PINE TAGS. ROANOKE RAPIDS. Wl'iU'fl IT HERE AND THERE (vi carefully culled 'and condensed for busy READERS. Hooky Mount has an evening paper. flic new cotton mill at Statesville itarU-J "I' la!,t week- Two colored burglars have been ar rested anJ jailed at Ooldsboro. Recent additions have been made to the plant of the New Bern Knitting factory. Giles & Murchison, one of the leading hardware houses in Wilmington, have assigned, i The Atlantic Coast Line hu promised Fayettcville a new depot, to be construct ed at once. A colony of Pennsylvania farmers, gardeners and mechanics will settle in Craven county. The new Virgin mill at Iluntersville suited up last week und will run regu larly on full time. Bank of Mecklenburg bills are yet being passed on unsuspecting people throughout the State. The Enterprise mills at King's Moun tain iiuds it necessary to run on double time to keep up orders for yarns. During his present term of office as justice of the peace, 'Squire Jacob Kiscr, of Gaston, has hitched 172 couples. The Republicans have given notice of a purpose to have the next Legislature to amend the charter of Wilmington. The conference between Republicans and Populists at Raleigh indicates that fusion is to continue two years hence. The Wavnesville Courier understands that some big mining operations are go ing on in Macon and Jackson counties. W. T. Perry, a Franklin county farm er, was thrown from his wagon and kill ed, Thursday, his horses running away. Mr. Douglas Jordan, of Northampton county, has been appointed to a position in the Interior Department at a salary of SGOO. The total membership of the Western N. C. Conference is C 4,200 members, a net increase of 2,000 members during the past year. Capt. Murphy and bis son, Llewellyn of Roanoke Island, were recently drown ed by the capsiaing of their boat in Ore gon Inlet. The 1 ver yarn mills at Pincville, which are the eld Pineville cotton mills, reorganised, renovited and enlarged, started up last week. A lot of whiskey packed in a box and marked "clothing," shipped from Car thage to Maxton, was captured by reve nue officers, Monday. Miss Flora Dowel!, a beautiful young lady about 18 years old, of Morrisville, was burned to death last Sunday by her clothes catching fire. Adams, the Populist sheriff elect of Wake county, failed to give bond, Sheiiff Pace, Democrat, was re elected by the Board of Commissioners. Deputy collector Gibson reports to Collector. SifKuiuQS llio aeijure and de etruotioo id Montgomery county, ol an 80 gallon illicit distillery. The Lauriuburg Exchange says that J. Norton shot and auortally wouoded a man by the name of Summitt, near the South Carolina lino Friday. Willoox, the Republican who ahot and killed the Democratic registrar in Pasquo tank before the election, has been admit ted to bail in the sum nf $10,000. J. F. Taylor's cotton factory near Taylorsville, was burned last week. Lose bout tjO.QQO, no Insurance. The pro priitor made an assignment soon after. We learn that a Pittsburg firm will soon ereci a $100,000 plant on North river, Carteret county. It will be a law mill with manufacturing connected with it. Jeter Pritchard, Marion Butler's in tended Republican mate for the Senate, lays that the present county government ijstem vfill be absolutely repealed by this legislature and a new one enaoted. The thirty-four factories in North Car olina during the year consumed ii the manufacture of cigars 94,043 poundi of tobacco, end in the production of cigarettes, 2'92 1,482 pounds of tobao CO The Rutherfordton Democrat sayi that Nov. John Sjsk. of Cleveland county, sjiiv was nutad fur Lis powuT IB p" has been arrested ly revenue officers fol uniting a blockade still in the South Mountain section. 1 T E M S OF INTEREST CON CERNING THE DEVELOP MENTS A T T1IA T FLA CE. on tlx Work is programing rapidly foundations for the new factories. Twenty live hands are engaged in grading Koarioke avenue which extends to the llaleigh and Gaston railroad. The plans for the twenty cottages to be erected at once have been received and work begins in ten days. The new hotel to be erected here will be a three story brick building and of the latest architectural designs. The plans and specifications have already been received and accepted by the company. The grauite which is b'ing delivered here by the Greyslone Company will be used for the foundations for the mills and wheels. Tlio company has a very Cue lot of brick already to be laid as soon as needed. All the work which has been done here it of a most substantial order, and is put in to stay. The canal has a full head of water and the banks have been thoroughly tested. The compaoy is well pleased with the work ot construction. Largo numbers of visitors come out daily and appear much interested in the work going on. Iuimiiiea are being received almost daily in regard to mill sites and water supply. It is expected that several residences will be erected here soon and that several families will move here as soon as com pleted. A neat and substantial church will also be erected here and many more improve racnts which eaunot now be thought of arc contemplated. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. THE ROANOKE NEWS. I'll IMSn.W, DECEMBER 13,1804 Loca Cotton is 4i to day. Ft' 1.1. moon yesterday. I'Akis are getting high. Christmas draweth nigh. Old Santa Claus is on the way. Larub crowd in towu Saturday. Hum and dry a thirsty giraffe. Wedlock Bhould never be bolted. Till cotton fields begin to look bare. Til K Halcyon Days begin tomorrow. Til K days of the turkey are numbered. Lant Sunday was a very delightful day. presents before the Colleui Caskit. The "Collego Casket" is a bright little monthly paper published by the Victoria Literary So ciety of the Suffolk College. Miss Es telle Edwards, of this place, is the local editor and Misses Taylor and liritt are the editors. We arc indebted to Miss Edwards for the November number, which is a perfect little gem. S. M iyer's new holiday stock recom mends itself to those who are seeking really practical and useful presents for friends. We have made it a point to be well supplied in this particular and we do not believe there is any person, young or old, who would not find practical use for dozens of articles wbicb we have tor sale. Come to headquarters for useful and or namental gifts at lowest prices. S. Meter, Enfield, N. C. Died Under tue Operation. Mr. John II. Taylor, of Northampton, was taken to Richmond laa Friday by Dr. R. II. Stancill, when an operation was per formed. Mr. Taylor died under the op ration from heart disease, and bis re mains were taken home Sunday for in terment. Mr. Taylor was a prominent citizen of Northampton, and was quite ell knowu here. Much sympathy is Next Sunday is the third Sunday in expressed for his family in their sad af- iction. Pick out your rush, The toys and the boys, the annoys. old folks Col. Sam Simpson's Home Life. SOME VERY ENTERTA1N1G ITEMS FROM THE FAGES OF NORTH CAROLINA'S FIRST ALMANAC. Charlotte News. The oldest copy to be found Advent. Monday was a dark and dreary look ing day. Shoppers are now busy buying Christ mas goods. The streets present a holiday appear ance daily. Will the Sunday schools have Christ- Good Time on a Wheel. Mr. W. W. Wiggins wheeled from here to War- rcntou last Saturday en his bicycle and reached the latter place iu time to write back to Weldon on the train which leaves there about one o'clock. lie made the trip in five hours, a distance of forty miles. Considering tho many rough roads he had to pass over, this is a most re. Anotiieb Gulden Link. Ycstcr day afternoon at the residence of Mr. id Mrs. ('. I Rodwell, at 1:30 o'clock, another goldeu link was formed iu the tic that binds Virginia and North Caro lina into closer bonds of union, the occasion being the marriage of Captain James D. Simpson, of Richmond, Va., to Miss Kate, the beautiful daughter of the late Hamlin Allen, Esq. The bride was attired in a lovely gown of white silk, oraoge blossoms and long veil and carried io her hand an exquisite bouquet of Bride's roses; and the groom. who is one of the handsomest young men of the capital city, was looking his best. Tho ceremony was most impres sively performed by Rev. G. W. Har mon, pastor of the Baptist church, in the presence of a few immediate friends and relatives of the family. The happy pair left on the Atlantic Coust Line for an extended tour to Washington, New York and Niagra Falls, followed by the best wishes of a host of frieuds. The Roanoke News extends its warmest congratulations, wishing them a long life of sunshine and happiness. Build the Bkidue The people of Weldon have long felt the need of abridge over the Roanoke river and the matter has been discussed repeatedly, but nothing has ever resulted to cause the citizens of Halifax and Northampton counties to be lieve that the bridge would be built. Ev ery one familiar with the building of county bridges knows that the most cost ly work of the structure, especially over a great stream like the Roanoke, is the piers. Well, now with solid granite piers already built and where the river is oar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DOG LOST OR STOLEN. One dark brown Setter liinl dog strayed or was stolen from Mr. Jlillic Clanlou on the itrd inst. Any urn knowing of tin's dog's whcrealiouts will be rewarded by leaving the name with Mr. W. B. White head, ut the K van's Hotel. H. T. KOLLINS, R. li. 1'otal clerk on Atlanta Special. NOTICE. The Board of Justices of the Peace tor Halifax eoun'.y, will meet nt the court house at 12 o'clo-k M.( un Moutlay, the 7th day of January, 1P9.', for the purpose of electing a clerk of the Interior court, in place ofS. M. tinry, resigned. F. M. PARK Kit, Dec. 11, H!)4. Chairman. GOOD NEWS! I have just received a Dice and fresh line of all kinds of FANCY GKOCEIUK.H, FKriTH, CONFECTIONTRIKfl, VIXJKTAIiLKS, ETC. gkaTFor which I will sell at starvation prices. When you buy good of me you will yet the nicest aim IrfMiest t lie .North ern market affords. Goods coining in ev ery day. No old goods on hand. CONFECTIONERIES. My line of Confectioneries for the Christ mas holidays is complete and I defy com petition. Various kinds ol fruit. rireworks ot all kuius eiieaner man ever known before. Call and examine goods and prices. I hanking you lor your past patronage and asking a continuauce of the same. Yours to coiuiuiimi, A. L. COCHRAN. V,ew Brick Store ou Corner, uov 1 ly. NEW ADVERTISE.M KNTS. result from Better Crops ii: of fertilizers ridi in poU.-h. Mus do nut cuiitain Sufficient Potash Must fertilizers sold to insure the lr. st results. The results uf the ol the use and anuse l potash are told in our Tiny an: Si lit fn:i It Will c j I n r!u;i t.j .atcst investigations looks. H..-M.. ml tli.y y ;i.KMAN KALI WuKKS, w Naw Sti. Villi'C V.. it, New York. DOV 1 Cm. II SAA.I i, 4 IP. 33. LlTlTIsr'S n ! ii Grocc Don't ait iu a draught, it may cause markable record, and we venture to nay rowest what is to prevent the citizens of (C. L. Clark's old stand) $100. REWARD. $100. The reader of tliis paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure jl " N ,tsge, and Out ii oalarrh. lull's Catarrh Cure la only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Ca tarrh being 1 constitutional disease, re quire constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ioteroally, acting dirootlj on the blood and mucous surfaces of tha system, thereby destroying the found atioo of tho disease, and giving the patient strength, by buildipg sp tha con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tha proprietor have so much faith in ill curative power, that they offer On Hundred Dollar for any ease that it fails to our. F. J. CqNEJ & CO., Fropi, Toledo, Ohio. Ma-Bold by all Drugging. 76. in the State, of a North Carolina almanac, is perhaps, the one in our State library. Ii was printed and sold by Abraui Hodges ot Halifax town, iu the year 1795, just one hundred years ago, supposing it to have been issued a mouth or bo in advance of the iucoming year as almanacs now. Its titlo on its lirst page is ''Hodges North Carolina Almanac," aud is calculated for the latitude and longi tudo of North Carolina. It is a very small book only 4 z C inches of 32 pages aud is in a good state ot preservation. All the state inlorma tion it contains is the militia law of that day and the time of holding the Supreme Courts of law ana equity, couoty courts, and circuit and district courts of the Uni ted States. The number ol counties at that period was 58 showing that 38 coun ties have been formed since that day As one feature of all almanacs is its an ecdotes, it is remarkable that there is noi an anecdote or joke in it. Considering this faot the philosophic historian might conclude that 171)5 was a serious time This idea is somewhat strengthened by another fact, that it contains the manual of arms for drilling military companies, an evidence that the martial spirit born of the stormy days of Revolutionary wai was still alive. The military gravity ol its nairn is, however, relieved by t serio comic poem running thiough the top ol some of its pat;es, entitled "The Lion and the Tarrapin," written by some citizen ot Haluux, July, 171M, who signs Inmselt "Columbus. It is a narrative of a oom bat between a caged lion which an Ilibe rian is exhibiting in the eastern towns ot the State aud a swamp terrapin upon a wager of one hundred dollars. It ia need less almost to say that in the poem the monarch of the swauip comes oil the victor. The almanac Is luterlcaved, that is, ii originally had a blank page opposite each monthly calendar tor the keeping ot diary or other memoranda These leave- are all written over will) dated incident in the family, business, personal life ot the owner, who, trom the written nami and date across the face of the first pagi was one Samuel Simpson, and in note Ol very stiff paper forming a double cover ti the book the address is Col Samuel Simp son. From the items written on the in terleavea, it is clear thai he was a plaote. who owned a farm and fishery iu one ol the eastern counties. It ia also evident that he was a man of family, owned ne eroes. erew wheat, corn and flax, raised stock, seined fish, mado and sold lumbei and shinnies, travelled a good deal tc various points in the eastern section, and was often sick with malarial fever. The fnltowinc are some af the memoranda : Feb. 1st, I went to Raleigh, 3rd arrived t Ka e u-h. uth. I.ft KaleiKh for rayetl villa llith. arrived at home, 20ih taken sick. aMlh planted Eogliah paaa, lil'.il fcs'lH winx. verv few fish, fresh rise fast. As showing that our eastern farmer, at that day raised their own meat, I give ih fullowioi: December 3rd killed bogs, 89 head, salted down 2,787 pounds To this must be added trom tne re cord of a few weeks before; 17 hogs, weicht 1750. making a total 4,oJ7 nf hoe meat for the Tear. r--. ..i . There ro manv oinss usow ui - riagea, doaths, quillings, corn shucking, elections, going to courts, visiting neigh bora sowing and reaping, the weather, etc. knl In oinn inv uf IheUl WCUld b X tending this article at too great length, dose with the remark that it would be good idea for every farmer and business ii, in keen a record of hi home nd business life as Col. Samuel 8impson baa doue, who though long ago "passed over the liver, vet speaketd to una genera tion, of times and seasons, a hundred Team ago in this old copy of Hodge JNonn Carolina Almanac. Jai. H. Knniss a check on life. It is cot easy for a pretty girl to believe that love is blind. Wl hope our subscribers will remem ber us and pay up. ClltusTMAS is most here and the little children are happy. People already begin to feel Christ mas in their bones. lav will soon be numbered among the years of the past. The crop of winter girls for 1891 is exceedingly beautiful. Fancy goods dealers are now display ing their Christmas toys. Mirciunts busy attend:n2 to the wants of the holiday trade. Tin ministers hsve all returned to their homes from Conference. "We have them on the list" some subscribers who will not pay up. Live merchants advertise, and live merchants always give good bargains. that few wheelmen plisbed it, could have acconi- Beautiful Display of Holiday Goods. It is a pleasure to visit the store of Mrs. P. A. Lewis, where Christ mas goods are most temptingly displayed. Mrs. Lewis has anticipated tho wants of every child io Halifax and Northampton counties io her selection of goods for the holiday trade and those who are looking around for presents can find just what they want there. There are so many beautifuhlolls, toys, pin jos, etc., that it is impossible to enumerate. Give her a call and see for yourself. Ciibistmas Presents. Old Joe Whitaker savs, everybody turns over in mind, the presents they would like to Weldon having a good substautial bridge at a moderate cost. The old site of the Petersburg railroad bridge offers the de- siied end. The piers aro there, strong, firm and substantial. The railroad com pany having abandoned the old right of way for so many years in probability they will never use it again. In fact it is pret ty certain that the compaoy will never run their ruad throiiijh Mush Island again. Halifax and Northampton coun ties would each make a liberal appropria tion for the purpose of building a bridge so much needed by both counties. Let the business men of the town take the matter in hand and sec if this suggestion is not worth considcrin; is headquarters lor your Xuias goods, such as Flour, Meat, Sugar, Collee, Laid, Can ned goods of all kinds. A nice Hue ot liaisins, l'runes, currants, Citron, Seedless Kaisinx for Kruit Cakes, all kinds of Nuts. All kinds ot FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES A nice line of Vases, Toys aud all kinds Fire work.s, etc., etc, (iive mm a call wneu you need anyiuim; in the heavy and fancy grocery line. THE SUN. THE l-'IKST OF AMRKICAM NEWS. H AIM'. IIS. Ciiarlis A. Dana, Kditor. give Christmas, but,alasl when the supreme moment comes, it is decided that the presents "in your mind," amount to more 1 than you can afford these times. And so, to help you out of this dilemma, he would suggest an elegant and stylish tie. He has them in all shapes, for men, women, and children, all can be suited, Then, ..p .1: l : : t... There are enough enterprises starting l00 " " u"Pu"""i ! i ur.i.i . l- : - oeauuiui piu coutu ne auueu. uu io see uu aruuuu t.giuuu w uiuku i. .unit. .... r 1 vnr:ni.i irMi .i ... city. No man ever attains dinnitv so ereat Telipuone Line. Mr. Paul Garrett, but that some one will call him bj his " Pus" "l energy enougn in mui first name. '"or aDJ ten.lucni nu ju,t completed THE TIE TABLE. IN WHICH YOU WILL FIND CORR ECTL Y SCHED UL E D THE ARRIVAL AND DEPAR TURE OF YOUR FRIENDS A ND A CQ UA 1NTA NCES. The American Constitution, the Ameri- (o) can Idea, the American Spirit, (o) These first, last, and all the time, (o) forever. Daily, by mail, Dally & Sunday, by mail, The Weekly, $6 a year. $8 a year. $1 a year, to telephone line from his office at this place to bis large wine plant up at the aque duct. Mr. Garrett now has one of the largest wine establishments in this State and his goods are sold from Maine to California. He is a level headed busi ness man and docs business ou business principles. The new telephone line will 1 HI man who advertises frequently is proTe , reat conference to him kept busy Hocking up his store and etor- haadlioe the larse number of orders Consult the advertisements of the Roanoke News when you wish to pur chase anything. A brown setter dog, thepropertyof Mr. II. T. llollins, has been lost. See notice offering reward. ing up a Blocking. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Mr. J. L. Judkins, which ap pears in another column. Tue man who imagine that piety is an "inward misery" is always liable to mistake liver trouble for religion. Thiri is sesrcclv any business at all in the Mayor's court, and that speak well for the town as a law abiding place. Tue pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal church was occupied last Sunday morn ing by Rev. M r. Ader, and at night Rev. P. N. Staiubaek preached. Rev. Mh. Hilliaru, of Monroe, con ducted morning and evening services at Grace Kpiscupal church last Sunday, and delivered two very instructive strmons which are constantly hands. flowing into his Thouainds of case of rtautqatiain have been cured by Hood's fiarsaparilla Thi ia abundant reason for belief that Kill euro you. For Another Year The congre gation of the Methodist Episcopal church delighted to welcome back to this charge Rcr. R. P. Troy, who for another year at least will continue to minister to them in holy things. Mr. Troy and his excellent family are all very popular here and the people irrespective of denomina tional lines gladly welcome him home again. It is also with pleasure we learn that Rev. W. S. Black, D. D., has been re. turned to this district as presiding elder. The full list of appointments appear io another column.. Married. Mi. Clarence T. Boyki and Miss Sallie C. Epes were married ere yesterday, Rev. P. N. Stainback, A Great Enterprise to Start. We are reliably informed that the West irginia Mining Company will start to 1 work at the Adams' gold mine, about eiiflit miles from town, in a few weeks. Probably about January 1st. The com pany will work a great mauy hands and are both m-'mbera of pro uiotnt irginia families. fficiating. Mr. Boykin and Mis Epee cooiequcntly will pay out large aums of money weekly. Weldon being the only town of importance near tho mines, the money will naturally be spent by the hsnds at this place. This will, of course, hi a great benefit to our merchants and to the town generally. It is only a question of ttui wheu there will bo a great smel ter at the works and things will b ex cceilioL'ly lively in that neighborhood The general office of the eompany is in Rateiub. The company owns several hundred seres of land on winch mere sai l to be valuable gold yielding ore. A Clerk of Inferi n Court. As wiil notice in su- lher oolumo the board of jmlicet will mm't al Halifax, Monday. January iin, ln'.).. fur Hie purpose of eleotin j a ol' k of the Inferi er court, vice S. M. Gary, tnnignej. Dr. W. Paul Moore, of Jackson, here Monday. Mr. T. C. Harrison made a visit Petersburg Monday. Mr. II. C. Spiers attended conference at Durham last week. Mrs. W. C. Riddick, of Raleigh, visiting relatives here. Mr. L. M. Day has returned to Wel don from Rocky Mount. Miss Laura Powers returned home last Tuesday from conference. Dr. A. R. Zollicoffer made a buiinet' trip to Petersburg last Friday. Mr S. F. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, was registered here last Saturday, Mr. J. II. Biggcrstaff came up to the city from Rocky Mount last week. Miss Myra Garrett has returned home from a dcliuhtful visit to Littleton. Judge J. M. Mullen, of Petersburg, paid us a pleasant call last Monday, Miss I'rtie Daniel, of Halifax, is here this week on a visit to the Misses Gary. Mr. Andrew Joyner, of Babylon, N ., is visiting relatives and friends in this community. Mrs. W. T. Whitfield, who wont up to Durham last week to attend the confer ence, has returned home. We had the pleasure of a call last Friday from Mr. J. W. White, a promi nent farmer of the Littleton section. Governor Altgeld, wife and daughter, of Illinois, pasted thraugh Weldon Sun day on a private car, en route to Chicago from a Southern tour. Miss Maia Soead, one of tha loveliest and most charming representatives of Fluvanna crunty, Va., is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. K. Dauiel. THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in (he world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail, ii a year. Address THE SUN, New York. .GLOBEfv- Photo Company. 107 North 29th St., Richmond, Va. THE LEADING CLOTHIER, 203 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Takes this method of becoming bet ter acquainted with the good people of Weldon and surrounding coun ties; we want to do more business with you, and as you may not know our method of gaining and holding customers, we beg leave to present to you Our Declaration of Principles: We do a strictly one-price business; we always ask the lowest price firts; we ask you to return anything you don't want to keep; we warrant all our goods as represented. If these principles suit you trade with us. If you can suggest a more honorable way of doing business, we will discard our plan and adopt yours We carry the largest and most styl ish and most complete stock of Gen tlemen's.bovs and children's clothing hats, caps and Furnishing Goods in Southside Virginia; quality consid ered, we are the cheapest merchants in the State, but remember we do NOT handle common grades of goods. Mail enquiries and orders solicited and will receive prompt attention. S A AL, THE LEADING CLOTHIER, Petersburg, Va. sep 1!S 4m. MR. W. G. R. FRAYSKH, Photi- traphcr, of the above named firm, will te iu WELDON, N. C. for a shoit time. Being well equipped with fine back grounds and instruments, ho will guarantee fine pictures of every sitter, and he shows a print of each neg ative, so his patrons may kuow what to expect when the photograph is finished. CALL ATONCE AND EXAMINE HIS FINE Sl'IXiMKNS. dec C 3t. I ... , ..... . lie vatn I t'lrt u c I rrdiKrn. Advkrtihino to a business is as neces sary as oil is Io an engine, and the latter requires it continuously. Messrs. SaniMtrr end Iviirrrson. two clever gentlemen, of Riehmo id, Va., are here representing tho ColumWuu Build ing and Loan Association They hate already placed over a hundred shares amonz the most prominent men of this place. They offer rare inducements to in veators. Aunt Haly's Loo Cabin On the fnuilh naL'o of this issuj wn present to 1 i j . our readers the firstinstalliuent of ''Christ Tin: moii:hn imotiii.h Has lound that her little ones are im proved mors by the pleasant laxative, Syrup of Figs, when in need uf the laxa tive effect of a gentle remedy than by any other, and that it ia more acceptable to them. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Pi; is manufactured by the California Fig C fV amIs mas in Aunt llaly's Log Cabin." The "J"1!' , story is written in the negro dialect and A lied fact in the Holiday trade fur is humorous and pathetic. It will be 1394 j that our atore is the place of e l concluded in our next Don't fail to others t buy nioe, appropriate Christmas read it. presents and get them cheap. ' We have a splendid variety of gift-novelties in a' Convicts for tiii tarms. a ear jtyia and grades ana oner tfe best op i.j f ,n.ini. wore sent down last Fri- portunity to acloot a auiUUle gift at auch day for the State farms. Twenty a pric a. you M willing to pay. "Prioea uj mr mo nunw is no idle boast with KnisoN is low at work on a plan to grease the hulls of vessels, which he says will so lessen tho friction, that the Cam pania can make tho run from Now York to Liverpool in four days. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. I- FINE GROCERIES N i amity GrocorieS - CHEAP GROCERIES. KJ FRUITS k CONFECTIONERIES. COMK AND SEE. Come oue, came all, both large and small, Einmine my stock, Delore Buying at all. For my stock is complete ami prices low. To compete with the products the farmers grow, I tiuuik my kiwi friends for the patronage nt the past And assure them all I'll be trne to the last. And suarantee them in every respect The goods purchased frain me they'll never regret, If you raise Tomatoes Potatoes Cabbage Berries Peas Melons Trucking Crops lor Northern and W vitt-rn rtorkcU. POWELL'S GREEN-BAG Fertilizers, the hifjht'st grntlf ftrtilirvr mulfy ' rt the Kind you ncctl. ' 1 fend fur iltvuKir tillnij; .ill :ilut llii-m. . ; IHMiV ELL FERTILIZI.ll A CHEfl. CO. ; , AkTIUOUC, MO. FrMiiim manufnt-turrrs, lmHrliT! nml 1 ' de.ik'ra In N urate ol ShU. Suli.hatp i.( 1 ' t'tit.ish, rotu'Mitrntfii Arjij i'hosnh;ile, ' 1 anil (ill kmtJisol Fcttilumg Materia It. ' dec G 2lU. Irs. II. i M Has just received a fresh lot of CANDY, plain and fancy. Also raisins, mixed nuts, chestnuts, cocoannts, apples, bananas, Florida oranges, plain and fancy cakes, Large assortment of taken to the IJahjM farm and. Torty were a positive every day faot, and we Therefore come all, both large and small, aantdovrn to the State farm at Caledonia. iu bt tha anj ho i ne tarma are gening rauy ior win w uuiB. And maki Toat purchases to day, nron and the ODaratlOM Will DO pn a I lBuuueuiem. .u- much larger scale than ever before. S. MtTift, Enfield, N. C. dee 13 ly- J. L. JUDKINS. HOLIDAY (JOODS Shoo fly hones, wagons, carta, dolls, clocks, chamber seta, books by best authors, fine boi paper, clgara, snuff, tobacco and many fancy notions loo numerous to men uon. dot i iy, fZv lull j3ATiCMlVt C&H Oy ' HALE IiliOS., Halifax, N. C. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, C0IFEU10HER, PETERSBURG-, VA. Mr. V. W. Warren represents the firm and will visit Weldon and its vicinity reg ularly. oct 19 ly. P. I. Stainback, (J. T. llom h's old stand) WELDOIT, 1ST. Dealer in 4- up -IJKNKRAL- 4. 1 CHA I liy virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed to mc by M, Lee and his wife Alice li. Lee ou the lHth May 1HJU to He cure a debt evidenced by fiovcral notes, and to recover the balance duo on tho same amount iiitr in the aggregate to morn thau $.'Ki i will sell at the warehouse in Little ton ou the ','Oih December 1HD4, at 12 o'clock M., a tract of land containing Li5 acres (the Tom Lee place) ad joining the lands ol' Jones Lee, J. (r. Ix'e, and J. K. Mabry and more puiticuhirly described ia Maul mortgiigcdeed which is of record in book 7." ' II.'' page Halifax county reconU. J. 1. LKAOH, Mortgagee. Littleton, N. C, Nov. Ill, .. uov 21) 4w. LI, -SI'KCIAI.TIE-- ZEIGLER S AND BAY STATE SHOES. These Celebrated ioes are always Re liable and 1 gunrauti-c eviry pair to give entire satistactiou. WOOHKN & METALLIC tr C-A--S-JE-S. - I invite inspection of mv Htoctt, ft-elinR assured I can please both in (jUAMTY and P KICKS. NO TROl- 1H.E TO KUOW 0001)8. Look at our stock More buying. Thanking my friends for their liberal tutronage In the past and Soliciting a eon tinuanoeof the same, I am yonrs to com mand, P. N. STAINBACK. -UU. KIIAUK'S IHSt'OVKltV KOU - CONSUWPTIUfJ jrsTlilVKN TOTIIE iTBI.IC. Write atoncc lor particulars of 'he news paper imctii;utiou going ou at this lime in Waslrinirtoiu. Doctors and other citizens cured. What physicians and medical jour nals say about "The Oreutcst Discovery of the Century." Symplon blank, etc. Rend 2-cent stamp. Address, Dl. BHADE, Vti Hlh street, Washington, D. C. oct 11-fim. j. w. III! FAMILY GROCERS And Healer In FRUITS & VECETABLE8. Just received afresh lot of Gmceriet r Confectioneries, Canned goods, Meat, lftrd, aud general table euppliesaltvaya on bund. I will sell as low as any heuse in town, and Mhctifijihtf tnepi-wtrfjage. 4 J