1 Ml If) fesZl TOHISr "W. SLEDO-E, provriktor. VOL. XXIX. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 1895. TERMS:-150 IE11 annum in advanc NO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies Who Visit JES' YOU WAIT. -LIKETO HAVE NICE VISITING ' CARDS. THE I'l.ACE TO GET THEM l.V THE LATEST STYLES IS AT THE OFFICE OF THE -Eicrisior Frintini CompanyJI- f) 3 3 ji 5 G WELDON, N. C. If the (lays are sceniin' dark Sun's still a sliinin'; Gleams through the lifted cloud Its silver linin', Jes' you wait. Don't care if the heart yets full, Spillin' out a cry; Same heart, when the wheel turns round, Happy hye and bye. Jes' you wait. Trees and all a luokio' dead, Don't you b'lieve it's so; May's a-coiuiu' down tho road, April's nothin' blow. Jes' you wait. Feel so lonesome, many a time, Don t know what to do; Wantin' someone round to lovo, Can't help beiu' blue. Jes' you wait. Clouds 'II pass, the sunshine come Uees in Junes sweet roses hum; Jes' you wait. The wheel 'II turn, tho heart be gay; Wife and babies sing, some day. .To' vmi wait. Letter Heads, Packet Head, Bill Heads, Envelope, Statements, Hand Rills, Programmes, Tickets, Etc., Etc Etc. IWrite for samples and prices. E. L. Haywahii, I'KOI'UIKTOB. Tyf soi7"f; PETEItSHUKG, VA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLI? ACCOMMODATION K). C. SNODGKASS, Proprietor, Into oi Butler, Pa. The only 6 rat class hotel in the city. Commercial mtca, $2. to 3 50 per day. 'Win s OR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM, KINSTON, N. C. vllitMES Of THE IK HO GENEMl tURCERT 8 2 ly. 1- FINE GROCERIES i amily Grocerie - CHE1P GROCERIES. FRUITS & CONFECTION KRIK3. COME AND HKE. . Come one, come all, both large and small, Ktamiue my stock, belore buying at all. I'np mv atjirlr ia nnninlet. ami nrii-Mi lunr. To con.pet $ith the proiiicte the fitimera itrow, ' I thank my kind friends for the patromge ni ine past And assure them all I'll be true to the last And a-nttrant.. llim ill avArv rwli'l The goods purchased from me they'll uever Therefore come all, both larg and small, For I will deul honetly with you all, J)0 riot de(ay, come light away And make your purchase today. J. L. JUDKIN3. dw 11 y- k II. 1 M Haa Just received i fresh lot of CANDY, plain and fancy. Also raisins, nuird now. chestnut, cocoannts, apples, bananas, Florida oranges, plain aud taucy cakes, Large assortment of jjojaiuy qoons.: fiuoo fly bones, wagons, carts, dolls, clocks, cbamher aeU, books by best authors, Id boi paper, cigars, auutt, tolauxo and saany fancy notions too numerous to men tion, hot i ly. THE COUPER MARBLE WORK9, til, 119 lit Rank st., Norfolk, Vi Larue stock of Lafonumetifi and Gravettunrt, etc. ivoauyfiuj iuu.uiMi .ulpuibut. Dm!!IX free. 1121; PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jiaas a. miixii). WALTaa a. .mu rOLLI DANIEL, AfTQRNFYS TL.iW, Pmillce In thsoouru of llalltai andNortbanp n and In tat Supreme and Faueraloourts. Cut lections made in aup.ru or norm mruiiua. Branch onto, at HaUiu. N. Cons tverv Moo V. Ju J Ij D It. T. T. BOSS, m CSS DENTIST, Weldoo, N. C. ItyOffio orer Emry A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. TJR. W. J.WARD.- KNPIELD, N. C. .Offlos orer Harriaon's Drag Stor. dee 90 ly. Over tlie Telephone. HE COULD KOT JtESMT THE SHEET TONES OF ASN1E LAURIE. They had been lover, but now they were parted. It was the result of a foul iah little quarrel. He had left her with out saying good bye, never to return, be aid, an-rily. Hut the girl loved hiui still. Days lengthened into months, but the absent one did not reappear. He was keeping good his promise. Yet the girl did not waver in her devotion to him and she resolved to win liitn back, hc remembered that he used tn bo fond ol hearing her ting "Annie Laurie," and she wondered if by chance lie hearJ In r sing it agaiu it would revive the old love She thought of the telephone and decided to try. So it happuoej that one after noon she sat h a 'phoue c.ibioct dowu wn. Tio-a iiajr, long ling, went the kcll 1 he connection was made. He was in the business office. "Is Mr. Walker in?" "Yes, I am Mr. Walker Whit is it? In teply the girl began siuing in a sweet, plaintive, soprano voice: "Maxwelton's braes are bonny, Where early falls the dew, And 'twas there that Annie Laurie G ive me hei promise true, Q ive me her prumiie true, And ne'er forgot 'twill be, And for boonie Annie Laurie. As the tendrr melody of the old ballad cam ; iu trembling notes over the wire (car- rolled up in tho listener's eyes aid his heart almost stool still. He recuguized the vuice, aud, as the gill finished sing ing the verse, he said, iu a voice choking with emotion: "You are Mill my Annie Laurie, deai; you are still my love." It's all right now. The lover had tfcwn won back with a snug. New York Recorder. A CHEAT DEAL WORSB. Chollio Why havo you slopped call- lnft on. Miss Patterson? Did her father object? Alglo No; she did. llroolilvn Lite. TRI E CONSOLATION. , "Yes, miw, he's been took at lust. 'Was ho prepared,' did you any, miss? If he wasn t it was his own fault. I did my dooty by him Didn't I read the burial-service to him every day for the last six months? Lilca Julio. IHIN'U A 1-IIlll.IC HKKVANT. A Death Deallif Maiden. A TEXAS UlltL WHOSE HAIK COSYErS AX ELECTRIC SHOCK WHES II AS I) LED. The Buff d (.! ip county iu Tt x.is claims i death dealing maiden wht.se fatal tpulii ies lie in lu r hair. The young wuuu is 1 jcuts uf ige and says itisuuly rcc utly that li r siDg ular p iwcr bini- inauifit. II r h i is uf tlie course jet l.i.ck vaii ty and m. eiuwdingly Ion,' and thick 'li;.t when the suffers it to h in 4 do vi it completely envelops her person, and the eurlim ends sweep the fl wr is she walks. I crisps and crackles aud sparkli when "be combs it and at night gives out a strange, weird light. In point of (act, she pos esses t genuine article of "thiniag bail." 80 strong b the current of electricity playing constantly through ber hair that one strand of it will convey shock to the person who la so bold u to touch it. She discovered her singular power one ight recently when she Hooped dowi to fondle 1 pat kitten. Her loose hair Iclj ill about lbs cat with crackling noire killing the poor creature instantly. Since then only 1 few peoplo have had the hardihood to experiment with the matter, hut all who haye touched her hair sie ooDviiued of in electric power. A young physician in the neighborhood, who went lo lest the oase In the interest of aeienoe, almost died of the repeated shocks lie received tberuby. The you ok woman herself is greatly annoyed it the sensation she is creating nd threatens to cut off her hair il people don't atop bothering he! about it, but her father and mother look upoo it is 1 miracle aid are afraid for ber to "tamper with it, as they ssy, lest somo mjui will befall her Chicago Times Hera I recommended Chambcilaio'a Pain Balm for ibeumatism, lame back, sprains ind swelling!. There U do better lini ment macje. J have solo) over 1(Q bodies of jt thjs year 0t) aj! Were pleased, who Used, it. J, V. iherson, druggist, South fl.:. Ill 1 viuuagu, 111. For sale by J. N. BiOwn, Hilifai, Dr, A. 8. Harriaon, Enfield. ,2 mm Miaa Yero de Vere If you pleaao, Mr. P'llceman, Is my bonnet on straight? N. Y. Recorder. HOT SO WONDIillFl L AS II E THINE. Husband (with desire to say some thins; pleasant) IV you know, kitten, I could recognize you from your style anywhere? Kitten 1 should think you could, seeing that you hti.'o let ine wear this same old alyle for two years. Judge. A ril'Tl'HK or THE I'l Tt KK. Fllegende lireltor a Idea of 1 school boy a, hundred yours hence. VVOl'LUTHATIIKrol'I.URItACH THEM s . mm mm The Dng-ray, you Venua and Psyche, If I only could get up there, I'd knock the etuffiV out of that living picture. Lifo. "Hill Beitie Martin." A FAMOUS NORTH CAROLINA RHYME ITS ORIGINAL HISTORY. A Gallant Thief. THEY TRIED TO DECEIVE HIM, HUT HE WASN'T EASI LY FOOLED. HETTY GREEN, THE RICHEST WOMAN IN AMERICA. It ti said that remarkable chnrtictor, Mm Hetty i.refn. tho rlcfteat woman tu Amnrlct. whole cltvernesH ami oooentrlc buMts make lu-r a hy won. all over the country, belongs to oat of the bet and oldest families in the .'ountry. sn- is i llowlun.1 of New Hodftird. tMilt-ndtng on ber mother'tj tide to tho " Hound 11 111 flowiant." so raiitM from a certain locality In New llnd ford, where tho family nan resided contlitumsiv fur nearly threo conturlra The old maritime city of New Mrdford was fouoded by her ar;o"tor. John MovlrtTvl. the Puritan, who christened It aftor lit'dford In Enulaml, hl frimlly hoinp 11c ruim' to tii country on tho MuySower and landed on Plymouth Kink ponnllettN. H1h hitf'llii.'ctu'u un KiHial .ireMtiKn Noon won bim rcapec-k nd HnttUy fortune. It Is a matter of r cord that Hetty i i t to r nniinnHlty ftfe-aliiBt her relaiivflti, which hna ezlHtcd now (r ihlriy-ltve yuur-. U'vuit n ink), and uf coutko money aa the cause of It. Her mother, Mm. Hobtnsan. died. un) uu ; r ttr.ttur. who k calle 1 In by the family, decided that tbe Howlond property held In trust for her )y Thomas Mandril should be divided, tho penonaliy golntr to her husband. Kdwur.l Mott Hd'lnson. and the realty to her daughter Hetty. Hetty's futber rwoiveil iKUUW. and Hetty yut ax.uoo. Hetty wus .t) years old at that time and her heart ached at the Itloa of tier own father receiving his dead wife's prop arty. She wanted It herself. Her iiuarrd wlih ber reiaikons. begun in thU way, led to the squabble In court uow famous us the lli-wUrul will ruse, and Is resiKinlble for the blot on Hetty Green's llfo record, which ran nivt r he wl,it-d out In tho estimation of the How land family ol New England Hetty (ireen's remn rliivldc will, which experts declared to be a forgery. Hetty Green la miserly, tricky, uiigramuiuilc il in her speei'h, shabby in the extreme as to ber dress and even untldr in her mrumul hubiu. et she U to-dav worth manv millions of dollars. most of which lifts been made In soccuUHou. Her husband Is still living and la a prom.Mat new iora ciuo man. . FROM Sl'FFERISO Tho most heauliful songs that were ever SUDR, The noblest words that ever were spoken, Have heen from sorrow and sulTeiinn wiuuu, From lives heart Lruken. K'en the harp is meaningless, diad and dumb, Till the strings arc stnined; then the pure notes come. VI TO DAT1 To be hypnotized is tho fad of the present d:iy, hut there aro other psycho luijic efforis not less icmarkahlo. For instance : Waiters arc tipnotiied. Lovers are lipnolized. Criminals are skipnotized. l'nker playt-rs arc chipntilized. The Chinese are whipnolized. Fiivolous felks are flipnolizcd. A L'real many pecple arc crip notized, And so on us far as you please. Hurklen'a Arnica 8alve. The beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever. sores, tetter, (hipped, hands, cbilbtytna., kin eruptions, and pot;. lively curce piles, or no pay required. It u guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price SB oeala pet os. cot wue oj n m. uoaea. NEW SUGGESTION FOR AN EVENING DRESS FOR MEN. Ia the London Ail, which Is the organ ot tha Healthy aud Annuo Oreai Union of th world's metropolis, appears tlo accompanvlns skctrh, glvloi a SUycatlun for Improred evan. mi areas ror gcotiemen. to coastal of coat, wuutooai ana koje-breeohet of volrtoen, silk stockings and ahoes. praferabl; with bucklaa. The rolor would be left to tho tamo of tho wuarer, but It woulJ probably be diacreet to ttegin with very Quiet colors, surh as brown, pur plish, or bronte or ruaaet. or di-ep qult greraR or black. It will be aeon that tho cout. which t llnad and faced with silk, has a rulled eollar auJ deep cuffs. The buttons mar be of mrui or of the same as the coat, or of smoked pearl as a variety. Thcae latter should bo sewn on by means of ahanks, not with four botoa, whkh di-atroy tho dreaiy appouranco. Tbo wutooat may be of stout creamy-white silk cordiKl, brcailod, watered or eherwo. It U trongly urged that the shirt should bo also af crearnylilta silk not twilledj, noeessiiflly tlilnnor and softer than the waistcoat, and urclcrably M;or. Corah silk Is probably the best for tho pup pose. Tha collar should he turned down, tho material betug unsuitable for a s'.au.l-up cellar and (he. cuffs might be frilled, hanging rather low uin the hand, the coat alcove being rather short. The lie might be of very thin silk, wllh l ice almllar In color to tho ahlrt, or, as a aubstl lets, the shirt front might bo frilled and tho stmls madn more of a feature It Is suggests thai the stocking should be of a color that would harmontie with the velveteen. (Krom the North Cnrolina Teacher.) Doubtless many of your older readers will remember that ancient doggerel "High Hetty Martin, tip toe, tip toe; High Betty Martin, tip toe fine ! She couldn't get a shoe, She couldn't get a stocking, Sho couldn't get a husband To suit her mind. High Hetty Martin," ttc. Hut probably few of them know that the lines were composed in honor (?) of the grandmother of the Hon. Richard Caswell, the first Governor of the State of North Carolina under the Constitution idoptcu in December, 177u. She was Miss Elizabeth Martin, of Harford county, Maryland, and, as tho sequel shows, she had two husbands, whether they "suited her mind" or not. As to e articles ef apparel mentioned, no further light is shed. Mr. John F. Blandy, of l'rescott, Arizona, writing to the American His torical Kegisler for December (p. 402), says: "ilicliard Laswell, Governor ol North Carolina and a member of the Continental Congress, and William Pace, signer of the Declaration of Independence and Governor ot Maryland, were first cousins, and firct coutina of my grand father, Josias Dallam, of Harford coun ty, Maryland. They were grnndsons of ady whoso maiden name was Elizabeth Martin. Of her tho well known oouplct, 'High Betty Martin, tiptoe fine, etc., was written, oho was celebrated for hei beauty, and was a large real estate own er in the Province of Maryland. "The origin of the verse was that she was courted by two young lawyers Rich ird Dallam and Winston Smith who came from England to the colony as companions and friends. The story goes that the elaborate ruffled shirts which were the fashion of the day were scarce and cxpen-ive, especially in the colonics, and they had but one between them, and. of course, could not pay their visits both at the same tine to MLss Betty. It was therefore said that it was difficult for her to make up her mind which to take. She did not decide, however, and ended in marrying both. Shu first married Dallam, and then had three sons und a daughter. This daughter was the moth er of Richard Caswell, of North Caro lina. As Widow Dallam she married Winston Smith, and hy him hid three sons and a daughter. This daughter as the mother of William Pace." Confirmation of his descent from Mrs. Dallam is fouud in the "Itinerary" el' Governor Cuswcll, published in Vol. IX of our Colonial Records, pages 1 0C4 (IS, and written by him when ho was attending the Cunlinenlal Congress at Philadelphia in October, 1 77-ii 'k mentions as an incident l I1U4 jiney through Harford couuiy. Alarlaud, that ho "went to Jou: V'allam's, where I saw my grand mother." The lines quoted were set to music, and the tuno will probably be recalled by some of the veterans as one of the collec lion of old Frank Johnson, ef plcasaut memory, and eihers of that ilk, who play ed it for ' Ladies to the right," and other square dances" long si 000 consigned to oblivion. We who enjoyed it did not know that the lively air, with its ilsurd words, was intimately associated with one of the foremost of patriots in the Revo lution. Graham Davea. TUKV AM. HAY 13 IT. As we note how the mind of the public moves, U'c feel, we arc hound lo confess, That the p.tiple sro having 1 bad cao of "litvr-isiibh.' Tiilliynciw." AS TO ANCKSTKY. Aristocratic father "And your an oo4urs f Aspiring y 'Ulh "(Mi, I have 'em. had a I'm her anil mother, and so did all their people bt fure them." Ii-Poatmaater-Oeneral DIs-aell.heavv-wolglitttu tetman, caruad IS.OIU a yoar. Taral, heavy-welvbt lockoy, Mroa M OM a year JOCKEY'S BRAINS VS. STATESMEN'S BRAINS. Chief-Justice roller, Senator Sherman, middle woUht al4U-nian, earns 5.(hi0 a ytar. .suns, mliliUe wetglil Jockoy, earns tsa.ooo a year. 'ASoeVa your. wA-il, Jockky I year. light-. srb tlriflln. Nirht- orna lac.OjK -H. V. WorM r-,-L-l UJUIMIJI "U H..UU I' What la the matter with that man?" asked the inquisitive small girl in the theater. "Tlfe mil titling in the front rowf" "Yee'. The one whose hiir is too small for bin." wsmwsnwjs-awfawMawsjaaaw. Mrs. Rash "How do you Manage to get jour cook np so early?" Mrs. Dash "Well, I hunted up 1 young and good looking milkman ind hired him to corns it 5 o'clock." ADVERTISEMENTS. A belle went to the thcaler. On re luming home after the performance she discovered that her brooch, which was a valuable nop, had been stolen. She was very sorry, for the jewelry was a present. A lew days afterward the young lady received the following letter: "The writer of these lines has the hon or to inform you that he knows where your brooch is and will return it cheer fully under certain conditions. I do not expect to receive a reward in money, since I regard it as exceedingly vulgar to accept money from a lady whom I idolize as much as I do you. Uu the other hand, it would be very stupid in mo to return you your jewelry without getting some equivalent. Taking into consideration my consuming love for you, I'll return the uiisring ornament for- a single kiss from your rosy lips. To morrow I will be at the corner of street with the missing jewelry. If you are willing to pay me my price, I will, after pressing a kiss on the afore said lips, press the brooch in your band No questions asked." The young lady did not know what to do. Sho wanted to get her brooch back, but she did not care to pay the price. She hit upon the idea of sending her ser vaut girl in her place. The servant girl put in an appearance it the appointed hour and place. She was heavily veiled. A well dressed gen tleman approached and asked : "Do you accept the terms?" "I do." The stranger familiarly embraced her after the most approved style, and si multaneously imprinted a large 3 by 7 kiss on her mouth that caused the police man on the corner to start. He thought it was a pistol shot. "Here is what I promised," ho re marked after the formality had been com plied with, "but," he added, "you will find it like the kits, not what it was rep rescnteti to be, as you are only the ser vant, not the mistress," banding her something wrapped up in a paper. After ho had retired, which he did immediately, the servant examined the paper and found that it only contained piece of wood. Chicago Times. Deserving Praise. Wc desire to suy to our citizens, that for years wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New life Pills, Iiueklcn's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, .Dil have never handled rcnicuVs that sell as we or that have given such universal satis taction. Wc do not hcMtatu to guarantee them every time, aud we stand ready to reluuj the purchase price, it satisfactory results do not follow their use. These medicines have won their great popularity purely on their merits. H'm. Cohen drugists. Blobbs "Do you think the average man is as stupid before he marries as be is afterwards ?" Cyuicus "Certainly. or he wouldn t get married HH OVUR FIKTY TEAKS Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with pefect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ill pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle, tic sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low'i Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. "Mrs. Treut, why do you look so down in the gills?" "Troul, my dear, I can't help worrying when I remember that it's most fiy lime n;ain." A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed and na less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs. aud ouhK -If von have never used this great cough luediciuc, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful cura five powers in all tli- of throat, cbesl aud lungs. Kuril bottle is riuurunlecd to do all that is claimed or mouey will bi refundii. Trial bottle free at Win Cohen's drug store. Large bottles 50c. aud SI (10. Stern Parent "You loll tuc that you love my daughter und wish to marry her Hut how do you expect lo life on eight hundred n year? living swain "Ol come now, your inc-jme must he more than that!" NEW ADVKKTISEMENTS. It will he agreeable surprise to per sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, t holera and Diarrhurt Remedy. In many instances the attack may be preveuttd by this rem edy is soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. 25 and 50 cent hoi tic s. Fur sale by J N Brown, Halifax, Dr. A S. Harrison, Enfield. Mrs. Qadzley "Do you suffer much from toothache? ' Mra. IJIazi-r "No that is, not unless my husband has it," The wifu-,"Qoe half ibe world does n't know how the other half lives." The husband "Well, U b-o't tho fault of your tewing looiety, anyway." - God never sees anything big in the gift lhat it made to win applause from men. A sin of any kind is I demand fi r God to leave Ilia throno. The man who walki with God keeps the devil oa the mi, 0& POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of ill ia leavening strength. ilfjtf I. Hi. Uavernmrnt Fomi Report, KOTAt, tSAKINO l'OWDKR CO., 106 Will8t.,N,T. tudl I Brown's i Iron I Bitters In Poor . Health means so much more thai fyou unnincj serious ant fatal diseases result fron trilling ailments neglectec Don t play with Nature greatest gilt health. If you tr fcclinR f'Ui ol torts, weak , anil generally er riiaUMetl, iKtvou Imvc no fippelit ami ytit t hoi' beitt at oncptstl tig ihc moti relia Me atrengtlienii Ttrcdit't'ie.wlnth (irowti'9 1 1 Hi1 it. A fi;w be lie curt; bene comes front iti wry lirM Husv i nion't stain fou. ittth, aiiti il jilcaant U takt It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ' f Constipation, Bad Clood ' V Malaria, Nervous ailments V Women's complaints. 1 5 Oct only I lie pcnuill-- il li.ii rrrdsril rd 1 f lilies on lii'.: vr;ipif r. Mi uth'-rs me sub- C atituu-s. i m ri'Ltij'l of iv.. ?o r.i.tmts we j f wll srnd siri c.( 'le- Uet,i(iil World's t-mr Yu-vva ana liook liet BUO.VN CHEMICAL CO. BAL'"lrtE. MO. jtily 2C ly. When in Need of anything in tho OUOCKRY LINE pleusv rememiier that I am still at V. 1.. Clark's old stand willi a full aud complete assortment and will be triad to see my many friends. Can save yon money on all goods in my line. lamair.eiit for IMLLAIIIV OIH.I.IHK" FLOUR which I guarantee to be the bint on the market l'atapsco not excepted, Will make prices satislactory. A full line of r rtiits, coniectionerics, igars, loiiacco on band at all times. Mr. J. I). Khearin is still with me and will lie glad to see his many friends. liive me a call. Yours truly, P. E. LYNN. GET THE BEST When you aro about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement! and be led to think you can get the beat made, driest tiniithcd and Most Popular Tor a mere song. See to It that foi uu.y iruiu rent Die munu acturer that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that- is easiest to manage anu is Light Running There Is none In the world that jf can equal in mechanical con j struction, durability of working par itt, nneiiciM ui iiuikii, imtkuij in appearance, or has us many New Home It haa Automatic Tension. Doable P4. alike on both aiilrsof needle (ftarVftVd'l.noothaT ham it ; New Stan J ( pa man, driving wheel hinged on ailuiitable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWWG MACBllS CO. Oautaa, Hut. Bobtom, Miw. M DnoN BorAaa, R. T tUX taAjH'IWO.t'At. ATl.AKlA.Ui. FOR BALK BY HP. N. STAIN BACK, AC.EST FOR WELDON. Agents wanted everywhere. iu.tr 7 Giu. O COUGHS O 1 J$ a O O c n LAXATIVE BROfwIO i QUININE p D cn r j Mow the Bowels gently, relieves the U cough, cures the lererith condition ' and head c',e ind prevent, pnev- ti q monia, Cures In oni day. Put 2, H up in tableti convenient lor ... takinv. X O PRICE. 25 Cta. - ton sue tr all i suogists. z u 3 O o X rm t i nawEiricxcTLAWM for Yard, IVmeUry od Orav lwj PoaHrf and 1 uaraaa reaoe, ana a peeta! HtH. Oatlu tud Keg - ta rmf irrierM. cawaw rrve. : 1. It, HnaLLaskHUkJa, aTuHT Vi. V COLD? W A HO ANTED ANU KOB P A.S. UAUP ESVIELP o't A I'mi. r Is '-7 i .aw,. -;,,S J