I ''mm J i 0 JOHN W. SLEDGE, proprietor. -A- NEWSPAPER EOiR, THE PEOPLE -Sl.r.o l'Kll ANNUM IN ADVANCK. VOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AU(iUST 22, 1S95. NO. 1. NKW ADVBRTtSK.ME.Vr3. AS IN YOUTH Ayer's Hair Vigor CORDIALLY INDORSED. 111 RESTORES Natural Growth or 1B HAIR W1IKM -A IX OUIl It Dressings FAIL "I can roi'dL.tlly Indorse Ayer's Hatr o' Vior, in one ut ilio lies. ,rf oaratioiu o fur Hie Inlr. Wlirn I Wnn using Ayer a 21 Hair Vi;'.r. Uu trout p:ttt of my head oj -ulimit li.tlf of ! - Hilt l-iilil. Uiu use w ol only two lion).' rlmcd a natural 0 prow ih, which si ill I'otittniM-H as in my o youth. I U lt d Hi-vor.il otluT dremliiK. JJ but ifory All f;nlt'l. Ayer's Hair Vigor 0 H tllP licit." MM. J. V. 1' HE IBM Ml, 0 Ayer's Hair Vigclr I'lIM-Alirai IIY lit. J. C. AYER i CO., LOWELL, MASS. ! oooooooopoooooeoooooooo je 13 ly. Sweet Dreams I ! iba dnwmltif of oranire flow era r II aha Wrllllitf a pnvm nn luvaf II she building HuaiiUh kfWn, la the raldst at Rlikoa bo or, The iWrwt little limot out dear! NO. This Swwt Child in dn-aiuin ot tli wonderfully low priics ut whirl) the -5 Excelsior Printing Company- WKI.IION, N. 0. Is liiruiiiK out AUTISTIC l'KlNTINCi ol Every lcrritioii. Letter Ifeiuls, racket lleails, Hill lleasl., Envelopes, Htatcnicnts, Hand Hills, Programmm, Tickets, Etc., Ktc Kte. ffluWrile fur samples nuil prices. I'.. I,. llAVWAIll), I'ltiirKIKTUU. ! rn IfE soutvehI, I'KTKHSIlUIifi, VA. T.I.KCTR IC LIGHTS. ELKCTItIC HEI.LP ACCOMMODATION .UK). C. 8NOI)C!l(ASH, Proprietor, late ol Itutlcr, l'u. The only lint close hotel In tliecitr. Commercial rates, $'J. to 2 50 per ilay. dr. h. o. mn'S sanatorium, KINSTOJJ, N. C. VOISEISES OF THE ETE N0 GENERH SUMER'. 8 2 ly. Ik II. 1 ?i lHasjlWt welted frceli lot of CANDY, plain and iiey. Also ruisius, mixed uuta, iTicsIiioIn, wM-oaunls, tipples, ihmmuoh, -'lorida oiiutpa, plain ami fauev cakes. JaiiKe assortment of HOLIDAY (JOODS. Hlioo fly horses, waitona, carta, dolls, clocks, chamber seta, books liy Is-sl authora, Hue box paper, cigars, snuff, Uitiacco aud many laucy notiouM too uumeroDM to men tiou. nov 1 ly. rnorEssioxAi. cards. nun , DLLIII DAM1IL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WKI.IION, N. C. Pw't'tlnUitcouruor HftlilkitndHortherop. I1 amlln theHupnnieend KtHlvrtl rotirta. UoU IIoim uxle In tllprUof NarU lr,,llu. Bnuick ottce l Hallflu, M. U.,opau etery Mob dr. jeo 7 It TU. T. T. KOSb, ' ' ' " ' - D1FTIST, I Wddon, N. C. WOffloeor Erury A Pleroe'i store. a 10-19-ly.. -. , , DR. W.J. WARD,) fSirmoi Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. MkOfflwont HartiatM'tDrai Blara. A CCOMMOUA TISa UT It A NO Ell WAS J 1ST A LITTLE TOO LATE. I wan traveling over the Coleiuiil mountain whuu hailed by a Hlnbhily JrowJ woiuau Htamliii in the oVurway of a cabin, "Halt, stranger," ho said in the aharp nasal toncn of the woplo of that Jitltict. "Air ye goia' to the (tore?" I told her I wan going to the village just beyond aud asked if I could do any thing for her. "Ye eon, shew. I can't leave little Dave, an' he's cryin' for a pair of new shoes, Aio't ucver walked a step in his life, an' lie's I! years old this sprinj Ain't never had no shoes, either, hut he's spilin' clear through for a pair now. Here's the chink to get 'eni with an' something over for your trouble." And she turned out seme loose change from a cup sho held in her hand. ' I told ber I would get the mooey when I brought tho shoes, and she gave me a slip of paper which was just the length of little Dave's loot, and I rode off and was gono all day, going hack in the shadow of tho evening in an atmos phere of fresh spriug odors. The cabin door was closed, but just outside sat a gaunt man with a rifle across his knee, tlo looked at me as if he saw me not, "Good evening." "Kvcnin'." "Is tho woman iu ?" "She air." "I've brought little Dave's shoes." "Vou're plumb too late." "Is ho" "Oono over the divide." I handed him the hocs, saying us gently as I could : "Perhaps the little chap would like to wear them uow." lie comprehended, but shook his head as he took them, and I rudo away, hear ing on the still night air (he wailiug cry of a woman and trying to oonjure iu my mind a picture of the little chap who had "never walked." Detroit Free 1'iess. hi; li;adi:tii mk. When from life's woe this weary suul shrink And deep despair io this sad heart be boru, . liy the still waters of some river brink, And through green pastures, smiling to the mora, Ho leidcth me. E'en through tho valley of enhadow'! death, Wheo itseold terrors, thronging fa t, appall, And groping uear, would bear away my breath l'ointiug to some bright downing o'er it all, Ho leadeth mc. Then I will IVar no evil, though the days Should hold no kiudly promises to cheer, He who doth guide tho universe's ways Will mike my pathway clear, I will not fear He leadilll lue. M ILLING TO Oltl.lGE. They are ti lling a story at tho eipense of a young Noith Carolina girl. The girl is elinruiing, but like a great many other eharuiio xiplc she is poor. She never has more than two evening gown, in a season, and the ruin of one of Ind ia always a eery serious ui ol, r to h i She went to a little daneiug party las week, and she wore a brand new whit, frock. During the evening a great, In; red faeed perspiriug man came up an asked her to dauee. He wore i.o glow, She looked at his w.-ll meaning but iuoim hands despaiiiogly, and thought of ll immaoulate back of her waist. She li itated a minute, and then she said will a winning smile : "Of course, I'll dance with you, but it you don't mind, wna't you please um your handkerchief? The man looted at her blankly t moment or two. Then a light broke over his faoe. "Why, certainly," ho said. And he pulled out his haudkrrchicl and blew his nose. TIIK NEW WOMAN. She can wear our shoes and jackets, Our cc!!;ri fvat; She can wear our trousers. And the latest stylet of hats, Kach mannish fad and fancy She copies, if she can, But she cannot raise a mustache Or grow whiskers like a man, Kenneth Baumore had the good for tune to receive a small bottle of Cham Main's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy when throe members of his fam ily were sick with dysentery. This one bottle cured them all and he had some left wbioh be gave to Geo. W. Baker, a promiaout merchant of the place, Lewis ton, N. C, and K cured him of the same eoniplaint.YVhcn troubled with dysentery, diarrrwa cholera tuorbu, give this remedy a trial aod you will be note than pleased with tho result. The praise that natur ally follows its introduction and use has made it very popular. 2S end 5U coot bottles For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax-, Dr. A. 8, Uarriao., KaiOd. ir Old Lady. .S7A' WAS (lOWU TOALUEIirS, A A'D HE A CUED THERE SA EE L Y. An old woman wearing a blaek bonnet, a Warm sli:iwl and a pair of gold eye glasses was a passenger on one of the trains from Huflalo to New York recent ly. She had come through from the west, and the nervous way in which she gathered her bundles around her and the number of iieslions she asked all showed that she was not accustomed to travel ing. When the train boy came through with his assortment of books she confided to liiiu the fact that i-he was going to New York to see her son, and that she had Dot seen him for over a year. She grew talkative aud said : "My son Albert's a great preacher. lie is a Methodist, and lam a Methodist. I taught him when he was a little bit of a boy what was right and what was wrong. He hasn't been back to sec mc for over a year. I live way out in Missouri, and he couldn't get away this summer, but he wanted to see me, and he sent for mo to come on. Ho preaches in a big church there, and he has got a line family grow ing up " So she prattled on. The trainboy listened to her attentively and succeeded iu selling her a copy of "The Quick and the Dead," solemuly assuring her that it was a Methodist religious book. When he left her she began to read it, calmly at first, then nervously, until she grew tired. Then she began to nod, and final ly Ihe book slipped to the floor. The gray hair reposed on the cushion of the palace car seal, and its owner dozed peacefully. The conductor came through to collect tickets, and seeing the peaceful sleep of his parsenger, was loth to wake her. Finally he leaned over and shook her gently, and said : "Where ore you going, mother?" "To Albert's," was tho (juick reply as the eyes behind the glasses opened, and the old woman louked around her for a moment, still unable to tell where she was The motherly response touched a sympathetic cord in the conductor's heart, and he carefully looked after her until the end of the trip and saw her rush into "Albert's" arms half laughing, half cry ing. New York Times. MAY UK I'LL KNOW. Maybe I'll know, when God sees fit To touch these eyes and bid sleep Smooth out the wrinkles of sad weari ness Hid rest, in its sweetness to creep And heal all the aching the sad, dreary fain II know then why struggling was vaiu! Maybe I'll know why the dreams I drcauu-d, When life .ivuicd hi bright, so new, Faded, e'er broke the first gleam of light, A vision of ashes untrue! Maybe I'll kniw why thorns deck my way Why shadows loom dark, where sua beams should play ! Maybe I'll kuow why lougiug arms Are reached out in cold, empty space, While the warmth of the kiss that baby gave me Si ill clings to my grief stricken face! Maybe I'll kn iw when be bids in ; to smile Maybe 1 11 know in that sweat alter while I Kdward N. Wood. A (iKNIL.S I'Oll IIELI'ING. "There," said a neighbor, pointing to i tillage carpenter, "there is a man who has done morn good, I teally believe, in this community than any other person ho ever lived in it. lie canuot talk v ry much iu public, and ho does not iry. lie is uul worth and it is very little he cau put down on suWcrip tion paiiors Hut a uew family never moves iuto the village that ho dies uot find it out aud give ihem a neighborly welcome and elf r them some service Ho is on the lookout to give strangers a seat in his pew at chnr.ll He is ulw.iy ready to watch with a Mck ncigliboi and in look after his iill.iirs for him He duds time for a ph asant wind to i vit) child he meets, and y.u will always wi the ehildren elnnl.iMg into his wagon wheo he has nu oilier load He has a genius for helpiug I Iks, and it does un Kood tomeot hiui on ihe street." TWO OK THEM. "I Was in hop your lather would say a good work for me!" eieUiiued the hapless lover. 1 He did," replied the young woman "When I asked him if he wanted you in the family he said: "Gracious heaven.' " My boy was taken with a disease re sembling bloody flux. 'The first thing I thought of was Chamborlaio'l Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed;. Two doaee of it settled tho matter and cured him aouod aod well. I heartily reoom mend this remedy to all persons suffering from a like complaint. I will answer any inquiries regarding it whea stamp is enclosed. I refer to any county official as to my reliability. Win. Koaeh, J, P., Primroy, Campbell county, Tenn. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A.S.narriaoo.Enatrd. From Cradle to Grave. LIFE'S MOVJMJ PANORAMA ILLUSTRATED IN A NEH YORK STEET SCENE. A living picture of life's moving pau- nratna was presented at llroadway ami Twenty third street lust week. It was a processiou formed by chance, but the utmost deliberation could not have made it tell a plainer ttury of life. First came a wugou piled high with baby carriages frail little vehicles to carry frail "inches of humanity" as tiny began the uncertaiu journey over the tortuous ways of this world. Then followed a pony cart carrying two laughing boys advanced ouly f:,r enough in the great high way of life to realize that there was roses in tlu path but not to know of the thorns. Behind the boys iu u dogcart dawn by a high stepping cob, were two youths on tho threshold of manhood. One wore on the lapel of his coat a college pin on a bit of blue ribbon, tho other a pin ol different design on a yellow knot ol silk. They wcro engaged in earnest couvc lsa Hon, apparently suggested by a highly colored theater poster representing young womau who was advertised to ap pear on some stage. A clanging gong was close behind, and a cable car crowded with impatient busi ness men was hurrying its load to their posts to make the daily utart io the wild race for money. Next a handsome pair of horsis, a stylish carriage, coachman and footman on the box, and in the carriage a rotund, red-faced man, past middle ugc, and be side him a richly arrayed woman trying to appear to be on the sunny side ol that middle line. Prosperity was writ ten on every part of the equipage. Then came an ash cart, and its dust, borne on the wind, reached and annoyed tho occupants of tho cariiage. The driver walked at his horse's head, bowed, but not with years, und his face bore the marks of toil, that had extended over his life since early youth. Close behind the ash earl, with bluek horses, black plumes and a solemn visugid driver, came a hearse. New Y'ork Herald. A SHORTHAND JOKi;. Liwley (expert shortlnnl reporter) I say James, the boy from the new-pa per office has called for the report of the Icututc. Is it finished?" James (a novice) All hut u short sentence in the middle of it, and I can't fur the life of m i m ike out from my notes what it is. Lawlcy Oil, just put iu "great ap plause" arid let it -ii. Taiuns ae:s on the suggestion, und the lecture is sent fur publication with ill.1 doctored put readiug: "Friends, I will detain you but a few in nueuts longer. (Great Applause.) AN UIMJI'-NT LANDLADY, An aged lady complained tn a London magistrate that becaure she was a little behind with her rent her landlady fol lowed her to church and asked for it there. The landlady come iuto the pew alongside her, aud when sho was joining iu tho responses whispering to her about the rent. When it came to the responses: "Incline our hearts," the landlady would add : "To pay our rent." The magis tral suid it was very annoying, but then was nothing illegal iu it. MAItY'S LITTLE KINO. Mary had a little ring, "Vivas given ber by her beau, And everywhere that Mary went That ring was sure to go. She took the ring with her one day Off to the seashore, where She might display it to the girls Who were all clustered there. And wheu the girls all saw that ring They made u great ado, ICxcluiiuiug with one voice, "II n it Just got anuiud to you AOItlCTLTl'ltAL JOYH. Nn ihe merry, merry farmer geltclh up at four o'clock, Aud he goelll out a fcediug aud a water lug his stock; And he fighteth grubs aud inseuls all the biiht itudAiuilirg morn, For the worm is io Ihe cabbage and the bug is in the euro THOSE ItltUiHT CHILDREN. Said a little boy who, during a visit to Florida, was obliged to drink con demned milk: "Mamma, I just wish that condensed oow would die. fOH VIJAItHOVKR KlfTV Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor children, while tt-ethlog, with pcfoct success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and la tho beat remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little nfferer immediately.' Sold by druggista in even part of the world, Zfi cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wiov low'i Soothing Syrup," and take no oth at Una. NO PSE 10 HOLD OVt HOPE TO A MAN IN THE SUA DO II OP DEATH. (M. tjii.ul iu lletioit Free Tress.) 1 stood leaning up against tin awning post in Hester street, watching the pov erty (if a summer's evening the poverty, despair and desperation of the east side as it surged back and forth of hundreds of men aud women when n little hand sifd) stole into mine, und I looked down to find a girl of M staiidiug beside inc. She was bare headed, bare-looted, ragged aod unkempt a fair specimen of scores of children on the block. I smoked my cigar a long minute, and looked down at her before she said: "Come up and sec him." "Who?" I asked. "Daddy." "Where is he?" "Fifth fl ior up over there," poiuting to a tenemeut across the street. "Is he sick?" "Awful bad." She did not let go of my hand as we crossed the street, nor yet us we pushed our way through the chattering men and women on the sleps und dodged the cry ing children sprawled out iu the hall. Up the steep flights of stairs wo went, side by side, neither of us sayiog a word until we reached the fifth floor. I had to stop there for breath, aud she clasped my hand more lightly as she said: "Can you tell when a nun's going to die?" "I guess so." She opened the door to a single rooui, iu which was u miserable old stove, a deal table, two chairs and a wretched bed. It was lighted by the cheapest of lamps, and a blind man could have told that the place was the abode of poverty aud de spair. On the bed lay a man, whose ghostly face, shining eyes and thin hands told the nature of the disease ut a glance. He looked at uie curiously as I turned up the flam.-of the lamp and sat down at his bedside. ' He's come to see you, daddy," said the little girl as she took one of his hands in both of hers. ' Doctor?" he queried. "No." "Charity?" "I shall be glad to help you." "It's too late!" he whispered. "I've been ailing lor months and mouths. I've been lyina; right here for weeks und weeks, huiigrri'ig. starving and suffering. Tho end has finally come, uuil you ale too late!" "Has no on- given you aid?" I asked. "I've had the crusts they throw to d ig-!" he bitterly replied. "If they'd given me work six mouths ago I'd have been all right. I traniied up aud down and ucross, iu r.iiu uud storm, but there wis no work for uie. What's a man more or h ss in the world? Who iu New York eaies whether a man is ill or well?' "I'll bring a doctor and then see if 1 can't get yoj iuto a hospital " "It's days too late!" he replied. "We'd been all right, daddy, if they'd giveu us a show, wouldn't we?" said the girl as she gave him Water in it broken teacup. "Aye! Meg," he replied in a stronger voice, "All wo wanted was work- show to earn our bread a ehaucc to live with others! But we couldn't get it. We've Wen driveu from spot Io spot evicted threatened ground into the mud of the streets. It was cold aud storm aud starvation which brought this Oil me, and the end will come in a day or two more. "Aud are you two all alone?'' I asked "Jest daddy and m," replied the girl. " The rest are dead, aud I thank (led for it!" whispered the in an. "I wish Meg was going with me!" "What will beeoine of her?" "Dou't you kuoA? ' be luirly shoutid as he lilte I hiini Il io gel ti le tter Io, k at me. "She'll b thrown nut l,i wander the streets to find liiendi iiinong the wicked un I ieiuus. I could die in cace but for Meg -but i thinking wbut will become of her!" "Dou't I ret, , id ly -J ml ti.l about me!" wliisperel the child as she pallid his head "I'll find a place to wmk. I shan't turn out hid. I'm goiu' to To up tub,! a giol wmi in like in iimns was." I wauled to s.iy encouraging words to her, but tln-y would nut come. Of what use to hold out hope tn a mm in ihe shadow of death? In ilio five years I had knocked about the east Bide I had seeu a hundred just such cases of woe aud wretchedness aud despair. The girl went down to the street with me to bring back food. She said never a word to mc as she took my hand und we do acended Ihe stairs. When wo were in the atreet she asked: "Will daddy gel over it?" "No, dear; he may die any hour." I filled a basket with food at the gro cer's aod accompanied her back Io the door of Ihe tenement. ;'It's awlul good of you!" she said as she received the basket. i "I'm glad to help yon, little one. I only wish I could do more." "Shall you come ngaiii?'' "Yes, in a day or two." It was four days before I climbed the stairs again. The room which I had visited was now occupied by another fain- i'y- "There was a sick man here," I said to the woman who answered my knock. "Yes, but he's dead and btiiied," she replied. "And Ihe little girl the sick man's daughter?" "Meg why, she jumped into the rivei after they took her father away!" That was all. Not a sigh not a word of regret not a whi'per of pity. Down on the other floors they had seeo a cuflin carried in und out had heard the sobs of a child us she followed it had per haps lowered their voices for a moment in the presence of death. The dead had been carried to a pauper's gravo the living had walked down to the river out to the end of the wharf and with ucver a pause and never a look around nur a word she had leaped into Ihe water and gone to join h, r dead!" HA LKICD. She George Peterson, if you kiss me again I'll scream out loud. George (kisses her) Good! I liava never heard you scream out loud. She George Peterson, I won't scream out loud now, just to spite you. FISHING DAYS OVKR. "Is your daddy duin' much fishiu' these hays?" "No; he's paralyzed uu' he can't lie like he use to." Atlanta Constitution. A l'AVOR INDEED. "So you like him'.'" "Yes, He did me the gruutest favor o ie man can do another." "What was that?" "He married ray homely daughter." Truth. ACQVIKSCENCE. "Since silence gives consent," he said, "I'll kiss you thus; yum, yuin." And afterwards the girl confessed She felt as if struck dumb. NOT LIKELY. "Will your father mike any objections to my proposing?" "I should think not! 1 have six sis ters." In order to iulrodiiee Chamberlain's Uiugh Ueiuedy here we sold several d ,z 'ti bottles on strict guarantee and have found cwry bottle did good service. We have used it ourselves and think it superior to any other. W. 1. Mowrey, Jarvisville, W. Va For sale by J. N. Blown, Halifax, Dr. A S. Harrison, Knfield. "Well my dear, what did you do lit the sewing circle today?" "Oh, nothing much. We tore up u few reputations and sowed a few seeds of discord in the congregation." When moving into our present home I found a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm left by a former tenant. On the label I fouud tho statement that it was good for cuts and burns. I can testify to the truth of this. Nothing in all my experience has found its equal for treat ing blisters or burns. F. K. Barrett, manager I.e Sueur Sentinel, I.e Sueur, Minn. Pain Balm is also a sure cure for rheumatism. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, KofielJ. Sapphira Truth is stranger than fie lion." Ananias "Yep, but that is be cause we meet truth so rarely." Kdith "What! Mr. Woith asked you to bo his wife? Everybody says he is a woroon hater." Kate "Yes, but I don 'I seem to he the woman." NKW ADVF.KT1SKMK.NTS. m re a i POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavoniug Btrength. hiteil If. S. (lunriimrnl Fowl Heport. Uoval Baking Powdib Co., in Wall8t.,N.T. ADVKIITISKM KNTS. 7APAWESEJ CURB A f I a i, tiff Pfui i' Tr-fltmiTi. rrrii!illii(r -4 8rPI,li..;Ti!i:, 'H-u!..t f Oir tfr.-nf ..t:.l tfj Ili.iMn ,.f i(iti)--iif. A ii.-v.t f. illiie ( ..it. for Til. I gvepj i.t.tnnt WrM. It nt.ikt ,it ii-'ii 1 ;mt u .lb tli tt knit-i i,r i, i.rti.Lx - I int.-.l.r ....I. ut.u h i.Hififiil und -..1.1 nu i-ii:ii.i,.-i,I i'ir..niii if U it re "u iti nu: in tt. n'l,, iiii'ii-- - .iiy. Why crtUurt thia torriblo Umw.ne? Wo nurnntMO 0 trn'n to t'ui tiny f iM. i ') 1 1 f t-iunliu. it. Cvivitl. 1 ii In i.fll r v't. Sent inHtl, JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Bos. COKSTIPATmNT.'j:rA.MI. tit-ir.-nl I 1 V J-11 i.i.'i HT"MAt II U! '.I l.VlfiU htid M.OIIH iriUMMl. Pnnil' tut 1-1 hi. J ,km int t f),lkK. M4:ialllr latl it'Lt tut liiiW If It ' Ijijj. Mj UoMU Ci' litis. For silt' by W. M. COHKX, Dnii.Liistr : !l ly Wcld.iri, N. C If GOODS! I Hill I'antinitc to ili.-jpGiM' of tin' stock ol IV N. Klainkirk V r.ro .jtt Ihewiriii'i stiirc. Ifavf ;ilv4) jusl milled a iH-rititilul Hue of ii NEW DRESS GOODS and KtnpU1 Dry (JooiIh, Nolionft, ami iur-ni.-iliini; miK Also full lint; of Slmea, (Inwrii'S iiii'l (li nerul Mrrcl Kinder. ujr lily. II. L. STAINBACKi Agt. S, II, 1 & CO. n J -I I)('lt'rH III t 1 LIME, Mr&CeitiL x IJ Richmond -Va. uug 1 ."mi. I . Lauterback I. I . LI 137 SycamorcHt., Pt-tcNlm. Va. IlftYing HUiToedrd J. W. Young I would Ih ptcfiwd to sro liin old friend. Largest hUk-U ol' DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWKI.KY and CUT GLASS in this city. John W. Stewart, who was with Youug A l!ro. lor Ml years is ut the lienil ol'niv KcpuiiiiiK Department. VawjuAII work anil orders receive prompt attention. oct'i'ilv. GET THE BEST Win n yi'i:iTI-.ttvtt.htivfiSowinK Machine lo ii..l Ik 'If. eivol I v iillniini; ml -tTtiM'mi'tittl tp.l ..t toilmtlt you tan net the best inudu, !n t t.iii.ili. d u.bl It f . i I I iMost i'opuiar i'T a hull M.iiy. Krt'toitthnt i-.'it Imy iiinn lvluUi' iti.ni.u i . tiiiir.s ti.;.t U'ivv K.-tiiu-J a 1 1 ;ut;tiion liy honest a in I square 'i ili:i,;, will il.t u ct a wiinf M.tilnr.o Ih.tt is n-'teil ..f u-itriM ovtv l.tr its dnm liihtv. You watit tho onfUiat ucu icU to uuiiumc uiul ii Light Running ,?'' There Is nonoin the world that JnVir. rini'-tti.ti, tiurithiliiv tif worlriiiK oi iiuiMi, ix'tuuy or him ui many -iivcinvuu ua thu nVir. ttrU'-iii-n, tlurul ftanPA IMIH, tiltVIH-SH U 'n 1M,lrt:ri'P. New Home ft hat Automatic Trillion, Iktuble Peed, utifcu nn tioth HiilrH of m'ftlie (WrWritN, nootlipr htti it ; Nvw htn'l ( pti entedi, driving whrel hlngi-il on ktljiistHbittcooturitkui reJutinK friction to Uu' minimum. WRIT! FOR CIRCULARS. TUB HEW HOME SEWIIG MACHIIE CO. ron BAH bV P. IM, STAINBACK, AGKNT FOK WKIJN). AgcntH wanM rvirywliortt. mar? 6nt -''V----"t7 r --aCiW .-.tiiir STEEL WEB PICKET LAWN FENCE For Ytvrd, CwUtj ud Ormt LoU; louitr and Utrde Kpoee, mm4 moIkI Horn, Cattle lutd llo www aran mmm ar lajaaw. .mmwfim r in. a. u aanMimrxim, truirt, va. W. M. HIBLISTON I CO., Wholesale mill lietail I toilers in CAKiETS, STOVES, nd Mttrcsw8, etc IMMENSE STOCK . AND LOW PRICES W. M, UABMhTON A CO., No. HO N. Sycamore fit., Petersburg, Vs. i io Mir. A DY KBTISKM KNTS. P. II. Stainback, J. T. (ioiM'li's old stand) WELDON, N. C. Dealer III General Merchandise One hint up lodny Ihe jinttv line of Zci;- SHOES! Fur LuliiH, Misnra and Cluldrcu cversliown in Wi ldon. A lare line of Oxfords all jilylt's. 'J'htse s1mmm arc always reliable and I invite inu,erlioi.. Have all sien, A larc line of luETALLICS WOODEN o o o ium-'A''' i.ftViiiif Tiri'iri,;, '? "oo BURIAL CASES' P. N. STAIUDACK- PETERSBURG SEED HOUSE, SFKIifor K It M .ViiAKUKNTI-MTKIIonour Kami. Plants, rriiit 'l'ii's. Keitilizers, Oil Coke Meal, e. S. r. I I'nr eireulars to W. liUOKSviAN, HeeUsman and Maiket (arileuer, Itolliughr.H.k St., retersbnrg, Va. sep Hi lyr. Mil, or SiJ rr, or Paper. V.i havo a BR. Ill) Cd.MUINATIUN, d follows: Vr7 3al Wi1 I I 1 I 'I11WVT( New York- SiKs jfur, luitl your choici' of tlio followiup uuki il;inti;il, oni.iU', clotli-lfoiind works: iniTTM COKTICAL WOKK4- 4 v.iN. POlil'ii OK I.N(iLANI) AM AMKIMf'A-J vain. ' LIKK AMI TIMhS OK NAlllL MS-.- ..In. ;vn.ul'.KIIA (U- SIK IAL AMUt.MMl U( IAL IN nn:MAnoN-i mi. I('TIONAUV OF Tilt-: liMiLlSil LANUl At! ii-i V 'I. iiAI.Ar "lOMhUY OK HITMAN Ull" J vu iallil.AUV OK STANDAllli AUTIIO!S--a vU. mi.ToN'st I'AUAi'ISK LOSl'- l Vul. ltT IVntt ilANTK't) INKKUNO-l vtl. l .trtV-iuro TaMo. UANTK'H I'l'lHiATOKV AND I'AUAIUI: 1 YOi I'.ir ft-ntrt' I'ni.J.. Pr, ir you irt'lVr LlKhlr and Moru Unuu liki Hot.ks, you may pIioomo: MnoKKa poK.TirAl. woi:ks KVKNINOS AT HOMK-IIOW TO SPKN1) THI'.M. 1 UK CIVIL WAIi IN KONO AND KTol.V. tlltV? HKIUiKS OK IICTHiN 1'ltOHisK. ANI HKIiOlNI'.H liKI'LY. Lut- Ulcr.Uure of tliu V i-ilU, in'Ht kiiKMili Clotli, m HOW THE COMBINATION WORKSi Y.i PAY OXR DOLLAR wlu n tl.o Imoki in'(t'liv'nHi in your nHHli'it(t; tin- UalBm-e nt I'm.1 r Viltv c'lilt imt iMiHilh. Tlie lionltl re well wurili thfi itHii?y. 0'i: WKI'K wth.-l.rl:,'littt, plrnKnnt l uiul iiiiiNt witli-lv clrrniiiliil of all Ih.t Auicri ;;Ui UliMi'utfd WLt-kly juurual-i P nJ uamo nml aditross, and wo will wc that (U UtV Mll'Ulii'il. ONCK A VKKK,5'J3 W. 13th Hi., N. V. V COPYRIGHTS. V CAM I OHTAIN A PATENT t fat ft Smmvl amwttr and an hnnpst opinion, wtH to IT N N A- 4'O.a who hiive hntl netvlf Itfir yr expArlpn tn th patent banlneps. rotntnunlab tloiis iirlctlf conlifittntlil, A Hanttbook of In firmtlon concminit Patrnti and bow to oa Uiin ihom pent frwo. Alao a tmtaloftoa of inthaa linl Bin) nclfnttflo bonkN Mnt inv. Pttenti tiiken through Hunn ft Co. raoHva nprTinl notice In the Hr-lenllflr Amrrlrtta, tuvd ttiui lira brouiiht WK1rlr beToreUie public with out m".t to the Inventor, Thin splendid paper, InmuHl woflklr, eliwontlr tllastnitod, uu hj far th lartrust clrculition of anv sclenttBo won Id Ut world, $3 hjQmt. Snmplf! cnnlns sent frM. Huildlnu Kdltion. uoiithly, s?.Gt)a rear. StOffla pfiplttA, ronta, Kretrr number eontahM teu tiful plitn, tn cotora, and Photoirapht of new hourtit, with plaiis, enkbluiK DUllden to show Uta Ulfst dtmlifiis aud secure contracts. Address MUNN k CO, NKW You. Sttt BuMJjw T. E?T. CLARK. ATTORHEMT-LAv. AND (iiu w WELDON. N. 0 pETER SBITHIC0.,- "THE LEADHR8 OF LOW PRICES," Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in ' FOltEIUN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, So. 144 Halo atrcet, Norfolk, Va.