JOH1T W. SLEJJGKE, l'KOl'lUKTOH. J NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEIiMSH1 -P I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AIMUJST 8, 1S!)5. NO. 17 NEW ADVKUTISHMKNTS. RUN DOWN WITH DYSPEPSIA STOMACH Liver - K$ AND HEART iSy Almost 111 Dospair IY,IHI by TaaUitr AYER'S PILLS " Pot flltren years, 1 wa n pent ut- o Iili-l hum IlKllucstloii In ll worst fill ma. j I tested tliu skill nl many iloclors, Imt o Blew worse unit woise, until I ln'i'tnne o so weak I I'oulil mil iua U"y o! without Bavins to slliliiwiiaiiil rest. My Oj llomacli livi'r, mill heart liwiiiiii' affect- Oi nl. mill 1 tlMWlit 1 wmiM f'ly 1 - Jrlcil AyiT's fills ami llioy helpi'il mo o: Ttht away. 1 rniitlniH'il Oit'lr use ami 5: ' mm mm entirely wi ll. I ilun't know nl 0 '-.anything; that "ill so iiil''kly relieve o .- mini cure tin! terrible sufti-l in;! nl iljs- ji jiepsia ns Ayrr's I'lIK" .lulls t 0 i'lllTCHAmi, limine, Warren Co., N. C. O; AYER'S PILLS Received Highest Awards 0 D AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o: O! O OOP 000000 ooooooooooooo je 13 ly. Sweet Dreams I Is she dreaming oi omtutc Hower. Is she wrtltritf a nwm ixi lovo! Is h bull-lln:' Spanish town. In the nlriiL of sillu-n lowers, Tho swret little Innorcnt Uusr! NO. This Sweet Cliitil in (Ireamiii-r of the womlvi fully low pri-cs ut which the -i Excelsior Printing Company c WEMMIN, N. C. Is turning out AUTISTIC l'UlNTINli ol Every IU'wrijitiou. Letter Hcmls, racket IIcuiIm, Hill Heads, I'.iivelopeH, Statement, ll.iml Hills, l'mmmiiie.-', Tickets, Etc, Etc. Etc JaTWrite for aatiiilc anil prices. E- I,. HaVWAIIH, I'lllll'KIKTOH. 1 r.l r.iwin, ui. .v EEECTIilC LKillTS. KI.KCTIilC HKUJ" ACCOMMODATION lino. C. NNODGItASK, I'rotirictor, Into ol J'.utler, 1'a. Tlie only first class hotel in the city. Commercial rati, t'i. to 'i 5(1 per tiny. DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. KINSTON, N. C. .DISEASES OF THE EYE ND GENERAL SURGERY 8 3 ly. ItOYIIOOD'.S llti:.M ISLAND I know of a beautiful island, Fur ilown in tlie path ol' life's Mroaui. Ily music's suit miiuie enchanted 'Ti the. isle ol' iny boyhood's dream. Hnw sweet llic bird- hymns nl tlmt islaiiJ, llnw "ladsnino ill'1 sunt.' ot'llie rill, Anil tin1 niiiHcnl i ii'r ol' playinates Tlinl lUri'll on tint lUntl mill ! Swirl i-l.iii'l ol lii'.iuly, I luvi' llior, I Ion'' for lliy imnot'l'iil roposc, Anil the rninhow of (ruliiio ahove thee Tlmt circled the bloom of the roue ! Apiin, on Ihu dri'iiin-lide ol slumber, I (Ink tn Hint island upjiin, And !o ! the bright vi.-iuns of childhood hchiiHu the mid iiiirtureii ol pain ! I hear lite wit music of minstrels That charmed tliu sweet twilights of old And bathe iu the jilory of sunsets T hat melted the ilnys into gold. lirik'ht island of beauty, I lovo thee ! Oh, give me agaiu thy repose, And tho rainbow of promise above thee That circled tho bloom of the rose I No euros over hauulcd my spirit ( In that hcaulilul island ol bliss Anil vicious i'f paradise chuimcd uie tnveileil by a mothers loud kiss. But shadows since then have fallen, And borrow has threaded her nearn, ind I Ion;: tj be quiet forever ()o the isle ol my boyhood s dream ! Dearislaud of beauty, 1 love thee, Ami may I roiever repose 'Neath the aiuiiuerlil arch of the rain bow That circled the bloom of the rose ! Ik II. i M HiUtJiist m-elvwl n I'vvsh hit of CANDY, plain ami fniicy. Also uihiim, mixi-! nuU, (-Ill'HtUUlH, tHHDitlMllS, lr)l'H, lMlllittlllN, Fluriila oniutn, pbiu ami fancy (iikn. jjiirgo iwMortiucnt ol HOLIDAY (JOODS. Hhnfl Ily hoi si's, wauoiia, carts, ilnlla, cloekii. eliaiiiher m'tn, Uinkt by Unt mitlion, Una Isu pupvr, ci(ars, BUllIT, MK'teeo ml many luucy uolions loo uutut-niiis to nicu' lion. oar i ly. J'KOFtSSWXAL CARDS. WALTKB I. DAK1IL JAHUM. MULI.RM, ULLIN D1IIIL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WKI.tMIS, N. C. rrartlFiiln thecouruor llaliraiaiidNnrlbtnipi I Hi anil In the Hnprcmf ami Kederal eourta. tiul uciiuut mailo In allpartaor Nonn llarollna. Hraucb omoe at Halilax, N.O., upD evry Hon flay. jan 7 Ij JJtt. T. T. U08S, DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. "Offio oni Entry A Picrct'lttora. 10-19-ly. DR. W. J.WARD.Vf .. ; Sarpon Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. JMuOfficeoTer Harriaoo'a Drug Store, deo SO ly. The Old Boot Lives. wiiKUKYEii Tin: iiinu: has aosi: iiLEssisas have FOI.ltO WE1 IS ITS Til AVE. On Tie Glory of Youth. E.XSEXATOli I XU ALLS' A I' ll li ESS 10 EASSAS UXIVEE-SirYSTlDEKTS. Tho New Yolk Sun says, iu reporting the work of Ameiiean Bible Society for last year: "The llihli! eoniinues to ho the book of the Intgist circulation in the history of literature, saeicd aud profane. The Auuiieaii Uible Society alone issued last year over one milliou und a lulfof liibles Testaujculs, and all parts of the Scriptures mukino a total of about sixty millions since its organization; and it is ouly one of the many agencies, litre and abroad, ngnged in the publication and distribu lion of tho Riblo " That indeed is a star ol hope. Where over the Bible has gone bhsMngs have folli.wid in its track. Not only spiritual blessings but material benefits follow thai old book. Despite the tcoffings of skep tics aud the railings of infidels tho old Book eoniinues to bo scattered by the millions to Ihe people. Well und truly has it been said of ibis old book: It starlcd iu the world's infancy. It grew under theocracy and monarchy'. It withstood storms of lire. It grew un der the iMiciuiau's coat ol the apostles In lloine aud Kphesus, aud Jerusalem and l'aimos, tyranny issued edicts ugaiusi il aud itilidelily put out the tongue and Mohammedanism from lis mosques burl d its anathemas, but I lie old Bible lived It crossed the Brilisb Channel and was greeted by V ieklige aud James I. Il crossed the Atlantic and struck I'lymouth Hoik, until, like that of lloreb, it gush- si with hlissiduess Churches and By lums have ; albend all along its way, ringing their bells and stretching out their hands of blessing, and every Sab bath there are ten ihousaud heralds ol the crins with their hands ou this optu. grand free old English Bible. But i ill nut have uiu uilishcl lis uilssioi until it has elioibed I lie icy mouutaii s oi Ureeulaud, uuiil it his goue. over tb gianite cliffs of China, until it basthrowi its glow soiid ihe Australim u.iuus, on til it has scattered iis ins uioung tl.i diamond di-tiieis of Br ..sal. aud all Unions shall be galbcnd iolo one thioDC, am all crowns by tho fires of revoluli shall be melted into one crown, and Un hook shall at the ery gate of beacn have waved iu the ransomed empires not until then will ibis glorious Bible have accomplished its mission. A I, I j KKillT. l'rom the uiountain you may lumble Ad' go mlliu' out o' sight; But them ain't no use to grumble, I'or the World'! All Itight! The thunder it may rumble, And tho wind blew out the light; But there ain't no uso to grumble l'or the World's All Right I In darkest days you'll sumhle Over roses red an' while; So, there ain't no uso to grumble For tho World's All Right I A few days ago cx-Hennlor John J. Ingnlli iidiliessed t lit sludeiils of ihe Kansas imiveisiiy, Lawrence. In the course of bis remark be said: 'It is magnificent to be young. There is n superb glory mid lamination about youth. The morning of life, the spring time of the soul. Youth is the enviable epoch. Wu lose something when we cease to be young for which time brings no univalent or compensation. Of youth everything can be predicted. The horses the artists, the poets, the philosophers, the leaders of tho bar, the great captains ol industry ure young. Tho wealth, the pleasure, the dignities, tho destinies of the world are the inevitable heiitngo of the young. Some of these heirs of fame and fortune and felicity I have no doubt are here, but ns they look hick from the apex aud high divide ol success, and re call Ibis hour, they will feel that there is no joy the world can give like that it takes away when we cease to bo young. To us who have taken our places and done our work comes tho desolating thought that wc shall grow uo more. We have been weighed and most of us fouud wantiug. Wo have been scruiiniied, gauged, aud measured. Our specific gravity or levity, or cubic contents and our dew point have been ascertained and registered; we have become monotonous. The earth grows fatigued of us, hut it greets the young with ardent and impntieut ac clamation. The young aro to do the work and win the victories in luture, and there ai e many to bo won. They ore to reinforce the wastitig ranks and fill up the regimeuts of conquering armies of tho civilization of the twentieth century. Life's undesirable exultations may sub side; its hopes and fate may chill and ;row dim with years; ils undismayed courage may falter at last; its dating dreams of contest may smolder to embers and gray ashes, but the unforgotteu radi ance of youth sheds an imperishable lus tre upon the wrinkled and venerable earth from the golden and purple fissure of the eastern sky. It would, therefore, I fiction and insincerity to pretend to ho unconscious of the houur and the op poiluniiy of appearing boforo these chos en representatives of the youth of Kan sas, or to be unmoved by the pathetic hut inspiiing suggestions of the place and tho hour." In order to introduce Chamberlain's Couuh lLcuiodv hero wo sold several dosen bottles on strict guarantee and have found every bottle did good scrvico. We have used it ourselves and think it superior to nny other. W, I. Mowrcy, Jarvisvillo, W. Vs. For sale by J. N. Blown, Halifax, Dr. A. o. Harrison, JLoBold. A TAllLUAl'SrOlLKD. Sira's Weakness. sue rori.DX'T he tuvsteh II 7 II IX IIM EE 1X0 1 1ST A XCE Of THE WHITE 110 I S E. A long legged, gawky sort or a chap from down ihe I'otomac, who was veiling Washington, was walking about the i lliee of I he Arlington hotel, apparently gating on it ns one of the sights of the c ipilul, when one of the clerks tackled him for n bit of fun. "Is there anything we can do for you?" inquired Ihe clerk. "I reckon not," was ihe reply. "Perhaps you would like a room il you arc going to be in town?' "Well, I reckon I ain't; leastways, not right now." "Do you think of coming?" "Wcel, yes, mo and my wife has been talkiu' about it." "01 course, if you come, you won't liml a better place than this to slay. We arc iu the finest quarlir (if the city, and the White House is j list across the street. "Is that so?" exclaimed tho rooster. "Yes, indeed." "Then it ain't no place for my wile." This was a startler for the clerk. "Why not?" be nsked in surprise. She would be greatly pleased." "In courso she would. She'd bo tick led to death, she would; but I won't let her come." "Hut why?" "You don't kuow toy wife, I reckon?" "I have never had that ploasiiic," bow d tho clerk. "In courso you haven't. She's a line woman, but nhe has her weakness." "But life in this hotel would bliug her around uli right." "That's what you say, young feller, but I know Susan. Why, of she come here to live, she wouldn't bo here a week till she'd bo ruunin' neross tho slreit seven times a day to borrtr some dcrn thing i r other frum tho White House folks She can't help it to sate her life, but they're kinder used to it in our place,' mid il makes it come a good deal easier on me than it would Mere, wiiero people is sou.e different in their notions. No, sir, cf He oome to Washin'ton to stop any lime, I'm goio' lo git out iu the soobuib wheto Susau will have room to spread without bumpin' up ag'iiisl the fust faini lies." N. Y. Sun. The crowd was climbing up First street from the river, where they bad been on excursion, and under tho very dark skies the young women and their beaux talked soltly and behavid in n manner affectionate. Suddenly soiueoiie whispered, "Look I" A glance in the direction indicated show ed a young man. It was his loll arm that was causing the commotion, a left arm whose position awoke envy among the spcctatois That arm was coiled around the waist of a fair coiupaui on. whose appeaianco w is that of a young woman. There was a general tiller. "I wonder who ihe girl is," said oue y.iung woman. I wonder who tho boy is," said a young man envy telling in his voice. 'The ifr ought to be ashamed of her self." Thou there was a dash forward in or d t ilul the gossipers might see who the ilhr.i all elioii.ile couple were. Ihcy managed to secure a good aud lu'l look at the lover One peep brought a show of disappointment ovtr their faces. "l'shaw," said I lie inquMiive yum g aroiintn, "It's Flank mid bis mother' I he cutiosiiy s liersilnu turned in ills appointment I -nisi Me I Vurier Jour ual. Tin: i:ii l ines idi: or it, ' Ynii should li.- heivcn," said ihn preacher In I he i oiior. "I know ii," replied ihe editor, "hut these iiionnlaiii lots conn1 hiuhl" (ii:oitn: tooktiii: hint. "That m.k s Ihirl 'eii linn's I've lived you, darling," he siid as he pill ou his hat in the dooiwny at 1 1 p in. "Oh, George, thiriecn is an unlucky number," she answered thoughtfully. Kenneth Barmiuro had the good for tune to receive a small bottle ol Cham bcrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy when three members of his lam ily were sick with dysentery. This ono bottle cured them all and he had some left which ho eao to (ieo. W. Baker, promineut merchant of the place, Lewis ton, N. C, and it cured him of the same complaiot.When troubled with dysentery, diarrhira cholera morbus, give ibis remedy a trial and you will bo more than pleased with tho result. 1 he praise that nntur ally follows its introduction and use has made it very popular, io and uu cent bottles For silo by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. (iOODSKKMON FOIC TOI. V. Trumpet Calls. AM SI'S 110 It X SOI'XDS A It'.l A'.V .V(7 XUTE TO THE VXHE-DEEMElh Mr. W. F. Marshall, editor ol the (Jaslouia (iaz tie, writing of a Sunday spent by the editors in Beaufort, s.i)S : "After services Were over a number of tho visitors to Beaufort Went In sen tin- old cemetery. At the further side they lrcw near a colored church. The preacher qioko of a laud flowing wilh milk und houey. 'What do you waul wilh ihe whole earth? You got heller clothes th in vou ever had bcf'titc. Look at vour Sunday clothes you got on to.lay. Be satisfied with what tho Lord's doing for you. Aud that ain't all. The laud is flowing with milk and honey all lln- milk you want at ten cents a quait and honey at len cents a pound. Sic what the Lord has done for you. You used to have to raise a hog to get your lard. Now all the people may cat greasy bread when lard is made I'loin cotton seed Tain't quite us good as old fashioned lard, but there's abundance of it. (juil gruiubliag. Rejoice before tho Lord. Money? Is that what you want? What you want with it? If all the corn was to dry up, if there was to cornea drought and dry up all the cotton, and all th ¬ orn and wheat crops, what good Would your money do you? You couldn't eai ten dollars il yon had it. Trust the Lord. He's doing the best lor you lie can.' And in a becoming undertone the Morganton Herald said lo Ihe Slatcsvillc Liudiuaik: "That's n Democratic nig ger; he's preaching good limes.' And we all said yes " When uiovino into our present hotoe I found a bolile of Cliaiiiliul. mi's I'.iin Bilm hit by a fornnr tenant On tin label I found l lie statement llni it w.i? ootid lor euls and burns 1 can tctifv to the truth of ibis. Nothing in all n i expeiience has l.iiiud itsifinal lor treat iug blisters or burns. K. K. Barrett, malinger lc Sueur Seniinel, Le Su -i.r, Minn I'ain B ilm l- also a sure cure lor rheumatism. For sale by. I. N llrown, ilalilax, Dr A. 8 Harrison, Enfield. Sin is deadly only when il can hide ils lace. Don't pallern after men, when ymi would please (toil. (lo'l is still calling lo some people to do small things. To wjy "Thy will he dune," means In say gootl by to self. (iod's wiiriiors are always chosen from his worshippers. The only things we really know, ate those (iod tell us. When you shut your closet dot-r, lock it with a promise. Whatever is lost in Sodom must be Inst with Sodom The rod never does good unless the hand of love holds it. Let us do right, and Hod will see to it that we conic out right. The dovil is most like a lion when he looks most like a sheep. It is ihe Wolf iu sheep's clothing that has tin sharpest teeth. It is never hard lo believe when wc get on believing ground. We can only walk wilh find when wc are willing lo go his way. Our mission of sorrow in this life is to show us our need of (iod. To make those alound us want relig ion, we must show them what it is. Hive thorns a light to live, and you make a law against killing snakes. . Praying is sometimes done, when God wants us to first do something else. Some men whom God calls to preach misunderstand tiim, and write essays. Die devil has lo work hard fur all he gels in the house of n praying mother. The old serpent hasn't grown an inch tine,! he crept into the garden of Eden. When the deil goes about as a roar ing liou he is careful not to show his I. rlh. It is a long step toward heaven to he born in a houie where the Bible is loved Il is doiiblful if the man who makis a long prayer ever expects a quick an- Wer. There is si. induing wrung with the preaching that won't hit a sinner somewhere. The mall who enlers ihe straight gate has In leave bi-himl him all that is crook ed. Whatever we undertake iu the name of the I. ird, is sure lo have God's help behind it. We most do the thing that God tells us to do, hel'iire any oilier good work will c aunt. The prayer thai opens a window in heaven, can only be offered when God is worshipped. The Bible will not long remain a closed book against the one who opens it to look for Christ. Only Ihe wise can profit by the expe rience of ol hers. A luol has to find out for himself that lire is hot. NICCKS. Cadet What a beautiful neck Mis. Topcream lias!" Did you ever see any thing more divinely syiutnetiical? Major Have a care, young man! Il was a fondness for necks that brought about the French revolution. I 'OH V I.Mtt OVUK lll-'TV Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with nefect success. It soothes tho child softens the gums, allnys all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor litile sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eiery part of the world. 25 cents a hot Ho. Ho sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and lake no olh et kind. KI MCS ' OU l!U: ( LISTS iik ki'ns t mh: noiii: to KOOST. You may lake the world as it comes ami goes, And you will he sure lo find That l'tite will square the account she owes, Whoever comes out behind, And all things bad that a man has done, Ily whatsoever induced, lleluiii at last In him, one by one, As the chickens come home In roost. Yon may scrape and toil and pinch and save, While your hoarded wealth expands, Till the cold, dark shadow of ihe gran Is Hearing your life's last sands; You will have your balance struck some night, Ami you'll find your hoard reduced ; You'll view your life iu auollier light When the chickens come home' to roost. Sow as you will, Micro's a time to reap, For tin; good and had as well; And conscience, whether wo wake or sleep, Is cither a heaven or hell. And every wrong will find its place, And every passion loosed, Diifis back and meets you lace to face i Inn tlie cuicions come home to roost. Whether you're over or under the sod, Ihe result will bo the same; You cannot escape the hand of God, ) ou must bear your mu and shamu. No mailer what'scarved on a marble slab. When the items are all produced, You'll find that St. 1'cter was keeping "tab," And (hat chickens conic homo to roost. surgeon gives, in uu English maga zine, some cxeelieiil rulci fur bicycle rid ing: I. Never ride wilhin half an hour ol meal, which means neither before or all er. - Wheel ihe machine up any hill the mountiug uf vihieh ou the wheel causes any real effort. It Sec thai I ho el. 'thing round lb stotutleh, heck liml ellist is loose -I Have the handle bir sllfliciellllv raised to prevent -looping. .V Be as spaiiug us pussiblc of taking lloids dining a b-ng tide lliusiug the in mill tin 'roughly, us Well ns gurgliu with cold wnii r, will qn.-liili thcibirsl as well us, if mil belli r than, taking IliiiiU into the stomach in large quaniiiirs. II. ICxi'i pt the wind, road, etc , be lav orable, never ride more than leu miles an hour, nxrcpl fur viry shun distances. 7. Never smoke while riding Atlrnlion to these puinls will tuul lo relieve the pressure ou the rhiht side if Ihe heart, breaililcsness will largely be prevented, nnd even persons with ceriuin forms of heart disease may tide with safely Mv boy was taken with a disease re scmbliog bloody flux. The first thing 1 thought ol was ( hamberlain a Colic Cholera uud Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doses of it settle I the matter aud cured him sound and well. I heartily recom mend this remedy to all p-isous suffering from a liko complaint. will answer any inquiries regarding it when stamp is enclosed. I refer to any county official a lo my reliability. Y m. Iloacli, J 1' I'rimroy, Campbell county, Tenn For sain by j. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A. O. Harrison, Kubdd. STOKII'S OF THE SOUTH. One of the most kindly and generous of his sex gave a $.') bill some time ago to a struggling, poverty-stricken colored church iu southern Virginia. So large a sum had never before come from a single individual and the people were over whelmed. It happened that the gentleman, Mr. C , went to the church the follow ing Suuday and took a retired scat in the allery. What was his amazement to hear from ihe pulpit the following de scriptive prayci: "0, Lawd, bless Mars' C Hi plays cards, he driuks, ho racis, ho gam hies; but he's given 85 to this church and, O Lawd, bless him!" Mr. C dodged behind a post und hurriedly re-(ired. Those who were present at a corlnin convention had the pleasure ol listening to another man of color who occupied the platform with bis white hnthrcn, and one of whose sentences was certainly unique. "And now, gentlemen," ho said, in his most iinpres.-ive manner, as he surveyed the large audience, 1 will give ynii a hunk 1. 1' thought, without dies; or gar bage!" New Yurk Tribune. lie "Will you homy wife?" Sin "Oh, this is sin h a surprise!" He "I can't help that. It isn't my fauil that you never heard anything like it lii-!'ore." Batchehr "I am told that a niartied man can live on half ihe income that a single man requires" Mairicd man "Yes. lie has to." "Binglc's wife says she thinks heaven must bo something lite Huston. ' n Inn dues Binglcsny?" "lie says he is tempi ed to become an agnostic." , A I'EUSON AI. MATTKK. He "A fellow called me a donkiy the olhe day. She ' Didn't you feel like kicking hiui?" mi aiLlSRa ' lEfl A DY F.IITISKM KYI'S. OF! SJrtJ Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINE t:t p i-iiT- lost Manhood. ( tin ui'iikni'MMii, Nurvoun ilxUliiy ;, .( i.M ili.MiviU frum i-iirly or Inhir i-i-rwrw i'M, Hi i--nil- n," mi'i v.u-lc, worry, nrkiii'H-., 'It-, i'ull i-li'i'iiK'h, Ioiiii nm) ili'Vi'lo'iiMi'iit tnvi'ii to t'Viry nnruii oi -iliii uf Ho imt. Juimiov. im'hI uiniii-iluitt y wh'ii from tin" llol i Ih-hi- 1 i.f It'll it uf iiralxiiim our nltico. I 'an crriix) hi v'h pMikoi, H"tit hy mail many ni i "-m -t of i.ri.ti. Omi iin.ntli'pi tri'iil ' in !. tilxix, I'nivil f, illume. f.'i iHi, mOi .it- ii I i tii in id i o tu n-fiiii't n M niny if it nl riirtHl, .ii lit uu ti.i tliiHii'tminn. CiMHilnm Frit). I V .) by V. M COIIKN, iM iii.-isI, : fl-l v WeM.-n, N. C m wm I will iiihliiiih- In ili-.iuM' of Uu- slocU nl I1. N Htainlinck tV Uiu , ;il Ihe coi nt-r slujc. Ihivc ;iNn ju-. ailttnl ;i hi'iintifiil lint1 ol NEW DRESS GOODS : "-;: iiml Kt'ipk' Dry (.imiU, Notion:, uiiil lur-nlsiitii-r iooils, AImo fn! I line of Shots, (il'occnis ;iii( (icili'i;il Mi'irlmn.lUr. ;i.r 11 ly. A. L Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. y Don't play with Nature's greatest gilt health. Town's pron i Bitters If yon nre feeline ut ol to: ts. weak .tinl Kenerally ex-h..u--u-il, ii vi vous, liaM: im r-pj't'tile .tiid iitu't Wtitk, Ix'Kii -it mire i;ik iliir ttiv tnoM reli-J- yiiic (.tioiiKiiiL'i'niSs' Mil-OU HH'.lvliKll I J ilrovu :i Iron Kn urs. A li w !-ik-s CUI c- hciivfii ( (r.'tn It.. . ry ('- it ' ',' ti tn, liml II Hi t lit take. It Cures l.lvcr f'), Kidiiev aitd ' Ncni'iilht, Troubles, . ue .'iiiatinn, Hlond .-.'at i i, Kt-rvou.i ailments Wouicti'ii conq-laitit iitn 8 I'onii'laiiit.-'. J :, L-ii.ti.- e . u. .-,! r.d J i.,;-l'.:. . l ..i.. , ,1. -i,l.. Lilips III! l VVi.ilJ t Lightning struck a Georgia negro and skinned him alive. At last accounts the negro was doing duty in a dime museum, drawing a handsome salary, and the light ning was doing as well as could bo expected. NEW ADV KHT1SEMENTS. AOYAI tv S AKlN POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest ol all in leavening strength. Itittttl U. S. (lutiTliliWiif Fuml Eeptirt, HOYAI. lUlUNII 1'tlWDKR Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. -...I 't'le "l: ".'.''"i'n.l i, IlM I ,i:. .! I.. ,. Ini . ....-ll CHt vt ..ALU... li.'L "ttF. MD july 2ti ly. tit? Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. Having snececilcil ,1. W. Yomu I would he pleasett to see bis old Iriciuls, Largest stock ol DIAMONDS. WATCHES, .IKWKI.KYuml C'triiLASaS in lliis city. Join) W. Strwarl, who was with Younn iK: Itm. for :t."i vi'ars is nt the lii'inl of my l.Yi.iirinn IK i.irtnrnt. tffiuAH Hoik iitnl ortltT- hitivc prompt ilti'itlion. ot-t 2"j ly. l i.. :, .t t.i ti ' t i.;ii-.Ltd . HE BEST 'Ihnttt .iiiivriS.'witnj Machine - -! ,- iuiuiniv; ail crtiSfmcnH you c:tn yet tliu best made, Most Popular " .i Tin i'.' n hit. K'f to it tli;it . .i bin fi.iiii r 1 i'i!.' tit itiu i n:rt rs .:itn. l n . "it:i:;,i! I iv llin t' '. 'M'lt MjL.irO il.t.v, nii i tt ii m t a win-' Ai.;. liTiu- tl;;ii s iftt'il woil.t nt r f--r in ilnrrt oiilv. Yntl v:m! tin- i'i"-tliat -.-askist l lii:uinirt' an.l is Light Running Hy'v' Tlific in none in the world , fc-'j'',3 hi ria linn, ilnral'ilitv of workitiK . fvfjl naii", litifiii'ss of, Uniity Niiv iiuiirovenn-ntB as tho or lut-i us iiitui y MOMB ADVEKTISKMENTS. F. II. Stainhl:, (at .1. T. tlooi-li'solil sl.inil) WTLDON, N. C. Ili-ali r In General Merchandise -1 1 i i j X up totliv llu' pit'ltv liit- of Zfit!- I.-i'h SHOES! l-'or lailiiN, Misses ami Chihlrcn everNhowu in Wi'ltlon. A larne linr of Oxfords all styles. These slioi-n mv alwayn n-liahle and I invite iiiHpi'dion. Have all A large line of IYIETALLIC& WOODEN " " o BURIAL CASES- 1'. N. STAIN BACK. P ETERSBURG SEED HOUSE, KKKI) t'oi FAItM & ( i A K IKN TKSTEI) on our Kiirm. l'laiitfi, Kniit Tuts, rViUlizcrs, Oil Cake Meal, hv,. Set.-i i r ciiculareto V. GKUSSMAN, Kcedmuan nixl Mark'-t tianlencr, liollinglmmk st.t l'flersburg, Va. scp lit lyr. STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. A BsrblMS Hons snd Cattle rnr ; Cbli Pooltrj nd Uanlcn fciiooi t'ibM Field and Hof VeBM. YaBtd, tmtry and (tnrt lt Pcnrlii oi Most P.t and Kllt Rpt-elaltr. W VJ CSM rfMk4 UaUiof as Mil UaUBionlKte rim, ft. L. WII.1XAIU.IU1KB, ATLAXTl. i, it h .-t Autnmatk Tinalon. puuMr Pd, alike ii b.i'h hiilrsiil iit olU-1 ratrttr, o'l.inioituT ha it ; K-w Miin 1 1 ft- f-wni,'lriviiik wIkmI hink'ft ti a 1 iiKt;itilu CL-Dtoih, ttuiu rt'iluciHK (rictiuu lo llic i.nniiiHiiH. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS THE NEW HOVE SEWING VOIRE CO. Osmn. WW. Msn l i..!trtaril,ll.T t'-ur-.ii.lil. t jiii..Hi Im i.oi.TWjii. H.o l-H.SrliH.I.I'll. A ll IM.I, 111' FOII 0Lt BT P. N. STAINBACK,r- AOKNTFOH Wr.l.lutN. Atti-uU wuiittd cvi'iywhiTe. mar 7 flm- W. M. HABLISTON I CO.","'" Wholesale unil Ki t.iil Dealers in Sold, or Sil . :-, or Paier. To havo a .".0( t OMIUNATIOX, ai fullows: I 3 New York. uu j ar, mid your cholco of tho following Bub rtantiiil, uriiatt', cluth houml wurkt.: icorr.s i'oktk'ai, Wiit:ns--i voi. A OK KMiLANl) AMI AMKIl('A-.1 vulft, LI r K AMI TIMI.S OK NAhH,',i1.v iu . YCi.ntvKniA okhik:ial AND t. oMMi'.i:t'IAI. IN Hh;mai iiin-i vi. JU'TIOSAKY OK Tlili KN ULI SI I LANCl'AfiK-l Vol. MI.ZAC! "COM KDV OF HUMAN LI IK" s n. i,lltUAi:V OK STASlAlil At'THOII-i av.-N. UlLToVS 1'AlCAi'ISK LtMil' I nl. Iirivmr l units. f)ANTK'Ll 1 NFF'JiNO -1 vnl. l'lirCi'iitrr ThMiv UANTK'S I'l'lJOATOl'.Y AMI I'AHAOISK 1 vol ut Ci-nlri' l'tiltli'. rilK CAI'II ALS OK Til i;LOItj;-l vul. l oHMiin Tab It-. ;r, if you rtfi'r Lighter ami Mmri' Hfiiu'liki looks, you may rlioos-: MOOllK'S TOFTICAI. WOIEK. KYKNINOS AT IIOMK HOW TO Sl'k'Jit Til KM. I'HK 4'1 VII. WAli IN SUM! AMI f.rnliV. (l(lV HKHOKS OK rH'TloN I'ltc it'll"1 , AN I HKItlUNKS KI'.i'LV. In iM-nt I ..Ui, MU) ltHi, cimiiiliiliist iivit i,J aid ijuniiluua iruii tilt' Llttr.auniyl thu Wull.l. HOW THE COMBINATION WORKSi You PAY )XK ItOlXAlt when lit. l.-ki ir.' iti tivn'il at your ri-snh-ii. e; ih.- tudiiiu . ut ;ilf or Kin v 'i-tits ut iiMittti. 'J' lie hotiks lire well worth ihoih--, OXl-: M KI'K i- tho hri-liti sl. .)oa-atit-'I iiiul iii.iv wtil' lv fin-ulnti-tl of all II..' Aiot-ri .ui illu-tiLitt'il wivkly joiii'iiah Ka-Mii llllllh lliltl UiMiVHS, Ull.l W l Will IH't that fou uru suii1hhJ. ONCE A WEEK, ft i'i V. l.1lh St., N. Y. r COPYRIGHTS. CN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For pi-oinit Rnnwr sml an litmrit oi'lnion, write to H NN & CO., who havf hurt noarlitut oars' (HMTifriL in thp patftit bunnirst. Communios-tloniiMrlrtlT0.Tiff-1-ntlsl. A llnndbook of lo fnnnaliim rotiMrniuu l'ntpnis and bow to obit-tin ihi'in ni'iit fne. Also a cauiogua ui movhsn (l'rI ami dcU'titlfto hooka sent rree. I'atpnifl taken throtiffti Mutin Co. rSfiHrs urerinl not1n in tho N. ti' nit lie Atnrrlrnii and thus nro bnnmht wtiielv btiioretlifl public with out rout to tlm Inventor. Thin aolondld Mpcr, ImuihI wprilr. pliant It illustrated, has by tu lbs lamest ftri-ulattoQ uf ny sciontidc work Id ids world. $' s rear, Saitipin coinr.B sent frM. Itutldiiiff KHtion. monthly, H! Wa year. Hlnffl ponit'ii. '2 A wnti. Kvt'ry numbtT con tat OS beau tiful iilM", in oolorn. and photographs of new bouufH. ith plan, ciiablins ouildurs to ahow UfcS) laii'iO ilt!tuim und m'ouri' contrarta. Addrsu MUNN k t:oH NkW YoitK, atfl BhoauwAT. 1!. CLARK. sua CAKIKTSt STOVKS, and Mattnw-HW, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, 11 A HUSTON A CO, No. 30 N. Rjesmon St., reUraliiiix. Va. 10 M If. ATTORNEY-AT-LAVi AND WELDON. N. C pETER SMITH J. CO.. "THE LEADERS OF LOW PKICES," Importers, wlioU-mle anil retail dealera in FOllEUiN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 144 Main street, Koitulk, Va. je S7 If. X4

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