i' '1 jj 'f JOHN W. SLEDQE, rnoiiUETon. A. 1TEWSPAPEB IF O IR, THE !P IE O IF L IE TElHVLS:-1 5" I'J'-H ANN I'M IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1S95. NO. 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I f J 1 ,1 P I t I Sweet Dreams I ! abe 4reamtnf o( orang flownrtr Ii the writing ft pntjiu on lofef X nhe bulMlna Hpentah uwer, In the Mldet of at item boweri. The wont Hula Innocent dear NO. Thii Bwift CliiM i dri-aming of the wonderfully low iriros ut wliicli tliu -3 Eiceisior Printing: Company a J ; WKUX1N, N. C. Is turning out ARTISTIC PRINTING of Kvitj Deseription. TI1K. How swiftly flows that silent river Tliat Wars our flectin hopes away Each moment lived is lout forever, And only life's mil memories flay. If you would know the. worth of loving, (! drop your roues on that (trrniu, Or bid tli leiihvrV winu erase umiie. Or tench the heart of death to dream. If you would learn atiiliilitiu'a measure, Then tratlii r hulihtc on its liri'a-t ; For earth will yield to life no treasure, Its only (jilt is life's unrest. Childhood plays hi'sidc its billow; Youth and hope meet xladly there; Ajre rec'inra beneath iis willow, Wearied with a world of care. Millions mourn beside those waters, Salt with tears as ocean's brine. Women still are Sorrow's daughters; Men in naught but sex divine. And so those waves that flow forever Leave but myriad craves behind; Their freight of life returning never V hence their wawienuj courses wind. Still engulfed each living creature, Centuries ate the sands of time ndlwa from the past or fulure, Though suqs and planets cease to shine. t'ltixooiorjs pun. A WM ft m f Letter He;uK Pmket Heiulx, Kill HetuU, Envelope, State men bi, Miuid Hills, I'roKramiacH, Tickctn, Ktc, Ktc VAc. ft?" Write for tunuplwt ami pricea. K- L. Havwaiu), ruoi'iiiKTDU. SOUTHER PETKItSUCRti. VA. ELECTRIC LIMITS. ELECTRIC HELLP ACCOMMODATION 'MX. C. SNODGKAS8. Proprietor, laic ol Butler, Pa. The only first class hotel in thceity. Commercial rates, $'2. to 2 30 per day. DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM, KINSTON, N. C. V.OHE'tt? ?P THE ETE AND GENERAL SURGES! 8 1 ly. 171' H amily JL FINE GROCERIES Grocerie CHEAP GROCERIES. S FRVITa & CONFKLM'IONKKIKS. COMIC AM) si-:k. Come one, route all, bull. arv iimUnull, Fiainjne my Mwk, Iwlurc lmvtn ut all. For my stock if complete and price low, To compete with tlic pro.tuc.ta the fanner if row. I thank my kind friend!) fr the pitnm.ir f tuu pas I Aol awure t lie in all I'll U true to the lut And guarantee them in every respet t The goods punluwed tVom me they'll never regrei, Theremre otime all, both large anil small, Kor I will deal honestly with you all, jo not delay, come right away And wake your purruaMtw to-day, J. L. JL'DKlSrf. dec i:tl y. T1 Ik II. i Yick Mrs, Stueki'y (u wiflmvK-Whiit tire you Muyinj,' Milnil for arc ynn tired? Willy (who luif overhi'unl tho pro posal) I should my so; I kin hardly go fetep-futhiT. .1 ndtfe. iiotii or Tin: ham i; kind. SOME DELIMITS WHICH MEX DO SOT ES JOY. Haft just received a fresh lot of CANDY, plain ami fancy. Aim) raising mixed uuttt, (hentnuU, coeoanute, appli, banana, KloritU oraitireji, plain and fancy cakes. Large afwortmeut of HOLIDAY (JOODS. Bhoo fly horses, waitons, earts, ilolls, clacks, entmlwr sets, books tiy best autliors, fiuo box paper, eiirars, anotT, totsiero snci niany fauey notions too nuiueroiu to men tion. nov 1 ly. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, Ut, lis & tin Bank it., Norfolk, Vs. Larjre stock of P.IAiiumm'i ntnl Gruvrilnun, tte. Itedvtfor iuitnodiate ahipiiicnt. lesiDs friM. U-ily B fliWW.S'MA'.U ('AMIS. UXl? If 1 m WALTSM B. B1N1SI. irDLLIN DAMIIL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wildus, N. C. Praetlce Id lhoourtlof llsllht andXortlisinBi lausodin ttieHuuremeaud Pederal euiirli. Col JcUoul msle In alliMrUof North (!ftrollua. Bniwll offlci tt Hslitu. K. 0.,op.n evet; "nn 4f. 1'"' If As between man and woman the woman has much the best of it in law. The wife may leave the huxband whenever he likes and may live by hersell or go away it li some other woman's husband, and no law can bring her back. Hut if it is the husband who deserts his wife the law is after him with a sharp stiek, and he must keep on supporting her, even in cases where she has "iven some cause for desertion. In most diveree suits the jury will find for the woman on general principles, because theaverajje jury knows the average superiority of tho average 1 mian to (lis average man. If a woman jills an adujircr there is nothing for him hut to swallow his pride or his love or his wraih aud look for eumf.rt elsewlien but if a man Jills a woman the can go to court and collect $.rll,IIW l'..r breach ol iroinise; aud although women who resort to this way of making money are usually tilveuturcsses the average jury is again on her side. A man is responsible for his wife'f lebts, aud she can go to the big sbi id I have silks, leal hers and velvets sent home aud compel him to pay for ihi ui, evcu4hough he has to subsist on peanul fur months after, but if he goes to buying eigan or sportiog clothes or goes to tkea ters too oftcu she can call the law iu to stop him trout squandering, aud nut a pen ny of his debts is she liable fur. A wi man way be worth a mi li n dollars and ht-r husband mav be earoiug a week nud she cau compel him to give her ten of il, while ho cauimt get a dollar from her. This may be overdrawn, but we think that women will have to admit that, as a rule, men are dispusid to tri al tluin very handsomely. It is true lhat iu furuicr times woman was imponed upon and madi to utb r thu greatest injustice, but the up to date Wuiuau, the new womau, has very little to cutnplaiu of in (his direc tion. Meu adare her aud delight in granting privileges that they would not think of vlaituing for themselves, und which probably would uot be given claimed. D B. T. T. H08S, DENTIST, Weldou, N. C. MTOffice over Emrj 4 Pleree'i store. 10-191. JJR W. J. WARD.- Sirpoii Dentist, i ... KMFIELD, N. C. .OfSotOTer Hkrrtioa't Drug Stor. dee 30 1;. kJw 1KI.IK l:.S IS T.TI't)t)IN; Miss .Marie Frasi-r. niter a vi"ii to ' noa, has wiituu a b ok ' u tin islands. which appears tl.u loll ing naive littli essay on the phiV'ihy f clothes: ' Though the tailooii g in Samoa m Tary a little iu desigu, the decoration is always in the shape of knee breeches, i x tending from the waist to below tho kmc. "Id wet or stormy weather they eeo nomioally leave their best lava lavas at homo and wear only a bauana leaf or girdle of leaves, and should an islander be bought in heavy shower f rail) while wearing only a garment of tapa th.i tat tooiog stands hiin in good stood, lot dark cloth does not survive wet aud lapidly dissolve into rags No under how se.i lily they may U clad, the tattooing makes them look thoroughly clothed Sew i ork I mies A Leader. Since its first introduction, Klectric Hitters has gained rappidly iu ponul favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medical tonic and alteratives containing notluug which per mill its use as a beverage or intoxicant it ia reoogniaed as the best and purest mod iciue for all uilments of stomach, liver ol kidneys It will cure tick headache. indigestion constipation, and drive Ma laria from the system. Satisfaction guaianteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded, l'rice only 50c. per bottlo Sold by Wm. Cohen. TOmi Baby was sick, we gam hsr Castoria. Wtoa aha ni a ("hlUl. iha cried for Oaitorla. When abe became Mbas, she ching' to Caatoria. Wbea aba bad CbUdreo, aba ( ibna OashirHk dOl i p.yf,,if' rrpl.JBT' First liny ho rr yer look in1 nt? Socnntl lluy Who tr yer look in' at? First liny Xothln'. bfcund lloy So'm I. CJ olden Days. A hlS 1 1.H S IH'TY. ft "What should a feller say," asked the young man anxiously, "when ins wi: asks him il ho would marry again it she were to die "Say nothing, of course," ansn.rcd c elderly adviser. "If he sais he would, she'll thiuk he doesn't like her If lie announces his intention of sl:iin.' single, she will have the idea that he i tircd of matrimony." Miss Mittens hat dues this mean, sir? Mr. Ili-othertioi oh. those uru just n few soelis, miilerelothoH, coals, etc. that need mending; you promised Inst niglit vou woultl alvviivs tte n sister to mo, und my sister used to do all my mendhif before she married. Once Week. Sill: WAN AN AIITIST. Tlx m -VAv-' Chlmmi'V -- Say, MuifKie, you're wonder when il comes tu ctnikinf you ouifliten ter tuMvasten yer accomplish nu'iits here, fcr the wav von kin cnk fanry dishes like liver and hacon, is a porftuit dreum. Truth- I ITKltAKV NCITK ''m'' "tn this tale tho suspense Is well sus tained. "Hook Review, In Llfo. AFTKH TliK KISS. 5C? POSTMASTHK-tiKNEHAI. Will I AM L. WILSON. William Ij. Wllstm is hi t krmwri ttt tin- cnmi-.ry in inTiti' i iio:! with lils roccui t;iviff work In Corn,Tfsi. IU1 has bri'ii a taritl '.tii'lciit since Ij'st nt'T-il rt'iirrrcM'.itPiiiil life in 12. hut It wus n"t until the pn-ht tit itiit,:rfss Unit In tur m i '. tn.tu T In wnya mi-l mi'tuiti c-iimmittrfs, ftml ttM.uch the titllrlal lr;nlT of tlnMuajnty 1:1 tti l.-m-Ti-ior to his t'.rst f!cttt":i tu cun-ts-rcss tn hp liud lukcii Ultlo pnrt in ii.iilili s. t i i't In ir. a tli'lt'iiU1 Id tin (U'tnocratle :jtlunul couvcntloii ut rini'iiiiiiitl, jiinl suiisi mi. utiv un vinur ut Vmho from Wvi Virginia, uriy In 1KK2 he ;is tho-ii'D prosi'lciit of ttu- uiiivtr iiv "f West Virgin hi. TUN wmiitl have fljcil Mr. WllHon'H sphere of work hail it imt U:m fcr 11 1 niilicnl rurllnn and party spilt ut hlu homo in Chiirlostnn. V. Vu. , whlrh w.f; sittii il ! v tlu ijpp:s:.h' tariiotis uniting 011 Mr. Wilson. Tti" eumijaiffii was a hoi one uii'l Mr. Wilscni llnb!ly wtui tiy niiif vhUh. lie was then contlnu- iif.lv rci'lcftctl In or inter'". 4. Surprises In Heaven. 11 h: sua hi, fixd maxy dis- AITOIXTMKXrs A XI) HUSKS IX TIIK CITY ma in: W ITH IIAXDS. sri;- A 0 T to ape wiiKiti: sii.knci: is hkst. I XI. IKK A LI. OTIIKIiS. Several lucn Were tulking about how they li:i'l'iii d to marry. 'I married my wife," said one after others had all had their say, "because sin' was iliflVrcnt from any woman I had ever met." "How was that?" chorused the ethers. "She was llieonly woman I ever met who would have me," and there was a buist of applause. 1 Sew York ll.i.dd.l We -hall iindoublrdly cx'rietiee V:reat iu;iny surprises wlo n we get Heaven, siane uf lln ni pleasant, others painful. Our present notions ihe fulure are as eohfused us a laiel-r scene Iimiil.'Ii a glass badly fncu-eil. The illiaoilialioll is apt In run lint Willi Ic.ni l to il, while the reason falls into do The Heaven depielid by (he pipiihir ihenlogy is a place very uii'lisirable lo gn lo, bce.lllse ilcalll, we are told, will make such changes in us lhat we shall lose all of cur personal peculiarities, and perhaps uur personality itself. Immortality is a mere figure of spei eh, signifying uolhing unless we are absolutely and completely ourselves when we get to Heaven. The change ol environment caused by death may be somewhat sudden, just as u change from the tempi-rate Z me to the tropics would be; but as the man who takes the train in the Icmpciatc zmc is the same man in all essential particulars when he reaches his destination and sees fields of flowers instead of snow, so the soul that treads the strands ol eter nity is the same soul that embarked from the shores of time, and nothing has hap pened, except the loss of a useless body. His character has in no wit been altered, and never can be otherwise than by the processes of self-examination and educa tion to which he willingly submits him self. We shall certainly, however, find many disappointments and many surprises there, fur the simple reosuu that the Lord dots things iu His uwu Way rathel than in our way. Some of the acquaint anccB whom we have regarded Willi in difference or disdain may occupy a higher position than we have thought probabli aud perhaps a higher position liuin w ourselves. On the oilier hand, some of tln se upon whom we have looked with a kind i-feoveloiisncss may be re!e:a!cd to the lower spin res of celestial bli-s. Bicycle Railway. SCHEME rilA T IS Xl T SO YIS 10XAU Y AS IT AT FIRST Al'-I'EARS. JOHN S. JOHNSON AND HIS M W SKACYCI r. John H Jeloisiin. the famous -at r :in,l v. .-einian. of Mli.i.e-ou. Is just now Klvlng his at- tendon to s new let mat tiline h i v lo, a In- ciici to t,e a'01' 1 1 title tit luo rale or a nine a nnnule If Hits Is io-1-..miilM.t 1 it ill In-the i t-ii-st ri ,-or.l Him' tor any soil ol a nlieel anil wu. le a i-TciUt lo t'ula i:.o 1.1.1 Lt. r. 1 oiu l.t-i. 1:1,0 1 ae i t,K-r. .x AMri.r. i:i:amn. She ' I cannot marry you " He "And why not, pray?" She "You don't pay any tax. It is cowardiee to fear men, crelioo to fear Women. China's xr.r.n. Over The River. WHY A UTTLE HOY TIlunHIT CASADA WAS HEA VEX. On a i!r:i-;inl d.iy hot auluiiiD 11 little li j t of ii liny w.i M;ui!inu' en llif dock kiti' nut n'T tin- w;itir lnw.ml the Cillliidiiill linri', lletviis su quiet alnl l-rj.'-l tint a j;m.d i1.1M.rnl jmlieeuian, wlii.f.iw him ill-re, imiim' tip tn peak tn him. Ih fTr h'1 In I a i-liaiiee lor thai' IHW.'VtT, till ho)' Itl l k ll In llllll. 'Is that UritVcN nV.r thtie, sir ?" In- a-ki'l, with 11 I'.iint tnni ir in hi vuiec Will, I stiMlU siV iMtt, my little man, lautieil t Pi pultHiiian. " 1 liat h WiuiKnv." 'Well, tluitV th- l'ivi r, ictj't il ?" aknl the huv, with a stuhhurn kind id' perM tenet' wlii'-h the pijlieeniati'H laiih had tint alh cted in ihf h ast. 'Yen, that's the. iivu There ain't auy mistake abuut that." 'Then," said the hny, linuly, "that's Heaven over there." The policeman looked ut him tutious- "What makes you say that?" in quired the policeman, with a smile of encouragement. " liccause," and the boy's lip trembled and his eyes grew moist, "mamma went to Heaven last week, and she told me she woultl meet her little boy there, and yesterday, when 1 asked papa where Heaven was, he told mc it was over the river. Now, sir," aud he was very earnest and serious, "they wouldu't tell me stories, would they ?'' Then the big policeman sat down, aud, taking the boy on his knee, they talked together a long time. Detroit Free Press. swai.i.owi:i unit ii:.D III .H1!AM. The only ease on record of a discon solate widow swallowing (he remains ol her dead husband is lhat of Artciuesia drinking a glass of wine in which the ashes of Mausolus had been stirred lor that purpose. The parlies to this re Hiarkable transaction were also brother and sister and also husband and wife. Mausolus was king uf ('aria and reiguid alniul "inn years before Christ. After his death his remains were buttled and the ashes disposal of as related. St. Louis Hcpnlilie. AltVEliTISHMKNTS. 't'l'Mii:; :; nutt li more thnn ' yi : iiiu.'ine serious and ' i .. 'ii i'.;':i-:i'',cs r ' 't frrvn :iiiiin iils iii't'lccteu. it. I 1 ron . i.iav v. un Aaiurc s t 'tithealth. Ifvriunrpferlifin j.u il K'iii.-rally ex ll.lllSlt'l, lH-IVfllS, ;..'.!. (in ai'pt'tiltt in; d (.iii't .itk, f tn-vtn ;it (mreialt - iiij; tin- lIH I If ll.'i- SMf BliiiiKll'HillHi 1 n,( tin iin-.wliH h ill Hkiwii s Irr hi Bn lers. A k'W lift- f llf'S CUIC- bt'lltfit units limn t lie . w iy Jirfct diisi-- tt nvH't Ham jevur J teitli, ami i i ' s pk'asJlil lu tuke. M 1 ; ?t Cures Dysp: psia, Kkl.iey and IJvcr Neuralgia, Troubles, P Constipation, Dad lilood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Cit riitv I In- ei unit:. il list rrowH irA lines on tl.e wi.ieort. Alii.llit-rs ait-sllh-sluutts i 'ii ret ' oil of i-ti r ftlrmiiis we ' wit st'ii.l stt til Inn !tsrilfil Wvrld's l ulr Vlcv.s ..ii tt btti.lt ttt-t BROV.r CHEMICAL CO. BAL."Uf1RE, MD. julyiC ly. When in Need of anything in the (IKOC'KRY LIXE please ifiiieniher tlmt I inn still at C L. Clitrk'sohlNtiuid with a full und complete assortment nnil will he latl to ee idj many Irieiuls. Can save yon money on all KK)i!s in my line. I am ueiit for HAKIvAHD'H "OHI l ISK" FLOt'R which I puaxatitec to he the hest on the market Patajweo nol excepted. Will make prices Hatislactory. A full line of Fruits, Confectioneries, CigarM, Tohacco on lund at all t imeH. Mi . J. I). Shearin is still with me and will lie film! to see hi many friends. Uivc me a call. Yours truly, P. E. LYNN. T1U 13 IMtH ACHING. Wh.it China needs To reiiinvi' the tarni.-h Is a lew duhs inorc t H' Jajian v.iiiii-h. Ltit di? There is such ft thtii'' as ueltjl I fulntss. Vh, lKt I rut li I IAIN I l I l 1 ION liOVYNS. "Unw dare vou. alrf "Kiss you? Why, your beauty chal lenged me, and I never take a stump." "I'txir fellowl Yea, I aupixise couhln't very well help It" llurklen'a Arnica Malve. Th beat naive in the world for cuts, bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively curca piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 oenta pet box. For aale by Wb. Cohn. A OOMKSTIC A I i'OCIt AT. "My dear, the weather i-i not fit for you to attend the cheap sale today. 1 must positively forbid you to go out " "You couldu'l prevent my going if you were tut of all the liussias " "Thanks awfully. To be ei.ir of one rusher is enough for lot me." KKdKKTS. A kiss I took and a backward look, And ray heart was like to smother To think of what i fool 1 waa I might have had another. A TKST CASK. Vcrax--''Wh:it would you man called ymi a liar?" Simiczcr "Make hiiu prove it him." Verax "Thai's wh it 1 did." Smooter "llidyou lick him?" Yerax "No." lo if lick You 'Oh, doctor, how do vou d look killing this evening," "Thank you; but I'm nol; 1 in uot; I'm off duly, you kuow." "Of row things, " says the am ietit philosi'phi r, "there is never an etui. Neither is there an end of hope nor of the making of plans, whellu r sadness or gladness priieeeileth therefrom. Man must walk in the way his feet are set, and upward is the way." The prujeetots of the bill before, eotigre.-s to subsidize a bicycle railway are ironically spoken ol as "cranks," but at the sime time a nutii btrnflhe highest aiiilioi'iiics on me ehanieal science have declared tie ir full belief that the method is not only a good one, but that it marks an epoch in railway hi-tnry. The skater stippotts the weight ol bis body upon a surface nol wider than the eiobih of an inch. The b'cyclisi runs freely, and at a high rate of sp 'i d, up in the rounded surface of two wheels, which, if at rest, would not siaud upright. The fact that matter in motion tends away fruin the center of graiity esplaius the bicycle, and the same principle is now to be used in rail ways, lt is proposed to ruu trains at .nun one hundred to one hundred and ten miles an hour over a road built upon stilts. The prime object is to make a roadbed which shall be absolutely level aver the whole route. The stilts may bestride marshes, rivers and meadows without interfering with sailing upou water courses or fanning upon the plains No land will be wasted, no waterways obstructed. Ordinarily trains run upon two rails with lies ami a ballasted road bed. In this scheme there is practically hut one teal supporting rail, which will lie underneath, upon the main Iraiue work. Above, near the tops of the cars, there will be two other subsidiary tails. which will support the train while niov iug at a slow rate. As soon, however, as the engine begins to develop speed the train will erect its 'If upon the single rail by eeulrifugiil energy, and the enormous friction of the wheels upon the double tracks will eunsetpieiilly be reduced by one half. Science proves to u- thai U a rate of speed could be gained high en ough l overcome, the attraction ol the globe Ihe wheels of a heavy express train Would pass over its bed, whether consi-t ing of one rail or two, so lightly lhat a baby's linger woul.l not he curbed. In crease the speed ami the train would rise clear of the earth and become, iu fact, a sjrt of send saturniaii ring, or at least a satellite. Thus far bill one bicycle loco- motive has been built, hut it lias proved a grand sin eess, erecting itself upon its single track and whirling along at coor minis speetl, standing as popeudicuhir in lis course as il supported upon a pyra initial base. Chicago I'ost. What meu want lo hear when they go to church i- pleaching, earnest, heartfelt preaching concerning the kingdom. Men and women want to know all the words of this life; their hctirts are hungering and thirsting fur ihe spiritual food which only the liospel can give thein. This it is which miy scree to sweeten and slrcnuiheii, ennoble ami dignify this hu man life of ours; this it is which projects with a mighty force the belief in theuu scen into the present, which brings the knowledge of the eternal realities to bear upon the present lib ; this it is which ( by l's h!is-iiiLrl illumines as with a "liuht that never was on sea or land" the put li iv of the Chiistian life: this it is which litis men's hearis to set nut on thu pil eriiuaje of the Cliii.ti in life and which allilll lies their elicroies, which enable t ln-iii lo ever press forward eoiiiiierin and to eolitpler " (;iiaiauteetl Cure. e aitthori" our adv. rlistd druggist to sill Mr. King's N, w Miseovery for consumption, cmtulis and colds, upon this eoteltiion. It you are atllictetl with a eolith, cold or am llllll, throat chest trouble, and will Use this remedy as din etttl, giving it a lair trial, ami ex;-'iienee no bi'iicli', you may return the bottle and have your nnmey rclunded Me could not make this oiler did we not know thai Mr. Kino's New Miseoverv could be relied on. It iievtr disappoint Trial bottles free :d III. t'ohcu's drug store. Large si.' .'nlc. ami SI ml. Many love and marry; fewer marry and hue. .NKW AMV KHTISKMKNTS. GET THE BEST When vim :irc about to htiv a Sewinn Machine do nut h.t ilcixivi tl by nllurinK ail 'ertiienienti anl 1D lcil to think you can t;ut tho bent niatiet. niu'st nnihDcu anu Most Popular for a mere Bong. See to It that nu buy hum reliable manu-lu-uirera that have eaiiu-d a rt jiutat tun by honest anil square ilt-itling, yoii will then Rtt a St wiriK Machine that is noted ihe world over for its dura bility. Yon want the one lhat is easiest to munugt und in Light Running There Is none in the world that i-J can c(iial in met baiiieo! con y structinii, durability of working parts, mioiK'SM 01 imisn, wauiy in nppt arnnt-c, or ban us uittny improvements as the New Home it has Automatic Ter Ion, Double Feed, all on both sities of needle (wfwerf), no other has it ; New Sian l ( fo rnted), driving wheel hinKr J on adjustable centers, thus reducing f rictiun to thu in i mm mil. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE NEW HOME SEWIKG IACHIHE CO. ORanui MM- Hoktoh, M". MVin n Sori, M. T CUICAUO, Hi- ST.bnW.llO. Htl.l.U.TUM. Hkh 'ninwv, ' ati.amtA, (i. FOH SALE BV . ;P. N. STAINBACK,- AfiKST nUWKLlHN. A'tilei w.uitt'd pverywherc. mar 7 lim. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar liakini; powder, llinliest nl all in leaveuinij strength. hilnl I'. S. (IfVinmrnt h'oud Report. HnVAI, Hakinii 1'iiwuer Co., 1 (Iti Wall 8t..N. Y. ait3. TA5TELE5S MILL IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE fsOct. Clio good ia always beautiful, but the twaut'ful in not always good. "Mo you lliink the new hoarder ii nermanent?" "Yes, indeed' He threat- i fns continually to leave." CABLED FIELD AND HOD FENCE. .v.i.1 t.trr. Win Pann ftnanl ! Vird. I rrrodfrr an Ore lx Pearini oa Hletl Poit a 4uecUltr. Wa rT tte ri-aisfet. CaUloaoa tret ' k. L. hHkLUMkBUka, ATUNTa, IIA. G it. An a, Iili., Not. ia, ins. ?rii. Mfrttclna Ca tti. Louli. Ho. tlfiitlfmen: Vp'b ld Iwl year, 000 bottlea of 1UOVK1 TAHTHl-KsH CHILL TONIC aud baT joiiKlit ittrto iiruu ftlruatlf Ibtd rear. In all uar ex lerleiii of II Jr. In the drug bunlneaa. bar ntxriT eld un arltole that gnve nurn uulyaraal aaUat UvUuq ai yuur Vwio luun tmir. AjiNair.CABm AC WAnRANTEl) AN1 FOR HALS BY A S. HARRISON. KNFIKLD, N C. (Mt 4 fitlb SCOTLAND NECK aTElSYIHS, B,KxpreBB paid on packages. Send for price-list. Address, STEAM DYEING CO., Bootkud Kuk U C A- r V". 1 ) -v $ i i I

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