JOHN W. SLEDGE, proprietor. VOL. XXX. A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1895. TERIMS:-1-50 P anmwi in advance. NO. .34. ADVERTISEMENTS. "Blight" costs cotton planters more than 'ivc million dollars an nu.tlly. Mus is an enormous wa ti' and can lc prevented! I'rai-tical experiments at Ala Uiina I eriinent Station show fiiinliisivily that the use of Kainit" will prmmt that dreaded plant -"i-ililrM nfo nn Ailreniitntf rfrrnlari fwwn. in,; -; ' ...i f- rti i r-r, hill ant prattli al Wiifki, rfmlmtl u,v n u(( ( i.tle! t MW flmrlilt HI tin lilw, tw:iv i "i! ii (.inner btild liavo .1 copy f licy iwt Hi,: (.(. t r tnc iiMHnr; t.KKViAN KAI.l WORKS lj Nua St., New YL, WW States INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION- Atlanta, (la., tin (be SEABOARD : AIR LINE. vinnri,r.i MMirici) thai. I jhiii whitti no Extra fare in charged. Loavfl Washington, 3. C, daily, at Mo I'. M., upon arrival ol the congressional Liinitttl'fl from New York, and reach At HIM'. M. the noxtdny. A vvqm train, with through slctcping cars from Now York, leaven Washington At I ;w A. M. ftriiving at Atlanta 5.20 A M . the next tiny. I'mili train leave from the reunsylvunio railriM'l station and land paaacngerM in the l iiioti Dt'pot nt Atlnuti an near the Expo sition ground an through pa.icnger via ANY litis are landed. At Portimouth and Norfolk, V., the 8 ilnKird Air Lino h;ii other ronnettiouR fii.illv at importunt an tho at Washing ton, numbly From New York and Phila ihlphiii, the Oiw Chftrlt Kotite- fritm Hal 1 1 inure, the liny Lino Hleanient; from Wellington, the Norfolk nnd Wnhington McimcrH; Trom New York, the Old Domin ion Memnnhirn and llortlon and I'ntTidenee tin' .MiT-hai)U' and Miners' Mtranishit. (.'ls-cunnertton in made at ti e Hteamer hAvs with through train and Pniltuun Drawing room, iiaflVt Hleeptug Corn oper fit'd through from Portsmouth to AtUnU ft it limit change. Each of theno loutw take the pawnger via Old Point Comfort uti-i through Hampton KoatU Equipment. Tliwte train are compuned of the hand aoiiu'st Pullman I)rnwing Uonm, HuflVt flct ping Cars nnd Day Coachwi. The 8. Ul P. M. train ("The Atfanta Hpedu.") in vi-tihupd fmmend to end and in nperu M solid from Wanhington to Atlanta without change. Pointi of Inttreit Along the Lint, The route frmn Washington in through Fredericksburg, Richmond and Petersburg, V;i., Weldon, iCaleighandHoatheru Pine, North (Carolina, Cheeter, L'lintnu and Ab Wville, South Carolina, and Elbertooand Athens to Atlanta, (Georgia. EaUi. EicurHion ticket will be sold to Atlan ta urn! return, via the Heaboard Air Line an follows: On Tuesdava and Thursday, Hepterolwr 17th to December 24th, iiicluife, at(U.(Ni from Washington and PJ . from Porta mouth and Norfolk, and froin Weldon, U oil, limited to ten dayi irom date ol sale. Daily September ltlth to DectmlHr lMh, imliisive, at $19.25 from WiiMiiogton and $17 .35 from Portaroouthand Norfolk, and f It.'-O from Weldon, limited to twenty lays fioru date of mile; and at $20.25 from Washington and $. 0.5 from i'ortmouth ami Nurfolk, and $22,511 from Weldon, goml untiljannary 7, lHWi. The Exposition ftiirnawefl, in aome respect, any Expos! tiim yet held in America. Here you Bod. sii hy side, e xhibita from Florida and Atka. California and Maine, the United Htittrs of America and the l oited States of liraal, Mexico aud Canada, and so on un til nearly every civilized nation on the gMte i.- represented On the tern wee are fouiiil, among many other attraction, AraU, Chineae and Mexican villages, how hig .)nt how those peoples have their daily "walk and conversation." Ak for tickets via "The Sealwanl Air Line." Pullman Sleeping Car reservations will beruiuleand further information furnished nivni application to any agent of the Sea Bn;int Air Line, or to the undersigned. H- W. H (JLOVER, T. J. ANDEKSON, Traffic Manager, O. P. Agent, E HT. JOHN, Vice-Preaideut. NKW ADVEHTIHKMKNTiJ. fa CONSUMPTION By the Physicians SEVERE COUCH At NI(fht Spitting Blood Given Over by the Doctors! LIPC SAVtO BY AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL "Heven ye;iM auo, my wife lia-l a sevtre a Hack of lii"K irout-lc whteli o: theiihyslelaiii ir"in "Hired rcmumillnn, O The ruiitth w:n entrrrncly itlittrfMiiiir. esieeiilly at nltrht. nn-1 was fretiuentty o ntteiulet with tlx- rttllg of MikmI. O The ilortor i.i-in unai'le to lii'lp tier, Ji 1 lii'lueeit her to try Ayr's Cherry Tec- o: torn), nnd was sitrirliel nt the prcat O; relM It Rave. Ittfne using one wliole botllel "ho w:n rured, so I lint now "li la u quite strong and licjililiy. That this O: medtelne saved my wife's life, I have not ! the e:ist dnnl't." - K Mnnnw. Mem- o! phis, Ti-iin. Oi Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Recelvsd Hisheat Awards AT THE WORLD'S F A I It oi O: oopoooooooooooooooooooo jo 13 ly J. I TILLERY Weldon, N. C. Fur the Falo o('lanis in Ilalifm, Warren, Franklin, Nash, Kilgccuiiiuf, Nortliamplon, Itcrt io anil Martin couolira. Having becomo isswiulcd with pruiuinent real estate people, of the West, I am now pre pared to negotiate talcs of lands in the above named counties to western farmers and fruit growers. rartica liavin lanils lor alo will please oolil'y me, jc 27 (in). I-i FINE GROCERIES amily Grocerie S - CHEAP GROCERIES. KJ FRl'ITS & CONFKCriONKlUKS. COMK ANO 8KB. Come one, come all, both lurje nnd small, Liamine uiy stock, iHMore buying at all. r or my stock is ctMiiplcte una prices low, To compete with tlic products the faimere arow, 1 thank my kind friemls for the patronage nftht past Aud awture thnii nil I'll l true to the lust. And guurdutec them in every respect The good purchased from mc they'll never regret, Therefore come all, ltoth large aud small, For I will dcul honestly with you uK, l)o not delay, come right away And make your purchases to day. J. Id. JUDKINS. dec 131 y. w TILLIAM FREEMAN, 1'OHTRAIT ARTIST AND l'HO- tographer and dealer in FRAMES, EASELS, AMATEUR Bupplim, etc. OLDl'ICTl RKCOl'VINO AHI'ECIAI.TY 1'iist elasa work guannted. W 1U ly. 178 Main at, Norfolk, Va. The nndrr.lgned having qualilhd lie fore "eciera ol tlx Hnperior court or llalilu wualy m wlmiuisinitor of the estate of fflMICVIiAV h.Mt, nntiriM all nnranns kuldingelaima sa-ninttlie eatata of her in Jtttawi to preseut ih'"i tor ptiymeut hy the M dav of ll-ci.m 1M)1 A sA V.O llIIULII,u!niinuitratrii oi Nancy U r, deceased H'iU,S C.Oet 3U, 18W5. " 11-7-flt E'ZhT. CLARK. trrORNET-tT-UW. INDl Estate A weldon, n. o He Hafl Caller Before. AFTER MANY MONTHS UK FOUND THE S1TUA TION I N CH A NO El). 11c stood in front of a bouse on Sec ond street and gazed at tho doora and windows a long time. At length he came to the conclusion to walk up and ting the bell of the aiilo door. II in ting wis answered by a woman with a broom in her ham, according to a story in the Detroit Free l'ress. "Madam," he began, as bo looked around, "1 have uomo to mako an inqui ry." "Well, air," the snapped. "You look like the woman and this looks like the house, but yet I may be mistaken. Did I call here last February?" "Vou did, sir." " "Ah! I thought so. I called hero one afternoon ?" " V'ea, sir." "Vou answered my ring?" "Yes, cir." "You bad a broom io your hand the same broom you ha?o now ?" "Just the same, sir." "And do you remember, ma'nj, that I asked you Tor cold victuals and old clothes ?" "Yce,sir." "And you told mo to skip?" "That's what I told you." "And is I seemed reluctant to skip you jabbed me io the back with the end of the broom handle to assist my move ments ?" "Yes, I did. What do you want now?" "I want to know, respected lady, if the situation has undergone any change for tho better ?" "Not the slightest, sir. I have no cold victuals or old clothes for you. I want you to skip If you don't skip " "You'll jab me again?" "Yes, sir," she said, as she made ready. "All right, ma'am, I'll go I'll go without being jabbed. Folks say this is a world of change, but I'll be hanged if there's been any round here that I can sco. Madam of the broomstick, I am gone farewell I" Fit AN K WITNESS. In Ileory county, this State, some years ago, a young woman who was suing her former sweetheart for breach of promise was put on the witness suod, and the lawyers, as usual, began making all sorts of ioiuifitive interrogatories. "You say," remarked one, "that the defendant frequently sat very close to you ?" "Yes, sir," was the reply, with a hectic (tush. "IIow oloac?" "Close enough so's one cheer was all tho sitlin' room we needed." "And you say he put hit arm around your waist ?" "No, I didn't." "What did you say, then?" "I said he put both anus itroun' me." "Then what ?" ' lie hugged mo." ' Very hard ?" Yes, he did. Soh irl that I came urty near hollerin' right out." Why didn't you holler ?" Cause." That's no answer. He explicit, please; because what ?" C.IUS0 I was afeerd he d stop. Chicago I'ost. OR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM KINHTON, N. C. Diseases t Eyef General Snmery ijrratlcnU Hoarded at (I per Day.t aep 14 ly. PBOFESSIOXAL CARJS. TTOWAU!) ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law HALIFAX, N. V. net II Ijr. nin a., wtwsa a. mum a a 0 L L B N DAMIIL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDUN, N. C. in ihommUnr HallhisnilNorUiamp. i l ihoHiiuremesnd Federal courts. UoU 7 , ... M...tli fntllns. )" DK T. T. ROSS, DENTIST Weldon, N.C. tssTOtSoe over Emry A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. J)R. W.J.WARD. ".8.rffeiii Dentist.' ENFIELD, N. 0. ajaOfflce over Harrison's Drag Store dee If. 1)10 SINS OH 1K TONUUK." The writer was once on a time sitting across the street fioui a chapel of colored people in Jackxouvi le, Florida, nm hoard tho following original an I uuiijue i ositioo, by the projeher, of the rich inn and Laiarus : An' now, bredren, and specially, you i-lcr', why d i you spo do rich m m wanted de water on de lip ob de ton 'Ul only, sod ut all o'i.t tho hull body ? will tell yor. Mind now, an' specially you, sisters. lieoiuse de aim ob de tongue art much wuss dau all do idcr tins ob de Inly, his tongue burned so much mo' d in do rest ob him dat li forirnt everything else in its tiro. Ah sisters, i iu oi. .lu w.d is uit ruuum; off yo' tengue oootinu dly, an' look out for de tio of 8rc in the net' world." Ki. 'Twas A Bar! Error. HE TRIED TO HELP THE RA ILROAD CO MP A NY, BUT FAILED, lie looked a bit hard up, but ho had pleasant face and smooth address as he walked into the office of a New York railroad running West sod asked for the president. W hen oonductod to that of ficial's desk, bo began: "I want the favor of a pass to liuaV Io." "Can't have it," was the prompt re- ply. 'I eipectod that answer, and aia pre pared for it. I did not come here with tale of woe. I have not been rob bed." "No?" "Not a rob. I did not lose annoy on the street. I am not obliged to rush home to see my wife die. 1 am not a onsutnptive who is aniions to get home and die among old friends. Those please, are old." "Yes, very old and thin." "And yet I want a pass to Buffalo. I feel that I have a right to oak for a pass. Oo what grounds?" "This morning I saved the life of a passenger on one of your transfer boats Ho was a big, red whiskered man named Clark. Had he gone overboard it would have cost you perhaps 950,000 to settle the claim." "Clark? Dig man with red whiskers? Wretched man, you know not what you didl That is tho man who has already got a claim for 120,000 against us for breakiog his leg. If you had only let im go overboard we oould havo settled with his heirs for less than a quarter of that amount. Oo tut go away. You ave taken thousands of dollars out of our pockets by your meddlesome act. Oo ight away if yon don't want to be put in the cell with Garvey." The beat walked out without a word, but, as he reached the door, he was heaid to grumble: I thought I was the best liar on the Atlantic coast, but I might as well hang up from this deal. I'm not in it with Chauncy." Texas Siftings. INUKUSOLL COKNUitEU. About fifteen years ago Col. Bob In- gersoll was reported assaying in a speech that he would believo io bell when Ken tucky went Hcpublican. As soon as the result of the recent Kentucky election was made known the western papers came out with flaming headlincss announcing that Bradley had converted Ingersoll. But the noted in fidel kicks. lie says that be has been misquoted. In fact, he maintains that tho Republican triumph in Kentucky proves that there is no hell. The eol onel lays all the blame to tho administra tion. Ho says that Cleveland is obsti natc and egotistic and that the Democrats are dissatisfied with him. It will disappoint thiusands of people to find Ingersoll so hard headed, lie had an opportunity to yield gracefully, but he has allowed it to slip. It will be Very difficult to convince tho couulry that he did not use the language credited to him. A Republican majority in Ken tuckv is enough to make one believe in any possibility. Atlanta Coostitu tion. SOME LOU CAHIN NOTES De man what sings de loudea ii church throws his head so fur back dat he can't see de collection b isket when it comes crtong. Some folks is so fond er huntin trouble dat dev can t eniov a mesa er honey IV thikin' what mighter happened ef de be had stung em. De road to hcaben is so narrow that some folks dooe come ter de conclusion dat dey ain't room enough for two at time. Some folks spend half do day waitio fer de train, when dcy might er took de big road an' beat it by six hours. When you heah a man aaym dat dis is a hard world, ten chances ter one lie i broke his leg Iryin' ter fly, when he oiler been welkin.' Frank L. . Stanton, Chicago Times Herald. Croup is a terror to y uug mother'. To post thtm concerning the Ural symp toms, and treatment is the object of this item. The first indication of croup is hoarseness. In a child who is subject to croup it may be taken as a sure sign of the spproaching of an attack. Follow ing this hoarseness is a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the rough cough has appeared it will prevent the attack. It has never been known to fail. 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A, S. UarrisoD, ftoueia, OhamtMrUin'a My ud Siiii Ointment i. .,..., mll.l f. Kru-mn. Tetter. Kall- nheiim, Hcald Head, Hore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching l'iles, Bums, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Kvcs and Uraniilated Eye lads. For sale by druggists at li cents per box. TO HOBSB OWVIBB. For putting a horse In a fine hoallhy con. ,1 ;,:,, irv Dr. Culv's Condition l'uwders They tone up the svstera, aid digestion, cure l nf nnMim nilinTa ennsUoation. correct kidney disorders ami aesimy worn, g"'"f new lif to an old or over-worked horse. So nnta per package. For sal by druggists. For sale J. N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knfiehl. When Babf was Wok, w gam her (Moris, Warn ah was a Child, she cried f or Osstorl. Whea aba Became Was, she eluag Io Oatoria, WhsB she had CtiMita, ah ganUMaa Castorta, Three Eonlisi Ml LADY IN CREAM" COLY FEMALE IILACK DWARF AND A MAM WITH A BEARD. There is hardly a eastle or aocient manor house in all England that has not some ghostly tradition eonneclod with it. Io some mansions the spectres aro said to alk and gibber aud shriek night after ight, while in others they appear only long iutcrvals. The latter seems to Lo the case at Clandon House, near Ouildford, which belongs to the Karl of Onslow, but which at present let by him to a tenant. Here the ghouls, for there are three of them, have but recently made their ppcarance, and, though they seem quite familiar with tho centuries old structure which they inhabit, no one of this gener ation has been able to recall anything about them. The first is that of a beautiful lady, richly attired io a cieam-colored silk ibe and weariog a profusion of great wels. Sometimes she covers the cream colored silk with a black cloak, and occasionally sho carries a dagger or a tumbler in her hand. All the domsstios say they bivj seen her many limes, and the un I r footman stoutly niaiutaios that he ooce si i "the lady in cream" take a book from the library shelves, and after glancing through its pages, carefully re- ace it. The second specter is moro terrifying for it appears in the form of a very ugly female black dwarf, with a glittoring ring in her nose, and whoso dress indi cates a condition of servitude. She I ways boars in her hand a lighted lan tern. A rough lookiog man makes up this phantom trio, and he has a great beard that is ovideotly tho prido and joy of his ghostly existooce. He is not so often seen as the lady in cream and her hid eous oompanion, and has the bearing of one oppressed by a great sorrow. A lady spiritualist has had the hardi hood to visit the h"uie and converse ith the crciui colored appsrition, who it reported, related to her as sad a story ghost ever told In her tirao aha had Dned, she said, and her husband found er out. He accordingly bribed the black dwsrf, his wife's attendant, to kill her mistress, which she did, and she has ever since been going ab)ut with a ghtcd lantern looking for forgiveness The appcaraneo of thcsi ghosts has caused great cxcitemeot in the quiet country neighborhood, and many people besides the domestic claim lo have seen II three. A IIAKIMIKADEU FARM Kit. "Miss Mionio Ilorttu learned wi ow give us some very interesting expe riments tu chciuHtry, showing the carbmiferous character of many ordinary substances, after which sho will entertain with a short treatise on astronomy, aod an illustration on geological forma tion of certain subject stances, and close with a brief essay entitled, "Philosophy vs, Rationalism " Thus spoke the presi lent of a young ladies' seminary on the class show day, says Oir Dumb Animals. A hard headed, old-fashioned farmer happened to be among Ihe examining boird, and he olcctrified tho faculty and par al) led Miss Minnie by asking: "Kin Miss Minnie tell me how much sixteen and three fourths pounds of beef would come to at fifteen aod a half cents a pound;" Why, really, I I gasped Miss Minnio. "Kin you tell me who is tho vice pres ident of the United States?" "Wbv-I-I Mr. B .isn't he? Or is it-" "Kin you tell me where Ihe Mississip pi River rises and sets? "I I don't just know "I reckoned yo didn't, (limmo the good old days when gals and boys went to school to loaru sense. bxehange. For a paio in the side or chest there is nothing so good ss a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's I'sin Balm aud bound oo over the seat of pain affords prompt and permanent relief and if used in time will often prevent a oold from resulting in pneumonu This same treat' ytiut li i urc cure far lame Wi. For sale hy J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A. a. Harrison, hutield, Florida Poler Story.. AND THEY MAY BE BETTING ON THOSE HANDS IT TO DA TE. New poker stories are about as hard to God as four leaf clovers, says the New York Tribune. A guest at the Waldorf had a new one to tell recently, however, and while it may not have the stamp of truth upon it, it is a good one of its kind. Tho gentleman in questioo de dares that ho was in Jacksonville recent ly, and that while walking around tho ' city be was accosted by a native as fol lows: "Say, mister, give me will you?" Ho was rather startled st Ihe magni tude of the "strike," and at onco became curious. Ho asked the tellow in an iron ical way what security he could give fur such a loan. The native replied bland- "None." "What do you want with tho money?' the other was prompted to ask. The fel low shifted uocaaily from one foot to the other, and said: "Do you see that fellow over there?'' pointing in the direction of another citizen of the town. The other replied that his vision was good and that he did. Then the native said: "Well, his old man and my old man got in a poker game about twenty-five years go." "That is going into ancient history, is it not?" replied the visitor sarcastically. The native replied: "Yop. But you see dcy both got hands what couldn't be beat," "That's surprising," was the chilly re joinder. Undaunted the other the other went oo: "And dey bet all de money dey bad, and " That must have been a whole' lot," was the ironical interruption. "Never mid dat," said the native. "When dey went broke dcy was both sure dat dey could wio, and dcy locked de hands up in a safe after scalin' each of 'em up in an envelope." "Yes," was the interested reply. "And den dcy both started out to get money to bet some more. Dey bet an' bet an' bet " "Must hjvj been stayers," said lbs traveler. Dey was, but me old man died Here the fellow wiepingly wiped a tear out of his oye. The other locked inter ested, and said: "Well?" "Den I took up de old man's battle. After a while his old man died." "But tho old game went on?" said the other musingly. "Dats it, exactly. He took bis old man s place. Wo have kept it up pretty stiddy. Y'csterday he made f 2 handling baggage, and bo done saw my last raise of a dollar and raised me a dollar. I want to see him and raise him a dollar. Dat's wot I want of the money." Tho story teller concluded: "The yarn was s ingenious that he got the f i, and for all I know they are betting on those hands yet." Qod sometime puts us in Ihe dark to show us that he is light. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE TO THINK OF. A FORTUNATE ACCIDENT. IIow many people in the United States aro arrested every yoor for crime? Answer. About one hundred thou sand. y. lion much docs it cost lo arrest, caro for, try, and punish those criminal? A. Nearly a hundred million dollars, and at least four-fifths of this expcnie is due to strong drink. Q. IIow is this money paid? A. By taxing tho properly of the people. Q What else docs drink produce? A. Oreat suffering. The humane societies bad to be formed largely because drunkeo parents abused their children. Q. What causes most of tho pauper ism in this country ? A, Strong drink causes more than four fifths of it all, and io this wsy cosib our country over sixty million dollars every year. Q. Is insanity ever caused by drink? A. Yes. About three of every five insane persons become so because ihey themselves drink or through the drunk enness of their parents or through suffer ing caused by other people's drioking Q. IIow much docs strong drink cost us for the support of these people? A. About twenty five million dollars a year. Q, What makes people idiots? A. At least a third of them all are made so by the drioking habits of the parents. Q IIow much docs strong drink cost this country io tho care of such people? A. Not far from twenty million dol lars a year. Q. How is all this paid? A. By taxing the property of the people. Q. Who, then, suffers in this coun try from stroog drink? A. Everybody in it. There is not a person who owns any property who is not taxed lo suppoit the drink traffic. It takes his earnings from every workiog man, and robs the whole nation. Mrs. Howard M. Ingham, in Ram's Horn. IF I SHOl'Ll) LOSE YOU. If I should lose you, sweetheart, And alone be doomed to tread The black aod gloomy way, With its flowers drooped and dead, I would feel one sweet emotion, That would quickon love anew It would be that (Jod's owo blessing Made me happy onoe with you I If I should lose you, sweetheart, Aod the songs you sang to me Were but the faiolest echo From the land of memory, They would cling, and bo my musio Asm days when loving grew I would listen, and in dreaming, Once more, sweetheart, be with you. If I should lose you, sweetheart, And tbe touch ol tender hps Be denied me in the future As the weary waiting slips, I would kiss the rose you gave me, Cave me crowned with sparkling dew, And its frsgrsnce wou'd, forever, Bring sweet thoughts tu me ol you. Piiauk I.. Stanton. ADVERTISEMENTS. aTAPANESli CURE A Nw jn! rmntlt Trwttrrint, evtrtitfn of flnPWWlTOBTKS, rjMjtoi of Oin'tw-iti. nl twa iUftm ul Ointnitmt. A ntr fwillnn Cum frtr Film of rf nat'in h4 rligrtwi. It m .how nn h(anth( Ion with (tia kiiifat nt injftptlon nf rtmtf Nriil. wtiir-h Mlrifnl sitvl sawtrliiirj i.-rminf nt riir. nixl iilln r- uHuia; ta ditli, impM-ewMirr. Why tndur rhia no- a iox'xi r lot ummiU r larr b a d unu? W ariinrnni Sf.trrin.ll. JAPANESE PILE 0INTMLNT, 25c. I Bet. C0M8TIPATI0MyaSL4 II,. ."ftt.IVIill and HTnMA'H ItKlil'I.A I1IK an miitu rriuriMi. Sfll.ll. ItllM .ud I ttk..Mpolll. aduiited fur ibildrvli'. urn. Ui IMmm ut QVItU. For sale by W. M. COIIKN, Druggist, 5--ly Weldon, N. C. PETERSBURG DIRECTORY if HAHII, 111,1 N I IH, and lMXJIW. CHIMNEY PIPE, ' For sale at BOTTOM PRICES BY PLUMMER & WHEELER, l-KTRKKBI BH, VA. my V ly. KIK.AKI-VHIIIBB. T.B.l'MlKHIIIlA CURRIER It UNDERHILL, Boston one ran e loth House Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FINE CLOTHING. Geutk'mcn'is Furnishing UrHxlfl, Had, Capi, Trunks. KtC, Cor.Byrnmorc and Dank 8U ., Petersburg, V, my ; ly. W. E. ARMSTRONG & CQ Wl.olenale anil tetail DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore si , Petersburg, Va. IX&AU mailord' rs receive prompt pet sonal attention. my 23 ly. E. H. PRITC islETTIt CO.," PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co.'s BOOK STORE. STANDARD PATTERNS, FA8HIOK SHEETS FREE. Give us a call. my 23 ly 'I am lost!" tho prima donna sobbed. "My years of hard study have gone for nothing!" "Alas, what is tbe matter?" asked her maid. 'My prospects are ruined, all through a wretched accident. Just as I was approaching Ihe end of my aria a horrid bug flew on tho stage and lit on my neck!" 'And you screamed?" 'I did. What else oould I do? It waa my last scene and I had no chance to redeem myself." The bell sounded and tho maid an nounced a man from the theater. "Show him io," said the prima donna. "I may as well meet my fate at once. It is my dismissal from the oompany. "'Scoai mo, ma'am, fur disturbia' yo," said the visitor, "but de msnager wants lo know did you run away from your eurtain recall 'cause you was took sick." "No. I am perfectly well." "All right. That'll ease his mind, He says that screech you let out at Ibe windup wu the tnest high C he's heard in years and you've got the town craty over you." Washington Kveuing star W. A. MoQuire, a well known citixen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opiuion that j there is nothing as good for children troubled with colds or croup as Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. He h is used it io his family for aoveral yoars with the be.-t results and alwaya keeps a bottle of it in the houae. After having la grippe he waa himself troubled with a severe eough, II used other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the children's medicine and to his delight It soon effected a permanent cure. 25 and 50 eeat bottle For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, Knfield. Henry Wilson, the postmaster at Welshtoo, Florida, says ha eured a oas of diarrhoea o long alaodiog in six hours, with one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhost Remedy. What I pleasant surprise lhat must have been to the sufferer. Such cute are not unusual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two doses ire ro- nuired to give permanent relief. It can always be depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. For sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, Enfield ALLIANCE EXCHANCEt Sells o n commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanut, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and cepon hand General Merchandise. W will buy on order anything a farmer may need. Guanos a specialty. Let us heat from you. Hogsheads furnished on appU cation. J. C SMITH. Aliens. my231y Petersburg, V I'OII Ol l :H FII'TV VI". A KM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fitly years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind eulie, aud is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 8ld by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Besure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," aod take no oth er kind. God's tests are seldom known to those who arc being tested. The devil has use lor all his skill when be makes a hypocrite. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Mat U. S. Government rood Report. KOTAL HAKINfl POWDIt CO 10 Wall 8t..N Y. A mote in the eye will put the whole world out of joint Woman ean be the devil's beat friend or hit worst enemy. POULTRY AND GARDEN FENCE 44 tpMtol BotM. Cauls mat Hoc Chn WtZt its VrtwsVfci. CbsUlom tpHtoiir Xi iCAVtAIO.lMUL MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN t OBTAIN A FATKNTf For ft prompt sniffer snd an noiieat opinion, writ l M V H H sic CO.. wbo have had nwlj ahy rwun aTprtnoa In th i(mt biuineM. CotnsanDloft lions iiictl conndnntlal. A tts4tok of la formation cnnreraiiu Pair Ola and bow to ob tain tbero sunt fres. Also a oatalof im Of mtnfctm teal and clentlflo books sent fra. Patents taken through Munn A Oo. mat pedal notice in the Hrliltfl AtaorlrsiB, soft tbtu si brought widely before ibe public witb out ciwt to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weoklr, elecaoil j lllsstrated, has by fmr thm Urtfftet circulation of any aclentlflc work la lb wiTl4:J. tt- Simple n las sent frw. Banding fclltloo, wjonlhlr. sP.S0aTr. Matto fnpleet 'i- eents. Kwurr number contains bejau tlfHl platea, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plane, enabling builders to abow Ida laiit dtwlinisand secure oontnuHs. Addreea MUNN A CO, Mew Vouk, 31 BhoadwaT. C. P. Lauterback, 137 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Having succeeded J. W. Yonna 1 would be pleased to see his old friends. I-argeet stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and CUT GLASS In tbia city. John W Stewart, wbo waa with Young A Bro. for X' years la at tbe hi ad of my Repairing Department. ). All work and orders receive Drotnni attention. octasiv. " HUDSON'S 1R7 Main St., Noif .li.. Va. LADIES AND GENTLLL... S DINING ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. SVRPASSIXa COiFEK A SPECIALTY J. R. HUDSON, Proprietor. The licet of Everything in Season, oct 10 lyr. THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES," Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 144 Main atraet, Norfolk, V. le 87 Jy.