V,..,M T'mM IF51 Sj p5 lii jil Laofh wiiil. Smut SE22iS4i j-qHN" "W- SLEDGE, vkoi-iuktok. -A- NEWSPAPEE FOK- THE PEOPLE. TEIMS:-1-50 I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXX. WELPON, N. C, TIlUltSDAY, I) EC KM I? Kit 19, 1S95. NO. .'36. jjKW A D V E UT IS K M K NTS. ASTHMA, Distressing Cough, - SOEE JOINTS i MUSCLES. ffil Dospalretf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral S'ijn' linn nIikv, I had n severe 8tt:i.'k '( a-ilim;i. accompanied with a dhir "iti'i-t.nli rtml a genera! soumicxh of Hi-' j"iHt-i anil tiiiiM'li's. I consulted lh '-ll,s ,ri1" v:ir'",!9 remedies, hut uiiini;t wiiitiff nny relier, mull I ,kKt -I "f ever t-elajj well again. Ki'iullv, 1 t" k Aver's Clnny IVebr:d. ami in i vi'iv slt'it tunc, bh entirety fun'.l. I ran. therefnre, eiirttial'y aiul c-uli'l' nfl eom:ee:id this moillelue to all,"-.?. II.isi i is, VU't'irb, Texas. -My v. ifi liad ft very troublesome rmijli. !i'' ini'd Ayer's Cherry l'eeto r;il i ' i'ui timiH'iIiatc relief." ; M I'ttpKH K, llmnplirejs. (ia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ! Rccoivcd Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o o 00000000000000000000000 jellWy. i l lira Weldon, N. C. Kur tin; nale ol'lumN in Halifax. Warren, Kianklin, Nali, KdjMriuV, Noiltiamiili.i). Bern,' and .Marl in iv.unti.a Having lii-cMiiio iiss.ci.ili'd ni l prominent real cxiate petilc of ihi! Weal, 1 ani Duw pr. f ir. J to negotiate talcs of Iwuls in the abuvo named c unlios to western farmer and fruit grower. 1'arties having land fur wile wil please nulit'y mc. jo 27 Cm. "I FINE GROCERIES 1H amily Grocerie CHEAP GROCERIES. FKUlTd & t'ONl'KCI lONKIUKS COMK AM) 8KB. Onmc one, come all, both luro nnd snnl;. I'.i.imtnc uiy lotk, belore hujiii; at all Fur my stock is complete ami prices low, To compete with the products the famicr trrow, Itliank my kiml friends for the patrounit- of the past Ami assure them all I'll lie true to the last Ami guarantee them in every respect The kihmIn purchased from me they'll neve regret, Thervforc eome all, lioth lare nn.l small, Fur I will ileal honestly with yon all, liii not delay, come riitht away Ami make yoar pnrcltasts to day. J. I,. JUDKIS8. ilee Ml y. "1 Hf -t James buh, ih "every jrooil ami per feet ! gift." I'ihiI nlso tleeliires in writing1 to the KphesiaiiHtliiit when OiriM UHeeml- cd upon high lie "h tl enptivity captive mid pave gifts unto men." ! U'hnt nre Rome of these gifts which ' oro thus typified nml inlendeil to lie onmnietiinrated !y the etistom of gift- giving in Clirisltiuirt-title? "I'eaee on j enrlh, good will to men," !h the boon it j brings to tmniKind an a whole. The coining of Christ was the tlinni-fi-Ktation of Coil t inen. There ia no to get for Debbv. "There's m tarnnl imieh nonsense 'Iwut Christmas pres ent.';," said he, "that n fellerdon't know w hat to git." But he held to hjs cstah lished rule that it should be "Munethin' useful and onextruwignnt." Jlutwhat Dehhy needed must, that waa the per plexing question. Caleb was to take Debbytol he "Christ mas tluiuV'nt the village church, w here there was to lie a tree for the young folks, and lie thought it would he the proper caper to hang his pre: ent nn the full rcu'lnlioii of (iud anywhere nnr in j tree with the ethers, and hare it handed " - iff Alt tlio air with love Is laden. Where the Yule los? flow and flame, Hopeful youth and trustful maiden Hoftly chant the Master's nume. Now. If there Iw any sad ones, Jiid their tearful eyet)edrled. Now, tf there he thouhtles glad ones, He that RludnrsH pti rifled; For the bells of peaee ure rinding, Chiming anthems of the free. Earth anil Heaven Join In Blnglng Of the glories yet to be. Seek the boughs, fo green and fragrant, Let Dm wuxen tapers dance, Here Is hope for prince, for vagrant, Christ of every circumstance! Die tho leaping fagots higher, Let tho wide-mouthed chimneys roar, Clash the cymlmla. twang the lyre, Angela watt at every door. Soft the Day of Peace Is breaking; Gladdest day of all the year; And sweet Plenty, want overtaking, Spreads a feast of love and cheer. flit DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM KINSTOS. N. U. Diseases EyeGeneral Snrpry tsTTalicnl, Hoar.letl at (I per Day .01 ep 13 ly. I'ROFMSIOSAL CAKIta QOWAItO ALSTON, Attornev-at-Law II AI.IfAX, N. C. ocl, It,. imsii. mnuii, wtLTHi.uiiiii fULLKM w I I U ATTOIiSKt AT LAW, Wm.oiiN. N. C. " "Mrelntheeonrunr HillfkisndNnrthlmp. I ' nut In iht rtuprviae Atitt rslral eouru. Col- i4.li. tn il .Arintf N -rth Carolina. , 11 u i. ,!(.. N.a,uieueer, Mod Jn71i J)' T. T. ft IMS, D H3UTIST Wldon, S.C. Krnoeoter Eiury A Plerca'i store. lO-IS-ly. DR W. j. WARD.;;- On the evenlnif before fhrlstmos, In the year of frruee 1894, Mr. Itufuu Ik-ll created n mild sensation nt his home by arriving with a iiurcel of hupe dimensions. Ho made sure that none of the children were about the house before he entered und, when lie hud crossed the. threshold he immediately concealed the mysterious bundle in u closet anil locked the door upon it. Mra. Hell nt once demanded nn ex iilunation. and her niece, Mias liosc Movtie. seconded the demand strongly; thereupon Mr. ISell struck the attitude popular with candidates when they say "Mv fellow-countrymen," nnu sain: "tallies, I am but human, xmijiilur da the stuteiiient may seem; but I um nevertheless a Mug of iilcas nnd re sourees " "W'o aro always nc(iiirin(r informa tion." interruiiled Mrs. Hell. "liose," continued Mr. liell, serenely, turiii-!!? to the younper lady, "as n rehoij teacher you must have Btiidicd juvenile human nature, nnd you must have been shocked by tho fuet that children ceaso to believe In the kk1 old stories of Santa Clnus und his rein deer almost as noon as they arc nble to walk: in fact. 1 hnie heard you com incut unon this sod truth. What is Christinas to a child, if the child doesn't believe In Santo t'hius? Where arc all the romance and jKictry of the oc- nioti? My own children nro bkcimiciii when I tell them tho charming lefrenil of Kris Krinclei 1 have undertaken to convince them thot there is a Bnnta I'lo'iii I have ilecldeil to let them see funttt Claus in iieraon." This announcement iiutunillypleiiseil tho Indies; nnd their excitement was quite Intenso when Mr. Ml produced a bundle from the closet and opened IL nroduclnir a lot of undent furs nnd a bearskin hat that had pn.l.alily been used by a drum ninjor of the town hand; to plnso the Indies lie donnw' hi costume at once, nnd they voted him a perfect Munta I lnu, u lie i.r talnly was. ' 'ow," he Bald, when lie had resumed his ordinary raiment, "I don't think It 'quite fair to reserve tliiseiilertniniiieiit for our own children cxcliiflvly, so I lhave. Invited a few pond little iKiyaand plrlsof the nelpliliorhood; nnd Mr. and Mrs. ftrewster w ill be liere, und youriR Mr. Moon; I have let them into the se cret. You w ill tell theehihlren tuhttliR their hosiery In the north room, nnd In form them that you have reason to be lieve that they may see Santa Chiua il they sit up nnd keep perfectly still; nt the proper time I'll ascend the roof and slide down the chimney; it is Just large enough for the purine. And I guess that'i all." During the lialoneo of tho evening, until nine o'clock, there was a great deal of active preparation In progress in the Hell mnnsion; the north room was ililln.1 nnd a emi-elrelo of chairs 'Surreal Dniitist ENFIELD, N. C .OffloeoTt HuriMB'aDrug fltort. doc).. younger than she was before he un folded his delicious scheme. Ily half past nine oil tho guests, large and small, wore in their places; Mr. Moon, a young mun who had won studying law for ten years, nnd who hoped soon to be ad mit ted to tho bar, sat next to Miss itdse, upon whoso hand ho hod r rious de- Bigtis, and his efforts to appear nt case were amusing and instructive; Mr. ItrewHtor, who was small and timid looking, nestled Iieside. his wife, who was massive nnd had a bass voice; si lence brooded over the throng until Mr, Bell, who waa given to speeches, went into another attitude, and said: 'Children, I have heard that vou don't believe there is a Santa Claus? You have formed the unworthy idea that vour parents and friends (ill vour stockings on Christmas eve, and thut good old fur-clothed Sitntn is n myth. iS'ow, I have here a letter from Santa. (Croat excitement among the chil dren.) 'And he savs that he will arrive here nt ten o'clock, coming down the chim ney w hich you see before you. I must leave you for awhile, as I must keep watch outside; hut you must all be quiet and keep your seals, or Santa Claus mny become angry, and refuse to enter." Ten o'clock v. as announced by the tall clock in the adjoining room, nnd the mellow chimes of that ancient time piece had scarcely died aw ay before the children heard other sounds. Up over head there wn.i a violent scratching and tearing, as though a poorly shod rein deer was trying to climb the roof, and they distinctly heard the silvery tink ling of bells, ami some of them believed that they could make out the grinding of the sleigh runners on the shingles. It was ft moment of aw ful excitement; Johnnie liell, who had never quailed In tlunger's stormy hour, did not try to conceal the cold perspiration that stood on his forehead; Amelia Grimm, whose ft?) f, mWm mTWiHimimf-A?-;. Mill 1 1 1 1' "lllll' r.j. 'rlH A r-ElireCT BANTA CI.AIS. courage wus generally unswerving and uncoin promising, tried to stifle n shriek end only half succeeded. After the roi f had been successfully ascended, they heard a gn at noise by the chimney, ns though Suntu hud just rliirhted. and then they heard him de scend the Interior of the chimney; low er nnd lower he came, until finally hi legs were in the room, nnd they kicked Inn very human and prosaic way. After thev had I. icked for nw hile, and no mure ol the visitor's body nppenrcil, it lie- gun todawn upon everybody thut Santa was in dilii. i.ltics; The children and the older visitors sat staring ul the legs for a few- minutes, and t.ien Mr. Anion, who waa n man for an emergency, gal lantly rushed to the rescue. He seized Santa's ankles and pulled with all the force of a air of gyiiiii.'isiiim-eilin-iiteil unns, but be didn't senti to make any headway, for Santa yelled In a mice that si mmled like a doleful cry from the tomb thul he was being wedged In tighter than ever, and he implored the company to do t omcthiiig for his relief. The ehh in held ncmti.nl 01 war. .Mr. Urow.ter Mildly suggested that It I would 1k n rHl plan U solid in a lire alarm, but I'm wife crushed him with n j look, nnd raid that the only v.y rW taw was to take Ihe bric'.s nut of the I chimney ; nt.d f he ridded: '"This e.t. es of it .ml il t;,. il to r-f the fool win it ik ought to be thinking of the world to come." Meanwhile Fanta groaned nnd .shrieked In 0 fearful manner In the chimney, nnd -protested that If he wasn't soon n le ised he would bo a corpse. Men. IMI was fa biting comfor tably In her aiineiiair, niuTinost of the chih'lrenhad vanished. It was then that Miss Hose approached Mr. Moon.wrii p big her hands and weeping lieniitifiilly. "Mr. Moon," she cried, "you see the sufferings of my uncle, nnd yon stand here Idle. Can you not rescue him?" 'Mist Hone" 'nn hi the intrepid young man, "I can got him out of that in five minutes, It rests with you whether I hall do it or not. The last time I pro posed to you, J ou refused mo, ns usual. If you'll oromse to marry me, I'll rescue I'.VEIIYBODY CPOWPEJ AnOUT SJU. KKI.I. his w hole future wan nt stake, and re fleeted that all's fair in loo and war There w as a stern, cold silence for n minute or tVo. Meanwhile the vibra tions of Santa's legs became desuiton and spasmodic, and his mu filed grouiu betokened extreme exhaustion. "Wretch!" cried the young lady, nt last, "rescue my uncle! Vou shall huvi the reward you ask." The wretch bowed w ith noble grae. and a moment later was on the roof. with n I'ojh; in his hand; he let the roj down the chimney, and called to Santa Cmua to grasp it and hang on. Sunt did so, and toiled upward while Mr. Moon pulled; after 15 minutes of dis tressing work, Santa emerged from th chimney, a poor, battered elligy of him self. Mr. Moon assisted him to the ground and into the house, where tin children and the other gliosis crowded about him and laughed; forchildren al ways will laugh when they ought to weep. When Mr. Hell was recovered sufll ciently, he leaned against tho back of a chair he was too weak for an attitude and said: "Children, if you toll about this around town, I II have vou all arrested and sent to the penitentiary for life. And you, Johnnie, for that titter I'll make you saw n cord of green wood. 1 want you till to go homo and tell your parents that Santa Claus is the biggest hoax of the IDtn century, nnd I'll guarantee every word you say." Uy careful nursing Mr. Dell was re stored to his normal health in a few days, and his first act was to have the old chimney taken dow n. One day In March Mr. Moon led hi bride to the altar; he held his head higl: and his eye sparkled. After the oei monv there was ft dinner at Mr. liell residence, and Mr. Hell himself wits ra diant wih pood humor and hospitably He called the young couple aside, am. Indulged in an attitu le and a speech "Mv beloved ones," he Ugan, "the morning of life opens radiant to you sunlight glimmera upon the waters. there nre blue skies overhead, and er the robin redbreasts nro twittering on the boughs. Hut dark days of tempest and storm mnv come: rolling waves mny threaten your bark, nnd then re member that if you need n helping hand. vou mnv call upon Kufus Hell. Mr. Moon looked dreamily out of the window. "May I nsk a favor of you now?" he asked. "A hundred of them, iffy donrboy.1 "Well, I see It's snowing, and there'i cnouirh on tho ground to make sleigh ing. Will you lend us your reindeei and sled for awhile?' His incarnated Son. He is the fullness of the Cod-head bodily. Christ wiv the ideal man, called by eminence "the Son of Mini." In llitn we mark the fulfill ment of all hiiniuii capabilities. Hy Him is rcconcilial ion of sinful itmu and an offended Cud. 1'uith in Christ cruci fied the f;ifi of inilnity to man - is tho secret of sab at ion from the conse quences of sin. The gift of everlasting fo Is to be had for the taking. Christmas, as n commemoration of tho nrtli of Christ, without reference to His acrilleial atonement, would be mean ingless. True, He taught grand lessons of love nnd dutv, and of self-sacrillcw for the good of others, but the Htibliino. liiiKi of all these teachings was His suffering!! and death on tho cross on ac count of tho sins of mankind. This has n aptly called tho tragedy of tho w orld a tragedy in which every human soul has an interest, because it provides 'or human wants a balm in Cilead, a fountain for uneleanness, redemption from sin, nnd a joy forever. These personal nnd spiritual gifts are not the only advantages that have been confer-ed upon mankind by the coining of llii,! v. hose birth is celebrated at Christ u. a '. The world ns n whole has had an uplift in direct ratio as the les sons of His life and death have been re vealed to it. Genuine and helpful civ ilization waits n Christianity. The sign of tho triple cross n not, as Ingersoll in his book makes it, theem- lem of superstition, hate and cruelty, which he transposes to telegraph polos labeled "for tho use of man," but tho cross, typifying Christianity, ever pre cedes enlightenment, invention and ull that tends to human progress and hu man happiness. 1 he later cartoon, rep resenting the Christian church as i woman carrying the cross and the right light of Christian truth.and thus ?netrating the dark recesses of igno rance, tyranny and superstition, which aro dispelled t;efom her, while the cm- lems of en ihzntion, the railroad train the telegraph, tho church, the fiehool house ami the busy city follow her; this cartoon, 1 sav, tells a truthful Ktory of human progress. The most progressive, mont enlightened, intelli gent and strongest nations of to-day, with tho most of happiness among their people, nro the Christian nations. Mr. Gladstone, the greatest statesman of this or any other ago, lately said: 'Talk about the questions of thedav; there Is but one question, and that is the gospel. It can and will correct every thing needing correction. All men at Iho head of groat movements are Christian men. During the many rears I was in theoabinet I was brought into assneiatlon with 00 master minds. and oil but live of them were Chris tians. My only lioK for the world is in bringing the human mind into con tact with dhino revelation." How im portant, then, isit that ineonimemorat- lug Christmas wo should have a true conception of what it moans! THE (iOlim.KK'N INN I NO. Kaniii l laiti' Klot-klnffft. Puld Hanta Hans on Christmas eve. In J Mv, good, fat i:he: "To Judge by all 1 bene blockings here. They've turned the hone on me." mm ,: r: -i-'.-i '. pi By John Mahin. your uncle; if you won't, I lenve this imvii forever and your uncle In the ..laced for the expected guests, who be-. (,i1mn(,v. Ills kicks arc growing feeble p in to arrive nt the stipulated time. -ni ia,orrI; I don't think he can last Mr. Hell waa In a fine freniy of excite- j :more t))nn tiirt,e mnutes." I ment; he declared to Ilia wife, In a j The j0g dy leveled a glance of , whisper, that he felt like a boy again, corn at hlln ,mt should have withered j and she replied that shewas ten years I :hljn t ,(00d firm, Jle felt that Mil. Whnt profound emotions of grid Hud' should swell up 111 every human li nt. the mention of this now well-nigli universal holiday! Hut it into be fcurcil that the vast mu j.irity of those who ob serve it lime 110 true conception of its meaning. Kvcn ninny of thorn; w hew. idea of it is that It is a time to bestow and receive gifts do not fully comprr hend what Is meant by this liallowc and common custom. Chiistliliis not only commemorate the birth of Christ, who gave Ills life ns n ransom for u sinful woi Id, but typitle the Ineffable gift of IJ.nl, w ho "to loved the world that He gave liis only be gotten Son, that w however believe! h in Him should not perish hut have everlast ing life." Paul tells us thnt salvation "ji the gift of God," from whom, as out publicly, to show that, ho was up mid doing with the rest of them. Ami so it caiiie to puss that mining the gOQil things hanging on the tree wiih a sealed envelope marked, "Merry Christinas ti Deborah llandcr, frnni Mr. Caleb Criui Inlns," This the minister, uhooflici nted as distributor, took down, and. with some sly remarks on its supposed contents, called upon theyoiinglady to come forward and receive it. As lleliby passed up the aisle, she was accosted on either side by her young friends, who eagerly inquired: "Vhat 'jTWMTiirTi.niTTTiiHffliHirnTTiriTrTi lii ii'ii, J ,',',' AliVKIiTI.-K.MKXTH. PIGEON MILK; THE GREATL3T DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Cure iti 1 h 4 diiyn. 1m- tnediutA in uHov.i ; nniek to euro, ('hii Im cunied iu vont im kut. ull colli iilfti in one Biii.il 1 puck.tK'J. iS.'iit by mail, (m-outl. pltua puckuKO, 011 receipt of price f I por box. For side by V. M. COIIKS, Druggist, " !Hy Wrblon, N. C- PETERSBURG 1 1RECT0RY jm?''': Mwi III Help, ihi! Old Crissiuus dinner's a-gobblin' me!" Judge. Rutuctlilng.for lit Bo. Office Hoy Arc you goinp to give me anytlihig for Christmas? lloss Ot yes; a few errands to do. Detroit Free Press. MISS DEUDY MECEIVIXa UEB rBESEST. is it, Debby? Open it and let us see!" With burning cheeks she took the nvys terious envelope and returned to her seat beside the smiling donor, who ad vised her to open it. This she did and found within nothing but a slip of pa per with some writing on It. She read the words, and blushing still more deep ly crumpled the paper In her hand; then turning to Caleb In an agitated manner, she said: "Mr. Criinmins, woj will go home, right off." Caleb forthwith conducted Debby to her homo, where she bade him a frigid "good night, Mr. Crimmins," ami left him to sneak off to his own abode, with a sort of "wish I hadn't" feeling rankling in his system. The match was broken off short then nnd there, and it was some time before the why and wherefore were known to tho wondering friends of both. When the seoret did leak out a broad grin overspread the face of all Hradbury, nnd no wonder. Calebs Christmas present to Debby was an order pn the lillnpc dentist for "four dollars' worth of pullin' and llllin'." A TIF TO SANTA C LAI'S. It was Christmas eve and the Dod getttt sat by the llreiliseussingthc prob ability that they would recive pres ents of greater alue than they had r.ent to their poor relatives; and as good as they had sent to their rich OIK". "Cgh, what a night it is," said Mrs. Dodirett, "but it is just as well, for wo idiall have nn callers, and I'm really not lit to be. seen." "Vou certainly nro not;" candidly answered Mr. Dodgett, "it's n mystery what you have done with all the money jou have gotten for dress. .Vow, 1 can go nowhere for lacli of a decent dm.. niit." Instead of replying warmly, Mrs. Dodgett only rmiled mysteriously. At that moment the maid ente red, saying: "IMease, ma'am, n tramp's at the back door begging for clothes." "Tell him to go away and be quick about it," snid Mr. Dodgett, who was faifferlng from neuralgia and disap pointment that his wife would not quarrel. "Don't leave him alone in the kitch en," said Mrs. Dodgett; "he is most like ly n sneak thief." "Charitable, that remark," grunted her husband. "Ye-os," sho replied, absently, "by the way, dear, Mr. Manque has given his wife another sealskin. I shall have to cut her, for I can't visit her any longer in my old wrap. It's one com fort, though, that he selected It him self; something is surely wrong with it." Looking anxiously at her hus band, she Haw a half smile on his face. "It's a cold night for that poor wretch to be out half clad," ho said. "I'll see if he is gone," sho returned, and both left the room by different doom. Soon they were both back with half pleased, half shame-faced looks. "It's Christmas eve, after all," said he. "Yes, we should be charitable to-day of all days." "M'hm; I gave that poor wretch my dress suit which was too shabby to wear. I had to hunt for it, too; it was" "And I pave him your old overcoat; it-" "Which overcoat?" "The black one; you n "You did, eh? Well, you were too smart for once! In the pocket of that coat was concealed the money I had navcd to buy ft sealskin for your Christmas gift. Say, why did you hide my dress suit, in your w ardrobe? Iloth had risen, looking very pale. "You got that dross suit from my wardrobe, did you? Well, it was a new one I had gotten for your Christmas gift, Silas Dodgett!" Two minutes later Mrs. Dodgett was In strong hysterics on the hearth rug, while the maddest man in town was ninly searchng for a tramp w ith anew dress suit ami an old overcoat. HASH, IIMNDS, and HOOKS. '- CHIMNEY PIPE, Fur fide at, HOTTOM I'lilCKS BY PLUMMER & WHEELER. rKTKKSIIl'IPl, ., myt ly. KI.h.AK (TkMKIt. T.K t'NUKHMILL CURRIER & UNOERHILL, H(iS'i'uN ONE I'lili K Clothing Hous, Wlioh'ftiiloand Retail Dealers In FINK CLOTHING, (Jeutltimcu'H Furiii)iiii'(iu)dH, Ilntfi, Ctips, Trunks, Kte. Cor.Bye.uiioro and flank Sts , l'eterHlairtf, Va, my -'n ly. W. E. ARMSTRONG & CO Wholesale nml retail DRUGGISTS, 235 Sycamore st , Petersburg, Va. flWjUAH mail orders receive prompt per sonal alteutio-i my 2:1 ly. E. H. PRIT :HETT& CO.. PETKIMlUlKi, VA. Successors I Htchell Co.'s BOOK STORE. 8TANDAKD I'A T. I.IIXS. FASHION SHEETS FKEE. Give us .1 call. my 23 ly Jimmy There, now, dat looks bul ly; 1 boH! he'll take do hint an' put some new stockings dere fore lie doe" anything else. N. Y. World. Caleb Crimmins was as sweet on Deb by Dander as u humble bee. ou honey- suckled. That was a well understood fact among the young folks of Jlmd- bury, n back-country village of the mid f i to went; mill uiuiottult Clib had the reputation of being very "near" he fltts known in a numlierof instances to have "opened his heart" and his purse-slightly- in demonstration of that fact. And when Cale Crimmins "went down Into his jeans" (In the mellow flow of tho village tongue w aggers) it meant thnt return might lie ex (tooted on Ihe board iu short order. That Is to say, "folks was oxpeetin of n invito to the woddin' 'fore long." It pained Caleb intensely when he thought of tho rapid succession of birthdays, Christ mases nnd money taking holidavs with which the year was crowded, nnd he resolved that but few of tnrm should idapse Iroforo he lu.d the knot tied hard and fast with Miss Debby; and then they would go "kinder slow on the gosh blamed spondin' business." Debby w as nut at all ctrav:igant In her notions of gift taking, but she did think It was no more than right that she should be remem bered occasionally with some tangible demonstration of uffectiou. Christ mas was at hand, and Caleb was In the Uirw of a job oJ guessing w'httt !!!!!!! r-'Ml'LiUlitfT An old fjrny house, on an old-time farm Twns on a Christmas nlirbt Thro" rhlnks were streaming rays of charm In yellow shafts of light. An old gray whlb and nn old gray black Were nltiini? by thchlnio That euib d and plnyort 'witnst theehlm ney back Rat ihlnkliiR thetr own old ways. Said tho old black mun to tho uld white man; "HII'b fnwty yridnto-nlphl flense you nln to me this piece er lan1 An' thu puotyen' pd in alu.it. "You uln'un, rmlitcH, dmi pnpahs, too, Dat not in bon' oneiifreo. An' Nan an' me nun Hally, Daily I .oof bttk er song or JuUli "Welt, whnt tf I did?" said the old (fray "Didn't both belonntomr? And didn't 1 have, by law, tho right To wl my iitKKahs free? "And, what Is more," "ft Id tho old whlto man, "My farm was brond nnd lonp, And didn't you. and your poor old Nan, Find llfo a sweeter song?" "IiAwd htesn ymi, mnnter, hlcsaln'a fell As fas' an dropn cv rain : Hp, evnry soun' was a silver bell, Till God called Nan crguln. Ttut wo win nil rie p! fives you had, An' sense you h'en so no' Pw felt dat wo win oetln' bad To wish for freedom so." "No more! no more!" paid tho old whlto mun : "I'm rlehcr thnn a klnc! You rrlvo mo blesplnRs, all you can; I need not anything. "And, mora than all, nml not bleat. While wnltlnp for thecal!? I gave you Freedom, Qod'a bequest. Intended for us all." Leap year is coiuing; boys, beware, Let Dot the maidooi woo you; Btfore the year is cut, tako cute. I eat they decide to sue jou I ALLIANCE EXCHANGE, Sills o n commission Tobacco. Wheat. Com, Cotton, reunite, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PIIODCcK. and keen on hand General Merchandise. We will buy on order anything a furmer may need, Guanos a specialty. Let us hear from you. Hogsheads furnished ou appU catiou. J. C SMITH, igciit. my 2.1 ly Petersburg, V Ills Name Ih I.ejlon. For a Christmas present now I am caving up: That's why wrinkles line my brow And sorrow tills my cup. When Baby was slek, wo paw her Castoria. When k!io was n Child, Hho cried for Owtoria. When she become Mim, alia clung to Castoria. When ahe had Children, sho gavo them Castoria COPYRIGHTS. CS I OnTATN A PATFN'TI For a pmmot atiBwer and an honest opinion, write to Ml NN Ar CO., who liHTe hftd nearlyflfly yetrt' eiporit'tice in the patent business, retuniuntca ttoni utrlctly mmfltlontlal. A II an it book of ln formation roneeniiiia I'ntenm and bow to ob tain tbera sent free. Also caialoauo of mechan lea slid (tolnllflo hnokn aunt frM imema luson inroutin Alunn a VO. 1 peciul notice in the Hrlfiittnc Amertenn, and thus are brought widely before the public wltb- lariceat nrculation of any acmntlflc woi wnrin. vj a roar, sample bTfart rk lot nritl. S3 a roar, tfnmiilo copIph sent free. Huildlnir Kdltloo, tnnnthlr. K.50a rear. Stall copies,.! cents. Kvvrj numlnr contains beau tiful platos, tn colon, and pliotrvraphi of new hounos, wit h plaiiH, eiiBbllnir bulldura to show the latent riPHbrn nnd secure ivinlrarta. Addreu Sense sIkirs with double lustre when set in humility. 'OU OYI'.H Ml'TYYi:H Mrs Window's Soothiog Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions t.t mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gutnv, aliuys alt paiu, cured I stuck of wind echo, nnd is the host remedy lor Mnnl'iea. Il will nlievc ihe poor iittl sufferer immediatclv. 8oh! ly dnigisls in cwry nurt ol the world. 25 cents a bottle. He mre and ai-k lor "Mrs. in low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth kind. i:i7 Sycamorcat., Petersburg, Va. Havinii sucee(sled J. W. Younir I would Ite pleasetl to se his old friends. Largest DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and CUT GLASS in this ci'y. (Ymurc is the. lax ;i imiu pays to puhlk' foT hijtlg eR:innt. NEW ADVKltTlSKM KNT8. Ihe mm John W. Wcvvnrt. who was with Young ei Uro. for :t,"i jejirs is at the head of my liciiairing l( urgu,nt. fs. A 1 1 work nnu onleri receive nromni attention. net 25 It. HUDSON'S Mnin st , Noil',.11. Va. llOIES'ANDGEnUEM ..SOMMG HOOM. A 1.1, MKAi i ChNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest ol all in leayoning strength. luilett U. S. ISnvemnwHl rami Kcporl. KOTAl. 1.AK1NI1 1 OWDKR UO.. ine Win St v y ISl lU'ASSlXacOlFKK a srF.ciAi.Tr- J. li. liriWON, Proprietor. The llest of Kverything iu Keason. act 10 lyr. CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. CftblwJ Pool try Faucet Wire Fwnes Board; Yard, tiaiDu r ret pETER SIuirHaCO.,- THE LEADERS OF LOW PHICE8," Tmrtortent, wholemle .ml ret.il dealers in FOliKKi! AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, Onin.t.ry nd Or... Ixt ftBrln, o. Slp.1 Po.t , (pwlir. Wi hr M rraltfeL U.UID.U. No. 144 Mai. street, Noriblk, Va. I 7 Ij

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