JOHIT "W. SLEDQE, PROPRIETOR. A. IN" E "W" SPAPEB FOE, THE PEOPLE TEIilVrS:-l r'() ANNUM IN ADVANCR. "VOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY,- JUNK G. 1895. NO. 8. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tills11 i ;t mi " l 7? 7TJ! i !s!i?l - 'V,.,V I CAIl3 FIELD AND KOQ FENCE. n.kLui .. inu kin Vanaa Ritkta t Yr4 av Sweet Dreams I OU Sonthern Mansions. DISTINCTIVE ARCHITECTURE THAT MIGHT WELL HE . IT A TED IN THESE DA YS. it abe dreamltif of orange floweret Ii the writing poem on lovef ' b she building BpanUh towers, Id the mldit ol illliea bo went, The eweel little innocent dearf NO. This Sweet Cbilil is il reaming ol' the wonderfully low prices tit which the -H Excelsior Frlntinii CompaDy.c- WEI-DON, N. C. Muruing out ARTISTIC PRINTING of Every Description. Letter Heads, I'aeVet Howls, bill Heads, Envelopes, Statement, Hauil Rill, l'roKraiiiinep, Ticket, Et., Ktc. Elft HWrit for bam pics and prices. E. h. llAYWAKII, Pnol'RIKTOB. Tiyr souTMEfiHf rETEKSBlUifi, VA. FXECTRICLIGIIT8. ELECTRIC BELL? ACCOMMODATION IXHI. C. BNODGRAHS, l'roprictor, late ol Butler, l'a. The only first class hotel in tliecity. Commercial rates, $.!. to 2 IHI per day. Oil! DR. H. 0. HYkn'SSlNlTORIUM, KIN8TON, N. 0. UISEISES OF THE ETE MD GENERAL SURGEHT 8 3 ly. "pi FINE GROCERIES Ii airily Grocerie -L CHEIP GROCERIES. KJ FRUITS & CONFECTIOXKKIKS. COMK ANI SICK. Come one, come all, both large and small, r.xamui. iny slock, heiore noying at all. For my stock is complete anil prices low, To compete with the products the farmers grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage of the past And aSHnre them all I'll le trne to the last. And guarantee them iu every respect The goods purchased from me they'll uever regret, Therefore come all, both large and small, For I will deal houestly with you all, Do oot delay, oome right away And make your purchases to-day. J. L. JUDKINS. dee 131 y. f Ik II. I M HMjunt received ft frwdi lot of CANDY, plaiu and fancy. Also raisin, aiixtnl autt t'ktwtuuU, cocouiuu, apples, bananas. Florida orauirea, plain and lauey cake?. Larue asaortuieut of 110LIDAY HOODS. Hhon Ay boraen, wagons, carls, dolls, clucks, c Usui lrr sets, Usiks hv liest authoin, Hue boi uaper, cigars, suulT, toliaeoo aud many fancy notions too numerous to men tiou. uov i ly. pMHfKMHIoHAI. ('AMIS. jAMSia.aDI.LSH, W1LTIS I. tlSIBl. HUUII DAMIIU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wll.lHIM, X. C. Practlrelatbteanrtlor HatlhiandNnrtluunt. IMiaudlattieHuiiremesauFtlermlcourui. ua .otioni aistie la .iiparaor nana croiiu.. Umnehoaiea at ilsiinvx. N. U..onen everr Hon. df. Jaa 7 ly T. T. BOSS, 3D .13 IT T I S T , Weldon, N. 0. (taT Office over Emry A Pierce's store. lO-ltMy. J)R. W, I WARD,; Dentist. ESFIELD, N. C. IsVOffioeOTM Hamwn'iDruiStor 4m !M ly. The old mansions in Richmond, CliarliMtou, Savannah, Montgomery, Mo bile ami New Orleans have an air of dis tinction shout tlirin which thu newer ar chitecture can never acquire. They were built by men who desired lu live in coin lort and to entertain tlicir friends iu ai open handed way, but who did nut find it necessary to attract attention and to advertise their wealth and social position. The exteriors arc still massive and stately, with their unbroken, rectangular Hides, their Doric and colonial porches, aud tin- interiors are unrivaled tor comfort and convenience of homo life and social en -tcrtainmcnt. With these fine models of olassic simplicity in town aud country it U to bo rcgrotted that the new bouses on fashionable dt iveways and streets are not designed by architect content to follow the old hues. The colonial architecture was not without its o fleet upon the char acter and tastes of thu people who lived in the houses. It taught them to be simple in their social pleasures, to be nat ural and unaffected in manner and to avoid meretricious display of wealth and dignity. There has been a reversion to colonial lines in northern house. 1 Vr- haps there will be a similar movement in the direction of purer taste and more refined feeling in southern towns. There arc many line things to be said about these southern bouses, but the choicest tribute must bo reserved for the lovely old ladies who arc to be found in most of them, The young ladies and the middle aged wives and mothers are charming, too, with their sensitive, high bred faces and their soft, melodious voices, but the old ladies arc exceptionally we 1 preserved in figuro and feature and de lightful in conversation. Montaigne said of Cicero's "De Senactute," "It gives tne good appetite for glowing old," and the same impression is produced by the cheerful, genial, aud serious talk of the beat representatives of the passing generation of southern women. They do not affect to be young, yet have not lost their animation of manner nor their interest iu life. They are entertaining, wouiunly and bright and quick as their granddaughters to perceive a good point in a story and as fine as choice old lace in the thread and texture of their homely simplicity and chcerfulucas. Thero are good portraits of famous ancestors in some of the old houses, but there are no better studies of the lights and shades of ad vancing age and of the compensations attemling increasing iufinuily in the evening of life than are to be found iu the charming old ladies of the Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. N. V. Tribune. (iuaranterit Cure. We authoriie our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and oolds, upon Ibis condition. II you are afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat tr best trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giviug it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded Ho could not maku this utter did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Win. Cohen's drug stare. Large size 50c. and tl.UO. ItOMl WITIITIIK ClIILDUr.N Trumpet Calls. AM .W'.S' UOllS HOUNDS A WA RN INU NOTE TO THE UNRE DEEMED. Religion pure and undefiled never sells muslin with a short yard stick. When the wicked hold olliee the devil rules the town. An oath on the lip is the. devil's door plate. The devil likes to sec people play at fligion. The spider probably thinks that the d vil is a fool. The devil soon runs from the man he oau't discourage. is to show us "Chanccy IK-peW advised fellow-diners reoeotly to joiu with their children in their play and omp with thetu it they would enjoy life," said a father yesterday. "Well, I took his advio?," h; contin ued, "but I find that my little boy of 3 years can stand good deal more than 1 can, 'lie led me merry danoe thu morn ing playing hide and sock all over tin bouse. When, after an hour, I told bin. we had bad enough of that be proposed something else, and ao on, until 1 was on the point of collapse. "It is all right to romp with your children, but you should got into train iug first. It is harder than chopping wood, football or any other form of alii Ictie exercise with vuk'i I am ae quainted." New Yorl Journal. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electro Hitters haa gained rappidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medical tonics and alteratives containing nothing which per mit) its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it Ureooenited as the best and purest med ielne for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys It will cure lick headache, induieatiea constipation, and drive Ma laria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded, l'rioe only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Wm. Cohen. A cateby word, line displayed, For many a fortune have made. The mission of troubli that we need God. Women can be tho devil's best friend or his worst enemy. The man who stifles his liberality chokes his religion. The niau who walks with Uod must do it with clean feet. When Jesus reached the masses he first prayed all night. To know some people is a slandin; vitalion to be good. When tho devil goes to church be generally dresses in white. No man loves Uod with all his heart who loves to tell bad news. The smiles that count for Christ those that begin in the heart. Christ is still reaching cut a helping hand to those who are down, The man who rides a bobby will not believe that the world is big. What tho dumb needs is not better preaching, but better practice. God has many voices with which speak to those who will listen. God and the saloon keeper are never on the same side of any question, A lie knows that it must either bide or die when truth gets on its track No man makes a wrong investment who gives as much as God expects. The more a man loves God the less it burls him when he isn't treated right. It hurts the cause of Christ to point to the cross with a frown on the face. To) many people are trying to be Christians without the help of Christ. Comparing ourselves with somebody e'se will not make our sinning any saler. Tlio devil lias never been able to put a min who was all for God in a hard place. The class leader who goes to the the atre is leading his class in the wrong direction. The green pasture comes in sight as soon as the heart says, "The Lord is my shepherd." There are some communities in which Soloiuou would not havu been considered smart. The devil's rope is around the neck of the man who ihiuks he can drink or let it alone. Some people pray that God will use them, but they want him to do it in their own way. A sloue thrown straight at the devil is pretty apt to hit some politician squan in the face. The devil keep niaiiy in bondage, be- eauso be can make a rope ofsaud look like an iron cable. Some people never accomplish anything for Christ because they wait uulil to morrow to begin. The devil doesn t waste any darts on the man who does all his work for the Lord with his head. Ai Electrical Stone. .1 STONE THAT SLAYS AS II Y LKlHTNINd ALL WHY UN- 117 TTINO L Y A 1 Tli OA CH 1 T. . PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, Wearing the Uniform of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of thi United States. SOMETHING OF A C1I.VNOK. The Gold Dollar saloon, said to he one of the handsomest drinking places iu the United States, is to be converted into a temperance saloon. The proprietor is tired of selling liquor, and will be put in charge of the new enterprise. The floor of tho place is laid with $-0 gold pieces, the bar is studded with ?50 gold pieces, the walls arc hung with fine pictures, anil it is furnished with 1,200 iiieauile.-eeut lights. New York Tribune. Ii I It ti L A 1 1 1 0 L S I : T 1 1 ICS, the matter robhiu' the Young "Whal'i with breakiu' n winder and stole ?" Old II. "Come oil', you punkin. Gouds is marked so low these times we cau't afford to take any risks." Mother "You are at the foot of the spelling class again, arc you? lioy "Ycs'iu." Mother "How did that hap pen?'' Itoy "Got too many 7.s in scissors." Chamberlain's Br and Bkln Olotmeut la uiufiualled for Kcxenia. Tetter, Nil! Rheum. Said Head. Sore Ninnies, t'hapiwd Hunk Itching Piles, Hums, Frost Biles, in 7. i.-...--. ,.i n i I kvA i.i.i.. limine . -jit .."" For sale by druggist at Zt cents ier liox. TO HOBbToWNKHS. For putting a home in a (In healthy con dition try Dr. Csdv's l oiHlilion Pondera. They tone up the svolem, aid dit-'cslion, cure InM M aniteliut. relieve isn.ti)iulioll, correct kidney disorder and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked home. 'Mi wnla per pnekaga. For tale by druggists. For sale J. N. frown, Ilaltfi-x, and A. S. Harrison, Enfield. Whco sound can go iu ouly one dircc tion it travels far. An old well at Caris- biook castle, Isle of Wight, is 182 feet deep. Oo a still day pin can be heard to strike the water. mm Baby wai alek, wa ! ac Oaatork. Wtue Sixui Child, ! orM for (Mori. Waea aha bacaow Haa, aa clung la OHturia, Was m had Cfeuina, aba fn Ifcasa Uaaurlk While at Peekskill. N. Y,, Mr. J. A Scriven, i prominent manufacturer of Now Yerk City, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain'i Cough Remedy. Such good roaulte were obtained Irom its use that he sent back to the druggist from whom he had obtained it lor two more bottles of the same remedy. When you have 1 cough or cold give this preparation trial ind like Mr. Scriven you will want it when again in need of such a medicine. It is a remedy tl great worth and merit 25 and 50 oont bottles. For tale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dt, A. 9. Hamaon, Kufield. life I "K WASHINGTON MEMORIAL ARCH, NEW YORK. The benutirul monument shown aljove tin been erected to the memory of the founder of lha American nation. 1're.litnnt Wiislilimloii. by the people of New York city. Durlns We wash Inaloii Contenulal In ISBV the arch wns line, tnouKht of, ami on Decoration Pay of iho followlm year the corner atone was laid. The monuinwnt stands In Yv'ushiuiiloii no.imrc fronltna tlio entrauoeof ntlh avonue. It is lullt of pure o w lilte marble, tsrlnhty-sU feet hth a 1th a span of thirty feet and cost llUC.Ooil It was formally turned over to the city of New York ou May 4 and will Ul aedlcated ea May ao. SMALL THINGS. Hegin with small things. It is but nride and self will which says, "Give ine something huge to light, and I should enjoy that, but why make me sweep the dustr Iu Paris one person in on charity. eighteen lives Hurklen'tt Arnica Naive. The best salve in the world tor cuts. bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tivcly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlect satislaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. cor sale by it ui. (. ohen. LATE MODELS FROM PARIS Ah, how these rain clouds do oppress The blithesome summer girl; They fill hor soul with gloom because Her hair won't stay in curl. Three of the most common names in England, Scotland and Ireland, respec tively, are Smith, MacDonald and Murphy. He (resuming his seat after a brief visit outside) "What an atmosphere of real ism thero is about this play I" She "Yes, it smells liko cloves." The following advertisement lately appeared in s Georgia paper: "We have ft large lot of stools, suitable for office men with three legs. (Philadelphia Times.) One ol the most recently discovered inexplicable pbetioiueiial is an immense electrical stone which crops out above ground in an almost inaccessible moun tain pass some fifty or sixty miles north ol the Needles, in Arizona, Iu pursu ing a conscientious investigation into a subject of this kind one finds it necessary to call iuto requisition such an immense number of grains of salt that the rea' truth of the matter becomes frequently lost in a briuy deep, as it were, but in spite of Ibis the existence of the electri cal stone has been proved beyond the possibility of doubt. In a multitude ol witnesses there is safety, and it appears that the natives were for years acquainted with the stone and its peculiar properties long before its discov cry by a party of hunters a few days ago. Among the Indians the stone goes by the name of the "Death Trap," and the peak whereon it is located is called Death Trap mountain. They say that their fathers nd grandfathers before them knew of the stone, and it is only an old aud ex perienced guide who will venture to take party in the neighborhood of it, lest by some unlucky chance a too daring bunt- will lose his life by suddenly coining upon it in an unguarded moment. The stone itself is described as bcin; rough, jagging outcropping, burstin up through the shade of its surroundings-, reaching up the mountain side to the height of about seven feet, when a shaip projection shelves over again, making three-sided tunnel, perhaps !) feet long and live feet wide. Ordinarily tho rock ofa blue metallic lustre, and shows traces of volcanic action, being seamed and libbed as if by melted lava. In the heat of tho day, when the sun shines squarely upon it, the stono assumes faded pale blue hue, at which times the Indians declare it to be perfectly harm less. As the sun leaves the gorge, how ever, the stouc begins to deepen in color. and when night comes and there is no moon it glows with all the brilliancy of a olten brass. This luniinulion may In istinctly seen lor a great distance when there are no intervening mountains to obstruct the view. Now, as to the peculiar death givint power of the stone. It is said that uoth ,' great or small can set foot on it am live. Sopoweilularc the lolls which it ives out at even the slightest contuct that it is impossible for even the largest animals to withstand their strength Recently the party of hunters referred to ventured without a guide into some I the more dangerous mountain passes iuto the country, and by chance found their way iuto a narrow gorge, bavin, come in hot pursuit alter a little fleet imbed mountain goat which they man- ged to start from the rocks below, Sud denlv. while they were all sous seventy or eighty feet away, they were tonished bejoad measure to see lb goat fall dead in his tracks, although not shot had been fired. They were makiug ready to climb up the ledge and secure the little creature, when an old Indian high up on the cliff behind called them to stop. So frantic was his manner and so persistent his admonitions that they waited till be scrambled down to them and then for the first tune came light the story of tho electrical wonder. The goat had fallen within the death trap, tho Indian explained, and had th hunters followed after him they, too, would have shared his late, 1 here was ample evidence at band to prove to th hunters the truth of the old man's state mcnt, for the little gorge surrounding the stone has been turned into perfect charnell house full of the whitening bones of its victims. And if this were not enough to convince the more skep tical, while they stood within thirty feet of the stono a big rattlesnake crawled up the precipice aud out upou the stone ouly to cuil and writhe and finally die in the intensest agony. The hunters expressed the deepest gratitude to the old ludiau lor saving their lives, but regretted no little the loss of the goat, whose species is almost ex liucl now, wlii.Ts.unjn the old unwound a rial a from his waist aud flung it up under the rocks. His aim was unerring, and presently the goat was dragged down into a place of safety whence the hunters removed him. Th was an old trick among experienced hunters, the Indian explained, and said he himself had reaped a prcuy rich harvest of peltry by snatching fn victims from the grasp of the duath trap The sun was almost down, and had quite left the gorge, so at the request the Indian tho hunters accompanied him to his mountain perched cabin, and from there beheld the lighting up of the stone whon the moon was gone. As they sat about the fire watching the phenoiue- non, their old host told them many marvellous stories of the wonder, among others the legend of its discovery by the tribe hundreds of years ago. The legend thus about at follows: Once upon a time there came into the midst of tho tribe asking food and shelter stranger, with a marvellously beautiful face. His body was little aud mean and puny, and his back was humped, but his face was lair beyond all description and strangely beautiful. His eyes were large I luminous, like twin stars, ami altlioicdi he seemed to know nothing of herbs or their properties, he posessed the iiui Villous faculty of healing the sick laying his hands upon them, or even looking fiieilly at them with his great eyes. Evcu dumb animals would flock around biiu if he cIiomi to have llieni do , and the chief held him in such rcVer euce that by and by be adupted the stranger in the liibc and made him a medicine man. Many years passed, during which the stranger still lingered, aud iu the mean time the chief's son had grown to mauhood, and it became time lor him to take a wife. The couieliest maiden of the tribe was seleeted as his bride, and preparations were made for the nuptials. When the wedding day arrived, however, the maiden was missing and an old woman declared that the med icine man had spirited her away. A dil- jeut search failed to disclose her where abouts, and the cliiel reluctantly consent- id to believe the friend of his adoption guilty. A company of twelve of the bravest warriors were ordered to drive the uicdicine man out of the tribe, foi no one would consent to see him killed outright, rcat was the love of the people for him. Early iu the morning the warriors set out to chase him beyond the mouutains, tho medicine man running swiftly on be fore so that they could scarcely keep him in sight. Finally it became evident that he was leading men on after him instead of fleeing before them, and at last, though the chief sent messengers to order the men to return, it was impossible to get them to heed the command. On and on they followed, climbing the mountain side and looking neither to the right nor to the left, but keeping their eyes fixed desperately upou the mau before them. The chief's messengers fullowed as close is thev dared, and at last beheld with consternation the warriors fall one by one cad in their tracks between the parted lips of a great blue stone. Thus was the death trap discovered many hundred years ago, and the Indians 'lieve it to have been set by thu medi cine man to ward off all pursuit after him and the stolen bride of the chief's son, to ADVERTISEMENTS. 100 twin Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restorerl. MAGNETIC HEBVINESJS. ri'Hti.ii'Loil Manhood. ( unw wmkmmmn, Nrvou Di'lulity hi ! nil tliHQvilH from earl or la-tar at rufiMw, Hiit rt'Miltj of ovurwurLt, won?, eioktintd, iU: b ull Hlrttiitftli, tniin ml tluTnliiiiiuaiit trivmi to oTery i-rmui or portiou of tlio Ixitljr. ituunnti in wit t in inliHt'ly mii from t It tint boi, T1ioiih utl-i nf l. ll.iriH of iimlw ou faMriourotfioe. Cum i-nrnM in vit (Hickitt. B-'Ut by mall to any 'ickhoii riHiiit of iirli A. On month 't trtwl til in oai liltox. I'rUH.II.IW.HlM.iiKi, 5,U0, Willi rild-n ihinrHiiloi' to rofuud ninney if notduruU, 3. ml to in fi.r Km JtDiiiiiti, ('irtiuluni tfnm. Foi Hiilehv W. M. COIIKN, Urnis,, .V!My Wehlon, N. C 11 I will continue to ditpOM1 of the stock ot '. N. Kt;iiiihai-k tV Urn., at therorntrstore. Iliive ;il':o in 1 adit en ii beautiful line Ol NEW DRESS GOODS and Staple Dry floods, Notions, aud fur ihniisgooil.-i. Also lull line ot rmoes, (iiocei ies and Ceueral Merchandise. Will OVI'.lt KIKTV YHAKS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over ulty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with efect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sull'crcr immediately. Sold by druggists every part ot the world, - i cents a bottle. Uc sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth- kind. lleggai "Ach, uiy dear sir, I have lost my leg." Gentleman "Very sorry, I haven't seen it anywhere about." I have two liitlc grandchildren who arc tccthini; this hot summer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint I give them Chamberlain s t olic, Cholera and Piarrhiea Remedy and it acts like a charm. I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. 1 was my sell taken with u severe attmk of bloody tlux, with cramps and pains in my stoin ach, one third of a bottle of this remedy uredmo. Within twenty-loui hours was out of bed aud doing my house work Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, lion auua, Hick man Co., Tenn. For sale by J. N. Hrown, Halilax, Dr, s. Harrison, l.nlield. Miss Oldun "I d like to see any man alive kiss me !" Mr. Sharpe "I guess you would." Sometime ago I was troubled with attack of rheumatism. 1 used Chamber lain't Pain Halm and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the rem edv and all speak highly of it. Simon (iohlhauiu, nan Luis Key, I al. Forsale by J N. Ilrown, Halilax, Dr A. S. Harrison, hulield. Rice was culnvated in ludia many years before the historical period. Palestine, within its New Testament boundaries, is only about as big as New Jersey. M KV A V V " 11TIS K M E N T3. MM 1 GOODS! apr Illy. A. L. STAINBUCK. Agt. r In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and l-itnl lici-tx.-e tv.enlt fmm trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s greatest gift health. ! Brown's Iron Bitters I UyouiirtfeciinK kut ol sorts, wear tiul Rcnertlly ex t lutisti'tl, netvous, l, j v.j tin apDeliie iiitl tun t work, in in :t tiK-euk-iiiK thf most telia-lik- 5UciiKllit:iiiiig mi'ilii me, which ii H tow it Iron bit ten. A few bol cure benefit ionic liom (tie vety liul doe-rt won t ttain your ftfiH, ana ill oli.-4.4tit to Uke. It Cures Dyspepsia. Kidney and Liver f Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, llad Blood Malarial. Nervous ailments Women's complaints. C.ct nt:1y the f'ciiuiti - It ii;ncrosciJ red , lines on ilic wt Ji'iiei All others nietub- stituus I in K't't'iot of uii at . kt;miM we i ill sin.l Mt ol Ion lUMirltul World 'a 1 luir lew a ml iiuuk- lift. ujiu.'ij rwrti,"ji rn iiAt ijnc un 1 iy Aijft twflkaysft ijj'jl'SjwljaJ july 2G ly. When in Need of auythiug in the GROCERY LINE please reniemlier that 1 am still at V- Ij. Clark's old stand with a full and complete awortmcut mid will bo glad to see my many friends. Can aave yon money on all goods in my Hue. I am agent for HUXAItlVH "OIIEMHK" FLOUR which I guarantee to be the best on the market Patapseo not exeepted. Will make price satisfactory. A full line of Fruits, Confectioneries. Cigars, Tobacco on bund at all times. Mi. J. ! Shear in U still with me aoit will be glad to ace his mauy friends. tiive me a call. Yours truly, P. E. LYNN. GET THE BEST When vou arentwiuttnlmv ftKwln?Mkchina do not tKMlcceivt-d hy allnnriK ail -ertiienienis and be UhI to think you una get ttig bent OMulob finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu tiu'turers that have uined a rt-putat ion by honest and square IfalinK. y,m will then gi-t a SwwiiiK Machine that is noted the world over for itn dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There fs none In the world that can equal In meehank:! con HtrUL'tioti, durability of working fmrts, tineneta of fininh, beauty n apiicarani-o, or hu as many improvement ai the New Home it has Automatic Tennlon, Double Peed, alike nil both unlet: of needle i AirVAnnolliiT hat it ; Wi wSlitr ' I tutftft, driving wheel hlnRed on i..lnw:il.l- ".'liter, IliUsrt'duetii.i iiit-lioil to w rite'' pott c:act? l a r . THE MEW HOME SEWEKU HftCiiINK CO. OkiNin. Mw Howis, Htm Ml'li'N't'tt.!(.T i:tuo..i. IU- Ht Lot IK. Mo. l ) i tut. Bit MuMf'tWO, lL. ATI.AK1..,- .. FOR BALE V hP. N. STAINBACK, AGENT FOR WELDON. Agents wanted everywhere, mar 7 Gm. W. M. H1BLIST0N I CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. fiifet rV. o. tfoWTMmetu ruod Ktpott. Kotai. Bakinq Powder Co., 108 Wall St., N.T. : CAUPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAHLIBTONACO,, No. 30 N. Hycamora St, Pstttabnrg, To 10.21 ir.