sL&WliK a ' ' JOIIIT W. SLEDGE, PKOPRIKTOK. .A. NBWSPAPEB FOK TUB IF E O IF L IE TEBMSH'O PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXX. WKLDON, N. C, TUURSDAY, JUNK 27. 1895. NO. 11. NEW ADVEUTISEMKNTri. RUN DOWN WITH DYSPEPSIA STOMAOH Liver AND HEABT arracTso. Almost in Deipair Bui rtnallr 'CURED Br Taking .AYER'S PILLS "For Mtcen years, I wl a peat suf- o iSrer Ironi Iniltsestlon In Its worst loran. I teitod the mill ol many doctors, but o ; arew worse and worse, until I be came o 10 weak I could not walk fifty yards J ' without having to att down and rest. My oj . ed, and I thnuirtit I would surely die. I 1 tried Ayer'i Pills and they helped me ol ' right away. I continued their use and am now entirely Well. 1 don't know of anything that will so quickly relieve e and eure the terrible suffering ol dys sepsis a Ayer'a rills."-John C. 1 FaiTcaAHD, Uroille, Warren Co., N, C. ol AYER'S PILLS Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'! FAIR cooooooooooooooooeooooo Hard Earned Waps. AN ARTISTS ITEMIZED HILL FOR TOUCHING UP A A OLD CllUKCIi PAINTING. She Saw Him Hone. DESPITE JUS MISFORTUNE, HE WAS POLITE, AND SUE REPAID II 1M. i Copyright, ISM 1 An old church io Belgium decided It wan on Woshington avenue car. to repair its prtijM-riii-H, ami employed an Tho lime, just before C o'clock, when llic artist to touch up a laige paiuting. Cpon Qtjiluing throng commences to ruh west- presenting his kill, lli" commilleo in ward for home, supper nml rest, charges refused payment unless tho uV Ho is oue oflheuiost widely knswu men tails were specified, whereupon ho pre- about town in (ho city, ono whoso intcl- sonted tho items as follow loclual brighlness is frciucutly tho theme To correcting tho Ten Command- for many tongues, but to offset his many mcntii, ? 12 good qualities ho has one bud, and that, Embellishing Pontius Pilate, and I too, a very bail one, the habit of imbibing putting ucw ribbous on his bun- I too freely of thoso liquid refreshments net, 11 02 1 which frequently results in one's legs having a falling out with each other. The car was crowded and several women 2 20 1 were standing clingiugly, almost toppling over every time the car started or stopped. 0 18 One of these was a winsome little beauty, and the wonder only was that one of the brute sitting down had not offered her 5 02 hislplacc, but ho hasn't. She was standing directly in front of him, and as she noted him and saw his H condition, which was very "jagged," a look of recognition and cmbrasauicnt jol31y. Sweet Dreams I la aba dreaming of orange Aowent Is she writing a poem on loraf 1 la she building Spanish towers, la tbe aatdet ol atiasa bownni, The sweet little Innocent dear? NO. This HwN't Child is dreaming ol ilie wonderfully low pritcs at which t lie Putting now tail on the rooster of St. Peter, and mending his comb, Kepluming and gilding left wing of Guarding Angel, Washing the servant of the High Priest, and putting carmine on bis cheeks, Renowing Heaven, adjusting the stars, and cleaning up tho moon, Touching up Purgatory, and re storing lost souls, Brightening up tho flames of Hell, putting new tail on tho Devil, ending his left hoof, and do ing scverul odd jobs for tho damned, Rcbordcring tho robes of Herod, aod adjusting his wig, Taking the spots off the sun of Tobias, Cleaning ltaalim's As, and put ting ono shoa on him, Putting earrings iu Sarah's cars, Putting a new stono io David's sling, enlarging the head ol Ooliah, and extending Saul's b-'K". Decorating Noah's Ark, and put ting a head on Slu m, Mending the shirt of the prodigal son, and cleaning his ear, Caa Be Heart Break ? PHYSICIANS SAY NOT, YET IMAGINATION PLAYS SAD FREAKS. 00 1 30 70 71 Suior'PriutiDCoiDpy The bill was paid. TIIKI'OPILAK WOMAN, 3 OG spread over her flawerlike face. Ho didn't see her or any one else fir a few moments, but presently looked up and saw the women standing. Ho appc prcciatcd full the fact that he should offer 7 11 1 his place to one of the number, but oven moro fully that if he tried to stand up ho would fall down. He was in a most un comfortable predicament. Presently an inspiration came to him, and his face brightened liko a glorious Bunset, and he at once proceeded to car ry out his idea. Touching lightly upon the arm to at tract her attention, he lifted his hat, and with a Chersterfieldian bow and smile said: "Mis?, I am really too drunk to stand while I know I should offer you my place. but t can do the next best thing. You may sit in tuy lap. There wag a spasm of mirth in tho car 158 42 fur a few moments, during which the young lady leaned over and said: "Cousin, I thank you for your good inteutions and courtesy, but 1 believe you G 1.1 3 31 2 39 A FEMIN1N13 HEASON. " Honor liriirtli, now, Nellie, why did you mnrry Mr. .lonen V iouu..'. a .! (uu.,w I rnthpr liked him. nuil he. hus men! v of mouoy,' and dear, the way thnt Simpson jrirl let everybody see stao was Just dying to have bim was just shameful. Now, I couldn't let her have him, could I ? EVIL ENOUGH. "There is evil enough in man, Ood knows I But it is not tho mission ol overy young man and woman to detail and report it all. Keep the atmosphere as pure as possible ana iragrant Willi gentleness and charity." Dr. Hall. HIIK'DGO FAKTIIKU. Irief does not kill, and it is indeed Very seldom that heavy sorrow causes death to anyone win ti iu healthy couditiun. It is, however, eilher by bringing di-cases tu a climax, or by rendering the Biiflerer more liable to its attack, Iranian is convinc ed that his grief is moro than he ran bear, thoso whohavo studied the mailer agree lhat, through the force of his own imagination, the man will actually die from a "broken heart." The great Napoleon was killed by nn internal disease, but it is supposed that it would not have been fatal had not his spirits been bo depressed through exile and defeat. William Pitt, the orator, is said to have died from a "broken heart caused by bis greut grief at tbe failure of his cherished hopes and plans. And there have been many other such instances in the history of ibis country. When plagu.'B arc rating in a town, statistics show that as many die Irom (right and imaginary causes as from the real epidemic, so great a hold has the fear of death on some peo ple, If a man is coodemned to bo shot, it has often occured that on the word "fire' he has dropped lifeless, although, through A SAINT. "Is it true, George," sighed the beau- tilul girl us she gazed at the man who had just proposed, "is it true that you can put the buttons into your link cuffs without losint! your temper?" "It is," said (ionrge, fondly. "Will, then," said I he proud girl, alorlugly; "taku me, I am yours." MOVH I I' FRONT, I'l.l'.AHi:.' Miss Yuungun "The re-cnts of the stale university have abolished tho di Woe of bachelor of letters." Miss Oldiiu "I am so pleased to hear it; if I had my way 1 would abolish bach- accident or design, no bullet has in reality I clors entirely." WEI.D0N N. C I I have as much as you can carry now. iuuiiupumr wuu..u . ..... ...... At the word cousin ho ranked sonic- - M.urain.ouiAi.BMv, - . whether she is pretty or ugly. what startled, and when his wits were t,r,,nn,m. not ,,,,crry whether she is brilliant or toal0whllt cuUuctoa perCBivcd that in Letter Heads, Packet Heads, stupid, but simply revel in the lact tnat ,. , fa! I ... t l .1. .L- 1: I She was true blue, too, for when they Hill Head. Envel.pM, Lvervbodv likes her whether sho like Programmea, Ticket", mem or not. nuu urn. is uic ti ui tt-i tie- tf. I this cilraordinarv iwdu anlv. Oho does not tiy for it, for if she did the effort would lie discovered and her object at ooeo shattered into the smallest of at torns. No, the popular woman it so because he cannot help it. Nature has endowed her with an amount of personal magnet urn lhat attracts people to li T without "Write fur samples and prices. E- I.. IlAYWARP, PBOI'UimiB. arrived at his gettiog off place, she ulso got off and saw him safely home. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. TUB NEW WOMAN'S THUM II. An Irish street ear conductor called nut shrilly to the passengers standing in the aisle: "Will thiui in IVoiit platj to tnovii up take the places of Ihiiu in front, an' lave room for lliim who are nayther in fornt nor behind? "- Harper's Bazaar. It Xhoiilil he In I'.vcry House. J. I!. Wilson, 371 Clay si., Kharps- btiic, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, LoiiL-lis and Colds, lhat it cured li wife who was throatciicd with I'ncumn. nia after an attack of "La Orippe," when various othet remedies and several phy sician had done her no good. Hubert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has dono him more good than anything he has ever used for Luug Troubles. Nothing like it. Free trial bottles at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Large bottles 50c. and $ 1 .00. ADVERTISEMENTS. MMl Easily, QotcKly, Permmiitlj Ristond. MAGNETIC NERVINE! riuiLvklUnhotMl. 1 urniw) It Mid with writ ton gf URrtatlt tO WMakl II Nsiroua Ihtlnlil v ii tul ull tliusvllt from Mrlv or ltf m- (wmimm). tlitj rtwultH of uvurwork, wmrfT, lioktiiNM, wl'. Full ritniiigtth, tn Riid drlopnwi.t fivvu to mttry uruHii tir lorlion ft tit tnntjr, luiprtivii iiiixit iiniiiHlmO ly Biwii from Hit Ant but- TiHhim- tin of l.'lttn of prntmou iliiiDuiirotHfl -iiiTiml in vohI iKiutiMt. Hn( by ninil to (ii'ftounwiitof price. Ou monUi'l trnl it in .-in h Inix, l'rf. 1 .00, ft imih. $ft.0O, with i ii ti'ii (iiiiirHiiUw tu ri'hiud moitnr if liotounnJ. tu list for tho (JoDuitisi. ('iroulau Vra. I'or mlo by W. M. COIIKN, Dn-iits 5 ! y Wtblon, N. C I will continue to dispose of the stock ot '. N. Ktainliaek ft lini , at the corner storo. Have nlsojitsl added a lieautitul line of NEW DRESS GOODS anil Staple Dry OocmIs, Nolioufi, auil t'ur niHliiiiiiowlfl. Also lull line of Plioes, (Jnn'i'M'ii'H aiul Ueueriil Mercliandise. Tyf SOUTHER, PETERSBUIUl, VA. ELECTRIC LIOIIT8. EI.ECTKIC BELLI? ACCOMMODATION 910. f. 8NODGBAS8. I'mprietnr, late ot llutler, The ouly first clam hotel in trie city. Commercial raUw, $1. to M per day. Ft f isni'S" ? v DR. H. 0. HYin'SSimORIUM. ' KIN8TON, N. C. VOISUSES Of THE HE DID 6ENEKAL tUKSEM- 8 3 ly. . 1 1 i The thumb is now regarded by the thoughtful student of palmistry as the little bird that whispers secrets about character. The new woman's thumb . . . ... the slightest volition of her own, and stands at right augles to lid hands every onoe thus attracled they swear by her tin". If "ants a submissive wile 000.0 what will, whether she be kind to let him see to it that he weds a woman them or inclined to show tho cloven foot whoso thumbs lie flat or droop a little, in the gentle feminine style known to The weak man's thumb is weak and pcu- tbe willful woman.- """'I slroDK m,a ' luu,uu "uw v . ,; i,i ,1,., and orect. This same little bird can bo i rum - -1 ... theooDular woman is the ono who rel ra gu .. .A ' ailii as Dleasautlv upon the owner ot i - . lbs building io which the elevator is run. The smiles are uot studied, they come spontaneously. It is just as easy foi the popular woman to bo kind as to be cross, therefore, some one will say it is not to her credit to b popular, aod no more it is. Nature has made her so. Hot own swoet uuoy temperament at tracts fries Is as eertaiuly as molasses at tracts flies. It is all nonsense to give a woman id vie how to be popular. IJ ulcus her own inoer nature is such that it calls all tie world friends there H do earthly ase ii endeavoring to asaooth off the rougl TUB SUMATRA RHINOCEROS IN THE LEIPZIQ ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. The apromnnnvlng engravliill Is frntn a drtvtiltiK murtii rtlrn'tly tmm tho tipolmen ol tho Hhlnnceri'S sumiuransis now Iu trio roologlcul minlen at Lelpifl. i ins nn-l luiotner speoirooa now In th" roologlenl pardon ut lluaftPcst-wero ofti-ruia w itil'sio Hum reimm:. n small isioiia nn i..n..t.rn r.,... nt Wulma.!. This mM-l,s tviut (Imt found In Sumntin ulmut onn hundred yeors ego Thf cnitravtiin i.hows rlpnrly the roal ot .lift hulr. so unusuul In a vMiiopproi, whloh eovors us bftoh, ne.-u, ears and leg., giving It n tnosl pecullnr appnarnnct- 'f lie tolds ol the .hi. ... In tho li..lliin rMnnrrn. nrn mmltOi'd in fill. hlx-CUs. mulllnkT It a Conncetlng link r-elnren ttio lormer and tho Atrlean rhlnocroa. rt dlfl rs Imdi both of l!iO-;o hpnclrs alt-o In regard t, tin' nuinncr mm iii'Tciopiuuin oi in Buru. ir biukxisii n.i i-u ... not neiirly us mueh dm'i'lms'd as tlne ol tho lwo-honivit Alrl. nn rhlnvi-ros. lt height at tho houldtir Is onr.iu 4 trot! Inrhee mid Itsrolor Udork timwn Spo.-linrns ol this ipi-clis are rery rure iliniiKh moro or them ma bo .ion heroutter. lor civilization, which Is killing off animals ol many kinds, la also bringing to Htrhl miwiT oihers. holeniint- Amsricsn. secreU she will like to know about th man io whom she is interested. You can tell at a glanou at a man's thumb w belli or he is sn aimless thinker or a man who oarries his ideas 'or some one else's iuto execution. lias juat received a fresh lot of CANDY, I gjgeg and acquire the manners that mean plaiu and fancy. Also raisins, mixed nuts, , ,, ... :, Chestnuts, coroanuts, appl, bananas, " uch to the woman tlist meaa n Florida oraogoe, plaiu and lancy cates. I Popularity is a gin, a rare one, li is tru , Ijtnrs asHorluteut of HOLIDAY GOODS. Bhon flr bum, wagons, carta, dolli . . . I ...... I I I.. Iu., .l.lknM aiocsa, cnamner iwi, uw"j w.,iwi.. fiue hoi paper, eigars, inuff, Uiluuxx) and many fancy notions too numerous tu usa- liou. u iy. IIElt AUK. "And what is your age, madam? ' was the atloruey's qutttioo. "My own," sho answered promptly. "I mean how old are you?" "I am not old, sir," with indignation "I beg your pardon, madam I mean how sainy years have you passed. "None The years have passed ate.' "How many of them have passed you?' "All. I never heard of them stopping. "Madam, you must answer my ques tien. 1 want to know your age. "I don't know that the acquaintance aod one that onoe owned cannot, like oth er treasures, be lost, for owning it honest l it follows tho possessor as persiatcntlj IS desired by the other side, as a bad reputalioe, and we all know thai "I don't see why you insist upon refus .1... K.. l.-i ir however hard we inu to answer my question," said th. iua, vaiw, w w, --j i - - may. Philadelphia Times. loraey. "I'm sure I would tell how old was if I wore asked. "But nobody would aak you, fur every NOT AN AUTHOR. Do you mean to tell me you wriie for the newspapers?" What's to prevent me as long as I enclose tho subscription prices?'' WHEAT. How subtly does the skill of Art Combine wilh Nature's power, When man c impels a sack of wheat To blossom into flour. lei I the gun, There is a queer case on record con cerning the daughter of a celebrated French novelist, who was deeply interest ed in one of her father's storicB. It ap peared iu installments, and tho heroine was suffering from consumption. As the girl brooded over tho sad fate of tho he roine, sho, too, suddenly manifested the same symptoms. A physician recommend ed her falhei to restore the heroine to health, which he did a few chapters on, land at the same time as the girl in the novel recovered, so also did his too sen timental daughter. Philadelphia Times. WHAT CAUSED THE IIAUU TIMES, JuniiR HuBluitli, of Iowa, says it is the cxislenco of co operations- (Jeorge Oould says it is the hostility to corporations. The farmer says it is the low price m wheat. The silver men say it is the action of Wall street. Tho Wall street men say it is the ac tion of the silver men. Tho manufacturer say it is the fear of free trade The consumer say it is the tariff. The debtor say it is the creditor. The creditor say it is the debtor. The Democrats say it is the Republi cans. The Republicans say it is the Demo cratB, Tho Populists say it is both. Tho Prohibitionists say it is whiskey. The preachers suy it is the devil. Now, what is your idea.' TAKE TIME. She (poutingly) "Before wo wete married you used to bring me candy ev ery time you cumo." Ho (briskly) "Ycb, my dear, and it cost a good less than the meat and potatoes I bring you now." Cubwiggcr "You seemed rather amused over the idea ol your wile s wealing bloomers."' Smith "You'd be amused yourself if you sec could her when she tried to find something in hci work basket and emptied it into her lap." mhv vi:akh Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over lilty years by millions of motliois tor children, while teething, with nefect success. It soothes the child. softens the uums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sullerer immediately. Sold by druggists in eery part of the world. i,i cents bottle. He sunt and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothiut! Syrup," aud lake no oth er kind. "But, papa," pleaded the impassioned maiden, "he is the only man I love "That's right," replied the brutal old man; "I am glad that a daughter of mine does not love more than one man at lime." While at Peekskill.N. Y., Mr. J. A Scriven, a prominent manufacturer of New York City, purchased a bottle Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Such good resulls were obtained Irom Its use that he sent back to the druugist from whom he had obtained it for two more hollies of the same remedy. When you have a cough or cold give this preparation a trial and like Mr. Scriven you will waut it when aguiuin need ol such a medicine. It is a remedy of great worth and merit. 2,1 and 30 cent bottles. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, lr. A. S. Harrison, KnGcld. ft. L. STftlNBACKi gt. :ipr 11 ly. In IPoor Health ' means so much more than fyou imagine serious and ' lat.i! diseases result Iroin f trillinti ailments ni'plectetl. Don ttilay ii" Natures ' greatest gilt health. mil Brown's Iron Bitters you ntfrcllti ol noils, wal il vfiicully en ! tusit'tl, iitfivous, il: 111) U ll'ltlV nd t.'tn't wtiiSt, he (jiu al oiirt idk ny, tliMiiostitlu- ii vdit iiiv.wlm lt is KiiiUII iKill Kit tit. A few t-Mit-Hsi tute-bcitefit come tiom the wry luil tiose ii ttam jour f.4, and It's ukiitailt tu take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neurftlgbi, Troubles, 'Constipation, Bad Blood Malurta, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get only the iTi-nuiii it ha. trowed red f lines mi tltf wf-ii'tier. All otWri 1m1 ut- sliluti's On it'criht of (wo ?c. ills tup we will M'lul iti't ol l en Beaimiiii www - I ir VUw mi ui book 1 1 f BKlV.VN CHEMICAL CO. BALriWORE, Ma V."ftJNtfVSl"ll" July 2G ly. CAPES HOR SUMMER EVENING WEAR. Let us take time for tbe good bye kiss Wo shall go to the day's work with a sweet- I orspirit foi it. Let us lake time to speak I kind words to thoso we love, liy and by, when they can no longer hear us, our fool ishness will seem more wise than our best wisdom Let us take time to be pleasant. The small courtesies which we often omit because they arc small will some day look larger to us than the wealth which we have I coveted or the fame for which we ban struggled. Let us take time to get ac- auainled wilh our famine s. The wealth I you are accumulating may ho a doubtful blessing to the s in who is a stranger to yi.u Your beautifully kept house, busy mother, . i .i j Iean never be a nome to tue uaugnur whom you have no lime to caress, Christian Herald. Guest "liy J eve, I've eaten such a hearty dinner that I guess I'll havo to go upslaits and sleep it off." Hotel clerk "In that case, we'll have to charge you wilh a meal taken to Join room." lie "I heir you attend the Handel and llaydn performances. Were you present at the 'Creation?" She (indig D' ly) "I suppose you will next want to know if I sailed in Noah's ark" Trilby, Trilby, give us your answer true. What in the name of goodness have we ever done to you? Oh, wed with me; oh, bo my wife, be the sunshine of your life." Suushiiie! Ilnrnrsl" said the maid, Such talk at ninety in the shade!" riturtuixiofiAi. i a hi i.i. IAMBS M. MJLI.BN, wiLTiis..ASiai! MULUb OAMIIL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLPON, N. C. rrwtlra la thecoartaof HalUM anlNorthanpi SioauillD theHupirniaand r,4ml rutirts. Uol rtlutumada Id allnarUof Horta Carolina. ub ism at lUll&i. N. 0.. own vt Mow ar- an ' if rjU. T. T. BOBS, DENTIST, Weldon, N. 0. WOfflea over Emry A Pierce's f tore, io-1. .x. t v , . ' J)R, W.J.WARD,&- ENFIELD, N. C. m.Offloaor Hantsu'i Droj Stort, c01y. ObamtMriaia-s wr ...---. . . . . . . J, lll fnf torn Tvtlvr, Ball- uUn j... - Rhtum, rald Head, Hon Nicies, I'bamwd better thai to be asking a woman her age. Hands, Itehinij Pdes, Burns, Frost Biua, , , Chrm.lcSoiwKy.aOrwuUlsdtytlJC "- . For sals by druofoUa at HO cants per noa. . ,"' r,., ",; " TO BOIU OWllM. .. 1 Forrjottini ahnrseiaalitM healthy coo-1 u-i.ii. T....v. V.,.h V. T lota of apprtiU, reliefs eooatlpaUon, correct La Cygne, Kan., was Isken with cholera kidney disorders and destroy worms, givina morbus very severely, ino tiignt dom mw Ufa to aa old or of ar-worked horse. 1(0 I ,i the bote! wbeie he was HoppinK hap- ats per pacaaj tor sal y arttHwa, rf ()) g bo(llo of C'balll)M.raiD i For sale J. N. Brown, Halifax, and I r. , : chocla 1Dci Diarrhusa Remedy A. S. Harrison, hnfield. ,D(i a,e ,iree dom-s which nliefcd him sad he thinks saved his life. Kfery If you oould slip a belt on Cuba, ber family should keep this remedy al all rerolutions would ran tba maohinery of times. No one can tell how soon it uisy .. , , be needed. It costs out nine sou way mo worm. . ... . . ..:. DO IIW OJOaUn UI H.imk iuv. '-ft ..J ihii lifii nf aonifl member of a f . kll -i,k . ""17 . ... ... oemsuiuw fv i mwm uw..,.... rii. vj ro oeni uottsss stuck of rheumatism. I used Chamber- b, j jj urewi( lUlifsx, Dr, I !-!'. n.lm ami m Mimnleletv I . n . tC .11 I ' ' ' " i r ' I A. B. uarnsoi, nnueiu, Ioureo. i nafo ainoe suvueu wauj wi ny ftienda sad oostomers to try the rem edy aod all spear, nigniy oi iu oimou Ooldbaum, 8an Luis ltey, Cal. For sals ky J. N. Brows. Ualilal, Ut. A.8.Hsmso,liaSeld. CAl'SK OK THKTKOl'HI.K. Tho Physiciiu-drcat Senll! young lady, you say you had eh v.'ii di-he ol ico cn'sm. four soda waler and a h mi sandwich. Can you wonder why you're lea? The Younu Lady (foehlv)-lt must have been the ham sandwich, I Biipposo She "Tell me, when you were io the army, were yoa eool is tbe hoar of das gor?" Us "CoolT I sotua'ly shifs a. ON KOFI' 1 1 It MOimitNS. They had been discussing the wuman quinlion, "Are you,' h iw'iired, "a new womau? "Well," she auswi red sharply," I don't think you or auyb ly else had b"tler call me an old worn in WEEDING. Th "ups and downs" ot gardontng floldon Days. ANSWKKKO, "Johnny, dear," said his mother, who was trying to inculcate a lesson in Indus try, "what do you suppose mama would do for you if you should come Io her lomo day and tell her that you loved yoir studies?" "Lick me for tellin;! a lalsehood, said dear little J ihnuy, with sweet frauk ucss of youth no mm:. l!od asks us In live but one day at lime. We kuow not what a day may bring forth, but we can trust all wit Him. Come suushiue or storm, sdverst ty or prospenty, como what will, let us listen for the geullc voice saying: "It is I, be not afraid." A Christian, living thus every day, will have such rest and comfort that no sorrow or disappointment can disturb. "I guess," said tho shirp-noscd girl, "that I will take the wind out of ber sails." "Why," asked the nuBy girl, 'don't you be np to date and say take tba wind out of her tires?" The tourist "You seem to be proud of your family title." The New York Millionaire Akrosd (proudly) "(X course I am. I paid for it is good hard dollars." THE WAY IT OOK8. "What's Diok a doin' in oollcge ?" "Preachio' in Greek." "An' hie daddy?" "'Plowis' is grata." When in Need of anything in tho GROCERY LINE please remember that I am Btill at C. L. Clark's old stand with a full andeomplets assortment and will be tthid to see my many friends. Can save you money on all gouts iu my line. 1 am agent for im.I.A.RIVN "OBEI.IHK" FLOUR which I guarantee to be the best on the market l'atapsco not excepted. Will make prices satislaetory. A full line of Kruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco on hand at ull times. Mr. .1 . 11. Shear io is still with me and will lie ghiil to see his many friends. (live luc a call. Yours truly, P. E. LYNN. GET THE BEST When yotturv about to buy Sewintc Mssrhfna i. ii. ii he .ii'i't'ivi il liv alluniiu tttl -ertiMiuenti unit be It l to think, you imii nt tli bt uuul hi iiimucu sum NKW A D V KHTI8KM KNTS. Most Popular fur a men roiik. Ft'P to It that you buy (foiu reliabl. maim (.uluren that huvo Him d a icpututuiuby lioiusl ;tlnl square IciliiiK, vou will then K't Sevrmg Machine that i note! the world over (or Uh Unr. tnlity. You want the one that 1st easiest tu manage and i j 1 Light" Running Thoro Is none In the world that rhii equal In mechanical con struetioti, liuratilllty of work tun parts, uf Imith, twauty fn avpearance, or baa as maul iuiproveaivoU as the POWDER Absolutely Pure. A oreain of Isrtar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Ultra U. S. tiuvrritmint f oul Krpan. Uoyal Bakinh Powus Vo., IOC Wall 8t.,N,Y. New Home it baa AaloKitit Tuttl", Ooskto f4. alius on both sulri ol nwllf (irWl,niiiillir liM ill NewHian Use frrfl,ilnyliiK liflli okm tu ailpmlalile eenler,tliu nslutlnii Irletioli to tl,u niiiiiniinn. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. nH IIAUU i' iu mi' WIIIHG CA l Ann uuwu uiM uisv i. ","iiiTln li" i". l"H -laua. STEEL WEB PICKET LAWN FENCE ror Vwd. O.ttt.1.17 Hi Unrt ltel loaKrT ftu4 n.rSn Fooc, .nd a 1U1 rUI. Md Hug Hot., . u.ioti .,. . k UkLLiIMH., ATLinla, wa, 4P. N. STAINBACK, AGENT FOR WELDON. Agents wanted everywhere, war 7 6m. W. M. HIBLISTOH A CO., Wholesale and ReUtl Dealers In CAHPET8, STOVES, . , and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. af, HABI.1HTONACO., No. 30 N. Bycamors St., PeUrsburi, Va. lfl.M ly.