f j-OHIN" W. SLEDGE, rnoi-iuKTOit. VOL. XXX. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1896. TEEMSH1'59 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 45. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RUN DOWN WITH DYSPEPSIA STOMACH Liver AND HEART AFFI'X'TKD, Almost in Despair to Hut Finally f' NTTn rrs -t By Taking AYER'S PILLS "For Alteon years, I was a creat sal- Oi fi'ii'i- from liiiilccstion In it' worst forms. Jji I tested the skill of many doctors, but o grew worse and worse, mil 11 1 tioi-anw oi so weak I ooulil not walk fifty yards J? without having to sit down unci rest. My oi stoniaeli. liver, and heart liei'aine affect- oi rd, and I thought I would surely die. 1 ,i tried Ayer's Tills and they helied mo oi riidit away. 1 eoutinued their use and j US 'Oil l'.VI'A, COME HOME, ".SHE EX CtiAIMEl); "BABY'S DYING!1' and cure the lerrihle sufleiiiit: of .lys- o pepsla as Ayer's Pills." .Thiiv ', 0 I'liiTCHAiii), Ilrodle, Warren Co., N. C. o AYER'S PILLS Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o o 00000000000000000000000 je 13 ly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND I'HO- togrnphcr and dealer iu FRAMES, EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OLD PICTURECOI'YWCI ASIT.CIALTY Fiist class work guaranteed. oetlO ly. 170 Mainst., Norfolk V. I J 5 fat nk $Sjh&fJ TA5TELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Oalatta, Ills., Nov. 18, 1893. Parte Medicine Co., fct. Luiiia.Mo. Gontloraen: Wo ld last year, POO bnttlos of 3U0VBS TASTKI.KSS CHILL TOMO ami hiivo jotiKht three tfrona iilreudy tills your. In nil imr es pprlciico of 1 years, hi tbu dnm bun mors, Imvo never sulci an article that gave such uuivureal satin WUga a jyw Tuuio. Yours truly, Aunev.Cahk JfcO SOLD AND WAIIHANTKU 11 V- Dr. A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C FINE GROCERIES Tl'o door of lenniug's saloon was pushed open by u little hand, and a child ran in, tonkin" eagerly about. "Papal papa ! Where, is my papa ?" she encd. A an standi!;,' at the counter with a lass raised hall way to his lipsslaricd nt the sound of tho plaintive voice, and Hut down llie unlisted liter. Whit d i you want, liosnio?" ho asked. "Oh run. come home!" she exclaimed; "baby's dying !'' "Daily's dying !" he repeated mechani cally, snatching his hut, and taking the hand of the trembPng child, they left the saloon together. Down the street they went, the father and the child, ho with laved head and lip trembhng with emotion, she clinging to his hand, and sobbing out her grief io a helpless, hopeless manner. She stopped at a tenement house and ascended the stairs, till they reached the fourth stui V, where they paused at room No. 3 ()u a wretched bed, covered by a ragged quilt, lay the liny lonn of 'baby," so Still, so pure, iu tho midst of the surrounding dirt aud distress. One glance, aud a loud, agonizing groan burs, fiom the father's lips. "My God ! is our little darling to leave us?" "Oh, George!" Bobbed his wife, creep ing to his side, and laying her hand tim idly on his shoulder.!. "She called - for papa' light up to a few minutes ago. Our litile baby will soon ba with tho an-Ke'"." lteverenlly the husband aud wife knelt beside the little form. The father took one tiny white haul in his large brown odc. The motlu.r took the other little baud, and covered it with tears and kisses, "George," sobbed the mothc, "God is going to . ike our darling. .Don t you thiuk lhai lo be the parents of a baby angel lhat we ought to be good?" 'Yes, Mary, do, and from this t'uio on, turn helping hk, l intend to be a tilt - fcrctil man." "Allien !" exclaimed Mary. The Inby stirred just Iheu and smiled intu thi' faces ul her patent. "All Mild, pip i," she murmured, then closed her eves forever, liuby hail f'ul li led her mission. Helen riouierville. Will Rise ant Shine. FIVE HUNDRED DELUDED NEGROES PREPARING FOR AN AEIilAL JIK'liNEY TO HEAVEN TO RISE MARCH r.Tlt-THEY BELIEVE ON THAT DAY THE LOUD WILL COM MAND THE FAITHFUL TO LEAVE THE WOULD. JI'lUMiHY'S NAM 13, His I'.ii In r wiled him William, His sisier called him Will, His mother called him Willi", When well behaved and still; Hut when he went lo Congress Of fame he got bis fill; He toyed with trade statistics, And they called him Tariff Bill. a modku.vi'k dim:ssi:k. have F CHEAP GROCERIES. S FRUITS & C0NFECTI0NE1IIES. COME AND ST. 10, Come one, vome all, both large and small, Examine my stock, More luiyi'i)! at all. For my stock is complete and prices low, To compete with the product the fanners grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage of the past And assure them all I'll he true to llie last. Ami guarantee them In every respect The goods purchased from me they'll never regret, Therefore come all, holh largo and small, For I will deal honestly will) you 11K, Do not delay, come riejit away Aud make your purchases to day. J. L. JL'DKINS. dec Ul ly. PROFESSIONS' A 1, VA A' MS. JJOWAKO ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law H MKAX, N. . oct 14 ly. Had Eve beeu like the women of to day, we must confess, The lig I n o would have had do chance lo furnish her a dress. For whin she learned she did not a garment to her buck Straight to the tir tree she'd have go uud plucked a sca'skin sucipie. I, A. W. llulletiu. I11S MISTAKi:. I caught lur iu the hall, And twenty times I kissed her, Aud then contritely said: "I thought you were my sister!" But what a sell, by Jove! I felt so like a eiaml The i-irl I kissed lambed gajly; "You sillv boy. 1 an.!" ADVEM CEMENTS. iN Societv womrn olten let i the clTeel of lo,. luueh Rayety--balls, thi'alrrs, and Kir IS-ii? JAM KM H. WU.I.KN, LLKN A W-I.TH. D-MSL DANIEL, ATTORNEYS. AT LAW, W-LD0N, N. C. Practice In thecotirt, nf llalirai andSorlhamti. t maud in the Supreme and Federal cniirls. Col ocliona made In allimrtsof North Carolina. Hoyich ottlce at Halifax, N. C.open every Mon. day. I" 'r jQU. T. T. UOSS, DBKTIST Woldon, N. C. kSOfuce OTrEmry A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. W.J.WARD, Surirfinn EKFIELD, n. c. KSLOffloeoYer Harrison'! Drug Stor. dec SO If. teas in rapid tiV.M s,iee,-Mu find - Jli ,p' llu in win a out. or "7 IT. ip "mil down" by kY faty-'l the villi of llie sea son, i ii y sun. I fllMII 11'-1 Vlll'-llCS, slceph.--iu'ss nod illeauuillliis. Tile snnle unit cnoil spirlla take fliullt. II is lue In aeeepl the help offered in Doctor IVice's h.i vorlle 1'ieseriplioll. It's n llledieine whlell was iliscovelcd and uu d by a luiuinnciit physician for many yeais in all eases uf 'female complaint " and the ni-tvniis ilh orders which arise from it. The " 1'ic xcription" is a powei lul uterine tonic ami nervine, especially adapted to woman' delft-ate wauls for It n Kulates and promote all the natural functions, builds up, luvij,'-orati-s and rnirs. Manv women ulTer from nervous pios traliou'. or eihanstloii, owing to coniicstioll ortodisotderof llie special fmiclioiis. 1 he waste product should be quickly Rot rid of the local source of irritation u-lieved and the svsleiu mvignialed with the " Pre criplion." Do not take Hie so called lelery comnoiiuds, and nervines winch only put Ihe nerves lo sleep, but Ret a laslinit run with Dr. Pierce' Pavortte Prescription. " FEMALE WEAKNESS." Mrs. Wn.MAM Hoovna, of lltlhillt, RuhUind ( "c. "'. jilfli. wri.es: " I had I" jXOv tors: they dul me 00 food ; I IhmiKht 1 ... an invalid lor- ever. But I heard of Dr. Pierce's Pa- vorite Prescription, and then I wrote to him and he told me lust how lo tak It. J took eight hollies. C I .,,irllj ;,u.;ieourd;una ho.. m my feet only a short tone ...d now I da Atlanta Constitution. It is n slrango hallucination that cause." about live hundred ignorant negroes in the city lo believe imp'icilly that they are des ined to shake off this life and rise rocket-like to the heavens on the a"ternoon of March 5th. The believers cling lo their faith tenaciously and re sent any attempt to convince them of the fallacy of their hope. The sect is a peculiar congregation of negroes who are being inspired in their belief by one Kev. Roger, whose abode 's at 101 Rawsou street. His following is quite largo, it is said, and those who have prol'ejsed his faith aro making ac tive preparations for the aerial navigation booked for such an early date. Tho exact scientific basis of thestraDge belief is known only to the followers of Rev. Roger. And there may be many of those of his congregation who do. not understand what it is all about. It is enough for them to believe that with one gentle leap they will fly on and on to the blue sky abovo and there hnd eter nal peace in the heaven they picure iu their imagination. Tho basic principle of tho religion is apparently a belief in me supposition mat tne faitlilul will go above at tho timo and hour named by their Saviour. llie custenoo oi tho remarkable sect in the city has been known for some time, but it is at present attracting much aitenliun by reason of tho energclic prep arations being made faithful. The be lievers are already disposing of their propeny by sale and gift, and many have become bankrupt iu tho hallucination . i . . i ... . -. i mat iney win need neither money nor property on their jouiney through the clouds. The daikics flout at the id' that once comfortably enscooscd in the airy home above they will need any of tlrs woi Id's goods. And (he truly faith fill are rapidly preparing to look up, rise anil 11 nit away into space in atijoct pov- er.y. It is claimed that 570 people in the city have been baptized by tho Rev. Roger during his stay in the city. Ev ery one of that number expects (o hands around and dance itway s'raight to heav en. The negroes claim that the end is coming sure enough and that no power can prevent the exhibition of human sky rocketing on March 5th. They say that it wi't be the work of the Messiah and that He. will guide them safely to the haven of rest. No stops will be made ou the long journey. No visits will be paid to strangling bodies above and the laiihful will speed a chalk line looking neither to the left nor tho right ou their way. The darkies do not expect to eucoun terany ii resistible objects iu their flight. A clear passage way will be provided for lliem, they say. No side, trips in tho interest of scientific research will be made. Mars and other sky worlds will be given the go by. One objective point and only one, is the abiding faith of the hallueinatiouists. Once on their way they will koep in the middle of tho road. Air ships nor wings will be needed as prupollers. The faithful say that with out effort, without exertion, without mo tion they will glide from earth at the command of the Lord. It will not be a race in which llie strong will triumph The weak and child like, tho young and old, will move at llie same speed and mingle in one happy cirele, all rising hand in ban 1. Many darkies who havo not joined the sent are skepii -al about the prophe cy and it is likely lhat in tho enthu-ia-iu of the moment, as tho time approaches, they will accept ihe faith and wado in the bapusmu! pun I. A MI8CALCULATOK. Wife Amos, why don't you spend more of your time with me? Husband My angel, I just ount the hours that keep me from your side! Wile Then thine is something wrong with your arithmetic. WISE. Krisra 'Fo De f ah. 110 IC THE OLD TIME PLANTA TION DARKIES ENJOYED IT. There was a girl in our town And sho was woDdrous wise; She kissed a man with a week old beard And scar.i.chcd out both her eyes. And when she saw her eyes were out, It kavo her no great pain; She went and looked for another man To scratch them in again. POLK MILLER WRITES ABOUT THE CELEBRATION OF THE GLORIOUS HOLIDAY. SEASON IS HIS BOYHOOD DAYS-DRAWS A CONTRAST BE TWEEN CHRISTMAS IN TOWN AND IN THE COUNTRY. THE OLD FASHION HARE HUNT. on the same investment that made hers rich, they are not a "patching" to the "frills" which the "ladies' waiting maid" put on as she met with those whose labor kept up the appearance which enabled her to soar so loftily. Reader, did you ever eat a pig tail broiled on hot coals from a hickory-wood- fire? II you have not, then your boyhood wai a failure. I have 'tasted the delicious cooking of Spiro .ctclle, and on one or two occasions in my li"e I havo dined at Delmonico's (on invitations, of course); but nothing in the lino of ihe culinary art has ever given me such satisfaction as the pig iails I've stolen from a long line of hogs that were hung up to dry and freeze when a boy "down on the TWO I,KFT. "Johnnie!" sa'd the teacher. "What, ma'am?" "If you and Willie and I each had an orange, and you should cat all of them, how many would be let?" "Two; you and Willie." Polk Miller iu Richmond Dispatch Talk about your Ob-istuias iu town, they "ain't nothin' " to the times we boys used to have in the country in the good old ante-bellum days. For weeks before the teams were kept busy hauling farQ)." wood and piling it up in Iront ot the An(j ,10 0ij Bare hurjts we'j uaVe i negro cabins, and the plantation hands Xhe Deep Run fellows are chasing noth wuia ui any aiuu iu uo i oui , Dut shadows? If they could but once ASUKK THING. The man who "practices what preaches" doesn't have so much time preach, but ho geis there. ENCOUK AGING. He I would kiss you if I thought no one would see. She Shall I close my eyes? MUTHOl) IN SUDDENNESS. She This is so sudden. He I kuow it, but I thought I would try my luck before your father got home. LOOK'NGEOHTKOUBLE. Tom Let mo be your escort ? Dick No; let me ? HarryOr me. We're alt married you know. Mrs Gaybody Then I'll choose the one that has the must jealous wife. HIS ONLY KEEUGE. "What do vou do when you go home late at night and find your wife sitting up wailing for you?" "Wish I hadn't gone home." TIIEY'itE GOING EAST. Oh, girls! here's a warning, for if you would not Of a nice, pretty man bo bereft, Then hasten to pick your choice of lot, For there is only a few of us left. the CAUSED BY THE OCCASION, lie (eagerly) ' 1 kis.ied you? What would you say had no work of any kind to do Christmas Eve to the 2i of January. Cake-baking on the part of the house- women took up the time of the ladies, of the household who superintended the work for ten days before tho holidays while the music of the wood could bo heard for miles on a still morn ing, The negroes who waited in the "great house" did not look forward to the coming of Xmas with the same degree of pleasure that (ho farm hands did, for a greater number of fires were needed, and the duties greatly increased The plantation hands had but to sit by the fire, eat cold possum and oven bread, smoke their corn cob pipes, aid enjoy themselves. " Every dog has his day and here's where the field bauds had the best of the waitingmaids and d'ning room servants. The outfielders on a farm were like the players on a base ball nine, Tin y did not have the same amount of notice "tookeu of'cm" of ihoso who were nearest the "diamond" and were not so badly spoiled, but when Christmas came the dining-room and hall were blocked with them, iron) tho old gray haired cart driver, with bis clothes patched with every variety of cloth and sewed with thread a dozen different colors, down lo the watermelon headed urchin of ten years, who kept his "gran' mammy" busy watching him, to see that he ate no dirt, their voices might bo heard cabin Kiisinus gif, ole marse, Krismus gif", ole iniss! Then would begin ihe handiu out of piesems suited to the ages of 'In different recipien's of "Ole Master's k'nd memburnco of de ole nigoerat Ivrisinus." Their wants were few, but their grati tudc (always temporary with the negro) fouud expression in tho most hearty cry of "thanky, sub, and thanky marm I hey had no use tor money, but a piece of "ole mists Krismus cake to the wo men aud a ejass ol ecgnog to ihe men brought more real happiness than a five- dollar bill or cold piece would to the average negro of to-day. The pleasure we derive irom seeing witness the exciting scenes of an old fashioned Chiisimas "hyar hunt," wilh a m'xture of the finest strain mongrel, curs, bench legged, lice, free niggers and slaves all in pursuit of "Old Molly that we whipped 'i m for the fun of the tbiug, and at night rounded 'em up like a lot uf cattle; but as long as there is left in the South an honest, truthful old time "howdy, Marster," negro of the good old daysgineby he'll loll you that the accomplishment of the freedom of the negro for which Horace Givcly and Wendell Philips labored so hard and so long, took out of his life those rays ol sunshine which made him not only the happiest crealure on earth, but the subject of'stoiy and song which delight the people of the South who knew him, loved him, and whose like the world will never, never see again. Will the young negro of tsj day ever have a book written about him? PobK Miller. ADVERTISEMENTS. SIMMONS it. regulator7 HATHEK EMHAltKASSING. AN AliSENT-MINDKD MINISTEIl GETS HIMSELF INTO A PREDICAMENT. I always tb'uk that th extempore. best speech 'A penny for your thoughts," said Miss Riekelts, playfully, to Mr. Gilder sleeve. They are worth far more than that .Vliss Kiekells. replied tho young man, for I was thinking of you." When he proposed a litile later, she didn't say a word about its being so sud I'Dl.l.OWINIi ISSI'ltl'CTIONS Mi) l back when the visitor his mother was uatur The boy hun spoke to him, an ally annoyed. 'Won't you go lo Mrs. Hrown, Wil lie?" she said. "No," replied the boy, short ly. "Don't you like "me?'' asked Mrs Brown, good naturedly. "No, I don't," anowciod tho boy. "Why, Willie!" exclaimed his mother, reproachfully. "Well, I guess I got licked lor nol tellinir the truth yesterday, and I am t takin' no chances to day," protested the boy, Tuko Simmons Liver Regulator now Its just tho remedy for the Spring of th year to wake up the liver and cleanse the. wholu system of the accumulated wasto ol the winter, "My wi'o combattid more Malaria in Alabama in 18G1 with Sim won Liver Rcgulalor than all tl. d.icior in the ncisiliborhood. We've had a siege of Malaria io our own family. and it helped us Texas. She (demurely) hy, I don t know! 0ur liltlo ones creep gently into the parlor on a Christmas morn'ng where the goodies arc stored, and to watch their excited face as one alter another thing is unfolded to view, and see them iry to munch a piece uf candy, blow a horn, and hold the reins of a hobby horse, all at oue time, lasts but a moment. They soon grow lo be men aud women, and "put away childish things," and we as parents, realize before we knuw it that we are looked upon as "old folks now" and it fills us with regret lhat we canuot wo once did, enjoy the icturn of the happiest of all other days days to parenls Christmas morning. Not so with the old Southern slave owner, for he could look forward year A STKOK E OK i EN I US. She Doesn't that clock tell you that you had belter be going? He No, indeed! that's a French clock, and I can't understand u blessed hing it says. HOW HE WON HER, choppers ()c;;on Tail" ou a cold frosty morning in Cbtistmas, they would sell out their outfit ot dogs and horses and try listing in a wash.ub in the backyard for sport less expensive, ana as exciting, jue fellows a'sed up in town think they are mighty small, and they are about pool, poker, and yachting; and are right "in it" when you come to "daocin' and Air in' " with the girls but when you come to compar ing hi-n with the country boy in bis knowledge of those thing.! which make life worth livinir. and brincr. peace i.nd com"ort to old age, when the ui'ud feeds on the things ol ihe past, tho country boy has forgotten more than he will ever know. Our"M. II. (master ol hunt was Une' Jack the tanner. The next in command was Josh Motlley, the cele brated fiddler. These negroes were al lowed to do about as they pleased; and in owning them a man would feel rich; for what they brought home each year for the'' services would buy almost any other negro. The name of Josh Mottley was well known to tho habitue of Ihe While Sulphur and the Rockridge Alum springs aloug in the 50's, and doubtless many who will read this will recall the happy hours they've spent in dancing the old fashioned cotillions, mazurkas, and waltzes which Josh ground out of his fiddle. Theodore Thomas might turn up his nose at his music, and call him that "ni':ger fiddler," but the world would be happier to day if wo had more of that kind of music. If old Josh was living to-day twould set hun crazy to s;e our young people, locked in eaeti other's embraeos, and sailing around the ball-room floor, out of time, thinkin; more about the hugging than they are of ihe music. He would say, "Little mistis, f you don't dance wid do music, it puts me out!" Hut I am digressing, I am tco old to cniov tho modem daneo, and lest I bo considered an enemy to the "new woman or envious ot my luniors, I will drop the subject of tho dance and coino back to ihe bare huut. Uno' Jack bossed all tho actors, the white as well as tho blacks on Christmas occasions, and when the old fellow would speak every oue obeyed him to tho letter. "Now," said he, "de fW one dat jumps a hyar, I will give 'im a pack o' pop crackers I" That was enough, for nothing would make a boy bunt harder or holler louder when he bounced a rabbit than this. Such a wboopin' and a hollorin' and cdhn o dogs as would be heard on tho starting of a hare was enough to A well known Washington minister told a good story to a representative ol the Star : "In a county circuit iu Virginia," he said, "it was the custom to wear week day shoes and stockings to church, be cause the dust would get them soiled. Sunday footgear was carried along io the hands of the wearers, and when the church was reached a change was effec ted. One of the ablest ministers in the conference preached at the chuich, and being told of tho custom, and having some distance to walk from where he was'beimr entertained, adoped the same method. One of the leading character istics of the minister was his absent- mindedness, aud thiusting his hosiery in his pocket, he mounted the pulpit When in the middle of his discourse he drew out what ho thought was his hand kerchief, and after wiping his brow laid the article down on the pulpit, where, to his dismay and the amusement of the congregation, he discovered that it was e hair of extra socks that he bad worn to church, lie completed his sera but it was tho last time he ever con formed to that particular custom of the country." THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons Liver regulator. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Livet. a sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word REGULATOR. It IS SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR vou want. 1 he word REG ULATOR distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system mav be kept in good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. It is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on anv other medicine, and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR the Kingof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ancr year io inc welcome visits oi inose excite a uian Willi iron nerves. Sly do"s dear old friends who from our infancy to were not accustomed to such a fuss and manhood we had been taught to respect wmliJ l08e their heads coniDlctelv UNSUKl'ASSEl). First Little Girl How many teclh has your baby gol? Second Little Girl Four. Fir.-l Lilllo Girl Ours has seven Second Little Girl Well, your baby hasn t ihe ammonia, anyway, and ours had it when she was only two month' Sl l GENEIMS. 'Do you want to hire a freak?" said to ihe museum manager. I am always willing to hire a gtod ," was the reply. "What have you to offer?" "Myself" "Yourself! You dou't look like freak " "No, but I am one. I'm tho only presidential imp issiltility in the country!" I'Olt OVUK Klt'TV YUAHM Mrs. Winsluw's SoolhiDg Syrup has been used lor over tit t v years by millions ot mothers for children, whilo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child sollens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolie, and is tho best remedy tor Diarrhooa, It will relieve the poor litile sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every partnl the world. 25 cents botile. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and tako no oth er kind. Elevator boy "Want to go 'way up, W. N. Bryant, Dallm, mister?" Old gentleman "Yes; I be I lieve that'a as far as you go, isn't it?" and always to treat kindly, because they had beeu the Constant playmates and companions of our mothers and fathers. The house women did not share with llielr owners in the pleasure which these visits brought. Willi a contemptuous curl of ihu lip lln y'd say; "I does wish to Gold dut Krismus wouldn't como no mo' so I c uild keep di so 'ro plantation niggers oui'er dis house. Dcy gits in do way and (ley does bring tracks wid diet muddy foots dat it ticks me a mont to clean up." This is not said in a whisper, but boldly, iu ihe hearing of them all, and perfect chorus of Voices is hoard from the visitors in reply. "Jes" lisi'n to dat stuck up ni.'ger wench I We s got jes as much right to be in dis house as she are! Jet' kase she stay in do house wid & white folks all de time she thik she sump'n t'xlry! Wid all dat she nib nothin' but a nigger after an' de sass'is one on dis place, too " Some big black negro woman who can plow as well as a man, and who can keep her end with a hoe in corn or tob icoo field with tho bust man on the farm, gives her a side- swiping look such as no other but a mad nigger can wear, and remarks, to the delight of tho crowd. "Ef dat uigger doan' mine out I'll kolch her outside 'er dis yard some o' dose days, uu' I'll broke 'er iu half," Talk about your "bonton" society people who put on airs as they parade the streets in their gaudy attire, and then become suddenly blind as the; tee an old acquaintance whose heart has neyer changed, but whose daddy got poor last call into ml Eialti Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINEtln,0id4h restoro Lost Manhood. Cures weaknesses, Nervous Debility iindall the evils from early or later sx caestifl. tin rnults of overwork, worry. okneM, etc. Full BiroiiKth, tone and development given to every ortmn or portion of the body. Improve mont immediatfly seen from the first box. Thons--fU of letters of praise on file in our office. Can irned in vest pocket, bent by mail to any ::'sn on receipt of price. Oue month's treat it i n each box. Price 1 .00, 6 boxea, $5.00, with -1 i'ton (juarantoe to rnfund money if not cured, .cud to uu for the Genuine. Circulars Free. For sale by V. M. COHEN, Druggist, 5-9-ly Weldon, N. C. PETERSBURG DIRECTORY- TAK 13 LIFE AS IT CU31ES. WOttKV WILL ONLY HIVE YOU WRINK LES AND MAKE YOU OLD. ning to where they heard the only to bo brought back again nother part o. the field. It was just impossible to tell where to go for every body was a hol'erin'. Tho poor little hare, was doomed to dio when once slatted. There were so many ncgroe and dogs, if she went out uf sight of one she was ill full view of another, while the air was literally tilled with rucks sticks which were hurled at her without any sort of consideration for the safety of the huntsmen. Wc had a cross eyed negro, who saw ti hare in the bed about two feet from my setter dog on a point. As he could see the hare and I couldn't I handed him the gun and told him to shoot it. When the smoke cleared away I had a dead dog, but the hare was gone. We had a negro who stammered. Wheu he went to tell you anything you oould walk forty feet and come back in time to hear what he had to say. This same negro was never at a loss for a word when a haro was started. He called the ' dogs with as much vim as any one. "Here she I dar she gol Ketch her, Ginger I" Ho was known as the best man on the place to mako music on a tinpan and call out the figures of a negro "break down." Appomattox was not only the end of the Confederacy, but it brought to an end those happy days of the old Southern plantation negro, as well as to his old marstor. The Northern people, in their igooraooe, clamored for the abolition of the negro, laboring under one impression There is one sin which is everywhere, and by everybody is underestimated and quite too much overlooked in valuations of character. It is the sin of fretting. It as common as air; as speech; so com mon that unless it arises above its usual monotoue, wo do not even obseive it. Watch an ordinary coming together of peoplo aud we seo how many minutes it will be before somebody frets that is, makes more or less complaining state ments of something or other, which most probably every one in tho room or the car, on on the street corner, knew before and which most probably nobody can help. Why say anything about it? It is cold, it is hot; it is wet, it is dry, somebody has broken an appointment, ill cooked a meal; stupidity or bad faith somewhere has resulted in discomfort. There aro plenty of things to fret about. It is simply astonishing how much an noyance aud discomfort may be found in the course of every day's living, even at the simplest, if only oue keeps u sharp eyo on that side of things. Even holy writ says wo are born to trouble as Ihe sparks fly upward. Rut even to the sparks flying upward in tho blackest smoke, there is a blue sky above, and the less time ihey waste on the road llie sooner ihcy will reach it. Fretting is all lime wasted on the road. Not onlv docs frettins worry us and thoso around us, but remember that noth ing brings the wrinkles more quickly. SASH, BLINDS, and DOORS. CHIMNEY PIPE, For sale at BOTTOM PRICES BY PLUMMER & WHEELER, PETERSBURG, VA. my sa ly. KDUAKCriiltlKR. T.B.UNDKRHILL CURRIER & UNDERHILL, BOSTON ONE PRICE Clothing House Wholesale uud ReUiil Dealers la FINE CLOTHING. tk'Utlemcn's Furnishing Goods, Hatf, Caps, Trunks, Etc. Cor. Sycamore aud BankSta., my St ly. Petersburg, Va, W. E. ARMSTRONG & CQJ Wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore st, Petersburg, Va. I,A.U mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. my 23 ly. e7h. PRITCHETT& CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co.'i BOOK STOQE. STANDARD PATTERNS, FASHION SHEETS FREE. Give us a call. m231y Kflie "Jack, nana said we must not see each other any more." Jack "In deed! Shall I turn the gas oul?" NKW A I) V K UT IS KM K NTS. AKlN ALLIANCE EXCHANCE, Sells o n commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and Keep on nana General Merchandise. We will buy on order anything a farmer may need. Gunnos a specialty. Let nt km from you. Hogsheads furnished on appll cation. J. C SMITH. Airent my 23 ly PaUraborg, Va 0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powdor, Highest of all in leavening strength. Latent U. IS. Uovernment I'ooii nepon, llOYAL Bakino Powdkr (jo., 106 Wall 8t.,N Y. STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. a RrMew Rotw and CM,lo Ptmoe: Cabled Faattri and tsavrdoa Po; Called Field and Hoi Veac. Yard, Oemotwy and iiemvts Lot Pencil. on Hteej Poet aitu LUiii at npAOtaiij-. nt rif WBmBii OfcUlogu IM iCBunoiuau ire JL L. HttKLUJlUilKB, ATL4MTA, 04. HUDSON'S mm mm, 187 Main at., Noifolk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DlillKG ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS SURPASSING COFFEE A SPECIALTY J. R- HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything in Season. Oct 101 jr. 1 ,Vi ! X f ! J J3ETER SMITH I C0.," "THE LEADERS OP LOW PRICES," Importers, wholesale and retail - dealers in FOREIGN-AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, No. 144 Main street, Nurfcjki V. J i;

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