JOHN "W. SLEDGE, puopiuktoh. VOL. XXX. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUdUST 2d, 1895. TEBMSH'-511 mi ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 20. NEW ADVERTISKMKMTd. ASTHMA, Distressing Cough, 'l MUSCLES. Despaired 0F RELIEF. - (WltlCII 11V Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "Home time since, 1 had a severe w. tuck ol lhma, nrcotiiiiin1il with a g distressing courIi nml n general soreness 0 of the joint! ami niini-l.'S. I consulted o ihy1rlan tint tried various remedies, tiut without Rt-ttitiit nny relief, until I despaired of ever wing well assln. o finally, 1 took Ayer's Clu-ny Pectoral, o anil In a very short lime, wit enllrely 2 cured. I r;in, llicicfnre, I'uhllally anil o coiindi'ntlr romtiicnil this medicine to O all." J. Ilost.l.1.8. Victoria, Teias. 'My wife Intil a very trouhlesome tiiuith. She mill Ayer's rhcrry recto- ol ml snd iirni-iiinl tlninpiliritn relief." Ol 1. II. l'omili K. Iluniiircy. (in. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a calved Highest Award AT THE WORLD'S FAIR ol aoooooooaaioaoooooooooi jeU ly. A IlKTTKIt DAY IS COMIV. From tin Progressive Farmer. There'll a better Jay a cumin', a comin' riuht alone Whca the right shall rise lriuniihant over all the wrong, When the sun, in all his splendor, climbs a sroiliu sky, The lion anil the laiuli together snnoiin' lie; Yen, a belter day in couiio', omiiin' on, but then, We ouly know its cumin', The lxirJ Knows Tie Truth Is Miiltj. 1)11) ruif EVER HEAR Of WE lil.VE SSAKE OF FLORIDA 1 "Kipoakin' of snakes," remarked the man with o timothy straw in hia mouth, in the hearing of a Star writer, "did you evel hear of the blue snake of Florida? ' Nobody had, and the man firoeeeded. "Well," ho laid, with the air ol witness who was Hiving tralimony under a ataek of Bibles aa high an a house, "the blue anake is the astonishor ot tho world When. I when you get on to bin tine points. When , . , . , . i ( ,1 I ran a truck natch some years ago I had ,0 8lay J some experience with one of them. Une When the rose shall bloom aa aweclly in of their peculiar ways is to go straight for D-ceniber as in May, anything that they are going to tackle. When our King, in all His glory, conies ami " Sauihill can't stop 'cm or turn 1,.uTi"tlK''!.h.: , u 'cm to one side or t'other. When they their sterlin' worth; ' ' nJ notioD fu' " .8 Yes, a better day is oomin', comin' sure, for it and get there or bust a haine siring Sweet Dreams I but then, We only know ils comin' Tho Lord Knows trym "Another thini! about em is when thoy strike anything it swell to audi size that you wouldn't believe me if 1 told you. Well, I was workm in the A. .1.1 nm. ,lv wilh ft niiri'er. and nunrcrs There's a better day a comin', coming' . f . . . when limit v mum I tin Li..!iii.i oncH a,n tlo he litvc a veil . 'Hluu snake, ami weot II IIUU llli; mill ai. ruviiio ... 1 When. hooks with which to prune, When the streams of milk and honey flow thro all the land, And the manna from high heaven you can reach it with your hand; Yea, a better day is oomin', comin' soon, but then, We only know its comin', The Lord Knows When There's a better day a comin', wc lookin' for it now, When each gory sword is beaten in plow shares lor a plow, flyin'. I didn't know which way the dern snake was comin', so I took after the nigger and we went out of that field like two streaks of lightening leaving our hoes standing up in the furrow, What become of the snake I don't know, and I didn't go back to see till next morning and, by gum, what I found there sur prised me about as much as anything 1 had met with in Florida. The snake had Don't Til Too lock. I'ltOFESSOR CHECK LY AD Y AS MS TIM IDEA THAT IT IS 1 S.I I'lllOUti. "Bathing and the use of soap," says l'rol'essor Chccklcy, "is HI per cent, more injurious to the human race than any other form of stimulation to which people are addicti d. If 1 should balbe a man in proportion aa much as he drunk I'd kill him in one hull' the lime This ii called the age of hurry aud I'overUh excitement ; critics complaiu that people ato unwilling to tuko time for anythiuir, As a matter of fact, hours ol precious time are worse than wasted daily iu the bathroom. If men would preserve their health, there are throe things they must do first, leavo soap alone; second, get tho skin Ioosj from the lissucs of the body; third, get rid of the idea that reg ularity in the matter of sleep and meals is necessary to physical well being "What are the objections to tho use of soap?" asked a reporter to whom the pro lessor's original views here are a revelation "There are vital obiections," was the reply. "The skin, it is acknowledged bears a most important relation to tin body. First, it acts as a protective agent covering the sensitive tissue of the flesh Second, it acts as the agent of the mind, conveying all sensations of heat, cold, friction and the like. Third, it directly aids all the other organs of the body. taking up the work of each in turn when for any reason they become unable to perform their functions. The skiu as sists all the organs ol secretion and ex- fly Do Women Kiss? THAT IS A QUESTOS THE WISEST I'HII.OSOrilEli CAN SO T A SS II Ell S i T1S FA CTO- II 1 1. Y. II irwoilna of oraos flowers! la aha writing a poem on loraf la ihe. bulMlng HuanUb lowers, la ths ssldst of sllkea bnwort. Ta aweet llttlo taaocent dearl NO. This Hwiit C'bilil is ilrcaniing of the wonrtermlly low prices at which the WKI.DON, K. C. Us turning out AUTISTIC 1'ltINTINU of Every Description. iLetter llciuls, racket 1 lewis, Hill Heads, Envelope, fiUtcmeuta, Haud Hills, Programmes, Ticket, Etc., Etc Etc. sjajyWriU) for samples and prices. E. L. Hayb ahd, Pbopbiitob. hit mv boo handle plumb in tho center, crclion in the entire system, and for that and it bad swelled up so that I got a reason great attention should be paid to thousand shingleB, ten thousand feet of koeping it in a healthy condition. Al weather boardin', four cords of firewood, though rcaluing lU important lunctions, n tail n "ft iui iJiviT, I I . .. .... When the foolish seek the country rather a hundred fence rails, enough floorin' for people, lostcad ol protecting tins wonder the Rantist church and five hundred bar- lul covering ot theirs, try Dy every mean ...I nni of it " in their Dower to destroy it. Soap docs The listener expressed their disbelief f not elease the skin. When tho skin i . . ... c;,,r,.J; dirtv. it is unhealthy, and tlie organs .. . , , 'And concluded the man with the within the tody can never lie cleanwu timothy atraw in his mouth, when he by all the soaps in the world. 1 he only IT. THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION! Til K Twioo-A-Week edition of the New York World has been oon Tcrtcd into the Thrico-A-Week. It furnishea 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen page every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. Thia gives 156 Darwra a year fer one dollar and ev ert naner haa 6 panes eight columns in all. The Thrioe-a week World is not onlv uiueh larger than any weekly or aemi-wcekly uewspaper, but it furnishes Ihe news with much greater liequcnoy and nrommnesH. Iu fact it combine all the crisp, froth ojualitios of a daily with the attractive special feature! ol a weekly. The Thrice a-wcek World and the Roanoke News, 208 papers, all for only I'i a year. Ik II. 1 M than to starve in towo, And the office to get a holder seeks him out and runs him down, Yes. a better day is comin'. couiio last, but then, We only know its comin', the I-ord Knows When. . FOK LAUIKS WHO It I UK The women down at Billville have got the bloomer crate; They're ridin' round on bicycle blockin' all the ways; They say it makes 'em healthy, an' they're goio' for it strong, An' the men are Ink in' biscuits an' cussin' all day long 1 Bicycles an' bloomers Ncvet saw the like; Never is no tellio' Where ligthnin'a goin' to strike Tho women down at llillville have got the bloomers right; They're spinniu' down tho big road an' goin' out of sight; stains, blotB, etc , on the surface of th skin that people need to gel lid of cannot ke removed by soup. Some other chum ical ointment or fluid has to be tesorleil to to obliterate them. As far as regard: the dust and dirt which naturally adhere to the body, dust and dirt, beiug earthly and material, arc much better bru.-li off than washed off, and s.iip does n They'ro done wilh fureign missions (,ere it,a much money and- could be heard, "that hoe handle was still swellin' when wc not it to the saw mill." Ex. II K WILL SUCCEED. Like his brother of tho north, the southern small boy is capable of much. A writer in the New York Home Journal . , .1 says that upon her arrival in a souiucrn aiJ -D pr0C0M."l.1iiajelphu Yr: town her canman was a siuau oov, ageu about nine. The cab had two seats, and WIIEItE THEY 8 LEE I. the bov told her that if during her stay she wanted a carriage, sho could get him (ieorgo Washington is buried at Mount any time by inquiring for Jackson's ex- Vernon, Va. - . . . .... . press price six bit! an hour. John Adams, al yuincy, mass. "Are you Jackton? I asked. Yes, ma'am, said the expressman politely, and with great dignity. Ihen laiwini! into bnvishocss. ho added: "You I D " 1 aee, this used to be our carnage. Hut papa died, and mama isn't trong and church fairs are goin' wrong, An' the men are tuindia babies an lii-hu' all day long ! Bicycles au' blouinera (iittiu' wussand wuss! Lord kuows where we'll gtt to Belore they're done wilh us I The women down at Billville they re goiu' wilh a will; Thomas Jefferson at Monticcllo, Va. James Madison at Montpelier, Va. James Monroe, at Uiehuiond, Va. John Quiuey Adams at Quiucy, Mats, Andrew Jackson at Nashville, Tenn Martin Van Bureu at Kiuderhool N. Y. William Henry Harrison, North Ileui Something certainly filled the boy's throat, for his voice broke, and, hastily Ohio. becominn a cabin in again, he tightened John lyler at lliciiuionu, u. the reins and iudulgej in a flourish ot the whin. But after a little he turned about and addded: It's a real comfort, I think, to earn your living.' Learned men in the middle ages, who pent niueh lime in discussion of tiiviali- and in hair splitting, enumerated a host nf different kinds of kisses, though they, after all, Wound up the whole mal - r by aduiilting that there is only one rue kiss the kiss of hue and they put the kiss between women very fat luwn the list as a thing of no account or value, being thus in accord wilh Ihe con clusions of all sensible people who have tudied the ilortion. Still, we have to do with facts, and women, for all that limy be said against the practice, do kiss each other, and in purMiit of knowledge on ihe subject a-tked my wile whether she louml any iisurc in any member of her own sex 'ooh!"was all the reply she deigned o given, I hoiigli presently, aniT appar ently cogitating and arriving at the con clusion that this ejaculation, expressive enough in lis way, could not help me very much, she made some remark" which were altogether too flattering to mvscll. md by implication to the male sex, to be here set down at largo. Ulti mately I managed by pressing the qucs tion to licit something definite on the uhject, the gist of which was that when women kiss each other they do so merely as a matter of form, meaning by it, for tho most part, no more than a mere handshake and often less, for there may be warmth in that, but nature has denied the possibility of warmth existing in kiss between members of the Bamc bcx. Sometimes, but very seldom, women kiss each other because they like each other, They also kiss because they don't liki each other, and in that case they arc sure to never lose an opportunity of kissin; each other most punctiliously. Thi may hate to do it over so much, and y whenever they meet they eagerly mak a pretty little dab at each other's faces, which passes muster in the eyes of out siders us iiuito a toueliiug exhibition ol womanly kiudnessand affection, though those who know the state of affairs ouly smile sod perhaps rouiark: "How Mrs. A. and Mrs. R. du hate each other, be sure! Sec how sweetly they kus! The wholehearted kiss of young girls as yet iunocent ol the ways and deceitful ness of the world is a pleasant thing in itself, but once lhey are iuiti ited into the wiles of society there is no social uiage which jars more ou their tender feelings before these b :coiue case hardened than the feminine habit of kisfing, which so trauspareully cloaks all mauner of un pleasant and uncharitable thoughts. Philadelphia l'ress HLOOMEItH. Shall The Girls Propose. SOTlllSU 11 EM A ISS II FT Full THEM TO SEI.E A FllTISd MOM EST A SI) KSEEL AT THE Yorsc MAS S FEET. This query has always been answered n the negaiivcpbut Mrs. Potter Palmer nks the girls are nowadays deciding ill Ihe affirmative. Mrs. Palmer is the com! most popular nnd widely known wnuiun in America, and her alwrvntions ure not idle words, hut are entitled to ne akrn seriously. Wc quote: "Why, if this tendency increases, the oung women will bo compelled to niak proposals of marriage or remain single. They have come dangerously near it al ready. The half concealed seeking, lli management, the tact, the ingenuity, the ding, are now all in the hands of tl mils and thi-ir motheis. .Nothing re mains but fur the n to sciz: a filling ment, to kncid at the young man's feel, declare undying love aud propose inatii iniiny. It makes my heart pick within me to hear gill- telephoning for young men, begging for their company at tennis or in a drive, or out boating mere de vices and pretexts fur getting at the young man himself. The gitls are jut as sweet and lovely as ever, but there is revolutions in social conditions. I fay it with pain that the tendency of what is known as our higher society is towards the European system. Some of theprin cipal phases of European society arc ab horrent. It will be a sad day for Amer ica when they arc adopted here and al ready they are much imitated, especially in the east. Are our well to do young men in tho first stages of the European process? Do they believe their early manhood should be devoted to roaming and license, and that matrimony should como only wilh wcariucss? I hope not." Ex. ADVERTISEMENTS. Easily, Quickly, Permanent!) Restored. MAbNtllU Nth fill t b r, UuArn(iWtu rt'MU.rcLoilManhood. ( arm wtkiiPtM, Nttrvou Dt-iiiliiy nml nil thi ovIIh from iwrly ur nUn hi i!HMe. Mm r-ullH ot ovurwnrtt, worry, iii'Iuhw-i, itU-, Full HtroiiKth, tout) mill lvoloiuiAtit givMii hi tvnry orifHii ur portion nf thn holy. Imurtivi. ii'iit imiiiwlmt' ly mnhi from tlm Unit txi. frum- tri uf It-tU'M nf prlMMUI tlltlitl OUT ((till'. I ll . iirriotl iii viwt iHH-kt't, biit by timil to any nmii nil nwipt nf (rl n. Out iimnlti'ii tnU ,t infm'hl-.l. rrii'i!.IKI.lttmi.'H..l,wtlh tilU (hiriiiUHln rf.iiil mulitty If tint aural, v'liii to im ft.r tlitiOt'BuUi". ( ifoulurij brum. Tor HiUe tv W. M. COHKN, ItiuiHt, WeUuil, N. I. ILW UN GOODS I nil) continue to dispose of the stock ol I'. N. Stainliaek Km., at theeoinerHlore. Have also jiisl added a hcaiiliful line ol NEW DRESS GOODS anil Ktaple llry tlooil.i. Notions, and I'll l -nishing goods. Also lull line ol' Shoes, llrocerii'ii and (leneral Merchandise. ADVERTISEMENTS. F. N. Stainback, (itt J. T. (itHK Ii'h old Hlllllll) WELDON, N.C. -Ih'uler hi- General Merchandise )m-ij!IiK up tiMliiy theprttty liue of Zvig-let's SHOES apr lily. I. L. STAINBACK. Agt. S. U. For liiilirs, Misft-fl ami Cliildn-n cvernhown in Wi A huge line of OxfordM all ilyloH. Thtsif Mbot'H nre nlwnyft reliable imil 1 iuviti' hiHpeiiion, Have allmzen. A large line of METALLIC WOODEN If I &C0. ,,-y liIVISE Sll'l'OKT. fact it combine. They're racing wilh the railroad train. Haa just received a Tmh lot or CANDY, plain aud fancy. Also raisins, mixed nut, chestnuts, cocoanuu, apple, bananas, Florida oranvea. nlaiu aud fauev rake. Ijirg assarliueut of HOLIDAY (iOODS. an' rollin' down the hill; They've not the reddest bloomers their j " bicycles are alrong, And Ihe men wear "Mttbir llubbards' au' cuss the whole day long! Bicycle! and bh o ui rs All the men "go'iers!" Don't kuow what we re tomiug lo l.or I have mercy D us I HTL'li ESIW OF TIIOUUIIT. d. Women hate deceit and love the eeiver. If the average jealous person knew why he was jealous he oould be cured. A successful speculator is not the arch-1 support oomes lo t One of ihe sweetest passazca in the Bible is this one: "Underneath are Ihe everlasting arms. It la not ollen preach ed from, perhaps because it it felt to be so much richer and more touching than anythiug we ministers can say about it But what a vivid idea it gives of Ihe di vine support! Tho first idea ol lutancy is of restiug in arms which maternal love never allows to get weary. Siei mom experiences confirm ihe impression wheu are have seen a f.s-lile mother Or sinter James K. Polk at Nashville, Tenn Zachary Taylor at Louisville, Ky. Milliard Filltuore at Buffalo, N. Y. Franklin Pierce at Concord, N. 11. James Buchanan, near Lancaster, l'a. Abraham Lincoln at Springfield, III. Andrew Johnston at Greenville, Tenn. I'lysses S. Grant at Riverside Park, N. Y. Ruthford Hayes at Columbus, 0. James A. Garfield at Cleveland, O. Chester A. Arthur at Albany, N. Y. A CURIOUS OATH. "Women oujhl to wear bloomers all the time." "I thought you detested theui." "I did, but today I steppi-d on a wo mau's skirt, and she looked at ine." JOKE ON IIEII. . Carry "Why waa it, I wonder, niy poor husband never said anything to me about reuiarryiug?" Anna "Probably you were not the person he wauled to warn." Teacher "If your father was to hear uf your bad conduct it Would make his hair luru gray." Hobby"! beg your pardon, sir, uiy father hasn't any hair left." Summer Ilesorter "And is everything LIME, on your farm nice and fresh?" Farmer "Nice and fresh? I guess you'd thiuk so if you'd see some of our city boarders. Weston "Do vou think a voting man can safely marry on 810 a week?" Eas ton "Well, that depends a good deal on how much the girl's father is worth.' 'Did you receive an affectionate letter from Bar Harber from your wife?" "Yes, but sho didn't waste auy words. "She merely wiole, 'Love! Send mo 8100!' Cholly Chumpey "I see that earrin are coniinir into fashion again. Have your ears ever been bored? ' Miss l.'aus tie "What a nuesliou! Haven't I often listened to your twaddle?" Plaster & Cement L Richmond - va ang 1 l?iu. CI katerbaek lo"" Sycamore at., Petersburg, Va. iteet of his own fortune. When one woman meets another, then llue hoi paper, cigars, suufT, Uibacoo and I comes the lug ol War. A man may get his standard of honesiy , -1 a - V. . ...,.na ...I. .1 1. 1.1 clocks, ctuuulier set, books by best authors, many fancy notions loo numerous to men tion. " - The following curious oath was until icccutly admiuistcrcd iu the courts of the Isle of Man "By this book, and by Ihe holy contents thereof, and by the wondei ful works that God has miraculously lifted from the bed of pain by the slron wrought in heaven above and in the r ih l.,.i...l.l.l In ihe ease earth benoath in six days and seven RC, llura v. ." - " I of our Heavenly Father, the arms are nights, I do swear that I will, without felt but not seen. The invisible sccr.i ittqwcl ol lavr or friendship, love or be soul iu its hours of gain, consanguinity or alhuity, euvy or ,. I, . f'r find L novel I, ma hue. execute the laws ol tins isie, auu weaauw w .., . our feebleness, he rein luliers that wo are between party and party as indifferently but dust T. L Cuyler. ss the herring a backbone Uoih lie in the middle uf tho fish. bov waalakeu wilh a dlsense re PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. naa . miB, wti.Ts a. aAsiai, jyr UbLIM DAMIIU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wlt.noK, N. C. Praetleclntheeonruor HallfsiandNnnhaaiai t w and ID the Supreme sod Keileral courts. Col erllous nade in allDsruof North caiullna. Hranph aMm ml Uallbia. H. C..HMB SVrr MOU aa?. i'fUt D It. T. T. H088, N high that it will topple over. Wouiea are less eliaritable in thought than men aw, but they aie mora eharili- doses of il m illed ihe lustier ble in actioo. Love U only the poelio name for tem perament. Art is I finishing touch to nature. God made man's though:; man made the words to express it. What are you laughiug ai?" asked the holdup, as he rifled the mans clothes Ha, hat I was thinking what a sur prise my wife will get when she goes through my clothes touighl," said the aujuH.-d victim." FKHiHTENKIf AWAY. "Is it true that Ihe old Joues place is haunted?" 'It used to be, but lhey have a baby there now." Kenneth Bazcnioro had the good for tune to receive a small bottle ot Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wheo three members of his fain ily were sick with dysentery. 1 his one bottle cured them all and he had some left which he gave to Goo. W. Raker, promioent merchant of the place, lwis ton. N. C, and it cured him of the same ooniplaint.When troubled with dysentery, diarrlura chulera morbus, give this remedy a Irial and you will lie more than pleased with tho result, the praise that natur ally follows its iutroduclion and use has made it very popular. and dm cent bodies For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. S. Harrison, hnucld. oooo BURIAL CASES' 1'. N. STAINBACK. PETERSBURG SEED HOUSE. SKKI) for FARM & liA RDKN TINTED on our 'arm. Plants, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, Oil Calte Meal, eie. Send for circulars to W. CUOS.vl.VN, Seedsman and Mu'krt Gardener, Bollinghnsik St., Petersburg, Va. sep 13 lyr. 4Sal3 THE HOY'S VIEW. Kitty "I saw .tick Hardin kissing your sisler l-i I uiuhl." Small bov ' Well. I i!Ui- I can s'and it if she cau." ..,,,1, i.,L. bWalv flux. The first thing I Vlln BK. ... r. tdought ol was CliJtubei Iain's Colic, Mrs. Wiuslow's Soolhing Syrup has Ihvb Cholera and IHarriioca iii-nieuy. i wo i US)Mi uir over nny years y diiihuu oi it vuied I aiothers for ennan-u, ithiic li-clMcg, Willi him sound aud Well. 1 heartily r.wiu pcfect success. It suoihes the child mend this reun-dy lo all n-isons suffering sofleus the gums, allaya all pain, cures IWm like mminlaiiil. I will answer wind colic, and is the best remedy lor any inquiries regarding il when stamp is )iarrhiei. It will relieve tho poor Utile enotoaed. I relet in any county omoiai i Mineri-r imuicuiateiy. i uj uiursi. aa to my reliabiliiy. Wm Roach, J P , in every part ol the world. 25 oents a rimmv I aandM euuniv. lean. hmi e. Iiesurearuasx ior "0in. nius- For sale by J N. llrowo, llaiuax, ir. 0w s Soothing nyrup, anu lase uo oui A. 9. Harrison, Kuheld. 1 er kind. DHFTIST, i Weldon, N. C. -MirOfuc over Entry & Piejoe'sstere. 10-l-ly. 4 W.J. VVARD,- Surgeon Dentist. - ; ENFIELD, H. C HaVOffioasTW Uarriaaa'a Drag Stare. 40 Wly. w - J Bl.ln nlntBAt t. iLj K.m. Tetter. Hall- twins over at your house jelT Rheum, Head, Sore Kipples, thspp1 y(r,. mIIuJ them Thunder and Light HandT ItdOat Y.J'SL. h. k.,.e.l ,1...... .hem " ! U L'uauaaiaul I.ranUlaltaMl F.Tl LalUS. DIUV U 8WU avi M v.nnm iv v"" ;: i i V 1 hi AntatnMM U xa MDH D8T DOJU I ' I m oraer to iQiruuuuc vusuiuoiiaMu ror potunt a norae . - r- ..... ,.. , ,.i Tmf ton ap Inc irncm, iu uiy""" i ntvv iuuuu mi j -. .. I nasi cJ aTirtltV Mlwn conatiualion, correct w. v... utujt ourselves and think it kioTori and-WTMrvint m6Q, h nj W. I. Mowrey, "'''w"v."v.;-u b. deo JUville, W. Va. vJZu T5. Brow.. II .Ufa, d t. For U by J. N. Brow., IWifa, Dr. A 9 KsSehL I A. o. Ilartuo., I UrsM. "Thom-"H.v. they named the .- - J0lB 1 tnmg SO I BICU UI inWHOUBH. v.iv "That may be, but freshness can gam no smacks hcie." Waa Babf wa sick, w gav her Osatorla. Wbe BUS wsa a ChlU, sb cried for Oaatorl. Waea aa hpoaaaa Mlf. ah luf to Castor!, Wtaa aWs kS CUU-, fTUu OasUrt. Lives ol newsuieu all reiuiod us, Cluneal toil don't stand a chance, The more we work there gr- w behind us, Bigger palchos mi our p-iuls "On those pauls oueo uew and glossy, Now uf alriie id diff.-reul hue All heeause the debtors linger, And dou t pay up what in due. "Lot ns then be up aud doing Pay your bills however small Or, when auluuin winds are sighing Wo shall have uo pauls at all " The youuger one" I wonder if I will lose my looks, too, when 1 get to your aue?" The elder one "You would be lucky if you did." . . o . When moving into our present home I found a bottle of Chamlmrlaio's Pain Balm led by a former teoant. On tin label 1 found tho statement that it was good for cula and burns I cau testify lo the truth uf this. Nothing ia all my experience haa found its equal for treat ing blisters or burns. F. E. Barrett manager Le Sueur Sentinel, 1 Sueur, Minn. Pain Balm is also a sure euro for rheumatism. . For salt by J. N. Browa, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. Havini! succeeded J. W. Youug I would Ik' pleased to see his old frieuds. largest stiN-k nf DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWF.UtY and CUT GLASS iu this city. John W. Stewart, who was with Ynuuit & Hro. for :ir, years is at the bend of my Repairing Department. Ha. All work anil orucrs receive prompt attention. oct'JAly. add, or Sil ver, or Paper, IVe have a l5.flO UOMUIN AT1UH, a follows: saj W. ijth St.M New York. fiaL Hie j-ear, and your choice of the following; su ftantlal, oruatc, clotli-bouml works: H'OfTS POKTICAL WltllKS-l rnli. KIKTS (IK KM, LAND AMI AMKUII'A-S U. LIFK AMI T1MK8 OK NA11IL .(-.. iVelJII'ACIU A OK SIK'IAL ANII I 'liUUhljl'I.U. IS H)ltMA'l'lilS-l vol. NITIDNAKV OK Till. KNtiLlSII LANlil AOM Vol. BALZAC'S "I'OMKIIV OF I1IIMAS L1KK -S TO LlllKAttY OK STANIAi:l AllTHOIW-l V..II. UltTUN" rAllAOlSI-: LOST-I Vol. I' l'ntt Table. flANTK'S INKKltNO-l Vul. F.irt'rntn- T.itiln. UANTK'8 IMIKUATOHV AND 1'AUAHISI: -1 vol Kur Cintn. Tutil.-. rilK CAPITALS OKTH OLOIUS-l vol. I'lirtJeMfl Tabic. r, if you pn-fcr Lighter and More lloUH-lik Hooks, you may choose: MOIIIIK'S POETICAL WORKS. BVkNINllS AT IKIMK 1KIW TO SI'UNII TliKU. rilK CIVIL WAli IN HIINII AN ,' SI'IIUV. MOW HKIKIhS (IK FICTION I'lll 11'HSK, ANj 11KHIIINKS UKI'LV. In lt-Ht kliuO.ti CI..IU, SW pa, cunulullis "Vr OO SI't itutiuuluna troll tan Llu-nuuru uf tbv U ml.l. HOW THE COMBINATION WORKSl You PAY OMR 1M1I.T. All when lliehnokl in-lU-nvt-rt-il al your lvkit-nci': in.- iihiihii-i-iw Avte of Fitly cents ikt moiitli. Tho lolta are wall worlls llie Miniiev. rivr-K A WFEK ntlilii-ti.'litil. nlciuant. tmt and most wid.-lv eirculiiUst of all tl.c Allierl- an lllie-trati'd wwkly Jounmls Hcnd iiutiie and addri'na, and we will sea tliat ou ace hlipiuieu. ONCK A WEEK, M3 W. lsik Hi., N. T. Ilobson "I hear Cholly Sarpy is out of his mind, poor fellow." Costume "I think he is ralher to be congratulateii. lie must have been fiiuhtfully cramped in It. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powdor. Highest of all in leavening strength. Luf (. S. (lovtmmnit Fuwl A'cx'rt, llOYAL BAKINO POWDIK Co., 108 Wall St.. N,Y. GET THE BEST Wlien vou ure ;ibot to buv a Scwlno Mncrilne do m.t be ikvcivnl hv uUiirinK -ertiiemiti .unl !(.' Uil to tli ink you cn get tut) DH wia, 'litest ItiiishcJ utiil Most Popular ,c a mere fnng. t-vo to It ttltU 1 f t. tmve KfttiifJ a .r-y J r')utatHmt)yhi'Pstnnasqiiare FlTTi M !' -H I lli;, V"H W.ll II1VII -VMLX r . wiHif M.icmnc mat in nru i.,f wrlil nvtT fur its dura iiiiits'. You w .m the one Umt in t.itiie'at Ui nuiii.igc ftnil is Light Running ViSir There Is none in the world that "Vr,.! can t"iu:il in met hiinictU ctm- kti m i ion, iturauuity ot worxinK uiirt', litu-m'si u( linish, beauty in ai-H'.(rniit', or has many Improvements as ue New Home ii tk.. A..taaatlf TMtlnil t04ible ftlfka .,it Uth Mil uf nctnlU' IfattHted), no other has H'NwStajTil-V rrAanvinK wheel binRed mi ;i.l,usii.l)tecenterthireai:tn Iricllon to Hit- nnoimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE IEV HOME SEW1IG H&CB1HE CO. Miu. nrnif. Vn wrovBtw.M,I.T t Un lliiul Tllal, tUH kaJKIiMO. ClI- AT1.AX1A, U. ran salk bv P. N. STAINBACK,- AOF.NT Ft HI WKI.IKIN. Agents wanted everywhere, mar 7 Urn- LAl Ln U. 1 1 InUk IMnw M I CASUS HOD m K3S FEXSC. CHrf rmltrr FW WW K Boai! TsH, aZZXm ul Owi V PMclss Srl rl W. M. HtBLISTON i CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 0 CAKPKTS, 8TOVKS, and Maureen, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, KAKLlhTON A CO., No. 90 N- Rjoainort Rt., PetsniurR, V 10 26 If. COPYRIGHTS N A rATKNTt Mr rn i nnTAiM prompt answfw and an linnrt opinion, wrlt to Viikn A- in., who have bud nearly flit years' cipertentwtnthe patent bunlneis. C(miunloaV. tlonn utr let It txunflrtontlal. A llaatllk of In formation ronceminir Pnlenia and how to i ob tain them went ire. Aiao a emtaiuajuaj w iwiiiaw leal and udentltto bonht aeut Ire. . I'atemi taien inrounn munaj as, v. rwnvi dal notioaintne rviraimc Aneriraat ai out otmt to the tnrontor. This splendid papi st rated, baa bifartl laniest eiroulation of any sclent iflc work in tl 4 Maninl miiilssal III flea Hulldliu Bunion, montbty, U.66a year. BIbvIS) Of -tea, 03 cenlsTK-rery numtrcr eonUJas baau ttful plate, m mlors, and pbotocrauhs Of mw bouj!. with plans, enabhnc Duildurs to show lfca latent doalsns aita secure contrana. soattai ET. CLARK. Real ITTORNEY-IHU IND Estate i WELDON. N. 0 pETER SHITHICO.,- "THE LEADERS OK LOW PRICES," Importer, wholesale and retail denier in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 144 Main street, Norfolk, Va, jainiy. 4