ll Jl j iii A IM1 Br1 w& jp itk man m wa! JO HIST "W. SLEDQE3, I'UOI'IUKtok. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE VOL. XXX. ADVERTISEMENTS. Tobacco. No crop varies more in qual ity iiccordiiiir to prailc of ferti lisers tiscil than tobacco, Pot ash U its most important re quirement, proilncing a larjjo yield of finest grade leaf. Use (inly fertilizers containing at le.i.t io",; actual Potash (K,0) in form of sulphate. To in sure a clean burning leaf, avoid f. rtiliers containing chlorine. Our i.imiililrt nn not arlvrititmg tlrriilm ly.n. in; ff. il (Vriilimi, hut are ttrariKsl , tiiitain ! ii'M r-Mr hce. ih tibj-, i o( frrttluaiion, nnd rr i r i H v liclplul l Ur men. 'Miry arc u-iil (tec lot 'l" Kk"g r.FRMAN KM I WOKKS, 91 Njdmh St , New Vurh. Mi nj j a INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. Atlitntil, (ill., tin the SEABOARD AIR LINE. t CSTIIU'I.KI) i.mirui) TltAINN. I pon which no Eatrn fare In charged. Lciro Wuhlngton, S. 0., daily, t 8.40 P M., ii)on arrivul of (lit "CoiiKremioual I.iiiiitcd'a from New York, ami reach At l.inlant iMWP. M. the next day. A Heeond train, with through slcfpliiir r.trs from New York, lenrc Washington at I ID A. M. nnlving at Atlmitu Sill A. M , tlic next day. Ilnth truinn leave from Ihe Peunaylvnnla railroud Million and land passengers in the I nion Depot nt Atlnntt asncar the Expo lolion grounds na through passenger via ANY line are landed. At ForUmonth and Norfolk, Va., the Seaboard Air Line ha. oilier connections cijiiAlly as important aa those at Washing ton, namely.' Front New York and Phila ilelphia, the CnpuChatlca Koutc-from Kal tiinnre, the Hay Lino steamers; from Wellington, the Norfolk and Washington Ntc.tiners; from New York, the Old Domin ion steamships and Ilostoii and Providence the Merchants' and Miners' sUaiuabip Close connection in made at tl'e steamer nlc with through tratna and Pullman Drawing roniu, linnet Bleeping Curs oper ated through from Portsmouth to Atlantu without change. Each of these routes t ik.f. the iaariiircr via Old Point Comlort and through Hampton Koada Sqntpmint, These traina are composed of the hand wiuicst Pullman Drawing Itoom, Ilullit Sleeping Can and Day Coaches. The MO 1'. M. tmin ("The Atlanta Hpeeial") i vcstibulcd from end to end and ia opera ted solid from Washington to Atlanta without change, PotaU of Interea, Along thi Line. The ronte from Wwhitigtoa ta through Fredericksburg, Uichniondntid Petersburg, V., Weldon, Kaleigh ami Southern Pine., North Carolina, Chester, ChnUin and Ab lieville, Ron ill Carolina, and Kllierton and Athena to Atlanta, (leorgia. Ratal. Excursion tieketa will lie Bold to Atlan ta and return, ia Ihe Seaboard Air Line aa follow: I In Tnemlava and Thursdaya, Kepteniliei ITth toDen'niner'illh, inclu.ive, atelt U' from Washington and fl'i.BH from 1'oiU month and Norfolk, and 'roni Weldon. 12 limited to ten deya Ihnu date ol sale. Daily September Ifllhlo December l-illi, inclusive, at $19.!U from Washington and rl7.Si from I'ortimiouthaud Norfolk, and fill ."si from Weldon, limited to twenty days from date of sale; and at f 'iti.'iS from Washington and fl ' from l'orlsmontli and Norfolk, and ftlto from Weldon, good natil January 7, lMiM. Iht Bxpoiitlon surpasses, in some respect any Kiposi lion yet held In America. Here yon rind, side by aide, evbibita from Florida and Alaska, California and Maine, the United States of America and the I' si ted States of llmxil, Mexiro and Canada, anil ao oil nn lil ne-irly every rivilired nation on Ihe Job hj npreeented On the terraces are found, among many oilier attractions, Araha, Chinese and Mexican villages, show ing jnst bow those propbi bare their daily "walk and coavanatioo." Ask ht tickets via "The fteahoard Air Line." I'nllraao Sleeping Car reservations nil lieiuaileand farther information furnished iiion application to any agent of the Sea ftrnrd Air Line, or to the undersigned. 11. W. B. OLOVKR. T. J. ANDKItftON, Trarnc Manager, G. 1 Agent, . ST. JOHN, Vicc-rreaident. II7ILLIAM FREEMAN , T T l-QRTBAJT ARTIST AND MO tographer and dealer n FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc Ol.DPICTl'RKCOPYING ASrKCIALTY Filst claaa work gnaranleed. oii 10 ly. J76 Main at, Norfolk, Va. WELDON, N. C., TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1895. TBBMS:-'511 I'KK anncm in advanck. NO. 33. NKW ADVKKTISKMKNT3. RUN DOWN WITH DYSPEPSIA STOMACH Liver AND HEART AFPKTTKIl. Almoit in Doipair lint rinaiir CURED Br Taklni AYER'S PILLS "rnr fifteen yean, I was a itrrnt snl- O feri't- frtmi Imllyi'itlou In Its wiimt lurins, 1 tested the skill ol many ilnctors, but o Blew wnrsp ami worse, until I I nlno Oi ao weak 1 fmil.l nnt sulk fifty y.inls JJ wtthont liavliic to sit ilitwn ami rest. My o Inniiii'li. liver, anil heart tieesme iitlert- o oil. .'mil I llioiii'lil wnnU surely ille. I Irlnl Ayer'a I'llls ami lliey hel'il me o rlslit ntvay. I rmitlmieil their use and am new entirely well. I don't know ol J soiiiiiiiK niiii win so iinii'Kiy relievo o: and cure the lerrlble auirerliig ol ilys. o pepsin lis Ayer'a l'llh,"-,liiny 0, ritrri imtii, iiiiaiie, Warren t'o N. 0. ol mi NOTICE. The andersitfiied baviuji ualilled before the clerk ol the Nnnerior eontt at Haluai isiuntti a atlministralorof the estate of , Nancy (lay hnmbr uotiriaa all persona holding elaims sgi i-t the estate of her in- lesiate tn pmaent b.i ' 'or poymont ny tne ii nav m iieeem's' i. INDIAN A V.UAKI,; l.ol.administratrix o nicy (Jay, deceased iia'ifat, n. c., on mx u-7-et ET. CLARK. lnORRn-IT-UWJRD Ed Estate Apt WELDON, N. O AYER'S PILLS Received Highest Award AT THE WORLD'S FAIR eooeoeoeeeaeeoeeeoeoeoo jo 13 ly mm Weldon, N. 0. Estate For the sale of lands in Halifax, Warren, Kiaollin, Nash, Kilecoiube, Nortliauipton, llcrlie and Martin counties. Having becouio associated with prominent real ctttato people, of tho West, I am now pro- pared to ncpniale aalci of anda in the above named oounties to western farmers and Fruit growers. I'.rties haTing lands lor sale will please notify me. jo 27 dm. -pi FINE GROCERIES LH amilT Grocerie X CHEAP GROCERIES. KJ FRl'IT8 k (!ON KKC riO.NKRIES. COMIC AND UV.K, I'oiue one, come all, both large and small, '.xaniine my stock, N'lorc buying at all. For my stock is complete anil prices low, To compete with the products the fatniera grow, thank my kind friends for the patronage of the nast And assure them all I'll lie true to Ihe last And auaraulee them in every respect The g,Kds ptirvhased from methey'll never regret, Therefore nunc all, Uith large and small, For 1 will deal hou.stly wiib you !., Do not delay, come tight away Aud make your purohasea to day. J. L. JUDK1NS. dec 111 y. rj,- ',stv. .-,MVe4 ; .- ; jf!, A IIOMK AIIOVK. IIY THE I.ATC JOSEPH W, UULDEN. M. Kihtor: I consider I his touch ing lillle poem written by Joseph W. Ilulden, aon of Ooyernor Holdcn, the sweetest i-in which lias found its way to the public for many years. Tho sad end of I lie author and tbc palhelio atoty of his Ille makes it more impressive to those who knew lliia wonderful genius. The yiclim of "women and wine," ho barely missed being great. Let ua bopo that forgiveness eatuo with Donitenoe and that e found a home 'Mid llio numberless stars of tho beau tiful sky." Oct, 1S!)5, D. Sciienck. Ob, ia (here no home fuf the wounded and weary, The heart that ia broken, tho cyo that in tcarv. The mind thai ia and and (he sniil that ia dreary? Oh, ia there no home in some planet on 11 lu II, Mid tho numborleaa stars of the beauli ful sky? Yes, Qod bath provided, t mansion above Whose timbers were grown in tho garden ol love; W hose walls arc aa bright aa the aliecn of tho snow Aa the sheen of tho shield of tho tun in its glow, He hath built mo a home ia omo planet on btgii, Mid tho numberless stars of tho beauti ful aky, Ho gave to my father a home on (his earth, ltut sin has discovered tho tica of my birtb, And life is a shadow a mist of the mornuia That fades from tho hills with the light of tho dawnine; Yet still there's a homo in some planet on high, M id the numberless t-larn of tbc beauti ful sky. I know not ihe orb that will be my abode, Kut I know it was formed by tho hand ol Ood, hat my mansion is empty and I must await Till he shall command uic to enter the gale- Till the angel of death in mercy shall coma, To bear me In dwell in sonic planet on high, Mid the numberless stars of the beauti ful sky. News i Observer. Wrtlil The Colonel. DOXT WAKE THE COLOSEL, If YOU PLEASE. DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM KINSTON, N. C Diseases Eye General Surpry (ajrratieuia lloardcd at II per Day.j aep IS ly. 'PROFESSIONAL VA Rlhl. JJOWAUD ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law HALIFAX. N. C. oet II ty. una. a arfiUM, Dill M wiLTia a. Disiai P A M I E U ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WgLDOlI, N. C. Practice In iheeourttof H.lllki andNortaaaip' M&41atheuatmineand Federal couru. uof Vmaokoao. al Halifca, H.C., open every Hon aar. II. T. T. KOSS, D DENTIST Weldon, N. C. aaiT-Offlee over F.mry Pierce'aatora. I0-1-!y. W. J. WARD. "Sineo- Dentist,- ENFIELD, N. C. laOffioa OTer Harriaon'a Drag Store. decMiy. Near Tuseumbia, Alabama, as I was riding across the couulry on horseback, I reached a cross toad aud saw a white man fast asleep will) his back to a tree, bile an ancient ooloicd man was lying on the grass three or four yards away and a horse was I itched to a fence, says the Detroit Free Tress. The negro saw nc as I approached and got up and came out on tho road and respectfully saluted me and aaid: "Does yo' wanter ax any quesbiuns, bos?" Yes. I want to know how far it ia to Uraysville." "Deed, sab, but I cant tell yo. I iaiu t dun tun yore a great winic. Who ia thai?" I akcd, pointing to tbc while man. Him' Kurnel While, sab." "And you aro bis aervant." "'Z icily, aali 'xictlj." " Well, let's wake Ihe colonel up aud it' he can'l tell me." "Did yo' jess want ler ask how fur il ui to Urayaville?" he asked. 'Th..t ' all." "Doau' waut ter laik pollylics?" "No." "N'T about Ibc wab?" "No." "Doau' w. nler buy de kurncl'a land il'T iiumo f No. Did he tell you not to distiiib bin.?" ij did, sail, an' de kiirncl'i a weir) peaky man Docs yo want to ak him mi tn a-k hnu lo tak? a drink i.i I haven't a 9sk alon; ." l),n. ssli. let me iufurm to' dat dc niiuil I duu woke hi" np b'd yell tin LLuiesi v. II v ' ib.r hearJ f Den be d whoop an' li..lbr an' begin lo about i hia niatil. an' fo' we knowed it wed boaf be dead an' de liiuw shot full ol bullets. S..rry, aah, but I knows je how he acts Some kuro. la wake up like lambs, but dia jcre one nebber did urresder alter de wah an' he'i all de time believin' dat de United Slates after him wid a gunboat au' fo'lecn cannon." KOR OVKB FIFTV YEARS Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Svrup has been used for over fifty jcara by millions of mothers for children, while teetntog, witn nerfeot suceeea. It aoolhea the child aofteni the nan, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by drogguti in evert nart of the world. Zi cents bottle. B sure and ask for "Mrs. Wiuj low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth at kind. yo A Story of FranUm Pierce. HOW HE GOT HV1RITUAL HELP AND AWED AN UN EMPLOYED PREACHER. Hponking of Franklin I'ierco reniimls me of a strange story I heard tho other lay. During tho war a l'resbylerian preacher in Missouri, who, by I lio way, was afterward in a Chicago pulpil, fell ndcr the suspicion of the Federal au thorities and was artcstcd as a spy. His nauio was Painter, Despite his protests tiona bo was bundled off lo Fort Warren, Dostoo. After being kept in confine ment soma months bo was released, but in a pitiable plight. His clothing was worn our, he had do money, and, to inako matters worse, bis family bad just arrived in Koston from the west, having been sent on by tbc military authorities. The poor man knew not what to do, but had rcoourse to prayer, in wbieh he was uined by bis good wife. They had no other place than tho street in which to offer up their supplications, but this tii- cunistnnco turned out to be io their favor, for their sad story was written up in one of Ihe Huston papers, and a bolel keeper came forward with an offer to keep the minister and his family until they were bio to find employment. Accordingly Rev, Mr, I'aiutcr took up bis residence with (lie hotel man and began looking fur work. For some weeks he continued the search for employment and with such poor success that he was greatly dis couraged, ' When the outlook was at its darkest, strange thing occurred, llcv, Mr. 'sinter was ono day surprised to bear that o gontlcman wished to sec him. A very handsome dignified old man made is appearance and thus explained the purpose of bis call : "I have como to seek for spiritual advice and comfort. As you sec, I am well along in years, and failing health reminds me I am not long for this world. My home is in New Hampshire, some distance from hero, but there are good rcasona why I do not wish to visit Ihe ministers of tbc gospel in my own neigh borhood. They would say I bad been an unbeliever all my life and had turned to religion only from fear of death. It is, not my wish to give them the satisfaction nd reading in one of the papers an account ef your experience I resilved to como to you. Will you pray fur me ?" Tho two men instautly knelt, and llcv. Mr i'aintcr naked tho mercy , of Ood for bis visitor. The old gentleman was visibly affected. Then two or three hapten of Scripture were read, and a ncral talk about tho stranger I doubts and fears followed, llev. Mr. Painter giving him much oomfort. Next day the old gentleman called again, and this lime himself asked the grace of tiol. After thanking (ho minister for taking au interest in his cast he placed in Kev Mr. Painter's hand an envelope, saying. Do not open that until tomorrow." He then went away. Next day ihe envel ope was opened, and in it were found wo 8100 bills and a card on which was inscribed tho name of Franklin Pierce, ex pre-idont of the United States. Waller Wellman in Chicago Times-Herald. Southern Bells. MORE NUMEROUS THERE 11ECA USE SOUTHERNERS ARE POLITER. Did you over happen to remark how large a proportion of Southern ladies are bfllca? Our Northern idea of a belle is of a being to petticoats of such ecregious luvcliucss and graco that she sbiues con spicuous among her sisters and excites more than her reasonable sharo of niascu lino admiration. There are belles in the North, A ball may bnvo its belle; a sea son may have its belles. Charming young women who are special favorites in society are often spoken of as belles even in the north wuid of Mason and Dixon's line, Hut whereas with us the title is ephemeral, tho expression of a passing sentiment, and carries no very momentous weight, among our Southern neighbors it seems to represent an achievement of solid value and permanence In Kentucky or Virgiuia or Georgia once belle seems to be always a belle. The title clings to its possessor, and long after the gayety of her youth has given place lo soberer charms and demeanor she is still described as that erstwhile belle l'0 so dazzled her contemporaries. Docs the reader remember that be ever beard of a Kentucky girl who was not a great belle, or read an obituary of a Kentucky matron who waa not de scribed as "a great belle in her youth?" There must be more belles in Kentucky alono than in all tbo Middle Stales, though not more perhaps than in Vir ginia or Georgia. Dixie abounds in lovely women, but even ber abundant possession of the raw material out of which belles arc made seems hardly to account for this dispro portionate development. There must be some other reason for it, and there are grounds for the belief that such a reason exists in certain characteristics of the Sou! hero man It is asserted by women of experience who have been out in society in the South that, socially speaking, the Southern man is as different from the Noithern man as men are from women, 01 fish from flesh. The Noithern man is polite (when he is polite), but tbo Southern man's polito ness runs into gallantry. A Northern wuiuan who has been an object of mas culine attention io a Southern city is apt to remember it all her life, and to recall it with regret. The Southern women arc bellca be cause the Southern inen make them so That seems to bo tbo secret of it. North ern men may smi'o at it, but Northern women will taku it more seriously, and wish, not improbably, that it happened so also to them. Croup is a terror lo young mothers To post them concerning tbo first symp toms, aud treatment is Ihe ubjetit of Ibis item. The first indication of croup is hoarseness. In a child who is subject to croup it may be taken as a sure sign of the approaching of an attack. Follow ing ibis hoarseness is a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain'a Cough remedy ia given as soon aa the child becomes hoarse or even after the rough cough has appeared it will prevent the attack It has never been known to fail, 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knfield. QCITE KXCVSAIU-K. An exchange reports that the leaehir of a city school received ihe folloairg ample apology from the mot lu r of an absentee: "Here mam: Plosa eggseuso Willy. He didn't have but one pair uf pania an I kep him homo to wash them and Mrs. O'TooU'i goat come and ct them off the line and that awt to bo eggseuse enuff, odncas nose. Yours with respeck, re. B." WOULDN'T HAVE TO. "And you think" she murmured, "that wo could be happy on your present in come?'' Yes," replied tho young man, "I am aire of il." And you will not ask papa for money ?" "No. Your father and I playid pokr ast night. Unless he changes bis ideas of the game I won't have to ask him for money." CHEAT MEMORY. How happy it woild make us, No needful thin,; we'd lack, If we euuld but look forward Aa easily aa back. Henry Wilson, the postmaster Welsbtoo, Florida, tayi he cured a ease of diarrhoat of long standing in aix hours, with one small bottle of Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, What a pleasagt surprise that must have been to the aufiercr. Such euiea are sot oojual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two done are re quired to give pennaueot relief. It can always be depended upon. Whca reduced with water it is pleasant to lake. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. 0, Hamsun, fcoheld. Sehoolmarm, who bad been telling the story of David, ended it with: And all this happened over three thousand yeara." A little cherub, his blue eyes wide open with wonder, said, after a moment's thought: Oh, my, what a memoiy you've got! Now tbc merry, merry fanner geltcth up at four o'clock, And he goeth out a feeding and a water ing his stock; And he lighteth grubs and insects all Ihe bright and smiling morn, For the worm ia in the cabbage and the bug is in the corn. A fel'er must feci thankful one time year al least, No matter if it'a 'possum Wad o' lurkey at Ihe feasl ; Bo thankful that he's livin' 'ncalh bendin' sky o' blue, That the good Lord is forgivin',an' per haps'll ace him through I ACQUIESCENCE. "Since silence given consent," be aaid, "I'll kisa yon thus: yum, yum." And afterwards the girl confessed She felt as if struck dumb. SticlinE To Truth. ADDITIONAL PROOF OOlSd TO SIIO W TIIA T IT PA YS TO HE IIUNEST. "Gentlemen," said Ihe street fakir as he arranged bis hollies on the table be fore him, "I did net come here lo lie and deceive and rob you of your bard earned dollars. I bnvo struck to the truth all my life, and ill' ugh that is the reason I am a poor man 1 shall contiuuo lo tpeuk tbc truth lu the end of my days." The crowd had been coldly surveying his preparations, but began to warm up a little over bis address. Itould tell ynu that this compound would cure Bright's diseases, and in len minutes every buttle would be suld, but could I sleep lo night with the weight of so much deception on uiy conscience? Il will not euro Bright's discuses. It would even hasten the end of a victim of that baleful complaint." There were now a hundred men io front of the fukir, and at least half uf them bad their hands in ibeir pockets in search of money. "I could say that it was a pain killer," continued the man as he brough'. out more bottles from an old satchel, "but an accusing voice would be whispering in my oar forcvermore. You might rub a barrel of it on you, and it would nut effect a pain. I miss the sales of at least 50 bottles because I tell you the truth, but it must bo so." "Gimme a bottlcl" shouted a dozen men in chorus as they held up their dol lar bills. No, gentlemen, not yet. I will nei ther dceeivo you nor allow you to deceive yourselves. You are an honest, confiding people, and I might tell you that this discovery would stop a headache io five minutes, and you would believe me and hand up your money. It will not cure a headache I even declare that it would niako one ten limcB worso." Tho number of men who now wanted bottle was at least 20, but tbo fukir aved them aside and said: Wait a minute. This discovery will not cure consumption after one lung is gone. It will not cure catarrh alter the disease has a firm hold nn the bronchial tubes. After both kidneys have wasted away it is no use to take it. It simply puriGesthe blood and thus" "Gimme a bottle! Gimme a bottle!" yelled OU men as they pressed lorward, and in less than ten minutes the last one bad been sold, and the fakir had the money in bis pocket. "As we went down on the train lo Nashville that afternoon together I asked: "After you have mixed water, molas ses and alcohol together do you add any thing dec?" "Yes cayenne pepper to make it bite and the solemn truth to make il sell," he solemnly replied as be took out bis wad of bills and spread them on hia knee and started out to find the sum total. De troit Free Press THE MEMORY OE THE PAST Chamberlain'a Zy and Skin Ointment Ia uneiiiialled for Kcrema. Tetter, Salt- Kbeum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapiied Hands, itching Piles, Hums, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Kveaand Granulated Eve Lids. For sale by druggists at 26 cents per box. TO HORSE 0WNEB8. For nuttiiu? a horse in a fine healthy con dition try lr. Cady'a Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss 01 nppcuie, relieve constipation, corrvt-i kidnev disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 tents per package, i or sale by druggists. For sale J. N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knfield. In my heart there lies a casket, Fcttired by a band ol gold, And this casket holds a treasure, For its wealth could Hot be told. Long ugo I hushed the sighing, Of this being, slumbering fast; Would you know the prisoned sleeprr? "I'is llio Memory of llio 1'iisl. Love's fund prayer cm wnke il nevir, Snow while lids are elosiil for aye; And the lire the Iretiihliiig fingi rs Used In I nu ll is huslied ulwiiy. And the key is safely hidih il In oblivion deep and vast, And no hand shall break the fetters From the .Memory nl'the Past. Once the lyre; now hushed forever, In the silenl, pulseless hands, Thiilled my heart with keetiish anguish Tilled 1 forged the golden hand, Once uiy heart was biuiscd and beaten, As a roid before the blast, But its sorrows sleep forever, With the Memory nf the Past, Reasonable Repest, IIOW A LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY COULD HAVE PltOF 1 TA II L Y IN I 'ES TED T WEN TY FIVE CENTS. A man with a red nose which looked chronic and had the air of being legili mately acquired called at the office of a big life insuranco company, und ad dressing the first official be happened to meet said: "Sir, I am insured fur five thousand dollars in your company." "Well?" "The policy, strange to say, is made out in the name of my wife, She has possession of it." "Not strango at all, but eminently proper," said tho official. "And if I could get hold of tho poli cy I would buck it," continued tho man with the red nose, "but she keeps it hid. I am here, however, for tho purpose of making a proposition lo you, and tho whereabouts of the polioy is neither here nor there, Aro you open to a deal?" "We arc," answered ihe official cold- "Well, here is my plan. Siuce I can not raise any on that policy I spring upun you the following situation: "Before nightfall I shall be a dead man, and you will have to pony up lhat live thousand dollars." "How do you make that out?" de manded the official, iu tones of surpiiso. "Simply because I can not get a drink," replied llio policy bolder. "If whisky is not forthcoming I perish. I simply lie down and die. I simply lie down and siiffen out and you lose your money. A quarter of a dollar, however, will save my life and save you five thousand bouos Twenty-fivo cents fixes me aud I live. Without it I breathe my last and prove a dead loss to you. If I survive, however, my wife will go on paying premiums, and who knows but what I may b.-eiui : a cente narian?'' He looked anxiously at the official, but the latter seemed to be froz in solid. 'Do I get the quarter?" ho demanded, fier a pause. You do not," was the reply, in icy tones. "Very well," and he sighed heavily, that settles it. .Make out your death claims aud things. Fill up the check payable lo the order of my weeping wid ow. Charge me to profit aud loss." He walked heavily out Louisville Times. SHOUT OX TIME. The electric oar was running to Ihe exposition grounds at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, and was about fifteen uiinulos behind lime, when a man ap peared in the middle of the track, waving a red handkerchief excitedly. The frightened m itormao brought the car lo a sudden halt and yelled: "What in thunder i Ihe matter?" "Nothin' tall," aaid the man who was from tho rural districts, and had decided to walk lo the fair grounds "I jea wanted to know the time o'dsy, an' bow louu it'll take me to git lo wher' the allow itl" The motorman, the conductor and xcrcn enrsstd ps";" fi about tn demolish him, but voices fiom a di xen blockaded cars in ihe rear yelled: "Move on!" and the man from the country stepped aside, mullering: "This is the durodest town I ever did eel Git mad aa creatioa ef you jea ax 'cm Ihe time o'dav!" Codstutioo. asaaa Baby waa rick, we gav b Oastoria. WVm Koui Child. An tM for Outorla. Wtaa am Imaaae ka, saw ctonf a Oaaoria. Wbaa ah bad ClUMiwa, aa tan tawaa OMtorfe A girl don't have to be albletio to throw a fellow over. W. A. McGuire, a well known eiliaen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinio! that there ia nothing at good for children troubled with oolds or croup at Cham. berlain'a Cough Remedy. He has used it in hia family for several years with the beat results and alwaya keeps a bottle of K in the house. Alter having la grippe he was bimscll troubled with a aevere oough. lie used other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the ehildrea'a medicine and to bit delight it soon effected a permanent cure. 25 and 50 cent bottles For eale by J. N. Biowo, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knfield, ADVKUTISKMKNTS. IJY THE DOCTOR. The man who says that "talk is cheap" Perchance forgets the price That he has often lo pay For medical advice. NEW ADVEKTISKMENTS. npYAinr.'.'S ''jp'th PIGEON MILK THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Cures in 1 In ( dar. Im- imslmto in I'H'Hit: oulck u enle. Can iHirarrii.liii vost lu.kil. nil ..,.,iutu i ...... .iiiiio im;..,!,. noiil ly limn, prilnil, (tluiu plickiisu, ou receipt, lit price. 1 pur bux. Tor sale by W. M. CtlllKN, Druggist, 8 II I y Weldon, N. C. PETERSBURG ' IRECTORY HASH, ItLINIlS, nn, I lilKHiN. CHIMNEY PIPE, Fur sale at 111 ITTO ll I'ldCKS !V ' PLUMMER & WHEELER, I'M KltKIII'lill, VA. my I I ly. KIsiAliri Kllllili. T.II.CMitltlllTL CURRIER & UNDERHILL, lliiMTuXOKK I'KK V. Clot House Whok-vtlei.ni RrUill Dcalt-raln FINE CLOTHING. flcinlemt'ii's Furnishing ioooX Hals, Chjih, TriuikH, Kte. Cur.Hyt'umorfj anI BimltSls , my Si ly. Tclcrsljurg, Va, W. E. ARMSTRONG & CQ WlifilewiU and retail DRUGGISTS, 235 Sycamore st, Petersburg, Va. ftHjuAH mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention my 211 ly. E. H. PRITCHETT& CO., PFTKltsllUUli, VA. Successors to Mitchell C'o.'s BOOK STORE. STASDAKD rAT.'I.HNS, SHEETS FKF.E. Uivo us a call. FASHION my 2:t ly ALLIANCE EXCHANGE, Sells o n commission Tobacco, Wheat, Com, Cotton, Peanuts, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PHODUCE, and keep on hand General Merchandise. We will liny unorder anything a farmer may need, (itiuuos a specialty. Let ns bear from yon. Hogsheads furnished on appli cutiou. J. C. SMITH, Agent, my2:tly Petersburg, Va WAV C. F. Lautcrback, 137 Syeamorest., Petersburg, Va. HaviliH succeeded J. W. Yonnil I would lie pleased to see his old friends. Largest stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELliY and CUT GLASS iu this city. John W. Stewart, who waa with Young A Pro. fur X" years is at the head of my liepairing Department. A 1 1 work and order, receive prompt attention. oct 25 It. Maifini POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Lai I U. S. Uuvmmenl f ood Keporl. Royal Bakinu row die Co., 108 Wall St., N T. yeft aj;u use awt'lab STEEL WIRE FENCE I0ARD. A BubhM Botw nd Cattle Nmi CttW PMttt? Hi UavHos Fm; toUe4 PmI4 a Hog Im. Yard, Cemetery m4 Urn I mt Hlet yM Ud Hillll nprautr, vw rmj MM aT IVagaH UMaMflfM IM laWaWlM IT b U. k KUfiLljA RKIMa KB ATUXU, CU. ".r .to Tninr iTil!- l CAV t A 1 0 J nAUL MAKKS j COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OnTAIN A PATENT? For 4 prompt Tiswtir and an bonom opinion, write to MI NN & CO., who have hml nealr flfiy veari' experience in the patent bUHliieu. Comuuntca tiona Bidet It confidential. A Handbook of In ' mutton cnnrarnins I'atfDta and bow to ob tain lhim aunt frtxt. A Ian naiaLruiut iif niswhan- Ical anil tcl entitle books writ free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. noBlv portal notice In tho Mdrntlflr Antrtr, and ttiua are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. This solendld paper. Indued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, btu by tut the lamest circulation of any sclent I fle work in tb wunu. sj a year, r-ampie copies seni nM- Itiilldltui KdiUoD.monthly, K so a year. Stairta copies, cents. Rvery number contain beau mm world. a rear. Ramnln roninn atonf fro. houftea, witb plana, enabling builders to show tby color, and i latent ileakiriia and aorurn mtilncii. AririrAaa -HUDSON'S 1H7 Main at., Norfolk, Va. UDIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DINING KIKIM. All MEALS".". CENTS. .vf '.T.t.w.Yf: ii.:; ; .! . vkvimty- J. K. HI IWON, I'm, i ,.-i..r. The Best of Every thing- in Seosou. oet IU lyr. J3ETER SMITH i CO.! "THE LEADERS OP LOW Pit ICES," Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in FOKE1GN AND DOMESTIC DRY -GOODS, No. 144 Main aUcet, Norfolk, V i srr ly.

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