X -...ii.i- JOBUsT W. SLEDGE, pkopriktor. A. ITEWSPAPEE J Zl THE PEOPLE. TEIRMIS:-1-50 VKK annum IN ADVANCK. VOL. XXV. WKLDON, N. C, TIIU1ISDAY, FEIUtUAIlY 28, 1S95. NO. 46. A Good Newspaper A Good Article THIS COMUINATION IS PKETTY SVUE TO WIN. THIS IS TIIK IWST MEDIUM. N KW A D V HUT IS KM KNT.S. Ladies Who Visit i'A 'r'"' ' -LIKETO HAVE NICE VISITING CARI. THE l'LACE TO GET THEM IN THE LATEST STYLES IS AT THE OFFICE OF THE -5 Excelsior Printina Company c- WKLDON, N. c. Letter Hauls, Packet ItcaJa, (till Heads, Envelope, Statements, lliind Hills, Programmes, Tickets, Etc., Etc Etc. LAND OF TIIK SOUTH. Land of the South imperial land How proud thy mountain rise How awect thy scenes on every hand; How fair thy covering kic ! But for tli is ah, not for these I love thy fields to roam, Thou hast a dearer spell to me, Thou art my nativu home ! The riven roll their liquid wealth, l'neiUalled to the m a Thy hills and vallcn hlooui with health, And preen with verdure be; But not for thy proud ocean streams; Nor tor thine nztlre dome, Sweet, Sunny South I cling to thee Thou art my witive home ! I've Hood lieucath Italy' cliuic Beloved of tale and son;;, On Ilclvyn's hills, proud uud tuMituc, Where nature's wonders throng; By Temple's classic kunlit M reams, Where god's of old, did roam, But ne'er have found so fair a land As thou my nativo home! And thou has prouder glories too, Than natute ever gave; lYaco sheds uVr thee her gonial dew, And freedom's iuions waie Fair science flings her pearls around; Religion lifts her dome, These, these endear then to my heart, My own, loved, native home ! And "heaven's host gift to man" is thine; God bless the rosy girls ! Like sylvan flowers, they sweetly shine; Their hearts are as pure as pearls ! And grace and goodness circle them, Where'er their footsteps roam Iluw can I then, whilst loving them, Not love my native honin I SEN'HAIJEMS HILL A LAW ITU. TEXT (IF THE LAW MAKING SIX PER CENT. THE HATE OF INTEREST. i UofWritc for samples ami prices. E- L. llAYWARII, l'WII'lilKToK. IjE SOUTHER, l'ETEUSlU'KG. VA. ELECT HIC LIGHTS. EI.ECTUIC HELLS ACCOMMODATION am. C. 8NODG HASH, Proprietor, late ol (Sillier, l'a. The only first class hotel in the city. Commercial rates, J'J. to 'i 50 per day. TASTELESS CHILL TQMIC Holll l llisil si 1. 1 1. 1:. The fullowing is the full text of Sen ate hill No. 1 and House bill No. 407: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Ski l loN 1. The legal r.ilo of iutcrcsl shall he six per centum (G per ccut) per u ii mi iu fur sikh lime as interest may ac rue, and no more; and the taking, re ceiving, rescmng, or chargiug a greater ale of interest cither before or after the liileicst may accrue, when knowingly done ni i p .1 . :. . . siiuii in a loiiciiurc oi l lie inline inivnai which the note or other evidence of ddn eaiies with it, or which has bceu agreed to be paid thereon. And iu case a great cr interest has been paid, the person or his legal representatives; or corporation, liy whom it has bceu paid,, may recover back twine the amount of interest paid in the uature of an action for debt: I'n- vidid, such action shall be commrnctd iiliiu two yeais after the payment in of such indebtedness. I'rovidtd I'm- tlier, that in any action brought iu an) urt of ci uipcteiit jurisdiction, to recov- tr upon any such note or oilier evideno ul dibt, it shall be lawful l'r the party .oust kIidUi the action is brought I ml, as a iMUuter claim, the penally uliuve provi hd t"r, to twice the aiuotiu ol ihleiesl paid as aforesaid, and also tie forfiiuiie of the entire interest. Ai d no c si shall be rceovciol by any pari. win ilu r plaintilf oi defendant, who ma etidea or to r cover upon any usurious coniraet. StoiuiNli. That this act shall noi apply to contracts eioculi d heretofore SECTION That all iuwiilu violation of this act are hereby repealed. IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. Gaiatia, Iu., Not. 16, ltw. Hoiitifmaui-We sold nA Tar, bouka of ..HoVK HAtrnJiXa UHU. TOM am) tv )&hubTft KfMlnaiy tutsyw. Inallonrei' ptrur t-f la- years, io tno drug buslnms, bat avYtt sviJ au artttla tbat gjv-e u-n uuiversal saua. WAltBANTEU ASP (iDB 1SALR UV A. 8. HARRISON. KN FIELD, S C oct 4 (tin. 1'ROFESSIQXA I. CARDS. W. 11. DAYJIK. II. DANIKI.,T. C. IIAKKISON W.,, C. UlUt't"". N ' Weiami, i .c DAY, DAMK.I . II UIKIiKIN ATTORNEYSAT-LAW, Practices in the courts of llulifai and Warren counties, anil wherever their ser vices are needed. One of the Urm will l in Halifax ou each Monday. I I'M?. ttm i 1.1 is, iiuiiiif "I've been immleriiiK nvec u very sin gtilur tiling." "What U it?" "Mow putting u r'mg on a woman's third tinker s-lionlil place you umlor that woinun'M tliuinli." Life. PAT KllOt'l.l) .1ITEAI. TO Hit. ICDISON. rig 1 i.ll ! Ill i llil I I 1 I "They say it is electricity," said Pat, as ho stopped before the incandescent street light, "but I'll he handed if I see how it is they make the hairpin burn in the botthle." Yule Itecord. IT'S lOMINU, SIRE AS FATE.. Mabel I wish you would look, Maud, and seo if niv trousers han(f all right behind. Jude. Jl ST ItKFOUK. TIIK I HAST. tlreat tjeott! here is luck. A living pluture Just to tit my frame. I ruth. SIIK KNKW 111TTKR. wurra a. BisiiL IULLHM A U A H I II Li ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlI.DON, N. C. Prrtleln theenurttnf HsIlnimiilS'nrthimio t n tin In theSupniniemit Kwlerml emiru. Col" leetluni made Iu llprtiif Vina Carolina. Hrnca onct at Halifax, H.C.upen ever; Hon dj. Ju1l T. T. KOFS 1 Vcl4aa, V. 0. MTOfflc orer Emry & Pierce'anlore. 10-19-ly. T, W, HARRIS. D. D, , LimiTON, K. C. Teeth Kit noted without pak. 4JO-0a. ltOTIl lLAYi:i WITH 1'IKK At uriceut gaihiinu "I uoiahle mi the alter uiuuer elt.it tutueil upon pn sonal eipciieucis, aud a di.-iiuguislu. juri-t relatid ibis. Alter graduation ji- ini;,r;ited to i WcstetQ town, lo Hi' lis of i ilemss, wii no prospect of i upiov. -weiii, iuduc. him to seek a new home. Without Dim cy to pay his fare, he boarded a train I'm Nashville, iulcndiii); o seek ctpploymen s reporter on ouc ol the daily ncWspapeis When the conductor, called lor his (itkit he laid: "I am un the staff of the , "I Nashville, I suppose you will pasi nu?" The conduct..! l.n.ked at him sharply Tho editor of that paper is in ihe smoker, cnte with Uie, it he deuliU jou, all ryh M . Il f.dlnwad the conductor in n Ihe ttuoker; the situation was explained; Jir Editor said ; 'Oh, jes, I recogniie bim as one of the etatT,it is all right. Before leaviti" the train the lawy.r gain sought the ritot. "Why did you say you reeognued mcf I'm not on your paper. "Iamnotthecdit..r;cithcr. I'm ! inu ou ids pa, .ud was scared to dcalh lest you should give me away. . Mooililnir Svrup has bceu used' for over fifty yean, by millions of ..i. I... ..in iir.-n wni c HTunuit, n..feot auccesa. It soothe, the child allava all pain, cures windeolie, and is the test remedy o n:.k ... It wil relieve the poor little Win.u.i'd:ately.'8.ildlydruii!Ut. iB'i,ery pa.tohbe world. M ' L.leltcsur and.sk fur-Mrs . Wh row'. Soothing Syrup," and take no oth I et kind. -1 ltV I LU lit Your futhtrbftitttliink I oun't nuppnrt V"u, ilt'iirost. Mio Thttt's not lib fmOi. Hmc he Imi ! pnsfcf tUlt" i!i iur, the Kai , H tMH'tl Im, itiiv ior imu m mnjf (iiiiig. I.fu. 111! WHAT nOI'.S IT M ATTF.lt V It matters little where I was born, ( )r if my parents were rich or joor ; Whether they shrank at tho cold world's scorn, Or walked in the pride of wealth secure; Hut whether I live an honest man, And hold my integrity firm in clutch, I tell you, brother, plain as I am, It matters much ! my It matters little how long 1 stay In a world of sorrow, sin and care ; Whether in youth I am called away, r live till uiy bones and pate arc bare; Hut whether 1 do the best I can To soften the weight of adversity's touch On the faded cheek of my fellow man, It matters much ! It matters little where be my grave, Ou the land orou the sea, By curliug brook or 'ueath itormy wave, It matters little or uaught to me ; But whether the angel oi death comes down And matks my brow with his loviug touch, As one that shall wear the victor's crown, It matters much ! (iK.VDV'S MOTHUlt. A PRETTY VBLVKTEIiN SKATIM i COSTUME. KUKAL LI A HS. Crops Old Inhabitant (loafing at Hoads grocery) Talkin' about crop failures, I remember a lime when people had to eat up all the farm stock and live on tho fodder wot they saved fer the cattle. Older Inhabitant-Hu-h I That's noth- in . hy, 1 recollect the time when proviiions got bo scarce that the etuvvin' farmers hed to go an' shoot an nmatoor sportsmap for dinner, and then cook him with the wood from the "Xo Trespass" signs, A man with a pint of importance ordinarily has a quart on election day. NAIIKI) ALMONDS. Somebody has gone and discovered that salted ulmonds were a favorite edible in Nero's time, and that that wicked creature nibbled at them just as every one dues today if be yets the chance. It is hoped salted almonds arc not ac countable for the many acts of cruelty which murk Nero's reign, because if there is anything worse than dyspepsia to bo laid at their door it is well to know it now, A severe attack of indigestion might make an emperor commit the most fiendish a' ts aud its cause be buried in oblivion until this modern pokeuose discovered it to be the salted almond. X "It made no difference about the weather, Henry Grady's mother loved bim with a mother's matchless devotion and a woman's deathless love in sunshine and iu rain," remarked a well known cit izen of Athens yesterday, as he stood with several friends at tho foot of the Grady monument. Marietta street, look ing at the bronzed image of the peerless Georgian. "Standing here today, 1 recall one of the most touching scenes I ever witnessed in my life. I was living in the house of Henry Grady's mother during my college days in Athens. She had a comfortable little dwelling in the quiet suburbs of the town, and would have one or two college boys as boarders just fur the sake of having boys wound her, as she used to say. One night, while her distinguished son was en a visit to her, after he bad been romping around in the sitting room all the even ing, tcllinjj stories of his boyhood's happy days until he had us smiling and Oiling our eyes with tears in wundrous a'terna tion at his magnetism and versatility, he went to his room to go to sleep. His fond mother followed bim there, just as she used to do when he was a liltle boy, and tuoktd the cover under him in the same old fashion. How she did love that man! Tau ni Vt.qT Al'NT MiNKKVA Wait, Horace, I Insiit, until it has oaased nut of sb'ht. mm: lonk wouns. Below are the longest niue words iu the Knglish language at the present writing : Incomprehensibility. Subconslitutionalist. l'hiloprogcnitiveness Ilonoiifieibilitudinity. Disproportionableness. VelocipedestrianUtieal. Anthropophagcntnariau. Transsubst ant iat ionablcness . 1'riiantitr.inunbstaiitiationist. HOW III". GOT IT. le Bore low did you catch your coll? De Biistlc You know colds are con tagious? "Yes." "Well, I caught cold asking other people how they caught their colds." If you really lovo what you believe to be a duty, opposition only makes you stronger. "sKVo I ll llii ifcsl ii. 'tf..i.a fiv-u A 11 te mm ma WiMw"j jlpfe-vi- ;ooi cuoi vi;.ir. "Ie win's er layiii' riht fur cr good Mp year," said I'nelc Ned Sims, from 'ni u in Sua county yestirday as he held bi head one sided aud looked up at the sun as c lin k, us look up at the hawk that i. Hying over them. He seemed to know what he was talking about, for he looked down a minute or two and then resumee ruiiiiniiiingly : "las, sail, ilars gwinc tor be a good et op year dis year, sho' vou ho n. I kin feel it in de air. Yer sec, de snow loosens up de groun' an gits it in-good condishun ferde plow, au den it done come so late it'll keep back de sap in de groun till lato nough tcr keep de frost off do cotton row when it do come up out cr do grouu'. "But Lawd, what's de use ter have (I gooM crop year. Taio' gwine do no good. It don't take er good crop year ter raise hogs, an' dat's what dcy ain't gwine raise. White folks done quit raisin' hogs dese days. Pen looks lack ef dey do raise one or two little sboats dey'll go off down ter de big branch and some nigger'l raise 'em away fum de man. Jes' look; lack time is changin' anyhow." Atlanta Constitution. GAKDKNS IN THE AIH. Ancient Babylon may perhaps called the most wonderful city of world. Xo less remarkable wcro hanging gardens referred to in the be tb. th Old Air-Baa; Slepi Cars. ONE SERIOUS DEFECT IN THE NOVEL IDEA Of A PENN SYLVANIA MAN. (JOOI) RESULTS A western l'untisylvatiia man has patented a new slyle of sleeping car. h car is to oontain rubber bags of various sizes and designs, some lo be used as pillows, some as mattresses, aud others as cushions. At nightfall these bags are to be taken from the cupboard and stretched over steel frames. Wheu that is done hot air from the locomotive is to be turned on, and the bags are to be dilated. In a very few minutes the cushions, mattresses and pillows will be inflated for use, and then the porter will put wire screens iu pot.it ion to divide tho sleeping sections. In perhaps fifteen mitiutes the whole sleeping car will be ready for use. The next morning all that it will be necessary to do is to turn off the hot air, and so cause the collapse of mattresses, pillows, and cushions. The advantages claimed for the new p itcut arc many and vain. us. In the Imt place there will be a decided lessen ing of weight for the sleeping cars to carry. Again, the tmures ol sleeping berths take up a very large amount of room which the new patent designs to save, then the time taken up lor pre- piring the berths and putting them up in the morning is considerable, it is claimed, too, that another effect of the invention will be to do away with much of the discomfort which now seems in separable from travel on sleeping cars. A soft rubber cushion dilated with hot air ought certainly to be a pleasant sub stitute for a sleeping car mattress on a cold night, and and a soft rubber pillow ought certainly to acquire some populari ty which a hard laundered sleeping car pillow has never yet enjoyed. One detail the West Pennsylvania man does not seem to have covered by any clauie in the patent and it is an im- nortant one. No provision is made for the abolition of the sleeping car porter This is a serious if not a fatal defect. in advertising tell the story for shrewd advertisers better than big circulation claims or great promises. Y:u put intb'rAi. "T-H .', p. .1 AbVKKTISKMKNTS. Mireiifrth uiiilllcalih. If v..u are not feeling healthy try Kleelric Bitters. If "La Giippe" has eft vou weak aud weary, use Klectrie Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aid ing those organs to perform their func tions. II vou arc afflicted with icK iidaehe, you will find speedy and per manent relict by taking Mectiie Hitters One trial will convince that this is the remedy you need Large bottles ouly tic. at W . .1 ( uncus drugstore. Don't allow yourself to be hoodooed into the belief that life is only a prctcn tious strut. A li Moiues woman who has been troubled with frequent eolds, concluded to try an old remedy in a new way, aud cnrdingly took a tablespooutul (lour times the usual dose) of C'bamberlaiu's Cough Ueinedyjust before goiug to bed. The uext moruiug she fouud that her cold had almost entirely disappeared, l'uring tho day she took a few doses of the remedy (one teaspoonlul at a time) and at night again took a teaspoonful before goiug to bed, and on the lollowiug moiuing awoke free from all symptoms ot the cold, since then she has, on scv eral occasions, used this remedy in like manner, with the same good results, and is much elated over her discovery of so iiuiek a way ot curing a cold. For sale by J X. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, huucld. She You have sen ppa and he ha. tald no? (lo-My dear. ! said ', but I m led tn believa you can never bt mine Judge. Hurklen'l Arnica Salve. Tin best salve in tho world fer cuts, bruises, Sores, uloers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped banc, eWbUiu, n;ni aud Jl akin eruptions, aud posh lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 oenU per .boi.Forialeby Win. CoWn. A MODEL ROOST. Rbvkaiid Ah. thtt t. a model roost I Wool Ki.ivatoh Hot Com. on. If you ara going toulil wish ror anything more convenient F up I St, Nicholas. Mrs. Kmily Thorne, who resides at To'edo, Washington, says she has never been able to pr. cure any medicine fo rheumatism that reli,eveu tho paiu so quickly and, i Actually as Ohauiborlaio's Pain Balm and that she has also used it for lame back with great success. For tale by J N. Blown, Halifax, Pr A. 3. Harrison, Enfield, It must be mighty lonesome to be a woman and wait for an ideal husband. 0. W. 0. Ilardnnn, Sheriff of Tyle Co, W. Va., apprcciatta a good wilting snd doe. not hesitate to say so. He was almost prostrated with a cold when he procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy He sayB. "It gave me prompt relief. I find it lo be an invaluable rem edy for coughs and colds." For Kale by i . N. Brown, Halifax. Dr. A. S, Harrison, Enfield, Testament and described by some of the early profane writers. The city itself was fifty miles in circumference, its walls being II5U feel high and 87 feet thick. The city was built in the centel of a vast iiluiu. The wife of the kini? oame fiou a mountainous region and did not like this barrenness. Hence the famous hanginj gardens. They were suspended over 4"0 feet iu the air and planted with trees, Iruits and flowers Xo less thau 200,0(10 slaves were employed in their construction. All this to please his wife Sho must have been pleased. The cxpetioneo of George A. Apgar, of German Valley, X. J , is well worih rcuiemeuiberiiig. Ho was troubled with chronic diarrhtri aud doctored for five months and was treated by four different doclors without benefit. He then began using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy, of which odq suiiill bottle effected a complete cute. For sal; by J. X. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enticld. The scholar has no place in politics if he has no money to buy influence, l.a (Grippe. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable tact that those who depended upon Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, not ouly had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the trouble some after effects of tho malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid euros uot only in cases of La Grippe, but in all Diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, and has cured ca.-cs of Asthma and Hay Kcvcv of lung standing. Try it and be c iiivinocd. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at W. .1. Cohen's druoro. 11 Health means so much more than , 'you imagine serious and I , 'fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s greatest gift health. Brown's Iron Bitters If you are feeling out of sons, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, hae no cupel ile and can't work, begin at once tak ing themost relia ble strengthening medicine, which is Hrown s Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose ft won't stain your itth, and it s pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney anj Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Cad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Oct only tli'.- temiii: - ii In crossed red l lie wrapper. Vluilur!- are sub- tn receij-t cl i -n FUinijw lines slitules. will send set of lei Buitul World's Fair Mews and book t:et B'iCWN CHEMICAL CO. BAL"'ii"lRE, MD. july 2G ly. CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT f For Srompt answor and an boneit opinion, write to II NN & COwbohave hud nearly fifty years' expprtence tn the patent businnss. Communica tions strict I y confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Pntenta and bow to Ob tain l hem ncnt free. Also a catalogue Of mechan ical and scientific books ent free. Patents taken tbrouph Mutm k Co. TMelTa special notice In the Urtentlflr American, and ttius are brought widely before the public with- Thlfl sDlondid oaoer. strated.naa brfarth larttest clrcu latum of any scientific work tn l nut pimI to the Inventor. Issued weekly, elenantly Illustrated, baa b aurlil f mr. KntimlA iMinloa unt frea. Building Edition, monthly, sf.iua year. Bintl copies, '2$ cents. Frery number eontair beau tiful plates, in colors, and pbotonrapbt. of new bouses, with plans, enabling oulldera to show tb latent desitrns and secure contracts. Address UL'NN & CO, NEW YOUK, 3U1 BROAUWAT. W. M. HABLISTON & CO., Wholesale and Krtail Dealers in fill! CARPETS, STOVES, aud Mattresses, etc- IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTON & CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 10 20 ly. -THK CHARLOTTK- "My love lur iIicj i liko criid; '! rii'li n cri'l '" he And i hen, in acc.-nt; winiiinj;, "Ami uiioi' fur thee," the maiden fair reiilied, ''It lite a ring fur it hath no begin uini! '. " OBSERVER North CaroHua'f Foremost Newspupvr DAILY AND WEEKLY." I ndt'l wndeu t and rVarlMs; bigger and more attractive than ever, it will be an iu valuable visitor to the home, the office, the club or the work room, THE DAILY OBSERVER. All of the ufWHol'tliu world. Com plete Duily reports Croui the State and Niitioniil Ciipitol. $4 a year. THE WEEKLY OBSERVER. o o o A pert'eH family journal. All tbr newa ol the wwk. The reports from the Legislature a special Irature. lie inemlier the weekly Observer. Only one dollat a yeur. Send for sanipl copies. Addrest TH F. OBSERVER, Clurli.lt.-. S t. 'When Baby was sick, w. (an her Outorta. When she was a ChuJ, abm"" " When she ty ' Whaiat' NEW ADVKUT1SKMKNTS. ROW mm 1 jj. QULLOM POWDER Absolutely Pure. -fH of lartar ' " FAMILY GROCER And Dealer In FRUITS VEGETABLES. J lift received afresh lot of Groceries,, Confectioneries, Canned goods, Meat, lard, aud general table supplies always on band. 1 will sell as lew as any bouse in town, and solicit a slia of the public patronage, nov 29 ly. SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYS WHS, .Kipresa paid oa paokitav " Addwaa,., L

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