THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 18PC THE N. 0. AGRIOULTUEAL EXPERI MENT STATION AT RALEIGH, N. 0. TrllU Fur Grapes and Truninf I bought a 8inll fnrm last spring anil on it I found quite a nice lot of wry thrif ty trellis grapes, but they h ive lieeii Imd ly managed, having been seutfolded ami never pruned. 1 want to train tliem upon wires and prune thetn an soon aw it mmht to he done. Now, what direetiuu shall I atreteh my wires north anil south, or east and west, and why? I have a fancy for grape culture anil would like to bein right. 1 'learn give me what practical in formation the Station haa to dntpoae of. -II. V. II.. Merry Hill. N. ('. Answered by V. V. Massey. Horticul turist, N. C Kxperintent Station. I urn inclined to think from n slight expnrimino that the Muusun trellis is the bust lutith'Hl if training vines ill this climate. Tina is tho mode devised by Mr. Muiisoii, noted fruit grower of Texas. Tim plan is to set posts along tlio rows at nualorato distninvx, and from four to six feet high. ( u tHt floats cross liiiH'es are tiaileil two font img, mul wires are stretched along the centre, of the lops of the posts, and from tho ond of the. cross pieces, limiting throo horizontal lines of w ires a foot apart. The vines are trained cm long cairns along the central wire, and tho fruit wood is trained to the side wires, and allowed to hang over. New canes are trained out annually to take the places of those that havo borne and are to be cut away. We have some trained lu this way at the Station and they do well. Wo never prune grapes hero till March, as those pruned in the fall are apt to start untimely in the spring and f;et hurt by a return of cold. At that ate date the bleeding does not amount to much, as tho foliage soon stops it. In any mode of training the main ob ject is to have a good supply of strong one-year-old wood. If you train on a perpendicular trellis, run tho trellises uorth and south, so that one will uot shade tho other. Stretch threo wiro starting 1 inches from the ground, and a foot apart, and prime fan shape, cut ting out annually tho wood that has borne and train up strong canes four or five foot long for tho now crop. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Formula For a Flsli Kemp Fertilizer. You will please give me the informa tion needed to make fertilizer for my own use. Will tlsh scrap, acid phosphate and kainit make a complete fertilizer for eot tonr Send formula. I have tlsh scrap and cotton seed, lot and stable manure. C. 8., Mai-lhel. X. (.'. Answered by It. 11. Battle, Director, N. C, Experiment Station.) I would suggest tlio following pro portions ; Acid phosphato 1,20 pounds. Fish scrap Soil pounds. Kainit lit HI pounds. This will give a mixture about equal to, if not belter, than tho ordinary iim moniated fertilizer and cheaper in cost. As a compost, using stable manure and Cotton seed, No. 1 on page It) of jiamph lct sent by this mail would answer. I Would advise your nsing tho fish scrap in tho above formula as given, and the stable manure in the second for the purposo of improving the cotton seed us a fertilizer. I would suggest your testing these two mixtures and ascer taining which will be the better for you, in which case I would be glad to kninv the result. The advantage of the latter over tho former is in a larger quantity of organic matter added to the soil. Of course a larger application of tho com post should be made than of tho first mixture. SubmiHliiy and Preparing LamtForPotatoes I have some three or four acres of sandy loam that I intend to plant In late Irish Sotatoes next year. This land has a sari y subsoil with some clay. It has never been plowsd deeper than from four to seven inches. Wottld it pay to subsoil this land and if so. how deep? I have some land that 1 will turn at once for corn. It is red elay with almost no sand at all, In fact In many places there is no Baud at all. Would It lie an advantage to this land to subsoil it? lam trying the experiment of raising late Irish potatoes for our home market. A. S., Houneville, N. U. Answered by V. F. Massey, Horticul turist, N. C. Experiment Station. It will certainly pay you well to sub soil this land this fall as soon as possi- blo. It would have been far better for the potato crop if you had gotten a growth of clover or peas on it tins sum mer, and had some vegetable matter to plow under for the potato crop. I would advise to plow the land tit once and sub soil it, and sow rye on it to be plowed under in the spring, so as to give you some vegetable matter lor the potatoes. The rod land would bo more benetitted by the same treatment than any other, A good growth of peas the summer be fore, followed by crimson clover sown among tho peas in August and jjuwod under in tho spring will be the best trormratimi for the potato crop, and if on tho peas you apply a good dressing of acid phosphate and muriate or pot sh, you will get better results on tho potato crop than bv applying all the fer tilizer to the potatoes direct. Therein nothing like a good coat of vegetable matter for the potato crop. Cowpeas Flawed In the Fall or In the Spring? Will vou kindly give me the compara tive value, as a fertilizer, of a crop of cow peas plowed under in the fa'l before frost; to one lelt on the ground until spring be fore plowing Also how does crimson clover compare with peas as a fertilizer f A. 8. P., Try on. N. (J. Answered by H. H. Hauls, Director N. (J. Experiment btation. Experiments conducted at the Alii baiuu station show that approximately fll-j times the quantity of nitrogen la found in the vines of cow peas in the fall than those left over to the following spring. Tho reason of this is that the nitrogenous materials are lost by de composition. The materials of a min eral olianwter will be also lest from the leaves being blown or wimhod to other localities. We have gotten the best re- Built fiulil ploeiiitj Ulelct uftel tlio iwrt- viuos are riio in the fall following with wheat, and not ullowtng them to re main on the land until the next spring. Bulletins Nos. 77 and 01 describe the experiments. Cowpeas have somewhat more ferti liziutf properties than crimson clover, ADVERTISEMENTS. fTftTTTTcCV Vi' LA, jms Ma U The modern Pain Annihilator, will positively cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other aches. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Only the genuine will do the work. Che LANGE'S PLUGS, The Grot IoImco) AnUdett.lOc. Dealers or ouU.A.C.Ueier a CD., Biltg.,MiL PIT n m n ll nVKUTISHMENT8. BOBC 5 Feel I Badly :To-day? W natr t1('a ar..wt..l li tut ran Wfi ink til's reneatrdlv. bocaunp serious : f disiMs-i uftt 11 follow trifling aliment. ! It you are weak and , Iron AW til O foiiemlly exhausted, nervous, have no i-ppetttti and can't w .1 it, ttCRin at once .m takinir t a moat re- liul l sirctirrihi'iiing ttii'dUtiiG, which is lr s Iron Billrri. mm-ni comes irom kg IV CURES i ttc:ii I'.irNty and Livch I CoNnTiPnont l-vpjin Blood, Get on v rc:mi it h-e crasaed red 1 'it 1 i i n- wrnivitr, GETTING READY FOR SPRING STOCK. DOWN GO PRIC ES. The wise will not be otherwise. J. J. WHITAKEB, ENFIELD, 1ST. C- B GOODS! l :. . ..0. icd A.L.Stainback, FALL ami WIXTKIi STOCK CiuupU'te. DRYQ00DS, snor.s, Notions, Hats, Cups, HunUvari', (iraiTrii s, BAGGIN3 AND TIES. el1 , kv,,cr ,our " j.w weeks' t:ldl if 1 .Stamlanl Sewing Machines, Trunks, i-t ..;.1S!S. V 1.,,. o...,.i C.p t'JI ':il"8'"32S IMPERIAL & CLEVELAND 'tr""s- XaaE lur'- f catherbone Corset C" Kil'VC'll'S Boo M.inulacturr6, andtlie Equitable Life Assurance Society. KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. sen 2(i Cm. t on eae by 11. j. com U.K. Watch - Maker - and - Jeweler, Littleton, N. C. EI.KtiANT WATCHES, FINE CHAINS, PLAIN GOLD AND FANCY FIXC.EK Kincs, Clocks anil Silverware. KEI'AIlilNll A Sl'KClALTV. Mr. Contle is eiinijipeil with theiluest watch making tools ami guarantees all work. Trices low. jan 111 lv. Grand Display -OF- -FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANTCY;IOlt)S anil NOVELTIES, litilleriek'a Patterns. II. & G. CORSETS, MinxpN at "lle., Lailies 7"ie. to$l. tHuPrices will lie made to suit Hie timed. Hats anil lioniietJi tniiile nnil trimnieil to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wehlim N O 1:0. J. .Milll;lsns .1, V.. M IIUI.HuKNK JNH. S. .Nli(TlII.l.TUX. MO. J. MORRISON & CO., FOHKUiN AND DoMKSl'IO -DRY GOODS - MatthiRS, Rujjs, Etc. l'iSyniiuurt?st.,lETKUSnUK(i,VAt ftB.anipUssi'iitiiiiiippllciitlon. 111 j' i' 1y C. H. B HOWERTONI, HALIFAX, N. C. DINING ROOMS . Table supplied with the very hest'tlie market can ull'ord Wfc.Li?ery Btuhle inoonneetioti. Cotton. With auvful rotalinn ol crop;; :uul libt'nil fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. I hi! application of a proper lerti lier containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4",', Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specifu against " Rust." Our li.imptil.'ll ;ui; 1V I a.lverlisini; cin'nUrs tv.nm, Ing signal ItntliiiH. Inn an- M .1 wi-rks. ronl.uii iiiK llie lesnlts 'l iilft tupLTinU'iils in llus lull.-. Hvery colt'n tanner slu-uUl liae A iijy. 1 lu-y urc tttut Ircu twr ibc asWiu);. GtKMAN' KM ! WORKS. yj as.ul St., New Yutk. RAlLKUAl) 8C11E1H LKS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EMRY I PIERC S, A. L. -WHOLESALE and KETAIL DEALF.HS IN QEtlEHhL fmOHhHDISE. a af SEABOARD AIR LINE Atisuliitely Ihe Mioile.t a ml (lulckct Itouie Mouth, only 1,1 lloum to Atlanta. ( in in 11; i i i i rsiMiw MAY :lli. 1-!U. NOliTlll'.Ol'Nll. Lv Welilon, Ar lio.vkins, Ar Franklin, Ar Kiillolk, Ar rortstnontli, tr Norfolk, Ai Old Pt Comfort. steamer T.'.'tl of P.M. li.ln :i."m l.'JS fl.ltl 5.41 H.tlO 4i am' 4. XL S.IM. (i'0'2. 11.44. 7.IIII. SOlTlll'.OCNl). l.e Welilon, Ar Henderson, Ar Durham, Ar lialeifili, A r Southern Pines Ar Hamlet, Ar Charleston via Hamlet, Ar Wadeshoro, Ar Monroe, Ar Charlotte, Lv Monroe, N. C. Ar Chester, S. C. Ar Clinton, S. C. Ar (ireenwood, S. V Ar Abbeville, S. C. Ar Klbcrton, tla. Ar Alliens, tla. 41 ll.Ma.m. l.M p-in. 4.1'J p.m. :t.Sti U:2 p.m. 7. 'J") p.m. 41 a 8. 11 p. in. II Oil p m. 2. 1H. a. m. 4.10 a in. !U" a.m. ).l" a.m. T ill a. m 7.51 a.m. 8.4(1 p. ni. H.II7 a.m. 11.22 a.m. 10..V2 a.m. II. 2H !l.:(7 a.m. III. oll 10.51 a.m. 12.llln.iii 12.01 p.m. 12.57 J J. 1.20 1. 15 p.m. 2.;il 2.01 I. In ; n;;p.iii. Ar Atlanta, I'nion dep. 5.211 4.00 p.m. Ar Macon, (la., 0.50 p.m (i.50 p. in. No. HKI Vestihule Limited Train. No extra fare Weldon to Atlanta. Pullman Sleepers Welilon to Atlanta and Macon, (la. Connects dircctl,v at Atlaiilawith W. and A. U. U. lor I'lmtlanoon, Nashville and all points west. Connects with A. W. P. li. Ii. I'm Middle. Montgomery, New Oilcans and all poinis Sotitliwcst. 1'nr tickets and basilic checks to all points South ami Southwest, slcepinj; car reservation and general iulonuation call on T. F. ANHEUSON, .)!enl, Wel.lon, S. C. .JOHN II. WINDER, Oen'l Manager. T..I. ANDLLSON, (len'l Passenger A"t. A. Ci Li (ATLANTIC CuAsT !..NK. W. & W. R. R. BRANCHES AND FLORENCE HAILHOAU. Condensed Schedule. TKAINrt (I01NII HOI'TIL flVERY department brimful and " running - over. We - carry - the argest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. UATKll Jim. illi in V. V. V, I' M. P.M. AM Leave weldon, 11 (i u Ar kocky Muunt 1 en In ;;si LeHveTMrburo, 12 ii l.v Knckr Mount, 1 lie 1" '.i Leave Wilson, S Hi 11 18 Lv Kclma, n .':! Lv Ktyetteville, 4 :i 1 t! Arrive Florence, 7 r. :t H Nil V.I Lv Wilson, i in l.v Ui.Msl'uro, a in l.v Magnolia, 4 l'l Ar VYtlmiiiKtcn, 5 4r 9 il. CLARK. ITTORNEY-AT-UW. ANO Real Estate taut W. M. I1AHLISTON & CO., Wholesale mul Retail Dealers in nud MttttremieB, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTON&CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore St., reteraburg, V. 1I)!W1y. 8olentiflo American JHl TJr TD MARK. WELDON. N. C COPVftlOHTS. Ate. ror mrormanon tna rroe ManunooK wnw to UUNN ft CO, 861 llKOADWAT. NlW Yt'RIC. Oldest IwrpMi for fH-iirlmr paU'ntii In AmrrlrfL ry nntpnt taken tmt hy iid In linxitcht bofora the uubliu by a iiutiuo riven frusof ctiannilu Vim lAiTTPBt eliTulntJnii of nny .Mcntlfli' paiwr In th world. Kttlfil'ilrilv lllniitrKted. Nn liitillliri.tit mm .union oe wtintmt It. wppklv ft3.INI . uobwnr.HB, 1M UHMUWVl IUT r. 41 li 2H A. M. il Hi 8 111 '.I 45 r. m TKAINS (iOINli NOKTH. l.v Florence, l.v Fayetteville, Leave Sclina, Ar. Wilson, Lv Wilmington, I.V Mttullnliii Lv (nlilt)oro, Lv Wilnen Ar Kucky Mount, 8 17 l.v Th rlirn, Ij IS l.v Roi kv Mount, i 17 Ar Weldiui, 3 U A.M. A.M. I' M. t Ifi 7 4'l 10 'IS II 10 11 ill I iii it No. 4H II 2 111 2 II! I'l No 7 1 fl II :w i 11 11 11 1 dl 7 tin 8 llll tl 'Hi HI S ! 11 It") P.M. 1'. M. P. M. A. M. P.M. Ilftily except Sumiav. Train on SciiUaiot Neck Dranch Road li Wi'Ulun at :t .r)5 p. m. Halifax 4 lis. arrive Scntland Net' It p.ra.liri'uiiville i 47 p. m. Kiuslon iii i. in . m-uiruuig whxv k instnn 7 SO, a, m Urt'vuvUlesua m. ArriviiiK at Halifax ll mi. a. m., VU'ldnii 11 to A.m. daily fxet'iasiiiHiay. Train oil WasluiiKUm braut-h iv&vv Wahhinir- tnii 7 00 a. in. arrivtit I'urini'U' lo a. in.. Tnrimm Id oil. ri'tuniinif leavva 'I artinro 4 Mi I'ainwlt care 1 n nuimiiy. v miuwm wuii iranis uu bt'ol- IHikl it' it Brain ii. Train h'aves Taritorn N. ('., via Allnmarle and KHlflKM B. ft. imilV CXf '.! M11H1HV4 AO n. Sundny i 4b p. m.. arrivi' WiHianuiU.n N. C. p.m.,: p. m. mnmum 00 pin., 60Cp. Kt'lunuiiKhaveB 1'lymnulh dally cxrcpi. siuulaj "in n. m.otnmnj v n, ill, n l li IliUlKUm, n, u., 40 a. m. KJ)8 a, ni, arrive Tarboro 10 ft a m, u ;oa. m. Train on Midland N, 0. Branch liave (inbih born N.C, daily except sumlHy Wi a. m.. arrivt SmilhfU'ld, N. t'.,7 ii a. iu. NHuriilrijr havw nmiiiuieiu, in. yj., owa, m.( arrive uuiduboro, C.,U.Kp.m. Train on NHphvillo Branch lcavcg Korij Mount at 4 m n. m., arrivca at Nalivill bof n m.,SprlnRllop' ,r. :iop. m. Returning kavei niruiji unn' n mi n. 111.. naMiviiit' a ;v a, ar RiH ky Mount 0 a, in. dally ciccpiHuin Trail i. un IItH Hriiin li Hori'iin H It u.- (jilta ii 4n p ni ; arrive lumbar 7 Mi p.. i I In n un p. in. n iiirniiitf tcavi- nn tt ni, inuiimr r. an 111.. arrive l'tn , .m m. liallv cxci-ni Knnlv 1 rain on rlmum llram h ltavca Warwt fot iinuin.naiiy ic-ni riiii(iay aill Ida m, a h' -ji in Ki'turiiliiif h avt-1 Hilton at : 00 a. and ;l on. Irani Nn. it 111 a km mu ccmtiwtlitn at Woldnti turail pMim MTin dally. All rail via KlrhmnnO altm ai Kocky Mount with Norfolk anil Carolina uanroai mr isorioii naiiy ami all miIiiU Norlh J.R.KKM V, J. F.D1V1NK, t w ,uS,i,,.i!l,. tienwraUup'l rETERSHURU & WELDON R. K Continued Schedule. "trains cioino south? Dated Jim. G, 1896. No. 23 Daily. No 403 Daily Leave Peterslmrg, I 10.0(1 am 1 1.17 a Leave Stony Creek, 10.37 am 1.49 a Leave Jarriitts, 10.54 am 2.11 a m Leave Belfleld, I 11. Oil am 2.25 a Arrive Weldon, 11.50 am 2.65 a No. 35, going South, leaves Petersburg at. n.i'4, p. in., arrive at weiuon VAJ. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 32 Daily. No. 78 Daily. Leave Weldon, Le Belfleld, l.e JarratU, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, 1.03 a.m 2.38 a.m. 3.37 p. 4.18 p. 4.35 p. 4.51 p. 5.29 p. Hew Ms for Fall I Winter. 'v a h i J 1 IJIlj JL Enfield, N. C. CHOICE - FwLY m QtlOCEqiES, Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars. FLOUR A SPECIALTY. I buy in car load lots and can successfully meet all competition. Enfield, N. C. FALL & WINTER GUI, New Stock now on exhibition Larger and fuller than ever. Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, Jmrniture, "ll. 0. ATKINSON BITFIELD, IT. O. Sells - Farm and - Fancy - Driving HORSES and MULES. cur loads just in from Ihe west. Don't intend lo be Undersold Call nt my stables in Ktilickl and examine. II. C. ATKINSON. A. lllJISKLKV. V. C. MATTHEWS' A. BRINKLEY& CO., -Wholesale Orneers, Dealers In Provisions Flour, Fish, Salt, fc WATKK ST K KIT, NpUl'OLK, VA. CiirreKluinili nee Hulieileil. llnr Mr. V. C- Matthews visits your section monthly and will he pleased to taUe your orders We sell only to nierehants. mar 7 ly- M. II.lllH.LAM, of Nanseniond ( o , a. M. H. HOLLAND, Jk , of Nanseniond Co., Va. leneral Commission Merckts A ll'S PI flT 1 LU M. H. Holland, Son & Co., COTTON FACTORS AND !S1 NO. H UOANOKE DOCK, NOKFOLK, YA. SI'KCIAI.TIKS: lV.uuits, Cotlou, Corn, l'oultry, Ecus and Lumher. IiEI'KUKNCKS: The Hunk of Commerce, Norlolk, a, ; t armer's uauit, annom, y i. BM)uCorresiioiiilence and Consinnmonls nlieited. mar 7 lyr. is the place to find fresh MEDICINES! - FANCY GOODS ! m mm uimiiiiiimniinminniuiui Toilet Articles, Etc. nimuimuiuinimuiinuiuiniuim i - j ui ui ui ni ui ni m m tn ui m ui ru in Stationery and Perfumery m in in ib m m m m m ui ui m m m Weldon, N. 0. I ulluDu. JJiiLuO li Boots, Shoes, rnSEN- SEN For Speakers and Singers, 5c. a tmcKaee. Phvsicians prescriptions accurate- ly compounded day and nignt. W.M.COHEN, Druggist Pharmacist. The Place to get Your bus. tmmMm CLOTHING Gents' Furnishings, Our Stock of Hosiery and Handker chiefs and Gloves is superb. Be sure to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. oet 2(1 ly ESTABLISHED IN 1865. Designs sent to any address FREE. In writing for them please give age of deeeased and some limit as to priue. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS ANI 8igi,ENTIIELl' SATISFACTORY. Work Delivered At Any Depot, oet 11 ly h m of 17 U.I lvi 1 UlilMWVUIlV VI --At the lowest )riees is at J. HENRY BROWN Corner of Main and Madison Streets, llieliiuond, Ya. dr. a. r. numm MonnmenialAicliiteet andBnilder. No. 4(12, going North leaves Weldon dal ly at 4:1H, arrive at Petersburg 5.55 a, m E. T. D. MYERS, T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Superintendent, Gen. Passenger a g West aide Washington Avenue, Opposite U, R, Shed, Weldon, N. C. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, X- FA NOV SOAlK BRUSHES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. fitock kept oomplet by frinent Arrival. PreBeription Departihent filled with the b.t selected material. Prescription compounded at all hours witll great care. Remember that hearty welcome always awaits yon at Zoll toner's. All kinds of Cemetery work, at LOWEST IPIRICtiBS. All work guaranteed. JeyDesigns furnished free, on application. WAlso agent forthelUCUMOND and IMPERIAL BICYCLE. apr 25 ly. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER, Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm Wd will isit Weldon andiU Tioiuity rag ularly. ctlly.