JO HIT "W. SLBEC3-E, l'ltoi'iuwoit. VOL. XXX. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AIHHJST 1, 1895. TEBMSH1'"1 J,':11 ANNI'M IN ADVANCK. NO. Hi NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. COULD HARDLY WALK UN AlTOl NT OK RHEUMATISM P. H. FORD guachitai Cltj, Li., After TWO YEARS Suffering 13 CURED IIY Till! VHK OV Ayer'sSarsaparilla Tor Hilly two yi?ur i Miiirim ikmm 0, riieimiitlMii, ;iiri was .ropo nny in sum Q gti ooiiiliilxTi iiiat I I'tmld Imrdly walk, o V 'l'-'iit tliiu' lii Hot KriiiK. Ark., J ah. I the Irentnicnt helped tin- for th 0 (lino Ikmur; hut Kuiiit hc. eoinl'luilit ro- O tunu'il :unl I w:m ns hndly nfflt'ted J ever. AVer's HiUSitpiirilta hoiiiB rccom- j mended, i resolved to try It, imil, nfter C. fix iMiitit", I whs c(nntl'ttfly i cured."-!'. II. I nun, ijuncblU City, La. o AyerfeSarsaparilla Admitted AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o o o oo o o o oo o oopooo 0,0000 Q.9.Q. jelllly. Sweet Dreams I It Mbn d roaming of oranire flowers? ' Is ihe writing a pom on lovet !" In hc bulbling Mpani.-th towera, - In the stUUt of allien bower. Thriwaet little Innocent dear! NO. This Kwn t Child i dreaiuniK ol v the wonderfully low price-, ut which the EicelsiorFrintiniL Company !c WELDON, N. C. Mm ning. out AUTISTIC rUINTlSO ol F.vcry Description. 1,1'lli-r lleiuls, Packet lle.nls, Hill llcUtl, ICllYt'lulH!., Rtiitcmcnts, II. mil Dills, I'rogrninines, Tickets, lite, Kit. Etc. toy Write for samples anil prices. K- I.. IlAYWAItl., l'ltol'KIKIOK. fjE souther, .'. ri:ri:i!siin;i. va. 1 n.uTiiicMiiirrs. Ki.r.ori;ic iiK.i.i. 1 ACCOMMODATION IK"'. C. NNOIKIUASR, Proprietor, Puller, Pa. Tile only llrst class lioti'l in tile city, f oinuiiriiul rates, H. i 2 fill lr day. DR. H. 0. HUTTS SANATORIUM. KIN'STON, N. C. .DISUSES OF THE EH MO CEKEML SURGERY 8 4 ly. Url II. 1 lick HftN jiiNt received a fresh lot of CANDY, plain ft ml fancy. Aim rainiim, mixed nut, chcntmiU, eocihumln, apple, banana, Florida oriihtPH. iil.iiu nml fancy en km sUirge awwrtmvul ol' HOLIDAY (JOODS. rltx'kn. climulwr m l, books Hv hwl antliom. lino ln p.iT. clrra, anuff, litinro unci niiiny r.ini J mil loin 1110 nimmini to mm t loll. uov 1 ly. fKuthMiiOXAL cae:s. JAHWI). m'UIH, JJ IT L L I II DANIIL, ATTORN KYS AT LAW, Wki.ion, N. 0. rmctipfl In thomuruof ruilbiartdNonhainB. t til Mud In IheHiiprvmetinri Kpiln.1 oourM, uu. ppUoiiiiniiile In allwrtior Norlh carollu. .Hrauoti omoe at lulifaz. N. ..odoq oTerr Hon 4r. Jan I If jyt. t. t. KO88, DENTIST, Weldon, N. 0. faiT'OSloe orei Emry A Pieree'mtora. JO-19-ly. , J)R W. J. WARD.&- Siirpoa Deitist, ENFIELD, N. C. CMMftcaont Harrlnn'a Drag Slora. dm 90 ly. MA TTEIIS WEST t'HUSI HA I) 10 WORSE, AM) (; NKAIt EXDitifi sf.iuulwa; Now York Recorder. Mr. nml Mrs. Ili nalinw wito ot brock fant, lie cnnrusscil ilh a ncWKiiipor, ulio Trailing oiue leltim. They had been uiarriiil in'iirlv u war mill no clouil of unlinpiiH'H hail ns jot Blruvcd acroffl tbi'ir path. Shu wua a dainty little tiling, a uioderuijid Walloau hrplicidcM, elevrr and bright, but inordinately jmil- IK wan a bii(, jolly fellow, wbo loved vile devotedly ami wbo would ratber have cut uiusluelie oil tlinn to have caused her sorrow. But bad i.u ilent lor nearly five niinutes when he looked up l'roiu bin paper. Just listen a niimlle, dear, he (aid, here's sou-"' v" funny. A man mar ried a childless widow and a week later discovered that she bad seven children, bile she found that ho was possessed of four. And now they're suing each other for divorce " "Isn't that awful?" chirped Mrs. Ilemliaw; "why can't people be honest anil lull their mates what they did befon marriage ? I'm sure I told you every thing I ever did." "That's a darned right more than did," thought the devoted Mr. Honshaw, but he didn't say a word. The coupls bad just resumed reading, when the bell rang, auil in the course of lime a ncssen ger entered with a telegram aj..icsscd to Mr. llcnshaw. While he signed fin it, Mrs, Henshuw opened the envelope and said : "May I read it, dear?'' "Certainly," replied her husband, "it's some business 1 guess." A moment later she gave a shriek, turned white and then red. "Ob," she ciclaimed, glaring in lury at her hu-band. "Oh! you you wretch! you " "Why, what's the matter? ' asked her dumfounded husband. "Mailer? Vouyillian! Head Ibis," and wilh that she handed her husband the telegram. "Well, I'll be d d!" exclaimed that worthy, as he read : "Boston, September . 28 To (my llenshaw: Twins. (Signed) "Jane Mrsta." "Youvillian! You wroteh !" thun dered Mrs. llenshaw. "Who's Jane Mesis? Who's tbo twins? You (sob) have (sub) broken my (sob). I'm going sob) back to (sub) ma (sob) this very ib) minute." "Bui, my dear " expostulated the husband. "Don't you 'dear' me. You've gut n right to (sob) call me 'dear,, (bob.) tin to your (sub) real (sob) wife ami your (soli) twins. (Sou ) un, jou wretch, you" Matters went from bad to worse, and would have ended seriously when there was another ring and another lucasengir y entered. "It'a (sub) it's tri-tiiplets," lobbed Mrs. Hensha, and she burst into violent tears "No'iii, it aiu't," said ihe messenger boy. "The oihir messagu wua spelled wrong. This here oue is right. ' Willi that he handed Mr. llenshaw the second leletram. He opened it wilh feverish haste, eil lorebodings chasing each other across his mind. Then I"' burst out iu a gufluw and handed bis aitonislied wile the rurrecled telegram, which read: "Boston, September i-i. To (iny llenshaw ; T. wins (Signed.) "J. A. Nemksis." Why, it'a Irom I'nele Jack I" i n- claimed the delighted Mrs. Ilenshao ; he's won bis big law case." And li fell Uwn her husband's neck and huggui and kissed him until the wailing messeu ger boy exclaimed : " II ully Peel" VOH VKAHMOVUtt PlKTV Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup has boei used for over fifty yean by "millions nl mothers lor children, while teething, will pefbot success. It soothe tbo child oftens the gums, allays all pain, curc wind colic, and is tho best remedy loi Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor mill .oH..yf immediately. SolJ by druguists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle, lie sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no 01 h er kind. "Timet are hard," saidthe rural editor, "and we ve got to economise. There is n 1 sense in wasting buckshot on 1 man who wants to whip us, when we could throw him out lh window and save money I" Hani Writim in the Heavens, .A'A'.V WHICH SVKI.I, THE AVI .lA' Of (! OH tfJSVEltXEIi OS MARS. An astronuiuer at Washington, D. C. has communicated to the New York Ilenrldan interesting discovery. It is the fu.l lhat on I he surface of the planet M;ms, spelled in Hebrew characters, ii Ihe name of Ood. For several years past, the attention of astronomers has been concentrated on Mars. All that could bo learned about tho planet from the telescope and the spectroscope, indicated a closer resemblanoe to our world than was borne by any other planet. There was consequently a probability that if any planet is iubabilcd by beings like our selves, il is Wars ihe suggestion was made that the question of there being inhabitants on the planet, should be tested by a signal. It was thought that if some geometrioul figure were traced on the earth's surface, by lights on a dark back ground, it might be visible to people on Mars, if there were any there, and that if (hey were as intelligent as ourselves, they would understand that it was a signal and respond by giving a similar signal While the subject was being discussed, there suddenly blazed nut on tho surface of Mars three bright lights cqui distant 'roin each other, marking the points of an equilateral triangle. Was this a sig nal? Had the people of Mars anticipated us? No one knew, and no attempt was made to respond. But the study of the planet was continued. The Italian as tronomer Hchiaparelli announced that the dark straight lines which run across the surface of Mars like network were doubled. Ho said that through his tclescopo he could sec a sccund line running parallel to the original lines, and he propounded the theory that tbey were gigantic canals Tho new hues, he thought, which were filled only in the spring of tho planet's season, when the great ice cap at Ihe Marliju pole melted under the raysoflhc sun. Still closer atteuiion has been given the lines since that theory was broached, and now comes the discovery that was made by the Washington astronomer. In studying the map of Mars, which was made lor Lowell's Boston leeture, he no ticed a peculiar conformation of the dtitk lines. It win that the lines in one place were the exact shape of tho Hebrew let ters "Daleth and Yodh." Before the Daleth thuro was another dark mark the map. It was a mere fragment on the edu'e of tho hemisphere. Tho observer was curious to sue if that too was like Hebrew letter. He made Mcrcator's projection of the planet, from whioh he could see the remainder of Ihe fragment. It was the llcbtcw bitter "Sheen" The throe letters from tho Hebrew nauu of liod. There is no question about the resemblance. The map shows it distinct, ly. Whether il is an accidental or natur I conformation, r has been cut by design, a signal, there is no moans of ascettain ing at preaeut. I he latter possibility will however, give tiew teal to the Btudy of the planet, which, even if it leads to the theory of design bciui; abandoned, will assuredly bring to light proofs of the lower and wisdom of Ood. In whatever direeliun exploration is made, there, as the Hebrew prophet said long ago. The man of wisdom will see thy name Mieah tl:!l. THE MANY YlllTL'ES SHE SHOULD HAVE TO 11EST V LEASE II EH II US It A XI). Tho good wife is always good. Noth ing puts her out. She may have neu ralgia, a tipsy cook ana! twins who always ery at the sumo time, but sha never looks cross or speaks hastily,und she always sees that dinner is ready at lhat proper mo nicnt. The children may have mumps, chicken pox and measles, and the plum hers have stopped the Crolon water be cause they are lining the main pipe) the baker, butcher and milkman may present their lilllo bills with exasperating I'to qucucy and with reproachful remarks appended, and the iceman may have "struck," but when husband comes she always smiles beautifully and has something nice and cool all ready in the refrigerator. She never mentions disagreeable bills to tho partner of her soul and never asks for money, but sho is always nicely dress ed in cool, fluted muslins, or good, rich cashmere, or something like that. No dowdy calico wrappers on her. She makes everything herself out of nothing elegantly. She is charming. All Ihe men envy him, but she never flirts. She is always so glad to havo his ma live with them, and to take her advice in everything. Hut, most vf all, when he comes home at The Siamese Twins. My boy was taken wilh a disease re sembling bloody flux. The first thing I ihoiiL'lit ol was Chamberlain's) Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kenedy. Two dosos of it settled tho matter and cured him sound and well. I heartily reoom mend this remedy to all persons suffering from a liko ooinplaint. 1 will answer any inquiries retarding it when stamp is enclosed. I refer to any county official aa to my reliability. W in. Hoach, J, 1'., 1'rimrov. Campbell county, leoo. For sale by J. N. Drown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. llamsoo, f.otleld. o'clock in tho morning, walking very feebly and with exceedingly weak knees, she never casts a doubt upon his state ment lhat "they've been taking stock down at our place," whatever 'nay bo the season of tho year, and she always pities him for having to work ao hard. Philadelphia Times. KKSKNTKO Til 13 INSCI.T. "1 couldn't help it, papa!" Sho looked up into his face wilh her frank blues, and it was impossible to doubt her. "But you didn't seem to be protesting very much," said tho old genlleman. But it was so sudden, nana, that I couldn't she insisted. ' "Tell mc all about it," he said. "Well, ho adopted a very clever ruse, vou see. lie got me to look me oiiu r way. and. then, before I knew it he h id kissed mo on the cheek." "Tho scoundrel!" "It was wrong of him, of course." "What did you do then?" "I was very angry. I told him it was an insult." "Indeed it was, and vou should have ordered him to leave the house. Did you?" "N no; not exactly. ' "Well, what did you do?" "I told him it was an insult, and that he must take it back." "And then ?" "Ho was taking it back when you came in and saw hiio." IHCTIONAUY OK TKST. niscoN Science has diminished our hope knowledge destroyed our illusions and iperieiicu has deprived us of iulerest Here, then, is the millions d dictionary 01 ilisioiitini: What is creation? A failure. What is lif.?-A bore. What is wan? A fraud. What is woman? Both a fraud 1 bore. What is beau y? A difeption. What is love? I disease. What is marriage? mistake. What is a wilt-? A iriil, What ia a child A nuisanne. What is the oVvii? A fiblo. What is gil? Hypocrisy. What is evil? I'electii n What ia Viisdoui? Scllislmcs. What is happiness? A delusion? What is tricudship? Humbug. What is generosity? Imbecility. What is money? Kvurythioii. What ia everything? N'oiliin.'. Were we, peihaiis, not happier when wo were monkeys? Kenneth ll.isjuiore had tbo good for tunc to receive a small hotlle uf Cham berlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcuiedy when throe member of his lam tly were sick with dysentery. 1 Ins oue bottle cured them all and ho had some left which I10 gave to Ueo. W. Baker, prominent merchant of the place, Lewis- ton, N. C, and it cured biui of tho same complaint. When troubled with dysentery diarrhoea cholera morbus, give this remedy a trial and you will bo uioro than pleased with tho result. 1 he praise that natur. ally follows its introduction and us has made it very popular. 23 and ftlk oent bottle Fur sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. 3. Harrison, Kufield. A SHOUT iiisronY OF THESE WOXDEIIEUL I'EOI'LE. II, P. Arenllcll ill News nml observer. A few miles from Mount Airy, North Carolina, were the homes of the famous Siamese Twins, I'.ng and Chang, who were born in Shim of Chinese parents in in 1 S 1 1 . Theselwins travelled all over the world in charge of their manager and protector, Mr. Bunker, whose name they liually assumed. They ciuie at last into Surry enuiily sight seeing; they tic dared that it was I In- grandest county ihey had ever seen, ami having already made a decent fortune they decided to buy properly and seltle permanently in Surry. They met mid fell in love wilh Miss Adelainc Vales, of Wilkes county. Miss Yates was in an nwkward predica ment, beloved by bulb bul neilber could tell of his ufl'cctiolis without the other hearing it. Finally the matter was Fet tled by Miss Siillie Yates, a sister of Mist Adelaide, consenting to become the bride of one and Miss Adelaide the other. The parents of the Misses Yates strenu ously objected to alio double marriage, but the young ladies were not to be de terred, so lin y doped, met their loveis on the bank of a lilllo stream on the road sido m ar their home, and, a preacher being present, they wcro quietly married. The two couples settled within two miles uf Mount Airy, and for several years lived togel her. They finally sepa rated and built two comfortable bonus, one belonging to Kng,lbo other to Chang They lived alternate week's nt each oth er's homes,and each raised a large family of children, several of whom still livo and arc among the most prosperous and high ly respected people in Surry county. They were probably Ihe most wonder ful of all human phenomena, they lived to an advanced age, and were clever, law abiding men. It is said that they would sometimes have little quarrels, and one would threaten to kick tho other over 1 lie fence. In 1ST I, who hud been iu failing health, died very suddenly'. Indeed on awaking one morning, bis broiher, (.'hang, found that had lied during the night. Physicians Wire summoned, but befure they iirrivid, 'liang had died, and they were burin! hey had lived, side by sido. AT lCUKim.r. KIC KIOlt. TIIOSi: AWl'Ub TM.MJItAMN "What is it, Mamie?" "It'a a boy, mum, with a telegrafl.' "A telegram! Oh, ash him if James is killed!" "He says he doscn't know, mum." "Ask him what he does know about It. "lie cays all he knows about it is that its marked WIeot,' ami he wants his money." "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! What shall I do? Here, Mamie, here's the, puise Pay him, pay him whatever he asks. Oh, my pour James! I just knew some thing would happen to him before he went away this morning. Will they bring him home in an ambulance, Ma mie?" "I s'posc an, mum. Maybe you'd bet ler read the lelegrall. " 1 can t, I can t. h, it serves me right for not kis-ing him three times when he left And we've been inatiied such a short tiiuii, I no!" "Why don't you npeu the lelegrall mum? ' "Well, I suppose I must, hilt oh, I can't tell yon Imw I dread it " Beads lelegrumf "Will bring friend home to dinner, J unes " "The heaille-s beast!" When moving into our preseut home I fuucJ htt!r of Chaiiilmrlaiu'a liin Balm hit by a former lenuut. (Ill the label I louud the statement that It was good for cuts and burns. I cau testify to the truth ol 1 his. .Nothing 10 all my experience has lotind its equal lor treat ing blisters or burns. F. K. Barrett manager l.e Sueur Seniiucl, Le Sueur. Minn Pain Balm is also a sure cure fur rheumatism. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A. M. Ilamsou, laiilclU. This world would land in gloiy yet And make a lively stir, If in these days wo could forget The mad thermometer! In order to introduce Chamberlain Cough Hemedy hero we sold several doien bottles 00 strict guarantee and have found every bottle did good service V have used it oursulvos and think superior to any other. W. I. Mowny, Jarvisville, W. a. For sale by J, N. litown, Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Uarnsoo, Kotwld. WHAT Altli VOL : Al TIMtV How doth llm liitle busy bee Improve the uiomeuls critical. And make a buzzing loud anil free III bonnets called political! 111: w AsiimiNti or This map of our new railroad is im perfect," said the judge. " 'Imperfect,' your honor?" "Yes, til! There's your slatiun, there's your lank and there's your coal sbiile. Now, where in thunder is your receive!?" , Now (M nntnplti Trrlminl, rnii.islln nl rroKITMIHKH, riii-siil". ..t llinini-nt urn! 11 is. ... f . s n.v.r (rtllliiu I'-iri' Inr I'llM'.'.r ..... iintum iiitS .Iwurnn. It nikM. 101 i.tls kti i,r it ".I 'jii. n, sii'i. i'i"i si- IjmiiiIiiI nml wlilnm ft itMinHlii'ie i iiri.. Mini often ri un inn in (.whii, itiiii'i-.-.'iii w.iy i-iiiiuib larrioia oiawnnw r wa vtianini.. a to I Cultl ribla &tmnn7 W" f tiarimteii a Imiffji curs linr COS", 'I.'" ! !.i" ' inrilais,I.M..r.V rW-nttiy luil. JAPANESE PILE OINIMENT, 25o. ft Boa. rnMCTIDT!nNC',l'P"!", uuuu i n i iui if HI.IHUI I'. I til I lilt Hniiill, inll.l mill iU.ii.huiI e lk, kilm-usl lur iliiltlrn.'. UM-. M ismw l-'or sale hv W. M. COM ICS, linnjgisl, II-1 v Weld N. C The times of industry are here And gentle peaco the world enthralls; The only strikes that now appear Arc those the haughty umpire calls Says the editor of The Buena Vislu atliot : "The editor has a new bicycle and u new baby. He rides the former in the day and tho laitcr rides liiui at night." If a bicycle's known as a "bike," A Irieyele must be a "trike," And when winter comes round It will doubtless be found That an icyelc goes as an "ike," "You and Miss (lightly appear to swim together pretty well. How do you manage it?" "Oh, wc squeeze along somehow." I nill colli imlc In disput e of Hie slock nl N Ntiiinliui-k A I'oii , at tlieeiirnei-sttiie. Have ulsu jusl aildeil a lit-alliiliil line ol NEW DRESS COODS anil Staple Dry (IooiIh, Notions, mill liu- lllsllillg iiimhIs, Also loll hue ol Mmes, llrneel i s anil (ielleral Mi-reliallili-e. ihe Thus sings the practical poet of Spring Place Jiniplecute : "The man stood 'mid the business wreck Whence almost all had fled, The sheriff took the little check His sale produced anJ said: " 'Old fellow, next time just be wise Don't take my words amiss If mi rchants always advertise They'll never come to this.' " The wife "It must be bedtime." Husband "Hardly; tho baby hasn waked up yet." Young man (in periodical store) "1 want a 1'ircsnle (..otiipamou. I.ady Clerk (archly) "How would I do?" "Please, sir," mid the lc'1 loy to a Tex is hotel clerk, ' No. -Ill says lilt re ain't no towel in bis Mem." "Tell him to use one of the window curtains. "He says, too, there aiu't no pillows." "Tell lui.i to put his coat and vest tin ier his head." "And be wants a pitcher of walir.'' "Suffering Cyrus! But he is the worst kicker I ever slruek iu my life. 'jny him up Ihe horse pail." "He wants to kouw if he cau't have a light " "Hero, cuufuund him! (live him this lantern, aud asks him if he wauls the eaith, and if he'll have it fried on only one side, or turned over." Texas Sift- iugs. m:u si'i'.iH ii. "They say llamshy is generous to fault " Yes, he is, if it happens to be one of his own fjults." Host "Never shall I (orget the time when I lirst drew this sword " Chorus "When was that?" Host "At a ral Mamie is such a c inscieutious litll goose," said one summer girl to another, "How a that? "She thinks she must go to the trouble of breaking one engago mcnt belure contracting another." The summer girl is only a little lower than the angels," lemarked the young man iu knickerbockers. "Wait until you pay for ieo cream, her boat rides, her lucrry-g ) round trips, and you think sho comes a good sight higher,' replied tho cynic. Americans, wc are often told, have natural turn for speech making. A birthday gift by the f.iiher and the three daughters of the family to the mother was thus naively announced to that lady by the jounncst a girl of ten: "Dear mamma, this is presented to you by vour three children and your one husband." CAIUXKSH IN HIS SYNTAX. A elcrgyiu.ui of the Baptist persuasion, holding loilh in a Texas town, recently coiunicuocd bis sermon ibu-ly: "My dear friends, I want to talk to you about the infinite p w. r ol the, Alinijity. He created a migh y ocean - and he created a piHiple. He ciimIi'iI tin' solar system and He eroat d the world -aud He created a urain nl' sand My Iriends, He created mc! and lleereaied a daisy!' MUTUAL Ainillt VTION. lie "I sin very uiifoitiinale; il mi I can please Uolmdv." She "Cuiiio, chirr ii ; I have no one to admire me, either " Ho "Tell you whal- let's found society fur admiration. I, for instance, admire your bcauiil'ul ey And what d-i you admire in me?" She "Youi good laste." IN Till'! COUNTRY. She "1 presume the country editor's pathway is not strewn wilh flowers?" lie (pleasantly) "No, not exactly: but we stumble uu a bushel of potato occasionally, or a cord uf wood." what hi: wanti:i. "I like to seo your trousers creased," The heiress said and meant. "I'd have them increased, dear," he said "If your papa would consent.", "Have you the "Holies of By-Gone (lays?" asked the young lady, ctileriii a book store. "Yes," replied the polite lcrk, with a bow, "wc have some of last year's calendars." She "Oh, my I there's something eono down my back !" lie "It's one of those thundering bugs, ( suppose, "No; I guess it's one ol thoso lighlniii bugs, George." She "Do you know, Hurry, falh has forbidden you the house ?" 11c- Forbidden mo the house ! 1 never asked him for his bouse. Ilia daughter is good enough for mc." "1 hale these bicycles built for two said Miss Jouiniison. "It encourage people to talk behind your back." NKW ADVKHTISKMKNTS t.M VM Aio POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking nowdc Highest ol all in leaveniug strength. iMtnt If, S. OnvrrHmriit Eood Report. UOVAI, Bakinii Powdkr Co., lilt! Wall St.N.Y. ADVF.UTISKM IONTS. i jtwE: CURE ADVKHTISKMKNTS. P. N Stainback ? (:t( .). T. (iWK'll'H oh! Ht-llllll) WELDON. N,C. ml HT"MA('II J.l.i, I I, AIDIl ik-mI General Merchandise apr Illy. I. L. STAINLUtX poor lint il Don't means so much more than imaiiu: serious and diseases result from ailments neglected, i play with Nature s greatest gilt health. If youarefMlitift cut ol sorts, weak imil Kincully vx- ll.lllMi.'tl, IK'IVOU-i, li;,e no inn! i nu t wtitk. In I4 in il (in. (.tak ing tin uu-i.l rrlia lilf MU'HHtllClllllK mi'ilii iticwlntli is Hiiiwii In m Hit - tlT. A tt'W tiol- tlv cuic-betuTit Hums from ilic very lit! (I.isc- it .-(. t it.nm your ttttk, a ii it ill olijijlit t Ukc i It Cures ( Dyspepsia, Kidney and l iver f NeuMljilfli Troubles, i Constipation, Had Wood Malaria, Nervous nllmcnts Women' complaints. (".ft oit I y llii- K-i'in' - It trii rro t red liiiinoit ilu- uiitit-r. All ot ht-is ,-iiciub-stiiiiln ( in U'n ijl of n st miri v,'ll Mint -. nt Ivi Ht-M-'ltuI World'! I air VUv nml bonk-live HHOWM CMCMlCAL CO. BALTirfORE, MO. july 20 ly. I B rown's Iron Bitters 1 Tim liulic-i, Mi.iHiH and ('Itiltlrrii i'VitsIiowd iu WYIilmi. A liirfje linu ol' OxIWIh all tyle. Tlifse mIhm-s lire nlw:iv rcliuhle and J tuvitc inspect ion. Jfitvo nil sizrn. A large Hue of WETALLIC& WOODEN - 137 .Sycamore st., Pt'tershurn, Va. Hiivhtu succcedinl J. W. Younii I would Itc plcawd to scf hirt old I'riemU. IirKiwt Htock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JKWKlKY aud CUT ULASS in this city. John V. Htewait. who vrnt with Yoiuiu & llm. lor 'Xt svur in at the head ot mv Kfptiiiiui' Dciinitiiiciit. .fluAll wttrk ami oril 'r receive prompt attention. oct j. ly. CET THE BEST Vhin ynu hi t alu .t u hwy a St-'wiii)' Machine li. tn t be ili vrivi tl ii v allitnnH oil 'frtmfinenti uim! In1 led (d t hink you can jt tho best maiia. Iiih- l Iinoiii'ii niiil Most Popular tor u mere koiik. Set to it that yi u tuv troiu n lt.itilv' iiKinu tu'tiirrrs tli;it have yaim il a 1 1 ;nt.tli(!ti!y tiom'tt nrtilM)ntroa n ilitiH, " tlun (ji't a v win M.u linti- llnil is m ted tin- world over fur Its Ji.r llitv. You witnl the .'in-that is euiicsl to uutii;tC und ii h Licht Running -.tJ'r There In none in the world th.t Hinu'tion. iliinil.ilit v of wurkitiM fn.rti, tiiicncvH oi initHh, iK'nmy n apiteurtiiii't, or Un tft iiittiiy iiupiuvvnicuu tut toe New Home it Imp Automatic Tennlult, Hiuhle Peed, alike I ioth mtlei. of ncnllr fttrntrti), no other 11 ; Ni-w Stand ft't,.lriviiiK wherl hlnffeil (ill niini:ti(iiicccuiuru,iiiuitrt:uuLiiiK inuiwi tin- minimum. - WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE KEW BOUE SEWIKG MACHIMS CO. OftANoa, MtM. IfcMToa, Mim. Wt'tton ttoriaa, H. It ClUOA.i... It t- Ut. I)i ih, Ho. IUi.i.ah, TiUA. tun Kui'iri. ti, i u., An am A, Oa won Att BY -rP. N. STAINBACK,-- AdKNT Ftlll WKl.IKIN. Ageuts wanted everywhere, niar 7 Cm- M -Iii-ali r lu- i itiiii: ii hi to.l.iy the pn-tty line of shoes p o o o BURIAL CASES' 1'. N.HTAINI1ACK. ETERSBURG SEED HOUSE. I MKEI. for KAUM JsllAIIIiKS TKSTKDnn our Kiirm. Plants, Fruit Tieis, Feilillzcrs, Oil Oake AIi-iil, Ac Si nil lnr eiieularsto W. UliOS.-. ,1 AN, Seeilsiuan anil Mat ki t (lanlcner, I!ollili!linsil st., I'l'tcnihlirg, V. wp Y. lyr. Sold, or Silver, or Taper. Tn have a 5.ll. H.MIIINATION, a) follows: lnc yvtvr. and your choice of the following ru rtaiitial, ornntti, cotli-hound works: ( (ft h'T'm pokth ai. wmtKs-4ni. 1 MIT! OK KMil.ANM AMI AMKIUCA-J vols, LIKK AMI T1MKS OK NAIiH. m'ii. 1 Yl'LIU'.KItUOK SiH'lAL AMI I UMUU.l t Al. IN t ( him A l li N 1 vul. H'TIUNAKY UK TI1K tStiLlSlI LAMil A(M 't- BAl.ZAC'tl "tMMKUY OK HUMAN Ml I'."-3 to ItlKAKV OK HTANhAUl) AUTHOUH -3 vols. UII'ToN'k I'AUAOlSK UWT-1 vl. tor t'cnw laiiio. flAN'TKrJ INKKItNO-t Vul. r.irOcntrd Tuhl. DANTK'H IMillOATOUV AXU t'AUADlsK 1 vol ivntrv i m. if. nil-: t'Al'U'ALS OK Til tiLont; -1 vol. K..rtVatri I Ull I!. r, tr you prefer Lighter and More llonieliki IIamiWh, you may elnn: .KH.UK'a FOKTIOAl- WOftKS, KVKNINOS AT llOUk-llOW TO HI'K.NH TNKM. I UK CIVIL WAtt IN SO NO AM) HTOllV. rl'tW IIKIIOKH OK K1CTION IMtdl'OSK, ANI HKKlllNKH IM.I'LV. Ill tx'Nt KukUkIi fli.Ui, m PB, C'UlUlnliiK iitit 1U mX qutiUlluiia irul tut; Lltcruturti uf tliu W urld. HOW THE COMBINATION WORKSl Yon PAY (INK DOl.KAIlwhon thohooVi in- ih'livi'n'd at vour r'Wiloini'; tho Icihutif? at uto of Kitty iv in jkt tiKintli. The book are welt worth the ittucy, )N( K V WKKK ltliehrii:htr.t. tkivtant ft hihI in. i-it wisli'iv rln'iihitft uf ull llo' Amert ,au illustr.iti'il weekly Journul?. Koii.l mime v atldrcM, and we will seo that fou are r.iii)liiHt. ONt E A WKKK.fl'iS W. 13th St., N.T. ttwFat Taint innc$ COPYRIGHTS. V CAM I OBTAIN A TATRWTf Tor ptxtmpt aniwor and an hdncit opinion, write to Ml NN tV Vtt who have hnd nearir flfly rears' exiwrlenrxt In the patent bunlneM. Coniniunlca tloni Htrictlr oonfliliMitlat. A llnnrfhOMk of In formation ponnTnina Pntrnta and bow to ob tain tbcm dent tne. Also a cafalofue of mevhaoa teal ami oleiitltto tirwikn nent fmi. I'atuiu taken tbroimh Mtinn ft Co, Wlf anoctal notloelnth HrtpnttHe A werlma, and tnua ara brouibt wldaly before the public with- oui eoMi 10 iu invoiuor. tihr apianaia pai ' rar t In world. 1,1 i thf. Hiniplf, copIm tent froe. IhsitfHl vTOPklr. elm atit It llltmtrated. hax by far tha lamoat eirculatioa f an; aoiantlOo work to tbo worm. w.i a year. Mmpie copieaaom mm. Hulldlna Kditioo. nontbly, tf.SOa year, fllnti roumn, v.) cenis. nvvry numoci cnnuuni vwmw tiful pi poUHfN, Ut't l lienlinii and aeeura eontraMa. Addraat 4 U)., HkW Utitt. al BKOAUWAT feT. CLARK. CABLED FIELD AND HOB FEKXE. O.MK4 r-oillrr html Wll fs Hoard! Yr4, Dsartar ana Ormrt Lot Fiwina 0B Sil l'o.l a BnuUUlr. W. Par ah. fralsha. OaulofM rm k. is utuaJjiuauu. AiLjjri. i. W. It. HABLISTON X CO., Wholoaale and Itetail Dealers iu caki'i:ts, stovics, ami Alattresnia, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, lIAlH.IhWNAra., No. 30 N. Sycamore St., Peteralnim, Va. lfl.M If. ATTQRNEY AT-lAo AND WELDON. N. G pETER SMITH I CO "THE I.EADF.RR OF LOW PRICES," Importers, nlinlenilc ami retail denlers in FOHF.ION AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 144 Main slrect, Norfolk, V, je !I7 ly.

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