THE i-.OANORE Nvo THURSDAY, DKCKMBKB5, 18!)5 PUBLISH lil KVKUV T1IUKSDAY. J. W, SLEIGE, Editor & Froprietcr-D- . ST AK BACK, Asscciata Zditcr- Entered at I'otl Uficc at Hrion iti Sectmtt tltiu M'lttrr. BATRH OF SI'llHrKII'TION t!I HHVAKCk. One Year (by M.41I), Postage Paul tl.Wi Bii Months T.i A Weekly IX-niixTutir jonriml looted to the material, educational, plH':il ami aKrieultnnilintert's of Halifax nnd sur rounding counties. Jla7"AdveTtisinir. rates rwimitablf mid furnished on application. l.IWIS HiTrs in t ho wealthiest col orcd man in (,'hicsoo. He is said I" be wonh 1500,000. Hit nomy was made in the express business and by shrewd real estate invistuirnt. Tin Congregation or Cardinals, in llouie, has issued a new decree, couched in strong teriua, against secret societies in The United States TbU nieaus that the head of the church doca not want ita menibcra to join fleerct orders One hundred compositors, who hare passed the required civil service ezauii nation have been called for by the public printer at Washington, in order to begin the publication of the Congressional Record, when congress meets. Amotukh tidal wave of thir l term talk is going over the country. We take no atock in it. A great many uieauitig less things are said iu this day and time for political effect It is time enough to consider that matter when the convention neeta. Tut announcement of the new Re pubican sheriff in Baltimore that do col ored man could have office at hit hands is regarded as tho carrying out of pledge made before his election. Gor man having charged that Republican successes would bring negroes into office. Presipint Cleveland, in his letter declining an invitation to the li!7lh annual banquet of the Now York Chamber of commerce, has invented a phrase that is bouud to have currency. He refers to the late silver crazo as the ' havoc of financial madness." Til K President's mess ige to Congross comes in too late for anything like a comprehensive synopsis this woek. His message is practically confined to the financial (iiK-unm lie says we are "financially ill " He alludes, of course, to our reluli ons with other countries, but says nothing about a third term. Wc will have more 10 say of it next week SoxtnoDV having asked the New York Sun, Old Devil Dana's nasty sheet, why J Hereon Davis was ironed and itn prisoned. 1 lie answer was given that it was "to re nit hitn from commit! in,: suicide. ' This cuuje under the eye of an old warborse, Mr. Thomas Jefferson Blocker, of Winston, an ex Confederate soldier, Army of Northern Virginia, who wrote to the Sun that "President Davil was ironed by order of Secretary of Slut Stanton to humiliate hirn and the people of the South, especially the Confederate soldiers. Your auwer to the question that he was ironed to pre veul hitn from committing suicide is in lain u-i) lal. ; in other words, it is a djiotodlie " Our hat is off 10 you, Brother Blocker. You are certainly a 11111O mill the courage of his couvietiuna. THE COW AND Till: MIJ SCKII'TI S LIST. A negro who -tol . a cow from the editor of the K t at I'i'y Ledger was recently seot to th penitentiary lor four years. If all the frliows who steal from editors wore s nt to the penitentiary it would be so full of thrill that their feet would stick out of the windows. In our twenty-odd years' experience publishing a paper we have accumulated $S,0UU of subscription debts that we will take one fourth uf a cent on the dollar for. Our deliberate opinion is that the m. n who have defrauded us out of our labor arc as guilty of theft in the sight of the Almiohly as the negro who stole Editor Green's eow. AUVKliTISKMKXTS. itr. 1: ( 1 i-Ti ki:. Tai.KINU of moiik-ys, iher.' is a man in Now York at priseiil rurTiriog from a slr.ii ge disc. ise The) call it acroiuy gahs, and iay that only twenty cases hate been put on record in the medical world, and that this ease is the only known ouc existing. Too afflicted man, a Pole, is gradually changing in appear ance from a man lu an ape. The hands, lei t and face are already thoso of a mon key. His disease is simply a state of retrogression, a form of physical s.arvism a teLdency to return to the original species -iu other words, a reversion to the piimitivc typo of man. The Pole suffers oo iuconvcniencc beyood that of headache and misplacement of the lower jaw, which has piotrudtd, thus rendering the teeth useless as well us painful. The caae was presented to a clinic at the New York college of denislry this week, and is exciting a very great deal of interest. ('OMIHEM is again in sessiou. Last Saturday the Democrats and Republicans held caucuses to Doiniuale officers The Democratic minority of the House met in caucus to form the Democratic House organization and ro-nouinate their officers in the last Congress. Mr. Culberson, of Texas, who has held his Beat since the 44th Congress w is elected chairman of the Democratic caucus for tho Fifty fourth Congress to succeed Mr. Holman, of I Messrs. Robertson, of Louisana and Rusk, of Maryland, were elected caucus secretaries. Kx Speaker Crisp was named for a third term by Mr. Richardson, of Teu nessee and the nomination was carried unanimously with considerable entbu si asm. The oilier officers of the Fifty third Congress were selected as the Democratic s'ate without opposition. Selection of tho three or four minor officers, whom the minority is permitted to name, was post poned The Republican caucus unanimously nominated cx Speaker Thns B Reed, for speaker of the 54th Congress Previous to Mr. Reed's nomination, the caucus had oruaniz .J by electing Mr. 1 tlrosveiicr, of Ohio, chairman of the Mtt. LiEnBtiE W. liuiisr, one of 1 caucus by a vote of 158 to "4 for Mr. Wilson's most piouiiui-nt cilii-ns, died Henderson, of Iowa. Mr. Ellis, of Ore Friday morning about 'I o'clock. He g,m was elected secretary by a vote of had practiced the profession of law for lo -- fr r. Hooker, of New York, many years, and was cditur of the Wil- These officers will serve during the sea son Mirror. He was a consistent uicui-1 nj0li berof the Baptist church, and alrustee uf, In order the following officers wen Wake Forest College. His death was ! t1(,D selected by the caucus, the vote for sudden resulting from heart failure, and j Mch being about the same as that given it has cast a gloom over the entire com-j (0 Jr (Jrosvener: Clerk, Alexander Diuuity He was a brothr of the well j McDowell, of Pennsylvania; Sergeant at known lecturer, Mr. Henry B.ounl. arms li.njimm F. Russell, of Missouri; 11... l u-:il:... T ill P V..,- . iooi aeeper, n inirtur u. uii-uu, 01 iu" 1 York; Postmaster, Joseph C. McElroy, 1 of Ohio. Til I coaaet discovered at Lick Ob servatory on November loth by C. D Perriue, promises to be au exceedingly interesting one. It is now about 84,000, 000 miles from the bud. The disianee will decrease and reach a minimum uf about 30,000,000 miles on December 18th After December HI1I1, the dis tauce from ihe sun will again increase. The object is not quite visible lo the naked eye, but iis brightness is incre log very rapidly, and it will undoubtedly bu visillo without telescope iu a leu weeks THK Nes and Observer showed great enterprise iu iheg. t up of iis ufi pi.e Tininksgiiiug edition D was a gn at Dow-piper an 1 is the lar-sl and Land some ever turiiod out from a North Cur oliua press. Wo ale pleased to tl. teihe number of inuuufaciuiing enterprises Bleu ioitcd Truly this is 11 great St ile, and Josephus DauieU shows conclusively in his great Thankoning piper that it is n State of varied and wonderful in dustriea. We regret, however to sen that cine of the pretiiesl mills in Norih Carolina ise.u spieuous by its absence, viz.: the knitiinii mill of 1 In- United Industrial Company al Roanoke Rupid A Rus-iuu rli. oil piineo r cully died iu.ivn.g a 1.) uf l,0'" ,'i' nil.l.s lo I is four n. iees But being impressed with the saying ibal pride uoelli before destruction, it was slipulalid in the will Unit h fore re ceiving her legaey each m ice shall have worked continuously for fifteen months either as ohauibermaid, washerwoman or farm servant. Tho three executors of the will are enjoined to ace that ibis condition it scrupulously respected. The four legate have therefore gone to work as farm bauds and servants. But though the conditiuna are hard 8t!:i offers of marriage have already come in, and seedy noblemen in all directions are ready to put up titles at the lowest market pi ices. S. F. Yioger, Dewart, Pa , writer: Mr. (luring uf this place has used your Rem edy fof the Pilot and rroommeuda it very highly. He gsre me your address I would like to know on what terras and price you sell to dealera. Let me hear from you and iblidge. For aula by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldoo, N. C. Rimwood Notes. FEW DF.CEMHEK ITEMS PICKED IT IS TIIEWHAVCO UELT. Dr. Mark Peiry and his father, of Macon, were down hunting this week The doetor killed quiiu 11 nuuiber of bii I- The old gentleman, Mr. E. B. Pcirv, kilo 'I a fine gobbler. Tho lurkey flew 111 his dirteiion and Mr. Peiry shoi while sealed on his horse. Quiie 11 ren. likable sh. t lor au old gentleman 74 ye;o- old. I. e..l news scarce t'rops about all housed, and laud is being prepared foi next year's tobacco crops Mrs Dr .Mat hewn continues to suffer very mueh and no ituprovemeut in her coudiilub is seen. Rev. Mr Phelps, i f Littleton, preach ed in I he Kpiscopal church Suuduv, inoiiiiog and evening, lie is considered a eonseeratid mall of God and faithful in his iuiui. rail .ns. It. v Mr Powell has been returned to this field by the Mchodist I'rulislai t conference, and I belie 0 it gives hie people general silmlaeiinu. The t'hristiuas holidays .re MjiJI; approaching ami while luiny will have sorrows and euree incident to poor suff. r rg, 1. rtiicted, humanity, there will be cause of rejoicing that Providence has smiled satisfactorily upon us as people aud may alt "joy the occasion and bu happy. O. E. M. - t IllKfriRUNS are now trying to prove that 1 he little village ol Yalela, Tex, is the oldest settlement in the United Siatee. The Experiment Station has recently completed arrangements for carrying on some work iu Bee Culture, both to dis sciuinatc information us to the bcsl methods lo follow in bee keeping, as well as to conduct tests to determine Vibat plans sluiuld he adopted in North Caro lina to nuke this particular industry as profitable as possible. Iu ruauy sections of the Slate bee culture now yields hand some returns when carefully maoaged. With proper use of the improved methods of late years this result might he largely increased. It will be the purpose of the Station to endcuvor In aid in the exteti sion of tho ind'istry, and with the pus sible inprovement of the culture whore it has now found a foothold. For this purpose the co operation of two experi enced bee keepers has been secured. Dr. J. V. Hunter an 1 Mr. W. II. Hall, both of Forsyth county. It is expected that results interesting to bee keepers will be reached during the? coming sea son. In the tucanlime items nf interest will he distributid upon the various phases of the subject. As the Station desires to cater into correspondence with every bee keeper now in North Carolina, each one is cor dially requested to send his name aud address lo Dr. II. B. Battle, Director, Raleigh, N. C. Any items as to the stocks, hives, etc.. on hand tho success or failure heretofore met with, will be gladly received. Doubtless the corres pondence will be mutually helpful. Constipation and sick headache posi lively cured by Japaoese Liver Pellets, purely vegetable, small and mild. Fifty doses, 25 cts. For sale by W. M. Cohen, diu.-gist Weldon, N. C. weldonTmarket. COHltKl'TKIl WEEKLY KOB, THE 1IENEFIT (IK OIK. I'lll MTKY KBIENIIS. 0. R. Sides, per lb, Shoulders Bacon, per lb, I lams, S. ('., per lb, Lard, refined, Flour, per barrel, Patent, " " Straight, 8 W. I. Molasses, per gallon, Syrup, per gallon, Granulated sugar, per lb. Light brown Suar, per lb, Mutter, per lb, Cheese, per lb, Green Coffee, per lb, Poultry, Egg", per dozen, Slut, per lb, Gun powder, per tb. Coal oil, white, safely 150, pi Coal oil, red I , per gallon, Apple Vinegar, per gallon, Beeswax, per lb, Tallow, per lb, Hides, flint, per tb, " green, " " salted," Salt, per sack, Com, per bushel, Meal, " " Rice, " Peas, black, per bushel, Peas, black eye, per bushel, Peanuts, per bushel, Cotton, per pound, Bagging, per yard, 2 1 4 lbs, Ties, per bunch, 1 c. Ulc.-Tc. 12. lOe. SI 7.-1 1.50-JI.OII. 2D and 10i 25 to40e 25-110 10 to 15 IS to 15 to 25 10 111 25tol r gal. 15-20 lit)-HI 1 1; ,s 4 :t 25 00 65 to 75 (i-8 HO 1 10 to 75 !7 0 Mid ADVERTISEMENTS. I Was Weak, Tired nl nervous, my fiHul tti not dffml easily In (net I wnntn jtnor lifiilth generally. I hail to ileep nropiH-a up In bed to brAthe fully at ulKliL I had tho grip ami iifU'r wards a severs cough. I found relief Id Hood'i Sariaparllla. I have taken leven bottles and can eat what I please, sleep soundly and feel rested unless ! over wotlf. t feel as young as 1 did at 16 when I use Judr mentln my daily ei- Airs. 1. st. Wall) cu. I eannot De lia lo eiprets my tlianks sufficient for suob I tjt toothlnf, health reatortng medtetnt Is not George Vanderbilt the biggest land holder in North Carolina? it the question today. He owns 100,000 acres in Buneombe and Transylvania counties. Impure blood cause pimples, hives, boils and erupliona uf the skin. John son's Saraapaiilla and Celery purillet the blood and eradicates all blood poison, Luge bottles, 50 en- For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. 0. 'g 8arso parilla Cures I Mrs. Cum J. Wal- uum, wile ol Kev. I. K. Waluue, clsrk ol Blood River A Bsneutlon ol Daptlsts, Calvert Otr, lLf. Hood'w Pill five universal sattBiacuon. rreuaroi' by O. I. Hoed A Oo,, Lowett, Mass. h i - x k v a') i;ki'Isk.mknts. i nOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement nnd to is-rsmntl enjoyment when riirbtlv used. '1 lie many, who live U't U r then others and enjoy lite more, with . se niieio'.iiuro, bv more promptly adilPtillg the World's last pr-lucls to the needs of phv-ical K ing, will ulut tho value to health of the purrs li.tiid laxative principles embraced iu the reniedv, Hvrup of Pigs Its execilona- is .Hie to its presenting iu the form most mceptuble nnd pleas ant lo the taste, the rein -hiiiir nnd truly bonolioiul pmik'nirs of n period lux nlive; i tie. tii illv cbmi-ing the -y-tem, di-s lliiig eo.l,"hea.Iaclos nnd tcvers ami pcnnalieiitlv luring constipation. It has civen s.-iti-f.-ietion to millions and met with the approval of th medical prof. s-i,,n, Is-raui- it acts on the Kul nevs, l.ivT and ll..we! without weak ening them and it is rl'eetiy tree from every objectionable slib-tnlice. Svrup "f l"i-'s is tor s.iie by all drug gift's ill ."sic and ' bottles, but it i u'i' ufactur..! by Hie I nlitornio Fig Syrup l' i. onlv, wlew name isprinti don .-very piu-kaul . also the nuine, Syrup of Figs, nnd Is-ing well inforiin-1. y.ui will not accept any substitute if e!!cn-d. mar 20 ly P. N. Stamback '.t ,T. T. brush's ol.l -t.lllll' WELDON, N.C. Dt.ilcr In General Merchandise Just nci iud thepr tti. -t line of li.iy Slate ami Zn gli r's SHOES! QrccGric: W, Tt PARKER , IiEAl.tlt IN Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. J2I POI ND SACKS (IF SALT Foil i in I'KIISACK. OfwCurrcct prices and KiIite attention to all. auglly. I'm I. olies, Miss.n anil l liildren ever "lion in Wi liloii. 'I Imc-lio) "lire alwajs n IiaLle ami I invite insiicctioii. Have all sues. also n.lilnl to my slock a nice line CLOTHING1 for MI.S, VolTM S am. I'M I UHIKN. A liirr line of nyrjKTAl.l.Ii'.tS'WWAI.M'T " .J..miiiMI' oooo BURIAL CASES I'. N. STAINBACK Mr T. II- Tailor, ol'Nortlianiplonconn- ty, is mill lueanil will n' pleasisl lo ase his Iritnus. -THK S' An almost new iron single bed with springs and good mattress. Suitable for child or grown person. Apply at This Officr. Sweet Dreams ! IsTOTIOB. y mutual anuiwnt tho partnership exitttiitKbvtwtrn W. H. lTarrison nnd Ktl wuni CltappiU trading and doing hnsiuraw under the style ami Br in oa me of Harrison tSc Cuappe II is this clay dissolved nnd neith er party will hereafter le responsible for any dtbts that may be created by the oth er. Edward Chsppell and son having boniiht out the plant will continue the saw mill busiui'sfl aud we commend them to the public. W. H. HARKISON, F.DWAKD CHAPPELL. NOTICE. 1 have qualified as administratrii upon the estate of Lewis Little, doeensed, and all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present their claims against said estate to me on or be fore the 23rd day of November, 1890, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. E. A. LITTLE, T. W. Hawkins, Admiuiatratrli attorney. nov 31 fit fmm Is Hhc drr;. ruing of oraturp flowers T U ihe n rltln a win on lo?ef U she buiMliiX Spfintsi tiwtr9, In thfl roiiUt of Hlfn bo worn, Tin swoct little mtiurt.Mii dear( Nit. This S wirt Child is drraniiiiL; ol the wonderfully low price.- at which the Excelsior Priiitinti Company WKI.IXHf, N. C. Is turning out AUTISTIC HS1NTINO of Kvery Description. Li tter llemls, l'lii-ki t Ileiuls, Hill lli'uils, Euvcloes, Stateniiilt.s, lliiml Hills, I'rojrninimes, Tickets, Kte., Ktc. Kle. kifVrite for sumplen and prieee. K. L. llAVWAItll, l'KOI'KIKTOB. A DAY TO ACENTSI I w AitytiMf who wants lo net rich ami who M i ;t ht 1 1- fiiit ipnse ciii swnrc $IOaday in tin- Ih-li Washer hiiftim-ss It is lioouiinif now. KmtvIhuIv wantn Climax nowadays. One anent cleared $'J0 every day for a year; u H111 ' chance; best Dish Wa-sh-r made, no soliciting; Dioh Washers wold nt home; n piMrmanent iKisi tton in town, city or country, ttne million to he sold. A wide awako hustler ran clear tof'JOa day easy; washes nnd dricftintwo minuter. CI.IMAX M'F'ti CM.. AoJ Starr Ave., Colnnihiis, Ohio. 1 A Valuable Farm 532 acres, 125 acres of good bot tom land. Good houses. 7 miles from Weldon, N. 0. Capable of be ing made a fine stock farm. Six dollars an acre. icash. Apply to f. jr. CLHfK WELDON, HI O. MET SHE, H. C SPIERS, Manager. WKLDON, N.C. Floor matting, 1 to IH cts. per yard. Floor oil chuh. -'J to :n i ts per yard. Tahle oil chuh, all colors, lit eta. per yard Men's wool hiit, H ttt ?." ctM. Men's straw hats from 5 cent up. Ladies shorn Mk: to J.(hi. Men's shoe tVoiu7"K'. to 'J .ri(. Children's shoe.-t, 15 lo . Curiam poles with hrass lixtures 17jc, lioller Window Shaile.i 15 to '.frt. Alarm clocks iW each. A good i'l'H-k lor 5h cts. Kight day cliK-ks inches high f'2.25. Carpet in to :oc per yard. Wall I'aper 4 to Hk? per roll. Bedsteads from f 1.10 up. Nice bureaus only H 75 5ii inch Cotton Towell, Mr. tioiMl Corsets Zk- up to ff.W) I'hoto Irames 5 to 15c Men's pants tiite to Jl 75 Ladies' drewu'd lmts t'roin 'Hk lip lloys -hirt waist 15c each Latlieg Vests 5 to LI Woven wire cots 50. If 'ooven w ire niultresstwll 75 Croquet sets 75c tnfl 5l. T. W. Harrison, Salesman. TMK NORFOLK BUSINESS DIRECTORY. T. W. Clay, EAGLE CARRIAGE AMI HARNESS I'dMl'ASV. JT mi.l Ol.l Mnrsi-t s.iiri-. Norfolk, Vs. S iihi Hni:i;y so'l lo it inicss I utl lino of Ho -j-rlw. tn, Kol. IllankiU. f'rt. 4c. I.HBK.-T i-Ktcr.s. "1'rS'lr Jfio.0. Qmv? WoOI II'i: W HAUK. SOMOLK.VA. Lime, Cement, -t.ATlls, IIAIIt, 1'I.AJ-TKII. ril.ATt.s, TAK,- SEWER AND CHIMNEY PIPE, liR.UNTII.F. SHKI.L I.IME AND LAND PLASTER, T I)- QR D. S HARM0 Coiisiltiiin . Master of OPTICIAN, OPTICS. lis". Main Mm(, MMIMI.K, VA. .- 11'Nsrl.TAllllN I ,MtKK.- tivV 't'S.-l l.TATIHX 1 UKK. apr ly y, C MADEEEY & CO, t'HTTllN KAtTOIWaml I'ltOlifl'K COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No.SCommeree St., NORKOI K. VA. Quick Sale and Prompt Keturui. forrC'iMHuhnce and Const Igiunvnto tiolleitcd. ar S ly. ouFQurcan-Pncc rtlMl'ANY, Kii'liiuond, Vii. The li-ailiDK . DRY GOODS HOUSE of the South. I (you want unythingin dry goods writ us- my 2 ly. T. A. JACOB, (Successor to B IV Clialltley & Jaeob) Leather, Hides, Oils, Calfskins, Shoe Findings, Etc. Store niul Office, 17 Thirteenth St. RICHMOND, VA. iajyilixliest Dish Prices I'uiit lor hides, c niv 2 ly W IS KIUQ IKE REX BAKINC POWDER We guarantee it is pure and wholesome and nsgood as any Halting Powder, retjanl less of name. Manufactured only hy J. P. & U. S. CHRISTIAN CO., njy21y Kiehmond, Va. E8TAKMS1IED 1829. S. H. Marks Co., PETERSBURC, VA. WHOLESALE CONKECTIONEliB AND FUUITEIiEIlS manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cake and Crackers. Dealers In Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIGARS A SNUFF. tttTYour orders solicited, which will have our pemoual attention. It) 19 ly W. W. KAY, (near R. Ii. Hhl, II T Pope's old stand) THEONLY-W All Night House WTiN TOWS Par rauly for accommodation t all boon. -FAMILY GROCERES(- Canned Goods and Confectioneries. Close Saturday night at 12 o'clock. Open Mon day at 13 o'clock a- m. my 3 ly. NKW Al) hUTlsKMK.N'I.S Q OOKF, CLAEE & CO-, SJSrj, D00IS 4fiD I1I.INDM. B'iilier'i Hardware, Falnti, Oils, Qlaii, And IlI'll.IllNu MATKI1IAL or Every In scription. NORFOLK, VA. apri-S ty. HEARNE BROS., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f. KiwiokclNirk, NOIiKol.K, VA. pKlNI'Ti A SI'KA'IAI.I.V. iVUtoes Riul I Mtlmia In f km, n. KKH:kKNrKS:-CH- Nntlniial linnk, Norfolk, Vri.,aml 1 inula I ret: In AKelicy. Hr 1 yr II. P. SALE, Proprietor. WM. UNN, Manager MANSION HOUSE. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. SOMETlllSa HEW. jg NEW WAY ol DOING au Old THING ROOFLESS PLATES.U- New York Cental Bcomi, Only lr.S Slain t., Norfolk, Va. J. I ENNEd, Dentist, "Newest Iilscovery." Kslract Twth. No l'aln. Iiiipn-RRlou unit teeth same ilay orcxtnu tlon. .r ' ly. CiaTHN-BEICSnOUSE. O o o v o Boots and Shoes, NORFOLK, VA. TKItMs TimIi Ii-im Sncr cent.. or w days net. t. IohnIn&oI'I very t-lte. uj.rSl ly For the 1'AKI.OK. I II AMIIKK tllJ THE KERN FURNITURE CO., II Ol.) Mnrki-t H.inn Norfolk, Va. M aureus., Wlmjrsand Cirturt1 Knuuit, .3rKH'iiil kiivniluii to our N- r. frleotU. Hprli ly. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, lit, US A IIS Bank St., Norfolk, Va. Large stock of M'jnumrnti and Gravatona, etc. ltcady foi imuieJiate shipmont. Designs free. 11 2 ly L. T. SAVIS it 00., M. WHOLESALE CR0CERS, Aud dvalcni In FLOUR, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, C, tMpoclal attention given lo car load Hales. Hon?"! ar, va. apr 15 ly i-LOOK.- A pout) crd will trln(r rou ourulcuuan and aave juu money. y IRGINIA QANbTQbT Wholesale tinfeetlonen and Fruits, Fano (ho cerles, Cake, and Craukers. l RonokoATk Norfolk, Va. aprUly . ,, JfcaT KflTABLIHBED im."m MM STENCIL WORKS, (FORMERLY WINCITY.) -nUB8ER STAMPS. STENCILS. BBA88 CHECKS, AC, Manufactured to Order. I.B.TURNER t CO., Proprietors, Roper Building, Ni'lsion at,, Norfolk, Vs. iGrrinMm work gaanutetd. 371 for Infants and Children. RIIOTHERS, Do You Know that Ptufor1c, I Wm Ionian's Vrvim, (trey (Vrvliai, nuiny -coJkl buoUilof Bynipa, n& most rrmvdr4 fur cbild.-rn aru coniiimvl ooiiim or DKrrhioe f Do Too Know that opium anl morj-Liioe are atupefriof narcotic potaona t Jin Yon Know that to inovt cvuiitrleti druggists an not pannltted to tell WooUct without labeling Jiem pnisoni f Dn Yon Know that you ahotiUl not permit anj roediclna to bo ft?ra your child udIcu you or your phy ali-lan know of what It Is compoatxl t Do Yon Know that Castoris is a purol rricuble pn-parfttion, and that a Hit of Ita Inrrvdienta U publlrJird whh werj botils t Po Yon Know that ('artoria is tlw prrwriptton of th fanvma Dr. SaintMl ritclwr. Tiat It ban been in utw fur Dforly thirty yoara, and that mora Caatort la now void than cf all other rvniek for cbiMrrti caiiuhirMxl f Do Yon Know tluit the Vunt OfnrA Txpartment of TtUtod BtatM, and of othrr rouothea, haro ItsiKtiriclutilvo riicbt to Dr. 1'itrhnr and fala aaslirna to uas the word " Caatorla " and ita forniula, ami Uuit to limUt- them la a atata prtaon otttam 1 Do Yon Know that one of th mmona f..r Rrnntlmr bla ruwrunent proloctlonwaa bocauiw Caittorla hiui boon iro'n lo bo nbaolutnljr harnlaaaT Po Yon Know that 35 ftvoraf duea of I'ajtorla are furaiahM for 36 cent a, or one cout a done f Po Yon Know that whon of thU porfocl preparation, your children may be kf pi well, and that you may hare unbroken rest 1 Well, thoao thlngi are worth kpowing. TVyamfacU. aignatnra of CJlC la ea wmpnar. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. mm ij ill i uu P nill inilcr leads it is true E (;oods lie always lias for you. aeli .urelia'tr lie weleoliies, short or tail, D ou t uiake a nii.-lulc at' Kndlantlcr'a" call. L owest frices lie always (lives lo all. A rustic Novcltiis in t'lulliinn du Dot forget. N otions ami Kurni-liins you here can get, D oirable goodi you here will find E viTViliino he kecs to please uiaokint, K ijjlit stylcB in Huts, Caps, Shoes and CnJerwear, L ook where you will, none with him cud compare, rononiy's lloiiie! Fredlaodei's will always be A liarpain at his store you'll always see. Say ur nilit on M. rmllander call, trictly "One l'riee Only" he has for all. FEEDLANDER ALWAYS LEADS! Buy lour J. HENRY BROWN, Corner of Main and Madison Streets, Richmond, Va. 1 1 IM M Iff i I Mi i Ifl 1 ivionumeniaiArcnuect anauu naer. All kinds of Cemetery work, at LOWEST PRICES. All work (.unrautctd. twDcsins fuinUhcd free, on application. H.Also ageni for the RICHMOND and IMPERIAL BICYCLE, spr 25 ly. UNEL -Do not buy. I'Wp' BEFOKE EXAMINING I have a complete line of Cashmeres, Brrges, Her r'eitaB and gunnels iu blk and col' orrd. Latest novelties in plaids for waists. Fine Dress Patterns No two alike. Nice line o( erepona, satlinn, outinn's anltinirs, snd other dreasfnwils. Cretonne, antine and canton draperies, elienille covers, window shades, lace curtaina, and pnlla, Ia Vest's nil cotton, half, ami all wool. It. A U. cornets kid gloves, aud nil linen Ililkis Uj and 15c Clouka in tbe latest atyles, CLOTHING! Men's, Yontlis and i-'niiiliBu'.. Rtftsili attta's . I have them cliraper Good child's suit (in l.oO. f kid pants to lit large men as well ns others STUOUSEIIKOTIIKIffllllgU Art Clothing. Perfect tilting. Latest thing in Men's hntnin Alpine and stills. It will iy you to ate my line before buying. mar 28 C. E. fJcQmqjiti, S. METEE, AG-'T Dealer In lillV GOODS Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Enfield, N. 0, '

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