. A I H3H3 iJeseses, JOHN" W. SLEDGE, pkoI'RIKTok. VOL. XXV. A. IT IB "W SP APEB IP O IR THE PEOPLE WELPON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. TEI?3yES: i r' 1,1:11 anmm in advance. NO. 47. A Good Article THIS COMM.MATION' IS I'lIKTTY SURK TO WIN. THIS IS THE Hi:ST MEDIUM. NKW A D V 10 It T I S K M 10 N T rf. Ladies Who Visit i x i i sco i it A ( ; 1: i fa it m Kit. wrMKETu ham: ski: visitixu CARDS. THE IM.ACK To (SET THEMIX THE LATEST STYLES IS AT THE OFFICE OF THE Excelsior Printina Compaiiyi WT.I.IiON, N. C. Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Hill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Hand Hills, Programmes, Tickets, Etc, Ete. Etc. iBBfWritc fur samples nllil prices. E. L. IlAVWAItll, l'ltlll'UIKTOK. Tij tr ciirurni It. 1 r.K.ltl IH. .A- F.LECTlilC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC HELLS ACCOMMODATION' . C. SNODGRASS, Proprietor, late ol liutler, l'a. Tlio only flr-t class Iiotel in the city. OHiiincri i.il rates, f i. to 2 oil per .lay. r a l mm t o O COUGHS O h o c a T LAXATIVE . i BROiViO f QUININE D j Moves the Bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the levcrish condition " ind head c'ie and prevenu pneu- O IZ monia. Lures in one uajr. rut up in tablets convenient for taking. T3 13 O PRICE, 25 CtS. ton sle er all cruocists. WARKA NTEI1 AND FOB SAI.K BY A.S. HARRISON. " Ksniao, x c. not 4 Win. - VOOL.DS PROFESSIONAL CAM'S. w. It. PAV.II i. paniki.,:t.c. hakrisoN WVldim, N. 0. I.llllctiili, N. ( . WiMoll, N. C. DAV, IUMI-.I. II Willi". ATTORNE.YS-AT-LAW, Practices in the courts f Halifitx aud barren counties, and wherever their ser vice are needed. ,,.,. ' .MK')l"tlie Urtii will lo n Halilax on .....i, i.,-,i!i.v 1 n-ly. .q. .... , r U L L E M DANIKL, WlLDON, N. C. r-fct'-e In theeourHof llallfaiandNorthanip. . ..ii,,..mii,tkiiuiileoiirpi. Coi tlonmaiiallP'ofNu'lb0rol,u' D It. T. T. HON, 83 DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. -0ffic6 oyer Entry & rierce'sslore. JO-19-ly- "wTharris, d. d. s. Liwlmow, N. C. TwtU KitriotJ without pain. 4-30-6B, I met n jolly farmer in a luyely Western vale, A man of I'irtilc fancy tlidt was never known to fail, Who, when 1 tolJ of liailstoncs seven ounces full in weight, Said he liail seeu twelve ounce ones lack in eighteen i-ixly eight And when I t-poke of li-li I'd caught, in etitain foreign rills, That ineasiiieil twenty seven (Vt from liuiralivc to gihs. He said, with hrow iinrullicd uuil a man- tier frank and free, That he had caught llictu twice ns long in eighteen sixty three. And then I spoke of having mot a follow in lierlin Whoso mouth was large cumigh to get three largo potatoes in ! Wherein ho wished Jim llankinson his cousin was alive ; llc'd seen him hold six apples in his mouth in sixty live. It seemed to make no odds to him how I'd exaggerate; He'd always gn one better; to I thought that I'd nairato How with an a.-s's jawbone did (he migli'y Samson slay 'Fen thousand of his foiiiicti just to sec what he would my. He listened most intently, with an ever broadening smile, As though he were a person that had never heard of guili ; And when I'd doue, he told mo that he knew my tale was true, Tor Samson's self had told it him in eighteen sixty two. Tie Oil South. MY AY OUT IX THE l.OYY LAXDS, YUKRE THE SUGAR CIA': GROWS AXV THE CO L'X TR Y IS SO HE A L'TIFVL IX Sl'RIXGTl.VE. Atlanta Constitution. 'One of ill most picturesque charac ters to be fi d in the South today," s.iid a touiisl at the Aragon ycsleiday, "ii the old genilcruaii one sees here and there who has clung to bis lovo for music ever finco be was young und at the same time Vl up bis skill in this line. I have just been down in the valley of the .Misisippi away out in the lowlands nl Louisiana, where the sugar caue grow and I lie country grows so green and bcautilul in sptingliuie. lgoi ut there annually a little lutel tbau this aud put iu several uinnlhs at that season of the year when the trees are budding and the ground is glowing over with a verdant carpet and the birds are singing to a cliaim, und I till you there is no more tempting land, no uine reposeful and dreamy r giou to be found anywhere. 'liut.as I was goiug ou to say, one ntids uiauy ol'lhe old lime musician there on the great coltu and sugat plantations. The old fellow! have the air and manner of the barons of the old South they used to be. Tbey were reared iu luxury and case and have never known a care, it Would seem You Pouctilui s find them silling on the vatandas ol tbeii gnat white houses surrounded by the tall columns that tower up and amid a world ol fragrant fl iwcrs just sitiiug out there in tlnir sl.iit slccte, or with some light coat on ba.-kiug in the sun light and singiug the old time songs, while away off yonder iu ihe fields the darkies are siugiug, too, while ihey wurk. It ia t picture one ucver forged when he has once seen it. Somehow the air dowi there iu eaily springtime acciiis to hau some sort of uarcoiic iu it, lor it uiiAes .. fellow, ieel as sleepy aud drowsy am dreamy aud at peitoct p ace with th world as a clime ei u d uiAc him feci "Then to sit out on ibebr ad sweeping verandaa and hear theae picl unique ol lellowi talk of old liiucsuud sing the o'i soogi nothing could poueibly be moi. enchanting." I'Olt () Kit I'llTV YBARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teethiog, with pcfeot success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ll pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy lor Diarrhuea. It will relievo the poor litih sufferer immediately. Sold by drugnisis in every part of the world. 2a cents a botile. Hesureiudaskfor"Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," nd take no oth er kind. WII4J ENOUGH FOK Ul.lt. (Youth's Companion ) At the dinner table in a country hotel t guest says to I waitress: "Miss, are you sure that this is wild duck that you are giving me?'' "Wildl Well, I should think it was. Jf jpu'd a socn ; chas'0' that duck Rwrc'n forty times 'round the barnyard 'I'oro we ketohed It, I guess you'd believe it was wild." Whan Bab7 was sick, ws (at Iwr Oaatorla, When aha was a Calkl, aha ortod for CkatorU. Wtma aha bsoame Mas, ah olunf ts Ckatoria, Wben aha had Cblldna, ato tntbaa Oaatorla, JIVIMIE IMAIMNATION, "Why, Arthur, fen pity's wiUc, what have yon boen doiiiir'.1" "I was in the ash hox, mummii." "Iu tin' u li box! And why'.'" "We pliiu'il lnythnUiy I was Plui'nix risiny fnim the ashi's," i'lio- I.OOKl.i) THAT WAT. Little Willie Are you tonjrue tied? Featherstoue Of course not, Willie. What lualtes you think so? Willie Sister says she has been wuitliiK for moiitliH for you to speak. Hrooklyn Life. A LIVING ll.l.t STKATION. The Teacher AVillie Watson, go to the blackboard aud describe to the class a aenil-curve. Willie Watson Wot'a ther use, teach er, when they cau see Jkcy Hummer stein's le(fs? Juilje. V 1 1.1.11! I'l.Al's) A MKAN THICK. Pashaway You suy your sister will b down in a minute, Willie. That's good nous. I thought, perhaps, that she wanted to be excused, as hhe did the other day. Willie-Xot this time. I played a rivi on hcf. Pashawuy Wnat did you do? WiUle (trtumphauUy) I said you were another elluw. Wonder. A PRACTICAL REVKHIK. It she dreftaitnr of ortnge flowersf It the writing a poem on tortf It the building Spanish towera, Xa the midst of illkeo bo worn, The tweet little Innocent dear? Ota, no ihe't only trying to invent a cottumt Which will nil all her frleudn with wild envy -Truth. BEAR AND FORBEAR. Ttl Is a plcoe of old-fashioned ad vice It would be well for all young married couples to bear ' mind. Truth. Backlen'a Arutra Salve. Tha best salve in tho world for cuts. brqisca, Sores, ulocrs, ;ait v'ueum, fbver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains oorns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cure piles, of n pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pet box. ror ism bj VYm. Vosaa. filllll, 4 A THE PROPOSED BUILDING Of-' THE rUTUNE. It la said that a bnlldlnff sometlitng liko the above picture will lie built In N'cw York city tn the near future, the slCS for It having; already been purchased. Tho proposed building will be about half a mile high and will comprise fltty stories. Iron liitcrsiiercd wltti aluminum, with glass anil with stone for pictorial effect, will be used chiefly In the euiitru-Llon ef the butld 1ns. This will bo a huge oval shell with a spacious court, hotel. Ilieater uinl hplnil ilrlvlug park of gradual ascent Inside tho central douio. Tho urrangcuie ut will lie mk !i that during summer the aides of this imperceptibly ascending aplrul avonue can In: tlirowu open to natural air, while tn severe winter weather they can be closed tight, If in , ury. 'i'lio lower part of the huge oval shell will he arranged chiefly for tho management ut the wludesale business, and on tlie second floor the employes and workmen in the vast hive will have their quarters. Above this the building will bo divided Into data and halls anl will fui nl-.li a borne ror about 20.000 euple T 1 1 K F I N A X C ' I A I. S I T U A T I O N Long- ( Exchange.) -Are you in favor of a gold ba- Short Silver is good enough for me. Havo you a spare quarter? CIIAIUTAISLK. Faded Female Sir, you announce iu your paper that I am engaged to be mar ricd. How came you to make such a mistake? Kditor We always try to err on the side ol mercy. X. Y. Press. Till: KKASON WHY. Mrs. lVlilington It makes me sick to hear men talk of lu ing "self made." Now, I'll wager you never heard a woman say she was "self made." Mr. l'aililingtnn No; they generally keep that as quiet as possible. Puck. A NKi.ni'l'I, IMtKMMIXAKY, Shu lint, surely, marriage may some times result in happiness? lie Oh, yes often, People couldn't get divorced if they hadu't got married lint Truth. WHAT HE DID. Miss Gush So your regiment v&& ut the first battle of Hull Run, colonel Coi.oNKL Fkkunk It was, miss. Miss tli'SH llnw thrilling! You must tell me all about It. What did. vm d,o, poloucl, when you saw with dismay that the day was lost? Coi.onki. Fkkksk What did I do, miss? Why, 1 er or why, I did w hn the bull did. Frank Leslie's Weekly. l'OOIl ECONOMY. (Atlanta Constitution ) "They loll me Jones never subscribes to a newspaper." "Never. That's why he broke his leg jumping backwards from, a moving, truiu and cut his hand off lighliu' his own re flection in a look i ii ' glass." A IIOHK. Sister eu have told me her name, yet I know no more than I did before. I: alio beautiful? Brother lleauliful? Why, she could make eveo the present fashions look or tistic N Y. Weekly. PRETTY EVENING GOWNS. Tie Kiiiu-Hearteu iai. HE WAS DELUDED bY HIS SYil'A Til V FOR HE A VTY IS DISTRESS. Humility ever dwells with men of noble minds. It is a flower that pros pers not in lean and barren soils, but in ground that is rich it flourishes and, js beautiful, Things are unbearable just until w have them to bear; licit possibility comes with tboiu. For we-arc not (be roots of our own being. A man bad occasion to go to the I'n- iou depot yesterday afternoon to meet his wife, who bad been out in the country for a time. When he got to his station he found his train half an hour late, aud he bought a paper and sat down ou one of the benches. Xot lonj; after he had seated himself a rather pretty girl, who wore a pink waist aud had nice rosy cheeks aud clear blue eyes, and who looked lo be not over seventeen, came and sat down next to him. The man who was waiting for his wife took a casual look at the girl and went back to bis paper. Pretty soon another pretty girl who o wore a pink waist and had blue eyes and a fresh complexion and all that s. rt of thing came along and stopped in front of the fust girl. The second pretty girl looked as if she wanted to cry. She said with tremulous voice, "Why, Nettie, what do you think? The fare's a dollar. "A what?" gasped Nettie. "A dollar! Apd she told us it was only 50 cents, and I bave'ut got enough to get the tickets; aDd, oh, dear, I don't know what we will do!" She lank down beside Nettie aud the two looked at the tiled floor with very solemn faces'. Presently Nettie looked up aud said: "I'll take a walk around the room. Perhaps there is somebody here I know." She made the tour of the room and came back with her face gloom ier than before. "Nobody here I ever saw before," she said, brokenly. The other girl sprang to her feet. "I'm go ing to tell tho ticket man just how it is," she said. "Perhaps he will take what we've got and let us send him the rest." She came back with tears in her eyes. "He won't," she laid, sadly. The man who was waiting fur bis wife heard all of this. His heart was touched. So he leaned over and said: "I beg pardon, but ladies, I that is will you allow me to help you in your hour of trouble?" The pretty young girls started aud looked at the man with frightened airs. The man hastened to reassure them that his intentions were honorable and, after many protests and arranging for repay ment and exchange ol names and all that he gave the pretty girls Sl.l.'i und they ihatiked ltiiil pretty aud went to gel I In ii train. It so happened thai llie man's wife did uot come i n tint train and he Went down to another train in the evening. While he was sitiiug ou a bcuch wailing for the train he got to thinking of his afternoon experience, and concluded that he had done a right worthy act. As he was in the midst of this traiti of thought a pretty girl in a piuk waist sat down betide him. Pretty soon another girl, looking all woe begone, came along and said: "Why, Nettie, what shall we do? The fare's a dollar." The man who was wailiug for his wife gut up and walked slowly to the door He had seed a great light. They were the same girls. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeid and na less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs, and colds. If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful cura tive powers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottle free at Wm. Cohen's drug store. Large bottles 50c. and S1.00. A NEW GAME. Basket ball is a game that is the rage now. The end and aim of tho game is to toss a ball, which is the site of a foot ball, into one of the two larger baskets suspended at each end of the field. The winning side is the one which lands the ball iu the opponent's basket. The bas ket is placed about ten feet high. When the game is played in a gymnasium the baskot is bracketed to the side of the wall. For outdoor use it is suppoitcd at the same height by au upright post No pushiug, dipping, shouldering, is al lowed. The score is counted by pointa A goal counts 3 points; a foul one point for the opponents. A majority of points decides the game. Deserving Praise. We desire lo say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve aud Electric Bitters, and have never haudled remedies that sell as we or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guarantee theui every lime, and we stand ready to relund tho purchase price, it satisfactory results do not follow their use. These medicines have won their gre" -'. purely on tueir -r--its drugists. N 1 A he" ItKCOXCIMATIOX. You're back ;;ain ? I'm very Had You came; oh, yes. ymi see It's many a day since last I had The pleasure; why, dear me ! "It seems au age ?" well, yes "too bad" We fussed so easily. Oh, thanks ! "You think I'm looking well?" But then I seldom show My deepest feeling; "Will I tell You" what! you didu'l know Just how it happened that wc fell Out, a Week ago ? 'Your fault?" I've quito forgotten how It was but any way, It really doesn't mailer, now, About il; as you say "Kiss aud be friends ? ' you wretch ! I vow Oil well ! I guess you may. What May lie Expectefl. THE SORT OF EXAMIXATIOX JOIIXXIE MUST PASS OX GOIXG TO SCHOOL According to au exchange, new pupils in the sehools of the future will have to submit to this examination: Teacher "Johnnie, have you got a certificate of vaccination for small pox?" "Yes, sir." "Have you been inoculated fercioup?" "Y'es, sir." "Been treated with diphtheria serum?" "Yes, sir." "Had your arm scratched with cholera bacilli?" "Yes, sir." "Havo you a written guarantee that you are proof against whooping cough, measles, mumps, scarlet fever and old age?" "Yes, sir." "Have you your private drinking cup?" "Yes, sir." "Do you promise not to exchange sponges wilh the boy next to, you, and never use any but your own pencil?" "Y'es, sir." "Will you agree to havo your books fumigated with sulphur and sprinkle your clothes with ehlotidc of lime once a week?" "Yes, sir." "Johnnie, you have met the first re quirements of the modern sanitarians and may now climb over youder rail, occupy an isolated aluminum siat and begin making P's and Q's as your first lesson." Chamberlain's Eye and Sktu Ointment Is IllKiiuallc'i for l-x.clll:l, Tetter, Salt Hheiiiu, S-alil Head, .Sire .Nipples, Chapped Hands, ItcliiiiK Piles, Hums, Frost Hites, Chronic Sore Eves and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale hy druggists at 'Jo cents per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a line healthy con dition try ir. Ciulv's t'ondition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of ,ip!ctite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 tents per package. For sale by druggists. For sale J. N. lirown, Halifax, and r. A. S. Harrison, Knfield. (joon Self-love is idolatry. A self-made man likes to brag on his job. (Jolden opportunities do not fly in cir cles. The saloon will says it must go. stay until the church RESULTS in advertising tell the story for shrewd advertisers bettci than liig circulation claims or great promises. People who think wroi g will be si to live that way. .. - Many a man is eonipelld lo stand punishment who never fought a prizi fight. No man who debuts the worthiness of his principles can bo brave in their di fenso. It is hard to believe that a sin will bile when it comes along with gold in its teeth. Think of the the Weather De UK-ut in these storms. Hut for given lliroiijh ill signals, lives and prnpetiy would have beeii ill the no rev of the eli inenlH, as of , whh.mt kn-'ri'ig f the approach pt' danger soon enough tn escape it or pro vide against it. invaluable service of urttnent of the Govern- emergencies ol wiutir the timely warnings . newsp.ipirs and by prop.-tiy Y:u put inthAd. ADVERTISEMENTS. Health ' means so much more than 'you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. ' Don t play with Nature s ' greatest gift health. Brown's flron Bitters Hyou art feeling out of sorts, weak und pencrally ex hausted, netvous, liavc no appetite and can't work, ur'ii di uuictaa- Wk inn the most relia- M ginedn ine.wliieh is J Itn. A few bot tles cure-benefit onus from the very lirst dose t U'ou't slain your teeth, and it's pleasant lo lake. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney und Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get only Ihe cnuii:- ; tnr crns.rrt red lines ni Uii. wrapper SlUUICS Oil ICCLlpt of . IU ale sul. send set i f "le t H.-a.-iiul World's f hair VIcWA and book BROWN CHCMiCAL CO. O.V'-'IRE, MD. july 20 ly. cMATSJRADEli COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For ft Srompt anniver and nn honest opinion, write to I I NN A: CO., who have bad near); fifty rears' experience In the patent bunineufl. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concern! tiff Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. AIbo a catalogue of mechan ical and scienlltlo hooks sent free. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. TMelva arterial notice tn tho Scientific Amerirna. and thus are brought widely betorotbe public with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued week 1 7. elegantly Illustrated, baa by far the largest eirculatiun of any scientific work In taa world. 8: a year. Suniple conies sent free. liulldlng Kdltlon, monthly, l5ua year. Binfl copies, '2. cents. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show th latest designs and secure contracts. Address MINN & CO.. NtW YORK, 3 til BHUADWAT. W. M. HABLISTON t CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTON&CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Vs. 10 2fi ly. -THE CHARLOTTE- OBSERVER North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper DAILY AND WEEKLY. N KW A 1)V KKTISKMKNTS. POWDER- Independent and fearless; bigger and more attractive than ever, it w ill be au in valuable visitor to the borne, the office, the club or the work room. THE DAILY OBSERVER. 0.000 A II of the news of the world. Com plete Daily reports from the State and National Capitols. gMayeur, THE WEEKLY OBSERVER. 0000 A peiio-t family journal. All the news ol the week. The reporlM from the lanislatinett special feature. Rs iin inlier the weekly (IliBervpr, Only one ilullai u year. Send for sample coiie. AdllrtSH THE OBSERVER, CharL.tle, N. (:. J. V. GULLOM &FAMILY GROCER And Dealer In FRUITS VEGETABLES. Just received afresh lot of Groceries, Pnn-.TlinnitriA4i Conn.,1 .t.uuI, 11 . I 1 ... ....... . v.uu . . p,.nnn, mvai, mill, and general table supplies always on hand. i win bcu aftiuw as any nouse in town, ana solicit a share of the public patronage, nov 29 ly. -SCOTLAND NECK- Absolutely Pure cream of tartar Jll,! ' of "M i ' "-uEipress paid on packages. Seal r ft. ismai

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