Jjaj 'Jl 0BU Spadt 'WBaMMU4 JOIilT "W. SLEDGE, ritoi'ltlKTOH. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEIajIMS: Sl.no l'Kll ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT EM 15 Kit 2, 1895. NO. 21. NKW ADVERTHKMKMT3. COULD HARDLY WALK ix accovst or RHEUMATISM P. H. FORD (- (Juachila Citj, U., After TWO YEARS Suffering 18 CURED -nv- TIIE l!SR or Ayer'sSarsaparilla "For fully two years, I suffered from rlinijiiattm, nnl win frequently In sued Dj A rendition that I rotiM harilly walk. Ol I wnt some time In lint Spring. Ark. nml the treatment helied mo for the 0 him; Ik'ihk; hut Huoii the cum plaint re- O turned and I was as hntlly aftlictixl ns put, Ayer's Hamivirilli. Indus recom c iiii'iitli'il. I resolved to try It, and, alter C; ilmiih six bottle, I wns completely j niretl." 1. II. l-'(iiti, Qiiachita City, La. 0j & 0 Ir" -S7A' WILL I'ROFOSE TO THE IXXOCEXT YOVNO MALE CREATURE. "' AyefeSarsaparilla Admitted AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o oooooo 0 op p p o pop Q 9.9 POO 0 P. jo 13 ly. Sweet Dreams ! b ih dreaming of orange flowertf in the writing t poem on lotef If she building Span nth towrra, In th taidat of silken bower, . The iweet little innocent dearf NO. Tbis Sweet Ctitlil is dreaming ot the wonderfully low prices at which the wrxnox, N. C. If turning out ARTISTIC TlilXTINli ot Every Description. lUer Heiulu, Packet Ileailfi, Jlill Head-i, Envelopes, HUt emeu U, Hand Hills, Programmer, Ticket, Ktc., Etc Ktc. kWrite for samples and prices. E. L. lfAVWABIl, rKt)PBIKTl)B. LI. wn THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION ! Til K T wiee-A-Wcok edition of the New York World has been con- . verted into the Thricc-A-Week It furnishes 3 papers of C pages apiece, or eighteen pagca every week, at the oM price of One Dollar i year. This givea M papers a year for one dollar and ev ery paper has (J pages eight columns in all. The Thrioe-a week World is not only much larger than any weekly or leini-weekly newspaper, but it furnishes the news with uiueli greater lienuency and promptness. In fact it combinca all the orisp, fresh qualities of a daily villi the aliraetive special leatures ol I weekly. The Thrice a week World and th ltoauoko News, 208 papers, all for only i. a year. T' Ik . i Yick H;w just received a fresh lot of CANDY plain ii ud fitucT. Mho ruiiiiiH, mixed nut. liestuuta, coeoanut, apples, Ikuwuiih, Florida orauea, plain ami four cuken, i-are awtorliueut ot HOLIDAY GOODS Khun fly liurwt, wagons, eurta, ilulla, rloeks, ctiauiht-r w-ta. Immik by Ileal authors, Mno lux iiair, rigiirs, smilY, toliacoo ami many fancy notions loo numerous to men ikiii. nov i ijr, PKOP K&VIONAl CA KM. WALTIB I. DAHIBl HUB. K'LLK, HJULLU 0AN1IL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wii.dun, N. C. I'wtlNi in thMMirt. r lUltrai andNnrtham tui.iHl In thcNnprftnipftml Kvtk-ral intiiru, Cwl UolM Utile In ailnarlaiir Ni.rtfa liAmllna. Urui:li uBlr ftt Ukllfks. N. I!..uimd everf Mon ar. )u 7 ly T. T. KOSS, DENTIST W.ldon, N. 0. aOnV OTer Erary A Pwree'istor. W.J. WARD,$ t" Sirieoa Dentist. ENFIELD, N. C. A.OfficOYor Harrison's Drug Stora, He Found It THE WEARY FELLOW HAD HE EX LOOK IX (I WE FA THERLAXD. WHO FOR The room was in confusion. That is tho way the buuks say it. An ordinary man with good eyes would have said confusion was in the room. "At last !" Her hands treuihled ai she attempted lit her tic. Thirteen collars have been ruined. Hhe took a pholourarih from a drawer. It was the sweet, inno oenl face of a J'tiunj; man. "Ah, little Ueorgo I I can no longer deceive myself. I love jou. The strong is about to be eoiuc the weak. How far we women will go for the bright eyes of a silly man ! But enough ! I shall ask you to be mine this night, come what may." "Mr. Nicely will be down in a mo ment, l'ray be seated. Hut her heart heat too wildly. She paced the floor. ''The dear, dear, little boy I How I love him !" The curtains parted, and tho world's greatest treasure a true hearted, inno cent young man entered. (An ordinary, everyday conversation for a few minutes. She attempts to ko the hand of Ijeorge, who blushes and looks startled.) "I must explain myself 1 lleurmcl I can no longer act this hateful part I 1 must speak I I love you with the great lovcofabiave woman. I" "Hut this is so" "It is. liut will you be my husband?" There was a great gulf of pily in the young man's gentle eyes. Hut he spoke: "No. liut I will bo n brother tu you. TWO l'ATIIKTIO DK.VTIIS. A poor little boy, aged but (I, died in West Indianapolis actually of a broken heart, because hi.- mother and lather could not agree and hail separated. What great griil' that was to break the dear Utile boy's heart. It is pathetic beyond xpression. His uauic was Clanuee McC'une. Then there was that loving little boy in our own State who recently shot himself accidentally, inliietiog n mortal wound. Just before dying he called all the family around him and gave them a parting kiss, saying he was about to die. Aud now in contrast to such tenderness and love, we read of a younu horse thief iu Miehigau. KddicThayir stole the animal ''because it was the best he could Bud," aud is now iu custody He is but 7 years old. It is far betlet to die like the other two little boys did, than begin life as a criminal and perish ing perhaps as a fellon tu die at last and 0 to the devil. How very important it that the besl examples should be set lore children. How careful no should all he in our words, in our daily life I How easily the young are influenced by bad example, and while plastic and easy if access are molded iu life aud character. (jod help the little ones who are sur rounded by vicious and depraved pcopli! God protect the innocent Iroiu the cruel contagion of vice, immorality, degradi liuu! Il is a sud thing to see the young soeaking into dens of corruption and into places where sin and ruiu abid. ilways. As I lie twig is bent so the Ir. i inclines. The seids of dissipation and vice early sown ca.n only produce a bar vest ul debauchery, grossest sins and de ph rable llual results Wil. Messenger I1KUOTTIIK eiiAi i:. A lawyer friend tells me be advertised for an ofl'ue boy a few days ago, and ul usual got a big bundle of answers. Ho got fairly well tired leading the various creditable things theynung aspianls for the place hd to say for theiu'elves, but finaPy he struck a Idler that really rest ed him. It was wruli n on a very nine" soiled and crumpled piece of paper that had never been very while, and ruu about as follows: "I'm 12 vers old. I haiu t got ro father or muther. I'm an orlan and I ve iot to hustel. It betes hel how hard timeaia." My legal fiieud read no more of the letteis, but immediately will lor the writer ol this aud gave hiiu the job. 1 lie urehiu has sealed down to "hustling in earnest, and doesn t complain any raoie bout the hard times Chioago Nail. I knew it was a case of "out of -work and down on his luck" us I saw the mat silting on the steps of a tenement lieuse in Catherine street, lie sat alone, his chin on his hands and his eyes on tho ground, ami he did not look up as I sat down beside him. "Well, luvu't belter times cume to the Host Side ?" I finally iisked. He lifted his face and looked at me. His eyes wero sunken and hollow, has faco pale ns death, and as he lifted his hands I noticed how thin liny were. "letter times for some people, per haps," he rather grullly replied, wilh a strong Uerman accent. "Aro you in bad hcollh ?" "I've been dying for a year I" he calmly answered. "And you can't work ?" He shook his head and held up bis hands. "Wife and children?" "Dead. Starved to death last winter I1' he answered. "And if you aro ill and unable lo work, how do you manage?" I asked. "I have a room up here under the roof a room with a heap of rags for a bed. They can't rent it, so liny let me stay. As for Biy meals, I beg them or go hungry. I hoped death would conic weeks ago, but hero I am yet. When I go that will bo the end of a family of four of us who came from the fatherland five years ago." "And you left your friends behind over there ?" lie shrugged bis shoulders, but did not reply. "You must long to go hack to the old home ?" He io-c up und turned his face to the sea and shaded bis eyes with bis hand. Then he whispered lo me : "Over there thousands of miles away and I shall never sec the place again I Many a night I lean out of my window and look unlil uiy eyi s ache, but the dear old fatherland is too far away. My eyes arc dim, but I shall keep on look ing and hoping for a glimpse for just one brief sight of the bills and the for ests!" He was a lonely stranger in a straugc land, and be knew that his days were numbered. I placed a piece of silver on t lie sli p beside him and lip toed away. That night at midnight pedestrians heaul a cry aud saw a buinau body shoot down from an atlio window of tho tenement. It was the body of the man I had talked with a few hours before, and there was no need of uii ambulance to convey him Ij a hospital. He bad said to me: 1 Many a night I lean out of my window aud ttiok and look." On this night he crept from bis bed of rags to look again lo hope for a glimpse of the fatherland lying across tho great ocean whose suif heal almost at his feet and in his eager ness he had leaned loo far and gone I in to the death which he had almost I uged for so many limes and oft. lUroil Tree Press. why in-: tiu.Ki him roe. A boy in Kansas w .s pulling a dog along the road by a npe. The boy called lo his dog, "Come along, Pop, you orn ery cuss." A bystander asked him why he called i he dog Pop. 'For short," answered the boy. "What's his full name?" "Populist." "Why oall him Populist? ' asked the stranger. "Well, sir," the boy said, "because he is just liko a Populist, lie's tho ornery ist dog in Kansas. Ho ain't worth a dim oio'y lo s t on his tail and howl " ijhamberlatn'a By and Skla Olntmsnt Is umsiiiallcd for KcM'nia, Teller, Mi itl.cum, .Valil Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped lands, llehiim Pill's, llurns, Krost Kites, 'hroiiic Sore l .vi-saiid liranulated Kyc Litis. ;'. sale liy tlriiggisM al ii cents per box. TO llOHSKOWMBBB. For pullini! hoi- in a line healthy enn lition try Dr. I'ady's t'oislilion Powders. IV y lone up the svslom, aid diersllon, cure loss ol' apK'ltu-, rvlii-ve consliiwllon, correel kidney ilinU 1 1 aud destroy worms, RivinR new life lo an old or ovi-r-workej home, 'lb wuui i imiLu. i'a nis by druis. For sale J N Hn.wn, Halifax, and r. A. S. Ilarii-or, Knueld CANVAS HACKS Covntiiy H'TSKivm: (to huslinnd aliuut tu rt fur Uiwu with farm prod ucts) Joshun, the dueks aro nil dressed and ready fur market. Josill'A Tie a tdt of canvas to each of thetr tueks, MaHcr; everylxsly 1b aboutin' fur canvas-boe k9 nowadays. eKUVKKSU, "I sec your husband is Irying to road without glasses." "Yes, he will persist in making a spectacle of himself." TUUK TO I ItS INSTINCTS. "And you will never forget Hie?" asked the summer resort girl of her lover, the dry goods clerk. "Never," he raid absently. "Is there anything more today?" WOMAN'S SIMIKIIK. 'And what is woman's sphere, forsooth?" The dancing beauty said; 'in my opinion it's a ball," And tossed her pretty head. Till: TAIILKS Tl'RXDI), "Shall you keep a latchkey, my dear?" asked Mr. Ncwljwcd of his up to date wife. "Certainly not. You men aieso fond of lale hours I shall expect you to sit up and let mo in." IT MA, DHl'ESIIH, - A. M. Hailcy.a well known cilixon of Kugene, Oregon, says his wile for yean been troubled with ehronio diarrhn-i sad used many remedies wilh little relief un lil she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Chole ra and diarrhoea Hemedy, which has cured her sound and well. (Jive it a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. M and SOo. ollli .. ,. , Kor sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Kofield. Warn Baby ws atek, raw bur OaHorta, Wkn aha waa a Chlkl. aba rW fur OaMoria, Wlm t boom Ma, aha duai Omoria. Whaa ska bad Cfclllna, ata 0iori, ANI IT Wil l- OO AOAIN. She Regretfully "And now they tell us kissing must go. Hc--Joy(ully "Then lu re goes!" Whilo in Chieaini, Mr. Chailcs L. Kahler, a prominent shoo merchant of Dcs Moines, Iowa, Had quite a aeiious lime of it. He took such a severe cold that he could hardly talk or navigalc but tho prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured him of his oold sn quickly that others at the hotel who had bad colds followed his example and half a do a persons ordered it Irom the the nearest drug store. Thoy wore pro fuse in their tluuka to Mr. Kahler for telling them how to cure a bad cold so quickly. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A. 9, Harrison, Enfield. CHICAGO'S LATEST ATTRACTION. New Tower Soon to Be Iliiilt Near (iirfielj Park. Th tower will I'. I. INI reel la hHtrht and .TM feet at Hit- base Thw thousand torm ot steel will Issustil In Its rolisiru.llon. It will lie lie (. et from the l:i,i-lo lli llr.,l lamoiiv. SSI feet lo lbs RceniKl. Cvi In the tlOrtl and l.'HO lo Ihe fm,rlh. Alr this will bp a rt.mie ornamented liy a fliiKslaft fr.mi ,ln. Il will wave a ninnsler I1.1H. I ISO feel fruin Hie base of the) tower. I'he i-le. vaturi, w III be ois-rated by electric power and the eleelrle displays on anil around the ,owcr will to wonders In tin Ir wav HARD Cl "What is the nutter wilh Seotl? met him to day and he acted iiieer. he demented?" "No. He's demonetiieil. LATKIt. The katydid sings in the trees, Jack Frost has not forbid, Hut soon he'll drop around and see What kaly did. "Have yuii tried on your new knicker bockers?" asked the girl in blue. "Yes, and lb, y won't do at all," replied the girl in gray. "I lb, that's Inn bad," exelaiund the tiirl in blue. "What's the matter with tli cm ?'' "They're too light to he mo lest on a hiejelc," 'Then why don't you wear lluin with your bathing suit? ' "llh, il wouldn't do id all." "Why uol ?" "They're too loose." SAGACITY. ADYKUTISEMKNTS. PIGEON THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Ctireri in 1 ti. i tu Tm- tnoliutit in Hlnct ; inu:k to cnr. (!nn (h cnrm-fi in vtwt liitrki-t. till cmiil--tp in one nui'ill Lsuckjigo. Hunt tiy mail, jin-t-jtn), titftin wkitKH. uu rweoi,it ! .rnt, $ 1 r bux. For title by W. M. COHKN, Din-'i"., Wcltlon, N. C 8 "I (bought you said this horse you sold uie was an intelligent, reliable ani mal." "It is." "Why, it dies lo get over the fence every lime il sees a girl in bloomers." "Yes. Thai's what shows its intelli gence." sin: was. m:yi:h iiaiiy. "What makes Mrs. Faultfinder look so unhappy? ' "Her husband spends all his evenings at home now and she has nothing to com plain about." TIIH NI'.W DKAIi. I'm a man and she's a woman I nm-t lidil ihe battle through Hold on I guess not. Thank you She is a woman new. I caught her iu the hall, And twenty times I kissed her, And Ihen contritely said: "I thought you were my nister!" Hut what a sill, by jove! I felt so like a clam! The girl I kissed laughed gayly. "You silly boy, I anil'1 Aid, Tin: niiTi'.icKNCE. Vllly l " FINE GROCERIES li amity : liroccrie J CHEAP GROCERIES. l-'ltl'iTS A CONI'I'X'l'IONKUIKS. COMi; AM) SKI'",. nine one, come all, holli iare and small, Ixaluine my stock, heforc lioyi-ial all. 'or my stork is complete and prices low, 'o compete with the prodncls the I'alluors ero,v, I lliank toy kind 1'iifiid.s tor I ho p.ilronai;c ol tin- p.,sl And assure llieniall I'll he true lo tlielxst. And iniaranteo them in cwry rcspcel Tile goods purchased IVoin mclliey'll novel regret , rliereforc come all, tsitli latcc and small, I'm' 1 will (leal honestly with you alt, l)o not delay, eoioe iie,hl away And lil.ikc ynlir poieliascs lo day. J. I,. .IIIIiKINH. lee m y. Rural Magistrate Konrad, you are charged with committing an assault on the night watchman. Konrad I only threw his j acket be hind the stove. Night Watchman Yes, your worship, but I was inside the jacket, and thai makes all the difference. Horfharber. A BICYCLr? OUN CARRIAGE. A Haw York enliu haa ,as tr.icled a bicycle (on rarrlare for tba um of llbt artillery by rmati t inr two orstuuirv-liioroir weiner Bine 1.7 Blue WW ewinKine mnii xir-nen Hiunii.K ren wnr, h.iKM'1 then, lis Dronoiiea 10 term a batterv ol bicycle, artillery and will earn the ammu billon ta a limls-r cheat carrlea in the tame way lac gwna are citrrlod, Kouv aaeo will ruiiultult He sau orow aud amuvulai force. HAYi: CIIAUITY. - not ready to condemn biui, Though he early fall from grace, Kor sooner you might he condemned Were you in the sinner s place; For the fallen have forgiveness, Learn to live and to let live, As you hope to be forgiven lict your inmost heart lorgive. Slop and think before y,.u scorn him, In your haughtiness and pride, lias your lite been always perfect, Have you nothing you would hide f If your hidden thoughts w, re printed, On the pages ol u hook, Think you they Would hear inspiclion ? Would you ask the world to look .' When you stand before your Maker, Looking on (he path you ve trod, Will your record then be purer 1 han (lie sinners Is lore Uod r s your soul so pure and spotless? Is your heart so Irce I ram guilt I Are you sure of never sinning ? Is your house so strongly hunt r When we're easting stones at others, Let us think before we aim, E'er the stone may reach another Wo may find ourselves in shame, While we long for heavenly mansious, ror that world so hright and lair, Without charity for others We may never enter I lure. Stranger "I would like lo sec your hill collector, a niotncnl?'' Kdilor "Cer tain!)! John, hand the gentleman that ihotgun. John li. Manger, editor of the Sun beam, Scligman, Mo , who named tlrovir I h ve'and for I In- 1're-ideiicv in Nov. 1-iS'J, while be was mayor of liiifl'ilo, N V , is eiiihusiasiie in his praise of Cbain heilain's Colic, Cholera and )iairhia Hemedy. Ho says: "I have used for the past five years and consider il the lust preparation ol Ihe kind in Iho mar ket. 11 s as staple as sugar and coll in this seel ion. It is an article ol merit and should be in every household. For sale by J. N. Hrown, Halifax, Hr A. S. Harrison, I' tiuokl. - . - - 1'lobbs "Did you spend a pleasant vacalioiii Nohbs "Nu; my wile nt lends to all the spending." NEW A L V KUT1S KM KN'i'S. aw .iAT, - SAW POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening slronglh. IMtnt U. $. Uuivrnmrut timii Kvptm Royal IUkinu Powueh Co., 10. Wall8t.,N.Y. I 1J &C0. J LIME, Plaster & Cement. ,1, u ADVKRTISKMKNTS. P. N. Stainback. (al .1. T. liiHa'll'H old standi WELDON, N. C. -Ih-tler In- General Merchandise 1 ip'-r.int' up Iml.iy llio pretty line of ii-ler'.i SHOES! For ladies, Misses nml Children evorMliown in Wehlon. A hirtfe liru of OxIuhIh nil slyleH. 'J'hew shoen ntc nlwayH relial-ie :ul J invito inspcetion. Have all nixes. A laie. Hue of METALLIC& WOODEN 1 . JtiAi'. BURIAL CASES- r. n.stainhack- PETERSBURGSEEDHOUSE. Kl'Hll for I'AIlM ejllARPKN TKSTKDoll our l'anil. I'lanls, Fruit Tie,--. I'eililizers, Oil Cuko Meal, Arc. Set, I lor ciicillars to W. (iltdSSM V, Seedsman nud Matk, I (iardclicr, Bo!lii!",!rook st., Pclcrshurg, V.l. sep 13 lyr. Gfold, or Silver, or Paper, l DM I1INATION, Richmond -fi. invo a tjr.( foMou$; aug 1 Hill. C. F. Lautcrbiic 10 i;t7 .ypamnrpst., retorslMirp, Ya. Ifavitm snreeetleil ,1. W. Ymmi! I would lie pleased to sen his olil friends. I,arHt St4)('k of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JKWKLKY ami CUT (.LASS in this city. Jolni W. Stewart, who was with YoiutK ltro. for :t."i years is at the head of my lieiiairiiiu; Department. Pk.AH work and orders receive prompt attention. oet 2't ly. LWy)! New York. ISiiEiisJ im v:ir, anJ your ehoice of the following ku tnti.it, orriale, cloth-bound workm UTT'.' WlKTIfAt. WOIIKS-, rol. KI'S OK Ktil.rNI AM) AM titl' A-S vt.la. UKK AND TIMKS OK NAIiH. .ON-.. Vi'h. V)'MMM-:HIA )!' SOCIAL AND COM UK 111 1AL IX IIU.MAI tll.N-l Vol. JH'T10NAi:V W Tllti fcM.LlSll LAMil AtiK-J vul. RAI..ACrt "COMhDV OF HUMAN Lll'K" -'J vn limAltY OK STAN DAUI) Al'TllOKti-11 V"l. Mll.Ti'N'a 1'AUAUUi: LOST-1 vl. l or ( onir luitiit. ANTI.'S INI KltNO 1 vn. For Vniri' Tiittle. DA NIK'S I'l IMiATOUV AM) TAUAIHSK I Tol nil-. ( Al'LI ALS OK TH liLOUh-1 vol. K.tr.Vntn , if you (t-refer laik-liti-r and Mi're HmiU'liki tkK-lts, you may cIkkkkc: MOOUK'S PdKTH'AIj WOHKS. KVKN1N0S AT HOMK-ltOW TO SPKNII Tit KM. DIK CiVll. WAU IN KONO AND HTOItv. MOW IIKKntCS OK KHTloM I'ltol'OSK, AN I ItKliMIM'.M lir.I Ll, Ill " rvlllllflll lil.ll, m conuiiioiiK o?Hr t.iuj tor4uru uf Uiii Wurld. GET THE BEST Wlifti vou -.t ;4lnm tohny a SewlnR Machine l. nut it tli t-civ il In- iilhinnK rttl 'dinw-menti ui-l l In) ! OnnV you Cetn net tho bctit uMile. Hirst tun- hi d uinl Most Popular dir fi m, re fionft. Kev t It that Imv fiwiu rili.iMo niann futiir.ri Hint h.ivc fMiim-tl a ' tint:.!. in I'V hen. ,t :tntl squ.ire li mIiiu', V"il Will Unit K(,t A - .wiii ,' M.u liiiif t!i;tl is tinted In- world owr fur n diini hihtv. Yu w.nl the one that m la-.ic t to nuiuige and i t Light Running 'I'm t-Oiti Hnit, (Itinilnlity id workinK Iians, iniint's oi iinmii, uemttj n appenrnnre, fir has u many tinnitivcmtnu nt ine New Home it hi AMtnmatlc Trillion. Double Ped. aJIks -.ii )lh itiili' nt neetllr ( fattntfd nnother hat tt ; New Ht nn ttM irtt,dnvtnK whw-1 hlnKi-d on in pit hI ilc centurb, thua roduttOK trittlwu tu tlm liiiiiimitni. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING IHCHI1E CO. OUHoa, Hh. Btwmii. Maw. l'nofiHria,l. T t u a.h.. Ill hi j w. Ho. Itiuji Yuii. Hut KlUIiW.'a- ATI-KIA,U. FOM ALE V -P. N. STAINBACK,f- Aiii.Nl' ruii Wl.i.iK)N. Agi-nts wanted everywhere, mar 7 lint. mil W. M. HABLISTON i CO., Wholeaiile and Retail Dealers in "What do you think of your engage men! ring?" "You dear, sweet old boy, it'i tba handsomeat I eter bad I meat I like it ocr ao much." Wedded bliss two people getting ac quainted and used to each other. Thia famous "new woman" Slill charming appears, She's "advanced" in ideas Hut never in years. Jooet How'a wTToeler gelling along ainoa he bought a bicycle? Hrown On crutches, I bclicTt. CABLED FIELD AND HOB FENCE. (MM fultrr fanj Wlr. IW, ri ViH, 0aurr w tlm, tol Vtnf oa Sll rM autv. w. hi ik rrtaztai. Oiuion. tm n, J. HUXiatlUl. aiLWTi, 4, CAUPF.TS, STOVKS, and M.itlrewM, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. iS, nABI.IRTON A CO., No, 80 N. Bjoamore St., PcUrabari. Va. 10 96 ly. HOW THE COMBINATION WORKS) You PAY (INK DOLLAR when the l.k. iro deliver,',! at vour rtssitlruee: tile liiilu at 'at, of f'iftv contH iht nioiiili. The It.Mika are wll worlli the money. ONf'R A1VF.KK iRtliol,rL-lilel. olrasaiil- rut and inoit widely cireuluttsl ,,r ull the Ameri can illuslraletl weekly journal. Hend name and address-, and WP will .00 that fou aro uuilksl. ONCE A WEEK, it3 W. 13lk St., M. Y. mm aa;lr x hi tuiubn'v m J COPYRIGHTS. ran t nnTAiN a PATF.NTt mrt prompt anmror an1 an h'mett opintou, writ to Ml'NN A: CO.,who have hurl nMarljflflT rnars f ipflrtwnce In thu putont tiutunewi. rotnmunlrm tlotu it riot I Cinllilthtl). A Handbook of In I'nirnia aim now ui ud Inn a catalusua of UMvtiau leal nnd Boipnlltlo hooka npiit friiaj. I'aiemi iaiin iimiiiKii muiih m vo. rwirn txBctfil notiwlntha Hrtrnlllic Amerlrna, and mi are brouaht wtdclT bernrOLhft rutdlc with out t to the itivrnttor. Thm iplondltl mpw, ImuivI of hlr, Rlcwantlr lllitm ratort, bat bi far tba uaimD. 01 any cienuno won in M TI aar. italtt iDha houttM, with platu. enabling but Irion to abow low lrnt rlrmilatlliin uf am autnntlttn will world. 93 a ?rr. Snitln conlei sent frw. Ilulldlnti WmiML montbly.tiWariiar. BIQI fopkita, 'i-i centa. Kvorr uutabAr eontaliH beau rui pi !-, in rnn, ana paoinfrapoi oi new lulatat iliatariii unl atvurft rontrtrlL Addn Minn , ui, n-w iuhk, aui Bwuuwar. ElT. CLARK. mORNEY KT UV. AND WELDON. N. 0 pETER SMITH t C0.7 "THE LEADKIifl OF LOW PKICE8," Importers, wholesale aatl retail tleulcrs in FOIiEIOM AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 144 Main street, Korfulk, Va. t

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