ft I3i (V 1 .., , ,Li..y ' 'HE ROANOKE NEWS HURSDAY,APRIL 11,1895. LISI1EI) EVERY THURSDAY. J. . SLEIGE, Editor & Proprietor-D- SJSTA1MBACZ, Associate Editor. til at Jott Off iv ut VM,.n m k'tcmid Clung Mutter. r HI'HNCKIITIUN IN ADVANt'K. by Mail), Postage Paid, Ljii A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax ami sur rounding counties. ejr Advertising ml on reasonable and tarnished on application. Skcretauy of Statu (irc.-liaui says there is ootiiiny iu tlic rutnur that hi contemplates resigniug his cabinet portfolio. The armistico declared by the euipe rior of Japan means that China can secure, peace by surrendering everything that has nut been captured Tests of tha new Mauser rifla re cently made with a powdler, show that it will throw a ball two miles from the level of a a man's shoulder and (hat at a distance of 2,000 yards' the ball has force enough to go tjtfough the bodies of seven nien. of Norfolk the leading seanort citv Virginialias one of the largest horse inarkjrfs in the South. The supply "Mues mainley from Keutucky and the States in the West and Northwest. Buyers come from the principal Atlan "oast line cities. emcnt'br,i 'tows that debt, less . to 8903, ue new four ,utu during the -a was -itj,807,900. According: to the New York Press Mr. Charles Broadway Rouss is now so blind that be cannot recognize his dear est friends. He has to be lead about. But he goes to business every day and never forgets to ask: "Docs anybody need anything this morning? Are there letters from the old veterans who fought for the South?" j York Independent says: .i''tuetbiog highly valu (, .c the Bicycle, which has ?4ge of "craze,'' and has to f '! established order of lise "fioiig ' Ar'uu8'l;y injured the fe6BHeytete is every reason ccjodcrate and rational ectly contributes to The movement of cotton since crop year began, on September 1, IS nas been the largest on record. In previous maximum crop season ot ll'l 92 the tohl production of the tife as determined by the 6nal count of mrketed bales was 9,0:j,3;9 bales. A'iady in seven months of the present sctfon there have come iuto sight a total of 0,04 5,u7S bales about 10,000 more than the whle yield of 1SIU-L'. In the latter years tho movement fur the correspond iug period agr -r;tt,J llU(ml S't.")L',tlllO hales; so t! ,t the increase in the market j"X :ftifing the last year has been a little over 8 per cent Tub Washington Post vomes out iu a Mroug editorial iu favor of a Southern Democrat for President in lS9ii. Senator David U. Hill, alter reading the article sent the following letter to the Post: ' i have perused with much interest your article eulitlcd "A Sjutheru Demo erat fur lSUti." "It is able, creditable and timely. Any policy which seeks to lcb.ise an oilier wise acceptable ciiiidi'l.ite, simply by reason of the section of country wherein he lives, is unpatriotic, unwise and un- American and I am opposed to it. "This is no time for the toleration of sectional prejudices, jealousies and ani mosities. The existing political condi tions demand that the party should have the whole country to chouse frum. Let there be a free field, a fair contest, and may the bet man win. "This is my democracy, and these are my sentiments, briefly and hastily ex pressed." A law was passed by the Legislature providiu'' for the elcciiou of three addi tional magistrates in each township, their terms to commence April 1st, 1S95. Few, ll any, of these magistrates have qualified, and they cannot now do so. The offices created are vacant because of the taill-ire of the persons elected to qualify before the term began. The f.ower to appoint magistrates, to fill vacancies caused by failure of those elected to qualify, is vested in the Gov ernor by chapter USS, laws of 138,, aDd he appoints for the full term of six years. It is too late now for any clerk to qualify those appointed, and if they at tempt to qualify them their acts will be illegal. The failure of the nely elected magis trates to qualify in time rids the people of the burdeu of 15,1100 unnecessary magistrates, and of about 8.",000 for the purchase of books, etc , for the new magistrates, which the Legislators iu tended to spend if they hud known how. The inter-State telephone and tele graph company was organized at Durham ast week. It has 8100,000 capital stock . Btn Hill, irh) murderw) his wife in Craven county in ISSii, but who escaped from jail has been captured iu Onslow county. Rev. J. X. Cole will preach the ser mon at old Trinity High School during th cliii!',' exercises on the fourth Sun day iu May. W. It. Capehart, of Bertie, in a long letter to the News and Observer says farmers cannot afford to make cotton in this State at .') cents. At Concord List week at a baseball game Van S.itit was hit oil the head by a bat which 11 w f rmn a player's hand, and his skull was fractured. The oinanii ntal capstone and the plinth, on whii h the Confederate iul'au Irv in, in is to .-land, have been put in place i.n the Conlederate monument. Mr. W. .1. Capehart, of Bertie county, died at his home at HoSahel last week, aged "t! years, lie was an honored citi zen and widely known in the State. Bids have been opened at the Treasu ry Department for the construction of a new life saving station at Core bank, X. C. J B. Shut!, of Beaufort, X. ('., was the lowest biddei at J 1.8T.V The Chronicle says that a Wilkes man, 40 years old. paid his first visit to the county seat, one day hist week, and thou uuder the auspices of "the rcve nues," who had nailed him for blockad- PINE TAGS. "s t 'of North Caroli famous assign to pre existing does not apply to gc for supplies v . , be cmbarrased by .. balances for last year included in mortgages for this "V must make a full settlement Ve a new start. V tJCtNLEV, who passed i on his return from v reporter that he enjoyed ms'uotithern trip very much, ' and that "the South is a great country, nnd has a magnificent future. "I like th people," said he "and they made my visit an enjoyable one. When that country attracts more capital, it will 'Mun into a rich and populous do u, for the natural advantages of the and are almost limitless." At a prayer meeting in a small town near Concord recently the Standard says, an illiterate but good man made the fo! ' 'wiog prayer : "O Lord, thou knowest -e are thankful to thee that our arc safe from I ho fire that quench 4. If a roan lie his hoise, thou i that be can buy auother; if he us house thou knowest that he cau i another; if he lose his wife' thou .;M that he can get another; but if lose his tout goorrtiyti Johu." PICKED VC IIEREWSD THERE A Sl t 'A R EEC 1. 1. V CI 7, , El) AXD COXDEXSED FOIi JiCHY READERS. Mrs. Pattie D. B. Arrington thinks that Caiuph-11 and Phillips wele made drunk on "drugged whiskev." They will meet again when she has tiled her complaint. It is reported that her paper, the Criminal Docket, will be revived. In the Si'lUNii. Nearly everybody needs a good uiedieiue. The impurities which have accumulated iu the blood during the cold months must be expelled or when the luild days come, and the effect of braciug air is lost, the body is liable to be overcome by debility or some serious disease. The remarkable success achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the many words of praise it hs received, make it worthy your confidence. We ask you to give this medicine a tria'. We are sure it will do you good. Read the testimonials published in behalf ol Hood's Sarsaparilla, all from reliable, Ljr.iti ful people. They tell the story. The Landmark says the Oid North State Orchestra, of Statesville, closed a contract last week to furnish the music at Davidson college commencement agaiu in June. Kinston is rapidly rising from the ashes. The town of Lenoir is on a building boom. A sensational murder case was tried at Lincolnton last week. Charlotte is arranging for a big eek bration of May 20th. The Xew England mill men visited Charlotte's 8 cotton mills. A movement is on loot to give Bur lington a telephone exchange. All the prisoners in Smitlifield jail, three iu number, have escaped. Statesville's Democratic municipal pri mary will be held on the lihh. The Free Will Baptist newspaper has moved from Oruiondsville to Ayden. A call has been is-ued to orgmize a county Farmers' Allian.e in Buncombe. A runaway team fatally injured 11 uf fin Yuughan,an aged farmer, at Fayette Tillc. A PltKTTV Face is the result of a healthy physical condition. "Beauty is hut skin deep'' yet it greatly depends ou a clear complexion, free from wriukles and hollow cheeks. Health always brings wealth of beauty. A heathy state of the system comes with Dr. Pierce s favorite Prescription. Its a medicine prepared for woman's ailments it cures those derangcumnts and weak nesses which make woman s hie misera ble. A womau who neglects to take proper exercise is p.nticularly prone to excessive congestion, debility and a suil'sisu eircu lation This is the tune we advise the "Prescription." Iu all derangements and displacements ol the special i-rgans whi -h icsults in "signs of inflammation,' in a catarrhal di-charges trotn the lining membranes, all I in distressing irregulari tiesthis medicine is guaranteed to cure, or the money will be returned. The new silver party seems to be un equal to the task of getting itself launched uu the sea ol polities. ADVERTISEMENTS. Pollocksviu.i, Joaei county, w hereafter ba known as the "w died city of North Caroliua. rwuwiUviiU, it seem', had a bog law; that i, they impounded tray porkers that wandered about the eity's streets. This made the people out .wd wroth. They didn't pr 0 tlio tredo u ot their swine j any manner whatsoever I tney had the Douglass Lcgis msi an act requiring a fence to around the town of Pullocksville. ut United Mates supreme court lered its decision in the income tax Mooday, deciding by divided t, the law to b; valid except as re incomes derived from rents, eounly and uiuuicipal 'he decision was -'her pro ' and vvii aington nas no lour negro po- hceaiiu and a Populist for Chief of-Po lice. n is saiu mat ouiy ..i persons in Charlotte will have to pay the I'. S. in come tax. Th programme for the Teachers' As teiubly at Morehead next June is about cjuiplctcd. Two dwelling hous in Wilkes cjunly were destroyed by nre during the hi; winds of last week, The V. M. C A . of Ashrville. has called W. A. Wells, of Philadelphia as general secretary. The State convention of the Kiux Daughters will be h, Id in New Bern from the 1 5-b to 17th of May. A colored man namod Ben Sti pliers was killed by a train between Bethel aud I'armcle Friday evening. A Yadkin county boy, Tom Caudle, for forging a 5 cent order has been given one year in the penitentiary. A colored girl, aged 1G, jumped from a rapidly going Inio near Thomasville, a few days ago and was fatally hurt. A Cojcord tnun found in his barn a nest of kittens, one of wbhirJnad'S 'eifi' two tails and the half of Jta hodlea A j'triMa", btfl, iakeD fr. m IMtT mill! from ihu mrnn en's farm below New d slravberriaa. but .BjTlotlda. Thejl' Spring iVIedicine Is I necessity because the tonic ot winter III la gone, and milder weather, increased moisture, accumulated Impurities in the blood and debilitated condition ot the body, open the way lor that tired Inling, nervous troubles, and other ills. The skin, mucous membrane and the various organs strive in vain to relieve the Im pure current ot Ufa. They all welcome TUIood's OS arsa-parilla to inlet Nature at this time when she moat neeSs fcslp, to r-irlfy moi. ton and strengthen the laboring organs and build up the nerves, "I was afmnat sick In hed last spring and I began taking Hood's Haneparllia. I grew better in a short time and now whunever I tiwl tired and drowsy In tha morning and do not sleep well at night I take some ot Hood's HaraeparlUa and about one or two of Hood's Pills". J. W. Bandchs, Wise, West Virginia. Purifies The Blood " I have taken Hood's Saraapa-ifla and found that It gives me aa appetite. It strengthens me and Gw.iflea my blood." MisbLtdia Maddcx, Partlow, Virginia. HyKf'5 Pills VXStfS? SAUfOF LAND. Itv virtue of a deed In trust ciccutecl to me bv Milhelmlna Froelich, on the tit 1) day ot July ISM, and iwonlcil Iu the reg ister ot deeas omee oi llllllllll l-OIIIMV in book KM at pone 3T, I will on Monday the 6th day of May expose to public sale to the hitln-sl bolder lor cash, at the court house Hour in the town of Halifax, said enunl.r, two towu lots situated in '. "i the east side of Main or n li"mll by the "oath, on ADVERTISEMENTS. Hi PC -la Si i m 4to' KNOWLEDGE Frinm comfort and improvement and tVti'ls to personal enjoyment when rL'liily used The many," who live bet tor than others and enjoy life more, with less exK'tnliture, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value t health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced iu the remedy, Syrup of Pi); Its i'xci llcliee is due P its presenting iu the form most acceptable and pleas ant P the tu-lc, the ref reshiiiL' and truly beneficial properties of n rfcct lax ative; i lli i tiiiilly chfui-ini: the -ystcni, ilisix llititr cohls," lieiuliiches and levers and ixruianontly curing oi'stipatioii. It has (riven sati-laetion to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, liecau-e it nets on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable siib-tance. S"rup of Fisrs is for sale by all drug gists in rule and fl littles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fie; Syrup Hi. . ml v , whose name is printed ou every package, also the name, siyriip of Figs, and being well informed, you will uot accept any substitute if oll'cred. mar 2G ly mm HAVING PUR chased of M. C. Pair the stock of goods at a great discount, -1 - will sell at Mr. Pair's old stand for the next 30 days, FOR CASH AT COST! the entire stook consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Call and be con vinced that I mean business. P.N.Stainback. C. H. B. HOWERTOfC HALIFAX, X. C. DINING ROOMS. Table supplied with the very best the market can ullnril. gsajul ivery Mable in connection. rtarsuMi: i n isii ok ixti:i;i:stjp to lliusc wanting CHOICE LITERATURE. Two Coisl papers for a Utile over the price ot one. We have made arrangements whereby we can offer the world famous veikly DETROIT FREE PRESS AND T1IK IIOANUKK NKYYH, IfOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2.00. The KliEK PRESS is a larne twelve tiaire Weekly, anil Kos the largest nuinlH-r of Special Contributors of any weekly pub lished iu America Jt has a speeuJ "MERRY TIMES" D EPARTl ENT -For the Cbihlien, ami a sptcial- Woman's Page. Vim nun hva more tlian the eont of both papers by i il lng advanUtite of the special lowprieesgieutoanlierriiierson the many valuable nremiiims olfereil by the i'HV.V. TKKjW. Send for a sample copy o( lua PreePresS and premium supplement, ad- tne tANOKE NEWS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS yenTipTOWTAVVA n I D II . t Cx7 i , for Infants and Children. THIRTY year.' okaeryatlnn of Caatoria wh the patroBa;eof miUlon. of persona, permit tin to apeak of it without gamine;. It I. nnqneatinnahly the heat remedyjorlnfanta and Children the world ha. ever Hows. It U harmleaa. Children lihe it It (Ive. them health. It will aavo their llvea. In it Mothera have aosaething which la ahaolately .afe and practioally perf.ot a. a ehlld'a medicine. Caatoria deatroya Worm a. Caatoria allaya Feeriahnea, Caatoria reventa omltisur 8onrCnrft Caatoria enre. Dl.rrhira and Wind Celle. Caatoria rultevea Teething Tronblea. Caatoria enrea Con.tlpatlon and FUtnleney. Caetaria nentrallaaa the egeeta olMhonlcoidjiajijioiaenene air. Caatoria doe. not contain morphine, oplnm, or ether nareotie preparty. Caatoria aaaimilatea the food, regnlatahetomach and bowala, s;iTinKhealthy andnatnral sleep. Caatoria ia pnt np in jme-alse hottle. only.It 1. not .old inibnlh. Don't allow any one to Mlyou anythinKjilaa oa tha plea er promiae that It jaJVinat aaroodandwillanawer every pnrpoae." Sec that yon ret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A . Thoaeimlle eiynatnra of ia on erary wrajoari NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. Cotton Blight. Tests matlt: by the Alabama Experiment Station and elsewhere prove conclusively that Kainit Prevents cotton blight. I'lantcrs can prevent the immense loss caused annually by this disease. Semi for our pamphlets. TIkv :.rc sent free. It will co-i n imIIi.ii to rent ihem, .mil they wili swe you dollars. Ol'.KMAN KALI WORKS, n Nassau Street, New Vwk. nov 1 till). THE SOUTHERN ll in 1111 Tfin 11 OFCREENSBORO, N. C. w. OFPEBS Cheaper Fire Insurance. Ily ni.ikiui! rviry polii y bolili-r :i flmiir in tin- nolils All profits except a ' reserve of 1" H-r ti nt, nrr rilnrniil to the policy holders. w-CAPITAL S100,000." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. H. O. ATKINSON MAXl'FACTl i;i:i! OK TQBAGCO-FLUES, EISTFIEXjID, it. c. 1 also liuikl mill repairCnrts, Wagons ami other vi-luolty anil carry ou jreucral lilack sniithini;. Ftiotn ainl work giurantecil. Write tor eistiinalwi anil pricc-s. Onlcrs proniptly lilk'il- mar 'Jl ly. A. HlilNKLKY. V. C. MATTHEWS. A. BR1NKLEY& CO., WholtKiiIr (irwi rs, Drillers In Provisions, Flour. Fish, Salt, k 7o WATEH STKEET, NOIil'OI.K, VA. Corrcsponilfiice Soliiitiil. Our Mr. V. C. Matthews visits your wt tion monthly anil will Im jilcaseil to take your orders. We hi-11 only to nierrhtinU. mar 7 ly. STILL I N - T H E L E A D ENFIELD, N. C. And you will find us "right there" when it comes to goods and prices. GROCERIES a Specialty. One car load flour and one car load salt just in. Dry Goods, Shoes and general merchandise for all jan 17 tf Congress and the General Assem bly! What did they do? That's for you to judge, but, listen; .TOE WHITAIfEE. Enfield, N.C. -Offers the paoit copiplete line of- WMIW uiiunu u-uuim I And at prices lower titan ever before known. DRESS GOODS I CREPONS, Crinkles, Crrpof, tiiDylieruH in all forts and kipJs I) op 5o. to 2Q and l!3 for imported. Toiile Downa, Plaom 1. tint, and every thing belong ing lo the Ol'TING flaw ol'goode. DUCKS! DUCKS11 DUCKS!!! A great varietv in color and prices. It will do you good to look at the white goods. Linings, Hair Cloth, Canvas, Crinoline, Silijias, etc. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Furnishings and otlief lioeR too nunc mm to nenlf oa. Subscribed liy twenty capitalists whose uimii reiresiut over FIVE MILLIONS OK iiOl.l.AHS. Pnlicv holilers are non-asseHsable. I)Ii;iX"i'OHS:-.I. S. Spencer, E. I. Litta, Wm. E. Holt, 1. (1. Worth, D. Maeliae, Ijiwn ihtS Moll. Saiiinel Mi l). Tale, .lames I'. Saw ver. .1. S. t'urr. Edwin Shaver, Y. J. Munlm k, 1.. Hanks Holt, Iteiinehan Ciiineriin, A. F. I'ace, Tlios. M. Holt, J. M. J Worth.. I. W.Seott, .1. Van lancllev, L- JI. Seott, I.. r. Wharton. -X Ol'FICEUS -J. M. Worth, I'resideut: E. 1'. Wharton, Viie 1'resiilent, A. W. MeAli- ster, Stel'etarv and Treasurer. When vour' policy expires see that it is renewed in THE SOI THEIiN STOCK MV- TL'AI. INSl KANt'ECO. 1. E STAIN HACK, Agent, Weldon, N. C. 7-lm. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. I M ARB UE f Designs sent to any address FKEE. In wriiint! liir Ihem pleitse Hive ae of ili ecus, il and some limit as to price. All work wai runted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Bfl3i,.ENTI I1EI.Y SATISFACTOKY. Work Delivered At Any Depot. ; ( oetll ly. -E. CLARK, STI-1E llJjL ABLE GR The Hcst of everylhint! kept iu stock. Fresli season . Iile godls tor Family use. Oenenil supplies fin " l'ublic. Full line HAliDWAHE. i!4 tit. il', ! "l l FINE BAR Ji:rX My bar lias been moved from mv old starnl to the newt store room Lett door anil is supplied with the most choice WHISKIES, HUANllIES. WIN KM, C1UAKH and ToHACCO. l'OI.ITE ATTENTION and 1'liOMIT HEl.lYl.lfY. jan 3 ly. THE M. F. HAET CO., .1 Arc making big reductions in- CL0THIN1 fflw liCIIS ni an v it In Fact in Everything. P& GOODS MUST BE $01 L i 41 li mi Low Price of Cotton us to this Step. oct 20 ly. fvy'-'oooeiNtl IDEA. VsVou injured or 90 fay IT mi f i 1 f i v Ao HALE BROTHERS. Halifal, N. C. CHARLES C ALLEY, CONFECTIO HE Mr. W. W. Wurreu represnt the firm and will vUit Weldon ant, u sAi""!'! nlarly. octlBly. t a-. am - M ?6 I 1 :i - J. B. WHITE & CO. CefJeraL Comiissiorl JEnw . jJl II UNO 13 ROANOKE m"'mVk' M- j. ','. We bndi-- Qnail, ltal White Hen. largely. In freeier, for I outright. .;,fl'.'K'.f