- IJKE PLAY OP WE 1MAGL XATIOX Dl'RIXG SLEEP. POTTERS m TALKS. A RESIDENT OF JUDAS' CEM F.TF.HY TELLS WHY HE IS THERE. latter Heads, Packet Heads, Hill Heads, Envel.pea, tHllteniellt, Hand Hills, projjiuiuutoe, Tickets, Etc, Etc. Etc. i!4 'T rWrlte for sample and priees. E. L. 1IAYWA1IH, PllOI'HIKTOB. R EmPTE tiny vb a CHILL TONIC ........ ..Mnn etna ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 80 cts 0 1I.ATI4 . tl Not. is, MM. SJbll.llieD:-W. ! tart i,!?b'1 ! SHOW'S) TASTBliKfO lu.uu ivi.iv EuTiali. 01 U ruaPI, 'I a'"t tout. &' hJtttM M lorn 'lus! "'''. no. -WAR8.NTl P If08 "A1-1 BV A. S. HARIUSON. ENFIELD, N. C. oct 4 6iu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. H. DAY.jH. O. DANIH,IT. C. HARSISO Wlllilon, H C. LHllBlon B.l, """" ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW, ii..n. in ii,. nAiiria of Halifui and Warren couutie, and wherever their One of the Arm will be in Hjllrax on each Monday; 1 Potlcrsfield has been known for ages as the last resting place of those who with out friends or money have "given up the ghost," and aro interred among the un knowu and uncired for. lour corrcs pondont, thitiliDg that the best place to get the information he desired, went to this "field of blood" and so hypnotized himself, figuratively, and soon in his mind he was in the midst of mounds, I that existed to show where poverty's hones were to rest forever Taking one lank subject the soliloquy beL'au; Question. How is it that you sleep in this iso'ated plsee? Answer. "Because of intemperance, Do you mean from the excessive, Ube of intoxicating liquors i' Vim Ami the degrading lutluence of them made mo a pauper." Then li.iuor degrades? "Ves, beyoud almost the conception of the average mind. And does it never elevate nun? "The history of the past 2,000 years contaiui no record of It ever having ac complished any good." Is the degrading inOuence gradual? "In roost cases it is, iu some remark blj expeditious" In what way ii it moat damaging? "Dethroning reason and making a brute of an otherwise kindly disposed nerson.' Has its influent ever built churches or charitable institutions? "Never, but it has built penitentiaries, iaili. bruthela and k pdred plucci. i In what other form lias It anown hliithtini effect? In the murder ot wne, ouiiureu, ml others." Do you think it responsible for other prunes: "Yes, most every one in th Qec In 'Ufl What effect has it on the hoiu,e? Must disastrous. Destroying it. Nat in( the poor wife unhappy, the children raeueH; wtlh starvation added Then the voice from the grave la oce of wtrninc? "Mt God. yea. Tell men to atop Tell thepj uf the past lifu of misery ot the poor Pollers bVId dead, Irienuiess miserable, lost. Kl HOW ONE CMUItHTE FEELS. 'I aurnoac that You would like lo know how I feel? Well, I IrelllU tn old lady did, that lived in our neighbor hnnd durum ihe yheriuiu ram, a urigau. nf Sherman's s.diliery camped amund bei hnnse. and oue of ihem asked her no .!, f.,lt. and she replied, 'I feel like I David did when the hosts of hell wire encamped about biw' A curious example of the dramatic and inylhopoeic quality in dreams, and of the power of compressing time, was ouee related lo nie by a lady. She, in her dream, was sitting in her room looking out on a beautiful clear autumn twilight. She heard a knock, hearlding visitors, and, going down stairs, found two strangers in her pallor. One she recognized a relative who had died in her childhood. Ho was a little old gen tleman, in a brown dress of the early part of the century. With him was a handsome lady in a Spanish mantilla They had on the table before them a small, ancient iron bound cheat. At this moment (still in the dream) a seryanl entered with tea or somo such refresh ment, and lo! the visitors vanished The servant went out, and there were the visitors again. They had opened the coffer and displayed two sets of yellow old documents. One was a list of securities, one a list of names; The lady in the mantilla explained, while the old gentleman nodded assent, that ho and she had been betrothed and that she had died before their marriage. The old gentleman had gone abroad at the 'eaco of Amiens, had been caught and detained on the outbreak of war, and this had led to some accident in affairs by which the coffer and its con tents had been neglected and the securi ties were still lying unclaimed. "They are," said the lady of the man tilla, "now iu the keeping of Messrs. " A knock at the door. J'.ntcr the maid with tea, tho maid in 8esh and blood; disappearance of the dream. The solicitors' nam-.'S were never commuui catcd. Now, the dream-mind clearly atartcd from Ihe maid's first tap at tho door This was the knock announcing the ar (ival of the visitors in the dTeam. All the rest of the socnes were a myth, in vontod by the dream mind to account for the first half heard tap. Tho dream mind created the person of the old lor gotten relative, and invented, without nnv assistance from couscioue memory, the lady of tho maulilla, and her love story, and her death. The box, the accurities, all the dresses and properties, were improvised by the dream mind and placed on the stage of vision. All this wan dune, all this drama per forired. merely as a myth accountin for the first tap; and everything was invented, staged and acted in the mo ment between the first tap at tin door and the second. 5'' ' THE ELOQUENT WHITFIELD. 70II HE AFFECTED BEX FRANK L IX. PRINCESS A1.1X OF HESSE n.. ,...i.. ia in i, .iKhmu. ..f Kiivio N ii nmtffhtrr of the lato l if fiiunmnK uiiiik luuj . ... u... -.--i - - . . ,. . ,, rand Duko or llrssr-Dannsiant aim me miu n in ' . ... ... . . "' ," v; , inrlm nl Ureal Hrlluin. Ik-lure her lielrotlnil t Hie I'zaruwiti 0 .ruml linlie Me m us. "He n ... .,rnn I,. r,.nl-n 111,, rnlliflun lit LlT lutllCM ami I'l UWOllH U IU. IlllHT I I U1U oriUOUUI iv.?.,' 1 VA t-AWv '0"t A WK wiLtam I. 1AIIIIL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wbluon, N. 0. Practice In thecoyrts of Hallhi niN "rthamp. mail4tn lilt Hupreineand Jmlaral coii'U. Oo li Huns maua in iuinn.uinu.ui Bmnob oibo l HaUfc. N. C.opan mn Hoa day. ) ' 11 jtt. T. T. HOS&, Weldon, N. C. MTOfnoo over Emry St Pieroe'iaUra. IO-IB-17. . "7. vy. I. 8, A nff ntiA who buohildien will reioici .. . n 11-- .rni.inflj.l M J. .th 1. h. aiuiioru. wi ......, - Hii little boy, five yeara of ige, wai sick .iiUrnnir Fortwodaya and nigma he tried variom remediea recommend, d by friends and neighbor. He says: I thought aura I would lose him. 1 run ...n rk5rr.r,rlin'a Couull Iljmcdy ad vnrliaed and thouL'ht I would try It as a Whope and am happy to lay that after two docs he ilept until morp ino I r?avo it to him next day and a .rTMtcd. lkeep Urn remeov VU.w " ' In iV, house Dow and as aoon se.oy hve group I give It to them ind that Ii tho lutofit." 25 and 50 oent bottles for tale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. 8. Hamaon, drug.iiti. London had ihe firat literary newapa- Kngliah haohelors tDd widowi wett Uaxedjn .085.," SAM JONES' LATEST. An amusinL' incident occurred at tho close of Sam Jonca' acrnioo at Pulaski the Other day. Stepping down from the m.lnit. f'oldini: his baud acroas hli breast and looking aolemuly over the audience, th i-ri-at revivalill laid : i "I waut all the women in Una crowu who have not spoken a harsh word or harbored an unkind thought towards their huibaods for a month past to itand nn r ' . One old woman apparently on the shady side uf silly stood up "Come forward and give mo jour hand." said the preacher Th woman do an. whereupon Mr Jones said , "Now turn arouud ami let thia au dieocQaeo the boat looking woman in the ejuntry After laliuir her seat, the revivalist addressed the men "Now I want all the ino in this crowd who hive not snokun a harsh word ir harbored an U' kind tln nihl toward their wivea for a iumth p ast to aland up. i . , . r I Twenty aeven greai uig nr.i piug i lo vs h ipped out of the audience Willi a lw alactiiv of champagne e rks. iiO,mA i-ive me vour hand D m KnV! . , i . .Innes eave each . ne a Vigorous snake. nil uI'iIimu aide by side l igu . '-r in front of til.! Ml'l'd I""'"" 11 . He ln.,lr.-d iln'in over carelully and solemnly, aud then, turPlPU f"ulul in iln audience, he saidi 't.r .11 tn ink.- a irood look at ik. iw,.ntv auven hiirnesl liaW in th Mate of Tennessee TAKING HER AT HER WORD. xt.i t.r. n.ll If n n..!.,.r lie. lint 1 w ill always be B slatol DBS l.UI jill. lin.u.i-Hi - - , . ... , u it ;i t vn ii,. n kisinr. If von vo irut vour UB (rising) un, nun. "". '--. - n,i.i,i. i,.,iv. I wish vou would sow unHio knoos of my trousors 'hut I have (acrlflccd In linrlinj out our ciavuJiin-I'- The mystery which attaches to elo quencc finds a striking illustration in the famous preacher, Whitfield. No preacher, perhaps, in the past two hundred years could move an audience as this man had tho power to do, and yet his published sermom scorn lame, aluioit lo insipidity. John Wesley, while an interesting speaker, iu point of cloquenoo was not in a hundred miles of Whitfield, but bis published acrmons are vastly better. In him we can see something ol what Demosthenes meant when he said that "Action, action, action," were tho first, second and third requisite! of an orator. While Breadline: bia whole person spoke with face aglow, eyes, hands body; pleading, exclaiming, describing, and with his wonderful voice, as soft as a flute, and yet powerful enough to bo heard, in the open air, by 20.000 people, Ins control of the people was marvellous. "Perhaps," writes Southey, "the great est proof of his persuasive powers was when he drew from Franklin's pocket tho money which that clear, cool, reason- er bad determined not to give; it was lor the orphan bouso at savannah. 1 did not," testifies the Amcrieau philoso pher "disapprove of the design, but as lieoruia was then destitute ol materials and workman, and it was proposed to send them from Philadelphia at a great exDonse. I thoUL-ht it would havo been better to have built the house at Phila delnhia and brought the children to it. This I advised, but be was resolute in his first project rejected my counsel and I therefore refused to contribute. 1 happened, soon after, to attend one of his seimons, in the course of which I perceived that be iuleoded to finish with a culiection, and I silently resolved that be should get nothing from uie. I bad in my poekel a handful of copper money, thieu or four silver dollars, and five pistoles iu gold. As he proceeded I bejiaii to soften, and concluded In give lhocoiifi; another slroke of oratory made me ashamed of that and determined me lo ttivu the silver, and he finished so admirably that I emptied my pocket wholly into the collector s dish, gold and all." Dr. T. H. Tritehard. DUNNING POSTAL CARDS. PROSPERITY IN A SHORT TIME. Concord Standard, tin to twelve months ago the Populists abused the Republicans, by word and by mouth. They charged them with the ills that had visited themselves upon the people. Then they charged the Democratic administration with every illl and disap pointment under heaven, except, up to date, they have not charged Democracy with tho cause of small puf being in Washington. They charged Cleve land with low priced cotton, bard times, chinch bugs, Hoods, failures and death. It is probably true that the Demo cratic iidminislratiou caused all these things, Now that the Pops aod Republicans in North Carolina havo carried out the instructions of Mr. Butler and Mr. Holton we are on the eve of a glorious lime : Cotton will go up to 15 or 20 cents a pound. Chinch bugs will never again re turn. Floods will be a thing of the past. There will bo uo moio business failures. People will ocase to die. Prosperity will come bouncing up liko a frisky lamb. There will be no ruoro toothache, no more doctor bills. There will be no more crop failuros. Money will grow on (tees. People can sit down be easy and the government will do the rest. People need not work any more Ihe government wil support her people. Prosperity glorious prosperity is coming wc feel it in our bones. ADV KKTISKM F.NTS. CURES RISING BREAST . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" 1:,.,, otlni-.l ilnM-li.urli.i; a.niian. 1 Iiiim: lH-eii 1 li,i,l-ille I'.r nialiv Mars, ami ill eai'll i"io vlii-ri- Mlll'rlnd, li.ul U'l'liuseil II! 11 ni.,..ii,inli;,i.l vm.i.T-i n I icIh-m-i iuu. i ti.ill.-tii.i-. II ' 'I""t 1,11 v r,"'(-,1 ' llu-bp-Hal l.n H. :i'l wi.nlill i rlinli.l U.... ulLlic. Mils. M. M SOU Aloiiiu'iiiici), Ala. 1 em li-ll I'll I'xiwetfinr ni'ithTri If H''v IIJ iiw.ii dw I.HIII' 1"' MiilhiT'.i I Mend III. " .... llimiijli l-J i rili-.ii illi"'ll any l'l ' " imleiuit: Mas. SU 10'AMi ' b .UKU.Vll. ... I-.,-. M..ll,tr'. rrl-n.l lfr" birth ul L. h Hiis. ,1. if. Mookk, Colusa, Cal. Brut Py eM'.' ". rliarwa prepaid, receipS tt pi tee, 91. '.n per bill tie. BRADPIKI.D REGULATOR CO.. 8(iJbyalliln-.:Tl'i.i. Atlauta, Oa. PEEDY IjVSTINQ KESULTS. m - sine, buvuv . irtB. M from any ititjnnii,s'i','i,'in We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money, Trie W.(Mmt bottle. Send 4c. tor treatise. rUfcMONT MEDICAL CO., Button, Mom 17 r cnilTUFOfJ IfJ. J W '-'fi S nrTl.'l;sl'.l'l!i:. VA. PETEKSUl'lMi, VA. I'.I.ECTHIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 3110. C. SNOUGKASS, Proprietor, lato ot liutkr, J'a. The oulv first class hotel ill the city. Conimeieiol rates, t'2. to 2 .r,0 per day. LlTTLXTON. N. 0. Teeth Extnoted without paii. , HA A -OV-OB. . V rhnimatism I bars found noth i. I, Chamberlain's Psio Balm. It re I lt.. ib. nain as soon M applied. J. W. ... r . . v.n. Wt LbertT. W. vs. me prompt relief it affords is sJod worth I r,m. ih eoat. au oeoia. aw u..u- ued un wil! effect a permanent our. For sale by J. H. Brown, Halifax, nd Dr. I A. 8. Dsirison, Knneia, aruggu "It Ii a nlraiure to sell Chambcr'aiu's Cough Remeily," says Stickney D. nt- lr dru L'irists. Republic, Uhto, Because . nnitomor after once using it, is almost oertain to oall for it when again to ue.d of such a medicine. We sell more of it than of any other cough medicine we k.nnl. and it always gives satislaotioo. Far ooughi, oolda sn,d croup, tt is wim out so equal. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, snd Ur. . O. Iiarrisuu, i-u- field, druggists. t .rf that is half boiled aud then eooled oannot again be boiled haid. It is the custom in Japan to buy fish ,live snd ii Chins to buy them dead. Hanrr Oloe. of Two Rivers, Wis , has i .... mimed th, sane woman tares limes. . ' ' ..I. - - UA v''t I.aka, r, tr-..zZZ'!T attJEiH,. ta. rtTUi ji-jrA' .HjT "-a r.iu.vmu ad u V HPAnOUARTERS. gSUV A I Ivl. ni.iii - - - idt wi.lwbytothtiif more thw by the erect to-o ' hpfc.auarM Ttdonced la OUlldlns o. C,ur..a.trocl. New York, wbtrt U too. u ft Mrs. Hicks I'm sorry to say I don't know anything about football. Hicks It's quite a good deal like s priie fight, multiplied by eleven. He If I'd known that tunnel was so long I'd have kissed you. She Gracious, didn't you? Somebody did. One-third of our immigrant dentists come from, Germany. England snd Germany furnish half of out Amerioa,n s,ct,ow. New York Herald. Sevetal years ago Congress passed nn n: t iiiokini' it a criminal offence to mail a postal card coiitnining wiitten matter of a "libellous, scurrilous, defamatory or threatening character or calculated and obviously intended lo reflect injuriously upon the charactor or conduct of another." The penally for a violation of the law is a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, imprisonment for not more than five years or both fine and imprisonment. I iiiler this statute a Bt. Louis busl ness man was indicted for mailing these two postals to a customer. Please call and settle account, which is long past due, and for which our col lector has called several times. To this the customer evidently paid no attention, as the following was sent to him six days later: Vou owe us$l.80. Wc havo called several times for ihe same. If not paid at once we shall place same with our law agency for collection. The I'uitid Slates District ( ourt holds that ihe sending ol ihe first was not but thai the mailing of tho second was a criminal offence. The reaaoli given lor the distinction is that the socoud con taimd a threat to sue, which was "both calculated and intended to bumillialc and injure ihe person addressed in public csliinaiion," while the first was not open to ibis objection. Of the fust Ji:mis TilAVKit says: Tho lauguago employed U not of n threatening character, and, in iny opiu ion, no jury Would be warranted, in finding, in view of Us conti ills, lhat il was obvii u-ly intended by the writer toufl'il injuriously on ihe chnracUr or conduct of the person addressed, or lo ii jure or degiade him in ihe eyca or the put lie. It is true that it coulains a demand for th;- ji ?.v'"eiii r a debt and sa)s that it is long past due and that a collector Has called several tines, but IS couched in respectful lernis and no intent is appar- eny put it in ueh a form as to attract public notico or to make U offensive lo the person addroaaed. Mr. Ira P. Wotiuore, a prominent real estate aj;eiit of San Angeio, Texas, has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolirs and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for several years as occasion required, aod always with perfect sueeesa. He say: "I find it a perfect cure for our baby when troubled with colic or uyscuiery. I now feel that my outfit is not complete without a bottle of this Remedy at homo or on a trip sway from, home, ror sale by i. N. Urown, Halifax, and Dr. A. 8. lUrrison, Kufield, druggists. THE STORY OF HER MIND. I'roni The Detloit Free Press. There were little red slroaks iu her lace and a hlnii iu lo r ceo as she came into a country telegraph office not 1,000 miles from Detroit. "I want to telegraph to my husband," she said, with a "nap of her largo and shapely jaws. "Yes madam," responded the operator, banding her some blanks.. "How much will it be?" she inquired "I don't know, madam," replied the operator, with keen politeness and a faint smile. "Don't know?" she exclamcd. "What arc you here for?" "To tell people, what I know, madam, and to send and receiv e messages." "Well, why don't you know how much a telegiam will cost?" "Because, madam 1 don't know where it is to be sent." "Well, you needn't be so smart," she snapped. "It is to go to Detroit. "Thank you, madam; it will be 25 cents." She made no further remarks, but took the blanks, and in course of time returned wilh about ten pages of closely written mattei. "There!" she said, laying a quarter down with the message, "send that." "But, madam," explained the operator, "it is 25 cents for Ion words. She looked him square in the face as she tried to suppress her feelings. "Are you a married man: she asked "Yes madam." oWi.ll vnn ninitl be an idiot if VOU don't know that a woman can't Rive her husband a piece of her mine? in ten words," and without waiting to bear anything more, she tlouted her self out of the oSeo, taking her message wilh her. IcAvEA o.l finULIVlARKsi COPYKPjH i t. fA I OBTAIN A PATENT f For Sroiiint. nnnwi-r ami ae annum opinion, wnio . 1 r SN i V.O. who lime linil nearly nf U f"' eil'rni-nce in tho rnitrnt busmen. .C11";""'"?- fiinimtion concernma Patenl nU bow Ut ; on. tain ilium sent fire. Also n nil alnijuo Ot nioc&an. leal and ncicnliflo liooks rent .fnsa. I'niiuin tuliim tlinmeh M'"in Co. raoslT. (iwlal notice Inlbe Seleiilllle Aiiirrienn. anil t iub are tronirat whirl? belwotlie public with, out cost to the inventor. Tin j u endld paper. Ir.ueil weekly. clr-Kantly illnslratei .has by far; h. l-imput i-irculatioD. ot any siiieiittllc wnrk in Ul. il ul dins ; Million, muni lily, f !.ai a year, (ilnal. em'lM.'iS cents. Wcry ninoner contains beau, titnl Plato., iu colon, and i,l.i.ioera.b of new IkiiisoS. plana. omiMinB buiiit.TS to hnw ta. liih.ft iloi-iiois and aeeurn oontrnctH. AilrtrcM MU.VN T tU M.W lona, Ml liuoAKWAX. Grand Display -OF- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, F AXCY (i(Kll)S and NOVELTIES, liulterick's Patterns. 11. & 0. CORSETS, Misses atollc., Ladies 75c. to$l. V. Priees v. ill be niaile to suit the timea. II ate and bonnets made and trimmed t o rder. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., Petersburg, V Chamberlain's By. and Skin Ointment Is uriVqiialled for Fx-ienia, letter, &ait Itheum, .Scald Head, Sore Hippies, Chapped Hands, lU'hinn Pilea, Hurns, Frost Biles, Chronic Sore Eveaand liranulated Eye Lida. For sale by driiggiala at 25 cent per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Caily's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidnev disorders and destroy worms, givine: new life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 Dents per package. For sale by druggists. For sale J.N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. S. Harrison, huueld. Thero was not a public library in lbs I'niled Slates, 100 years ago. F.very gentleman wore s queue snd powdered bis hair 150 years ago. o n fm g lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. ( IIAItl.KH M.WALKII. not 11 ly. Hard Times rSS Fertilizers. r,u: NKW ADVKKTISEMKNTS. m tig O.WT11 W.rtl MM WniiU. a J9'5J .1.1. T.iMtiid fniiU I A. (HI U.irt.l uf PfWMb., ii.i.tti" V W" "c -umikwi ' n-.H.riWKi l Uw Oo huodrcd yean ago peltry was the leading export of New York. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder llibiui nf all in loavoninir stremrth. Latttt U. S. GovemmnU Food Report. . . , HOTAL UAKlNtl roweaa 108 Wall St., N,Y. Vtii.iM.r MuuUtlxnn. iltli MITCHELL CQMf ANTS ILUt Cheap liook Store, Petersburg, Vs. Sell the Celebrated Standard Patterns. ' . . ... . . i, t aslnou Mieeia iree t an. llnudy catalogue fx!. Hole paper i;ki. pr n.u..u. Envelope., 50 for 6 cents. Iad pencils, 14 with rubbers for Se. Pen points 13 for 5c. rurr linen note pupor iuv. Spaekages square envelopes to match 18c. SCHOOL BOOKS School Peaks, Globes, Chart, blackboard slating, eto Hiblea, Hymn Itooks, UnH Hjaa. " Blank Itooks, Printing, Etc

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