L J 'U rri m v:i ms&hi iff i rail si I I JOHN" "W. SLBDO-E, ruoi-METOR. VOL. XXV. -A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TIIUltSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1895. TERMS:-" 59 1KR annum in advance- NO. 38. i i Good Article THIS COMBINATION IS PKETTY SURE TO WIS. THIS IS THE H EST MEDIUM. Ni;V ADVKRTISEMKXTS. ft HEW YEAR'S WISH. all! May H1IK WAS RIGHT, OF rOl'RSK. A happy New Year, one and rosea strew your way, And paths be glad and beautiful on which you start to-.day ; May houis of golden sunlight bring but just a dash of rain, And gracious gifts of pleasure hold the faintest touch of pain. For skies ate fairer which belimos the clouds have overcast And pleasure is the sweeter when the grief and pain arc past, And if among your roses red the ivy is entwined Your heart will beat the nearer to the heart of all mankind. A Happy New Year, one and all ! Ah I who coula wish you less ! May all the gracious charities that heal and soothe and bless Drop down into your wailing hands, and may you e er impart To all the weary souli of men the joy within your heart. For hearts that hold no warmth ne'er know the joy it is to live ; Our lives are measured by the joy which we to others give. Let all tho year be go'den with our deeds oi gracious love, Aad earth will swing tho nearer to the sky that bends above. -When she advised liiin to go to the- EXCELSIOR!- Y, WELDON, N. C. where printing of every description is exe cuted with neatness and dispatch. Letter Heads, Tucket Heads, Hill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Hand Bills, 1'rogrammes, Tickets, Etc., Etc. Etc. ttWritc for samples and prices. E. L. Haywari, I'KOI'lilKTOR. I'ETEKSltl'IMJ. VA EI.ECTHIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELT ACCOMMODATION 300. C. SNOPGKASfl, Proprietor, late ol Hutler, Pa.' The only first clans hotel in the city. Commercial rates, fl. to 3 to per day. TA5TELE55 nic IS JU8T A3 COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 cts. 6 alatu . U.UL, Mot. M, ISO. Pari. Uttllftiaa To- 8L. Lnita. Ito. Uonilaman: wa aold laal year. 0O botllea of 3IUIVE S TA8TEM5MS CHILI. TONIC ind ha M.ua ht ttar6 groM alraady Int. rear. In all oar ex partem uf 14 yean. In U drug buatneaa, nafa oever aold ap artlel tuat iraTa auca uuiraraal aattat taeUuu at runt Xoulo. loan trtilr. . A-Bsir, Cabk COi WARRANTED AND FOR BALE By A S, HAURISON. . ENFIELD, N. C. oot 4 6m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. II. DAYjB. O. nAKIItljT. C. HARRISON Wililou, N. C. Littleton, M. C. Weldon, N.C. DAY. llANlKI, HAMUSOJi ATT0RNEY8-AT.LAW, Practiees In the courts of Halifax and Warren counties, and wherever their ser vices are needed. OneofUiaiiiui will be In Hallfsi on each Monday. 1 IS-Iy. Jaaai i. kulum, waltib a. smiii JJ U L L I D1X1IU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wtl.DOX, N. C. Practice In thtroartiof HaltraiandKorthamei t n anil In tut Hunntnie and Koderal rmurU. boU leeiluul uatie ID anparwoi none I4iruiiiia. Hranch offlna al HallfkE. N.C.Dnan verv Hon da. Jan 7 I, JU. T. T. IlOSS, DE1TTIST, Weldon, N.C, f&Offlce over Emrv Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. viV T. W. HARRIS, D. D. 8, LimTQN,!f. C. Teeth Extraoted without pais. 4-30-6... MIMTAL CACSK FOR MX'IlhOY. 5 She Say, dou'ttcll anyone you 6aw me home, Eihraiiu. Uo You needn't vt orry. I'm as much ashamed of it as you are. Judye. A WASTE OF GOOD MATERIAL THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR.. A TIME TO SElllOUSLY TlllSK OF OUR FAULTS, FAILURES AXD MISTAKES. The close of the year is always a time for serious thought and reflection. The past crowds upon us at such I time with far more than usual intensity and espe cially forces upon our attention our faults, failures and mistakes. Let us look them squarely in the face and profit by them. Tho wise man always does this, but the fol ucver. The latter goes on commit ting the same follies and making the Banie mistakes, never profiting by his ex perienee, to say nothing of the experience of others. Kvery man makes mistakes It may not be his fault the first lime, but it is if he makes the same mistakes s sccoul lime. We believe that the seerei of success with those who succeed, and the cane of failure with thi'se who fail, will be fouud lurge'y in the ability aud deposition to study the causes of bin li success aud failure, uot only iu one's own xperience but in lhat of others. The farmer now has leisure to review th op.'ratious of the year, aud be should do it caudidly and eiiiieally. JUko a c ni pt 4u analysis of every important ojera- do i. Finil the weak tdaces iu it aid t.ace them to their origin. Noihinjr will prepare one so thoroughly for ti e opirations of ihe yeui to come as this kinl of searching investigation. And while we are about this LuiintK- we should look ju.-t as carelully iuto oui r.-c- rd of moral responsibility. We shou'd be fr more anxious to improve eharae tor, mind and morals than to improve our farms. S.-rious study of our weak points an of means tosircngthep them is very profitable business at any time, and if pursued arduously will strcogtlm anJ dtvelop all that is good and admiia ble in our natures, aud make us hetiei stronger, uo'iler men aud women is th' years ,0 by. And the time will cuuie h the life of every one when such a record of honest, earnest, peraUtent effort to im prove will afford far greater aatislaelii.i thao anythiu else in his account will. this world. We can winh no better tbin; for all our readen than that they begii the new year animated byji firm rolt to turn all its eieneuce inio profit li themselves, mentally, morally, aociah; and materially, and theu Iu fnithfull carry out the re-ulutiiMi. "I know au m l Minlier who had ehr i ic diarrheal of l -uu' " nding lo h ive be permanently cur d by taking Chanitx Iain's Jolici Ch.ilera and Diarrhmi Bah. edy," aayi K Iward Shumpik, a pr -mioe druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. "I ha aold the remedy in this oily for over aei en Years and oonaider it superior to an other medicine now on the market f bowel complaints. 25 and 50 cent b..i ties of this remedy. For aale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, I)r A. 9. Harrison, huheld. While wailing for "Christmas to wear offj Juat atand with vour back to the wall And when tbey advise you to swear iff, Say: "The scripture says, 'Swear n at all!" There is good reason for the popularity of Chamberlain s Cough Kemedy. Davn i Buiard, of West Monterey, Clarion ( I'a., -say; "It baa cured people that our Duvsicians could do nothing for. M t persuaded them to try a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and they now recommend it with the rest of us." 25 and 50 cent bellies. For sale by J. N. Blown, Halifax, Dr A.' 8. Harrison, Hotleld. She looked a perfect poem . With that witching face of hers; But when I tried to kiss her, she Prof ed not e all verse. Miss Elderly I shall never marry LauraProbably sot, but you made a brave fight. Thi shortest diY in the year is the (Jay befuia your, note falls dus. ! i ' Loyi s the paradf of the foolish, but only tho play" pprouud of the wise. "Why is a ffrcat strong man like you round begging?" "Ah, madam; it is the only profes sion In which a gentleman can ad dress a beautiful lady without the for mality of an introduction." Life. HUE I.OOKKD OUT. Maud Ned stole a kiss from me last night. Marie That was mean of him to steal a 'kiss when you were not look ing. Maud Oh, but I was looking. Marie Then how could he steal it? Maud I was looking to see If anyone was coming. Ilrooklyn Life. NO SrKCIFICATIOXS. J Ml U f a. IL I,- y ' 7 Illcka You used to be good at guess ing oonundrnms; now how am I like a jackass? Mrs, Hicks Oh, In lota of ways. Lesllc'a Weekly. JOHNNY S NEW VK.AK S OREAM. GEN. IWAWO OYAMA. Tbls famous Jspanese ironeral. who Is now In command of his country's forces In China, re ceived his education la tiui-opo. In Isxo, after having- held m:my hig-tl military unices, he wag made minister ut war. a position he still holds In addition to his command nf tho Invading army. Ills recent victories over the t'lilne-ie urmios ot Hi Luntf Chang have demonstrated bis remarkable skill as a strategist and leudur. "What shall we do with hlra, grand pa?" asked the goulder. llarpor'a Young People. tou much ron mm. - Hungry. Fldo I can resist ordinary temptatiqns, but I never -saw auch s one as tnlS-riffore. Texas mrtings. Many stubborn snd aggravating cases of rheumatism that ere believed to be incurable and acoep'j as life legacies. have yielded to Ch orlaio s Pain Balm much to the surprise and gratification of the sufferers. Uoe application will relieve tho pain and suffering and its oontinued use Insures an effectual cur. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. O. Harrison, huheld. BASHFUL. John Sallie, cf I was to ask you If you'd marry me, do you think you'd say yes? sai.i. K i cr i ruess so. John Wa-al, ef I ever git over this 'ere darn baslifulness I'll ask you some those times WISE WORDS. Love always weep when it has to whip. Love never bestows a burden that is heavy. Birds with bright plumes aro selJom fat. Law wears iron shoes, and don't caie where it steps. People who make crooked paths nevtr get in earnest. Oue sympton of backsliding is a lack of thankfulness. Religion pure and undefiled never works by the month. It takes more courage to endure than it does to act. There are no real strong people in this world but good people. The truth we bate the most is the truth that hits the hardest. The siDS that pay their rent promptly are the best ones w.-Jwont to give up. Growth in grace is never prompted by watching the fault in others. ' Kvery time a bad man throws mud at a gosd man ho hits himself in the face. A lie is often told without laying a word, putting the rotten apples in the bottom nl the basket. One trouble with the church is that there are too many babes io it from five to .-il feet hitih. Ham's Horn. A CHRISTMAS EPISODE. Carlton C .rnwcll foreman of lho6.it ie, Miildlelown, N. J , believes that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy should be in cv- eiy home. He used it for a cold, and il fleeted a speedy cure. He says: "It is indeed a urnnd remedy, I can rocomuiend to all. I have also seen it used for whonj . ingoough, with tho best results " 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by J N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knfield. - "Did you lake .Miss Phaii under the mislletoo'last night?" "Yes, and then went out under her father's missile toe." Judge. " KOR OV IIH PIPTY YEAHH Mrs Winsluw's Soothing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for ohildren, whilo teething, with pefeot success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is tho best remedy lor Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists io every part of the world. s. cents bottle. Bo sure and ask for "Mis. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth ef kind. . The near approach of Christinas recalls to the mind of the writer an incident which made a lasting impression on his mind and which occurred on Christmas eve in 18G5. It was his first Christmas in Thoiiiasville. The war hud closed a few months be fore. Many mothers, wives and sisters were: in mourning for loved and lo-t ones. Gaunt poverty and want haunted many humble Southern homes. In many of them not a male was left. It was Christmas eve. Several stores where Christmas toys and goods were displayed, showed bright within. A woman, wearing the habiliments of mourning, one who had evidently seen better days, stopped io front of a store where numerous toys were displayed She was evidently poor. A little child a girl some five or six years old clung to her band, and looked with eager eyes at the pretty tilings before her childish vision. "See that doll, mamma, sho said, "0. how I wish it was mino," pointing to beautiful doll in the window. "Hush, darling," tho mother said io ohocking voice, "I wish I could buy it for you, but you must do without it." "Mamma, if papa was here he would buy it for me wouldn't he?" This childish reference to' her father started a flood of tears from the mother eyes. The father had fallen iu one of the battles in Virginia two years before leaving n joong wife and this Utile girl A gentlemin standiug near overheard the talk between mother and child. 11 had been a soldier himself, and his heart was touched by the incident. Stepping into the store he asked the price of the doll. "Two dollars," replied the salesman. "I'll take it," said the gentleman. "Pardon me, madam," said the gentle man, addressing the lady," who still gered with the lookers-on on tho sid walk. "1 wish to make some little one harDT on this Christmas occasion, am have bought this doll for your little girl Years bare not effaocd the recollection of how radiantly that poor little orphan looked as she huirirod that doll to bet breast. And there was an entry made by the recording angel io a book kept in heaven on that Christmas eve. Thomasville Times-Enterprise. TlU worry of to-day is usually the re sult of the carelessness of yesterday. A IAN IN THE MOON. 1I7.4 7' WOULD AX INHABI TANT OF OUR GLOBE SEE WERE UE TRANSFERRED TO THE MOON? On the surface of tho moon Ihe force f gravity is only equal to one-sixth of what it is on tho earth. A man who can ump five feet hero could oasily manage irty feet on tho moon, aud a strong man ho can lift a couple of cart horses at a jondon music hall, would almost bo able to walk off with tho music hall itself on ie moon, Another interesting fact is that as the moon only (urns on its axis once in 27.3 of our days, the lunar day more than twenty seven times as long as ours, What would an inhabitant ot our globe see wero he suddenly trans ferred to the moon, and were able to ex ist long enough to make observations? It it oot easy to give any adequate idea of tho grandeur of luuar scenery. But suppose a man perched on the edge of the crater of one of the largest of the volcanoes. Around him and down the mountain sjopes lies thick the dust, ashes and scorrial (cindcry fragments) ejected from the crater, with here and there the lava streams showing at the surface. Farther down huge masses of rock io inextricable confusion, as though some giaut had been playing at bowls and left his game during the glare of the noonday sun. Beyond, the mountain slopes into broad and deep valley enntaining Sever al miniature volcanoes and half choked with jagged rocks. Still farther on, an other and smaller mountain rises, and then the eye travels over peak after peak and crater after crater until, in the far istance, sky and rock meet and become one. Un both sides the man would see he edge of the crater on which he stood extending in a mighty curve as far as the eye could reach. Terrace after ter iace, marking the successive risings of the ava, descends into the crater itself until, 5,000 feet be'ow, the rough uncveu floor is at last reached Overheard shiues the sun ith a bnlli-iucy rover equalled on our earth. Ihere are no cooliuu rei zes lo tan tho hot cheek, or water o moisten the parched tongue. A hand laid on a rock only to become covered with blisters. The mountain peaks are bare and black no snow ever falls on the moon. Not a blade of grass is to he seen, not a flow or, not a tree, only dust, ashes and rock, rock, ashes and dust Abovo all broods the most profound silence, not a stoue ever becomes dislodged from iis plae not a breath of air moves the dust. For millions of years that silence has been unbroken. For twenty-seven of our days the moon receives the scorching rays of the sun, and then for twenty-sev en of our nights it is exposed to the most intense cold. The difference between the cxtremo temperatures of day and night lias been estimated at 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Overhead shiues the moon's moon our earth, appearing several times as large as the mooo does to us. The beauty of an "carlblight" scene on the moon must be grand; here is a chance for the imaginative artist; my pen cannot do the subject justice Christian Com monwealth. BEATS THE GOLD CURE. HOW TOMATOES AND SALT WILL KNOCK OUT THE LIQUOR IIAIIIT-THA TS THE WA Y THEY DO IT IN MISSOURI. (iOOI) RESULTS "In Missouri wo have a uiuch mure simple jag cure than your Northern bichloride of gold injections," said Col. L. K l'renliss to a reporter of the Cin cinnati huqiiircr. "It is simply one ot nature's own remedies merely a ripe tomato and salt. As to its efficacy, I cau refer to a doacn people of my own personal acquaintance. The cure is fast becoming knofn all over the country, and soon every man will be his own jag physi cian. I don't know wherein the curative properties of a ripe tomato aud a sprink ling of coarse salt lie, but they have been too thoroughly demonstrated to me to make mc skeptical. 'One case in particular I know of clinches my faith in the cure. In a little town in Southwestern Missouri there ives to day a man named Jack Morrisacy, ho was one of the worst sots I ever bad the misfortune to meet. Monissey owns small farm, and in a patch of ground near his shanty raised enough garden truck to supply his table. To be truthful, Morrissey didn't raise anything except hades, his wife and daughters doiug all the work. The man had tho jim jams fourteen times in one year, and when he didn't have them all bis energies were bent on securing tho Bluff to bring them on. This Fall the crops wore a failure oo the Morrissey farm, and with the ex ception of the garden vegetables there was absolutely nothing to cat about the place. Tomatoes, however, were plenti ful. After a week's tomato diet the family noticed that the head of the house had remained sober tour days out ot seven. "Mrs. Monissey was a woman of quick perception, and Jack was dosed with the "tirden product. When I saw him three weeks ago he was a change man, and h- .wasn't p sin; as a hot rib! exam, ilo iu a tomato ja-4 school either. He I aitendiiiL' stiieilv lo business now and d"in w- II " in advertising tell tho stoiy for shrewd advertisers better than big circulation claims or great promises. Ycip'it in tho Ad. iYcIl do the Root. ADVERTISEMENTS. IPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. TXFAT PEOPLE, iso inconvenience, aimnie. lira. iMOUJIILT Mil from any iiijiirioim auhflrnnra. LaBOI ABICaTHS 1130:10, We GUtRANTlE a CURE or retend your money, rloii a.no ner bottle. Sand c. tor Irtall IHttMONT MEDICAL CO.. Boilon, M( ESTABLISHED 1829. S. H. Marks Co., r PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND FRUITERERS manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIGARS & SNUFF. 16?Your orders solicited, have our personal attention. Iloeklen's li-iiita Salve. -est naive in I hu world lur cuts ."'ores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever Th. bruise sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all .-kin eriiiii"iis, and posi lively cures piles, or no pay required. Il is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ror sale by Wm. Cohen When Baby was slelr, wo pave her Cafitorlfl, When aha tva a Child, ho cried for Castoria. When alio bocamo Miss, Bho clung to Castoria. When she had Chlldroa, she go. vo them Castoria. Chamberlain's Ey and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Files, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. r or sale by druggists al ) cents per dox. TO HOBSB OWKEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition I'owders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidnev disorder and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 wnts per package. For sale by druggists. For sale J. N. Brown, Halifax, and r A. S. Harrison, Enfield. There aro 2,000 American born Chi nese in California, and it is said (hat many will vote two years hence. Klertric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known aud so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Hit ters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do nH that is claimed EUiirio Kitters will cure nil diseaw of tho Liver and Kidneys, will removo Pim nles. Boils, Salt Kheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and In digestion try Elcctrio Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refund ed. Price 0O0. and II 00 per bottle at w. M. Cohen s Diugstore. - A boy always experiences nervous af fection on the eve of proposing. It Should be In Every House. J. B. Wilson. 371 Clay st., Sharps burg, Pa , says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with roeumo nia after an attack of "La Urippe," when various othei remedies and several phy sioi in had done her do good. Uobert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa , claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he has ever used for Luog Troubles. Nothing like it. Free trial bottles at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Large bottles 50o. and 11.00. i According to English insanity returns, sixteen cases in 1,000 are caused by love affairs. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Iffp POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report, KOYAL ISA HI Nil l'OWDER (JO., 106 Wall St.N.Y. W. L Douclas S3 SHOE '! ro ASMHa. 9. CORDOVAN, reXKHtLNAMCUXOCMr-. 4.M.V FlNt CAllKMaUim 3.VP0UCE,3 SOLES. f2.l.7? BOYS'SCHOaSHtXl LADIES' P 9 (ND roa CATMSCUC VVLDOUuLAaV Avar OtM Mllllaa Poasla mu th W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally aatlstactory 1 Thar f Iv tha t vala lor th nay. Tkav aaual cuataal hoa I atvl mm4 At. Thatr waarlng quallUaa ar anaarpaaaaS. Th a-rk ar anllorm, tan' a MM lets got I VtW. J on stay Totals. J which will 10 19 ly ST7 COPYRIGHTS. f?AHI I OBTAIN A PATENT t For ft Srompt answer and an honest opinion, writ to 1 11 N N & CO., who have had nearly fifty reart experience la the patent buaineu. Communlca- lorifl itnciiy oonnaeniin. a iiaiiauoun v 'nrmatlnn nnnrwrniiur Put flit ft and how tO oba tain them aent free. Also a catalogue ol mecban leal and scientific bonkfl sent free. raiems uuau inrouKn 011111a s u. nntira icoial aotlooin the Sclnntf lie American, and us are broucut wmoiy Dtroroiun piiDiic wuu- out cost to tUa invtmtor. Thta nnleiidld paper. iimtiflci ppt t. e pcum v 1 nsinufn. nas nr iar ma .ardent circulation of an? scion title work In tb ! rtiii. lruu. Ml a rear. Binjle itiiUfiinu Rrtitlon. montblr. popma, i7 conta, Kvery nuninur contains neau tiful piutes, in (Wlora, and plmtOKrapbn of new In m ftps, with plana, enabling umlders to show tu lutcff drslnsaud flceuroenntriv'ts, Addre UUaNM & CU AEW I UK It, JU1 D UK A U rTAat C. I kiiHacl 1.17 Sycamore at., Petersburg, Va. Havinc succeeded J. AV. Yonng I wonld ic pleased to nee liis old t'rienils. Largest stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWKLKY and CUT GLASS in this ctty. John W. Stewart, who was with Young & Bio. Tor .'to years is at the head of my Hepairing Department. na,AU work and ordera receive prompt attention. oct '25 ly. Grand Display OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANC Y COOPS and NOVELTIES. . Butterick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Mise at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. reprices will lie made to suit the times. Hats anil bonnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M Walsh, South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va ' dm a. .n a .ul a.H al k.r anafca II your daaler cannot supply you w can. Bold by W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N. C. ' G.E MoGwigao, KnEeld, N.C. jan 3 fim. CD 0 a; 0 SCOTLAND NECK STEM! MI Mil. ).Eiprest paid oo package. Send for price list. Address, STEAM DYEING CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. Is west cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WALSH, oot il ly. s I t: Tal nam. umes:'-;Tt; ... later TaaMttttw Fertilizers. BJr Im Ctara, Ma and rWolajS SI J.50 Sl(arlr3aamudralU0t t'.UO Aa Martata ol Potaab. Ktlatt, rMnhaaa Foaaaa. Mnaa laok. NIU.Mia,lalaaaaalull iaaauua. Saa4 l 1 turn loa eWa W.K rilWKI.la tl , Sarbluar atacr,aaa aWIUaiar AM. -sBinotiaiu int - X? i .i -.1 . 1 t mm " ' TOTS-. '.Vr