THE ROANOKE NEWS TlHUiSDAY, F E Bill' All Y 2S,lS'Jo Tie LeiMature. PUBLISH KI) KYKRY TUl-llSlUY J. W. SLEIGE, Editor & Froprietor. D. E. STA1KEACK, Associate Editor t'litmdut J'ufl l.-fiir til II tt'm n im iSccoll'l ( V'.n.v Matti r. RATKH or HrBMCKI I'TIOX IN AUVASI K Oue Year (by .Mail), Postage i'aiil $1..". Kix Months 7 AWeckly ll.'in.H-nit ir join irn1i-.l In the matt-rial, eilurat, politiral and arifiiltural inl'Tcsis til Halifax ami mh rounding counties. flK Ail vt-i t isi nn rati'.- irasi.niMe ami fill llishril (Ml applu-alHin. hansom is iiooi,i;i Tliu I'rt'M It'll! List Saliii lay M iit It) t lie Small' I lie nniniii.itiuii id' .vtiatnr M ill V It.itisotu lo be Unvov Kxt inor dinary au.l Minister i 'It iiipot i tit i.ny id' till! 1 llited til Mexico Tin- tlntll- iualion was taki'li up ulul e.uiliriiii'd bv tin' unanimous Vote id' the Senate, The lloriiblicaiis atareutly as willing as the DeuwcraU to Jo lienor to North Carolina's distinguished senior Senator. The whole State, and particularly this section to which lie belongs, rejoices to learn that the rohes of office have fallen upon such worthy shoulders. The fol lowing from the News and Observer ex presses our sentiments auj the sentiments of the people everywhere: "Id all its history, North Carolina has never honored any uiati so highly as Senator Kansoin. He has represented the State in the I'uited States Senate twenty-two eouseeutive years with con spicuous ability, and has won a higher place in the councils of the nation than some North Carolinians have supposed. His elevation to the important position as Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Mexico is the best evi dence of the national appreciation of his abilities as a statesman and diplomat. The State has never produced a man of liner gifts and greater intellectual powers. In any company, he stands amoni' the foremost. By nature und training he is eminently iualified for the important post to which he has been called. The people of North Carolina are highly gratified at the President's action, and rejoice in the elevation of its senior Senator. I he position is a most disira uie one. n lien .Mr. Cleveland wis elected, he tendered to the late Hon Isaac Purscy Gray his choice of a diplo matic appointment. He selected tin Mexican mission for the double reason that it was comparatively near his home, and that the expense of liviog is less than at any other important mission The salary is s? 17.5tl0. In two years. Senator Hansom will receive more than the salary of a six years term in the Seuate." Senator Uansnm will please accept our warmest congratulations and best wishes for his future health and happiness. Tug following from the News and Oil server uf the --ml shows the fusionists up in their true colors: Several weeks ago a proposition was made in the ( Assembly to adji, urn in honor of Robert E. Lie, ou the occas ion oi Mis liirtlnlay. lln resolution was voted down, although by enactment of a prior legislature lien.'s birthday is a public holiday in the Stale, and the public buildings are closed on that day. Yesterday a resolution was introduced to adjourn until In o'clock on Saturday in nrl-r to pay respect to the uiein -ry of (Jeorgi! Washington, whose birthday is also a legal holiday. This was Voted down. At the same session that the resolution to adjou'u in honor of Washington was voted down the following resolution, ill Uodueed by Crews, col, red, of (irauvilli . was adopted : WliKHK.ts, The late Fred Donbass de parted this life un I ho lillth inst ; and. whereas, we greatly deplore the same: hot, therefore, Kksui.vkh, That when do. House adjourn, it adj outti in re.-pect to the mem ory of the deceased. These three dates the birth of the birth uf Washington, and the death of Houglass, are compassed iu one mouth This Ucueial Assembly, deliberately and after debate, voted d iwu the resoluiions to honor ihe memory of the Father ol his country, and Robed K, who, with (1 rant, was among the heroes id' Chepultapee, and the commander of the armies of the South, but put on reeoid in the j iiirnals of the Home, a resolu tinu ol adjournment "in respect to the memory of Fredeiiek Duuglasa " This action is (iiuivalcut to saying: "Washington f jl'C JloUulnsK taiwc three, bat the greatest uf lucaa is 1 long I WW. " This uetion, mole eorri elly than any tiler proceeding of this Legisla ture, shows the spirit of this body. Fusion iia marriage of two parths taviug no principles in common. The cndorneuieDt of the miscegenation leader is the legitimate heii of this un ion. Tot!. Tut Uep Pop. Legislature votcjjto ad journ in respect to the memory of a ne jgro and that uegra is Fred Douglass, un eetny of the South and its people. They refuse to honor tho memory of Gen. Ii. E. Ltoorto observe the birthday uf Washington Uriut Scottl White men of North Carolina, whiiher are we drift- Van wewoiial tn the General Assem bly of North Carolina io tha name of the surviving aoldiarj at tha rank am: iLZXS'Z.l'i' WeJoracy, wMj&fZ. .,,1 s.t eolf aa-Brinkler. clerk, . SENATE. IWU and resolutions were introduced as follows : By Senator Lindsay To allow per j sons to probate their wills before death. By Senator Starbuck To euali..' and rel'nui taxation. By Senator Slaibuck --To allow each tax ayer J I nil personal property i xemp (ion. 'file special older for the day was the hill to regulate the sale of intoxicating liii;ors in I In- Si lie and on ihe expiration of the morning hour the bill was taken up. Sen.ilor Candler made a lung argument in favor of the bid. Seiiati r lloovti declared be was proud o vote I' r the bill. Sen.ilor Noiris s.ud ail the women of he Slate supported it. Senator F, runic opposed ihe bill, say ng prolilliiiioii did not prohibit Sen.ilor Moody d.v'aivil the loii aiiiniiuicil to Stale prohibition. Senator Fowler opposed ihe bill. Senator liraut favored il. Senator I'owd olleiid an amendment striking nut section Hand substituting the following- ' This act shall be iu force in each county of the State from its ratilieatioti by a majority of the ipialilieil voters of said eoimly." Senatois Fowler and Fortune opposed the bill, Senator Statbuek moved to table. The vote waslM to .1. President luUghton, desiring a lull bearing on the bill, voted no, so the bill was not tailed. The Chandler Wbi-key bill, whieh was before the Senate, w is called up. Senator Moody's amendment to strike out the Words ' county commissioners" wherever they appear ill the bill was lost, the vote being -1 to "1, the chair Voting no. Scualor I'owd's amendment to allow counties, townships, cities and towns to vote upon the ratification of the bill to accept or reject its provisions by a ma jority vote, was adopted by a vote uf to 0. Scualor Loug tllen-d an amendment to submit the bill to the voters ot the Slate at the next genet al elt eti -u. This amendment was briefly diseus-ed pro and con by several Senators. Senator Abell's motion to table Sena tor Mice's amendment was lost and that amendment was adopted to 11 Scualor Moody's amendment was adopted -J to -1 striking out the first section. This so emasculated the hi I that there was no opposition to the motion to table bill. The President announced the ratifica tion of t U f following bills : An act to protect tiav.jers again'! barbed wire fence. An act incorporating M.irgaret!vi!le, Northampton county. Tlie bill to lend the l.i-h Cut -d-erate uiouuiu-'ut SI'I.wmi. aiier an int. r estiug deb He failed to pass. The committee appointed t maki nominations to till vaciuoie- - n the hoard of agriculture ri-coinm -nd the fnhowiti" gentlemen: For the Third di-met. E Ii. Franeks for the Sixth. .1 ,1 l.otu for the Ninth, E A. Aiken HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The following r'hitiuii- and bib were introlneed : l!y Mr. I. i-k For a Ijii-litig the Wil luiugtoii and vYcldou railroad lax. The bill concerning the t r.ib it dee 1.-by b.i-b an 1 and wil'.- passed its second and thirl readings. Til hill for curing the baud pas, d its secoi I r adiu;. It give, permit for ue ol tw ' roo'ii-win r I'r 1,-uis will treat the blind free ol . barge. A resolution by Mr. Hunter, to inquire into the c induct of tin. pcnileiitiaiy dutin 1 ihe campiign, with icleieuee to the al ;ed locking up of convicts in' order fiat guards might go to the prima ry car i .us iu Halifax was j, ,p'.ij Tie '.ill to iue the Ro.iUokc Rails' n liiidge Company pa-sed its third reading. By Mr. To nyiire lid. r. of bicycles to dismount when meeting vehicles. By Mr. French To repeal the stock law in Halifax county. The Speaker announced that the elec tion lull would be taken up. Mr. l,Usk, ihe chairman of the coin millce in charge of (lie hill, said le w inted lo aib.w ihe He erats pi. my of time to speak. He sai l he hoped ibe llennicraN Wo ild vote for what be de clared was a line bi'l; one which Wou'd give a iicu h..l!ut di.d a fair i.miiiI. Mr. Smith, of Gads, said not a doan members hud rend the till through. He said the bi I had been drafied by persons oilsidc this House. Mr J.t ay spoke against the bill, which he ter'iu d ihe product of the brain o' the ' ltig Kite," ami teinnd the latler the "Immortal Five." Mr. ICiithicy said he thought the hill a jjond oim The popuh.ts, he declared had killed the Jlciuocrutic party, and that the Hemocrats knew ibis bill would finish up ihe mailer. Mr. Luslt said be was surprised at tl e action of the Democrats un this bill They had shown a great dispociliou (or fairness. IJo then mailed (he previous question The bill as then rated on. The r suit w. ayes, ti'J; noes, It was tct partyjole. IV1' - jfirpiu SF-sj s-,. .-WBtt.iu. Ut- - - ;:-a- 'g? To The Lsiislatmi 7'; r n i i' ro uf. t a rui'i: ins inn i y xonii. sui.i' lira i.xn Tin: i i ; ir.i.v ADVERTISEMENTS. Tile ( ! Cil ss.-tllblv II .1, ..:-..;,! i North Carolina: At ti c I i-t iirviiug of the Coufeder ate eicv in's Association of North Cam linn, Justice Waiter I'istrl was rciiicsted to ciii'i'esp md Willi sniviving Inenibcrs of all the regiments and battalions that represi til. J tlu Snte in the Confederate armies, with the view of securing ibe preparation of one or in. -re histories ,,f the c-'ti-luct ol each separate ergaiiiaiioii as s'leh. in the battles iu which it par ticipated, ll was contemplated thai these ske'ehos should e.-pceiillv coll) lucmoraie the self denial and the countless a,-ts of lieveisiu p, rlorau-1 bv piivatc soldiers wli- se Mill' -ring and 4i'iiliv in camp .iti.1 wli dating up.Mi lie- battle field eintiot be inel tsi. i. al or appreciated by tut m - g'-ie ration-, except as illustraled in tli life ol the individual soldier Tin und- t-lglle l were designated as a eoiiHii it t-1' I ' present. ,ti behalf of tie veti r ins ,,l 'North Car ilin.i, a a-kiug of the 1 1 1'i' Assembly I be enact in -lit of a suato r-'-piiiing that these bistori- - -it' tviaictits ami battalions that are now b ing prepared and depo-ited iu (be Siate I, ilnary, be piiuled and pre served in eu-biiiiig form with ibe Col mi :ll and Revoiillioil.liy Ree-'lds, edited by Willi. mi I.. Sauu his and Justice Walter Clark, s i as to constitute a part if the1 same SLiics. It i- needless to fai attention to the well known fa -i that the Congress of the ' I nite'l Slat---, in--re than twenty .ars ago. r ui Kd ih.' ptibliciiioii ot' ihe War IK p nun .-his of the Confederate States as well as of the 1'iiiicd Stales, and of the reports of ihe operations of the armies nt h ith the c intending bel ligerents. This was d ine because as sooti as the work ol rcc instruction was completed, the leaders upon both sides reali.-.'d their country would not be endangered by preserving iu history the giand illustrations of American manhood furnished by the adherents to the ' Lust Cau-e." 'flic rait." of n.iniiockhutn have nev er e.iii-cd the Scot to lag hi bind bis Eng hsh c in a cli irge up m the com uioii Ii, - ol'ilie liuii-li Empire The N .it j Cart.iini.m of tin- future will never fait-r a- be I'l.ToW-lhe slars and stripes, beeanse of the roud no morn s ceiijtmd up by the sound ol Dixie. Aj pealing as we d i especially iu tile name ol the suming soMi, rs ol the lank .ili-l ll' -, c ilitiileiitly tiu-t thai our i till II wi I Ii-- alisWete-I l.y -Hell Icgisiaiiou as ui'il j r ive a fining r.-sp. us, lo their n .pi, si lusp.cif illy siibiniit. d, A ('. A i.m . R. I' lluhi:, W. J. liltl t.N, CeUlltlilt. c. ''if Mi"- KXOWLEDCE r.ringi comfort .-unl iuipro enu-nt and ten-Is i.. p. rsoiial eui 'Viii. nt v.hcn rigl,;:v -I. Tl"' many. ! live Iff i, r :h;.n ..lle-rsaiiil .-n, y life .eorc, with ll---: , Spelell'.ll!'-, I'V Illi'lC prolllpt'iV alai-.n.g uoii-l's be-t product, to the in e-1- ,.f iiiiy-ieal King. Will aiti-t ti.c value l.i health i f tin' j.iirc Inpiid liativi' piiiiiiplcs euil'iaiid in the ii niedv, Svrup of Figs 1: - i'--;i-i il- c, e i- Hue t i its -re i 'iling ill t'ie form im.-t aeccplal-lo nnd ileiis Sllt to the li'C ri'lrt' bio .ne! t.iiiy I,- 'H-li, -la! I ioi -it t . uf .; i tli -I lav .it,-, e ; i : 1. 1-1 1 1 1 ! 1 v i-l.fln- ing t.e s -Ii in, ,i-,-.i bin.- cold-,' l.i .s Ii yi is I peri., in.-iilly eiirii:-' -ol'-l -nation, ll I. a- civ n s.ill-I.ielloll to liol'iolisalld Inel w il il ill.' :l;.oro al id tin' III. ile al piol'es-ioii. b"call-e it ae:- mi the Kid neys, 1 i-,.-r and Vk, I- wui.oiil weak ening tbein and il i- pi il'i ctly free from ,-e V C'.i.iieilile si!, I . ,1'. fvrtip "f !'i.'- I-1 i"l --ah' I'V all dill-.'- gist-ill o"e ii?l buttles, but it is linili- u'.. e -lured i.y I'm ('alifuriiia Fig Syriifi I', iv b"' mil"'' i-: print''' I "ii i-veiy paekaev, :il-o the naine. Syrup of Figs, and I ig well iiilorinc-l. will nut ,u eepl any t uhstitiito if nib red. mar Lib ly I,.f.-i -T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS s4 F- 4 r-i I .-,.l V:.eV WWWSwS for Infants and Children. &&&& .- ' k. tl WELDON MARKET. f. 1 I- 1 1 V. Kt-:kI.V i'.'ll Hit: ISKNKm nr id ll M SItt 1 ltlt:M..i. DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. KISSToX. N. C. DISEASES OF THE EYE AND GENERAL SURGERY - g l.v. Wheu in Need .l iniyil-in iii lite (.iJiK'KIiV LINK plr.iM K tut hiIht ill. tt I in i ! i il ;ti 1.. U'-old -.liiliil with :i full iilltl'lc :issnrt iiu-iit inel wil! V' tn m;c Uiy iiKiny rn iiK- (.'.in -;tvi' ou iiitm- y on all ;X-mmU in my tine. I ;iin np'iit )ir it I I. IU -OHI J IK'' l im it win. Ii 1' it) l the litt on tl t tiiiiiUit r.itapM'D nut cr, ptetl. Will lIKiki- ii' i1 .in-t;iflHi y. A lull ItlK- t'l rnni-, ( 'nult' i .pin tii (, 'I'ulian'n n liaiiI .ii tniK-ri. Mi .1. J. liiiirii i-f w itli iue ;. will In ul.ul to str In- in, my Ii u ml. Hit' a l.lll. Vtiiii1- li iilv, P. E. LYNN. Ckan :: Goods THIRTY years' oWrrntinn i.f Cnsti.rla with thi pntrnnaRe or miliions or l" i l.i to ..penU tit H without Cne..ln(. It is nnqiiisti'"'M; :ii" bi" t rimril)- fur Iiifuntn mill Children thi. wovlil lin'i .- . i'u. It . hurmlps.. CliiMriTl lil.o it.It Klvi s llwiu li. nlt'.- It ill s ivo livi-.. In it Molhor. have .omothi.iu- whieh is nl'snlnti.l, f nilpr.LtraUy rfit chilil'sj ilie'liein.. Ciistoriu ili.Htri.yi Worms. I .istoi in nllnys Fi'verlslinnni. rnstoi-iii jirovpiit. viimitiut; Sour Cnrtl. Ciistnri ruri Oinrrlwrn ftii.l Willi! Colin. Cuktorin, ri.liovKn TruthliiK Trnuliloi. rnsti.ria rum. Constiintliin nnil I'liitnlnnry. CimtorlB ni-tltrnlue. tho iir.-ets nf rui hollle m ill e or pol.ononi lr. Ciistorin iliio. not eoiitiiln moriliiiip. opium. or otlior uareotlr proporty. Ca.torir. ns.lmiliit.-. tho fooil, ri-culiito. lio tomaoh n& riowol., (livlnri healthy anil nuiurnl t.!oo. Cn.torln 1. put up In on-iJO hottJo only. It i t olil tu hulk. Don't allow nnr ono to nrll you nnythinn olso on the ploa or promim ;lu.tit lM".just na Riioil" nnil" will anwerrvm-yjiij'oi.'' fioo RotC-A-S-T-OR-I-A. NEW ADVE11TISEMKNTS. Cotton Blight. 'lists mailt- liy li1..' Alakmia KxriiTimcnt Sfn;,,., ,i i'ii "in. ni .m,) ( l-,i-hrir u'ovc coih Iusin rly that Kainit Prevents -'i.m li!i:;ht I'linlris cm prcvt'tit the iiiimcns,o loss ctu,c .u.r,'!.illi' I v tiii- ili-i.i '. Suul fur our painplili-ts. ' V ,o- . ni v.-.- I: ..'. 1 " i iioiloii.; to r.-i.l thi-m, nn.l tl-y s i l :an kil l iroui'i , v.. - .. e u,M 1 1'iin. M CliAl.'K,-- Tho fivc-dimlle 1 on Tirj Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. :.; Tl I !: ) M A ft' 'I he I'., -t nt' i v i i v tlii ni; kept in stork. 1'ii sli -.n.,,im. I'll- k I- Im Family use. Ileiieml Mimilim ,,t ii,, 1'niiiie. i nil im.-iiai;iiwai;i:. re h ii.ii h is in. ii im. oi 1 iioin in. ..iii -t.iiiii i,i ih,. n. iv -(, m I,, lt ,, :i issi..i,i Biiii Hi. to..-1 .in.,.,- win-mi:-., r,i;.snn:s. winks, ckimn ,ii1 InltMt ii I'i'I-I HI HI N II" 'N "i.l I'lM'MIT KKI.lVKiiY. j.lll .1 l. tii k m. f. iiAirrcoT Are iiuiliiiii; I'ij; reiliieliutia in C L 0 T 1 1 1 N G S T 1 1. 1. IN - THE - LEAD .-- ! t'i ;t .i: m ;- , -, il. j Si,, ul-l. r- It., -ii, ,..-r 11... ll.un . C . ., r Hi. , in-l. r. Im. !, : I'lour. r l..itr.-l. l'uti iit. Sir.iio.lil. : . I. Mui.i-.-i-s. ..r onlloii. S',ni.. . r lmII.-ii. 1 4 i 1 1 u l.i i . 1 sii.-ar. .. r IL, l.i.-lii l.i-.iu n ..-r ll., l!,i:i- r. i-r IL. -,-.i.-r IU, n ('..Jj'i-e, ; er I1., l'uuiiry, ,.t: ll-'-: l" r , ., i i.. r HA . dun .oW.ler. 11.. 1 Cu.ll i i'. white, sill IV l.'lH, tn' Coal ml. n-l I' . p. r 01IU1. Apple in-;ar, n-r ilieii, I'. e-n.ix. " r Hi, Tain iiv. . r II'. Ilil-s, (lint.!, r IL. " fireen. " " salteil." Salt. yr.i su. k, I 'ore., ,ei Im- I..-I, - " Kie-, " Teas, Mark, per bu-lul, I'.as, l.l.iek eye, pi r l.isi.-l. I'.aniils, p, r lni-ln-1. Cutton. p.-r puiiiiil. H.iL-iiiL!. p. r v,r,. - 1 I His, To's. pi r Imiii. Ii, 1 i c l',;e 1 iii li ie. I? I im im .'il ainl l"i- ;i"i i I ::,i-:iii l."i tu 111 is tu l.'i to L'.'i HI '.'i tu Li -ni. l.V.'il :m-hi l-s i; 1 1 l l.ii In ' I iu .1" i: A l fcUTlsKMKVi'S. The Only Gii'.it and thtii'tuiKlily re lialjlo Iniikling-ui) iiRiliuine, nerve tonic, vitalier and Blood Purifier l.fnrp the pt'oplc tod?.yt tind which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla ft lias won its hold upon the hearts of the people b7 its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. " I had running aorea on one of my jlniln (or a long time. I hfgan taking Hoori'a Karsaparllla and now they are nearly well. I liave gained in ttrength and Uesh and feel thankful that thera la euch a wonderful medicine aa Hood'a '"""'lioBS Wellkan, Erla, x.-w -- ay ni,'P. 1 M' JKK tl -,h),h' 'S 4eh iUf,ii "T" AT A. i.. UH'llliAN'S.. 1 h.r.r a un i ami 1'iesli liio-ol all Kiiats of liro niiis ,ii prii-cs to suit t!u- h nil t :lm s. CONFECTIONERIES ol' .til knul. at tl;r lnt'.sl jnicis, t'.dl an.l t'xain uu- my stock, ami prices. Vuiir It irml, A. L. COCHRAN. - i iy ISTOTICE 'I'lif umlt i-ii:nit haiiii tlii-- day iiali (1. il a- tt ut. it nt' tin- ill ami triaimnt ul tuintlia l rrotliih li-'lttii1 I In- Sii).criin r.tmt i ll.tlii.tx futility In rt liy tinliiit all pii-mii-ln-ltiiiiii tlaun - .i,iiu-t tlir otatt l In- ri tn pret-nt tliftti to him on oi hi inn1 tin' him iiav oi i iituaiv. whi. ri;iM:i;iLK rKtulifir, lr. o! Cum ha 11. I'lOflich. Ilahtax, N. I'. January t, 1-tTi. jail IT ill EjN FIELD, N. C. And you will find us "right there" when it comes to goods and prices GROCERIES a Specialty. One car load flour and one car load salt just in. Dry Goods, Shoes and general merchandise for al). F FINE GROCERIES i in i I it ' I1 ii n n n tii n (UUilV : ITlUbUUD 8 CHESP GROCERIES. Fin its r(Nri:n imnkiuks. n: am si;i:. 4'oitu' ait-, t nine all, U.tli l.irjo antl small, Lxaniino my stnek, bfluie luiyin at all. For my stock is ritmpU-tt' ami jnin-s low, To coiHiict)' v. it'll tlit pioilnrt.; tlir taunt' Hiow, I tliank my kiml Ii it-ml )oi tho jiatroiiat I the ji;i-t Ami assure litem all I'll lie true to the last Ami ciiaiiiulte tliftii tu twrv riwiri-l-- Thf pKHl pun hasrii lituit me they'll never rtpct, Tlien-t'or' eoine all, IkiIIi laru and small, For I will (leal Uomstlv you aU, I Hi not ilel.iy, conn1 ii)-lit away And make your pim-lia. to-day. I. I Jl'DKlNS. .he Ml y. J)R W.J WARD.;; Siirpii Dentist KXKII', N. ('. 8li()lliiTiivi'r llarrisoti's Urug Store. ly. no I fits just rcceivcil a tiTsli lot of CANDY plain mid fancy. Also i.iisins, mixid uiitx, choHtniit.s, cocouinits, ntipli'H, n.iuiiiuui, l'loriiln (ii.uiKiH, plain anil tinn y rakes. l.iirpe ussorlniPiit ol HOLIDAY (iOOOS. .-Inn fly horses, wagons, sarts, rlolls, rloi-ks, ctiamher sela, liookn bv brat autbops. ti ii li Ihix luincr, ciKara, snuflT, toliaceo ud ninny amy noliiuiH loo nuinerons to neD- tMiu. in v l iy. inn IT tl f 1 1U1 l KJ ire Easily Madcout Often Broken I have resolved to break the record on low prices. I want your trade and if fresh seasonable goods COUNT IN TEK RACE I will get it. J. I WHITAKER, Enfield, N. C. Dress Goods, Dry Goods, iiiii'iK Sloes anil Hals! In Fact in Everything. These GOODS MUST BE SOLD. Low Price of Cotton has Forced us to this Step. oi l Oil lv. M.A-HAMILTON CO, CHANTS, Lit 2fl SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, MD. tedrCutisi-miiiiits MiliiitiJ. S ciial attention io the mile of PKANl'W iiti.l 1ILACK KVi;) l'KAS. n.T8 3ai. Hale Bros., 's6clijng theijwij . Accident Insurance HALIFAX, N.C. ttK SHOE (rot Me1?) K 'cool for Jf J)0 MOix k-povv 90J3AV5. yOtW IHE U STOVE CO ljt!l$-DlLLllD ljjfDYiJFlE Co.f ll! Syianinre Stni t, I'rrKliSlU'Ki;, VA, - -WHUI.KKAI.r: AM) IIKTAU. DK4I.KI! IN' Buggies, Carts, Carriages, Harness, 1'I.OWS anil CASTINGS, HINDKKH, SVV?lWk ' ' '-3h inkier,, fl& Xt& 3a Enaiiie.. I 1. V ' 111 fl!K . "i. -l j 1 ft5. .1'! Engines anil SAWMILLS, "-:. ".tL--ZZZ JU'NTKH S Karnier's Friend ami. Starke's Dixie l'lown and eastings. .Unqnwtlimalily tha largeal house oftlie kiml in either Virginia or North Carolina,' Eiclnsire agents In tbia territory for the fainuus HTUDKBAKEK anfl TENNEfWEE WAOONS. Ordara by mail gifeai prompt personal attention.) C. A. EPES':Mafr. isrifi:s.sui;s to hdwahd & odeN'HAL.) 37 EAST MARKET SQUARE, NORFOLK. yA. - Wholesale ami lieliiil llealera (ll -; Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Lamp (iOODS, AND llOl'SEFl'H.MSlIINGS. METALLIC ROOFINC, CUTTERINC ANOSPOUTINC. arrKstiiiiutes given on application. Correspondence solii ited. seiU -Im OH AELES 0. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER , Mr. W. W. Warren trjin m iiIs tlie linn and will visit Wclilon aud ita vicinity regi tilaily. oct 11) ly. ' " ' u : J. B. WHITE & CO., . QEfiEL Commission filEtpMiTS II AND 13 ROANOKE DOCK NORFOLK, VI. We handle. Dressed poultry, Eggs, Hotter, Live Poultry, Come of all kinds, such IS ynuil, Knliliit.t, I'linisiints, Wild Dtiiks, all kinds Produce, Potatnea, Cttblniw, Apples, While lleaiu, Dried Apiilea, Chentunta, llickorya, WaliiiU. Elmida Pfllnges, fiA hugely. Leiiiuiis and all kinili of other Emits and Vegetablea. Wehavatt eegai( freeier, for butter, gameaud poultry, also hunille all the aliove od eomrnlssioo oi btf v,,,,. ltf"C'rresHinileiic Koliritcsl. aiig. 16 ly. CRIND Vunronn, Heal, Oyster Shells, Corn tiruhsin ITimr, c, in the celebrated (Frank mr nn n i un imii i ihai.llll HIU1II ..ill I tl Wijjoaii I'awnt. IQOpercent. more made in keeping poultry. AlaoPow. r Hit la and Farm Feed Mills, i Circulars sen ton appli cation. WILSON BROS., Kutoa, P.