JOHN W. SLEIDQ-E, PnoPRiKTOR. VOL. XXX. .A. 1ST E "W S PAPER IT O Hi, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 23. 1895. TEPMS:-l-50 I'Ktt ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 6. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sweet Dreams I It she dreaming of orange flowers! la the wrltlnf poem on loyef Xb she building Hptntnh tower, SB the mtiUt of silken bo wen, The sweet Uttle Innocent dearf NO. This Sweet Child is dreaming of Dm wonderfully low prices at which the ExceJPrintn Company WEI.DOX.N. C. I turning ont AUTISTIC HUNTING of i Every Description. Letter Ilonds, IVkot Heads, ; Hill Hauls, Envelopes, Statements, Hand Bills, i Programmes, Tickets, Etc., Etc. Etc. i (0 Write for samples and prices. E. L. HAYWARI), PllOPHlKTOB. T SOUTHS, I'ETEK8Rl;K(i, VA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 300. C. SNOIKIRASS, Proprietor, lute oi . Butler, I'd. The only first class hotel in thecity. Commercial rates, f'l. to 2 f0 per day. DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. KISHTON, N. C. MISUSES OF THE ETE MO GENERAL SURGtRT 8 2 ly. in 1 FINE GROCERIES rs H amily Grocerie S CHEAP GROCERIES. J f FRUITS & CON KKC HON KIUKS. COM B AND SUE. Come one, oome nil, hoth Ure and small, Examine my stock, More buy i -in at all. For Diy stock is complete and prires low, To compete with theprodncta the fuiniers KTOW, I tluuik my kind friends for the ialronuge of the past And assure thfm nil I'll be true to the last And guarantee them in every nwpevt The gooria purvliiwed from me they'll never 1 regret, Therefore oome all, both latye and small, For I will deal honestly with you all, Do not delay, come tight away And make your purchases to day. J. U JUDKISS. dec Ul y. I Ik 11. i M Mas Just received a fresh lot of CANDY 7 plain and fancy. Also raisin, mixed nuts. rhostuuts. coroannts, apple, tmnanas, Florida oranges, plaiu atid fancy cakes. Large assortment ol HOLIDAY GOODS. fthoo fly horses, wagons, carts, dolls, ImL. .hliHHl. hralfaHw hoat .nlluiM ' line boi paper, cigars, snuff, totnicco and many fancy notions ioo numerous to men tioa. doi t ly. A Bashful Brideeroom. 1I1S A WFVL PRE D1C A MEN T ON HIS WEDDING NHlIi T. A friend sends us the following ttory: "When I wus young I wns tho most bashful boy west of tlm Allegliunios. I wouldn't look nt a girl, much less sjieiik to maiden; but for all that I fell desper ately in luvo null a struct, beautiful neighbor girl. It win duairablc match on both sidos, and tho old folks saw the drill and filed it up. I thought I should thinking of it. .1 was a gnwky, awkward country lout, about 10 years of age; she a refined and fairly well cduoated girl in a oountry and at a time when girls had superior advantages, and were there fore superior in culture to tho boys. I filed tho day off as far as I could have it put. I lay awake in cold perspiration as the time drew near and I shivered with agony as I thought of the terrible ordeal. The dreadful day came; I went through the programme somehow in a dasvii, confused, way; the guests one by oue departed, aud uiy hair begin to stand on end. I hit like fleeing to tho woodi, or spending tho night in the barn, or leaving for tho West never to return. I was deeply devoted to Sallie, I loved her harder than a mule oau kick; but that dreadful ordeal I could not, I daro not stand it. Finally tho last guest was gone, tho brijj rotirod, tho family gone to bed and I was left with the old man. "John," said he, "you cm take that candle; you will Bod your room just above this, (ioo J night. Johu, and the Lord have mercy on your soul," and with a mischievous twinkle of tho cyo the old man left the room. When I hoard hiin slam distant door I staggered to my feet and scii-jj the caudle with a nervous grasp 1 knew that It coum not uc voided, yot I hesitated to meet my fate ike a to in. A happy thought struck me. I hastily climbed the stairs, marked the position of the lundiog and tho door of tho Iridal chamber. I would have died before I would havedisrabed in that holy chamber, where awaited mo a trom bling girl. I, therefore, decided to make the usual preparation without, blow out the light, open the door and friendly darkness would at least mitigate the horrors of the situation. It was so in done, the dreadful moment bad come, I was ready; I blew out the light, grasped the door knob with a deathly aud nervous grasp jne moment ana It would oe over. I leaped within and there around g'uwitig hickory fire, with candle brightly burning en the bureau, was the blushing bride surrounded by the nix lovely bridesmaids. l'uluski News lie view. I.a (irlppe. During the prevalence of tho Grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact hat those who depended upon IT. Mugs New Piscovery, Hot duly bad speedy M'utcry, but esc;iitd all of the trouble some after effects of tho malady. This remedy seems to have peculiar poker in effecting rapid cures not only in cases it La (inppe, but in all Diseases ol Throat, Chest and Lungs, aud has cured cases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint, rree trial bottles at W. Ji. Cohen s drugstore. II Kit KYKH. Turn not away oh, linger yet awhile, And let me look in ihine uplifted eves Soft eyes, si dark as twilight on tl e Nile- And drift to dreams while fairest (ol cy flic Far down the vistas uf the vesper skies, When) pictured lands and pyramids do rise And tower like my Jove for thee. Dtr eyes Turn not away! MOFESSIOSAL CARDS. jaaasn. hcllih, WAITH 1. Mill. ItDLLII DilllL, I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, , WlLIKIK, N. C. . . . V rr.rllc.ln theeonrtior H.ltmiandNnrlnana t maud In lh.Htiinlncanil Kilr.l courts. CuU V ii tlnnt .! In of Nurtn Carolina. ? llruint oSlo. 11 Halifax. M. C..HN afcrT Hon . ) ' IV . T. T. K088, m DENTIST, Waldoo, N.C. T'Offic over Etury A Plarce'astore. 10-19-ly. IJ)H W. J.WARD.&- "Sineiii Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. i IsVOKa over Harrison's Drag 8 tore, dee 90 ly. SCOTLAND NECK i HEME MS, f ia.Eiprei paid on package. Send i Tor pnoa-lut. Addrm, 8TKAM DYKINU CO., i 8otWNok M.O. Tie Dethroned Bahy. THE TWO-YEAR-OLD IS PUT ASIDE WHEN THE NEW 11 A II Y COMES. During the first two years of our pit gritnugo through life our tumbles are al together of a physical nature. A help less baby in the bands of an ignorant mother or nurse is often tho most to he pitied uf all dumb animals, but its trials ire those of the flesh. It is only after has been, us it were, pushed out of place by an intetlopcr in short, when there is a new baby, that it begins to now what it is to have a troubled spirit. When it is no longer "Baby," but Harry," or "Jane," or perhaps even that child," then beginneth its first lesson in tho mutations of caithly things. Talk of dethroned monarebs and passed beauties, of poets whose popularity has waned, and of painters whose pictures no longer sell I These havo. like Tony Weller's "worry old" turkey, the consola tion of being tough. It is different with the little creature who, only few short months ago, ruled tho roost in the nurse ry, and now must mako way for what ? A little bald, red, toothless object, who, when seen at the best, can do nothing ut double its mottled fists and smile idiotically. But, little and insignificant as it may look, its coming has made tho world a very different place for tho old aby, who now no longer keeps its car riage, but iu its cieursions abroad must trudge along on its little feet, sometimes having hard work to keep up with nurse, bo, while sho has only fond words for the carriage's occupant, too often has cross ones for the stumbling little toddler at her side. But, worst of all, tho old biby has been ousted from its mother's lap, and stands unnoticed by her side, while visitors rush at the new baby as though they would eat it, and are then entertained by accounts of its remarkable precocity what an astonishing baby it is for its weeks, how wonderfully it takes notice, etc., etc. Guardians of the nur sery, what you need is an invading host of .Susan Nippers tu pot an end to this state of things. A brand new baby is II very well, but that is no rcasoo why its predecessor should be treated as if, in its own language, it "wasn't nothing." Dr. (ilara Babyhood. ST til KSUH OF THOUGHT. AuRtiAiii.Y Si'Ri'RISKli. "I had a ar mfMn inlil nn mv lunim that caused . ' J m..... - J much soreness and Rve me considerable uneasiness in regard to the result," says Mr. T. K. Smith, of Billerica, Mass. "A local drnggist called my ittcntion to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and on is recommendation I gave tno remedy narnfiil triil. The result surprised me: recovered entirely in three days." and SO cent bottles For sale by J. N. Brawn, llaltfai, Dr. . n. HtmMii, fcuueld. THE FACT E8TAI1MSHKI. ''If, u you say, the defendant it so conscientious a man," said the lawyer, "you ought to be able to give some ex ample of it." "Well," said the witness, "I have known him for twenty yean, and in all that time I have never known him to take whisky for cold eicept when be really hid a cold." Cincinnati Tribune. Rurklen'a Anitra Salve. Tha beat aalve in the world fer cut. bruise, Sores, ulcers, nit rheum, fever aoros, tetter, chapped hands, omlblains imrni. and all akin emotion, and Dosi lively cures piles, or nt pay required. It la anarantacd to live DCrfoot MlWaOtioO. it money refunded. Prioe 25 eeat per i a 1. l- ur. Ia1m ngg. mum yj v . ww. " If HE BOLTED IT. Hullo 1 I'm afraid lingers U falling' Kobi.h Loud (looking over his estate) Into his old had habits aaln. HiAD-iERPKft Drunk as a as a a (bolts It) lord, me lord I TREATMENT OF INFANTS. "You should have a thermometer to Uncertain the temperature of the water," lid a mother to the nurse. "Whaffor?" "To tell when the water is too hot or too cold." "Don't need no sich dockcrment. Kf de chile turns blue de water urn too cold, and cf hit turns red den it am too hot." And now the colored lady is open to an offer. Texas Siftings. THE SOIMEU OYSTER. The oyster now is out of date; He's getting long and slim; lie's feeling mighty easy for There are no It's on him. POOlt OLI SOLOMON. "They talk about the wise men of old, but, io my opinion, men are a great wiser today than they wero then?" "What makes you think that?" "Well, a man has only one wife at a I time nowadays." Town Topics. A woman is irresistible only when she doesu't know it. If we gave the devil his due wo might ive ourselves away. A man won't save his soul by paying his pew rent and neglecting his grocer. A mooopoly is a good deal like a baby. A man is opposed to it on general princi ples until ho has one of his own. Most p.'ople, like clocks, show io their faces the result of their works. There's a great deal of scatter to a woman's judgment. Tho world wouldn't be fit to lire in if all of us were millionaires. Genius is great enough to make all things great that it touches. Most women who luirry mean men seem to do it for the sake of contrast. The greater a woman's mind, the less of it she gives to the thoughts of dress. A lteiLnrkable Cure of Rheumatism, David Leu is who has been afflicted all winter by rheumatism, is out again and all d io l one of the medicines advertised in our e .luuins, says the Uroton Connec ticut Review Alter trying everything nossil'le, he used Chiuiberlain't l'ain Halm, which lias relieve'! him ol all pain, from which he was a constaut sufferer ind promises to make him fit for duty soon. W e know l'avid has been I treat sufferer and aie glad to see hiin around airsm. For rale by J. mown, llahlax, I'r. . S, Hamsun, huheld. CHANCEIt II IS MINI). "I notice," said a clergyman's wife to her husband, "th it it is no longer fash ioniblefor the minister 1 1 kiss the tiri le at the wedding f -in 'oy." "Yes," sadly responded the g'id nur "many of tho pleasant f aiur.-s connect i d itony hi Im w'.th the wciJinj discarded, and" "What Is that?" demin led his wife ominously. "I mean I mean," he stammcird "that the aenseleat custom of kissing the bride should have been abolished km, ago." Tsmraany Times. Obanbtrlaia't Br and Skla atatment It unequalled for Eranaa, Tetter. Xolt Khcum, valJ Mead, Sore Nipples, (. happed 1 1 wis, Itcliin l'ilea, Hums, Fn ltiw, t'hmnicSorr Kvnand tiranolaltd Kye Lid. For atl by druirjtuls u io cents per box. TO EOMSOWMHt. For putting a hone ia fin healthy coo Hiiiim trv Dr. Cadv' Condition I'owdera They tone up the system, aid digestion, cur Int. of appetite, relieve constipation, oorwet kidnev disorder! and dWmy worm, (rivin lib fa u old or over-worked bona. 26 nt per ptokag. For eal by drnggiat. For tilt J. N. Brown, Hitifu, and 1 1. A. S. ilmt, KafieU Home, Sweet Home. HE IT EVER SO HUMBLE, THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME. MISERY IN NEWFOUNDLAND. A Canadian recently on a visit to Newfoundland Brought back the accompanying picture er a family's moving, and a doleful account of the country. The boast that draws the odd little cart Is a cow. the only live stork of the family. According to the man that took the picture, the sole possessions of the family were those piled on the little cart and a few carried ry the womaa. The most Important article Is the spinning wheel, used by the women throughout the Island in the long winter trom early December until rald-Aprll. when thore la nothing for them to do out f doers. GREAT SCOT! His morals, perhaps, may have been very good, He'd likely not murder or steal; But, He wore a silk hat and a Robert-tailed coat, And he rode on a bicycle wheel. ON THE TRACK. Race horses are honest enough, perhaps, But there' one thing about them I know, Which I've learned by striking number of "snaps," That they sometimes don't pay as they go- When the end of the day draws near the busy men, women and children of the universe any "now for homo." Some with smiling, radiant faces because of the loviog welcome awaiting them, the warm kisi and merry "just in time dear, the tin is stciming hot" and liko kindnesses. Such a welcomo makes all forgot tho tired, aching limbs, the troubled perplexed brain. All business cares ro replaced by happiness and content. The influcnco of a happy home is as serting its power. The power is felt Some ooe ha wisely said, "When one feels much one think little" How pe culiarly adapted that quotation is in this instance. While tho happiness is felt no thought of the morrow is taken, whether "good or evil" fortune or misfortune proves its harvest. The blissful present is all, let the morrow if there be a mor row provide for itself. Some with tired, aching limbs and still more tired, aching hearts wearily podding their way home ward. Homeward, is that right? To place called by that sacred word home, would bo more suitable. No bright smile of anticipation is seen upon the counte nances of these poor unfortunates. Alas! what t home tbey enter. Discord and strife reign supreme, disorder and chaos everywhere, half cooked supper, a sloven ly, scolding wife meet their gaze. No wonder many a poor man is tempted to stop and loiter at the brilliant saloon, trying to Sod forgetfulness in the depths of the flowing bowl, until hi hard-earned wages are swallowed up, and then go staggering home with curses for her whom be has pledged to love and protect. Bitter reproaches she heaps upon him whom she has pledged to honor and obey. One miserable man once heard the quo tation "there's no place like home," and exclaimed: "I thank God for it; if every place were like my home, earth would be a torment." I once heard a lady give a definition of a home, which exactly suits my idea. Let the whole structure be love for God, the room peace and love towards one an other, the doors self-denial and charity. Is not that a beautiful idea? Is your homo constructed in like manner? How many of us can say, "lie it ever so humble, there's no place like home?" INDIAN CHILDREN NAMES. Every one knows that many queer names are to be found mong American Indians, but it may surpiise somo readers to learn that similar names cling to Indi an children, even after they enter the government schools. The following list is furnished by t teacher in ooe ol the government schools in Oklohoma territo- They are taken fiom the school register, and while they are not such as to be pleasing to civiliied people, the Indian youths ire s proud of them as if they were Smith tr Brown. It should be said also that the boys ind girls are bright, intelligent, doing good school work and are as well behaved as their white neighbors. Here are the names: Lucy Little Standing Buffalt. Atkins White Sail. Anna Bull Frog. Lee Little Turtle. Marie Buffalo Head. Clarence Black Ilair Horse. Jenny Boy Chief. Grace Yellow Flower. Miry Big Goose. John White Ktle. Martha Chief Pipe. Mary Cries for Ribs. Cora Friule Head. Youth's Compan ion. ELKS BROKEN TO HARNESS. There la a maa lltlni la Kietor. Oatarlo. wb baa uereedrd In bretklng a pair f tike M .... than la the lUhta tad Mnada of arbaa life Ihat they ara daltf driven .bout the .tnu with perfect Mf.ty and MtUrxtloa. They are perfectly auteke la tin, color and weight, and art driven to a light, but stoutly madt two-wheel cart, wklck Uey draw about the city and country roads at a puktat raw with two on the tut The warn la ward by Mr K. II. r isk, wko broke the talmata t ttU lareweul wtrk. The ladles X Ut (ta lly freturnMr drlr. wltkwit any trtttl. LOGICAL TOMMY, Mother If you are not good, Tommy, papa won't kins you any more. Tommy Yea, pap will kits me if I'm not good. You said the cook was sot good!' pip kissed her when you were away yoaterday. A CLOSE FATHER. 8he "You must ask father for his consent." He "He won't give it to me." .She "r by not?" He " -ie'i too close. He never give anything to anybody in hi life." A MORAL QUE9ION. Johnny Mamma, it ain't wicked when you do things you can't help, is it? Hi Mother I suppose not, Johnny, Why? Johnny Cause I can t help Ibinkin all ihe time bow I'd likes to go to the sirens! Chicago Tribune. Elephant' skins are tanned to niaki carpets. Tuey never wear out. but ire aspeusive. The German army use one hundred nd thirty seven million blank cartridges a year. The cost of 1 one man aetdiving apa ratus for a depth of 'JOu foot is $575, The plumes in the helmet of the French dragoons, re made oi human hair. Of the earth' surface 1,500,000 seres are devoted t tobacco culture. The first silk from Kansas oocoon laid to be the best in the world. baa Baby was alrtc, ww gave bee GtsttNta. What aba was a CkiM, akt cried tor Okatorla. Vibe the became Maw, ak ckmg to Carter!, WtewWhCUldhMUMaiGWIorla. Dressiii Lite Women. TIME WHEN FEMININE STYLES WERE PREFERRED BY MEN. In point offset, the curly mcdiit'val man aud woman looked us much alike as the fin de sieclc wheelmen and his bi cycle girl. Take the queen and king in pack of cards. They are early mediaeval, Notice the surprising simi larity in their costumes the same wide rubes and angular folds, the same stained glass stiffness Novices at curds may be excused fur being at a loss sometimes, ut least until they have learned to look for the king's benrd. With the wane of the age of chivalry there came a singular exaggeration in the toilet of men. They deliberately imita ted the women. They allowed their air to grow long, cultivated curls by the hot irons and ointments and actually wore chaplets, like diadems, to curb their flowing locks. In the texture and color of their garments they showed tho same effeminacy, lor they began to affect bril liant reds and blues and to wear costly trimmings and jewelry. This, too, was the age of the sighing, ailing lover, fainting at his mistress frown. Every knight who could write or sing posed as a minstrel and rehearsed his lovo affairs. At every gathering of the nobility there was a childish prattle of love, cloying and monotonous for very sweetness. The sexes seemed to have changed places. It wus the lover who was a shy wallflower, who blushed and went about woeful and woo worn from his secret passion. As we look over the poems of tbo mincsingers, those bards of love, the lady seems always unapproacha ble, listening with contemptuous mien to the gentleman's gentle advances. While he succumbs to nervous exhaustion she goes about her business perfectly healthy either indiffereent or cruelly conscious of er power. W. D. MoCracken, in Lip- pincott's. fOII OVER FIFTY YEAHS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with pofcet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, i.) cents I bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. W ins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. SEASONABLE ADVICE. Stick to your flannels and beware of sunstroke! Philadelphia Record. It Did the Businkns. Mr. J. II Cobb, publisher of the Mirror, at Broo- ton, N. Y., says: "For nearly two years the Mirror has been publishing the ad vertisements ol Chnniberlaiu s llcmedicB. A few days ago the writer was suffering from a bowel trouble and resorted to an old remedy which did not prove effica cious; finally be tried Chamberlain' Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and two doses did the business, checking it completely. For sale by J. N. Hrown, Halifax, Dr, S. Harrison, Enfield. ROSE BY AN Y OTHER NAME John Heniy Jackson had to fight To win Mattie Rose, And when he married her at last, He gloried over those Who didn't get her; and he said, In language strong, though neat, A Rose by any other name (than his) Would Dot be near so sweet. PIGEON MILK mull ,iutkuK- H THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. t"nrAti in 1 in 4 rlrtva fm. motliHt in effect; ouick to care, Can im mrriftd in yert pacltane, on ruoeipt uf price.' fl per box. 'or wile by W. M. COHEN, Drujaririfc, .VlMy Weldnn, N. C I will enntiuiip to (liKtHW-o of the Blwk of N. Htiiinb.u'k St Hm., nt thH(v)rni'i Httre. Have also jus, utiled a lHitntit'iil line of NEW DRESS GOODS anil Staple Dry Goods, Notions, and fur- nisliiiiKKOodH. Also lull line of Mines, rocerics and tieuentl Merchandise. She "Why do you look so unhappy George? Don't you know that wo are one now?" George-" Yes, darling I know that but judging from the hotel bill I've just had handed me the manager doesn't seem to think so." Tit-Hits. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'MSI a. f-iT'fS- "AKIN" ADVERTISEMENTS. n apr 11 ly. . L.STAINBlCK.Agt. In Poor Health means so much more than t you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play w iih Nature's greatest gift health. Brown's Iron Bitters If you atcfeelinr cut of sorts, weak ml (TL-nerally ex li usltd, iietvou.i, l.cive no ajtpetiie .tin! t an t work, tin at Gticeiak H'H tlx most lelia Me stretik'Uiernne nicclii'me. winch is J ters. A few bot tle cure benefit comes from tlic very first dose it nmm'i iji voter ttith, and it s peasant to lake. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. ret nnlv tho teliliiti- il luc rtnwtil red r lines on the wrapper. Ml otlttrs atcsub- t,t Utiles (in tecum of io at- hiaimrs we N' send set le t ftee.iful World relr kws and book tut. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. DaOh'ORE, MD. july 26 ly. When in Need of anything in the GROCERY LINE please remember tliat I am still at j. Li, Clark's old stand with a fall and complete assortment and will be glad to see my many frieuda. Can save yon money on all gooda in my line. I am agent for BALLARD'S "OIIE.LIMK" FLOUR which I guarantee to be the best on the market l'atnpwo not excepted. Will make priren ttatislactory. A tall line of Fruits, Con feet ionerien, Cigars, Tobacco on hand at all times. Mr. J. I). Shearin is still with me and will he glad to see bin many friends. Hive me a call. Yours truly, p. E. LYNN. GET THE BEST When vnn are nbnnt tn hnv a Rewlnir Marhlna do not be deceived lv alluring; ad 'ertiaementa and be led to think you can get the beat made, fio est finished and Most Popular for s mere song. Ree to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have Kincd ft reputation by honest and square lealinfft you will then get ft Sewinft Machine that it noted the world over for Its dura bility. Yon want the onethftt it easiest to manage and l Absolutely Puro. A oream of tartar baking powrltf. Highest of all in leavening atrength. iff U. S. (rowinmntf Food Report. Kotal Baking Powdii Co., 10W118t.,N.Y. Bfi! ' 1 ftiir "Ui 'is;.. :i:lilll:t ill:. Ui i MR i t , -O- CAEIiaFIOOAvaSKOariXCL Cablet FeeKry Tmmm: Win tmm loartJi Tart, QuaiatWT anS Ore fat FMetaf Steel Peel a IrMotatw. We m tftw rre4s4. Oetatatru Fm ft. L. iaUslaAlaJWlvi, ATUXTa, &. Owtf 1 Light Running There Is none tn the world that can equal in mechanical con st rwtmn, durability of work inj part a, finenes of bnieh, beauty In appearance, or baa ft! many bnprovemenu as the New Home H baa Aetometk Tewlen, Deetbte Petl, ftl(Ve on txUli ftiU-ft ol needle t WwrAntimher h It ; New Stitr ' r Adrn,inK rlhtntred i. n.lpiatitMu tttn:ii,tliuareuucii4 .iwttou to Ihe minimum. WHITE FOR C.RCUI.ARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING I'ClilRKlO. Oauime. Mim Scm, Wn. tH'm-wv, M.l CaiCaOo, ItX. HT )H H, Ho I'll i ius. SaS rklltlKti, CL. AtltitA, t. a. 'OR tALt BV rP. IM. STAINBAOCfB- AGENT FOR WELDON. Agrnts wanted verjwbtre. mar 7 0m. W. M. HABLISTON i CO., 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer la CARPETS, 8TOVE8, and MaUrasae, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. U, HABUhTON A CO., No. SO R. Bjroamare RL, Petersburg, V. 101 it.