f ,1 4 JOHN" W. SLEDGE, l'ltoi-uiKTOlt. vol, xxv. A. JST E "W" SP APEB IFOIR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1S95. TEPlvlS: , f,n PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE- NO. 39. i Good Newspaper A Good Article THIS COMBINATION IS PRETTY SUKK TO WIN'. THIS IS THE BEST MEDIUM. a littli: song of hoim NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. DC WAI SUOUT, Or C'Ol'BSK. -When abe advised liini to go to the- -JEXCELSIORlf- Y, weldon, n. c. where printing of every dwHcrintion in ext. CUtCll With IMIlttMHK and dispatch. Letter Hernia, Hill Heads, Statement", Progrnniiueji, Ete., Etc l'mket llimln, Eiivclyptw, Hand Hills, Ticket"1, Etc. IkjyWrit for samples ttiul prices. F, L. llAVWAKIl, I'Mll'UIKioll. PETKIWIU Kli, VA. ELECTHICLHIIirs. EI.El'TKIC HELL." ACCOMMIIDATlO.N MM. C. 8XODGKASS, Proprietor, lute ol Hntler, I'a. The only find claim hotel in theeity. Commercial rutwi, 14. to "i M per day. COUGHS O o (0 V X V a. a o S3 P tr I C x 09 No tears, dear, if the black ikies frown Hope fur the taut ! No storm the rainbow's untile can drown, Hope lor the bent. There in a light somewhere. Some dayi From east to west Will shine a deathless niuriiinjr's ray; Hope for the bent. (lid proverb! Yea, but cheering sweet Divinely blest; Even with the sharp thorns round your feet, Hope for the bent. What hope in sighing? Time btill flics From life'i UDrest; Tears blur the blue in (iod's sweet skies; Hope for the best. And, old or new, still sing the soug That life loves best; One melody a whole life louj Hope for the best. THE HOSTON I1AI1V AUAIN. If' T, V am, ij fijiiTT " Irmi' TIIK WORK OF HER ENEMY. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ? Moves the Bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the feverish condition ind, bead c'je and prevent, pneu- O monia, Cures In one day. Put ap in tablets convenient lor ' taking. j PRICE, 23 Ct8. ran tut tr all dmiooists. ? a a o V QOLDS WARRANTED AND FOR BALK BY A.S. HARRISON. ENFIELD, N. C. bet 4 (tm. . 3 8 o to X & y& r a t i HOW CHINESE DO THINGS. The men wear kirt, and the women wear trousers. The men wear their hairlotig, and the women wear it short. The men carry ou dressmaking, and the women carry burdens. The Cbiuese begin dinner with descit, and end with soup and fish. The Chinese compass points to the South instead of the North. Hooks are read backward, and what we call foot notes are inserted at the top i f the page. The Chinese surname comes first in stead of lant. The Chinese shake their own hands instead of those they would greet. The spoken language of China is not written, and the written language is not aptken. The Chinese dress in white at funer als and in mourning at weddings, while old women always act as bridesmaids. JOHN SMITH, WITNESS. Detroit Free Press. The attorney thought the witness was plumb burn idiot and pruooe.lcd accord ingly. "Did you say your naiue was John Smith?" he asked. "Yes, sir," replied the witness politely. "That's an odd name, isn't it?" "I don't kuow as to that. I guess it's about as even as niot ol them." I'm how old are you?" "Tweuty six, goin on twenty-seven You are going on tweuty aeven, aic your "I guess so. Leastways, I am t goin away from it. "Where do you live? "At home." This nettlad the lawyer. "Well," ha asked, "do you know what I would do if I were you?" Yea. air. reuhed the witness so promptly that the lawyer almost kst bia balance. What would 1 do?" "I guess you'd make about as big fool on the wituesi stand as you think am." and the Court nuclleil the conse quent disturbance. "I know an old soldier who had chrun ic diarrbioa of Ion staudiug to have been permanently cured by taking Chamber lain 8 Colic, rtiulera au l wiarruoea neui edv." sava Kdward Shuuitiik, a promineii druifL'ist of Minneapolis, Minn. ' I hai sold the reuiedv in this city for over an en years and c usiJer it superior to an other medicine now on the markoi bowel comulaints " 25 aud Ml cent b..i ties ol this remedy. K.ir sale hv J Itr.iwo. Ilalilax, I r A. S. Harrison, Kufield. Itiowninp lleun, Jr. Althmiph I have deposited tho required coin In tin' aper ture designated liy the extremely lucid and pithy directions und drawn the handle to its linear extent, yet I am not recompensed by even the vestige of a sweetmeat! For once the law of com pensation is lacking expression. Judtfe. DAINV i()T A FAN. Little Daisy's mother scut tier to tho store to net a fan, And when alia entered, thus the hind proprie tor beuun: And what, my little tudy, can 1 do for you to day?" Please, sir," said she, "I want a thing to brush the warm awuyi -N. Y. World. PROFESSIO.S'AL CARDS. W. H. DAV,!. O. nANIKt.,T.C. HARRISON Weldon. N.C. Littleton, It. C. Weldon, N. 0. DAY, DANIEL HAKKIMtN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Practice in the court of Ilaltfai and Warren onuntips, and wherever their ser yiona ara needed. "Oneofthe firm will be lu Halifax on each Monday.' I l ly. imasii.iiui.LaM, VrDLLIM DANIIL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wkldok, N. C. Piaallca In thecourtsof F-'Ifai an4NorUia.iP an4ud In theHupriuieanirKlnenil courts. Uu ecitpna rqoc In aitpartiof Norm uaroniia. Qtt. T. T. ItOtti, m Weldon, H.O. aTOflc aver Emry ft Pierce's stor 10-lly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. 8. LtTTLITOH, N. 0. TeaU Bxinot4 witlioui pail, 4-39-Cx., A 11 EU KOOSTKH WHITE. TUUNS Can the leopard change his spots Hardly; but red rooster may turn white Mr. S. E. Foy has i white game rooet. i which last spring wa as red at aoj mine fooater. He began to ahed oR and the red feathers kept giving placa in aiiiia mica until there was not a col ored feather on hii body. The bird Uui two vmirs oil History tells of men whose hair was turned gray in ou niiht by a great exeese of grief. This bird must have been a Democratic prophet and turned gray from the great rrri.f h felt over what he foresaw in the b' ' ' eleetjona. Gastopta Ljasetle. CIUEU IN PUOLI8H. Frita, a Qermao lad, and little Tom were fond of each other, although ottth er eould understand what was laid. "Why, Tommy," said his father, "your nlavtuate doesn't sptak I Word of Hnglish does he? No,"aid Tommy; "but when a bum ble stung him yesterday heotied in Eog luh." Ex. Huckit u Arnlce ie, Tb bit aalve iq lha woJd lor aula, bruises, Sores, oocfs, salt rhon, fever tore, tetter, chapped tuoda, chllblaiqs. oorns, and ill skin eruptions, anu poai tivelv cures piles, or ns pay required. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refuaded. Pries 25 gents per box. Fr ssJ by Wat. Cohen. UK WAS NIIAUY. J WW Mrs. Drlnlier My dear, why don't ynu eome nr.' lou iook very luiuisu atandlnir there. Drinker (who hns been out wttn tne boys) I cr will in a minute. 1 wuz (hie) thinkin' how shaky th' (hie) housho lh gettln of liitesh. Judge. TEMPI'S Fl'UIT. He Whatl Another bill from your milliner. Why, I Just paid one day t fore yesterday. She Dbv before veeleruuyi now time doea tlv. Fllegende Ulnetter. SUE II All WORKED HARD. AND IT WAS SUCH AN AWFULLY MEAN THING TO DO TOO. U. S. A. MAJ.-GEN. OLIVER OTIS HOWARD Tho famous one-armed military leader will Mtlro from arlite s. ri lee ibirtmr the month of November, lie was Loin In Leeds, Me.. Nov. s. isai), btuouuicu ii'oin i-ii-..nii ii.-ii.iei,,, u. I 1S5I- served ihruimli Hi.- Seminole ludlan revolt In Klorlilu. s..il-:.7. a stlnKiilslmd hlui- aelf for bravrrv from the lie-aitinliiir to the end of tb civil ai I -iter In- comluet.-d several suecesstiil ranipatlls aifainst the Indians 111 the west. In IKss He -. plur. -d In e liii-ee ol : tho iturv division or uie auiiiiih-, wiwi neiomiiii':..-i i.. -. ., . bus always been mi active worker In reitfiou aim temtjeranee ne.ns. in-.i.mi .-j.s .y. has also been remiirkuliie. inreo oouees uo vuuicuwu ou ...... SQUELCHED. 1 will slndv lniiL'uao-es. doneliei-know. Miss ,Umi:s -How perfectly delightful 1 You will oinmence with English, of course ? IT-MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Mlaa Jlaabeeu- I'm very tirod after the dance last nlht Little Ethel Yea, you must bo. Sis ter aaya you held tbo wall up the whole evening. HriKiklyn Life. A NKW IK A It's KI'ISODK. "A gotid many of us," suid Senator Palmer, "are perhaps saying things about tho President we wouldn't s;y before his face. A great deal depeuds, however, on the way you say it. I rcincOibtr taking Tom Merrill, of llliuoU, to see President Cleveland one day. Merrill stutters, and that is prubably the roason the President laughed at what lie said. Shaking the President's hand, he re marked : " 'It's b-b been a loun t t-timo, Mr. Pres ides l'res President, since I was here. It w w-was duiing the last Democratic adiuinis is is admiuislratioti, before ihe war.' "So long ago V" the President inquired. '"Yon, Mr. l'res Pres l'resiaeut. I swo swo awore then th th that I would uot ker-ker kcr come again till there was another Demueraiic uduiinislrution ala ala elected and in eoulrol niu I aiu't sur-sur certain, Mr. l'res Pros President, hut wh-but wh but what I have kcr-ktr ker I have cuiiie too soup now " 1 BUSIES BORN IN A YEAR. The Old One Pull fair the long end rtU It Chicago Tribune. Many stubborn ind aggTiY.atipg cases nf rheu'watism that were believed to be iqouralla snd icccpted as life legaoief, have yielded to Chamberlain's Pain. Balm, muob to the surprise and gratification of the sufferers. One application will relieve the pain and suffering; sod its continued nse insure) in effectual sure. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr, A. S. Harrison, Enfield. l.a (irlppe. During the prevalence of the (iiippc jmi-i seasons it was a noticeable t.n-1 that those whodilieoded upon Dr. Kill"; s New Di'-eovery, not only hail it spenly rn'onrv. lint escipeu all ol Hie trouoie- i.um' ul'ii r efl'eiis of tho mulu'ly. Ilu- reiui ily seems in have a peeulinr pow.r in ( Heeling rapid cures not only in caw s of Lu (Jrippe, but ill all Discuses of Tlirna!, ('lu'Sl and Lungs, and has eurul ea-es of Asthtnn and Hay rover ol long 'landing. Try it and be convinced. It wou't disappoint. Free trial bottles nt W. .1. Cohen's ilnigtori. It will probably startle a good many persons to find, on the authority of well kuowu statistician, that, could the infants of a year bo ranged in a Hue cradles, the cradles would extend around the iilobe. The same writer looks at the matter iu a more picturescue light. II imagines the bubica being carried past uiven point in their mother's aims, one by one, and the processiou being kept up night and day until the last hour the twelvo months had passed by. sufficiently liberal rate is allowed, but even in the going past at the rate twenty a minute, one thousand two huu hundred an hour, tho reviewer at his post would only have seen the sixlh part of the infantile host, lu other wold Ihe babe that had to bo carried whe the tramp commenced would be able to walk when bit 1 mere f;ai-'i.iu of comrades hud toadied the reviewer's pint aud when the year's supply of lubes w drawing to a close, there would be a rear guaid, not of inl'snis, but of romping Veur old bovs and ".ills. There is iood rciviii for l lie popularity of Chamberlain's I'.uinh Kciuedy. Davis it Itutanl, ef Wist Monterey. Clarion Co Pa., say: Ml has cured people thid our pbvnieiaiis could do uoilnni; or u persuaded ihi ui In try a hotilo of Chain herlain a t miiiii Kemedy and they now recommend it with tho rest ol us." J." ami 50 cent bottles For sale by .) N Hiown. Halifax, Dr A. S. Harrison, Kulield. '(iOOU 1,1'l'li, ST. LOUIS." "Il was Miss Miggs; I know it was!" she exclaimed angrily. "She is the only girl in the city who is mean enough to do such a thing." "Such a thing as what?" asked her dearest friend. "As that!" she cried, holding up a let- r and glariug at it. "It is an insult disgraceful insult but I know that he could not be inteutionally guilty of such an affront. She must have put him up il." "Who is he?" asked the dearest friend anxiously working to get at the story. "Why, Roger Mc(jurhan, of course, e returned iu the same quick, excited maimer, "n ho else should u ue. iiasni he been calling here for the last three months? Hasn't he been almost on the point of proposing twice? Didu't I have everything arranged to catch him next time? And now comes this!' "What is it, dear? What is it?" "Head! replied Ihe haughty young aul V as she tossed the letter to her friend. It was as follows : Mr. Itoger Metjitrhan presents his compliments to Miss Daisybelle und would consider it an honor to have her company at the polls on registration day. He will take pleasure in calling for her at such time as will suit her convenience." I'm sure that's very courteous of ," said the dearest frieud. "Vhy should you " "Courteous ! Courteous!" cried the 'uutifulgirl. "And I only 18 years old as I once told hiiu! Oh, some enemy has done this!" Chicago Post. COLO WEATHER RULES. Never lean with the back upon any thin" that is cold. Never begin journey until the break fast has been eaten. Never take warm drinks and then im mediately go out in the cold. Keep the back, especially between the shoulder blades, well covered; also the chest well protected. Iu sleeping iu a cold room establish habit of breathing through the nose and never with the open mouth. After exercise of any kind nevers it in an opcu carnage or near t lie wiuuow ol a car for a moment. It is dangerous to alth or even life. When hoarse speak as little as possi ble until the hoarseness is recovered from, else tho voice may be permanently lost, or difficulties of the throat bo pro duced. Merely warm the back by the fire, and nuver continue keeping the back exposed lo the beat after it has become comforta bly warm. To do otherwise ia debilita ting. When going from a wurui atmosphere into a cooler unc keep the mouth closed so that the air may be warmed in its passage thiough the nose belore it reach es the lungs. Never go to bed with cold or damp feet. Never omit regular bathing, for unless the Aiii is in active condition, the cold will close the pures aud favor con- gesliou aud other diseases. Never stand still in cold weather, es pecially after having taken a slight de gree of exercise, and always avoid stand ing on ice or snow, or where the person is exposed to cold wind. WHAT BUTLER SAYS. WHAT MARION Ul'TI.ER SAYS ABOUT CITY AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT. GOOD RESULTS A correspondent of the Charlotte Ob server interviewed Mr. Marion Butler in Washington, and hero is what he said about the present systems of town aud county government: 'As to the county governments noth ing is decided as yet. There will be full conference, however. There is u verf strong felling iu the West, embracing most of the Democrats, perhaps, in favor of popu'ar elections. The action of the County Commissioners in the matter of bonds his strengthened the desire for Magistrates elected by the people. As to Ihe Bjard of Audit, whether it will be sufficient as a check ou the action of the County Commissioners' government, much will depeud on the powers with rhieh they are invested and also on the character of the men choen; and regard ing city government the Legislature would, I think, listen to the members (roui Wilmington, Raleigh, Ooldsboro, etc., fittiog each case to the local require ments. I can only speak with full knowledge as to Ooldsboro where I live. The charter will be so changed as to break the rule of the existing ring not to disturb politics otherwise. The city would probably remain Democratic uuiess the voters changed tneir party ments." IPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. VFAT PEOPLE. ... . 1 No Inconvenient. Simple, f mm .1 ""'"liur.. ASOOLOmT Mill"? ""J thla. from any nijurinti. .uti.l.nra. uoi ilcsniHS snt:. "a v. r.UISANItf CURE or rotuno reur montt. Prlr j.oo i.. -i-bottle. Send 4e laMnailia. (HEMUMT MKDICAl. CO.. BottoD, Mm align- Carlton Cornwell foreman of the Gaztte, Middletown, N. J., believes that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy should be in ev ery home. He used it for a cold, and it effected a speedy cure. He says: "It is indeed a grand remedy, I can recommend to all. I have also seen it used for whoop ing cough, with the best results." 25 and OU cent bottles. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A.S. Harrison, Enfield. Si Marks Co., PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND FRUITERERS manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIGARS & SNUFF. IfciyYour orders solicited, which will have our personal attention. 10 19 ly When Baby was Hick, wo gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she fried for CastorU. When she became Miss, she clung to Cantoris, When she had Children, ahe gave tbem Castorta. WHEN THE STARS FELL. Older people will remember the morn ing of the 13th November, 1833, when the stars fell in numbers like snow flakes. Nature never indulged in such pyro technic display before, nor has she since, and never were people so terror-stricken This beautiful incident comes to us from that memorable morning. In ene of the smaller towns of Virginia the people were more overcome with excitement than else where, and rushing from their houses to a common centre, fell upon the ground nd together began piteously and earnest ly to beg for mercy. Just then s woman of strong faith and real devotion to Christ calmly said, "The heaven's declare the elorv of God." and at once her calmness became contagious and the piteous criesl were changed to tongs of praises to tbe God who made the stars and sent them on this excursion of now exceeding brilliancy. Ex. I-'OK )Vi:tl l-'ll-TV VI. A It's Mrs Winslow'a Soothing Syrup hasbeeo sod for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, wilh pefect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. '- cents s buttle, liesure and nsk fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take uu oth er kind. HUtJO STILL UNTOMHEI). Complaint is made in Paris that Victor Hugo's remains are neglected. When the great man's remarkable fuuern) was over, the o (iu containing his body was solemnly placed on two improvised benches iu the Pantheon. There it re mains Just as It was Uft, no attempt hav ing been made lo prepare a tomb fur it. And nothing more is heard of the great Hugo memorial for which subscriptions were solicited just after the poet's death. Psiil Correspondent. Mrs. Cleveland did mil say," I christen thee, St. I. mis " She said, "(loot! Luck, Si. Louis." This is ofii -i.il and authen tic. St. Louis Republic. Chamberlain's, Vye and Bain Qtuuuiuit la unequalled fta. Lw.ni, Tetter, Salt IihelUtt, cld Head, Sore Nipples, Chapied Hands. Itching Piles, Hum, Frost lliles, Chronic Sore Lyon und Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 2A cents per box. TO RORSBOWNSKS. For putting a hum- in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. C'ndv's t'ondition Powders. Ther tone tin the svlcin, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse, w tents per package. For sale by druggw, For sale J. Brown, Halifax, snd I r. A,, 9, garrison, Enfield. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAKE YOURSELF HEAItll. This little clipping is good, thoug homely : The thou who prosper in this world are the men who mind their owo business and keep on mindiug il. An exchauge furnishes au example: V Tatoes! " cried a c doted peddler in Hichiuund. "Hush dal racket! You distracts de whole neighborhood!" responded a colored woman from a doorway. "You kin hear me, kin yuu1" ''Hcarjou?' kin bear you a mile?' ".'Tmtksl l's hollering to be heard I Tatoeel' " Htreugth andHeal th. If you are not feeling healthy try Eleclric Bitters. If ' La Grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitten. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomaoh and Kidneys, gently aid ing those organs to perforin their func tions. If you are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will fnd speedy ind per manent relief by taking Electiio Bitters. Quo trial will oonvinne that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 000. it W, Jr. Cohen s drugstore. POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in loavening strength. Liitrtl U. IS. uovrrnmrnt food Keport. Royal Uakinu Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. W.L.Douclas l CUnC i tm inter, wij OnULriT roa akin. 9. CORDOVAN, rvaiMcjt a swima w. 4lFllKtUaKMSIMM 3.VHLICf.310US. 2.I.TJT H1lmiiia - LADIES. OtstOm MmtM Pt,-iw Hon W, L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH r shooe an qttally Mtls factory Th. f tv a kMi valM tor tk aMMy. they aaaal cwetoea ahoea la atyto awl M. tktfr wearing tltlM r mwtwhiS. tbe price ere united KiMmpmd m aat. Prom i ta Ij MvS over Mkw tastkM. If your dnlar cannot supply you we ooa. Sold if W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N. C. C. E McGwigao, Enfield, N. C. jan 3 5m. f 1 J 'at in advertising tell the story for shrewd advertiser better than big circulation claims or great promises. 4 kJ inths Ad. 77211 do ths Rest. ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1829. COPYRIGHTS. n i art a IN A PATENT t Fori, Boropt tnawer and an booMt opinion, write to I! N N V CO., who hre bad near It lift? Tears' experience ID h patent business. Communica tions itrirtlf confidential. A llnndbovkof In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain tbem tent free. Alao a catalogue of maobao tcal and Kientino doom sent tree. a Patent taken tbrounh Munn Oft. neat pedal notice Id tbe Scientific American, an4 thai ra brought widelT before tbe public with out coat to tbe tnrentor. Thia aplendld paper. laaaea weeur. eieaenuy iiiBurnwi, um ut im Urtrett circulation of anr acientlflc work In torn world. 93 a Tear. Sample copies aent free. hlalaa in Minn, and DlmtotTr&nhB boutei, with plana, enabling but i dart to aoow to eopiea. oenta. 11IUI Building BdHioa. montblr. jeer. Binfie oeuia. iv Tory uuuiiwr a, in e latput dpslfrna and secure oontracta. Addreu rerr number oontalns beau- iiuMnraiiua iTi C. F. Lauterback 137 Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. Having succeeded J. W. Young I would be pleased to see his old friends- Largest stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and CUT GLASS in this city. John W. Stewart, who was with Yoiiin; A Bro. for 35 years is at the head of my Repairing Department. S.A11 work and order receive prompt attention. oct 25 ly. Grand Display OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANC Y GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bulteriek's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. WA.Prices will be made to suit the timee. Huts and bonnets made and trimmed re order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, S. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va SCOTLAND NECK m ei mm. ItvExpreM paid on packages, for price list. Address, STEAM DYEING CO., Send a. .sis- Lrwest cash prioe guaranteed. AU work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WAL8U. Oct 11 ly, ! Ktr.U Sod. In lw ouuiiana neei, a. v. Ward - TimSS Fertilizers. fH-E3 Ak StaiW. W KM KetaM. Swhieakt T tub, HIU.U Mode. I. kn -( Mil

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