1 lj " JOHN "W. SLEDGE, l'ROPRlKTOR. YOL. XXX. .A. NEWSPAPER 3? O 1Z THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TLIUIISDAY, MAY .50, 1895. TERMSH''1" W.tt. ANXI'M IS ADVANCE. NO. 7J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IKEL WEB PICKET UWN FENCE fa VmrA, Crntrlrrj and draw loU ; PowltrT and Vr-m rne ana a nnrM, iwc n.i nag rtt. n ry .he rrriajlu. rataiogut- Fth. ft. L. HUltLLiUKKtiKtt, ATLAM1, . Uweet Dreams I Hereditary. b dreamlnf of orange floweraf In the writing poem on IotoF ! ihe building BpanUh towera, la the mldit of ailkoD bower. The tweet little Innocent dearf NO. This fiwwt Cliih! is i.rK..Mi.g of the wonderfully low print at winch tlic !- -i;EicelsiorPrintiufi Company i WKI.DON, N. C. I turning out A Iff IHTIC l'KINTINO of Every Ilcscription. letter Hwh, Packet Heads, - Hill Heads,. Knvelope, BtntemcnU, Hand Hills, ? l'roKnimnien, Ticket, Etc., Etc Ktot 0"WriU for sample and price. E- L. HAYWAUtl, ritOI'RIKTUK. r souther, i J'ETEHSBUKII, VA. ELECTltlCLlOHTS. EI.ECTItIC BELL? 'J: ACCOMMODAT'ON 3110. 0, 8N0D0KARS, Proprietor, Lite ol liutler, l'a. The only first class hotel in the city. Commercial rates, $J. t 2 r0 per day. DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. KINSTON. N. C. -DISEASES OF THE ETE MD lENEML SURCERT-8ly. FINE GROCERIES rN H amilj Grocerie N CHEAP GROCERIES. FRUITS & CONFECTIONERIES. COMK AND 8KB. Come one, come all, botii large andsinall, Esamiue niy stock, before buying at all. For my stock is complete ami price low, To compete with the products tbe fanners J thank my kind friends for the patronage -, or the past "nd assure thetn all I'll he true to the last. And guarantee them in every respect :T he goods purchased from me they'll never regret, Therefore come all, both largs and small, For 1 will deal boiuntly with you all, Do not delay, come iifht nwiiy And make your purchase to-day. i J. L. JUDKINS. dee 131 y. BLOOD WILL TELL, IS WHAT DR. TALMAGE SAYS. "Now, tho longer, I live the moro 1 believe in blood good blood, bad blood proud blood, humble blood, honest blood, thioviou blood, heroic blood, cowardly blood," writes Kov. T. Do Witt Taluia..:c in the Ladies' Homo Journal. "Tho tendency may skip a generation or two, but it is sure to come out, as in a little thild you Bometiniessco a similarity to a great grandfather whose picture hangs on tho wall. That the physical and mental and moral qualities arc inheritable is patent to any one who keeps his eyes open. The similarity is so striking some times as to be amusiog. Great families, regal or literary, are apt to have the char acteristics all down through tho genera tions, and what is more perceptible in such families may be seen on a smaller scale in all families. A thousand years have no power to obliterate tho difference. Thc'lsrc lip of the house of Austria is seen in all the descendants and is called the lapsburg lip, The house of Stuart ilways means in all generations cruelty and bigotry and sensuality. Witness Queen of Soots. Witness Charles I. and Charles II. Witness James I. and James II., and all the others of that im perial line. "Scotch blood means persistence. Dutch blood means cleanliness and good breeding. English Hood means rever ence for the ancient. Welsh blood means religiosity. Danish blood means fond ness for tbe sea. Indian blood means roving disposition. Celtic blood meaus fervidity. Roman blood means conquest. The Hebrew faculty for accumulation you may trace dear back to Abraham, of whom tho Bible says, 'He was rich in silver and gold and cattle,' and to Isaac and Jacob, who had tho satno family characteristic." AHOUT THE WAY OF IT. The two girls were walking along Woodward avenue talking about their best young men of course. At least one of them was. "Charlie was up to sen me lost night," she said with a twitter. " 1 bat s twice in week, isn t it. in quired the other. "Ves," and she blushed and giggled ' 1 suppose ho II come three nine in the next week?'' "I suppose so." "And four limes the next?" "That's what brother says." "And live times the next?" "That's what sister says." "And six times the next?" "That's what aunty says." "And seven times the next?" "That's what papa says." "And then what?" "Then we'll get niarticd; that's what everybody says." "And then what?" "Then I won't sec hi in any more of an eveniog; that's whut in annua say." A KKNTt'CKY DOCTOIt. lias just received a rrexh lot of CANDY, . plain and fancy. Also raisins, mixed nnta, ' chestnuts, eocoanuts, apples, banana, Florida oranges, plain unit fancy cakes, iarge aaaortrueut or ! HOLIDAY (iOODS. Slioo Oy horses, wagons, carts, dolls, filouka. ouaiuher seta, bonks by best author, Hue box paper, uigiira, snuff, tobacco and many fancy notions too numerous to men (ion. nov i ty, PKOfKSSIONA h CAR IW. unm a. nous, waltis a. ainai. HBUU OANIIL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wll.DoH, M. 0. Pmrtlealnthseoartaof HalifaianaNnrthaaiB. imaiidlu the supreme and Federal oourls. Uul ecUnllt matle In eltperisor North Ifcrotlua. . HrejiakoaMallelifiu. M.C..oDenevervMo eT. 1" ' 1 T. T. HOSS, J DENTIST, Waldon, N. C. MOfnet over Emry A Pierea'aatora. I0-Wly. ' - , J)R, w. J. ward,;:- INFIELD, N. C )fMIH ovat Harriaon's Drag Start. . d 20 Iy, Senator Voorhees is credited with this tory : It seems that he met an old friend on the street hore who had been very ill with tbe grip, but had recovireJ and was as spry ai a spring calf running around the p mure. "What did the doctor givo you ?" asked he. "Two tallesiioonfu's of whisky evi ry hour." "An, that aecounls lor it, that is the great Kentucky remedy, and your doctor must have been a Kenluckian "He is, and never lost a patient in Kentucky." STl'B ENDS OK THOUGHT. A witless woman u a mistake of crea tion. Now is but an atom of thuujit. Credit takes the place of money, but cannot keep it, IIopo ii the health of tho spirit. Every man is a book, and every book is not worth reading. No man can be happy without sharing it with somebody. l'rudence ia a plug to prosperity An army u a (treat monster head, but no heart. Cupid U a physician who never takes his own medicine. Srictly Business. OLD MA N i TE WA R T WAS K1C11 JIUT KOT LOVED liY 11IS FELLOW MAN. A story is told illustrating tho deter mination of the late A. T. Stewart not to allow any tender consideration or any sympathetic iufluence to interfere with tho accomplishments of his ambition, which was to build up the greatest busi ness house in America. Stewart was for many years the merchant prince of New York; he exerted an influence that was felt in every part of the country, and was rcoogni.ed abroad. What he achieved was not more by means of the genius of shrewdness than by means of tho genius of pertinacity. Stewart cultivated the germ of selfishucss that was in him; cultivated it calculating ly and determinedly, as we sec by this little story that is told of him : l'f.on entering his storo one morning he sought out the man having the hiring and discharging of the cash boys, "Mr. Libby," said he, "who is that handsome, bright eyed littlo boy standing by the counter yonder?" "His name is Mason; Charley Mason, sir," answered Mr. Libby. "Ho is indeed a handsome little fellow, and he is as bright and well-mannered as ho is hand some. Ho is the most attentive and most promising young boy wo have in our employ." "Yes, I thought as much," said Stew art, gruffly. "IMschargo him at once." "Why, Mr. Stewart!" exclaimed Mr. Libby, almost paralyzed with astonish ment, 'you suiely cannot mean it !" "Discharge him at once, I say," re peated Stewart sternly. "1 m getting too much interested in that boy. I find myself stopping and talking with him as I come in or go out of tho store. His personality interests mo his candor, his intelligence, his enthusiasm, his beauty, I find myself thinking of him after I reach my desk and when I should be Busy at work, t have no lime and no right to become interested in anybody I must not suffer any liking to distract me from business. Discharge that boy at on eel' Well, tbe lillle fellow had to go. l'rc sumably he has now grown to the estate of manhool, fulfilhd all the splendid promises which were indicated in his youth. Wo hopo so. Perhaps this rcmiuiscenec of his old employer wi'I full unler his eye, for this is a small world in which wo live. And what of A. T. Slewurt and his Work? The canuy old tradesman went to his crave, unloved and unwept. Then robbjrs came and made away with his dead body. Tho enormous business lie buildcd has gone to pieces and the vast fortune he acquired is scattered. His genius once a mighly iufluence is now simply a tradition and not wholly a savory oc Ry Jupiter! What tun old Father Tiino docs have getting oven with human great nts ! When Voltaire died the doctors touk out his brain to measure and weigh it, for that brain had dictated thought nud shaped philosophy for half a century. A S.TVunl louU'l I lie brain lying upon a table. Faugh ! It was an ugly sight. Se the fellow wrapped tho brain in a paper aud oast it iuto a sewer and dugs came and devoured it. Chicago Record. IRONCLADS AS FOHTS. ' I anl ri. Humy, a French navul cnirlnror. prujiosc to l.ullil hninll ironclads, worltrvl by shore ballerina for harlior detenu- purpose. Mr lluinv very j'.-tly nrt'ucs that marly all ureal naval IlKtiu hnve taken place near the shore, uml his craft are liilcteleil only for the proleetlon of snea cities nv New orh. and not us ronunereu ile.Htrovers Thoy uro'suiall tioatinn forlresseM, dynamlo Instead of stallc, easily bundled ami not costly. Broke Up Tic Camp Meeting. WE STARUIM! EFFECT OF A MOCKLStl It HID WHISTLE OS A tiEGRO CROWD. Soiiwanl Ho! THE EVES OF THE COMMER CIAL AM) AGRCCIrCRAL WORLD A R E TCRXIXG SOUTH WAR I). HAPPY CHRISTIANS. "The Christian above nil others should be cheerful and happy. He has an abiding hope. The sweetest joys are still before him. All life's shadow's will pass like meteors away. Tho world gives the best first, but at lost it stingeth like an adder and bitcth like a serpent. Its joys are transitory and fleeting. Jesus always gives the best Inst. The further we trav el with Him the grcoter our joys and tho richer our hopes. "The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first is planned." Tho good Lord still disposes Of the weather, in His way; Overcoots and roses In the balmy month of May ! 1)111 KRKNTIATION. A woman is sweet And so is a rose; A rose talks not, llut goodness knows! LOTS OF IT. Il.i There's lots and lots of sunshine in chnngin' life of ours; The clods ore always colored Willi richness of the flowers; And when the sky ain't lovely, and sun ain't streaming through, You'll olwajsfind n violet that's wonder fully blue! Atlanta Constitution. the the Men have sought to save their country, but who, before Jesus, sought to save the world. with a Obasberlein'a Br and tkia Ointment la nnennelled for EratTna. Tetter. Halt- Rheum, rieald litstd, Hon Nippiest, Chapixd Hands, tolling Pile, Bums, Frost Bitea, Chronic Hore Kyw and Uranulated Eye Lid. For aala by druggist at 20 cents per Dox. AO pOBiTpW":. Fur nuitins a horeo la fine healthy con dition trv Dr. Cailv' Condition Powder. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cur loci of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorder! and destroy worm, giving new life to an old or over-worked hone. SO cents per pataW. For aala by druggist. For sale J. N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. 8. Harrison, Enfield. The liquor traffic if highwayman who demand, not your ruoocy or jrvur Ufo, but your mosey nd your life. Some years ago the steamer l'aris C. ISrown introduced tho mocking bird whistle on the Ohio and Mississippi livers, says the Louisville Times, I hi the trip from Cincinnati to New Orleans and buck the demoniacal yells and un earthly screams of that "holy terror" created a sensation everywhere, and all along shoie produced fear anil consterna tion, especially among the negroes, who had never heard anything like it before. Nothing in the shape of a steam whistle had ever been heard like it in this or any other country, ami its unpopularity has caused but little to be heard of it since. liy a manipulation of the valve it could be made to inoau, groan, grunt, scream yell, howl and whistle, and it could be heard on the liver at night fur many miles. One dark night a negro revival was going on in the woods near a little town on the Mississippi, and excitement was at its highest pitch. The old ' cullud sky pilot" was preaching and exhorting the sinful ones to come up "an' jine do ban'." Some were moaning, some groaning, many shouting, and all sweating us tho old preacher said : "Cum ashoutin', cum a runnin', kazc ycr kaint nebber tell w'en der bebil gwinc to cum and grab ycr. Now's ycr chance. Drudder, is yer reiuly ? Sister, is yer pre pah cd to meet dc debil ? He's li'ble ter cum any minit, an' w'en be does cum " Just then the Paris Brown, on her way south, turned the bend about two miles up the river and turned loose that terrific whistle, filliog the air for miles around with all sorts ol groans, screams, yells and howls, which fell upon the ears of the old preacher and his terrified con gregation. The minister's eyes looked like inverted new moons. Ho looked at his congregation in silenco and listened The men and women looked in fear and terror at each other as all listened to tin strangest and most unearthly sounds that had ever filled their curs, l'rescutly the old preacher grabbed his hat and leaning forward, shouted : "Dat'shiui, ho'ns au' all. Dat's d debil. 1 knows his voice. Wat I bin a-tellin' yer? Take to de woods, bred dern; take to de woods, sisters. Do debil am cum an' you mus' run au' pray keep a runuin'. I'm wid yel," and the preacher and the congregation "touk In the woods" and remained there until the whistling ceased and the Paris Rrown passed down like a meteor in the dark ness of the night, with that whistle a still as death. For days afterward the question of the colored peop'e was: "Did you hear it?" and the answer was alway iiiolhci question: "What was it?" ONE DOLLAR OCT. cniisidi red but not so has taken (Charlotte News ) Young man go West was good advice tbiily years nj. now. A wonderful ehan place. The eyes of the agricultural and commercial world are turning southward. Even tho West itself i contributing its full quota of citizens in the tide ol'itniiii gr.il ion setting in towards the South. Quits; a number of Western fariueis have already Incited in our States, and many ihcrs are prospecting in this sec tion, or are in correspondence with the d-P.'irliiieiils of agriculture, with a view of locating here. It is not strange that farmers from the Norlh und West should loo't to this section, Indeed it is strange that their coming has been delayed so long, and can only be accounted for on the supposition that they are ignorant of the climatic and other advantages of our sec lion. The panic and other causes have so reduced piiccs that the West is unable to compete with tbe South hence the tide of immigration has been turned in this direction. A study of existing con ditions will convince the most skeptical that this turning of the tide is due to natural advantages hero and and is not spasmodic but permanent. What is going on in the agricultural world has iu counterpart in the cotton milling business. The best informed mill men admit that this section can dis tince all compel ilurs in the manufacture of the coarser cotton fabrics. Then why not the finer? All that is needed is the machinery and labor and money will se- urc both of these. That man is a laggard who has not dis covered that the South has entered upon a new era. Her growth and prosperity within the next ten years, we predict, will be phenomenal. Nur will it be spas modic. It will be steady and continuous ( nly this morning wo were in conversa tion with an intelligent New Englander who believes that the Soulh has alreudy entered upon the day of a prosperous day and that this fact is being realized elsewhere. We are rejoiced at these things, and while we arc glad to have the energy and brains and money ol other sections, we want our own people to grasp the Mtu tioii, keep in tho front rank of enterprise and progress, and reap a lair share ol tit rewards that ure mre to come. ADVERTISEMENTS. elAPANESB CURE a fnllinit Citm fnr I'tUwuf f"trf tiHtura hiiH rloRrrw, It m.iSt tn ripernUnn WilH li initio nr liijwtli.itf- nf rurlkilir m-.H. which rn liiiii.f'il nnr unl'lnm n inTiriain'iii runt, nrwt oftnti r i I (hi iy m rlc.iHi, iinni-.-'-i-iif, Why nndurc thije torrililB dineueo? Wm sunrnnteo 6 boacfl to cur nny ciinn. V.u tile i Ut bwwiiU i etiv.'.l, tl nt.-.i.r. 1,1 (V Hj-,iI iir mlt. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT. 25c. t Box. CONSTIPATIONM&.IM theuo-Kl I IV I I! iu.l HT'lMA ll Ki-.uri.A'lim and rll-OI'l. ITIMrM II Hit.Hll. iijII'I .uS ilMnt bl fctk.-MKl.Hi a(t.S4Ml lur vliiktrrn'. uw. Ui UoM Furs lie by W. M, COM FN, Druggist, S !My Wrldon, N.C. Ilurklen's Anilra Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises. Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever on, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, oorna, aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 125 cents per box. For aala by Win. Cohen. It was tireat Heart, not l rest Head, who was sent to conduct Chrisliana and her children to the (Vhsliul City. lie who Iivos within the s.iund oateract is unconscious of its roar. of I Aiilir.KAIll-Y St itl'UINKIi "I had a very severe cold on niy Inn::, that caused much soreness and cave met cmiihI. ruble uneasiness in rcnard tu the result," says Mr.T. E Smiiii. of llillerioa, Muss. "A local druggist railed my alli-nlion to Chamberlain's Cough lt. mo.lv, and his rocoinineiidiiiiiin I gave ihc remedy a careful trial. The result sm prised inc. I recovered entirely in thliw J.)." -.1 and 511 cent bodies For sale by J N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. 8 Harrison, Enfield. This same jokelet had paresis In the dnvs of nld Ttnmcsos. REASONABLE COMPLAINT. "Waiter," said tho guest, "I wish you'd ask the proprietors to turn on a littlo more light. It's so dark iu hero I can't tell whether I'm eating planked shad or a paper of pins." Chicago Tri bune. Trivvctt "Miss Flop claims to have mode 1,00(1 refusals of marriage." Dicn: "That's easily explained. When young Cullow asked her to marry him, she re plied: 'No, a thousand times, not'" A LITTLE GIRL'S PRAYER. A little gill in a Pennsylvania town, in saying her prayers the oilier night, was told to pray for her father and mother, who were both very ill, and for one of the scivanls who had lost her husband. She faithfully did as she was told, and then, impressed with the dreary condition of things, added on her own account: "And now, oh God, take good care of Yourself, for if anything should happen to You we should all go to pieces. Ainen. Father "I'm getting tired of having that young Roller coming here, and want it Mopped." Daughter "I'm sure, fuih er, I do all I can to diseourago his visiia." Father "Nonsense. I haven't heard you sing to him once." A Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism David Lewis, who hoi been allticted all winter by rheumatism, is out again and all due to one of the medicine advertised in our columns, says the Uroton Connec ticut Review. After trying everything possible, he used Chamberlain' Pain Balm, which has relieved him of all pain, from which ho was a constant sufferer and promise to make him fit for duty soon. We know David baa been a Rruat sufferer and are glad lo tee him around again. For aala by J. N. Riown, Halifax, Dt, A. 8, Harmon, Kn'ield. INTERIOR VIEW OF A CHUHCH ON WHEELS. Mahomet went to the mountain 's-enuse the mountain would not come to Mm. In like man ner tuo l'l-oteslanl KphcopnU-hureh In Norlh Pakuta has hnllt a cathedral which itnca In the peonl.. TaUIn, ,le ,.,,,,;, ...a man in.; , '.; I - ' ,'; ';" fit Iw'llii-r "lie ncJcssnry fund- ae.l built a puuble church. In ISKI -Tho Church of thej Ad tent' was launched un Its mllnn anion the widely scattered Vlllaavs on the line of the Northern 1'aelllc. rbli-ano. Mllweuki-o k St. I'uul. ureal Northern and "hoo lUllroadu, wltnin the llrulia of North Uukula. THE REASON WHY NOT. "Hero's a nickel," said tho philanthro pist to the tramp, "but why in thunder don't yon take a bath and be clean?" "Can't do il, bos," replied the tramp with great frankness-, "ii'i nnprofeesion-I." SOMETHING TO MARRY ON Son "Well, father, I think I shal marry." Father "Marry? Why, you haven't anything to marry on." Son "I'd like lo know what's tho matter with the girl's father. He'i worth million." I will continue lo dispose of the stock of N. Stainlnick tV l'.ro., at thecornerstorc. Have also jttsl added u beautiful line of NEW DRESS GOODS and Staple Dry fitHsls, Notions, nntl fui- iiislimtr.t'ooflH. Also lull line ol felloes. fjrucerics and General Merchandise. An old man who kept a provision store in a factory town was more or less old i his ways, and by some persons was thought to bo "not over and above bright." Tin rougher young fellows of the neighbor hood called him "Old Pro," aud ill other respects treated him rudely. One day three of them, to use their own cxprcs sion, "put up a job on him." They filed into tho shop with an air of importance, and one of the young men demanded: "How much do you ask for a yard of pork?" "One dollar," answered the old man. "I'll take a yard," aaid the spokes man. "Where is your money?" The dollar was produced, tho dealer pocketed it, and banded tbe customer three pig's ftet. "How is that?" said the fellow. "Why," auswered Old Pro, "throe feet make a yard, don't they?" Youths Companion. ORIGINAL OHSERVATIONS. The only bar between some men and civilization is a bar of soap. tiirls who fail (o jump at proposols this year can leap into matrimony next year. A iiiuii who is mean enough to steal the close of day Wouldn't hesitate to pur loin the shades of night. It doesn't uinko a bit of difference whether there is tax on tobacco or not, you always have to pay twenty Gve cents for quarter's worth. "How ahull we meet spring?" asks an exchange. Such a spring as the present one ought to be met without gloves and knocked out in the first round The instincts of animals is strikingly wonderlul at times. It is wonderful how the instincts of a shedding oat invariably leads her to brush fondly up against the legs of your best trousers. No man's natno ia likely lo be on the rumscllera application for lieeuae and the Limb's book of life at the aame lime. It is better to be heart strong than head-strong. ' I l-oii t l-'.lt I ll- I V VI. tux Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 111 t y years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, with pefcet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, nntl is tint best remedy for Ditirrhica. It will relieve the poor little sullcrcr immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. -.) cents bottle, lie sure and usk lor "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Doctor, I have atf important physiol ogical question io ask you. When stand on my head the blood rushes into my head. Now, when 1 stand on my feet, why does it not rush into my feet? " Heeaus: your feet are not hollow." New York World. It Din tub Bi'sinkss. Mr. J. Cobb, publisher of the Mirror, at ISroc- ton, N. Y., says: "For nearly two years the Mirror has been publishing tho ad vertisements of Chamberlain's Remedies. A few days ago the writer was sufferinj from a bowel trouble und resorted to old remedy which did not provo effica cious; finally he tried Chamberlain's Col ic. Cholera and I liarrhuet Hciuedy anil two doses did the business, cheeking completely. For sale by J N. ltrown, Halifax, Dr, A, S. Harrison, hnlield. It is a poor religion that bursts out on Sunday uml hursts up on Monday, When Ilaliy was alek, we gave her Pestorie, MVu situ was a Child, site cried tor raetorla. When aim uH-aiiie Mbm, alio clung to faatoria. Wuou ahe had Chllilrea, alie gave then, Uastorie. The rum business has throe appetite, avarice ami apathy. pillars II I I apr lily. A. LSTAINBACK.Agt. In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and iatal diseases result lrom trifling' ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s greatest gift health. Brown's Iron Bitters 1 If ynuarfeHin f u( ol norm, wealc .;-d pftiiTally e- t -i.iustt.-tl. nervous, M ijnil tan 'I work, i tin iltt most relia ble tirrtit(tiietihiK metltcitie.which ii Krown'B Irnn Bit ter. A low bnt tlw cure-biMiefil c(inci (mm the very first Hobo it won't itai yimr ttctk, and li t pttasant u take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney nnd I.lvcr Neuralgia, Troubles, f Constipation, Had Blood Malaria, Nervous ailment Women's complaints. Oct onlv the eeuuin'- it lets crossed red rlniesi.u the wrapper. ,ll others ate aub a tii..i.. 1 ii, i o.l i.f two fi- ccmiHi we f will sc. el ael nt Ten Rrar'llul ttorld'e l-air .lew. uno ouo. uce BROWN CHEMICAL CO. UAUflk"lRE, MD. v l-.lr ' f BHO'rV july 2(1 ly. When in Need of anythiuK in the (iKOCKKY LINE please remember that I am still at C 1.. Clark's old stand with a full and complete assortment nnd will lie ghul to see my many friends. Can snve you money on all goods in my line. 1 am agent for lUI.I.AItll'H "OIII'.l.lMK" l l.OI'K which I guarantee to be the best on the market rutapsco not excepted. Will make prices sal islnctory. A full line of rriiits, I nnleclionerirs, Ciirnrs, lohacco on hand nl all times. Mr. J. II. Khcarin is still with inc nnd wilt lie glad to see his many friend. Uive me a call. Yours truly, P. E. LYNN. GET THE BEST When yoti are nitwit to bur a He win Machint do not te deceived hv nllurlnK tl 'ffrtiifet-rnenti anil be led to think you can get ttia best nuUj finest tinnihcHl and Most Popular for a tnero mintf. Sec to It that yt'U buy from reliable rrmnu-taeturc-ri tlutt have tcaint'ti re put nt ion by honpjt and aq tiare leahQK, you will then get a SevrutkC Machine that 1ft tinted ih wurhl over for 1t dura bility. You want the one that U easiest to manage ana it $ Light Running Jt$T There Ii nona In the world that tw . ! fan riunl In tiiiehuniea lectin. itruclUm, durabilit y of working fiiirta, hnenvaa ot hnlitn, beauty n annearanee. or haa at luauY improvement at tho New Home NKW ADVKKT1SKMKNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highont nf all in leavening strength. Laint U. S. iitmrvnunt rood Jtrport ItoYAt. UAKINIl l'OWDIR Co., 10SWaUBt.N.Y. t ha Autitmatlc Tenilon, DouhWPeed, alike nn b ith mdetiol iwilliMi-'fffi.i iMuber hni ! ; NfwStnr 'i ildllVl!lK w mi'l hhuf:Ml un lulnittnbk'vtliU't .,i..u'dutlttH IrtctkmW the iiiiimmiin, WRITE FOR CIWCULJkW. THE SEW HOME SEWIHG MCHIHE CO. ltiWi.WRr.;.' lusraweii 1. 1 '.I.. ati..TA, 11. ron t v ;P. N. STAINBACK,- AtlENT FOR WF.I.1K)N. Agents wanted everywhere, mar 7 Bni. W. I. KABLISTON I CO., ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ' CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattroasee, ato. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. If, HABLIRTON & CO.,, No, SO K. Byoamora Hi, PeUraborg, V. 10239 j 'I I i i - 'i "1 . i ,3 I j ) it. N I ) 1 TT

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