L t4 , THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 23,181)5. 1CJ T 10 PUBLISUKI) EVERY THURSDAY. ' un.' IQ f J. W, ELEIGE, Editor & Froprietor- ,D. B- STAINBACK. Associate Editor. Entiridat !t Ojt'ut til eltltn tis Set'oittl Ctti Muttrr. "r 5 "1 "V - i f'Y KATK8 09 St'lWCUIl'TIUN IN A lV A Nt'K, Oue Year (by Mail), Pontage I'lurt $l..rt(l. six Months A Weekly iH'iutH'nitif iuurn.il tlrvotetl to the mutenat, tMlun.tini.iil, pul i tiu 1 ami aKrU'iilturul intt'reHtH ot Mahlax and tmr ruuitilitiKCouutieti. fttir Atlvcit.M.itic rate reasonable ami furumhtM. on applicatioii. T licit it an; 3,000,000 biithclurs in the limed Suiom. PINE TAGS. PICKED UP HERE AND THERE AND CAREFULLY CULLED AND CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS. Coifelerate Deal THE HE A UTIFUli MONUMENT AT RALEIGH UNVEILED MONDAY WITH IMPOS ING CEREMONIES. l'lt'TV person urn awaiting trial in Berlin for making fun of Kuiperor William. Tur. Kentucky anil Louisiana method ol dealing with wife seducers, while Dot strictly lec,al, is highly efficacious. Till first Confederate monument to bo erected on the battlefields of Chiclta mauga and Chattanooga will be put there by Missouri. In New York during 1894 the sum total of defalcations was $'.1,00(1,000. In North Carolina that year the total was only $8,100. In the case of Cook vs. Meares, the Supreme court decides that Meares is Judge of the Criminal court of this cir cuit, Judge Furchea delivering the opin ioq Benjamin Harrison is an expert in the manipulation of political wires, and if he doesn't capture that nomination himself, he is apt to bo on friendly terms with the man who docs. It is said that Mr. Harvey, author and publisher of "Coin's Financial School," is coining money by it at thi rate of $500 a day, which he is raking in from the sale of the pamphlet. An Oweosville, Kv., man savs that he has patented a flying machine, and hopes to have the same on exhibition at the Atlanta Exposition. He claims to have made several successful trips in it. Be careful how you lick an envelope If you can't resist the temptation to lick something, go out and lick a small boy A man in Chicago tlio other day licked an envelope, cut his tongue and died from blood-poisoning. TmNfw York Tribune's Federalism sticks out by deelariog that Andrew Jackson "made a successful campaign for the Presidency largely on the issues, ac cording to a contemporaneous English Observer, that John Quiocy Adams "was too much of a gentleman." Tin Washington Post says the Dem ocrats were defeated in 18114 bceausc of the hard times. Business is now reviv ing. Are not the Democrats entitled to the credit for the revival, if they are to be charged with the panic ? The Post says it has hoped in vain to see some such argument in the Republican organ TilR tow pi ice of cotton has proved t be a blessing in disguise by imprissiog upon the farmers the necessity of diversi fying their crops. Certainly the south has tot) long neglected the work of raising her own supplies of all kinds, and the pnductioo of more grain and vegetables will materially promote her prosperity. FluiM the top of tlio cathedral spire in Mexico one can see the entire city, and the most striking feature of the view is the absence of chimneys. There is not a chimney in all Mexico; not a grate, nor i itovc nor a furnace. All the cooking is done with charcoal in Dutch ovens, an I though the gas is sometimes offensive, O le soon becomes used to it. Janes B Coi.ovti, writing to the New York Tribune, predicts that, owiog to the rapidly increasing production of gold, the mints will have to shut down 0 the free ooiuage of I be yellow metal lie says the average oost of producing an amount of gold which, at tho 6ied price, if worth i I, is about 00 ceuts, leaving a profit of 10 cents to the miner. Till Dctu critic Slate Executive Ciiui mil lee met at Kaleigh Monday evening, the acasion lasting until Mil) Tuesday morniug. The committee in their resolution favar the free and uoliiuiled coinage of silver at the ratio of lb to 1. That lime and pressing events have proven tit wiaauui ui ihw toluol at.iu lion of the party on this all absorbing ( ueetiun. That in asking the free and unbailed coinage of silver by the I'aitcd States we are not asking any favors or cooccs aions of any one, Till Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the whole income tax law is unconstitutional, Chief Justice Fuller delivering the opinion. The ia terpretation of the law given by the court a few weeks ago cut off one half of the expected revenue from 130,000,000 to 115,000,000, and now the other half goes. The outcome will please as many Dem ocrata aa it displeases, the Republicans were opposed la it, and the 1'opuiitls, while at one time clamorous for it, bad lost all interest in the measure. Judge Shirae, of Pennsylvania, changed his views about the law aoj bis vote killed it i McDowell county is to have a new jail lo cost 83,500 Liuiiuburg is to have a wet and dry election next luonih. Work has begun ou the Baptist Wo man's College at Kaleigh. There war light frost in tlio western part of the State last week. A live alligator, six feet long, has been aptuied at Curterelt Lodge. 100,0110 young shad have been depos ited in Nruse river near (ioldi-horo. Charlotte's fire department isarknowl lge to be unable to cope with big fires. The Carthage Free Press has sus- peuihd publication fur want of support. The Durham people are amious for (lie State Fair to be held there next fall. After trying the "no license" system fur twenty years, Morgauloa has goue "wet." Among the latest enterprises for Salis bury is a rope factory, to be established at once. Dunn's new furniture factory started up last week and is now running on full time. A crate of North Carolina pineapples was on exhibition at lialcigh, last Thurs day. Greenville has a quintette of young ladies that call themselves "The Sporty Five." Whit Ferron, murderer of Deputy Sheriff Owens, of Rowan, has been con victed. A colored church in Charlotte is using the individual cup in the sacramental service. A destructive hailstorm passed over the Stantonsburg section, Wilson county, Thurday. Speaker Chatlcs F. Crisp, is spending a few weeks in the delightful city of Asheville. P. II. Pelletier, of New Bern, is grand lecturer of the I. O. 0. F. This is a new office. Wat Byers, colored, was killed at tho granite quarry in Iredell county, Friday, by a falling rock. Soow can be plainly seen for a dis tanee of several miles on the mountains around Asheville. There were 51 applicants for license to practice before the Examining Board of the State Medical Society. Hon. JohnS. Henderson is spoken of as the next Democratic candidate for Governor at the next election. The handsome passenger station of the Southern railway, at Charlotte, was destroyed by fire last Thursday. Ex-Governor T. J. Jarvis will deliver the commencement address at the I'ni versity of Tennessee, June 1 1th. Near Winston lives a man who has passed his 10,'ith year, and who can still do a good day's work in the field. Evangelist Fife held four meetings in Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tenoesste which resulted in 10(10 conversions. An alligator five feet and one inch length was caught by a colored fisher man, Jesse Whitfield, at Baird's creek A bona fi le hermit has been discover ed in Cabarrus couoiy. His name is J P. I.angley, and he lives by Coddle Creek. The ommissioners of New Hanover county have decided not to tax hotel and boarding house beds 50 cents piece. The authorities of Currituck county have driven the "Sanctified Band," from that c unty and the "Band" is now in Camlcn county. Her. P. L. Groome has bought nearly a hall interest in the North Carolioa Christian Advocate and is again actively at work on the paper. Charlotte celebrated the 20th in good style There was a surprisingly large crowd in the city. Tho bicycle racis were the chief event. The entire property, except priva cottages, at Carolina Beach, a once pop ular miiuu -r resort near Wi mingtoo, has been purchavd by Captain Sam W. Skin n 'r. There is a coolest between Charlotte, Statesville aud other towns for the loca tion of a female seminary to be establish ed bj the foacjta and Mcckfcnburs presbyteries. The Supreme court of North Carolina sustains the auignment act of the last Legislature which was never passed, but signed by fraud. Justice Clark and Avery entered a vigorous protest. The Keed gold uiiue in Cabairus was the first gold mine discovered in the United Slates. From 1803 to 1835, the different pieces of gold fouad inthia mice aggregated "5 pounds, steelyard weight. Commissioner of Labor Statistics Lacy is required by law each year lo compile a list of the various newspapers of the State, giving their character, the Dame of the editor and the county and town in which they are published. He la ready to begin the 1805. Win. Green, a colored bor 16 tears old, haa beet arretted in Asheville for robbing the United States mail. He was a messenger between the poatofioe and Keoilworlb Ioa and abstracted checks and money order amountine to $2,500. 6 MONDAY was a day which will go down iuto the history of North Carolioa and of Kaleigh as one never lo be forgotten. Visitors from every section of the State from beyoud the blue ridge, from the' sandy beach of the Atlantic ocean, and from other Slates crowded iuto the beau tiful capital city until standing rociu could scarcely be obtained. The crowd of visitors was variously estimated at from 25.000 to 30,000, and then taken in connection with the population of Kaleigh, it is not surprising that au old vet from the sand hills sluuld have ix claimed. " By the g ids, I did not know there were so many people in the world." Eight or ten special trains, carrying immense crowds, were run into Kaleigh during the early morning hours The train from this place cairied ten or twelve coaches and before arriving at Frauklin- ton it was so jammed nod crowded with humanity that the ladies' big slcev were mashed as flat as pan cakes. The following is the programme. The procession started shortly alter noon and the following was the line of march : Starling from the foot of Fay ctteville street, thence North to Morgan street, thence East to Blount street thence North to Peace street, thence West to Wilmington street, thence South to Jones street, thence West to liar rington street, lliencc South to Hillsboro street, thence East to the monument at capitol square. The exercises at the monument began as soon as the procession could reach there. Kev. Dr. Bennett Swedes offered prayer; dipt. S. A. Ashe welcomed the visitors; Col. h. Mel), late presented the monument, alter which Col. A. Jl. Wad dell delivered the oration, which was a masterly effort on the part of a great ora tor, Governor Carr accepted it, and then little Julia Jackson Christian, aged years pulled the cords and the veil drop ped gracefully away revealing to the sight ot the immense multitude the beau 1 1 1 ill bronic fk'urc surmounting the gran ite shaft which is to stand for all time to come. Hats were then waved in tho air and a shout which made the leaves on the trees quiver went up from ten thou sand throats, all the church bells in the city began to ring and salutes by infanlry and artillery were tired at short intervals for the next thirty minutes Several short speeches were then made. Ill speakers being Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, ot lialtimore, ex liovemor Holt, Col. A C. Avery, Col. W. H. H. Cowlcs, and I yrus B. n atson, Esq At the conclu sion or these addresses the military and tfic veterans passed in review by the Iront ot the monument. The following is a full description of the monument: It is of Mt. Airy granite, of a light gray, and fine grained. It is of a total height of 72 feet C inches. At the foot of the shaft is a base 24x20 feet, at each corner of which are electric lamps of three burners each. Partly up the shaft stand two bronze statues, one of a cannoneer, rammer in hands, and in a very spirited attitude tin the opposite side is a cav alryman, dismounted, with sabre half drawn from its scabbard, and also in a lifelike altitude. On two other faces of the monument arc circular bronzed me dallions, one beariog the seal of North Carolina, the other that of the Confeder ate Statis On the West face of the base is the inscription "North Carolina lo her Confederate Dead," and on the East face "First at Bethel, Last at Apnoront tox, 1801-1805." The main portion of the shaft is one block of stone twenty six feet high and weighing 55,00(1 pounds. At the top of the uiDUumcnt is another bronze figure, that of an infantryman, in light marching order, standing in easy position, with the musket lightly clasped with both bands. The two other stat utes arc life size, and are modeled from lite, the model being a veteran. The top most s'atute is!l feet 10 iuebes in height and weighs 2,500 pounds. All the bronie work was done in the tall ot 1S04, at the royal foundry in Munich, Bavaria. Ex perts pronounce all fine. The monuuieot is so beautifully and so justly proportion ed as to deceive the eye, and appear small er and of less height than is really the case. It stands at the western entrance to the Capitol square, facing a vista of halt a mile along Hillsboro slreet. The decorations were-simply immense. rlags, bunting, etc, streamed from every window, dmr, nook aod corner of Kaleigh ADV E RTISKM EN TS. ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring Medicine b a necessity because the tonic ot winter ail la tone, and milder weather, Increased moisture, accumulated imparities la the blood and debilitated condition ot the bodj, open the way lor that tired feeling, nervoas troubles, and other Ills. The skin, mucous membrane and the various organ atrtv In Tain to relieve the Im pure current ol lite. The; all welcome ood's .11. 'arsa-'parilla to see lit Mature at thle time when she most needs nelp, to purity the blood, tone and strengthen the laboring organ and build np the nerve. "I was almost elek In bed kat spring and I began taking Hood's BaneparlUe. I grew better in a short time and now whenever I teal tired and drowsy In the morning and do not sleep well at night I take some ol Hood's Baraaparllla and about one or two of Hood 's PiUs", J. W. Baxroan, Wis, West Virginia. Purifies The Blood "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparlll and found that it fires me an appetlM. It etrenrtben me and purines my blood." MisbLtdia Maddox, Partlow, Virginia. r. r,xr-ii i IP KNOWLEDGE Brine comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beat products to the needs of physieul ts ing, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the reiuedv, Hvrup of Figs. It excellence is duo to il presenting in the form most neeeptiiblc and pleas ant t the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial pnqs'rties of a rfeet lax ative; elUeliially -linsing the system, ill-is lling c 'Ids, headaches and levers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the npprovul of the medical profession, because it nets on the Kid in ys, l.iver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable sulmtance. Svrup of Figs is for aide by all drug gists in ftilc and 1 Isittlcs, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will Uot accept any substitute if offered. mar 26 ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IrHHRV THIS UIHl-SOMEBODY 1 111. KlitTon -1 fttlOivd IiIiih m!k !" Willi li'inoii nil"', wliitt will n-atori' On- n'l'irl 1 kii. iiuhniK lol- of luiiiioy filing the I linim liial, U .i.tu-r ll.iv- n.il niH.lt. Iia llisn flu hiiv ilio I wirlt-il. !;. r mmly waul- ft hull Wmlier. all.' lHi l iimi kl) wlieu Hit-) a.-.' Ilix iliHlir tadim ui.l ari.nl prrrn-ll in one nittiiile I -i-ll a- main Mualii-r a- no I.hoIh-i, aii'l lie all i.M aali'a mull I will deal til.iaai lliii Vai-. A.Mna tin I'limaj Mfi: Co., I'oliimtiua, Olim Ann.iif ml, l m it- I inn di Oii; M M (0 1 K II a I nurnnnnn L( 1 Ij U Hsuvrf DJI... th vftini pill wj4 IIOOU 5 Fills fwmlly tWtto. Wo. i;n Hyi'.unorest., PeUrsburjs, Va. Having suiTmltMl J. V. Yonnj; I would Ik? pleiiHcd to sea his old friendu- Uiriftttt 8tmk of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWKMiY ami CUT (.LASeS in tliis rity. Jolm W. SttWiirt, who w:is with Young A llro. for :t.r years is at the hern, of my KVtiiiriiiK Department. luAll work ami orders reeeive prompt attention. oet 2sr ly. WTAltIJSHKIl29. S. H. Marks Co. PETERSBURG, VA. WHOI.ESAI.K CONFKtTIONEKH AND FHl'lTKIiKIW niaiinf.ulurere of plain aud Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIUAHS ASNl'FF. tsjyYuur ordera solicited, which will have our persoual attention. 10 19 ly Grand Display -OF- SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. FANCY IJOODS and NOVELTIES, liuttcrick's I'lilterns. l. & ;. CORSETS, Misses at 50c., Ladies 7.V. to $1. aWaI'rietH Will Ite IIIHiIl- Istttltil tll0 t.iiiaan Hats and lioimeU made and trimmed t onier. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Hi NOTICE. Having this day qualified before the clerk ot the Suerioi court of Halifax coun ty aa ailministnitor olthe estate of John Ashe, I hereby notify all pontons Imviiin claims auninst suiil intestate to ruhiliit the same to me on or liefoio the Huh day of April i-ion. 1 ins April III, ior. A. 11. (iKEEN, apr IH (it Ailiur. of John Ashe, dee d WANTED. A lot of nice fat cattle Tor beeves Persons having cattle for sale will please call on or address, W. T. PARKER, Welduq, N. C. 3AI.KOKLAM) fOlt TAXES. At llalifai, Monday, Juno II, 1W5. HALIFAX TOHNMIll'. Dr J KTope, Caledonia, KKiO acres, tai and coat finl ! R r Hervey, l'ope place, Iti'twai, tax and cost Hi oil. K W Carter, home, lwj aires, tan A cost. 8 r. Mrs K A (ioodwin, home, 916 acre, tai A cost '.11 K H. DANIEL, Tai Collector. C. H. B. HOWERTON, HALIFAX, N. C. DINING ROOMS. Table supplied with the verr hot th market can afford. asJa.Livcry Htaltle in connection. DON'T Ti -w L . a' 3 ,- i' n. x ;i -:TpW FAIL TO CALL AT W, B. TILLERY'S AND HF.F. II IH NEW LINE OF HKAUTIFUL SPKL(JcScSUMMKU NORFOLK BUSINESS DIRECTORY. T. W. Clay, EAGLE CARRIAGE ASP HARNESS COMPANY, V ami 8'.t Oltl M.irktl Siiare. NurT -lbt Va, fii.wt BiiKKy tttiilS5.iM Hnrnewi. Knll line uf llicyclrt, Wbi, K-Hlaiiki U. CarU. t iiir. ly. Dress Goods! He has all the latest NOVELTIES and a gieal variety of pattcrui. W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N C THE N. Y. RACKET ML H. C. SPIERS, Manager. WELIKXt N.C. Floor niuttiuK, 7 to 1H cto. per yurd. Floor oil cloth, !i2to .Hi eta. m yard. Tuhlf oil cloth, all colors, l;i cts. per ,ard. Mcu'h wool hat, H to 7." eta. Mcu'n Ktraw hats from .ri cent up. Uidicsshot-8 one. to a.tm. Men's sIiik irom7"M'. to 2.50. Children's hIioch, 15 ioUv, Curtain poles with brans tUtiires 17ic. Holler Window Shades 15 to IWc. Alarm clocks (W viwh. A iiootl diM'k lor 5 ct Kijilit day clicks '2.' indies hih f i.'Xi. CariK't lil to :tto per yanl. Wall I'iiIht 1 to lite per roll. Hedsteiuls from $l.lu up. Nice bureaus only 75 50 inch Cotton Towell, 10c. l.ood CorHft 2.W up to j-1 IMI Photo I ra m pn 5 to 15c Men s junts tttic to $1 75 Iridic' dresHcil luU t'roni -c up Itoys shirt waist I5ceaeh Indies Vests 5 to 1,'t Woven wire cots $1 50. H'ooveu wire maltrepKosf 1 75 CnMjuet set.- 75c t-$l fill. T. W. Harrison, aSalcsinau THE burn Price company, Kichmoml, Vu. The leiulin , - DRY GOODS HOUSE of the South. If yon want anything in dry Bonos wnw us my X ly. T. A. JACOB, (Successor to 11. D. Clialkley & Jaeoli) Leather, Hides, Oils, Calf .Skins, Shoe Findings, Etc. Store and Offlos, lTThirU-ejilh Kt. ItlCHMOND, VA. aTII iliest Cash Prices I'aid for hides, e my 3 ly 'REX' IS KlfQ ISE REX BAKINC POWDER We guarantee it is pure and whiilmome auu aKooi as any iutin rowder, regard less of name. MantifiR'turiHl ouly by J. II. &It. 8. CIlliLSTIANCO., nyai Kiehiuoud, Va F1NE8ADDLEMARE For :- Sale Duly 4 years old and as pretty as a pic tun A deep rich sorrel and fine blood, Persons willing so pay fora good hone can sec and try her, None othem need corres pond. 8- C. HELL A MY, m.v4t Enfield, N.C- LAND SALE. Ky Tirtneotadeedoftrust executed to me ny k. r. neney and Hallie O. Herrev hiswife. reuisteml in Itnitk 111 of the Ki listers oflice of llalifai county, I will aril lor cash at the court house door in llalilai on thellrdday of June 1!I5, that tract of land containing slsmt four hiinilnil and lilly acres Iwnndi-d on the west hr the Wilininirtnn A Wi.i.i.mi ,.ii. nsul, on the North and East by tjuanky trees ami me county row I, and on the South by tlu lamia of I. F. Fleming, Iwiug thesam premiMnpureliased by the Mid U. 1. Ilrney of It. O llurton, Jr., admin Istratur of Flwant (Vwiiult.n.1 H 1 and roureyed by said R. P. llerVey to the awifi nuiiieit. iiervev. II H. HAIiKIHON, Trustee Mwloi', N. C Apr LI, IW. apr kW 14 W. W. KAY, (near R. R. Khtal, 11 T Pope's eld stand) THE ONLY-ta -All Night House tarTIN TOWN, R.ir reiuly for aeeomiBOtlation at all hoan. -FAMILY GR0CERIES,4- Canned Goods and Cnofertioueriea. Close Batarday night at Vi o'clock. Open Mod' day at 13 o'clock a, aa. mjr 1 1. Jiio. 0. Gmw MiH)i.-liK IIAia . SHIll'iil K, VA. Lime, Cement, -I. A I lls, IIAIH, I'l.An'IKII, M.ATI, TAII,- SEWER AND CHIMNEY PIPE, MIAINTII.F. SHELL LIME AND LAND PLASTER, n.r 8 ly )R D. S HARMON "Master of OPTICIAN, OPTICS. tss Mala MriH'l. KoliFnl.K.VA. i HlXsfl.TATICIN l.MIKK'. '0.SU.TATMX I KKK.e apr Sit)- YXT C MADDm & CO , VV -o ' CliTTtW FAtTOIUaud I'llOIitCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. II t'umniem- St.. NORFOLK, VA. tjniek Sali'N mill I'mmjit Ketilrun. t'iirresiiiilenee ami CoiiniiruuiciiU Sulieiteil. iipr S ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Q OOKE, CLAEZ i CO , SJS; D00(S 4flD M.INDK. Eullder'i Hardware, Faints, Oils, OUu, And m il.DINU MATKK1A1. of Every Id arrliliin. NORFOLK, VA. aprs'i ly. J OHN K. TATLOE 4 00., tiENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ,1 Rmuiiiko Dock, NOHFlll.K, VA. 1JKANI TS A M'Kl'IAI.LY. FoUUies mid 1 Mekitui In Hi-aaiiti. RKFKKKX('KS:-('lly National Ikllik, Norfolk. Vs., and llrul.tm't. Aueuey. apr H 1 yr B. P. RALE, Proprietor. WM. LINN, Manager MANSION HOUSE. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. Oram A7:in r 'NEW WAY ol DOING an Old THING ROOFLESS PLATES. New York Cental Bcomi, Only Ii.iNahi ., Norfolk, Va. J I). KNNKa, IX'iitlst. 'Sewil liiimvi-ry." Ktlraet Teelli. No rain. Iiiiniwliiii itel twih lame day uleitnictlim. ir t ly. CMTII II BEICEIIOtlSE. O u 0 o o wiiousale Boots and Shoes, NORFOLK, VA. TKi:MH:-'Mh lew lwf wutor : dayi in l"J 'ixtUaultl Tery vUme. Hj.r It ly KlTl'll KN THE KERN FURNITURE CO., 11 Old Market dinar,', Ncirfolk. Vs. ktaltreasel, llirronaiiil I'ieturv Framn. .KpeeUl lu nllon to our N ('. fni Dili. aprSWy. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, IU A 115 Bank it., Norfolk, Va. m! stock of Miinumrnli anil Gravrituna tic. Head; for immediate shipment. Designs free. 1 1 2 ly L. T. EAVIS k 03., M. WHOLESALE CROCERS, Auil dikn in FLOUR, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, KTi'., asHperlal atlcnUoa fivenlol r load Hal, sora-.ly w-LOOK.-m A pol irt will Mnt too enr nletmou tml ute you Buney. VrnGlrQANDYpar Wholesals ronfertlune re anil KnilU. Fancy flm rcrlin, Cakes aud ( rackcri. 41 RiainokeAve., Norfolk, Va. fra-i l k-ESTABLIH8EO ltf76.- PHCENII STENCIL WORKS, (FORMERLY TWIN CITY.) RUBBER STAMPS. STENCILS. BRASS CHECKS, 4C, Mannfactnred to Onler. t. B.TURNER CO.. Ironnlra Bopar Building, NirUion st, Norfolk, Va. sTlrirt'CUse work guanuitevd, S 7 ly Dl lA JjllnJ for Infants and Children. THIRTYjeiVobirratinn ofCaitorUwUli th Jtroatof j sailUoni ofyroni, pnrmlt us to ipealroftt vtthontaneiibit. It la nnqnetiab!j -. hn beit remedy for Infanta ami Childiyi ' the world hoi YorJ : . n. It is hannleia. Cktldr.M like It. (Wes them b1tli. ItjTllI sav tbelr lira.. I It Mothera Wya omethlnR which I. nbioloUly af ad praotleallT porfwit a.j ehlld'i anedlelna. CBitnrla deitrori Worms. Caitoria allays FeTerlihness. Caitorla presents Tomltlng SnorCard. Caitoria enres DIrrhoa anil Wlni Collo. Caitorla rilierei Teething TroobUs. Tastorla nsru Comtlpatlon and JTIatnlenej. Caitorla neotraliie. the effeotiof oarbonle aeti aa or flam are. Caitoria does not contain morphine, optom, or other reotle property. Ca.torla a.alrallate. the food legnlatei tho itomaefcjMbwyli, alrinlt bealthy and natural ileep. Caitoria I. pot op la one-its bottlai oalyJt Is not Mid iJnjbaJk. Don't allow any onojlo .ell too anythtnt 1k oa the plea or premlae !batltj.jnat as ffooaT - - wU1 mwKt mTJ Beo ibat yon t C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. TheJtraWntU. OT SS?--&-" iltn.tnreof (-4Za&XtUCAU ia Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. ky loiir Tombstone i J. HENRY BROWN, Corner of Main and Madison Streets, Hiclimond, Vi. Monumental Architect andBuildcr All kinds of Cemetery Work, at LOWEST PRICES All work i:'i;iranu-ul. fidT l'esitis luini.-liid tree, on application. WuAlsoapm fiirihclUCUMO.M) and IMl'EKIAL IHCYCLK. npr 25 ly. This House OLOTHING! Is full of si1 RnririO" anH Summer good CLOTHING Cheapest line ever in Kniield. Suits from I'l up. Also Strousc Ilros , high cluthio;, with easy fitting Oiouldeis. FCJLL LITSTE DRESS Q-OODS! terTSfTiiii; and Summer Fabrics, hcimiilul goods in endless variety. .JOf Large line of laces, ribbons, Ilambutcs, all colors and widths. ICIID GLOVES, 's'lk I Hovcs and mils, all colors and pric White undressed kid (jauntlcs, etc. SPECIAL DRIVES I3ST SATEENS QT-Tr.TQ IT A T'Q'0 1 nwriptions, iiames. at Oil WHO Ou I lxi. 1 Ollaruess l'arts. 1 lino Har ware, I'lows, Casliu-s ttarNail very cheap. mar 2S ENFIELD, IT. O. H. C. ATKINSON MANl FACTl ItKU tIF TOEAGCO-FLUES. ENFIELD, IT. O. I also build and repair Carts, Waironsand other vchieles and carry on general Mac smitliiiiK. Trices and work guaranteed. Write for rstimatee and prices, Ord pnimptlv filled. al ,T SEE HEKE. & METER, AGT EN FIELD,. N. O. U Htili in the load with the lurncst ami Wst ink-ted Mock of t India Moons, Check Muslins, Victoria Lawn, Challic. Sateen aid Prin fT Ulu P3 w suit, to. yard and up. Men . l.nt, jl5e. pair and up. Men's shirts lor 15 ceo ""ra " ' A car load each of oeota. Ladiei Butti FLOUfl, HAY MID SHUCKS Just received. To ro at In.. .; i .. , . .cd see Iha, M a M5. U.wid, awTk.- ZZZl ' jan 17 tf am