fYnmi-TV-"" ski fM"T15W U n jj"8' I JOHN W. SLEDGE, l'HOl'UIKTOn. .A. ZST E "W SP APER FOB THE PEOPLE TET4MSH1'511 l'KR annum in advance. VOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, TlIUltSDAY, JUNK 20, 1S5. NO. 10. NEW ADVEUTISEMKNT3. -I COULD HARDLY WALK OS AfCOl'MT or RHEUMATISM P.H.F0ED oi QuKblbC!l),U., All.r TWO YEARS 'Suffering 18 CURED -nr- T1IK l K OF Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For fully twii years. I HiiAVrtMl from rbrmnntltin, nnrt was frequently In Mich 0 ft coniliMon that 1 rimhl hardly Wiilk. O I spent some time In Hot Hprltijfi, Ark., J ftixl the treatment helped int" for the time bclnj:; but mum the romplalnt re- O turned ami I was n badly afflicted a J tit. Ayer's Harsaparlll beltiK rccon c Biended, I resolved to try It, and, after o! Umiik nix bottle, I was completely 1 Cured, " 1'. II. l'oiin, (Juaehtta City, La. oj I. The fM.MA -.II- Si flVHi Xniv VHH Mil M o His Death. Admitted o AT THE WORLD'S FAIR oj ooqo q g o p o o, o p p po o 9e9.egg.fi. jo 13 ly. Sweet Dreams! t NhA Aresoiliitf of nranpn flow era? It the wrUlntf poera on loraf i she bulMltw HpanUn tow-rs, I to nldat of allken bowm. The sweet little Innocei.i dear! NO. Tliis Sweet Child w ilitaminy of tbe wonderfully low prices al which the 1 , . Ejtcelsior Printing Company WKI.DON, N. C. ' In lurniiiK out AUTISTIC I'KISTISU of i Every Ileacriptiou. Letter Heads, Packet Head, Hill Heads, Knvi'liiMs, t Statements, Hum! Hills, f rrograimiicfl, TiekelH, I KU-., Ktc. Klc ' ITWrito fur sample, ami prices. ' K- I.. llAYWAHII, ritnl'lMKTOR. Tyr souths rF.TKK8IlUIMI.VA. Ki.KCTKici.Hm rs. ki.kctuic iu:i.i.u .V ACCOMMODATION :W0. C. BNOD0UAS.M. Proprietor, Into ol llllll.T, l'u. WAS AS SUDDEN AS COULV BE EXPECTED THERE. (Now York Hun.) A gentleman from the west, bearing uamisttikablu evidences of his heredity anil environment, was waled in the IlofTman h.use lobby when lie was ap proached hy a reporter on the search for new and strange things. "I beg your pardon," Baid the reporter, with unotious deference, "I am informed by llic clerk that you arc front the west." "I guess tho clerk ain't no liar," re plied the westerner. "I am a reporter," continued the young man, "and 1 should be pleased to have some western news from you if you have any to communicate." "Don't you read the papers, young fel low?" inquired the westerner, necompa nied by a haw-haw that made the rcpor ter's hair stand at right angles. "Oil, of course, but I don't mean that kind of news. Something direct from citizen of I he glorious Occident is what want." "The glorious be denied," said the citizen from there. "All I know is, I've got a bar'l of raw silver 1 want coined, and I'm hero to sec about it." "Oh, yes, hesitated the reporter, at loss how to tackle the silver man with out a shotgun. "Yes," continued tho visitor, "I'm goiu' to l'hiladclphy and have it mad into money, er know the reason why?" '10 you kuow l'hiladelphia?" inquired tho reporter willing to change llic sub icct. Do I? Well, I guets yes. My grand daddy lived and died there. Queer old duffer ho was, too. Lived to be ninety never sick in his life; went to bed chipper as a wuod chuck one night, and naked up dead next moinin'." "Eh, died Middcnly, did he?" The westerner rose from the chair and trelched himself, preparatory to walking away from the reporter. "Well, kinder," he said, slowly. "Any how, as sudden as a man could die in l'hiladclphy." CAItltlKS IT lJHTTEK. The only first class lintel in the city. Commercial rnten, t'l. to 'J ier day. -1 I DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM ? , .vINSTON, N. C. VDISMStS OF THE Vt AND GENERAL SUBCIM Ilk 1 iff Hua iuHt rm-iveU fresh lot of CANDY, iilaiu awl fumy. AIho niniiiN, mixKlntiU, ctiratniitit, okiiiiiIj, mnilit, Inuiiuim, riuriiU onuiinw, ulaiii bihI fam'T mken, Iargo awwrtineut of HOLIDAY GOODS. Shoo fly horses, wagons, carts, dolls, clocks, cliaiulier mts. Isioks ly licst author., fine tmx paner, cigars, snuff, ttdMcco aud luanr laucv notions too uuiuenius to men tion, iiov 1 ly. piinrvsHioNAI. VAMh. WA1.TM . aAMIIL WSUU DAMIIL, iirroA'ri'.iriiirr', Wn.noN, K. C. Prectlceln tbeooiirtior HallnnftmlNorthanip. nsua 111 inf nil pram euu rwinni rouru. uM ailnii. ibaiIb In BlIiMrUur Narlta Carolina. Hrftueh affl( al Halifax. N. CoDen every Moo kit. T. T. noss, ; DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. MtrOIDo over Entry A I'ierce'Mtore. 10-19-ly. J)R. w. J. ward,;;- Dentist, In .Virth tarolina lately a case was tried in which tho defendant's charaeti r having been impeached, it was sought to bolster il up hy showing he had reform and joined the church. 1 he witness who belonged to the same church, insis ted, as defendant was now a christian man, of course his character w.h belt C'uuuel asked him: "Doesn't he drink just as niueh as he did?" The witness who was colored, and evidently miliar rasscd by tho iiuiiiiry, slowly raised hii yes and said with much deliberation 'I think lie do, but lie carries it more heller." Good Aflvice. DOW T TALK TOO MUCH IF VOL' WOULD II A YE FRIENDS. Friendship is a great and glorious insti tution, whose praise wo all sing, hut whose value wo seldom appreciate, or wo Would not do so many thousand and (inn things that tend to dissipate it. To begin with, if you have a eirclo of charming friends, do Dot think that you can impose on their good naturo too often. They may be very, very fond of you, but they do not care to be continually reminded of your woes, of whatever naturo they may be. There are some, oh, so pitifully few, exceptions, that actually sympathize with you and want to help you. As rt rule, however, directly you make a wry face you can see tho change creep into the warmth of their welcome. The shadow dims the sunshine of their smile. It doesn't pay In jeopardise friendship by being too confidential. If you arc pour and do not like being keep the fact uiid (he hatred of it to yourself. Put the best foot forward, and when you meet your friends let them dis cover themselves that you are pluekily fighting your own battles, and do not ask either their sympathy or their aid. You are ever so much more certain of getting both when the lime of need arrives than if you go crying "wolf," and talking pov crlyso continually that your theme ami yourself become a nuisance. If you are uiihappy in your domestic life, how much more respect will be your quota if you keep all t lie annoying fanii ly troubles to yourself. People may fee sorry for you, but after awhile you get to a bore whom they will tako pains to avoid, whereas, if you do not annoy them with your grievances you will be coulin 11 illy received with a glad welcome and they will put themselves out ol tho way to meet you. The world is too full of sorrow for even friendship to seek out some harrow ing symptom of it in another in order sympathize with it. "Laugh and the world laughs with yon; weep, and you weep alone," is a very truthful senli nicnt. Cast a-ide your own little worri ments when you meet your friends and you will temnin popular always, but you trespass on their nllection tor you and annoy them with your real or fancied grievances you will liud yourself out ii tho cold beforo you caD say "Jack Hub inson." Philadelphia Times. THOI (JIITI L I, IMU C( l.KKK ENFIELD, N. C. JMNuOflloeover Harriaon'a Drag Sloro. doe W ly. "UK TOOK TOO LONO TO Ui:.ITIIK.IOL'RN.VI.." Daring the late session of the ltcform legislature, one of the iulelligcut Reform ers was iwrsii idcd hy a brother Reform er logo to I'hrU'ii Episcopal church in llal- eigh ouc SjIiIuiIi iiiiruin. On the following morning anulher brother Reformer asked him if he attended church the day before. After answering in the affirmative the following colloquy took place. Q. "Where did you ).o?'' A. "Over to the rock ho isc near the Capitol lot." Q. "Well, how did you like il?" A. "Well, 1 guess it was all right. but it look il in i"0 long to read the Journal. It might be suggoted that had the aforesaid Reformer given more attention to the reading of the Journals of tin 11 respective houses each day of the nessim. those important records would not be ll disgraceful abortions they are. Aa a mat ter of fact however they arc as unfit ( judge of tho correctness of the Journal of their own proceedings as they were lo appreciate the Episcopal sorvioes, al in dicated above. All Free. Thoo who liavo used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and thiwe who have not, nave now tno opportuniiv In try it f'w. " h advertised druif gist and get a trial bottle, free. Hcnd your name and address to II. E. llucklen !t Co 1 Chicago, anJ get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, tree. All ol which guaranteed lo do you good and cost you ..iLii.ii Wn ( ..linn. jtrii.nili.Pi. An exchange expresses an old tact in new languago when it aays that many graro stones are monumental liars. Burkleu's Arnica Halve. Tbe beat salvo in the world for cuts, bruises. Sores, ulocrs, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, oorm, and all skin eruptions, and post lively cures piles, or no pay required. It la fniarmnteeu 10 give peneui munaoiioa or tuooey refunded. Prion 25 ocnta per bol. For sale by Wm. Uohen. - You oever know bow fond you are of a boy until you become engaged to bis lister. "Vt hat cm 1 do lor you, miss,' in quired the clerk in a Market street drug store of a blushing young woiiiau. SI glanced aboiil her in embarrassment ami then replied : "I want some castor oil." "All right; in just a moment." The clerk moved around behind ill counter for a moment and then went tho sola fountain. "Do you like soda ?" he asked. "Oh, yes, indeed." "What flavoring do you prefer?" "Pineapple, please." The clerk drew a glass of the fizz and the young lady drank il. Then the clerk sat down on a stool and coiiiuuuccj chat with her. She was apparently an noyed hut replied courteously to all his remarks Finally she said ; If you'll give 1110 the easier oil I'll "Why, you look it in that glass of sjda." "Took it in the soda! I didn t want to tako it. It was for my lillle brother.' San Francisco Post. for I have Iwo li.lle orandeliildren who are tcelhing ibis hot summer wealhe and are troubled with bowel complaint 1 iiive them Chamlierlaiu s I uhc, ( hull and Diarrhica Itemed)' and it nets III charm. I earmly leciuiiiiiend It children with himvl troubles I was my It takeu with a svv. rc iiliaek of blood) flux, with cramps mid pains 111 my stum aoh, one third ol a hoiile ol llus icuie. cured me. Wuhi,, 1 w, ni v -loui loons was nut of bed and doine my house work Mrs. W. I. Diinain, II hi nulla, Hick man Co , Tenn. For sile hy J. N. Iln.wn, llalih.x, Dr .V. S. Ilarrim, Enfield. Slav at llom Why an' you lalmg all these photographs of men in the coon try? Summer (lirl 1 don t w ml lo forge how a man looks. While in T.peki last March, E Barker, a pmmiuedt ncwspsiier man La I vine. Kan., was lakcu Willi cimiet morbus very severely. The niuht el al I he hotel whcie he was tluppinit hap pencil to have a bottle of ( liaiiiherlain Colic. Choleia and Diarrheal Uemeil and zave him three doses whiih r lieveil him and he thinks saved his life Eviry family should keep this remedy at timet. No one can I ell how soon it may be needed.. It costs but 111 tie and be the means of saving much suffering and perhaps the life ol some member family. 25 and 60 oent bottlea For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr, A. 8. Harrison, Knucld This world's a most ecoentrie place The thought we can't dulodge One half is beggiog for the work The other wants lo dodge. lllllli III? I -MB r, S .F . ' Will . Ju,iM Mm 7ip JI ' .67. -T- I -J flT l- A I . I 1.1 1 . . g .11 U I I Latt , "i T 1 1 i A STATUE OF "THH PATHFINDER." ltio Amoolnlr-I rfiKTM of thn Tcrrlturlnl I-'OVB it C-il'f' ' il:'. who reircntW tollcltcd ennw jyUtlvti di'Mlitn-i tor th (i.'i;i'i;il I'mindiit stJitu-. liuvo splc; t 1 1: nuist aujiropflate ami artlmlo Ihnt KiibmltU'U ly Mrri Clio Illnlon tluiti'ker, of New York cuy liisperlfvinH (in to tbo nature Of tfco ilfhltfn thn t'omntttti'ft n iiU'.l Hint thn Htnry of ll.c Cr.'ol Hoclt on l"n mont I't'iik, Whi ro tloiit-rsil rrcmont t nuuivoil tho cross ns a nymtiul of tin I'nrlHtmn faith, shoulil bo tulil tn iin artistic inul hm-rcH-lvo huhuilt' Tnn Iti'iirc i f iifnpral l-'remoiit in to l o of lir;tn?.c, clk'lit lurt in nt iif in . una inuuni n on a sino ''ii-.iui oi tmtui'.uiy roimn rocK, i iurtofti iret id ihmkiii, with n tToiiz'i p;;u i. twrlvn f'Ct lwf. at li'i li.'. -" ti tho anil n n bas-rolti f oi the fXiilorlntf Duriy. tfinlnl ly Urn "l'atjitinilcr," i:i:ii tii! th'-lr wuy to thu fir-ot v.'iur tirm-rul l- rrmoiit carvotl the c roM Tills sicno r.niimrnior.ilf I 't'i'ir.iit'ej (hut fxpcilHUm wnm ih riiili,out In in iv, whi 11 tho Ji'lorCir) in:nlc iho r. itt of U::it lins r'uoo hrpn linmco Tn'iiiont'H I'cnk, tvvi In Wvonilrft. nii'l which hy ru t l Ifi'i iluluri' h::f b.-t ti rci'Tvo.l nn a mnto park. Tho Htdtue n 111 U) tree toil In KiHM.huiil ruinctfry on the b:wU of tin' Hudson rlrr noor Now York. A OIAUY. stormy First I My On the high seas: weather; disagreeable company. Second Day Captain viry admirable made a declaration of love and offered me his heart and hand; rejected. Third Day Captain returns lo the charge; threat' is to kill me, commit suicide and blow up the whole vessel with 1100 persons; rejected. Fourth Day Saved the lives of 300 persons. liAMiKK .IN IT. Hostess Well, Tuiiimie, you can tell your mother for me that you arc the best behaved boy at table t ever met. Tomiiiic Thank you ma'am, but I'd rather not. I liiftess Rather not! And why pray? Touimie She'd think 1 was sick ma'am, and send for the doctor. 1 Inr per's Bazaar. THE DRUMMER'S STORY. Who of uji have not al smn limn In our llvM stonrwrt to listen to tho Jovlul trnvHinff mW mftn'H Intent Htor 1 Mr IloriM-oTuvlor, n l ine i,?m artlHt, lum fontrlhuu-il Hi-vorul " count rv iik.'trhi'M " to tho TinU'M-llt-mUt of t hit t city, tho mm nhowii ntove lining atnonK tho bo it lly looklnu t Ibo itlcturu one oun oiihiIv Imaiitiio tlir lutlf hour wim for tntln timo wlion tno tire IcHh suli'inmii, ttlwayu milmi to ploitrio, liiipmvo-i tho tlmo hy oiitfrtnliiInK tho iiirrchatil's jwironit with ii Ntury prohithly uhl uiid hciird many lliucu before, hut told with thut vivlilillH lilu'llU HH l in l m:iuos H tiimniv iri-iT.un r A FIlt.M WKMAIj. Father "I saw you kiss my daughter last night, sir, and " Young man "I beg your pardon, you did nut." Father "Bui I say I did. Young man "And I insist ynu did not. Wo had the gas turned oil. KOOF I'O.SITIVi:. "How aic you gelling along with your music?" "Well, of course, it wouldn't be proper for llic to compliment myself, but some of the neighbois have told me that they have slaid awake at nijit for hours lis tening to my I'l.i) in;:," iiMirrTi:h At I nilT THAT .-Then," naid the lodge, sunimln,, up the list '.i;';r;l;-n;;rri; "von adin t t hut vi n e im'raieiv run on. ........ ...... ., . o&rind that. I., order to .wnno detection, yon were prepared to poison hl" Ai whTt' .rluerey can there bo for a woman of thlrty-flvo years of ."',."7 i i.,i..rninir.il the nrlsoncr. an ancry llglit In her lliiininiiiiiiiiiii"', V ..- , i "1 deny tliat, nt any rato !" N. . world. eye I ' INVITIXU TKOCIILi:, MaL'islrato You say tho prisoner's assault upon you was enlirely unpro voked: Complainant Eulircly, your honor. I just came up lo him aud said, "This is pretty hot, inn t it?" and thco 1 Magistrate (sternly) The prisoner is discharged. NO KKK1) I'OK l'KAYKUN. Tommy "Do you say your pray every night? Jimmy Yes. "And does your maw say hers?" "Yes." .lAnil iliuw vimr na?" "Naw. Paw don't need to. It's al most daylight when he gits to bed. THEORY THAT IT VAX HE TAITEI) FOR ALL THE EL ECTRICl TV NEEDED. Ilias B. Dunn, Ihe weather observer New York, has been studying almos- lierie electricity for a few years. The rgeant, as they used to call him; (he farmer as they call bin; now, said the other day lliat he will live lo sec the day when electricity collected from the iil- pherc and stored by some means which an Edison or a Tisla will have lo vise will revolutionize the world. The prophet expects that cities will be lighted :inil heated by atmospheric electricity; lhat every train and car will bo run, hied and healed by il; that coal will become a curiosity; that steam heating will be granny talk to the children of the xt generation; lhat the telegraph and phone companies will lose their mo- polios; that war will become a farce, leeause a touch of electricity will make the British (irenailicrs or the German 1'hhins nr the Scot.'h Highlanders sit down on the cold ground powerless. Even the dreams of communication with the inhabitants of Mars will become realties, and a man will be able to strike up electricity as he docs a parlor match. ere will be no more trolley strikes, be cause there will be no more trolleys. Mankind will tap the atmosphere for al most any convenience except food and lothing wiil be woven aud the food will cooked by atmospheric electricity; trect cleaning will bo as easy as ihe ma gician's "Presto, change!" and everybody will live comparatively happier ever after, .Mr. l'unnissure that bis ideas arc practical and probable. The atmosphere his constant study, and having intro duced general humidity to the public as the principal element in uncoiufoitabli ays, he has dctciunued that llic polcut nicnt for good in tho air we breath hall be wasted. Why, he said, the whole atmosphere is soaked with electric, ity. The earth, as is well known, is a store house of elcctricly. That it passes from thceloudi to the earth we can see in ry thunderstorm. The earlh is a good conductor, especially damp earth, and water is llic best conductor possible. Ev- ry person is possessed of body electricity. The vital force is all in Ihe electrical pow ers you coutain in your body. When the day is damp, you become weakene irough the loss uf yuttr bodily electric ity, because the aliuusplicro is a greater conductor of the electrical fluid than jour nly will pass to this nmist, damp air. Thai is the cause of lb it tired feeling. This passing of elect ricly to the atnio:" pbere enervates you to such a degree that person in a naturally weak state will collapse or become much worse by Ihe Kss of the bodily electricity. The atmos phere being charged with electricity and the earth being a storehouse for it, if there were some controllable method ol storage devised by which you could draw oft a moderate amount of electricity at will and keep that force on lap all the thro, with an appliance by which power could be generated and there's no rea son why that can't be done then tin atmospheric electricity would make all the wheels in the world go around. The barons would be done up. There would be no more need for coal. There ought to be enough electricity in Ihe alraus pbere to supply light and heat as well as lo do all the work. Boston Transcript. Tie Momentous Question. IT HAD TO HE SETTLED HE FUR E SHE WOULD CON SENT TO HE HIS. "My heart pleads for you, Horace," she said, unsteadily, "but do you realize the anguish, ihe misery, the remorse that follow n union hastily entered into by two persons not wholly suited to each other?" Kviulne I" impetuously cried ihe young man, "if two persons are deeply, sincere ly, devotedly attached to each other arc they not wholly suited ? What more is necessary ? Does llic loving heart slop to reason coldly when with every pas sionate throb it " Is il not possible, Horace," i-ho gent ly interposed, "lo mistake a transient im pulse for an abiding love ? Mut there not be at the basis of nil true affection a mutual respect, forbearance, toleration that will cudure wheu " "There is only one question, Evadne Whaeksler! Do you " "Horace Huekstep I" sV.e exclaimed wildly, "there is more iban one question! The liioiiieiituiis coiisi iiuenccs of a fatal mistake must not " "Evadne, hear me " "Horace, I confess I have no other attachment, and that I cannot regard you with indifference " "My dar " "Stop !" "Don't torture me, dearest! Listen to ihe voice of your heart and " With trembling lips ihe interrupted him again: "Horace, you arc keeping something back from me!" "Before heaven, I am not !" "Then tell me, Horace Huekstep," she said convulsively, "how you stand on the question of the free coinage of silver I" Chicago Tribune. WHY WK DKINK. ADVERTISEMENTS. JAPANESE Ja, CURE A w finl (Voi ! Trwtfmmit. rnnfMlnn r( RtM'I'UHJTnKlr;:, t'mmiW of nintm-i t nnd t.i lu.- ..f (lu.tli. -ill. A ih-vit f1 it. a f' :r f'i." I'll" hwrj rut urn mill 'Will' If m.tlc- an nii-m'tnii mf ill., kt.ll'. nr iri).ih.m- .f .iifin.U.' ini-l. whii-h r- 1' ilnf nl mill nmIiIuiii ii (tiriuiiir n nifw, nnrt oflmi n1- mitiiii' in iWiii, UII-HTIS..UU. uVh rndurn thyj torribto dmeime ? Wo ttuamntnn 6 bORoa lo cum arjf cupm, V m ntr i f.ir bmuAiiK it oivr.r tl iHoi.U i fi. 8--nt hy mull, JAPANESE PiLE OINTMtflT, 2 Sc. a Box COSSTIPATIONrjfiSS:1; I) r- t ) I V II' Kill H'KiMA.:il llKdl'LAlf Jit tuiii l-.!.Ot - H 1(11 Ir.K- t-tmji, tuil'i pMuwnt l.i lbki-,'-i.wtul!i inlni ta Ur rf:Mrn' uw, W Uutud t;t'ijl. For sale 1y W. M. COIIES, Drnwjlsl, i-!i-ly Wehlun, N. C I will coulintii' in ilispnf-e of Hip, stock o( 1'. N. .StiiiiilcM-k tSc liro., at the corner storo. Ilavct nihil jus, mlilt'il a tVantiliil of NEW DRESS GOODS ami Klaplc Dry ("looils, Notions, and fur nisliiitcoiuls. Also toll line of Mines, (iioecrii s and (ieneral Merchandise. Food Crank Doctor "Bread is the stall' of life? Nonsense. If you cat il when it is fresh you will die of indiges tion. If you cat it when it is stale, vou wili die of disease germs that have lodged in il. In short, there is nothing so fatal to life as bread." Patient "Then you advise me to eat something else ?" Food Crank Doctor "My dear fellow, science has little to oiler you in the way of advice. Everything else is as delete rious as bread, and, of course, lo cat nothing al all will result in death by starvation." Patient "Ureal Scott I I guess (he only thing for me to do is to lake to drink." I.OOKINO HACK. npr 11 ly. A. L. STAIN BAIX Agt. 1 J," means so much more than 4 you .marine serious and ihtal tlisc iscs result froniY trifling aihiv ' ' neglected. Don't play v. iih Nature's greatest iU health. j ' I If yiu .ire feeling 'MX t' rt,Wtf;ik ! -..,U:.!ly ex- .W lt.ll, ln'IXOU'I, no .;;.'' itt! i:-l . VI or, n. at .or. fk- I .It- r,t rt-i' t; t licoili if ltit,wn Iron liit (rrs. A U-v ti t tles cuil boitrfil roiiu-ii Inmi the vviy lirst tloi-'c- it him' slaia v. Mr int;, a.l It's plvitJlit tu tukc. JBrowiB Iron itters It Cures ly.'.tKpln, kidney and Liver 9 ienraiia, iroumcs, C'instiptitloil, Dad Blood i M.'d.iria, Ncrvou.s nllmcnt.i Women's complaluis-. lot II lus , in: t-.'t All ntlt.K. :o -.uli- ll.s.'Oi.l WurlJ'a 1-i.lr VuU'4 Uh.1 l.ool: Iict 1 USU.'.'M CHLM.CIVL CO. rLUORr.. MO. i- In, . SlllllU oil ely II, r , l!,e ,i.u,i..-i. , I Hi lei eij'l . She Well, Clarence, dear, llic situa tion is not quite as rosy as it was pictured to us In fore marriage, is it? He Well, unt altogether so, love. She I wish cr I wish He What do you wish, dearest? She I wish we had the rice and the old shoes they threw at us when we were married. A lt.VIMO ONK. MUillT UK I.O.VDKO. Down in Georgia, recently, a Presby terian minister received a visit Irom a colored pastor, who wanted counsel : "Well, sir, it's jest ibis way," said he; "1'se done preached myself plumb out. 1'se worked on election, sanctiliealion, predestination till I couldn't say another word to save my life." His while brother suggested lhat he should preach a ser nion, by way ol change, on "lliou Mian Not Steal lor a text. "Well, liuss, Ual eeitaiiilvis a good texl;hut I'm nions'uus Irani it will produce a coolness in llic congregation. Ohambrlaln'a By. and 8ktn Olntmant I. mi nllnl for Ken-mil. feller, Salt- Hlieum, Said Head, Sire Nipples, Chapped llsmls, Helmut ruin, minis, rr hums I 'lil-uiiieSore Kvi-s and lininuliiteil Kve I.HW. For sale hy drou-jisis nt ii -nl kt Ihii, 10 liCHSL: 0VTKE29. For liiiltine a horse in a line healthy Con dition trv Dr. t'ailv's rnndilinn l'onders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss 01 appciHe, n-iii-vi- iiiiisiipin .in..-.. kidney disonlers mid dislroy wimiis, giving new life lo an old ur ovcr-wnrkwl how. . iiit rier package. For sale by druggists. For sale J. N. Brown, Halifax, and I r, A. S. Harrison, Enfield. A HINT TOTHi: WISE, Salan (at the gates of shod) Who are all you people? Dude We are first swell coaching party of the season. I was llic amateur driver. Satan (lood. Leave your parly here and go up for a new coach load. I al ways believe in encouraging merit. .Y Y. Woild. When in Need anything in tlie GROCERY LINE pi caw remfinttor that I am still at C L. Clark h old stand with a lull and complete assortment mid will !k) ylad to se my ninny t'riciids. Can save yon money on all goods in my line. 1 am agent for It VIXMtD'rf "OMI.I.ISK" 1 roi'H which I Kiiaraitttie to he the hwt on the market Patapwo not expoptwl. Will make prices satisfactory. A lull lino of l nuts toniectionertcti. I'lirara, loiiacpo on hand at nil timon. Mi. J. 1. Shearin isstill with ino and will Ik tflad to we hit many fricuils. tltve me a rail. Your truly, P. E. LYNN, NATL UK'S ritOHIKITIOX. Diiiubleton They say, dear boy, that wit is the wine id intellect. Flasher Then you're in luok, old man; there's no d mger of your ever b coming inloxicali d. NEW A D V E KT I S K M E N TS. aW .. Maidens, withering ou llio slalk Hide in carriages or walk; Maidens, blooming fresh and fair, Uo wheeling, wheeling everywhere. Suinclimc ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. 1 used Chamber lain'! Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my fiiends aud customers to try the rem edy and all speak highly of it. Simon tloldbaiim, San Luis Hey, t'al. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powdor, Highest ol all in leavening strength. (ileal U. S. 0'iivanmrnt Food Rrpart. Hoyai. Bakinii I'owniu Co., lot Wall St., N. Y. July 2G ly. GET THE BEST When yon aro almnttnhuy nRew1n?MaohlM do not be oVeoive.l hy allurint; ad-'ertitenieati nnil Ive 1'1 to think you ca t the bent matlo luiosi nuiMicu Him Most Popular for n merr sonR. Sop to It that vou buy from reliable tu.iim t.iftiircrn that have nint-tl a rrputittionhv l.oiu-.-t itnltwjuriro liMliliK, vou win un kv a Sowing Machine that i noted tho world iiviT for itn dura bility. Yon want the one that ii easiest to turnings: and i$ t Light Running F"-'? There Is none In the world that LT T..TTrun aiiiiiril In dim-hanifMlI CnB- MjJ striKtion, (htrnbility of worklnR piMlH, iiiu'iiunri ill iiiusii, ucnuij In npncHiantc, or bos u niauy tui pro vemtnta as tho New Home t hat Automatic Trimlon, Double Fc4. alftt nn both rn.W f.ol n.-eille (ifi, no other Ima ttiNew:it.ii 'i v tij. 'In whei-lbinnea on u. I in i -1imt ,iliut.n ilii.ii.,- i.n-iion to A..- iiiiniii.ui.', WRITE 10 CiRC'.'iaARS. IUji imMeMiAi. I'.l-. AT1..M .1. roil aLi v P. N. STAINBACK.- AtlKST FOR Wr.I.DOS, Agents wanted cvcrywhereX mar 7 finl. f.J ... a T.sw''s1 POULTRY AND GARDEN FENCE And mtvke a special Horta, Cattl and Hop Fence Yard, Caiuetrry, and 0ve Iot Kenelng a Bptolt.lty Wc rmw ill rrvlffht. Catalocu rrt, iTL BUliU.Aiifc.()l.ll, AtiiiXTA V , W. HI. HABLISTON i CO., Wholesale and ltelail Dealers in ISO CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattreasea, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M. HABLISTON CO., No. 30 N. Sycamore St., r.UnhBrtt, Va in SR 1T.

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