"W. SLEDGE, puopiuktor. -A. NEWSPAPER FOIR, THE PEOPLE TERMS:-"'511 1KI1 annum in advance. YOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1895. NO. 9. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AS IN YOUTH yer's Hair Vigor CORDIALLYJNDORSED. j RESTORES f Natural Growth if HAIR WHEW -ALL OTHER Dressings FAIL 2 "I can cordially Indorse Ayer's Hair Vigor, us one. ol the best preparations for ilia hair. When I began using Ayer's Hair Vigor, all the I MM part ol my head ' olxrtit lull ol II -was hald. Tho use of only two bottles restored a natural ffrowih, which still continues as In my youth. I tried several other dressing, but they all tailed. Ayer's llalr Vigor It the licit." -Mrs. J. e. I'ubusskii, Converse. Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor ritKpAnitn itr Dr. J. C. AYER ft CO., LOWELL, MASS. ooooooooooooooocoooooo Just Marriel Sweet Dreams ! i la the dreaming of orange flowerwf la ine writing poem on lovet , b ibe building bpaoUa tower, Is (he nldat of silken bowers, Tneeweet little Innocent dear! NO. This Bwtt t Child in ilnwniiiR ol' the wonderfully low prut at which tho t ,-i'EicBisior Printina Comiany V WEI.DON, N. C. I Is laming out AUTISTIC l'lil.NTINO of ( Kvcry Description. Lettor Head, Packet Heads, Hill Heads, Envelopes, KUtemenU, Kami Hills, 1 rogramniea, Tickeus, Etc., Etc Etc. ) IV Write for samples anil prices. i E. L. HAYWAHl), FBUPH1KTOB. 'ii rn HE SOUTHERN, 1m m m r rETEIWHUIUI, VA. ' F.I.ECTKICUUIITS. ELECTRIC IIEI.LP ; ACCOMMODATION M. ' C. BNODGKASW. Proprietor, late ol 4 Hutler, !. The only first class lintel in the city. Conuucrciul rules, $'J. to 9 SO por day. tk. 7i1trn-...i r-isstM OR. H. 0. HYATTS SAN1T0RIUM, - K IN8TON N C evOISUSES OF THE ETE 1X0 timu. SURGEM 8 S ly. II E DIDN'T CAItE A CENT WHO KNEW IT EITHER. fit. Louis Republic. "For yourself and wifu?" As the hotel clerk uttered these words tlio newly arrived guest, a tall, sparo man of forty, with side whiskers, looked up from tho register, with confideut ouiilo as he said : "Yea, sir, for myself and wifo, and not only that, but I don't want a room on the seventh floor, Beveral blocks away from the fire escape, and whuro it will lake tho call boy all night to reach. I want the bridal chamber, and if there is choice of bridal chambers, I want the best ono. I make no bones of it. No, sir," he wont on, with an authoritative wave of his hand. "1 was married at noon today, and I am bound to face all the consequences and I don't care who nowa it. We had a house wedding, at which there were present 150 guests of the family, and all sent presents, which in array and magnificence' arc not equaled anywhere. We arrived on tho 5 o'clock train, and my blushing bride is now in the ladies' reception room, waiting with quivering heart fur my return. "As you will observe, there is Bonie rice on the brim of my hat, and our name is festooned in bright red letters on tho end of our new trunks, I am wcar- brand new suit of clothes, bought especially for the joyous occasion, and you would know my bride was genuine i mile off by her light gray travcliog cos tumc, her spick and span new hat and her general air of the city. We have been out only four hours, but I have alieady ddrcssed my wife as 'dearest' five times in the presence of total strangers, and she has responded with 'darling' in each in stance, and we propose to keep this up during our wedding trip, which will last six weeks and cover Niagara Falls, Wash ngtan, the Natural btidge of Virginia and other principal points of interest. "My name is Amos R. Able, and I am out on my wedding trip with the dear est, sweetest little woman in the world- 1 havo money to burn, there is no deceit in my heart, I want the best of every thing, and I want the whole world in general to know that I am the happiest man alive. Now, is there anything more ycu would like to know?" "Nothing, sir," replied the clerk, as he loscd the ledger, took down a key from the board and rang the gong fur the bell boy. "Yi:s, YK8." I IfciUM Ha just received a Trash lot of CANDY, )iaiu MUU mm; J. mm ininiun, uiir uuui, I'heatQuts, coroanute, a),.!., tMtuuw, Florida orange, plain and fancy cukes. large amort uieui 01 HOLIDAY GOODS. Hhon fly hones, wagon, curls, dolls, . . , , . L - i. . I . 1 1 flue hoi uaner, cigars, auuflf, Uilatceo and many fancy notions loo uuneroua to men tion, bov 1 ly. PBOFESSIOHAL V A Hint. janasii.neLi.aii, wiLTsa a. uniai UB1LIII a DAKIIU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wai.Dod, N. C. metlesln Uieconrtief Hallow andrlorthemp. tm.ndin thaHapremsaud Pwleral court. Uoi. actions man. IB hiin.ru oi suns varuuua. Uruuihofttaa at Hulhi.N.U..OHB av.rv MOB, fay. If jTB. T. T. K088, m DINTIST, Weldon, N. C. sTOffloa over Emry A l'leroe'astore. 10-18-ly. TJR W.J. WARD.ftr -Sirieoii Dentist,' ENFIELD, N. C. S9jOfflotonr Harrlsoa's Drag Stan, ttoeMlr. NEVER UADSEENABALLOON ASCENSION. A good ono is told of an old negro woman living out near thu water works, ho didn't know aoything about the balloon ascension tho other day. She was out in her yutd, when she happened to glance, up towards the sky and saw Mile. Nolan coming along, but she was still high in the air and the old woman could distinguish only tho out lines ol the paiachuto. Placing her arms akimbo xho surveyed the thing a moment and remarked, "If yonder don't come a yumbrelly sailin" along in dc air! Wonder whar in dc name of (lod it cum from ?" She turned around as shespoko to one of her children, and then again took a look at it. This time she saw the daring aeronaut. Good God a'mighty, Moria," she ex claimed, "if dur ain't a angel in it. It's Gabriel shore's yu born and he gwino to blow his trumpet and when he do, chillun, somcthin' gwiuc to happen somcthin' dreadful. You all get ready and when he soun' de horn, we'll all pray, fer judg ment day am right har." About this time one ol tho "childun" took in the situation and said, "Shucks, mam, it's a 'oman in a b'loon and she am gwino to light right on yu cf you don't git outcn de way. Tain't no Gabriel and tain't no born dar." The old woman realized tho situation and was greatly relieved, but she says she will never grow any more. "Fore God," she said, "1 thot it was do angel Gabriel and dat de end of tho world was ar" Grecnsboio Record. A young woman, visiting a newly mar ried girl friend in the city, was surprised to find many bits of paper stuck upon the walls of the couple's rooms, upon which was priulcd in large letters the simple word "Yesl" It required a deal of coaling, but finally the bride burst out with the truth, "Charlie kept a.king mo about a thousand limes a day if I bved him," she said. "Every lime h was just as anxious about it as if I had not told hi in so millions of timet) before. So I just put up those fur bis sake." New York l'n&s. A WO(lKN t MK KVS LONG It U N. Nathan Allgood, of Roswell, Ga., has dock which has been running and keep ing correct lime for 1 211 years aud haf never been out of repair but once Pul ing t2e war a i alike Mildict broke a coc out of one of its wheels, which gave ii vear srest. Mr. Alluood bad it re paired, and.it is do doing full dut. The runuing gear is all of wood. Ha vannah News. Hpeclmeu Cases. S. H- Clifford, Now Cased, Wis., war troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism bis stomach was disordered, his liver wa affected to an alarming dcuree, appetil fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elcctrio Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harnsburg. III. bad a running tore on hit leg of eijihl years standing. Used throo bottles Kleelrio Hitler ana seven noxes llucklcn's Arnica Salve and his leg sound and Well. John Speaker Catawba. 0 , had five laage fever sore on hi leg doctors said i iiicuratk. Unr bottle of Kleelrio Hitters and one box of llucklcn's Amies Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Wm. Cohen drugial Proud father "This i t sunset my daughter painted. She studied painting broad, you know." Friend "Ah! that ainlaini it I never law sunset lik i that in this country." While in Tnneka last March. E. T Darker, prommedt newspaper man of T - IV... If. n mtm I.Iran with nlullt-r. urn " ----- morbus very severely. Ine mgnt cleu I the hotel where he was stopping bap nonetl In have a bottle of Cbamberlain'i Folio, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy and gave him throe dose which relieved him and he think saved hi life. Every f.milv should keen .this remedy at all time. No one oan tell how soon it may be needed. It costs but Utile and may ho ih. maana of aavion much suffering nJ nn-hana the life of tome member of r.l. ?! and 50 eent bottle For sale by i. N. Br.wi, Halifai, Dr A. 8. Haniaoa, KnfieW. Bill; MEANT KCSINKSS. CHARUY1Sy,NiT Tie Printer Qieerei Them. HOW THE EDITORS OF ONE WOMAN'S 1'APER CAME TO GRIEF. ON THE SAFE SIDE. Adwrtlsinff Aprnt What d'ye mean by sticking that "Cures Influenza" all OTer the pliico, eh? now, 1 couldn't remimlver which one It wua for, CO I thought I'd be on thesafo side anywuy. l'ull Mull Hudget. "Geoige," said the beautiful girl as she nestled close lo him, "the labt time you called you proposed." "I did, sweet one." "And I accepted you." "You did, love." "I presume, George," she went on in her most fascinating manner, "that you look upon me as merely a foolish, thought less girl, but but " How can you thiuk so, pet?" he in terrupted. "But," she went on in a more busings like way, "I have something of the busi ness instinct of the new woman in me, and I shall have lo ask you lo icieat the proposal again to night. Tho last time you called it was Sunday and con traots made on that day, I learn, are not legally binding. Chicago Evening Post. JOY. fis sweet when sordid cares distress And apprehensions thrill, When griefs of yesterday oppress And hopes today is still, To meet some old time fiiend again With whom glad houts were spent, And have him pay you five or ten That you'd forgot you lent. ALTOUETIIKHTOO HONEST. Hotel Clerk "That lawyer stopping with us is tho most houe.it wan I ever heard of." Landlord-" Why?" "lie "He ails up in chair and sleeps at night." Landlord "What s that got to do with it?" Clerk "lie says after his day's work is over, he doesn't think he ought to lie in bed." THE SECRET OUT. "Ma," said newspaper man's son, "1 know why editors call themselves we." 'Why?'' . "So's the man th.it doesu't like the anicle will thiuk ihere are too niuuy ople for hi I" lo tackle. A IHCTIONAIIY IN lEMANI. Pick I wish we had a great big dictionary. Tom Po you want lo look for some thing llick Yes; lbs prestrved eherii grandma pul up on tho shell, ihal I can t reach standing on a chair. i i.ieag.i in nr-i foean. IANGEKOl'S GROUND. Hicks What made you run out of that jewelry storo the other day when tho policeman came in?" Wicks "Why, there was any quanti ty of wedding and engagement rings there." Hicks "What of that?" Wicks "What of that ! Don't you know they can arrest a lellow for being present where there aro gambling iuiplo mcnts?" KOIt THE SUMMER. She "Where are you going this sum mer ?" ' He (hard up) "No pluco." "She "Ah!" "Ho "Yes, No place liko home, you know. AN OliELET. Oh woman's tongue, you do not rest, Despite your best endeavor; And men may come and men may go, Hut you go on forever. Some western women wanted lo start woman suffrage paper a few years ago, with the aim of scattering the seeds of woman suffrage about the country where was uecded. They bought a plant, ordering from a catalogue of printers' supplies, and while lie-y didu't know cms from galleys they ut a carpet on thu punting oflice floor and had a stuve with nickel triiumiugs and a brass Grc shovel and a revolving office chuir and a desk Willi a lot of igconholc8 and a waste basket with a bbun bow on it and a patent rocker, a picturo of Susan Ii. Anthony on the wall nd a printer to put the types together. It was rather a cozy, homelike little place, and even conservative women who didn't approve of tho paper came some times to visit and sat in the patent rocker. Ono day one of the editors wrote an editorial in- which she aired the time wuin epigram that "(here is a slumbering og in every man's bosom." This, while not exactly (esthetic, was regarded as a bullet proof bit of logic with which to adorn a woman suffrage editorial, but "the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee," and a the prin ter was not a suffragist he proceeded lo put the hog in the woman's bosom, and hen the paper came out and announced that "there is a slumbering hog in every woman's bosom" those women called an editorial conclave, and each woman tore cr own hair. The greatest man on a woman's news- apcr is the printer. IIo edits the mat ter, counts up the feet in the poetry and remodels it to suit his poetical brain, and he continually runs out of intcirogation marks. Would the women, while editing a pa per, have a friend at court ? Then let them cultivate the compositor. St. Louis Republic. THE DRAGON TREE. Th rt.nnn t.Mi I. Inrllaennu. In tbo Cannrv Islands. It lives to a very ffrmt SKA; and oae which was rooently blown down at Oraluva Is said lo hnvo been 0,1100 years old. Tho namo is aid to have arlssn from a legend haDded down by the ouancbei ltn orlylual lubabllama Qt the Islands who bellevod that Ihoso trtca sprung from the uwn of dratfous. pro Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a rough cold, or any truuuio tnroa i, ci.est or lunus. Dr. Kins New Di-wov ry I'm consumption, coughs and eolds is gusran teed to give relief, or mouey will be paid back. Sufferers Irom la grippe luund it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and pericct recovery, try sample bottle at our expense and learn . if .... i i - lor yourself juh uuw guuu a lump it in. Trial bottle free at Wm. Coheu's drug store. Large site 50c and 1 1 Ut) To lin it wicked, but lo tempt other to sin is Ueviisn. 8ometimo ano I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Chamber- lain't Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since aavisea many oi m Manila and customer to try the rem edy and all spoak highly of it. Simon fl.il.lUom. San Luis Rev. Cel. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. a. Damson, Jtuftoid. SUNUUitNT. OF COUltSE. I wonder why when husband goes," Good Mr. Noggles said, A fishiog every day or two, It makes his nose sored?" OVEIt-KED. Mrs. Skim Do your boarders pay umpily. Mrs. Syrc They did at Tint. Mrs. Skim Why don't they now? Mrs. Sre They have got so fat they cau'l get their hands in their pockets. THE KIN1 HE WAS. Mrs One "How i your husband to day, Mrs. J other I Mrs. Tother "lletter, thank you, Ho is always better when he is sick than at any other time. TIME FOR REFLECTION. Kitty "Jack says he will stop drink ing ll 1 will marry him. Janet "Well, bo careful my dear It s easier lor liiiu to bc-ui again lliun it is for you to get unmarried." flilll' EXTREMES IN STYLES. The Same Woman-Dressed for Walking and lor Riding. Wyld "Can't you ovetooiue your thirst for rum ?" Tramp "Yes, sir, wilh dime. 8tern father of tho girl "I saw you yon kiss my daughter as I passed the parlor I while ago, and I waol you to know I don't like it." Young man "You may not, but I do." Ho "I've been watching for a chanco lo kiss you for the last ten minutes, She "You must be near-sighted. Perdil "If youoontinue much longei to play poker wilh my father I won marry you." Jack Dashing "If your father continues to play poker much longer with no I won't need to." EOl'lE WHO Sl'OlL NOTES A HE RESl'ONSIItl.E FOR SOME QUEER THINGS. A mania for advertising and putting strange cotnmunicalions on the back of the paper money of the government has broken out. As a general thing torn bills are used, as that gives the man with a ma nia an excuse for his work, for he uses the slip wilh which the pieces arc put togeth cr for his purpose. Ou a Mil that came into the hands of one man on Dearborn street was a slip on which was printed Shake tho buttle." When ho turned it into the bunk the receiving man, whose quick eye caught it, asked: "Did you bring the bottle with you?" On a five dollar hill handed over a bar on Manroe street was a slip on which was this' "Touch not, taste not, bandli not." A Dearborn street bank took in a Cv undred dollar bill not long ago on th back of which was posted a slip that hed printed on it the Ten Commandments. A cashier in a mercantile bouse on Randolph street has a bill of two dollar denomination on which is writ ten in t woman's ehirogaphy an offer ol marriage. The writer puts it thus: "I irire up my last niency on this. I b.dJ it out iuto the world, hoping it may re turn to me with a good man who will love me and take caro of me." But no address accompanies tho offer. A bill is in frame in an express office There is a whole in Ibe bill, and a note explains that the hole was mado by a bullet fired by a train robber. The bill was in the side pocket of an express messenger. A bill handed in at a cigar store on Madison street had this on the back: "Don't comeback to me until you can bring your silver brother with you." Chicago Tribune. Ohunberlaln'i lye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Enema, Tetter, 8e!l Klieum, Scald Head, More Nipples, Chapped Hsnds. Iteliinir 1'ilea. Hums, Frost Itites, Chronic Sore Kyea and (iranulated Eye lids. r or sale by druggista at 120 cent per Dox. TO BORSK OWMBBS. Vf)r noMinff a horse in a tine healthy con dition try llr. (July's Condition fowiiers. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of annetite. relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving now life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 tents per packatre. For sale by druggist, For sale J. N. Brown, Halilai, and r. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. Travellinix in Comfort. IT WAS JUS FIRST RIDE JN A S LEE FER AND HE MADE THE BEST OF IT. The old man had just arrived at bis son's house from the country. Well, father," said the boy, "I hope you came thro., . iu the sleeping cur, as I told you to, and had a good night's sleep." The old man smiled a sickly, sarcustio smile. "Oh, yes," he said, "I had a good sleep, first rate sleep; went to bed early." "Did you wake during tho night?" "Only twicet; only went to sleep twicct. "Say, father," said the young man. 'you've got two great bumps on top of your forehead. What havo you been do- tag?" "Them's the two times I woko up, Passed another train but Ii times, an' when I hcerd the big engine wh'zzin' by an' the bell ringjn', I thought 'twas a fire, an' jumped up slain ag'in the ceiliu'. It's lucky I was awake one lime, though." "Why, how so?" "The high on' mighty impoitcr that laughed when I ast to go to my room early in the evenin' was sneakin' off with my hoots." "Why, he was only going to shine them for you. " "Oh, go 'way," said tho old man. "I never ast him lo shine 'em. Anyway, I took 'em to bed with me after that ou' never slep' another wink. Say, Henry you ain't got an old pair of suspenders, have yc?" "Iguos lean find a pair for you yes. "Dusted mine tryin' lo put my panta loons on I) in' down. Done it, though. Got all dressed laying flat boots, panta loons, coat, collar, necktie hull business." "Why didn't you get out of the berth to put on your collar and coat?" 1 Wiinmin in the car. Got a handy place where I can wash up, Henry? There was a well o' water in the car, an' I pumped some; but the train was going so fast I couldn't stand up to the sink. Say, Henry, what time's dinner ready? I'm so hungry I bin calin' my whiskers." Didn't you get breakfast in the eliu- ing car, us 1 tola you to.' "Oh, yes," said tho old man. "Oh, yes; hut I didn't want to go it too expen sive, so I told the feller I'd just take a cup of coffee an' some buckwheat cakes." Pretty light breakfast; that s so, said Henry. Yes," said the old man, "light break fast two pancakes." Well, come downstairs, and we II fix up something lo cat rignt away, xou mustn't wait fur dinner." Charged me a dollar," continued the old man. "Feller set next to me oatio grapes an' oranges and oysters an' stewed chicken an' b'tlcd eggs, an' I don't know all. When we gut back in the bed room car I told him I calculated that breakfast ho cl cost 813 An' then he told me brcakfujt was $1, anyway, w'ethcr you el much or little. You'd outer wrote me about that, Henry." "Well, father a man can ride pretty comfortably nowadays after ho gets used to it, said Henry, as he started to lead the old gentleman to the bathroom for t wash. "Oyes, oyes, a man can ride all right when he knows how, replied the old man, and the smile lusted until he started to wash his face from the faucets over the bath tub. ADVERTISEMENTS. PIGEON THC GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THC AGC. TarM in 1 In 1 Avm Im. modiate in effwit; quick U euro. Can tm carried in vmt IMM'lfftt. nil niimiilnrn In mm small eitcltuKu. Huut by muil, pmpaid. plnin package, ou receipt of pnuo. Si per box. For sale by W. At. COHEN, Drugi 5-y-ly Welilon, N. C. I m I will coiitinun lo dtflpoKe. of the stock of P. N. Ktititiback Sc lint., at thenornertttoro. JIiud aluo jusl added a Uuautiful lino of NEW DRESS GOODS ami Staple Dry Good, Notions, and fur .iHiiiiLiLi'K.lH. Also full line of Shoefl, liroeeriis and General Mfrchiinditte, apr 1 1 ly. I. L. STAINBACK. Agi. jPoor j Health moans so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. Don't (Jay with Nature's , greatest t: ii t health. I H you .re feellni 5, Brown's Iron Bitters Myelins: ii "I fcoiu, we;. It .mil neiierilly -h.iufled, iieivoun, ii (j itppvltle mi! can't work, tit-giii at nncciak-ni;tlH-nii'ttlliit-I k- Hrentlicnni( iiii'tiii iiir.wtiicli is Urovvh s Iron Hit' t-rt. A few bol .les furc- ticm-lil 'itn- lrtiiii i he vi ry first dost? it won't ttuim your Uttk, a ii il 1 1 ' i pleasant tu take. When in Need of anything In the GROCERY LINE please remember that I am still at C. L. Clark's old stand with a mil and complete assortment and will be glad to see my many friends. Can save you money on all goods in my line. I am agent for BALLARD'S "OBELISK" FLOUR which I guarantee to be the best on the market Patnpsco not excepted. Will make prices satisfactory. A full line of Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco on hand at all times. Mr. J. 1). Khearin is still with me and will be glad to see his many friends. Uive me a call. Yours truly, P. E. LYNN. Burklen'a Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cure piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pcrlect saustaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wm. Ohen Creatures below man cannot those above him, need not. pray; She "I havo an instinctive feeling that I can trust you " He (passionately) "Ah, my darling, would that some others felt that way I KOII OVi:H UK I V YEARS Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions of mother lor children, while teething, wilh pefect success. It soothe the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, ond is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor littlo sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mr. Wins low'a Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. . NKW ADVKKTISKMKNTS. ill It Cures Dyflpcpsla, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, r Constipation. Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. i Cvt only the Rcnuin ll ha crossed red r lines on Hie wrapper. All others are mb i tsliiuU's On retell. t of toic. stamps we . uil &ftil stt ol Ten Bcwfitul World's Fttir View and book (ret f bunwki ruCaJiai rn mi Tisjadc aan july 2G ly. POWDER Absolutely Pure. . A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavoning strength. Lnreif U. S. Government Food ifcwrl. Hoyal Bakinh Powder Co., 10fiWll8t.,N".Y. GEY THE BEST When yt.u arc about to buy a Sewinff Machina uo not Ih' tli-ccivi il hv nUunnir ad ertisemetiia and be U1 1 think you can get too twat 0ada iiiiusi uinsmcu miiu Most Popular for a mere Kong, flee to It that vu buy from reliable manu-F.iL-turera that have rind a reputation by honest ant) square livilinii, V"i will tl.i'ii grt a Sowing Mui'hinc that 1 noted the worhl over for Its dura bility. Yon want the one tbat is easiest to manage and u Light Running H? There it none in the world that can equal In mechanical con struction, durability of working parts), fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or ha ua many Improvamtmu aa tb New Home it hai Automatic Tentlan, Double Peed, alike on tMlh mtlraof needle IfiatfHfriti, nnother liaa It ; NfwStan 1( IV mi,drivinK whci-l hinged on ii.l)UHtHtile centers, UiuareUutoigirktiou to lh m i tu tmi in. WRITE FORCIRC'Jt ' ?8. TiiEKEWHoarh.'Wir .hukco. OuiAI. Dim Aoarna. U.eJi. .'S...X ' W. T lIUtllAtl... IM hi.Loi l-.Ui. P'M .fcrUK. pon saiC . HP. N. STAINBA' K.fe AGENT KOR WKMhi, . Agent wanted everywhere, mar 7 Out. STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD, A Batbleaa florae and Cattle PentM : OahM PouHrf and Uardea Pence, Oeblttal FitiJ and Hog Keaoe. Yard, Cemetery and Uravt liot Fenclnf on Htea) rot ana iuuia Bpticiaity, w rmr wffnufai Oa4aiosiie aaa mimoaieie iree. K. L. SHBLUIKKUKft, ATLANTA, fit. W. HI. HmiSTON CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu . CARPETS, STOVES, . and Mattrenea, etc IMMENSK STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTON 4 CO., No. 90 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va., 10 911 ly.

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